HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-23, Page 3IR OUNNIL qg.UIQ Y GENUINE BEWARF. OF IMITA- TIONS. .OLD ON THE MERITS OE IINIRD'S LINIIENT BOOK BINDIN41 MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES ;und or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER QOODS �dtolden prra attended to on Isaving lbs at H1 1'8 .AL Uoder{eh. A. E. TAYLOR. reruns ORD CIVIL ENGINEERING aro - AUUIiAN M. KOblSK'1b. CIVIL and Hydnulle engineer. Uetarls Lod OneUUS Mdsan Bock, Ooderba, earner Msatreal street, ToMpbo•s Ix. MEDICAL DR. W. F. CALLOW. M. B. (lies and MsYeses. berth street, Oodtaziet. ,seta of (bests Basketry omoe. Telephone VI LEGAL 1 DRuUUP'O1T. HAYB A KILLOH- AN. kaninan. sollefwre, notaries pabee. =no fro the Maritime Court, eta Private ffindd. to Had at lowest rates of Interest 01111•5UWRAM.. W. K. .. Agnate. C. J ETULLORAN. � meters 0.. CAMERON. H. �Ct.. BBARRiS Maus. utrsst tie. Oftiew- r:d.rka, WW1 deo, from CHARLES °ARROW, LLB.. BAR- R18T>Q. atteeneys, salutes, tttu, owe - nob. Meese A Nat at levet num 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER notary (less answam Uadirice tine public 11i3IIIIAUCL LOANS, ETC. Tk 1ew.s of the gistriet 41re. Jobs 1►eoher, & pioneer remi- t of Hay township. is dead at Zur at the age of sighty.two yeau•s. MrsJab. Stewart, a native of Scot, - laud. and • resident of Howick since 1871 died on Monday. February 18th. Hassey Neeh hag disposed of his f•rtu on the Babylon line, Hay towo- shipp too his brother, Jacob Neeb, for O•sper Wainer has purchased do1. Zimmerman's farm on the Goshen line, for $8,7110. 1'br farm cont•ina 180 sores. The death occurred in Seaforth nn Tuesday, 14th inst., of Eleanor Mason. wife of Jodab Tyarman. She was in her sixty-eighth year. -Mrs Henry Wuren, a daughter of the late Daoiel Zeller, of Zurich. died last week at her home at Pigeon, Mich.. after a long illness. Horace Cumming., one of the oldest residents of Grey township. .is dead after a week's illness of pneumonia. He was in his eightieth year. Joseph Archer, an old resident of Huron county, died at ilia hone in Seaforth on Wednesday of last week. He we. in his eighty-third year. .1. C. Kalhfleiach has diepoeel of his farm on the 14th concession of Hay to the present tenant, Nelson J. Masse, for $7,5011. The farm contains 175 acres. The death of Burkhart Bender took place in Howick on January 31st. He was born in Germany in P458 and had lived In the township of Howick ernes 1871. ('paper Walper has sold hi. faros s f 1&, ,u;ree, one mile east ut Zurich, to Henry Neeb for *13.0111. This ie one of the heat farms in Huron county. All the buildings are in splendid con- dition and the tend is in good shape. The nuptial bow was tied on \Ved- tiesday afternoon of last week be- tween Hugh M. McKay, of Earl Grey, task., and Miss Janet Isabel Melons, of Grey township. Rev. A. C. Wis- hart. ithart, of rirusvele, performed the. cere- MOny. The marriage was solemnized at London on Saturday, llth inst., of Miss Edna ('opp and James E. Doherty, both of Clinton, Tbe cere- mony was performed by Rev. U. H. Dunne. formerly rector of St. Paul's church, Clinton. A team belong.ag to W. 1). Sanders, of Stephen, broke through the gang- way above the rrotbouse the other day. The team were raised by block and tackle and but. for a few scratches were none the worse as a result of their experience. A quiet wedding was solemnize' in Trivatt Memorial church. Exeter, by Rev. W. D. Collins. on Wednesday afternoon of Iaat week. The prin- cipals were Miss Amelia Pauline Oke. of Exeter, and Charles Ernest Dale, of St. Thomas. Tbe death of an old resident of Clin- ton took place last weea when Ed- ward Merman was called away after an illness exteoding over three years. He was sixty-four years of age and is ant rived by his widow. two coos and eight daugnters. A cow belonging to John Mustard, of the 2od line of Morris, died the other day without the cause of her sickness being determined. It was decided to investigate the cause and • thrte-inch nail was founi driven into the tapered end of the heart. A quiet wedding took place at the home of William Stook, Battleford. Sask., on January 311th, when hie sinter. Mrs. Nettie Soole Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soole, of Seafortb, was united in mat - tinge to Stanley N. Davidson, of Batt ledxd. A pioneer resident of ljullett town- ship passed over to the Great Beyond on Thursday, February Ath, in the person of Jessie Anderson, widow of the Tate James Lowrie. She bad reached the advanced age of eighty- three years and six months. Death of D. M. Gordo'. Wtngham. W iugham host a gooa citizen on Tuesday of laat week. when death re- moved Donald MacKay Gordon. He had been identified with the commer- cial, moral and religious interests of the town for many years. ' He was born In Scotland in 1837 and had been • resident of Wiogbam since the year 1878. The Late James Stewart. of Stanley. By toe death of James Stewart, of Stanley, o.o Sunday, February llkb, another pioneer has been 'removed. Mr. Stewart first sew the light of day in Antrim county, Ireland, on Novem- ber 17th, 1824. When be was eight years of rage the family came to Can- ada and settled new Smith's Falls, where the deeeaaed grew to manhood. For set eel years be engaged in tim- bering operations on the Ottawa and St. Lawrence' Riven and in naviga- tion hots the port of Buffalo. It, 1801 the family moved to the township of Stanley, where the subject of this notice boatels on lot 27 on the 4th con- cession, whish was his home for fifty- seven years. Forty-three year• ago be was united in marriage to Mow Mary Berkley. who predeceased him twelve yeas. A family of one coo and three daughters survive. 11c.ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1N - >. etreCIA-ram ad kraiated HMS t c .-l. MeLesa, Pee.. 8•aterth P.o w ; Jas. CanslViet-Pres.. y, Vi. -e.. clods:Sob P. U ; 0st.=I,tehssW-mstsWt�e.s.. esassw; ..Tna, uefortb P 0. (las ew 8..Sorsh ; John WUIiss Rion. Censlac.; Basek=tAss� p�M�lsdIfaloolm Ms<wet.TlYe. EeI es.m. ; R. Smith. iaa L'wa.In .. nam esdvuM ; ):. pay wit t teistet Tease & tsewe., t.•atas, es- at R. B. CEA 6 I greasry, tenser= area. tisesrtok. ICAOICAO (000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO hates Mea ApW to ]t. O. CA.M- 1, narrator. r. Masizan street Osdsriak. W R. ROBERTSON. II.Y.BURJNCK AOLNT. FIRS AND Lel i 115: fritts. Canadian and tnumrT�, Moon= aryl ttrnorcas' Wan - ITT : its tame Aseleset sad Oaannus Jxpe'We. Unshed. et 1Aede., tial. VID L1TT Are ap okurraz BONDS : The 1.7.8. ltisaty and Owareate ttmpaay pias at reed. -ens, nertheem owner of vie gad k vid's questa'Phone 176 10.a8a��N W. CRAIOIE, Le''FE, FIRE - esi and Meek res ss 7swware a all spit aei~ss. mew Woe *west at Lewes era s J. W. (;lululi. Usisetta. Ont. r MARRIAGE LICENSES' WALTIiu n J bd 1..Y, J. P., uoulfeeltuie0111'. IBIRIZR Ott MARRIAOL L1CLN8li WLANI11. MURK OF MABRl•' Ass rs oss. 0 d.u1 .Oa(. =AVM PARLOR LOCH OP- DRIRPFORD lbs Mdmt a_ H wu�al.w. t wMib searr.en. ARCHITECTURE A RTHUR J. BARCLAY, MEDAL tu.YiasYainwddtalselr-Real IBab Bs ow%( d � �� pangs ` p (.lwrsaphuidee la AUCTIOWIBRiiIiG '1 llUMA3 bUNL1tI, LIVli$'1V(JY 1sad etaset wmaienser. Ogee. ea Mtn street. wires be eel be d atas" e attun whin lmi Wow Tonna reasonab In r e to give yes sort lemi s . EVE LIMERICK OON$KEVATORY OF l� M MC. M. ('TW t'trro. I. L. Lewd eel (7Mmm leirlit tally. Mss*. e tasst casae atawypsawwa ..S`- thaw Mea RAww--•1Wa. 'Mier wed deedia. Per se is asses ru+ amply as the W. J. MUIR & CO. aePtldaa� OoderldL Oat UMONNTA MINS AND iMIALAVIRO tomer Ir Wet Ako:4 of!grace* Ms,lrtowo► IA MwM IttaNt.ARV THE FIRE AT HENSALL. Dteestrous Co&Aagntion • Severe Blow to Several Stmnese Men. The news disastrous fire in the his- tory 4,1 Hensell took place on Tueday morning, 11th Inst_, when a large por- tion of the business part of King street north was swept away. Shortly Moore 11 o'clock Neuss were sten corning from the rear of J. B. MoArthur's hardware store An alarm wise at once given and th• engine totals out. hitt it was out of ordw! and would nos, work. The flames aeons spread to R. f)ryadair's shoe more, E. Beanie's ganeral wore and Mell on- sll's hardware store, all In the Rennie Monk. end so rapidly did they spread and so Intense was the hest that little mold he dent' to save Mocks we other property T. Perfume's show oases and some of hie goods were sawed hat hie hainehnld efforts wbisi were up - emirs woe. all deafa•oyed.Moot of theNeter* wine torelad not M least we shop. itt4I. arir•rtity NAL GIODER1c H THBR•DAT. Fss>6ArtT3flf Wil 3 of furniture and bedding was saves) from the Ouwtnereial buss!. Tis stocks of J. B. McArthur, R. Drvsitsie. E. Rennie and J. It O. hlcthwell were entirely deetroyrd, as the fury of the dames was so greet and the progress so rapid that nothing could he dune. A number of men mounted the roof of the Boll block and owing to this double tite wall between it and Mc- Donell's wocceded iu staying the prog- rem of the Haute,. Strange to relate the woolen stables and buildings to the roar of the burn- ing blocks were practically untouched, as the sparks and cinders seemed to blow over them. The losses are difficult to estimate. The boss on the Commercial hotel and c mtenl s would apps oxinnate *8,t$J) to $10,001t The toss to Fred. Manna will he small. as most of his fixtures were saved. T. Parlmer hest all the con- tents of bis restsursot except those in t wo ca sea. He has $1,000 ineuranee. .1. B. McArthur carried a full stark of hardware and, though inured, his loss will be be toy. K. Drysdale hod a stock of boots and shorn worth over *i.0*i) with partial insurance. Me- I)ooell Bros.' loss is estimated at over 11124,l PIJO. A number of rnen with pails oaf water saved the hotel sheds and the salter buildings in the rear. Tbe residents of R,oek street were kept buoy reap-- plashing etie=gui.hing cinders which alighted on the roofs and aides of the footle houses. The plate glass in the store windows - on the south side of King street was nearly all cricked by the intense beat and the woodwork badly blistered T. Murdoca found the change made in the fixation of the Cowmercisl hotel shed a blessing in disguise. as had the buil.liegs remained as they wove • year ago his residence and stables would hive been destroyed.. Mts. T. Perluser, who has been ill for soups time. had a Muse call. The HON. H. H. ASQrITH, Premtier of Great Britain, who now faces a must vital session of Parliament. first intimation of the fire she received was from cinders falling on her bed. She was assisted out, but had sbe re- mained a minute longer her escape would hay. been shut off. It is tbs geoersl opinion that with good fire appliances the fire could Nervous Prostration For Three Years "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv- ine cured me of a period of nervous prostration of over three .'ears duration, and the Anti - Pain Pills are as necessary to us as the roof of our house. They have been household rem- edies with us for many years." WM. . LOUGHRAN, 1214 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Penna. Much sickness is due to nerv- ous troubles. Headache. diz- ziness, epilepsy and insanity are nervous troubles. Then there is a large ciass of disorders which arise from a weakness of the nerve. of an organ Or part. as weak lungs. heart. stomach. kidney. bladder. eyes. etc. Dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous disorders Restorative soothes thmseem, and assists the nerve cells to genet ate nerve force. Mee miss se peen ertisdIst Me shoos* r�1p.N ,ra y red ha Noe woo. rood se tl Ya. we N... ed Maea1< *0. Mail* MIDIOA1. ea.. vsesesq bah been contloel t.. .A ooupie stem. The Insurance so tar as ws cam learn ia its follow*: Ontuaercid hotel, *1.0II9 nn building ; T Par$'ser, 411.000 nn stock mead bousehold effects ; B. Rennie, *1.1110 on Perlfpet building ; J. B. McArthur. IMAM oe stock : J. t ('. Me i)uoe11, I*1 R111 on stock, and H. Drysdale *2.0(11) on stock. The Ramble block w•e insured for *8.000 and Fred Mattes had 9400 on his fix- tures. The guests and boarders in the Com- mercial hotel were atoused in time to save their effects. BLYTH. TUESDAY. Feb.21st. HOCK LY.-Tbe Brucefleld hockey team ere not satisfied with the trim- ming they received at the hands of our boys hast week and now want to meet our team on the Seaforth rink. However, we can't see how t.bey will be able to play any better tbere than they did at -Clinton and they certainly got it good beating there. Done() WELL. -P. Douglas., a former employee of the Bank of Ham- ilton here, who for the past few years has been manager of :t hank in the West, has realigned hie position and is going into partnership with his father in-law, F. F. Dalley, in the wholesale spice business at Hamilton. Before settling down to business be spent a few days of the past week with his mother and other relatives here. His many friends here,ere glad to we that he is getting along so well. THE FINAL KALI. -Miss Armour, who at one time resided here. but who has been in London for the peat few the, lied there and her relusins were brought here Monday of this week and wete conveyed to the Union cemetery.... .A number from town went out to the funeral of Mrs. J. Scott in Eat Wawanosh last Satur- day.... .Mr,. A. Cantelon, who has been w resident of ston•n for a long (Inc.rpassed away Isis Tuesday atter w lingering illness. Thr remains were conveyed to the Union cemetery on 'Thursday. Thor left to mourn her are her bereaved husband and son, the latter residing iu Goderich town- ship. C. P. R. HAS IT. TROCBLEe,-The C. P H. has been baying a commies - able amount of trouble on this section the, past week. In the Met place, last Tuesday the snowplow went off the track and it was not put -lm *gain un- til Thursday evening. Then on Fri- day evening as the express was com- ing from Walton, about half -way to Blyth the engine struck and killed three valuable horses belonging to the Macdonald boys, of Motru. It seems that the horses got away from the stable and wandered to the track and I the engineer did not see thew moil too late. The track for over half a mile had parts of tbe horses aces tered along. There were not many pa. - Gangers on the train and those that were on were driven to town by a farmer. After the accident the en- gine came to the station here and got the section gang and some others to go down to help with the baggage car, which had been derailed. About 11 p. m. the car was placed on the track and the train then proceeded to Gode- r•ich after picking up the, passengers at the station here. The loss will be very severe if it baa to he borne bi- ll. owners, but some thine the rail- wayloncpany will have to pay, as the fence was duwn at the lime. PERSONAL A N D GENERAL. -The shredded wheat social held iu the Methodist church on Monday evening wan a grand success. There was a good attendance and a very good pro- gram, had been prepared E. Adams went W Brussels on Monday to teach F. Stanton the art of uglily- • ing. Mr. Streunn could root base got 1 a bettetsman for the porpoise outside the cities. as Mr. Adams is a thorough i ,} artist Last Wednesday evening I two loads from town went out to two different couptry dances, one at. Robt. Powell's nod the other at H. Jar kson'. in Morris. Both parties report bay- ing bad a good time Mr. and err Jae. Clientele entertaed a num- ber of their friends at a progressive euchre party last Friday evening at their home. A splendid evening was spent. t)r. McTaggart was the lucky mad. carrying off the prim Quite a number from town attended a dans at Mr. Logan's last Friday evening All seemed to enjoy tbeinsrlves Frank McPhee...an is 'this week in Peterbcro' attending a Provincial con- vection of hardware merchants, alta visiting his mother north of Toronto. it will riot be long now until the rural telephone here will be in full swing. Tbe management have given the position of operators to Mrs. J. Bennet and her daughter and we undetstaod they are getting it done very cbeapl as the operators have to toe on duty, all the time A. Taylor. of Port Stanley, visited his brother bore last week. Mrs. gpatfoid, mother of the C. P. R. agent, in on the sick list.. . J. Elliott, of The Standard, has been at bid bone in Howick for the past couple of weeks suffer ieg from an at- tack of appendicitis. We are glad to learn be is improving and will soon return to U'wn accompanied by his tnwily S. H. Godley is confined to the house with an attack of rheuma- tiaw.... F. McIntosh. of town, shipped al car of heavy- horses to the West on Tuesday, *Cc nnpanylog them. They were all a gond looking claw of hones and ought to Ming a big Drill out there Mrs. McTaggart, of Chlselhurst, visited her sons in town this week 1. Cott and Mie Mc - Arun spent Monday at the latter'• horn• in Brussels A. Rahbick and J. Heffrnn spent Monday with friends in unknow .. J. Settlers wee in Uoderich Thursday of hast week Mrs. Fyle, who had dans visiting in Toronto. returned home Friday nsgbt. F.. Watson shipped a car of oattM via C. P. R. last Saturday to Toronto .. A. Wells left this week for Peterhnro', wberw he has assured • Pond podtiotl in a large electricalma- thou .... F . If ram have Backache yea hese K'nlney t)i .sag. If you neglect Backache it win .i.•v.•t..l1 tato aoms eseth.ag worms -Hugh. • Die - env Of Diabetes. There is on u.e rubbing and doctoring your back. Cute the kidneys. There is only one kidney medicine put it cures Backache eery time- Dodd's Sidney Fills Ahe Martin says : 'Ph' feller that don't advertise may Imo.. his own business, but nobody else does. (_ FOR OUT DOOR WORK IN WET WEATHER NOTHING EQUALS 43a way WATERPROOF CLOTHING TO KEEP YOU catty. Mei. far hard .rvi.. and Boot Molars Eerytehr.. TOWER CANADIAN OILED CL9THING CO., Lro. Toronto. Canada. till • Select Groceries cern Nothing Doing. Direr, ma pa. ing for hat lonelier". "%t'hr la it,- he asked, with his Isom kitting smile '(bat restaurant, always have ehar,ntng nsablera lr' -you.... got ern, reg on !nor chin. slate.. • said the biteineselike young Wonsan h ebur! the leek, hemline him his (beings gad tran,fwnlpg bee atter, West to the tear eat la sec -miaow Tribune Hera st'.' a few of the many lines in which we can give you excellent value : SALMON CHEESE MARMALADE STARC H SUGAR ORANGES LEMONS RAISINS CURRANTS SPICES NUTS t:te.. Etc. Sturdy & Co. 'Phone Al The figure etsiesosesesseseawrawe '151:" D. MILLAR & SON 'Phone 56 SPECIAL SHOWING dF DRESS LINENS This season we are featuring Thistle Dress Linens. Tbesq Linens are exclusively confined to ourselves. They are distinctly 11p -too -date in style, finish and coloring. They come in all the newest as well es all the staple color logs and are suitable for suiting., blouse skirts and coat.. THISTLE REPP THISTLE REPP Thistle Repp for sesta, skirt* and coats is without equal. 1l comes in eight celoringe and ahonld prove a popular seller. Twetity- eight inches wide, 200 pet paid THISTL>r MERCERIZED STRIPED REPP This Hepp in one of the most styli.), we hits ever shown and will make very dressy suits and coats. Ttrenty eight inches wide, 30o per yard. VESTINGS VESTINGS VESTINGS We are showing a nine( complete range rf Vesting• in white. eoru and black, in the daintiest designswe have ever shown, at 1IBC. 20a. lata 30o and see per yard. - Special value in Cotton Voiles 15c per yard. IRONCLAD SUITINGS ironclad Muitings ate the rotrert thing for hays' and girls' wear. They are the toughest wearing mats•r'nl nut -le, absolutely fast color, 200 per yard. McCall's Patterns and Publications t 54 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE Tim 56 •WE HANDLE THE SHOE THAT HAS STYLE AND COMFORTABLE QUALITY ENTIRELY BEYOND THE HARTT SHOE Young Ween Opp-eciate this shoe, hecaupe it bas the ia•est thing in finish and style; and because there are added to this rnanv lfttTe original *ouch&. which give he Hartt Shoe its distinctive individuality. Older men like the aboe because the range includes lasts that fit the font and that give real foot comfort. All are of leathern that guarantee the shoe lung life. our large range of new ones willcortbin:e you. Up-to-date *pairing No Sick Person can Afford to throw away this chance to get a 50c. bottle of Psychine FREE 'Ala being in is curious busises. It usually commences 1a a subtle Cashion. almost unconsciously. Yet 11 you do not check your illness. It grow and grown. had ole file day you *ad you're sick. _ * tot * The greatest scavengers of th• body are the white corpuscles, or phagocytes 1■ the blood. These- White remedials attack and eat up every germ of disease flat In- vades the body That 1s when they are sarong *Dough sad in *eldest nam► -n If they're wet etpoeg enough, then Sher wage as unequal warfare until they ars finally nverrome by their more powerful esemsee The body becomes steadily sicker sad sicker uttl actual dieser sets fa a ! * Now we have had all eerie of se - called corm Aad • cent many people have *W- eevilly endangered Mair health es t.rt.entlee wlti team Bet year. a*s- ROGINO even as3.re was able to ten tee W the tight louse towel rot dMvtr vl• berm ester.'. ewe remedies Mew that eatmmy dos till se ea else torte eertalaty we ire why aerials kerb mere dImeas wire smplibi lbw aft) - A third of • easter? alp PteyeMi*e made remarkable cures. Today It 11 making rss•rkS is CURS. 1a the interim, miniome of bonito et Psyeblae have been said Hundreds et thousands et people made well and kept well Wby' Because Puytilne is largely mode rap of those herbs that scientists now blow Inv -mime and strengthen the white cor- puscles, the orapuscles,the phagocytes That's why we have received bum drv.le of themles& ed mo ons:Med tes- timonials. eltimonials. that's irk, we spa afford to buy and give away kwadnds of thousands of Naeem betties of Puy - claim.. that's why Psyching asmets these diseases: Asps week Lease Week Tele, *pram weke e sir Desna ChsasvW Aara-s them* yelltmesen taloa fucose .1s1Boadd Peens. RENEW Oniga.. •osmadsas as-* (aayseatisad GursseoGor dd• Optoatpl es- Rewe I• -•sena awl 7~ dlreggiit an Maar (for elllek we pay rim the raster retell prise) f1. • Wesel Mils 41 Ayclise.to twin.** yes free K east. We w111 undoubtedly buy and dia- tribute in this seamier. hundreds of taemands of these 53pat betties ef lftyeliae Aid we do that to show our entire eaw4domv v this we•dsrtvl ;metiers - then. A nonfldeaes taws has been hued on ear 341 years expertesee with this apleadid preparation. with a full knew ledge of the handmade K tratomanda of CRIME It los sage. COUPON No 44) To the D. T. A. 3LOCUlt Lai IYl-f�tS Spears Arm. Tereus Fleas isow ms e( • k- he as ffiresrespotelisettevliernes had ap4.. skis my da�tsa es dklltwr leased W. b Demes res N11srAi..:. ............. Erma sae rseesks di Pr �ysewss rpaa • ssptrmkaa Mew we ow. Mk per up lee say eb b rb.irMtdWteeer weed tar the Ismagainsht .,. es- kis d�ee dims d's11` so Ms w =II.. taw wr er w�i, tasgses 40, rowas- M es- FIs elf mall dee -yes