HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-23, Page 2Tttrs:.. \, FluteuastV 11E, telI
.UUYKI, u. oerr sato.
Teiephooe Call No. 16.
[.-.cos of ara-or,eNo.,
er annum in amines,
To Ual ed a.�sub.ortbars, $1.s
strictly is ad v at.ce'
tau eofbers who tan to receive Tam
bit • favor
Judattae itsf the toot y omit win �at asam tarty a
• rya
then epureour patriotisu, taut be
nod otigbty little rompao. to , Ile To-
ronto Trade flirted., all
told iu • bones of 31.e.
And Toronto would like to think it -
eels a Trader of national esntimeot in
One of the worst consequeocea of
loo` devotion to the bigb tariff policy
has been its cultivation of a cowardly
industrial spirit -a feeling of com-
plete dependency not on American in-
genuity. inventtoo, enterprise and re-
sources, but uo tariff tares. -Spring-
8eaNeL field Republican.
by se-
det. s.
When • of address Is desired, both old
owl the new •ddr•r shootd be Dina.
Advertising Rates :
1..wal and other dmll•r advertl+ementa, IOo
pee lime for first insertion and lc per line for
each *unwell scala subsequent
insertion. Measured.. toinc.by •
Rushton cards of six lines oma under. 13 ,ler
AdverUaements el Lost. Found, St.rayesl, 8tt-
natlons Vacant. Situations Wanted, [louses for
Sale or to Rent, Farms for Sale or to Rent,
Articles for Sala eta., not " exceeding eight
Itnee, lbo each ineertioc : e1 for first month. Seo
eaob.ubeequent mot b. Larger advertise-
ments to proportion.
o...ouaoemteuts in ordinary reading type ten
cots mer time. No notice ION than Y3c.
peoAny srbenefital �of any innd individual t of fcs the
or iassnei-
Ution, to be considered .an advertisement cd
he charred accordingly.
Rates for display ano contract advertise-
caawts will be given on application.
Address •ll oommunlns to
Goner -ink. Opt
Reciprocity- is coming. Will Gode-
rich take advantage of its opportuni-
ties as • b,rder town to securea large
part of the enlarged trade across the
bolder, or will its business men fritter
away their tiwe in wondering what
the effect of the new conditions will
he? Now is the time to act—not a
year or two from now when the new
Made channels will have been formed.
Let the business men of Goderich ex-
ercise some foresight in this wetter
wbile the politeness ezerciee their
Party lines are being broken on the
reciprocity question. In Ontario The
Ottawa Citizen, The Ottawa Journal,
The Kingston Standard, a1! strong
Conservative papers, and throughout
the country many papers usually op -
to the Laurier Government re-
1we to take part in the anti-reci-
procitycawpaign. The Calgary
New.-eleeraw (independent with
Cdnservative leanings) says reci-
procity would carry the West at the
ratio of seven to one.
The Toronto Board of Trade, by a
vote of 2E19 to 13. passed a resolution
opposing reciprocity wiik the United
States. The great argument brought
forward in -support of the resolution
was the alleged danger to Canadian
Rationality in the establishing ot bet-
ter trade relations with the neighbor-
ing Republic.
The mover of the resolution was Sir
Edmund Walker. president of the Ca-
nadian Bank of Commerce, an institu•
Urns which maintains several branches
in the United States and which lends
millions- -the money of Canadian de-
positors—to carry on United States ire
dustries, wbile at the same time it re-
fuses credit to legitimate industries in
this country. If it is wrong for the
Ottawa Government to secure for the
producers of Canada an opportunity
to sell their goods to advantage in the
United Stales market. why should not
the Government prohibit the export
of Canadian bank funds to the Uaitrd
States :• Will the president of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce .qp-
port a law to forbid the lending of
any Canadian band% money to foreign
The reeoluUon was seconded by J.
W. Flavelk. This is a man who has
become wealthy— it is said le is a
multi-millionaire—in the nut -pack -
kg trade He is a glarLoR example of
the middleman who MCands between
the producer and the consumer and
uses extortion upon both. The pres-
ent tariff arrangements assist him ad-
mirably io [bis process. With the
United States market closed to them,
tbe farmers have to sell their live
stock to Mr. Flavell. at lower prices
Wan they would get in • free market
Then there is a duty on canned and
packed meats wbich enabler: Mr. Fla.
yells to charge higher price, to the
eonsumers. He gets it '`both coming
and going.' and his bank amount in-
creases •ccordfngty. No wooder he
views with alarm the prospect of reci-
procity. which will give the Canadian
/armor en opportunity to pees by Mr.
Flavell, and get • stool price far bis
lire stock in an enlarged market.
A precious Bair of petriots are fir
Bdmuad Walker and Mr. .1. W. Fla -
•01 le
If the anti -reciprocity organs had
any true sense of patriotism they
would refrain from humiliating their
country by the cry that its national
institutions can be imperilled by a
ftieodly trade agreement..
What a rebuke to the hysterical or-
gans is implied in the comment of The
Chicago Daily News :
"Nobody with any real knowledge
of the Canadians thinks for a moment
that they would be drawn into polit-
ical bond. with the United States be-
cause of the commercial advantages
which they world enjoy by access to
it. markets. Surelytheir degree of
loyalty to the Bruisflag is not in in-
verse rutin to their prosperity, It is
childish to suppose tont Canada must
he permanently hamstrung by the
_American high tariff in order that
the Canadians may be induced to re-
main British."
We should not like to have to ac-
knowledge that The Chicago News'
opinion of Canadians is higher than it
ought to be: but it must be admitted
that some people in this country are
at the present time givipg a veru poor
exhibition of Oanadianism.
if there were more real objections
to the reciprocity agreement there
would not he so much hysterics.—
Wbodstock Sentinel -Review.
The opponents of reciprocity are
not like! - to rake nrueh headway
with their contention that the agree-
ment with the United States involves
a danger to Canada's Imperial rela-
tions. The party- that is now pro-
moting reciprocity with the United
States L the party that established
the Brit lab preference, and those who
ate now opposing reciprocity are the
same men who attacked the British
preference, and who, moreover, would
this very day oppose any lowering of
the duties upon importa from the
Mother efountry.
The pumped -up alarm of danger to
Imperial interests does not teach well-
informed circles in Great Britain. In-
deed, it is recognized there tbst the
agreement between Canada and her
:leigbhors nay not improbably result
in an improvement of commercial le -
1st ions between Great Britain and the
United States, with great benefit to
British trade.
As an indication of the trend of
thought in the old land, an editorial
article in The Glasgow Herald of Feb-
ruary 9th is of more than passing in
teres[. The Herald is a Unionist and
"tariff reform" paper. and on this
ground its views may have more
weight with protectionists in this
country than would those of • free
trade journal. After discussing some
details of the reciprocity agreement.
and showing that only a very small
proportion (about 1} per oent.l of
Britain's trade with Canada is affected
by the agreement. The Herald goes on
to say (referring to • debate in -t.be
British House of Commons on the
previous evening):
Minch was said last night aboot the
possibility of Canada being drawn out
of tbe imperial orbitinto the orbit of
Washington. If we are to take long
views of this remarkable development
in North America's economic policy,
we may just as safely predict that
reciprooky will, if rightly bandied,
tend to nuke the two orbits coalesce,
it is admitted that free trade between
Canada and the United States will
promote more friendly rebttions be-
tween the two great neighbors. As
there seems no rve.on why Canada's
attachment to the Empire ebou1d be
in any way weakened, it follows that
through Uaaade WR OUReELVH$
WITH AMERICA. Nor is it inoon-
ceivable that reciprocity between
Panda and Americo may develop
American public opinloa is clearly
revolting. not against the principle of
a protective tariff, but against protec-
tion carried to extremes for the bene-
fit of a comparatively few trusts. Mr.
Taft will suooeed in reforming the
tariff b. reducing it no raw products
and some manufactured artie(ss, so as
to fulfil the agreement with Canada,
and we shall benefit by these reduc-
tioee. The reform movement will not
end teere, and we may 'wet to see
the American tariff erraeluMly br(retbt
down to a reasonable level. it we !or
our pert adopt a gstiarsl tariff oe
foreign manufactured goods. we .ball
have sometbine to bargain with. Our
Government will then be able to make
a offer ref reciprocity to Meddles as a
business proposition wbir•b will have
to be seriously considered
city of that kind wonh! enquest
hi) be of the bigbr.e .sibs to rear
r{ppeett te. the eeta:Ato eo wast a To- •
-note masufactnrer named 4 .1. H.
fiekar'di who declared binned ready to
meet 1 nited "Item emerwitltine 1 •
Heals web a ams[ a true t :ansibect
rued) to etaald up DelbiD•t tbv erased
end meet all comer@ with boson Oa fie
aadhin goods Kb deelerattow kc
.nota more thea all the aroonefiesh
manufactures, 'aperie II t in Seething!.
and is well worth +askineg� for The
kismet* ohjeet of tariff refine 4 not
course to 11011, a tariff for IG own
sake hit rat b,► to secure a wider
measure of tree trade for our real
laeters@ by abating hostile tariffs If
we could seemed in obtaining as e•
ry late the vest £senses rebel e3
alk et all tb. 81r Edmond Walkers
sly j, col. Myelitis that ever palm jg/
r...oaabht eland .. more than batt
battle would wen. CANA-
Henator Young. of Iowa, who is
oplxtsed to reciprocity, says that if
the agreement passes tiers will he "a
trerurndous rush tor Canada," and
that "ten or twenty dollars will be
added to the value of every pro-
roducing acre in Canada."
"It r man had walked on clutches
for many years be would ecarxly re-
ject an opportunity t.o he healed be-
cause he had grown accustomed to bis
artificial supports. Eve,ar bitter re-
proaches from the beleeul mechanic
who had kept him supplied with the
latest things in crutches would not
deter him from taking advantage of
the natural method of locomotion
when he had the chance."
Thin is a good reply to the cry that
the Hudson's Bay Railway, tbe Georg-
ian Bay Orval and other big transpor-
tation projects would be rendered un-
nroeseary bR reciprocity. ('anedians,
the "antis" virtually say, will sell so
much of their' products to the United
States that tbey will not need to ex-
pend huge sumo of money in making
new trade channels. This is really -an
argument for. 0 rt agaipst, recipro-
11 +r, David Lloyd -George, British
Cha •elior of the Exchequer, on the
rich •elf agreement : "I rejoice
that . been negotiated and I
beat, •.'• trust thawit will carry to a
srcceesful conclusion. 1 regard it as a
great triumph for common sense, an
immense stride for the cause of free
trade in Americo, and a step towt(rds
fraternity and co-operation between
the English-speaking family."
R -i0 -C -i -P -R. -O -C -1 -T -Y spells great-
er prosperity for Huron county.
Why is there so much loyalty in
Toronto? Because the kind they use
there is so cheap.
If there is any place on earth where
there is more sound and less sense to
the square inch than in Toronto—well,
we don't want to hear about it.
Toronto opinion is a pretty safe
guide for Dominion politicians.
When Toronto points east, the safe
road is to the west—and vice versa.
"Fish will be fish" this year with a
free market in the United States.
Our fishermen deserve a good turn
just as much as any other class in the
The increased international trade
under the new agreement with the
United States will give Goderiob the
greatest opportunity it has had in
forty years.
Torouto is making quite a squeal
about reciprocity; but just wait until
you hear the howl from Hogtown
when the preference on British goods
le increased.
Sir John A. Macdonald maintained
A standing coffer of reciprocity with
the 'rafted States As a part ot his
"Nation) Policy-" Was Sir John a
"traitor" or an "annexationist ?"
Reciprocity means a large increase
in the value of the products of Huron
county. Aod Huron county has no
objection to as increase of prosperity,
no matter a hat politicians mei,
.t petition opposing reciprocity
signed hy 59,000 farmers end business
men of Michdgag is being sent to
Washington. Probably our Michigan
neighbors are of a d reciprrtcity will
injure Canada!
The city- of Victoria, B. C., is follow-
ing the example of ber neighbor, Van-
couver, in abolishing the taxation of
buildhtgs and other improvements.
When will the Ontario Legislature
allow the municipalities of this Prov-
ince to fall into line with progressive
ideas of trixscion ?
Toronto interests benefit
from a policy of non-interoouise with
the neighboring country, that is no
reason why ell the rest of the Prov-
ince should be debarred from the ad-
vantage@ of freer trade. Toronto's
millionaires cam afford to let other
l000pie have • chance.
The protected interests. not satlefied
witb the privilege of charging the
people Ione prices for their good.
under shelter M the tariff, went to
prevent the producers of the ooaotry
from selling their pndueta to the best
advantage. And the pocket patriot.
ref Toronto say that anyone who db-
/eel. u. this one-sided areenttewesat to
disloyal '
\� leo se •prtti*R ,sp Int tar and-
reespmMts advertising oweitlabga
The Montreal Nt.r'e lull -page appeal
sta#A4,:_sigpERICH, ()NTA RIO
y. The mese ageacy w handling
class of sou- recIPriey thea-
ter flor weekly papers. The Signa
was offered some of Ibis business, but
although unite willing te let the other
fellow. present hie side of the queetion,
under proper COAtlltiwts, It could not
accept the terms of tbe Montreal otter.
Bart who u supplying the money for
this campaign
We are told that eighteen influential
Liberals of Toronto are opposed to
reciprocity. So "influential" are
these men that not • single Liberal is
elected from the city of Toronto!
When thee* eighteen influential Lib-
erals can make some impression upon
the voters of their own city it will be
time for thew to attempt to dictate
the policy of the Liberal party of
The Seottisb-Arnericar., the well-
known New York publication, takes a
sensible view of the annexation cry.
1t says :
"Canada's loyalty to the British
Empire is undoubted, and to believe
it will not be the least impaired by
reciprocity with this nountry. At all
events, we do not believe that such a
thing as Canada's annexation hy the
United States will ever happen.
Canada ie too near and too intimately
acquainted with the inner working of
the Government of this country to
permit of such a treneforntatino.
A Republic can have no fascination
for Canada. She is better off as she
le ; and she is well..wareof it,"
Just the Thing for the Farmers.
i believe the proposal es a whole is
just the thing for the farmers of this
Retaking, Ont- 'WILLIAM KluELEY.
• • •
The Annexation Cry.
Goderich, Feb. l8th.
I have a poor opinion of the man
who cannot do business with a Metho-
dist or a Presbyterian of a Baptist or
a person of any other denorniostion
without forsaking hie own reli{ttotts
belief for that of his 2uetomer. That
statement explains my attitude to-
ward* those who are raising the an-
nexation cry at tee present time. I
believe in transacting business through
the channels which will benefit us the
• . •
Of Inestimable Value to the Farmers.
"Lothian. Feb. I:ith.
If the reciprocity- agreement is rati-
fied in its present torm hy both the
United States and Canadian Govern-
ments, as I sincerely hope it will be.
it cannot fail to be of inestimable
value to the farmers of Canada, and
particularly to the farmers of Eastern
Canada who go in for mined farming.
We will always Hod a ready market
for our surplus produce in the Alfieri -
cite cities, and as market prices there
for all farm ptoduceare almost always
several ceota higher than our markets
we cannot fail to be greatly bene-
• • •
Will It Conserve Our Resources?
With regard to reciprocity we do
not think it will effect. the larger fruits
grown in this locality. Our fruit hav-
ing. a much finer flavor than env that
cau be grown in the United States will
find a ready market there. But the
email fruit trade and possibly the
peaches will most likely suffer more or
the market will become
glutted, and the. local grower with
fresh and better -flavored fruit will
only .get the price of the too often
half -decayed and worthless article.
We think, however, that the moot im-
portant things are the giving of our
raw materials, as pulp and timber, and
our fisheries. These raw materials
are nearly exhausted with them and
if the present tariff conditions con-
tinued they would in a short time es-
tablish their Mills bere. Will reciproc-
ity conserve these resources?
Benmiller Nurseries,
• • s
Will Steady the Market
Laurier. leeb. 2Oth.
1 believe the reciprocity agreement
is a good thing. It *i11 not make such
a great change in the course of trade
as some people seem to expect, but it
will have a tendency to steady the
market, and as it gives the 'newsmen an-
other outlet for their prodaicts the re-
sult cannot but be beneficial to them-
CatUe-raising is the Brest indsmgry of
Huron county. and with the United
Skates market open to us prices will
be steadier and probably somewhat.
higher. Laanbs also will undoubtedly
he sold at better prices if we secure
free trade with the Strum Altogether
aside from the commercial features of
the question, i must say that the fiag-
waving and treasos}arying whish is
going on in eatais quartets is disgrtst-
Ing. The 'loyalty" 3ey as used by the
opponents of a reasonable agreement
with our next-door aelgbbore is ae sit
salt m the lntenigssice of (aaoedians.
J. N. Mc K etas*.
Th. Oreaesst Oeod 1e the (itrsatest
Porter's Hill. Feb. 13th.
1t seems to me difficult to coy whet
tis NU effects of the proposed tariff
cheeses will be erns the different
Wearies a this country, as what colli
benefit one may acct somewhat against
the lutenist of another . nor do 1
thsek it pea ibis to devise a system to
ta$1e1 a %.Zlody. But from the
K•edpo(nt 1 believe it will be
grad thug. as the farmer i•
producer and it wUl give him fere=
seam to a wider raelge , T neark.ts. I
believe 1t will also he a great benefit to
cooseasse In reducing the ere* of
he e d the esceewry aminase a ea -
Tltses two elasewe tatty
. pop-
31r11N W. tint ganef i e
to Ietoriee Is bring published r. both
Ckonsprvstiva and U eeral papers an
eke sear d a Mei{esal
Cured by Lydia E. Pink-
Canitton, Ont.—" 1 bad Leen a Brest
sufferer for tive years. One doctor
told me it was ulcers of the uterus,
and another told me 1t was a fibroid
tumor. No one
knows what 1 suf-
fered. I would
always be worse
at oertain periods.
and never was
regular, and t he
bearing -down
I was very ill in
bed, and the doctor
told me 1 would
have to have an
operation, and
that 1 might die
during the operation. I wrote to my
deter about it and she advised me to
take Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable
Compound. Through personal expe-
rience 1 have found it the best medi-
cine in the world for female troubles,
for it has cured me, and I did not have
to have the operation after all. The
Compound also helped me wthle pass-
ing through Chante ot Life -"-3/n.
LETITIA BLAIR, (.anifton, Ontario.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com -
made from roots and herbs,
hhsas proved to be the most successful
remedy for curing the worst forms of
female ills, including displacements,
inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu-
larities, periodic pains, backache, bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges-
tion, and nervous prostration. It costa
but a trifle to try it, and the result has
beenworth milfonstosnfferintwomes
greatest possible good to the greatest
possible number; and I believe the
{ nrpo.ed agreement is a step in that
direction. Joffe ToRR.1Nt-g,
• • •
Farm Lancts Will increase in Value.
1 think the trade ytreement be-
tween Canada and the'olted States
is one of tbe hest propositions thet
have come before the Parliaments of
the two countries for route time. That
two couota lee situated se we are
should have a bars icade against trifle
as we have had seems unseasonable.
\Vitb the duty off we couldship our
product. to a much nearer market
than et present and buy a great many
articles and pttxfuctious much more
cheaply. Take the fruit [nen—wily
should they lament about losing a
market in tbe West wbeo it tak-eesuch
a high rate of freight to get the goods
to the consumer and reciprocity
would open a market right at band.
Take also the hone market in tbe
\V.•st —when it takes say from $12 to
ILO to ped freight .nd thew is burp
a good market in the Bodeen State..
Of course. I am speaking of the yeller
in Eastern Canada; the Westerner
might get the benefit of cheaper
horses from the Western Stats.
There will he some cases where reci-
procity miry seem a hardship, lett
"the greatest good to the greatest
number" is what we want: Canadians
are ahle to take rare of themselves
where[ fir we find these, 1 bare an
Wee that we shall see a great increase
in the price of farm land in Ontario,
if this good measure pasaee, es 1 think
we have the best couet uoder' the
sun in Southern and Western On-
Goderich Township.
• • •
Cannot See Much Gain.
i cannot see what nutters) good a
reciprocity treat y would do for Can-
ada as e. whole. In looking over the
markets of The Canadian Farm of
Februar 10, which I attendee has just
as t market reports as any
journal in Canada, take for instance
grain—tbe only material difference
would he in hariey. Theo take butter
and cheese --we have a better market
in Canada than they have in the
United States. Of course in live stock
we would be the gainers, but we must
bear In mind that our live stock mar-
ket is gettiaR better every year. 1e the
horse (nark et we have serest deal lat-
ter market foe heavy borne than they
have, and to put a stumbling black in
the way of the boew• trade today would
be a great mistake\ eepeeialiy to the
Province of Ontario. '1'Mn take, for
iioaeoe, the fruit districts of the
Province of Ontario, how hardly they
would feel tbe thong.: and the
manufacturers also would not Take it
very well. There have hewn large
sums of money spent In buildings and
equipment. Think of the nnmher of
factories the pretest tariff is bring]
Ing over from t.be United States. ('m-
ender, also the great number of agri-
culturists who are Doming over into
our Northwest with the present tariff.
I have spoken to • great many of oar
poosainent (nen in our township, on
of politics, sand hone of
them deems to be very eotbtraiastie for
a change ter the tariff qt present. A
greet manyare of tbe opinion that
should these .bo he a vote takers ors the
agreement before any change le
as Oaada is prneperous today ani
there�is no particular hurry &boot
West Wraakiotraaoeb. Brame M[top.
--eLfeeMeetwe, —
Get Ready
fee rhe ensu
ma meetrs.Q gmaa m
losOlor *drseem op
by ► 1 • Ar.
in our
♦ho 11 roeof TOMO.
low to= Is* hotormil
Too WS ItopLot
erne tar
%,caw �y
Oinghams and Prints
Every day adds something to the handsome display of WASH
GOODS. An early visit sod you will readily understand wby
these materials will be more pcpular than ever this summer.
3.010 yards English Prints, :ti inches wide, heavy soft cloth
and in splendid patterns --warranted fast colors. Special Feb-
ruary sale. per yard 1 l o
Crumb's famous English Cambric* and Prints, per yard. 1 no
&vetch Oingbao s, grand values .. . .... 124.
White Vestiogs and Check Minding... .12}o, iia SOc. 25o
We well exclusively the "a la Grace" Corset* and carry them
in eight styles, Adapted for different Pewee. We believe this
to be best value, beet material and finest ftttiag Corset to he
procured. We carry every sire, 18 to 3U. at per pair
51,25, $1.111o, 51.75 *2.110 and *3.00
Final sacrifice tale astrachan lamb Coats
5313.00 for *25.00
*30.00 tot *Boson
No. 1 quality, with Iamb oollar, clearing at .... 527.00
Sgtterick Patterns and Delineator for March.
r 1
Do Exclusive Woolens
Do you want Clothes that satisfy you in every
respect ?
If so, have, your clothes made by
Martin Bros.
t-- J
We are agents for these splendid Remedies
and e.t.a recommend them as being of the
higbest standard in regard to quality and
appearance. We have a complete assort-
ment and will be pleased to show them to
our customers.
J. Butland, Druggist
"The store that p:eases."
NOT getting our car of Ideal Fencing
as soon as we at first expected, we
are able to extend the sale for tour days.
This brings the Sale up to and including
Saturday, March 4th.
Remer her, Ideal is the best hard steel,
large No. q wire, and made to last. Be-
ware of wire advertised as No. 9, but is
much lighter, as it gauges nearer No. to.
Remember that 7 -wire, 40 inches high
at 27%c per rod is a price we cannot hold
open Ionrer than the time stated.
All other sizes at special prices for
the time named.
Along with the fencing we will sell, up
to March 4th, IZ lbs. Staples for 25c.
We pay cash for our goods, and are
giving you a chance to save money.
Howell Hardware Co.,