HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-23, Page 1>F he tee ,t Id a J'ow is t e time to rehew yotlt subscription to Tha• Signal. See, premium picture offer a paid - iu- advance snbscr.bersk . ISTT-THIRD TSAR -RN i iL See Che Signal's Clubbing .Cist for newspaper bargains. All the leading Canadian publica- tions at reduced prices. 1 GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA : FEBRUARY 23. 1911 II TWC SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. Ltd., Plraamlow. n I CapitaRoast and Codi.Wed Profits tt,b40,000 Total Assets over $46,000.O00. 1:•;F. OUR BANK MONEY ORDER; OF CANADA the next time you end a ZSTABLIRHED 1896 small Mucci 10 any point in _ Canada. or to any large city in ibe United, States- They cost as follows - 115 and under. . 3. $111 to aril . . 10c $s to $1f1 . . . . fSc 4q1 to Ott . 13c With this low cost they '•ombitie convenience with ab- solute safer . For larger -um. use our Drafts. Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change M running advertise ments must be left at this office by Monday neon to ensure insertion in News of same sleek. _ i LDICAL it. F. J. R. FORER-EYE. E.11{,It, ' • nom and threat eon Hoses e .ureeoa. New York Oph[helmk .ted Aural Io.tttutr. Clinical %Odra., nal.at Soso 1 htoat Ho -total. l olden nate. and Moorefield Eye Hommel. Landon.Idoe. " (Mee street. '[rat ford. t. Wlad.or hotel . Hours to I.! s. tote. l..7toS'T0p.a.-Telephone GUNDRY'S Livery, Call and 'Bus r Stables THE RED BARN - 13outh & tidy', (:..dericb All our Riga me New. 'Mess meet all Trains and Steamers. Particular attentten given to calls from private residence.. 'Phone No. rk WANTED To complete our files, we shall be glad to buy copies of any issues of The Signal of the years 1904 and 1905. Persons who base any copies of thes. years will confer it favor by allowing us to procure then) at the earliest pos- sible date. THE SIGNAL PRINTiNti Co., LIMITED r•�r.-`--r--w 1' OODiesucti wreernl.y HORSE ORSE MARKETS NEXT 14ARKFT TUESDAY, FEB. 28TH The Committee expect the representatives of some of the 1.•ading horse - hltying firms in Canada at this aide. Orson accommodation for animals anti attendants. Ia sidtt4on to private sales. [ungues curl[ 11100 1• .oke M anetion enmmeooin5 et Stift fa m. if you have a hoer to est mane I/ wort wake to bey a berm ,•rg))e arDe. W. F. ' leek ' - lea Osanotb a' ) Rm ltaask, leserae•3yde SITUATIONS VACANT. 1100K K EEPElt WANTED.--AI'- 1) PLY to F. ILAIL,1K HULMica. O0- U ti ENERA L SERVANT VI wanted for buu.ework. Apply to 311Se M. J. GUY LK. West street. It. WANTED --A WOMAN TO WORK IT teri.ear- ante a& dIGN AL(WF)C. iOHN H. STRATFORI) HOSPITAL • 11 ttrantford. 1 -skiing :school for rhreerear. course 115,.0. Saute and 1101.111 per monthwith bonne or Nara. For sypbcatton blea.ks end rules eddre.. :secretary. 3t+ GODERICH MARKETS. Tsual.naT,Fsb. Zrd. W wheat, for Makpp t!• to e 0 . 1 1 wheat, per bas`.. le to it lu whe.bush 61. per Medi a 4a w at Old Oats. P1• h.tip r bash.. ..... 0 40 to 0 47 to J pse bu 0 .i5 to _ pee ton o. SII CO to akar. patoot, per est ldean, pre tea q to ([earls, n.r tea 1D 00 to Har, *otos S 'to w Wood, per real rre to Bauer, pe 1►. 0 ID W Cheese. ler r 1 _ # Ur EOM treat MgalaaOL. Pewees 055 b e le le Cattle, money portt. tsar f M he 9 n LataM... 3 83 tOS o g S 4 00 w Tallow �e16 e5 to Hider, per owl 7 00 to Sheep okiaa 50 4, u e0 0 4e J M e 75 0 d. Yu ti) t 73 len 3) 00 tD 00 Y Gr San 5le 0 el n12 n 3) 1st e1 i 3' ..OS 7 0 e0 AUCTION BALES. iv IDegelNY. ]feel iso-A.etien +ale of fans stook and lonatemente ; peogsrty of Mita. M. 0. HTILWsl.l. Bauble HM Stanley (lata Thos. BW..on f.rmo. Thomas Gunner, aue- tioneer. Tot•it-D.a r. March 2nd. -Sale of purebred shorthorn sante. heavy sod light bor+ee. pure- bred LMc...ter sheep, farm Ic,plemer,u, etc.. the property .f Alex. young, ais t his premise.. :tit concoction of Colborne. Mr. S'ou"g te re- tiring front the farm. ted this will be one of the lemma ode. of the season. Ta08. ti(sI ltY, auctioneer. Bake with satisfaction, by usiug \Vihson's Baking Powder. It ie of known purity and always fresh. Sold by E. R. Wigle, druggist, Godericb, OnL. LOST OR FOUND. • GUITBR RUG FOUND THURS- DAT mo•eing on North street (owner MOM Mee tam, by prnvir.Q nrnnwrtyy end pee- ing exposes. at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. WANreTEens D. -AANlf Gtoll Ba G MOLTS V BAA 1 sc. Neth -trees. 1'ATION AGR.'kl' ld COURSE OUT - tease sad iuuotr.tel In New • Write ire M. CD/TRALTLLKGRAF A.VU RA ILRO W SCHO"L lietese and Gerard Rdw.te. Termite WILLIAM SHAW. Prod- ! dont. FOR SALE. fpwo SHORTHORN BULLS FOR 11 tale, t' Ise "ad sexteen months cid re- , is red, the other a roan color. ' 1'r1ee i reasonable Apply to I -A At' • U.K.. E LD. Walnut Farm. Godericn toe rotor Ode - den P. 0. 'Phone Circuit 249. 710:1. Lt OR MALE. =- BUCK STEEL ✓ re.ae. kitchen table. 2 tube. washboard. wringer. witch beech AatUeea, lawn mower. all Nearlnew. Mnot be wed this pudica leaving tow... Apply 1 . CH ALLEN. Rooth Rooth .tree,. sear hospital. #Flt, iVEIY BUSINESS FOR SALE.- IJ A large livery bu.lnas•. In • good at ll bu 1 . town near GodedC8. Must be For further particular *POT 70 C U.ta. O. LO(- K E. Monster. Luck now, int . 3• tL -WANTED' ( WORK WAN 1 EU. ANY islilt- 1' SON ..acting ee wort dere 87 185 day *Mee 'leaned aeaaamd , do4sd.tior similar worendee.dgge�. "o' leas erd at tee 55ers's' 1e. E NNA UAWSION.Oedrriek p.0. AVANT/NI. - TO PURCHASE iN TV Uodericb.a -melt hou-e on foundation In gnod locative.. Modern impmvewenr• not nerewery. Theme intere-ted c.!1 at No. :e. N EWO A I E STR E CT. 1 (USE OR SUITE OF ROOMS wanted 10 rent :.Ituate N tow: Coelbornee 001 preferred. Appy d P. U. FOR SALE OR Tg4RENT OR SALE. - TEN ACRES EAST -lde .1 4o.th •treet..sreer Bennett street. G.drnrh. If you de.lre a smaller tract of one writ • f1IIA. JORDAN. 3 Winder:II as, lot In the venue Wind.or.r>ntarla H( )1.'4E1'0 RENT IN GOODLOCA. TI•'N on the west side of Victoria street. second hone south of Ttatialgar street. it L an sigh: roomed brick honer. fitted with Lath. furnace and all modern conveniences. Poe- A8April. t W. Poe- merlon Victoria street. 3f ► RENT. - .1 SMALL FRAME hoses oo Sontb street. Apply ro MRS, 4flWARU. South etre* 3 -It 1:1RNI FOR SALE. -1 N THE rownehiv f A►hfield. 115 acro' of good well watered. bu dintre in n ticondItlon. offeredyear. Mord the bent raD to mkt 4 HAre once For WOKS, as particular* apply Ont 15.11. ' FOR SALE. -SCHOOL PROPFR- TIM Tee Full partilaa otramming samsaotrem SOM he had by applying to H. A. Hodretary fine chalrman, or Alex. Stratton. (n.o.e Park. �h 1 school board. Lot ne 1 Nel- son -fit. p111 . lot adldning above. on Noises street. 1431: lot nest S Ides*. Park. no Bros street. Min: lot adjoining above on Brom strait SHY: 21nte fronting nn Toronto street. soca Italy: 21ota fronting on Mak irt met. each Y iota fronting on Wellington onset. each Slot. frnsUn` ar Brnwonla road. sack 1) t:0 : Tonder will be reeelved hr 1.ha soboW building.. to St. 1).e'1d's ward and tat_ Andrew's wake The b ulklinim can he lve.( at eu1 time to .sit purchaser of lot. r st. b a 1110041 1S ee opport unit' to eeredrn elble banding alta at l a nominal valuation. Teodoro fee the :MI Mr Sloogge. will M resew d up to the IH of March. ALK X. RAITGN. SreeNerl ,- I /VOWS v PROPERTY FOR SALE.-- Lot two kindred and tweet the (111131 ea LI"trben .greet. le the town et (r . e- Wmi.g one nearer of an aero. Os tee tie= aandfl Mitrams [ wellling~� •• biro*, smith .800. poenao.nyocatld by the late Ales aside, Kiskhrisla Pie111L7Owe am.• a eroti and tae "die rram. bonehalm sad s eh* et S7 per moot b. propertyThe eel be sold te Dee a two pumas doArw :At to M. O. a. tee1 J11 i eat l55 ArRtoa wren. ..4. M g�i IN Bar maw. era. n_1. Ontario PUBLIC' NOTICE APPLICATION IX/PARLIAMENT. Notip.La hereby given that Application will be mode ter the Legislative Awembly of the rPrevllrte of Gamete a Its p•e.'.at erodes for a. Aa ampeweelog the Ontario We.t Shore Railway (omeaay to extend 1,,- line of rail wa Prem • point la *[rear the town of (:oder through the township erf Godericb, tate toren of •w CBntcn. the Pore-hlo+ of Mullett surd Meai1- Mires. Campbell and Dinsmore. of Slue ii lbnorbn millinery ertabli• bowel, are attend- ing the opening. at Toroeto. NEWAOVERTISEMENTS-F."3"10•86 Ftl.b.4 THE TOWN COUNCIL crasser -C. P. R .. .......... .... : Settler.' train. e. P. R .... ,a..... 7 Orange Marmalade- -.1. W. Valour* e Madero K. R. WIgke s Hua Found -The 8igaal ........... 1 Amide. for Bales Oessae Charles. --... 1 Work Warned -Mum Dawes. 1 Bookkeeper Wanted -V. tat low Het11D S..,. II Reeder A. Streaker.... 3 Readers- Howell Hardware Cts 5 Fogy [lass Mose-Howell Hardware Oe. t Novelty deriat- Y. P. S. C. IC et Kana Church 3 Notice to Crediton- Loftus C Deaver 1 Retina Watcher Waller H. HarrMO 0 Tha Coming of Spring -J. H. Colborne .. i Special Showing of Drum. [Issas--MUlar's Scotch Ston ..... .. ..... .... 3 Shorthortr Bulls tor Salo --Isaac 1.Ik.81 ... 1 Reader A. 8n.es1 ... ... .... S The Hutt Shoe -Hee t LINN....... ..3 MacLeod'. 5$Mtem Tonic - The liaet.iod Medicine Co.. .... 1 Reader -U. T. R. 7 Mortgage Bale -Chas. (farrow, ' -. 1 Servant Wanted lata. M. J. Dere._ . Continued Sale -Geo. Porter 8 House Wanted -Apply No. 110. Newest, street. 1 C'.11 at the Balmoral -F. F. Burdett.. 5 Ten Aore. for Sols -H. A. Jordan. Windsor 1 Horse or Ronne Wanted- Box 191. bledertch 1 Reader -Blackstone e.... .... .5 To Rent -Mew. E. Edward .. 1 Roue° to Rent - W. A. Chisholm ... 1 Mont k-eod 8.1e Day.- dodgems Bre. 8 PERSONAL MENTION. Mies Maggie Robertwo• is visiting at Strat- ford. tratiford. Mho LAW'S Sharman Y away on a visit with trunci. at London and Detroit. Mir Denomh is In Detroit this week in at- tendauo...t the millinery opening.. MI-, Nettle Cowan h.. returned from a week's vl.lt to trieode at 5yingh•m. Dr. Herbert B. uce, surgeon. of Toronto. was in town on Tuesday um p1eferatootl burineea, Mese Ada Ruooim tn. of Strwttord. has beso .pending • few days with frteod. and rela- bea. here. Mies ii, G. MacQuarde. of Brur.,.elr. is the vasa of, bee rioter, MR. John Lawson. Vic- toria street Mr. and Mr.. L EL BlaachaM, of Colttngwoad, weer in town ore, Sunday vidting their Gode- rich iriende. R. E. S. Fletcher. of the (tank of Commerce. her returned from reroute, whets be war vi.- iUng has father. nes. he town of Reaforth. the town.hip of (sgan tee town of Mltehell and the tow n.hip of YJtier toe point in or near the city of atrat- foto. and to construct, equip end operate .ucn extended line of .railway and to locrea.e the am..uot of bonds which the raid Company i. authorised to 1s.ue and to extend the tints for completing the -aid Coruna ny s 1 ne of railway and to confirm end validate certain bylaws. N. J.A, Mr,-EWAN. neeretery• ot the Onrwr:o ' West Shore Fta>Iwwy tuompa^y. /rated at Goderleb t hi+ god da y d February. 1511 AO'TIGN SAL3 . ' 1ORTGAGE SALE i t or FARM I'Rtrl'F.RTV at Fat tse Hotel. Goderich. on SATURDAY. MARCH 11th. 1511. at 12 oclock 0000. The pr+tperty to he solo ^omprems the North half of lot I. cunce..ion a 4a.tern INvtrfon, A Meld. 1Y' ,acre-. Budeling• a.d fiancee to g ood .tele of repair. The property will be offerer' subject to re- served bid. Detest 1M.111h da. of February. 1x11. THOMASGUVURi. CHAHLFs (:,ARROW. Auction's'''. Solicitor for Vendor.. UCTION S 4LE. There will be roll by auction at lot 11. me- morial Wet Wawa:mud 'two mile. from 4.unea. t M • M'►..t/AY. FBBRL'ARY T. 1911. rt s o Purebred +hortborD belle erre 21 month., choice roan : one 10 month. u(U deep red: one good grade cow. with relit : throe Y rk.htre sows doe April 1 A n,.mbe• of good heavy hot -e- will be offered for sae. 'minding one pair matched dart grey.. one good four-year- old mere with foal. 1.51e.IA•c Ak.o 401 bushels New SMRleld wed orate. (*rented 'pure. Positively no town ao.. hull. and .owe iFF l RS TO RENT ONJN RV! O,tee.' iamb aeeepled M )' ) eke; end,. Porta, trendy eve P T I, FRUIT LAVOINJIRi- .awe*tws eaf �y IW. : All aura et p0 eke 'seder. rasa dies Mww gimes J. A. MALLUUUH. Proprietor. t CTi N HALF' .0r F'AI(M STOCK, INFIRM KNTB. 1 hae leteived nlsiructl.ns from Alex. Young to sell by patine auction. at lot A. con- e.wdon 7. ('olborne towodllp tone mile east of Carlow i. on THURSDAY, MARCH "cin. commencing ret 1 J1 p. m.. the following : Hoose:r Hee vy draught mare, "(50110." right and good. In rolt to "stonewall Jauk.on;' heavy di nicht filly. .Lucy, rhino tons yuan. old: lyase draught gilding."'Billy.- rising ten- rear+ oke, 67 W. L F.rgnaon a borne heavy drangl' geldIng. "Pet.' rising two fears old, by 5v. L Ferrgg�'r.on n hone: heavy dragght gelding. "RIM" rising one year old. by w . L. Ferguson'. home: brood mare. roadster, "HOP,.in Dolt to Robert Wilson . bone.: driv- ing fill)-. "Topa rides those year. old �1�,gg ceding. 'Tom Reed.' rids* two years old. and filly. "NOW l'," rising one > ea r old. match ed team. All the light bone. were pries ',to- nere 100 tall at Goderich rand Dengwnnea. his. lbws --Piro wad eberthe, Stine Grey I41e741 .11 years ed. aired by Ramis • Pride NUN, -dee to calve April 1y3�8. In eat to nes maws Bean (74405: Stormy (lyes. bred by the late E. C. Aunn. got by Ole Faeerits t%UO1, eix years old. In calf to Kraemer. Bean (7N IR her dem. Brnanole l lctosM [[stele : Rad Reel. r(.leg four year. old. In alt to Rinds'• PAM New leather -seated .'Dlnnist earl in led. daughter of Edna Gray . Ledy.Cariew. e4- whieh berths are free are now running 1� two year old. roast sired by lewd Fragrant hKwlen Tmm�tn, Winnipeg and Van - /m 4., dam 'stormy Vueem : Armin Lavoie, tie- ppeeRR lag two year- old, dark red. got by Reatln'e oouver nn the l'aoadiso Pacific "Wiu- Pride Ma Jane Mellon rtalne ^0e year OM. I nipeg Express" leaving Toronto 10:10 red. got. by Eremo-a Bean : mals Tedder. tour I m. daily. rb! ears are ttPw, b ht. mends* old. eon of Stormy (tees^. get by tan P• rig moss Reran_ one sero beet bull self. foot cllao end enanr a rtlmftlrtahlr jctur- rsentMold. n y to the West without change of Cows- Grades --Roadie tieing four year oke, doe to calve Mare& ION..: Victoria, Halm Gatti en conte. term yowled, In ealf ; IN m.mn. rides three rears cid. /s colt : one 81.115, rides tee months • O. , MAY SECURE SERVICES OF LAND. SCAPE GARUENER For the Improvement of the Square -Fire Company Will Resign in a Body if Salaries Are Not Increased -Business Transacted at a Brief Session. It took the town council lees than thirty minutes W transact its business at the regular session last Friday evening. All the menthe/al were piers - rot. The clerk read lettere of application from Taos. Smiley rind 13. Switzer for the 1>.isition of cat•.taker of the town parks. They were referred W the rruse[ery said parks committee. Capt. l onald McKay applied, on be- half of the flbhenuen of the town, for the use of the large room in the town hall For tie purpose of getting their nets in shape. Ott motion of Council- lor Clark and Deputy Reeve Mutt - flings the privilege wars granted on conuition that the hall be used muter the direction of the chief of police. George Buggies asked that the [not- ing picture license he transferred to himself front. the firm .of Huggins X Sclradr. The request wits referred to the special committee with power to act. A request from Chas. J. Harper for permission to enlarge an outhouse was sent to the fir' committee. The sect of the public library hoard rent on estimate Of the receipts and expenditures of, the library for the current year and solicited a grant of �5. The communication was r'- ferredts> the Huance committee. The secretary of the Hobe. t 13s•Il Engine and Thresher Co. acknowl- edged the receipt of a cheque for $97.- 41[, which they were placing to the town'scredit on the account of Rob- ert Bell for services rendered as a vat - wave. It was at.tcd in the letter Hist at the predetermined rate the accouut as rendered of 4131:40 was correct. 1t was evident from this that the amount forwarded was not acceptable as penitent in full. so the matter was . referred to the . finance committee for consideration. c r > - \\'. Lane stied th c unt•il's atten- tion to the advisability of supporting the . Ontario Muuicip'l Assca:iation and stated that by paving a member- ship fee of 410 the. municipality was entitled 11 repr1W0H1at1on ill the Atso- ei.t' - The letter wast referred to the special can 'tare. The public winks committee in its report retvmuinendld that the work of erecting Bell telephone Pales on certain streets be dont. under the direction of the street'inspect,n' and the chairman of the public works r• ttee. Adopted. The special a 'ttee recom- mended that Hon. Adan[ Beek be asked for re. infuiwatiou in connection with the hydroelec- tric power quest' : that no ac - .tion be taken respecting the request of the Salvation -army for a financial grant : that no act- be taken on the application of David: Hrown4or a bil- liard rind po 1 r.' licrnee ; "tat A. Snaz('1 he granted a license to peddle peanuts, popcorn rind fruit front a hand catt, fur the re indrr of the year, for the sum of OilRespecting the petition of the session ot Knox church with refe.enee to. the law- in re-p*et to the licensing of billiard rooms. the eon muittee recommended that no aetitln be taken, •'heatusc as the law no* is we conceive it that the council has the right to exercise the p .wer the petitioner* rink the council (o emirs vor to have enacted." Adopter 1. Mr. and Mrs.' Archer has.. returned to Owen Sound after a viten to Mt-. .5reher's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. t+. Chry.tsl. Miss Gertrude Mum hors was home from Brantford to attend the funeral 1 of her grand- mother. the late 51r•s. Str•uRhan. The Mise. Mattie .rel Ricca Cou..in. left this week on their return to Winnipeg after a two months' visit with tb r relative. here, Stratford Heaton: Mr. Net Helrri., of Gode- rich. wee a w t•ek-e ' vl•it^r at the home of hleer parecta Mr and Mr.. E. W. Harris, Erie street - Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Strairmand their little daughter, of Vaneourer. B-(•.. are visiting Mr. Straiton'. parent.'. Mr. and. Mrr. Alex. S. raltug, Dr. Macklin leaver Friday afternoon fee Rochester. Minnesota, to .tend • week at the fango. Mayo Surgical flints-. This is the haste of the greatest surgical work in the world. Mr. H. Hood and Mr. Meadow- and .on. of Regina. seek.: Mr. and Mr.. ((eorge Love and Mr. and titre. Wm. Loran. of Moore-iaw. Seek.. ars the 'triage of Mr. and Mot. Ja-. Logan. West .t roes Neil McKenzie. of +vult Ste. Marie. arrived on Satueda,- en a tisk to his tether. Neil Mc- Kenzie. and brother. D. N.. of town. and also to hie eels' Iva• in A•hfieN- Hi. brother. J. N. McKenxte. of Laurier, way in town on Monday to meet him. Isis a &tweeds left last Friday oe a visit to Mende in Hamuo••d and ('hk-. '. She will combine ba.Ioes. with pleasure and bring back the newest Mesa in dre•+hoaking. Her room. on North .treat .will be clawed until the second w..eg In Match. G. L. Pwr.nn,. .uierintendent of the Gnde- rich Elevator Co.. wit. operated an for appestat MU.* Alexandra Hospital •m Tuesday. Hl. moray friends w111 be pleased to learn that i ha operation we euc.ea.ful end that the patient 1. pronounced W be doing well. Stewart S'rsltott h a returned from the san- itarium at Grevenhur.t. Where he .pmt the last ten month.. Hie heelta has wonderfully Improved and be he. nothing hnt rat -e for the Institutive which ha- [made a well roan of him. He hes ginned thirty pound. In weight, and 1Nw feels able to oak- ■p some light work. Hie friends are glad to see him beck to town In aueli fine ootw111ton. DIED. FULF ORD. In Colborne. on Thurwlay. Febru- ary Ifea. R,chard Fulford. In his Dad year. KNIGHT. In OederIob. os Sunday. February ION. Charters Knight. aged 57 years and e Months. BLACK. --In Uoderich, on Friday. February 17th. S.rah J. Wootton, beloved wife of George Black, in her Ala, year. STR4.UGH AN. -In Ooderloh, on Tuesda February Ylet. Isabella Clara. beloved wife of ftdward Mtraugt an, aged in years. d tooths and s days. Through Colonist Cars to Winnipeg and West. (OXFORTARLK TRAVEL )0R a6Tt'L11RR. eg1�, aged tee teeter market. SfSemw age -Forty beeedln. 1eloeseee ewes. awls to M R�.g� In lamb seed der takes [toe Meet nook.. each es theme e R Ohm Uelberee , Tnrn1,lt of Walton . sedl el amp, and Me•thtnald. ret Ilreme 0.0.1q7: rase Hanoi stns oar• old. tin path poal Lig Billy. ay ► ..One Ym *shire Row. two year. W t�r1e/t nes male bird and two (lane tee ameaee ..r re pre nee mottled hems : 1Mrt.amr row Penh., Milted. phwetm, as fend as new with pingo* and eif[h.SOe e . smea r tired buggy. 11..1,. Un seeks . Mires amt mark* es1s. with sbeivee . pair of *Mors for wagon. NW the gstr d trete. r of hebsle, Mw Rune" box: NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTien TO ORSDI'IORS. 1N THE MATTER OF NEL C. ('AM3R0N. Nada b Me1Ys live tletiB illaKC.Cameron. an mNadat, oaf ( k.a male an Meig.w.oet ender R M G. a 147, of all hl. wgera, eeedlt. and .tlaefa to Mese Va Craigs*, Of Ooervtoh, fee the ge..rd bees& M hie rod iota A moan•.a.(g et hie erdltors win be heki 01 my igE�s..g et 004555.8 ♦ Monday. the Nth day d IIarM. IMI. et 1 •dont er. a►, to reeelee e statement of atadrw is appoint Cgepsoter. and Lit their morasses lea and for les measle* 01 MassyHpe1 many -atm Norm wed drill . 48..L►Irs of tem ewe general to o.rrit , Owe . egrimelter.3 MON O8M3te0e are ren•Mrod to Alo Nen Mare 'rag[ wee of rale thew %nem.. mew with tee eemtrel M. H53 the proet'p sea .arses �( fir .fpm aes� ti wee (r e S t bed e day of s; f tel 1. dna et.grrw wtl1 ta5r r n M fee a seal a [10. s d the r yy *t Mrwaa , kers , Loh l:Wee e.Nd act A'n Lt-mwsa- A goantW en AN: iD a imfre the Mit d n.ch:Wee. S3 ft- w DMid 7 Atrl t 1140. 55455. deet 184 I. sed tan seep s 'Wit sw em la er okra weed. malMs ' ?be Wain eat Wed t hoarse, Mr esker ea se lights in the court house park rn the.. 1 NEEDED the danger would he lessened of In stumbling over any '•ornaments" . which had already been placed there. 1 Deputy Hteve Munnings informed the council that he had been advised that the dumping of althea over the hill leading to l'taltford would obviate IN SHIPPING.FACILITIES AT GODE- the oeceenty of putting in poets to prevent a further slide during the spring. If this should prove satisfac- tory the town would have ,several hundred posts to the good. It it probable that in the event of their not being used to prevent the elide. the elbow on the hill above the road lead - 'ng to Saltford may be -qt away and hey could be utilized in that under- taking. The eouucil then adjotirntd. IMPROVEMENT A WELL-FILLED YEAR. D. O. E. Annual Report Chronicles Many Good Deeds. RICH HARBOR. Tracks ot Both Railways Should Con- nect won the Freight Sheds -- Prospects for Package Freight Business Good if Convenient Transsh.pp,ng Is Secured. -. \\'lth the opening of navigation on the Great Lakes. Ooderich. like the other leks porta. experiences a revival of business in tawny lines, and when the ice Hose vanish, to appear no more for another season, Goderich harbor will be again the .cane of renewed ac - The annual tneetiog of Abmeek tivity. The season about to open Obapter, Daughters ot the Empire, should prove to be roe of the busies, was held in the court house on Mon- in .he town's history. Not only will day afternoon. A goodly number of the doubling of the elevator storage the wemhers were present. The fol- capacity result in • greater amount of lowing officers were elected for the en- traffic to and from this port by le,tb suing year : Hon. regent, Mr,. Me- land and water. hut the erection of the Donald; regent, Mrs. -Fey hot municipal freight sheds last August Vice-regent, Mrs. Eliot; [[•coot vice- has procured for the hueioess men of repent, Mitt. Hays: overetan, Mrs. C4oderich and 01 other centres in Ouallow ; area+liter, Mre- Clark : crier- Western Ontario a new and Matter utive committee, Mesdames Smith, line of traosportation on the lakes. Lace, Lee, Carey, Carrie, Slack, 0. C. On Tuesday. July J9tb. of cert year. Whitely. N'. W. $uncus. the first consignment to peas thrpugh Financial Report.. these freight Pheds consisted of goods shipped fu Winnipeg by the Wheel The flnaneial report from February Rigs Co. on the steamer Rosedale. 21, 1910, to Fehruary 20, 1911. is as sot- Miner that time up to the dose of Lowe: navigation nearly 1'.188) poen*/ of IOU Ku -tri freight paroled through the shed.. a 1Yp, considerable amount of this having Feb. •-'1-Balanoeon hand. . gt213.5 been shipped into Goderich from other Fixly mewhen;'teex . - ISA" centre*. Si elose of navigation. Bank interest. . ... ..... :.... .. Ll6 ncej From rollectior boxes _ RLM I O. F. Sturdy. the Ile see of the sheds, From Mn. Hawley tiler Mr.. timit4r la. has been in . orreepindence with sev- July 1• work �Urr Nilo,. Smith, 1-'a oral larger inertness firms in important July 1/-Itecei! t. progre.rlve euchre 134.25. Secretary for postage 'towards noel fund .. l,5 centres. relative to having their goods Sapenset of lecture Aug. 15 - Lyric Theaae benefit 25.411 1 shipped via Godericb. He ba. re - Nov. MI -Receipt.. Villiers lecture .. . ag' '! ..rived for pm.nise of considerable Dee. -('her)uo from Mr. Miner . ... busioeas, hot under the present condi- Feb. Ifi--Select work, Oddfellew.: Hall 11AJB tions unless a connecting switch can - be set -Weed with both lines of railway 7•-• SKxPteerrt•Rua, $54.0.,1 at the harbor the prospects of a suc- cessful season in the package Hardware. dry•goode, furnitbre. etc., •I freight huwiolsr are Got ot the for hospital .. tHR31 K Treasurorho+pital board .fuel amount 110.45 t'righteet. It Iw in the towns inter- k:�ew.yaOf progreewite creches .. .... ' as. Pits thus the proper facilities he se- tyglny ooutcor ve .:.. 'tR' cured- ,Under 04'fiou'y weather ccs- Flag Lila King lid pit Utwwverhurat.. 2Uu drossy navigation should npeu in National Chep enlb."' flee.... 1:.e1 about six weeks. A great deal . an he • Mr. Frederick t- Iteetuiel. .. taw 7.rel done in that time towards bringing s. about the desired conditions, sur that Td,e Hre a 'ttee's report was ns follows : '•Yoor committee have had brought to their attention x 1et'er ft ors the Hte Inigade. a copy of which is hereto atflxed, Stating that the members decline to act any looger than February- 21st, unless the de- mands in the letter are seceded to in the way of increase of salary. Your committee feel that it is int awsihle to araede to the ,entuest and r'-gnn- mend that the resignal ion 1.e ac- cepted un Tuesday. Febnary 21st, as stated in the letter and Cantil pe ,an- ent arrangements are made that the immediate appointment of a fire war- den and pans Ise left in the hands 'of the fire co,ntnittee, such appoint - Ment ,t0 be subject to the app•.oval of the council at its next meeting." Thr reps t was ildople.l. The letter from Joseph Hrnphey, eerletafv of the hrigade. WAR sR fol- lowm : -We. the /members of the (i.derieh fire department., hate ptevirnuly not i- fi!4your honorable bait" that nnlwa: the prevent eatery of $aM b! increased to RIO pet each man and the chief watvien and remain'. eatery from the prem5nt 4hi to $75, we the p[went itremb•tw ,e.ign :n a body on Tl,esday- evening. February 21.t. 1911. at N o'rlo rk *hat p. .inch,. the change taker; please. By order of the lite cnrnpany." The finance- committee reenm- mended the pnvment of s nun.he•r of seers[ rets. Chratmw cheer . .. - ..r. lieArt To reser,c account 'building nisi►-.,, " 142.(1 Monrr order. 'S• Feb. In. 1911--Kxpeoec.ea1of '•eek.... IAN Balance on hand 74./1 Tota! ..............:. MUM KURR%! Atltotwr. Rank ot Montreal Wilkinson Ward money ,-....... 130.0e The Secretary s Report. The secretary, MIs MrKim, pte- mented the following report : During the year eleven regular monthly and four speer al meetings, ter. have neem held• the average attend- GODERICH MUSICAL SOCIETY. it will not be necessary to ernpiny con- veyances to move frr.ght from the Cars into the shed. plague. A contribution of $'Li was sent for that purpose. We all hope that in the ...riming year greeter things may he accomplished ,and that the new officers may have the hearty cd-operat' of each indi- vidual member of the -\h,ueek l'hap- ance at the regular meetings being eleven. The membership has in- . creased and is now cot.siderahly in ad- Officers Elected at Annual Meeting o.. %lance of the past four years, the Monday Evening;. books showing a total of six[ mein - here. While we might wish for a larger attendance at nor tegular meet- ings, yet the members have ,t gen- erously responded when asked to as- sist in any work undertaken. Very dear to the Chapter iv the wml. fare of the Alexandra marine and gin• eral hospital. and we have endeavored in every way to help this most worthy maxima.. + inaitulion:. In thio work we hive /awlan'a ......... ...... S 13..: it/xn abh' assisted !sac rontrihutions of Praeadall.gesaaay.asrit0a sue money. supplies. etc.. from friends of Hagin,enul say ., .... ... the Chx ter and ho+ ital. Cnunrr (twat tt �. p f Town great.... - :(.0 Imst .lune 'lit "'U('hr'' h"ld .t Town grant . M Hotel Sunset was vers 5nrrwwfol, the nr. balaoes ..... eq net proceed. being handed to the %gal 1 :31:2-..);, ttessurerof fbe hospital holed to be - eltt>Ist+ettvinta' Replied directly tothe fuelfund ofthe mu, 14...: •.. lbrn.pital.brnal aooeaat.15The instructive and yatriotic lee- feetrument. a.d repair. e� bore given by oris. V,liisma era. Rrawtly I eerier Po A pt'rciRtwl end the Rnrcrva r f the Berea n,eme'rlo for tamp due. I'd x - p Ing .opplamrltary pay .ltd ev- eveniult'e entertainment depended in Sunpe te a,4 no .m*N measure on the kindness and courtesy of Dr. Dougall ad 18. hoard Total alt l.'.) of neinsgem.nt rf the \1"th..diat Ufil er were ei..4.d e.. follows chrtr•h, Pr -silent -R. (.. Reynold•. In lire fall ihr mantes were in• Yicr-pte►id.nt-Alar. Saunders. vitrd to witness the presentatio'i of grr•rwt'ry-W. H. ttr+hlataon• rertifh'Ates to the Aral nurses grwduaP Trer•Imrer-U. A. Nairn. ing from the hospital. Mr. Hay. ern Nemtrn of ,Re Kelly. -J. S. Platt. ).!halt of ihr l'hept -t ptv.euted the try. Millar„ W. E. Kelly, J. A. Rum - two graduate nursers with surgical- haJI H. L. Mitoses. David The .peon. C?u*0 J. b. Hunte., (neo. CDanno. \\'. Diet From time to time, as the vimtors rich. H. ('. Dunlop. L. the hospital reported the silt, Able.. general di55i)esion of ihr a1T4i1- varioua household articles have been ,,f tee X3rd ltegime'nt [rand showed supplied. this organization to he in a flourishing The Rpecial arcmtnl ham been it,. condi%ten, and under the leadrr..bip of creased. largely due 4" the Renwr..sity Rrmdmast.r Hunter the hand prop. o1 friend' and to entertainments ins, to he .trop.,K•.' and better than g ever the. ear 1[ striate rant. with The annual meeting of the (inderich ]toair*l Society ,vas held on Monday evening. There wan a good attend- ance and much enthusnt'm and ie. tereet in the work of the Society were manifested. The treuurer's statement of re- e-ei .ti. and expenditures for 1911) is follows : oven for that purpose. Altho.,ghitwould seem that theen.r• ow �t howl. in W.Qoro Ontario. pies of the Cbap' er bate ham directed 1, with the entbuoo wm and „nom,. principally towards the advancement 1ty Dow iwa'..iIIng sienna rte men, of the brl.pital, yet in other matters been the proespeets are bright for it, the Interest has toren vet a- keen reaching a higher standard than ever To the annual meeting of the NA- before tinnal Chapter in Toronto Mr. Mr. President Reynolds and Treasurer i)on&M was appointed to repr(ewent Ywo,n we -e nppnint.d a ornmuuitts•e t. our Chapter. moa►! the annual morass for member - At the fall fair the r+glnt, Mr ii. essay: Macklin. on behalf of the Abmee•k Chapter, prevented the Rol Re.-tt. MacLeod's $yeeerw Tonle. with a beautiful silk flag of our he 'When a person feel. ••81 (se' •'a;• tired nut- -"iotas 7 fell like doing asythingt" remoot mincemeat.. 3, �1n4 nn hie work Imola weak amen' dly, rlowbu ht. pa>wer. ,v,ropla,ns . r sppe„t, and .hmpaewnee• 00 reran beeda"h1m- servo',► a *tern. •'o Mat -or t,arine.vw' hoisted 'e, rh.i ch. heel tt1Rintent ',5 4gua.aoxt mark.. detest. the. his eaten Imita"Yds maw this .o.nWNtte,• •'•K"+ '. ,oak. •r its . manehlp w Dol eel •)ntopleted two" 111(1"114. oyd '^saw Neck.wr+A'• aTn•m Ton HA ereeah A .a feel 1r sews „ hneine•e• r/, 'nt ,1,es how it improv. i. Io be bnp.rr 'hi. will wanw tr we i. qb. 'r., •uediestmni 80own. nu ,v MH ' Orvrl.rds R db► *smg * rssaM volt McWm. wktek M. .liobld .torn •bnema/iis a vefferer pas eves that 1' o*t. who alp In h..w t� ave m ('ounr•ilIos Vanat.ter called Ib.. at. I loved masts • the/retry y showing our tentint, of the r.a,rte.l to the .cleat' lnle'.reat In th. F3sse.ut nwtete001 end of prnoini the •had! tae em, If any of I rvnr deelre to sus ...elicit- Scout Imre and [him work is t.. be Ann, now is the honor that Oast .r' ,Ilse U1 oma a11. May pvv>frt t' •. M• it stoat The matter wa, every' 130'. `4'.nIl prove worthy be refrrr.dlother•er1.o•t'•ry and j{oark mom,. may•' 'under .. 01,111111•1111" Messer. mitt... to a. -t sorra. e. H might .e'. H, Tb. matter ../ pt'e.en„np • • u;- to be ant est bre OW "•••14i40.1 •1 ,h. .vier hoary task ''nm1 R c /R1 mare ran ledep.Rdeet falbot Neal MI to �rcw err � Se MI ••1e traces H1Manses, remd_ 4MMt " Ogee pp. awe .h/se• 1. per tee sweet o ear Meet [dotal[ sa Ike wee •>A t h• *mots shat s Met The .row ft', .,♦ Ow • ret moos rine., hooka In* della' b. retie rb• At ewer per raven '' g.rw�. �'','a"' Pea. 1ae•dttra gardens dumb' tr tee. wrote e•fmcernif4 the eeeetkoe of • M arta., Meow .ea ,♦ f n4etfa% g�iyriakilols77ar e/ P/ar.rn 014Pp.' Ai. ma with general .p King Fa ward esemoriel nntgg. 41 'set n �A$,,.,,e�w, Ip1.,� TM nA 5 and Onttoribka Casettes air o^at� ur'twt the in the endeavor sold by Wileos tn. tK. ra. w`a^a`x aamMti„,4 that he woo in tarry of owe P