HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-16, Page 91 went le eWis I. bra es. bwhit the reeemt- ate slaking los winter neer by any the time for Can oil iHon ons c myway, who (N1 of such Store iODHRIC$ Prob. 7. '1e. ., London. oat.: w e slag Royal n Sprier for the tit .y that es- km rrkm hiding the Was cows. and or Boot. it theta ta are even score W ive about (10 ws oo_saweeil Vvo tad ads eggs t Wars the .ams res. almost an and those A. it this winter. duly in two or of 'Royal Per - lave the Mme e Y V the ram - id poultry. .m -d and can am .oya1 Purees." 'knee Set are le, 1t will hero 11 other tonics taint combined Ith;w meas. se. 28. fele. +tidos. Ont.: • had 14 Oar ingots to MM. We could not est of eae.ttg fly can■las her In. w ••m - Pend* Streit rent wonderful. we towed w. or say ember her. .ad she W e tw.s.y.e,. Is her at the hunt. I est nek Rppettet. Y RtrrTH, Adam area.. any orate*,, el Moak up + twelve Ayre 37 you wish re win supply a pail. pro. .task. er W Oen ren or I ft by sole. ice. ►RIO ,' I Tint SIGNAL (4O113)1f1CH• ONTARIO ..9144.4,0914.10104 9109494,0001904,919° 49°4°** a! +9099/90. stest 4"41.499109411 1 Nature snakes the au' res e after all, Tle News of the District. Now and then she gets '0 into' s Might place end Tauasoese gtoaou Aa, 1 , stilt ea 60644464 °3s45$e 4l * *44645+445 646 X46444464°454546 54646 + 44 44+11). LANES. eetad>lt helping out. &inteDAY. Fib. 11th. Jar'1Nos.-The H.esafs apse. a very plsseant a esi to oo Friday of feet week. Set eseloss wee most enjoyable tinter {be Riddance of the ens& aid bootees. Rev. T. E. eau 111.n. Sawyer. tub and all rssdved a small and beautiful beg whish received one cent for each veer d bM or bar •R.. The amount reached a ooesiderehle sum when counted Mise Debby Web. etre, of LuekOOow, rewrn.a borne o0 Friday limit after Wending two weeks with Mrs. Jae. Lane, who has hewn .rriuu.ly 111 lately The "grip" certainly tae a. grip of a number of people in thie locant) However, colds seem. to be genera4 so those wbo base .barn taust be content Miss W,•trter is having a number of her lies concession friends for a model es,•ning oo 81. Valentine's Day. MAFEKINQ. MONDAY, Feb lath. News Norma -Mr. end Mrs. Bert Finley, of Locknow, are visiting at non Finlay's Mire Pearl Sauo- eervFixntlast week with friends at lanes ....Mrs. W. J. Hall end Tho.. Hall are hotb on the sick list. Niles Mabel Alton is visiting friends in Proton W. B. Stotb- ere, of Betuniller, spent Sunday at his bottle here a sleigbload of the %wing pimple from lure attended the not social at Dungannon last Friday. 'Everyone reporta an enjoyable time. Miss M. J. Edwards leaves today for Toronto 11. House, of Van- couver. visited at the home of Sara Kilpatrick Ise. week Miss Emma Sproul. of Dung•noon, visited friends here yesterday Rev. Mr. Thnnip• eon, of Whitechurch. occupied the ,pulpit here Ia.t night in the &beetles. of Rev. T. E. Sawyer. CARLOW. MONDAY, Feb. titb. A Hto NIOHT AT CARLOW. -On Thursday evening. Janneryy altlt. w setting of the A. O. U. W. lodge took place in the township bell. Carlow, the necasko being the inataIIation of dicers tae 1911. H. J. Morris, D. D. ti. M.. of Gone•leh. was present aid in- stalled the following otneen : P. M. W., I'ercy Stewart: M. W.. S. B. Potter: F., A. McNeil ; 0., e. Mc- Cann : R , A. W we ; financial were- tery..1. Clark ; treasurer. A. M Wien : 6..J. Barker ; L W., W. McWhin- eey. After the itestallation took place ow candidate was irritated tote, obs Order. When the boainees of the lodge was completed. all present re- tired to obs diotogroou of Mn. Miller, wbe rr ere rxtetteot O s:er suprrr www pnpsrrd by Mimeos Potter and Ihtn- .rep. After tbe supper the 1). 1). O. M. gays an interestingaddress' n the prugrro roads by the Order io. the Hume .,district. Addr•ee sea oleo were given by S. B. Potter, Geo. Beau and ether mestere of the Order. A toss to the ladies was responded to by W. McMillen, of Loyal, after which a vote of thanks was tendered - Mrs. Miller for her kiuduess in grant - i%; the use of the house. All rethed ifter.pendinea pleasant evening lo. nether. Carlow lodge is hound to u.0,.j 4-r'. Tup •lex. Feb. 14th. i3ateF' MBNTroer.-The Ladies' .1.id society hold a parlor socias at R M. Young', this evening ... Min Tena )(Seaton is taking Miss ► ioe's work at S. S. No. 1. Jos. Connors shipped a carload Dt natd. to Tonrto on Saturday Hills are out an- nouhciog Alex. Young's mint: sale of farm stock end Implements on Thursday, March 2nd .... . Harry. GaliaFher is very sick and expects to to to Alexandra hospital. Goderich. this week Rev. W. Pearcy, of Loodesboro', will preach in the Pres- byterian • church on Sunday %Fork ie being/ pushed on several lines by the Municipal Telephone Co. - alone the 4tb, 6th and Oth conoes- tioos. EAST WAWANOSH. BsLetteve, Feb. 6th. ToWNRH,P COUNCIL. -The oouncil met today, pursuant to adjournment. Warlord all present Trot Mr. Burchill.. Minute. of last regular meting. also of special roasting. rand and passed. ,)n motion of Councillors Soot* and Mteehouee. Oufasuaicsti on from John Somers. aabief.4be council to recompense him in some way for .tltoyellIng snow and work on road o0 southern boundary, revolved and ordered to be flied. armee. Leoei.ter. Toronto, sad Hip, of Mitebuil. waited es the council with reference to the building of rlyer bridges. but nothing definite was door. tie eouoell as a body Intending to 'flew both bridle sites at an .arty date, settee further anion o0 this ...tatter, it le expected. win he taken at next .meeting. Mowed by Mr. t Reeve that the e ee , seconded h•y Mr. Campbell. t wait ie the Watt Wawaneeh enema at their oust Mating to ask that municipality for seine mosietance on thaws two; atroo- toree, it being contended tbst the neighboring municipality has morally a right to befp In some manner In the 'nn•trietio0 of these particular fridges. OarHed. Debentures were anted for payment of the following *temente : The Munieipai World. as - marmot strole rood otter .0 ter mot bridge bylaw. SIM I Ales. now soneee.ole divide* registrar in 1 $lLgb t Qts. T. Bobart ra- "bd doe law. Sit Geo. Robert - me, Wenn a o..o T.or and "loge. MTh. to the moo- OPP arena of either the township "Old+. aseehee nab et»ssM: eras smoldered neasesary, tie canteen nu - 0 1) ass. soda ea Tends Feh rust 'y cent boat, m 10 .i deet. when the t et the *ben officials willPort are The ealdweer'. T1 + W sol st •ed atoe t ibis 1.1• a 'log. ALS•. Pnsetrtttn am, (%Met. KINTAIL. MONDAY, FetaISth. News IN BRIKF.-The hos social given by the C. M. B. A. on Tueeds rehru+ty 7th, In NcDuua, . ball wee I a secoew. There sag an excellent progrwtu and after the social the young people mewed the remainder of the eight dancing Nim Minnie McLean, of Detroit., who wit. haute for her sister'm wedding, rottenest on Monday Al'.sre . McL•.n, 1. McLennan, P. Drennan, of the G. C. 1„ attar *pendia.( a few days at their par- ental house*,ret urued on Monde y...Mime Mary NeMurehy 1..ppeeodiug a few day with her dieter, Mrs. Ferguson of Loyal.. _Robert Rulert C erri 2k, of SAW katche•wan, ie visiting in the vicinity. D. actin!, of Blytb, 1. spending a few days at the Ivens of Dune. Mc- Kay Frank Stephenson, of K inge- hrge, spent 8uuday with J. K. Mc- Gregor. OODERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY, Fele nth. Aet•Revee 1'. ILL. TO Basta -ie. -Rev. W. H. Dunbar has tendered his remise of the incumbency of the Mid- dleton-Hohneeville-Summerhill par- ish, to take effect about .be first of Marsh. and he accepted the tali to Beryls, in Bruce county. TOWNSHIP CIUNtu..-l'onncil met paranoia to adjournment; all mem- ' hers present. The following changes weir made in pssthruasterri: ttobert Andrews inured of Michael Mcitvoy, .ta•. Jewell instead of John McGibhnns. John Holm a in -teed of David Lind - my. The National Sanitariom foe Consumptives at Muskoka wad voted $10. The auditors' report was read and alopted. Mr. Hill, of Myth. aas prevent, asking for permiesion to @s- teed the Blyth telephone system into the northern part of Goderich town- ship. The matter was left over for further .v.i.ideretio0. W. T. Mur - eel's (leen of 1174 for sheep worried by doer wet filed. as it wall thought the tnwnehip wise not liable. Mr. Holmen offer of $43 for the hall for township purpos-e was eceeetsd.. e fo'Inwintt account% were ordered to he paid: -Gee. Holland. mentor, $5; Orn. (3rteabl, auditor, $5: auditors' DUNG/1/4M.. DR. NEWTON. DENTIST, OF LLuotsow. bee surd v notote and wilt t.ettenbe tamed every star. All madera wet► MOTICK-THE 140OAL AGENCY .ten1.1 s. Bp tis aol r rselvved toeis ape 11e , aele. ptar- o rder. w/L Ls relieved w e rertLlna sod Job week) and siren Iur awogate said per this WOW. WEDNRaDAY, Feb. 15th. Ho'ret. PROPSKTY 8O1.D.-11.obert Bell hos purchased from Jesse Moun- tain tbe Queen's hotel, which has trees closed since local option carried. The both' building was remodelled several year* ago, and the property it in fair 000dltion. 31,000 is mentioned as the purchase price. A "'NOY I NO. -The News bre ordered a cylinder newspaper press which should have been shipped wears! weeks ago. To make room for the new machine. the old Washington hand press was disposed of. As a con- sequence, The News was unable to issue • paper last week or the week hefcre, and the proprietnr is chasing up the railway officials in an effort to locate the missing machinery. BOx SOC box social Mkt under tbe autipiees of the Home Circle on Friday evening in the Agricultural Hell was a decided success. There was a large attendance and Auctioneer Thos. (iundry achieved remarkable e ncores in coaxing the bids and play- ing one loth against .the other. The record price for the evening was *4.251 which one young swain from Port Albert neighborhood paid for the priv-. ilege of taking lunch with his fair be - le eyed. RYAN -GLEN NUPTIAL•;. -A 'very quiet wedding was solemnized laat 1Vedneadiy by Rev. L. Bartlett at the h out e of Mrs. Hugh (,len. when her youngest daughter. Helena, w;-; united in marriage to J. .1. Kyen. Only immediate relatives of the 'nide and groom were. present. Mr. and Mix. Kyen will make their home in the village, Mr. Ryan having leased Bradford's blacksmith shop. The young couple have the beet wishes of the community for many postage and .tationery, 25•e: clerk. years of prosperity and happiness. registering :el firths, 26 deaths, 11 Beat Mx:rrtos.-T. G. Allen is in ne.rr{agee. *18 l4l Counril'adjeurned lioderich this week, assisting in the to Meet fleet Monday in Mareh at 1';pl enditine: of the county accounts .. Misses Ada Sproul and Mary McClure have returoed to Ooderieh after visit- ing relatives here The Goderich Rural Telephone Company is putting A Treatment That Costs Nothing if It Faitin poles on the 2nd concession of Wert . We want von to try three large fifties of R.•xall "Kt,- Hair Tonic on tour personnel guarantee that the trial ' will not cost y 11 x penny if it does not N. W. TNEw'ARTH.4. Clerk. FOR BALD HEADS. Wewanneh to give Won. Bailie end Jos. Mallough connections - Hills are our advertising the auction sale of Alex. Young, near Carlow. on Thurs- day., March 2nd .... The harvoeting I give you ats.ulue a •atiefaction. That', of the ire rrop i. nearly completed. the proof of our broil in tri; remedy. and River Valley creamery, Fred Robin - it should indisputably demonstrate won, Norman Treleaven and the Mal- thatwe know what we are talking laugh House having secured stocks. about Ah -n we rely shit Rex"II "9i" The ice this year is of good quality Hair Tdoic will grow hair on held aid free from snow- The leteetsd- heeds, ex.-ept where haldne.e has been dition to the village's population ie an - of smell, lung duration that the roots of other won at Harry Fowler's.. Rev. the heir are entirely dead, the follicles .1. F. Allan, of Toronto, prea-bed in rinsed and grown over. and the scalp the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Is glased, icepector J. E. Tom visited eev- Kemembe eve are basing our state- era' of the schools in this vicinity last menta upon wh .r has already Leen ac- week. 'riving on some of the side c..ruplisbed by the use n; Rexall 'VC lines is very rough Among the Hair Tonic, and we have the right to visitors from (3nderieh ewer Sunday assume that what it hag done for were Mr. and Mux H. Turcer, Miss 1 thousands of others it will do for you. Gladys McLean, Earl Stothers, Mr. in any event you cannot lore anything and Mee. Harry Morris, George (.hy- giving it a trial on our liherel guar- Woods, Harry Colborne and nearly all 1 anter. Two sizes. 50c. and tills). Re- the local Collegiate Institute students. t member. von cern obtain Revell Herne- . _ . .The many friend* of Mrs. Sam- ; dies in Ibis cmmrtennity only et our nal Treleaven. who is .now in Alexan- 1 store -The R.•xall Store. H. U. Dun- dra hospital. Goderich, will he pleased lop, mouth aide of Syuwn. to hear that she is recovering nicely after an operation Mies Cora Huron County Stock Show. Roberta is visiting relatives in Buffalo The Huron county stock show will and Fort Erie The road's have be held at Clinton Thor ed*y, April been in excellent shape the past week, , 6th. The directors fur this year are : and large loads were moved with ease. 1 Clinton -Jas. Fair. O. Johnson, Dr. INsT.ALt ATION OFOFFicsits.--Owing Shaw, W. (i. Smyth. D. Centelon, J. :o the severe storm on Tuesday there A. l,'ord, J. Taylor, A. J. McMurray, was not a large attendance at the in- ' W. Wheatley, B. Churchill ; Hallett- mediation of I. O. O. F. officers last H. H. Hill. J. Leiper, 1'. McGregor. T. evening. The installing officer was J. McMirbael, Jn.. Rrynnl.le. '1'. MCMiI- A. Stewart, of Seafortb, District Dep - loin, J. tar'. bet., J. Dale, W. Mann : uty Grand Muter. A number orout- Gotericb township -C. Lovett. K- side brethren bad been expected, but Wier. S. Sturdy o Steoky-W. Olen. only A. Archibald. of Seatortb, and J. Macfarlane. A. Innes : Tucker- Wm. Thompson, of Goderich, were smith -G. Dale, A. Mooat. R. McKay : 'moment. The names installed were : Coltetrne_ A ndrew Young, A. Fisher : N. G.. Wm. Bettie : V. 0., S. J. Iwtcknnw-Jia. F •later; McKillop- Young: recording secretary. W. J. Jas. 'Evans; Herwtll - W. Eider ; Moffat ; financial secretary, N. F. •ter -Harry Snfith ; Wswenosh- Whyard : treasurer, A. P. Disbar : J. MoDisrmid : Goderieb-R. McLean, P. 0., W. A. Stewart ; chaplain. J. R. J. Connally : Brue.els-P. Scott: McNab : warden. W. H. Carr : onn- Anbern-C. Howson. .lea. Snell is doctor, J. H. Malleugh ; R. S. N. G., preeident, Geroge Hoare vice -press- Wm. Thompson ; I. 13. N. G., Wm. dent. 0. & Dowding secretary sed Watson : R. S. V. G., Roy GIrvin ; L. Re ,ben Graham treeetwer_ S. V. 0., George Smith : R. 9. &. Cecil Ryan ; L. 8 8., W. T. Scott ; b- dide guard, O. K. Augustine ; outside guard, D. G. Henderson. After the 4n- e tallation ceremonies, adjournment If your back Is constantly- aching was made to the Mallougb Hours, sod If you experience dull shooting where • sumptuous hangart had been iia{ne, your kidneys are out of order. prepared, and the remaloder of the evening was spent in social Inter - your passages frequent, .scanty and course. The lodge bas lensed Ches. tutyour kidneys and bladder are Elliott's hall for s period of five years, not nt order. Neglect quickly brings has spent iwneile time wed tat rbeumat.iam. diabetes, luabego, money in renovating and rsftrnlehigg edatks etc, it and now ha. m a very cofortable Mn. John Wagner. of 110 Hollis meeting place. Arrangements had sheet. Halifax. N. S.. mays : "Dull, hee0 trade for dedication orremoniem tbnotinR pains watld catch ins across last evening. et whieh Ueptlty (trend the snail hart of my hark and extend Master Popplestone. of Blyth. was to Mut tee storm inter - M and the oeremmnles have been postponed to a more favorahle ooca- sioe. Established last fall. the lodge has made exnellent perigees.. and now has a meinhen+hip of 90. a nos tt1w1 NNW le tight w OJrtt1 .e. 1 lI1- la WO* df PAMM' SUBS SiGNS Of Kidney Trouble. if ymir urine Is thick asst dotdy or Into my shoulders and neck. etften musing me to sitter with wryer. .os and 'melte of dizziness. Spon would dazzle would eforn mo ck y~ sod everything would fall to the floor end he nimble to get upold n without assistanos. A friend tme of Booth's Kidney Pills sold 1 bio their e nThe first On gars me relief sod i ow well and stnwrg. 411 dr• ggists sell Booth's 'Kid- ney Pills eio. • heed with a gto•r- antee to relieve Of back urimy are the world's trweiWst wrestle for kidney sod bladder trouble. PoeQu id twee tbs. pr.+pwtor• rm. it 1' Meith (7n• Ueloid :m bedlsins a ot rous r.}r Catarrh Cannot (le toured wok I4JCCA;L APPIdc A TIOMI. as bt nisMood 7(ItQ ,I Mooing 1 sue k inters•1 treN.a eatenk lsteeaany. and seer se 18. bland end meows esrh.o.• . Catarrh MD ear • mien* s.edlWna ft was prosortbsd onset the tom. etty+ie.ene 1e Ws QNwiry tar mare Md Is a rarnl•r peemiwrtst. It Is ooel.004 et oke *b..yy tante. known, ewe - eased with me besmear emege s scum lb. vastly a, the morons meteorsThe em iget eamh4a.tlen of U.e owe ster.dieeta Ie wMt pedeee enob wonderful realer la ',urine Cattirri. ll -w for reothsowin free Jl'ICPT. RY t f+t..pesos 7?vim.o Wei" ani foal P111.80 malaUtMmn ae ewe their juit esiet r dads AseiselsM we& masa erode and veer ail have • rotes minims of the world BELFAST. Mownay, Feb. 13th. Beleawn Bettors. - ]liar Annie Rutherford wee called home from Wineries cosies( to the sudden mod serious Ulnas, of her baby sister, Jean, but we are very *lad 10 know that the little one le a vary great dial better. Olatieo. Shaetk.toi was visiting Wlegham friends let weep Er - wet and Mrs. McAilbter, of Crewe, vent Sunday with ltisode here We are glad to •now that Andrew McAllister, who bad bis foot badly Burt, 1e now able to be out again Mfr Sherwood is visiting Kintail bleods A sleigh -toed from Hack- ett'. League spent a very enjoyable evening with Rev. T. Be. and Mrd Sawyer on Friday of last weak Mies Nellie White is home at present, Miss Minute Edwards left for Toronto on Monday to attend the mil- linery opening. Alf. Higgins has gone to ►ecru the haroews-rucking with Reg. Barrett, Lucknow. Things gee started la the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypo - phosphites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tis- sues, and makes rich blood. 70111 sats tY ALL Dm0001 ids ..n. at raper mid Oils all. ter ser 1...utat a..1... Beet ..d ohne. sleek-e.e.a. DNA k..k so.t.lw.. Good Lost Pena). scorr a wOWf1E tie Waist.. Strom. Wer T«aeb.Oi A Prince's Studies. King Edward was very fond of his eldest grandson and liked talking to bin. When the little prince was eleven' his grandfather asked him what be was/studying in his history lessons. "Ob," was the reply, "all about Perkin Wet beck." "Who wee Perkin Warbeck ?" asked the Ring. "He pretended," cud the young prince, "that he was t11. son of .1 king. But he wasn't ; he wit.. the eon of re- spectable parents." H. R. H. THE DUBS OF (OsN.AUGHT, Canada's next. (miovernor-General. It has been definitely announced 1 that His Royal Highness the Duke of 1 Conntuwht, the only surviving son of ' Queen Victoria and uncle of His Maj- esty King George, will in September next become Governor-General of Canada in succession to Earl Grey. The appointment of. Hie ap.Itel High- ners to for two years, but the term may be extended. J. A. D. McOunne. the Canadian Aviator - Havasu', Jan. 30.-J. A. D. Mc- Curdy, a Canadian by birthsnow wt atnliated with American w a new record today in over -the -water flights. env.tring • distances/ Dense to • hundred .wiles, from Key West to witbir ten mile, of Havana, wbeo, from a digs SCOidellt., be war oom- pelled to drop into the teem There he remained, hie biplane Boating by pon- toons, until the lifehoat al the tor- pedo-boat orrpedo-boat destroyer Terry picked him up- _ The Value of Newspapers. Few merchante and oorporatlone realise the fill value .of adequate and syeeemaUc use of newspapers In ad - egg tbeir bedpans. vsalesman ertlang 1. salesaemabip. lett it goes farther and reachee out more bt idly. Appointees of atoms is ad- vertlehur. treetosent aorordtd curtotn - ete, store service. eta Advertising i. O nt an expense, but an iuveetment, aod the merchant erebant seta aside • fixed per cent. for edvertieing et( various gotta A local paper ow►t u, be tumour. It. the most powerful agent public .opinion to tie eesmunity and the broadest carrier of your own talk sheet your store. Papers should cater to the advertisers and the mer- chant should co-ops e • e. with the Crto the meetal nt.antage of both The newspaper 1. ,iw►alh• will - het. Lt. d,. .chat It . re Pre.- Sift ins Anv0111, the *talon popes ..0.«e teslas up iu our air oeatlea. 1 wise women will Net bee thestand have ht. -. la • while - (es . ,.aeau Winter Tours To Mexico, Colorado, California a n d Pacific Coast Points The (:rand Trunk Railway Sys- tem is the popular route from all points east through Canada via Chicago. Features Double Track, Fast Service. Finest Roadbed, Modern Euuipment, Un- excelled Dining Car Service -all elements of safety and comfort. To the Sunny' South No more desirable route than via Grand Trunk and connecting lines. Very Low Rates Full information, tickets, etc., from F. F. LAWRENCE Teem Agent. Office hours 6 a.m. to V p.m. Or addreee J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto. Ontario. J. BRUPBEY & SON OODERICHOODER/CN THE Ll:AUI NO Funeral Director and Embalmers Order. carefully y • hews, .4x « r . LEA Di NO Funeral Directors Embalmers carefully attended t• tt all hers, night or day. F Rand COAT SALE Have you taken advantage of our special stock reducing sale? All winter wear ..larked down to ridiculously low prices Bargains in Furs Bargains in Ladies' Coats Bargains in Girls' Coats Bargains in Tailored Suits Bargains in Separate Skirts Bargains in Underskirts, etc. YOU ARE WELCOME TO LOOK JOHN STEAD Cloaks, Furs, China, Etc. Hamilton Street Clearing Sale OF WINTER FOOTWEAR Everything in Footwear for the cold weather nuua he cleared at once to remake room for new goods coming in ter the spring trade. felt and felt -lined Boots, Shoes and Slippers, 3(eavy gun. Rubbers, Overshoes and )(ockey Boots at prices that are sure to clear them in a hurry. 1' and let us show you what we have.to offer. Repairing Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Ooderich M r==== ==:=I GET THE ,bort Line To Toronto or Montreal N , , , ha nge of cars : down G. t h e city earl•rr : h noes earlier at night . than luxuriant earn: well lighted. wed heated : the Maitland l R•r- Scenic Route. If yme went e pleasant t t.. the city. cake the 7 1' R. gold to 41)5 dee tln•tlon owl rth. Tickers elwaya an rap wt. tip -town , nee Pm all infbnnatkwo a.80oi • it • urn, ed. .•. JOS. K1Dp, CIO Agent .. BEST FENCING AT THE. BEST PRICES We have bought three carloads of the well -k nowo "PitteMetrgh Perfect" Fencing to arrive /about the end of Marsh. This {* the fence that is welded by electricity. whieh nrncese the moat of you have seen at Toronto and London Exhibitions. The upright', be- come part of the horizontal wires. Therefore it 1% impossible for them to slip as they do in other makes of fence. For delivery from car and for cash with order we make you the following Interesting prices : Dewire 3*1 inches high, all No, N wire, per rod 91 e 6 -wire 44) 'ochre high, ell No. 9 wire. per rod. 24c 7 -wire 41 inches high. *11 No. 9 wire, per rod1184e testes 46 inches high, all No. 9 wire, per rod 91 r 9 -wire 49 inches high. all No. R wire, per rod 34c 10 -wire 47 inches bigb, all No. 9 wire, per rod Y d c 1100 FENCING Swire 33 inches high, all No. 9 stays. 12 inches apart, per rod . 33c R-wirti 32 incbee high, all No. 9 stays, 16 inches *part, per rod 'Mee - R -wire R2 inches high, top and bottom' No. 9, nthers Nn. 11. stays 12 inches apart, per rod. 260 No. 9 Coiled Spring .heel Wire 'fully guaranteed) 0per 100 generale ........ $.40 No. 12 Called spring Steel Wire (fully guaranteed) Der 100 pounds' 4.(b) Bpounds Wire. ter 161) 2.g) These prices as stated befnre are for cath with order We will hook orders only to the extent of not prtrehaee, 118 we e'aannt dnpK- .wtr our order for the money we are selling to ,on at, a. there bee been an advance nn wire since purcbwwiog these ran. Orders will ho filled as booked. 0 COMB EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH are von fining In rnnf your bonne nr Men this yens T if ea. we ••an furnish von with Metal Roofing nr with nor gnaasteed Ready Roofings and ran who put them nn for you. Call and see sesple» before pvrcba.ing. How 'shout Cement P Aro you going to do any e+ement weer. this spring nr grimmer We gull handle the Mabee& Pareene Cement. obs Comment that gives perfect setiafaction. Of titrel1 and Heavy Hardware ere never h ed • mum ",.ppeer autek. Let nus figure on your plumbing, heating .avestres,Rhine •nd eleetrir wiring. CHAS. C. LEE Vti:1011112 Phone Pilo. 112 Store Phone No = rwim7 0 11 0 Q re h i .