HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-16, Page 5:t t111 ON'CA K10 LOCALOt.eeepphone wplaned in his fiw, its the ip ci ith the teoow°se * oOUtoe efprcirl oommftteo ofoftlr twentyebou! I ooutwil et ita January session. His uod.rl.h Mtrefcal !Society. The enamel meeting of the Godericb 1lwises1 Society will be held at the court house 00 Moodaf eveninK next February :11th. at 8 o'clock. All in- teterted are invited to attend. --- telephone . all is 6d. Railways in Tr'ubs. . l'he storm of wind and siert which bampetr.l .he railways throughout Western Ontario on Tuesday demoral- ised the tr•ftic in this uefghborbood to souse extent. The Buffalo k Oode- rich hue did not ander, but the after - 0011 trains to rod front Loudon tin he Huron A Huuo. branch were can- celled. This prevented many out- do pasaen<ers from (iudrrie I mak- ng any connections et ('liui.on and so lie .eturn,•d to town until the toad Wm open. d. The C. P.R. also . x per- elt ed euoeiderable trouble iii k• !ping is lice clear. A snowplow on i e way ...eu Guelph to Ooderich wee derailed between Itlytb and Aul urn. This ccideet held up all traffic for a while. lei the poen trait' on Tuesday did Ot trach here until 6S31 Wadordey morning. However. all the train* are now running ou their regular schedule again. Goderich Fruit Growers' Association The Ooderich Fruit Orowersi Asao- ietion is the name of an organisation which is being formed in Oodet ich, be metuhere or which will co operate n the culti•atiou sed care of orchards and the marketing of the fruit. .t well attended meeting of those in Board of Trade Special Meeting. A special tweeting •f the council of t the Board of Triode h c,Iled foe neat yonday evening. All the members of the Weird of Trade art requested to be present. The power question is to receive consideration. Kintail Sub agency Closed. 1 The Sterling Bank of Caned. bas f dosed the K iotall nub -agency of the Iluuganuos °Mee. es it wee found at present uoprofitabis. Kintail hush- nes will he taken care of at the D.an- ganoon breach. Ready for Operations. The salt pleat of the North Ameri- , so Chanties' Co., which has beets •werhoiled during the past two weeks in preparation for Um recommencing of operations. is ready for busioese and it the intention of the manage- ment LO commence work at nate. Teo carloads of coal have arrived and iudicatlons are that the plant will be operated permanently. About a dozen men are employed at the pres- ent time. Argument in Apple Wee. The case et 'nattier vie. Powell is being argued this week before Judge 110‘ te in his chambere at the cow t house. This ie a erre which was partly tried before sir '%illiarn .Milo k at the asci.... last fell and it au setion entered ny Wm. Tbatner, of Welton. again* Oeu- Powell, au apple dealer of Blyth, to recover the prier of sepias purcbwaed by the defendant. After the evidence had barn partly taken ..t the Asaizee the presiding judge referred the ease to the local master. Judge IN.yle, to ascertain the .elite o1 the apples. Y M. O. A. Concert- J.H.YJikieronentertained the Water- loo County Teacner.' Association in the ('elleRtate Hall, last evening. Mr. l aweron s program wee of sterling Merit. fine That afforded real tat.ietae- tion. and sent everyone away de- lighted. He bras pe ograrmmed for eight selections, but gay. fully twice that number. Hie repertoire included patriotic. pathetic and comic se ec- twn, livery member wee a gets. Berlin News -Record. Hear h int neat 'lbutsday in Victoria Opera House. Public School Boiled. At the rguier meeting ot the ppuublic. school board on Moedey .ventre of last week it was decided to increase the salary of the caretaker of Victoria .. bool to $4116. The secretary of the hoard alio was given an intens' of $25 in eatery. Drs. Gallow and Turn- bull reported that the sanitary condi- tion of the Central school had been eery touch improved and made mute recotnmendetions. The secretary's te- port for Jain ars showed payments to the total of $I.Uu8A6. The principal's report showed an average attendance of 41111 for the month. !l'1 boys and 260 gills. A Narrow Escape. Friends of .1. E. Muckle, recently manager of the Singer Hewing Mach- ine Comprwy's agency in town, will he rorty to lsaarn of an accident which befell bits on Saturday night last in whieb be had a clove call tor bis life. He wag welklugg on the railway traek between Blenbeiw and Blenheim Junction sod was struck by a Pere Marquette paa►enger train. He warn ..n the siding and heard a train com- ing. whk•o be supposed was on tbe main line, but was struck by the loco - naive and buried Into the ditch. He hada number of rills broken sod was otherwise severely bruised but. not critically injured. Mr. Gamble Gong to Toronto. kunouooement is made of an early change in the managership ret the !ioderich beech of tbeeterliog Bank. Mr. A. G. Getable, wbo has been the manager leave shortly for neToyoronto to take charge of the alty office. Duriug Mr. uaruble'e berm the business of Ilse Sterileg Beak bee mounted to e proportions. and outside of his ties as manager of the Bank he bee taken an sabre and effective part in advancing the interests of the town. cominercia ly and otheewiee. His Promotion to the Toronto .-Magee ie a well merited re•ognitian of capable service. Mr. Quads leaves for Tor- onto about 'the end of the present "onto. All Right bait the Weather. t'ofa•oea$b weather conditions 00 !today made it so unpleasant that it was decided tO Wantons the horse market whish wapamaottoced for that dee. Quits • genbsr of farmers and yers were in town for the occasion. the wind and deet mads it too ole for doing Wahiawa. The tree sae not discouraged by enY and have •wnoswesd that ago Ain" market win be held ee Tuaday, i t rte y Silo it is hoped that the of the teatime. op this date even greater pass that of airy diregameneore. Ws umber of t he etr zee uesli il- rio date. with In an to eh.* times present ea tam. WItIt ,M Naps!.' The me•rris5h teat plass w Tuesday, ton, of Carrie Kathleen daughter of Rev. Francis !trowels and corner. to insuph Whits. of White Blufb Farm. P'reathdln, Y The bride will given away hy hbtid, IgorPfakasd, pvlewl .tA sr ere tiny. sad Mise Mer el Woodier/played . wedsmink. Mies Mabel klt4tt. of Arburn. attended the bride ad f'Iwreid Swim sated se belt w. kften eongrwtuMtioee W bees ten Ile& the antimony erljoertrd to the diel.g-.-ores„ w1M.re they pslwnnk rt1 • Syr. Mee. White Wit ea the m trete few their home le the est. The bride M well knew• Sondithily o tasseed by • wide 'h'u'b n.+1 er4.ed- Isere. baying spent her t'1.ee days., =0sAu i)sw gyms. esti 001- kgmle bs Made rllsorada• ittrfrYsa ioderich and Colborne townships who are interested in the project was held et 1). F. Hatnlink'a office last Thursday, when the aasnciation was °reauized. Richard Jewell w a elected presidet.t: Wm. !lichen, eee- retaty, end D. F. Hamlink, manager. The work of completing the organiza- tion will 1r• held at the seine place next Thursday afternoon. .\n effort is being made to have the l'ooyincial Government send up an authority un this subject to address the meeting. it is urged that all those interested make an effort G. be present at cite gathering next Tburday. Kilpatrick—Treble. A very pretty wedding tolace at the hue- of Mr. and Mtn: 8. tl ear - down o0 Wednesday afternoon tof last week,(Irswhen Showdown, wee Treble.sister in mat recite to Joslyn Kilpatrick, of Provost, Alta. Rev- Dr. Dougall per formed the rete y ea 4 o clock in the peeeeace of the immediate rela- tives of the contracting uartie•. The bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father. as the wedding march was played by Miss Velum Wikon. She wont a dress of brown u,eesalioe silk with lace trimming' and tarried a la,u,l.wt ut wbite rocas. Her going away dugs wee of blue ladies cloth wit.b hat to match. The groom'd gift to the bride was a pearl crescent and the organist received a pair of Fold toff -links. Mr. and Mn. Kilpatrick- leave for their home at Provo et, Alt.., next month and will be accompanied to their Western home with the bent wishes of a large circle of friends. Wilfred Armstrong, wbo tell front the roof of tete Big Min elevator on January 14th and had such a miracu- lous estop.- from death, wt' temuvgd from the hospital to 141s bows i Auburn last Saturday., Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelly returned hoarse on Monday atter • wonth'a visit to the South. They had • most :,o joyable time, and Mr. Kelly stored up a lot of energy in preparation for his work at the town council during the remainder of the year. A meeting of the Horticultural So- ciety was held in Secretary Lane'. of- fice on Tuesday evening. The culti- vation of begonias was the subject for the evening. The next tweeting is set for Tuesday, Marco 14th. The subject will be announced later. Elizabeth Campbell's rice, beautiful and admirably cultivated vote, com- bined with a must attractive personal- ity, has made her exceedingly popu- lar and she is in constant d•maod for important concerts throughout On- tario as well •s in Toronto.—Toronto Globe. An event to which every man, woman and child with a healthy ap- petite should be looking forward is announced by the W. (j T. C. This to a supper and sale to be held next Thursday, 2.3rd inst., when {pancakes and syrup are to be the foundation of the menu. The room.. nn North street next the Signal office have been engaged for this occasion. An advertisement un the first page of The Signal this week gives further par- ticulars. A most enjoyable time was spent at the Oddtellow. Hall on Tuesday even- ing, when the annual Valentine racial wee held under the auspices ..f the ladies of Rebekah Lodge. Progressive euchre was engaged its and prizes were awarded tothe ladies and gentlemen who we g ttibe wiunere in the conteet. Tasty refrsha rats were served to the company and the large assembly room 0o the Bret floor was utilized for dancing, in which a number enjoyed themselves until the departing hour. t. Roy Adams prodded at the piano in a most efficient manner. The guests are unanimous in voting the -Itehekabs" first -clave entertainers. The Citizens' Band Entertainment. A large audience wan in attendance at Victoria Opera House haat Friday evening when Eddie Pigott., the well- known concert comedian. and local talent supplied a everted end up-to-date musical program which was well re- ceived by a large gathering. Besides the comic songs and talks by Eddie Pigott, selection. were given by the Citizens Band, under whoer aurpiors the concert was held. Vinlin .Dice were rendered by Mies Heirlicke, and several numbere were rung by the Imperial Quartette, the mermbes of which Are Mrs. Klee, Mir Walter. S. Wilkens .ra4 Jan. F. Thomson. Mrs. King rendered vocal violas and Roy Joore • cornet solo. Selections also were given by A. Shore on bis mando- lin. The program throughout was well rendered, and the evening was a most enjoyable one to those wbo at- tended. the committee in charge are able to report that the entertainment was also successful tlnancially. • County Special Committee. The following is a summary of the report of the special eoanmittee as adopted at the January meeting ot the eo°nly council. It was inadvertently omitted from the ministate of tbe coun- cil printed in The Signal two weeks a/rk It was recommended that a bylaw be passed giving magistrates a fee for dlspoeing of vagrant cans, allowing tbe same fee of $2 •s in other cases. Respecting the conimuni atioo from Ilse clerk of Waterloo county. •.ting that s deputation be sent to a meeting of the Good Roads Ass +dation. no ac- tion ction was recommended. It was ad- vised that no action he take° in refer- ence to the regulating of market fes as requested in is co►mmunicat4Qi hom the clerk of Wentworth county. it was recommended that the question of the high countable's salary be laid over until the June tneetiog in order to get the necewary information and In the meantime the clerk be in- teracted to get. information from other oountlsw and that the high eon - staid* be paid I.y fees until the June meeting. r-. LOCAL TOF1011 IN BRIEF. OBITUARY Oke. The late Oke, whose death took place at Alexaodra hospital on Setmday; January 28th, was a native of Colborne township. He was a son of the late John Oke, who died in (ioderich two yeah ago. The days of his youth were spent in Colborne and when he was married to his now sor- r.wiog widow over twenty-five years ego be lived on a farm on the Huron road in (ioderich township, now the property of John Rogers. After- wards he purchased a farm on the Division line in Colborne township, text to his father's homestead, where he was living when seized with his last Meese. Besides his widow, who is a daughter of Charles Walters, of Colborne, he is survived by • family of three moos a°d one daughter— Chester. of Toronto : Leo, in the Wed, and Mies Els! and Lonnie at borne—who have the sympathy of the community in their Ices. Brewalse. Sunday last death entered the home of John Brownlee, Huron rood. and reusoved the father in him sixty-ninth tear. The dreamed was a native of Peel county •ed tante to Huron with his parents in his early years and had since lived at various point in this county. He bad been • resident of (ioderich for the pad, eight years. He is survived by his widow, two sops and ope daughter -- Wilsoo, William and Mrs. Apart Mitchell, all living in town. He also is survived ty two Mothers --Thos . o[ Salt Ste. Mame, and Geo., of Se•forth. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to M•iU nd cemetery. Rev. Dr. Medd of whose congregation the deceased was a member. conducted the funeral service. The pallbearers were J. H. Million. John Edward. John Macdon- ald and James Hogg•rtb. Among the number present at the tumoral were Oeo.Brownlee, Se•forth: Mrs,H.Little. Hayfield : Robt., Brownlee. Tu.:ker- sutith : Mr. and Mrs lar. Mrs. Isaac,.Brownles and' Itsni lin, all of Clinton. Tebbett. Keep yearmen "Op to dateIn of kr restlg moo. The dowdy Mogw..osit m • lineetaito , r sot thlagyee de oat bred to aeeekk Osrther tlw /. J. idleam', establishment o• the Thome els are interested la ehlna decorating ev111 tied slants sleek of wham ohW► et drt =Tatty. u WilmerSmitke Art Stare. sras eaw °arInqdr- to re. sbas 11.111'. Art Stare. East ,filo- W. H. Ouodry hilt sold his ewi- deoos on South strait to Jae. 4.D- Olt.s. C. ire Is on the sick 11se suf- fering from a severe aleck of piano - pneumonia The eholr of North erect Methodist dnt* 1.. (big for s cement to b. laid early ie March Man Clerk Jobe May. who was in - red In the railway wreak at Paris. reported to Its reineyering nimbly The aaweal mooting of ten Dangle lege of the Mhopire will be bald Is the sour( hoose east Mosley afternoon at 4 n'sleek. A good attend/sone le re- ported. e'qo World the yeses* sow rt d. wdrove as std gset$ ae sad totly&rem the MN to the t'. P. R sbtkxk on !telar- I yaNMe ain, Opel M sitirtres MA P Orwell"' A'1^twsy &so Tar has had a Yr. !!!lore a few ago sus- taioad a paralytic • .' s, from which be felled to recover. Mr. Elliott wee born in Colborne township Atte-seven years ago. As a v OM* man be taught school tor a number of yews at Beeminer, sod lateroioed the staff of R. Truax A ()o., t 'alkerton. Then for about eightear. was • of (ioderich, being -rater an bookkeeper for the oderic Orgau (.o. - Four .years .tgu be re- moved to Toronto, where b' was con- nected with a Gerrard street time He is survived by his wife, two daughters Maud and Jean. mod ooe eon. Will, of the Bask of Commerce, ail living in ! Toronto. O. M. Elliott, of town, and John Elliott, B. A., principal ot Bow- utauville Collegiate institute, are brothers. and Mrs. A. G. Sperling, ot Nines'. Mao., and Mrs. J. IR. McMul- len, of Hooter, N. D.. are sisters. Mr. Elliott's mother is still living and re- sides in Ooderich. the deceased was A Methodist in religion, sad in politics a staunch Literal^ He was highly es- teemed by many friends in (ioderich. whose •siooere sympathy goes out to the bereaved family in their logs. Campbell. Robert Campbell, one ot the beet - known figures around (ioderich har- bor. passed away on Wedueeday even- ing of last week after an illness of over a year of cancer. i eceesed was • eon of the late Jennie Campbell, who settled in 0-,lerich in 1e.311. He wee born in Ooderieh, on West street.jn a house opposite the Park Rouse, on May Vend. 1846, and was thus in his sixty-sixth year. He commenced his career as a printer, being an appren- tice on the staff of The Mitchell Ad- yocate. Later he WOW in the employ- ment of the tlrw of Shepherd b Strachan, grocers, (ioderich, but for many years latterly he was Wm. Lee'. warehouaeroan at the harbor fn the year 1886 he was appointed lighthouse -keeper at Ooderich. the duties of which position he faithfully filled until the close of navigation last fall. Mr. Campbell was a member of the Huron Rifles soca wise one of those who answered the call to arms and were sent to Sarnia at the time of the threatened Fenian Raid. The de - o e.eed is survived by hie widow, four I .ons and three daughters. The cbil- dreu are John, Wm. J., Robert and Donnelly, M,.. W. T. Pellow and Misses Mary and Chriety. Wm. ij Campbell, town assessor, and Jame. Campbell, of Lucknow, ire the sur - The Children's Hai' A une. imp. Care Now May sere After Years of Eegryit t11 Oreu play so hard that (tie head )irsplrea and the batt has a tendency to mat and get sticky ou the scalp. seep and water doesn't seem to re- move at but the halt must breathe to be health). Just try Myet's Hireu- tone. Itub It into the roots of the hair with the bade of the ringers. The children like It and will ask you to use It. Itlrautone loosen• up the ac- cumulated Quat and perspiration an4 the hair and gulp can then be easily •and thoroughly cleaned. After It a dried give another avpllcstlon ot Hir- :.utone. .ifte.- you have used it ter a while you *111 admit It Is the beat you have ever sued. Veer Nyal Drag Story will cheerfully mierantee I*0* ton. to do u1. ,;,:, 1. . •alme•1 f It Sold and guaranteed by F. J. BUTLAND 9S. E. HICK H. C. DUNLOP grE. R. WIGLE vans GOpERICH PAMd-r Ked l EOI ES.... One for each everydiy ailment Tints T. P airra*T 16 1111 • WANTED To complete our files, we shall be glad to buy copies of any issues of The Signal of the years 1904 and 1905. ., = Persons who have any copies of these years will confer a favor by allowing us to procure them at the earliest pos- sible date. THE SIGNAL PAINTING CO., LIMITED viving brothers of a family of nine children. The funeral took place on - Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and was under the au.pieea of Huron Lodge, I. O. O. F , of -vbieh the deceased was a member. Rev. Gro. E. Ross had charge of the service at the house. The pallbearers were the four sone, Wm. Campbell, a nephew, and Wm. T. Pellow, a son-in-law tfatfltaoan. The We Daniel Buchanan, mention of whose death was made last week, was born in Cape Breton sixty-two years ago and his birthplace wry.- ben tar froua the city of Sydney. W he was very young his parents moved to this Province and settled in Gode- rich, where the deceased had .-ince been • continuolus resident. He re- ceived his education herb- and for many years followed the vocation of a 'Merman. Twenty -even years ago be went into the employment of A. Sauoders, with whom be way still engaged at the time of his death, and by whom he was held in the highest regard as a workman of the strictest integrity. In the year 1874 the late Mr. Buchanan was united in marriage to Mies Lizzie Fowler, of the Hayfield road. Twelve years later death re- moved his life partner, leavipg a fam- ily of two sons, Oliver and Herbert, both of town. Another son and ter died in infancy. Io the year 1889 . was united in marriage to Mies Eliza Jane Million, who survives him. Tbe funeral of the deceased took place on Thursday afternoon from his late residence on Eldon street. Rev. 1)r. Medd, of whose church he was en active member and a steward for a number of years, conducted the fun- eral servios. The interment was made in Maitland cemetery. As a mark of respect for their late comrade the employees of the orgio factory at- tended the funeral ip a body. The pallbearers were three representing Victoria meet Methodist church—J. H. Edward, Robert Young and Thos. Werrener—and three of his fellow - workers, Robert Armour, Jos. Wilson and Robert Oke. On Tuesday. January 81st, the angel of death bore to the Celestial City the spirit of Mee. O. J. Tebbutt, Prin- .-eta street, Clinton. Tbedeoeaoedwas born le tiodericb in 1846. a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oakes. When but twelve years of age she, with her parents, moved to the Mait- h's& sossomeion. (ioderich township, where, in 1868, she became rte wife of oetoph J. rebbett, wbo predo- mke =tome years. Owing to the y death o bee eldest -goo, Oeos'ge (who iioo.ged the farm tear daloesville), Mee T.bbutt with her son sad daugh- ter moved to Clinton & few years ago, taking up residents* on Princess street. Although eonnosd to the boon the greater part of the flier for the last twentyyears Cita to an aocidenth Mn. bbutt had enjoyed oompw- tiveiy p health until a few weeks tree+. whsshe tall, breakieg her leg. The hone failed to unite and poleoe- l0g net in. which resulted in her death. Throegh all her afferiog Mrs. Teb- bett trimmed a cheerful Chi Whit spirit and la her.Mlotkow to talk with her was to receive • blessing. She was beloved by all wbo knew her. There are Iris to moors the loos of • loving mother oee daughter, Mies Ida, at house. and nee eon, Obri J. fa The Alberta. Tfuneral ase the foilow- 1 'Monday. February bed, woe largely attended. Rev. Mr. Omens mediated the seethes, descend beta aa a eseaehsr elf Ontario street Motbod{et church- The lowers whish were sent as emw Mess :of eyespathy w e r e trend ai. bowmen, woo made in Cantor! eawstery The following were re pepbesers J. Jervis. C. Jsn{11, G. Main, C. Rolland, L Cieereitll ar.d A. Whlttlegfyw -Coat Men- Theism,. of the Asch of 'Laos. S. tgMele oesar*.J at hie hewn hi net Peewerey Mb. wee re- oa.vee •. ilk deep levant In Gods4eh. Cure Your Cold White Pine with Wild Cherry and Laxative Quinine Tablets do the work. N. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square Goderich. ReireeleWseMeseetetee THE BALANCE WHEEL of a modern watch vibratee five times every second nod with each vibration it rotates one and a quarter times. Toru in one year it makes 196,850,000 revolutions. If a locomotive were run until its wheels bad revolved as often as the little balance wheel revolves in one year, the locomotive would have to circle the earth twenty-eight times. But tbe locomotive has to stop frequently for food and rest and oiling — the h.l.nce wheel vibrates day and night without ceasing for a year or longer -et a stretch, requiring no other attention than winding once a day. Probably your watch re- quires cleaning and oiling: if so, i would he pleased to do it for you. Promptness and accuracy are our wottoee. g-. S. Dabey NVatchtnaker and Jeweller South Side of Square, Ooderich r BALMORAL CAFE The plsoe to buy Home-made Candies Stun Peanuts, Etc. Ice Cream n Bulk If i k, Home-made Candies Salted Peanuts, Etc. Ice Cream u. Bulk std fitirkv OYSTERS FRESH EVERY DAY F. E. BUR DETTE 'Phone til The '.Sorer.• Smith. Reference bas already been made in these columns to the death of Wil- li/int G. Smith, one of the early settlers of Goderiob, wbo passed away on Tuesday, January 31st. at the ripe age of eighty-eight years. The late Mr. Smith was born of Irish parents in Rochester, N. Y.. on May 9)th, 1828 When he was quite young the family moved to a fates near the city of Loedon, when his babyhood days were spent. He became an amentia to the leather trade in Lnetlon and followed this trade the greater part of bis life. He Petered into buslness at Chatham with his brother John. who was a representative from Kant in the Local l:sgislsture foe a time. Leav- ing Chatham. 'be 000dueted a business Hernia for a short period and about sixty-seven years ago be came to I Ooder kit. With his brother. the late Alexander Smith, he became inter- ested in the malt business. and later, ` stout the year 1864. the two brothers built the tannery no Waterloo street. Rixtysie years two the sehjeet of this notice was united In marriage to Mise Carney, of Lexington, Innis, who died Ave years ago. There .era. W{b I mar, Frank and Arthur, •11 of town. are ten surviving members of a fsslgy of Ave tope and one dwughter. The deceased was • remarkably smart roan for h1s age and had been able le he abort to widths w few moetbs prior to his death. be eras a man of 'vigor - oar and (ndapendeet thought and hod w reputwtlon en • sever controversial- I ist. ontrov l- id. Hy hie death is r errrore sae more ei the few remaining Maks hie moan ten present generar iota and the early set "rho laid the founds Gone e+t thin tern. The - fueersat. with.' wee private, tank place Friday JJtsrnona. trtd least-. to Ilan land ~ate try The pallbearers wry Cherie, and Mashers 8wnitt. R. R. Watgrl+a, DM r have, Edward Smith, of hl/letford I Intl O I. and Robert Wiesen. of D - • r h , of i .adlwteit the Iurse.l .e. • COME SATURDAY FOR THE BJGGJ3ST BARGAJNS of the entire sale. It won't last long :now, so you had better hurry. GET HERE AT 8 O'CLOCK if you can. Some of the lines are being broken, so that the axe will fall on the prices of what is left. We have no more to say. We haven't time. Get here 'if you can. • Ito t it We're too busy 6 t E ) a meron's Departmental Store Ooderich uta; i r -s.:. LJ •rte, :'at..ss .t...tiili 'x/ i . anumm111111111111111111111111111.111111111110 1111111 r.t p... -- f)ere en -1." w --w: y?r off.1.41t