HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-16, Page 4-,r ma.' Ar1,ar.•ia..a:sin*:t:vee+, .'-, retoesioaa, Maaroans 111, MI • THE SIGNAL: GOL)E. �t_CH 'ONTARIO District News. seek Tussle., r, Met). 14th. tare vas l lora. -Au iaterestiag event I in Nile Metbndiet church oext Thurs- day is the annual oouventioo of the Sunday schools of Nile circuit. Rev. S. T. Bartlett, of Toronto. general reeretary of Epetorth Leagues and !Smedley reboots, will deliver addresses oe important rutbjects at both the afternoon and evoking sessions. Otber smeaken will he Rev. W. Conway, of Nile. and Rray. RA. Miller, of Auburn. COLBORNE. WKDNENDAY, Feb. 15tb. Norse. -Miss Sylvia Hallman was the guest of Mir. Rosa Dunt last week Mrs. Wm. Stevens is vis- iting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mie. George Bean, this week. Mr. and Miss Wilsoo, of Gode- rich township, were guests at the bonne ot Wm. Durst on Sunday ..... A cowpony of young people from the Maitland spew. a very pleasant even- ing -at the borne of Paul Meedel on Tbunday last k large pond on Isaac Fisher's farm was the centre of auraction for the skaters Mat week. ♦ Telephone c oonection between She Colborne and Hullett systems will in all probability be established Chir week. DUNLOP. Triton:y. Feb. 14th. ENTkRTAINKD,-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linklater entertained a party of young friends last Friday evening. The night was fine, the company bet- ter, and all spent a most enjoyable evening. Music from the piano and violin. Kanner and conversation made Oho time peas swiftly and after a dainty intloight supper the party broke rap with the unsnienous opinion that Roy and hit wife make a capital host and hostels. Seismal. MATTERS --Archie Horton bas sucneeded in getting his farm in- cluded in this mecum. This gives elm the privilege of *ending his children to No. N school. which will now have about thirty-five names on the reg - late number in these d ♦ys of small *choir s. At the present rate of progress we shall soon have the krgeet school in the township. To the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tobin harp cows s permanent border in the form of a young daughter. We wish the young lady • long and happy life. ,n. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 15th. New BAPTIST PASTOR -Rey. W. Wyllie. of Edinburgh, Scotland, who came to Caned* seven weeks ago, has accepted a rail to the pestorate of the Clinton and Auburn Baptist cburches. He entered upon his new duties last week. Jorrixoe.-M,. Raye, of the Soo, Michigan, is visiting his sister, Mn. A. Asquith, of tbe village, at prevent. A number of the Masonic frank - pity of the village are attending the ••at home" in the Masonic Hall, Car- ktw, this (Wednesday) evening. Those who have wives are taking thein and those who have not are tak- ing those whom they Intend in the neat future to fill that res risible pos- ition. Alexander nocK, who is visiting inid a short visit to Toronto the 'nning of this week The storm last Tues- day- blocked the trains. It was nearly midnight before the train from Toron- to reacbed here. Our mail -carrier did not go to St. Augustine, as there was no wail for hien to take. DEATH OF JOHN LARD. -John Ladd, who was in poor health during the greater part of the part year, permed away last Wednesday evening. the Sth test. He had resided in the vil- lage about tan years. coming from the county of Waterloo. He is survived by ba partner -in -life. two daughters and one eon. The remains were in- terred in Ball's cemetery, base line, Mullett. WKDNeaDAY. Feb. 16th E"rEwfatxMENT.-A good array of talent is on the program for the enter- tainment ntertainment to be given in Knox church next Monday evening. The apeaktre are Rev. W. Peart of Londmboro' ; Rev. R. A. Miller, of Auburn : Rev. J. L. Small, of Blyth, and Rev. Geo. B. Rots, of (ioderich. In addition Miss Sartain, elocutionist. of Kincardine, and the quartette of the Lucknow Methodist church will lend their efforts to entertain the large audience which is expected to he prevent. Sup- per will be served In the bamrneot of the church from 6 to 14 o'clock, after which the program will commence. Admission -36a. cbildreo 25c. News Nore*.-Miss Dora Knott sod niece, Laura Murdoch. are visit- ing friends in Stratford and vicinity. Auburn Is oow a "central," the Blyth Telephone Co. having installed • switch In Munro's store on Satur- day. Four In-anches will make onn- neetioos here Owing to t h t atoms yesterday, i.he Epworth League postponed the imolai which thev in - • ed to bold last night .... it. A. Roberton bad an attack of la grippe for a few days last week Ralph Munro is home from Blyth school this week. ...R. Stalker was home from ill. afortb over Sunday ... .. Mrs. M. Patterson returned last week after a throe mouths' visit to lingMnd. Ex- cept for three days of *teensy weather on the return voyage, ebe bad a vary enjoyable trip ... D. C. Oratsirk, of Stratford. was • visitor at A. A. Nay- lor's this 'seek. DASH WOOD - coupt.t SLOPS. Married as Heres'r Greens Gram bat Mies Comsectiene ler the Honeymoon. Mies tiara Zimmer. daughter „f William 7Aaaser, botelkeeper et Dlsshwood. and Arthur Weever, • "nano scan Brom the same villmge, mere united in marriage u Or.nd Bend by Rev. N A Carriers- the mbar day • hostymnoe trip to Ds !I:it i Boit was pleased, but the father of s ha gist, sesepeetiog that his daughter bed eloped, ae be bad not Neem made aware of bee immerged marriage. in- terfered ea tem Ya.og rxruyte wers about to hoard the tr,a�ta et P1rkb11I The Tense maple are bath in llasb hags tyghrlaa Is flying of Lim tipiskTrAIWortt elertnot Kee Much (lain •AY I LD, 'rtlsoav, Fab ieth. ibuut. metier of ,or young peopis took in the N sigh Choir concert io • y' !Clinton Last Th.rsday evening and 1 cannot see what material good a reciprocity treaty would do for Can- ada as a whole. in looking over the rnarketa of The Caoadiau Finn of February 10, which 1 consider has just as reliable market reports as any journal in Crusade. take for instance grain -the only material difference would he in barley. Then take butter and cheese -we have a better market In Oaneda than they have in the United States. Of course in live stock we would be the gainers, but we must bear in mind that our live stock mar- ket is getting better every year. In the horse market we have a great deal bet - tea market for heavy horses than they have. and to put a stumblingblock in the way of the horse trade toy would he a great ruistake, especially to the Province of Ontario. Then take, for instance, the fruit districta of the Province of Ontario, how hardly they would feel tbe rbange ; and the manufacturers also would not rake it very well. There have been larger sums of moire spent in buildings and equipment. • Think of the number of factories the present tariff is bring - lag over from the United States. Con- sider Else the great number of agri- culturist. who ate cowing over into our Northwest with the present tariff. 1 have spoken to a great many of our prornioent wen in our township, on hob sides of politics, and none of them seems to be very enthusin-tic for a change ot the tariff at present. A great many are of the "pinion that throe shuu'd be it vote taken on the agreement before env change is wade, as Canada it prosperous today and their is no particular hurry about making the deal. STEPHEN MEDD. Weet Wawattosb. LOC M A LSM. Mt N DA Y. Feb.13th. Neste NOTES. -Mrs. D. N. McKen- zie. of Goderich, 1s visiting at her brother's, R. Rullen'e. .. Wesley Robb and Dunc. McLeod, who lately bad finished a contract of cutting wood for Alex. McLennan, are now_eu- gaged on the same for E. Armstrong. They are hustlers as long as the saw as kept sharp The rapid)y increas- ing family of John McRae, of the side - road. was enlarged last week by the snivel of a hustling vigorous boy. Such patriotism should be rewarded. Dune. Fina went ent last Thursday and Friday in Kincardine and among .ether friends •paid a visit to John Fletcher. formerly of Lochaleh, who is now lying an invalid in the Kincariioe hospital. There is little or no improvement in Mr. Fletcher'acon- iition of health A. R. Finlayson was ahsent a few days last week at his annual duties of auditing the Ashfield township books Mies Mary Fin- layson was last week suffering from a severe sore throat, and was otherwise indisposed Ashfield tl wnehlp's new assessor; John Cameron, began his duties last week in this section. Mr. Gawley, of near Owen Bound, manufacturer of artificial hands, paid a visit to Neil Campbell of the houndary last Thursday. Each of these two gentlemen bad the great misfortune to lose both of his hands some time ago. and Mr. Gawley, at the time ot his visit, had fitted on a pair Of steel hands, which we understand were of bis own invention, and whteb apparently operated so well that Mr. Campbell immediately ordered a pair of the same. 11 these will prove sat- isfactory, it will he of immense ser- vice to that gentleman. and w111 great - 1y relieve his somewhat helpless con- dition. THE PROMISE OF SPRING. -,The month of February is noted as being the coldest month of the year ; yet to the careful observer there are signs during that time that the wonderful resurrection of ordure called spring will soon be at band. About St. Val- entine's llay we begin to teel the in - created heat of the rays of the sun, which is at that time in about the sane position, in regard to celestial lati- tude, as at the end of October. But the chief sign to the observer of the bird -world, the looking for wbicb. In our severe climate, is one of the Inno- cent and pure joys which do not cloy. is the first appearance of the "prairie horned lark.' Two or three, birds of this specie' were ohserved in this dis- trict about the middle of last week. The horned larks are really the fleet to arrive of the great proxssion of birds which begin to migrate north in the months cat March or April, but the larks almost invariably arrive in Feb- ruary, so that they are 001 a sago like the crowd or robins that springhas come, but a promise that that deght- ful season will be here within a few abort weeks. Almost everyone is ac- quainted with the first spring birds, as the robin or crow, but extremely sew persons are aware even of the exis- tence of the horned lark, although this species arrive as regularly and In as great numbers as some of the bet - kr -known species. At this time of the year they are often to he meso on the roads and are somewhat larger than the common sparrow (about an loch longer), and ire to be distin- iabed from the latter by two pen c+ on the top of the head which appear almost like horns, whicb is caused by the prolongation of two feathers terming Iitte tufts. Look out for the horned larks and learn to rec- oqgtnew them, for it will be a souros of pleamerre to loot for their return each recurting winter at a flees' when Kieg From role' his harden. r4( Hoot. RiPORT. The following is the revert of U. S. M. No. 4 Ashfield for the month d January. The names are given bo ,leder of merit. Thom marked with an • were abesot fot one or more exaysinetlons Sr. IV. - Ake Campbell. Rein %Cowart. Alex. McLeod. Annie Mitigations. *Mary •Mary Rarkwell Jr. IV. Fray Mcl.ronW aa, [AWL V%nb . D A. McLennan. Kenneth r.i sod, MOao.r.s Caapbell. *Sadie Mello. - aid. ire, 111 -011Qosd Gansisilonat Robb Jr. (1i R n Me Wm J Resign Sr. Il. Binh. Mc- Leod, Margaret Matoosis Donald I carnpbell Jr. 11. -lea. 4ea, Mary Irinlsysoa. Jessie McDoemM. Louise McDeaald Pt 1. --M -Melee M Me Used Jr W Issas Rosa T..sbee bad a ve% enjoyable t me. Miss Nona Ferguson left on Monday for • visit to her friend. Mrs Geddes, i in Belgrave. Robert Laws is lain up with r Crud attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Stanley Laws. who bas spent the past few walks with relatives at the parsonage, lett for the Walt last week. HOLYROUD. MONDAY, Feb. 18th. A LITTLE ONE'S DKATH.-Much svuipatby Is felt for air. sod Mn. T'. Pierce, of Reston, Manitoba. who are visiting Mr. Pier•ce'r parrots bete. Two of their little children took sick on Sunday and in spite of all .bat medical aid and loving hands ergs:d do the little baby boy premed away on Thuredey at the age of ten rnoeths. The little girl is still under the doc- tor's care. We hope for her recovery. Bronchitis scents to 1s the trouble. The funeral to Green Hill cemetery on Saturday was large. The pallbearer* wets Percy and Lisle Burkitt, Eldrid and Edwiu Switzer. PORTER'S HILL TUK$D.AY, Feb. 14th. Norms.- alias Jennie Woods visited et Benwiller and Londesborn' this week Mise Sophia Blair is visiting et -auburn Frail Lindsey, of Winnipeg, made a sheet visit et his mother's, Mrs. Lindsay's, tec.ntiy.... Miss Flou.tie Potter. of Zion City, IS In visiting In the neighborhood George L'at dertme go attended the county Orange mer, tug in Exeter on Tuesday last Tile tibosen Friends visite.) the 7th concession Oralge lodge •-n Monday evening lest, for a gave .. f carpet -hall. The game re- sulted s a snore 01 eight points In favor the Oram e uro. Peter Melke aeaa, sr.. sold his heavy team of borne the other day for the hand- some mom of Shu. ST. HELENS. TUESDAY, Feb. 11th. News No4ga,-J. W. Salkeld, of Goderich, spent a couple of day. here. Ookna Clark, Duroin Phillips and May t m imeoo, of the Goderich Collegiate Institute. were home over Sunday Annie Rutherford, of Wens/hang high rebel, spent a few days at bums .. Rev. S. H. Moyer preached in Knox church, Ripley. oo Friday We are sorry to hear that Jas. Baker's baby is very poorly Mr. Constable was successful in obtain- ing four new members for the Canad- ian Order of Forester Mira M. E. Salkeld, of Goderieb, is .pending a few weeks with her friends herr. INSTITUTE Mssr1Noe. - A sup plenteotary meeting of the Fat niers Institute will be held in the hall at. St. Helens on Thursday, February Wed, at 2 o'clock p. w. Kotrert Murphy, of Rosemount, and F. H. Silcox, of lona, will speakon various subjecta and will be assisted by loc.! speakers. Mrs. L. M. Parsons, of Forest, will address a meeting of the Women's I Institute at 2 p in. in the save build- ing. A Julia meeting will be held in the evening at 7:30 o clock, when a good program will be given. KINTAIL MONDAY. Feb. 13th. Stow--Met'LeAN.-A pleasant event which occurruu on Wwluesday even- ing last, Sth lost , was the weuding of Miss Margaret Isabel Maclean, eldest daughter of Mr. mud Mrs. Kenneth Maclean, to Robert James Scutt, of Auburn. Ths ceremony was per- formed at the home of the bride's parents by Key. J. S..• Hardie, pastor of Ashfield Presbyterian chur:b, in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends. The bride, who was given away by her tatber, wore a costume of white silk crepe, with pearl trimmings, and cartied cream ruses. She was attended by ber sister, Miss Minnie Maclean, who wore a white ewnroidetl(y driers and carried pink cernatiooa Edward Helwig, of Auburn, was "best man." The wed- ding march was played by Piper Dun- can Meiyay uu the iregpipse. Alter the nuptial knot had Leen tied, the usual festivities followed. At the conclusion of the wedding 'tipper a number of appropriate toasts were proposed and duly honored, and the felicitations of tbe company were hertily extended to the young couple. The following day Mr. and Mn. Scott left from (loderlch on a wedding trip to Owen Hound end other points. The bride's going -away gown was of navy blue broadcloth. On theirreturn they will take up their residence on the groom's farm near Auburn, attended by the best wishes of a host of friends. Among those who dttended the wed- ding were Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of Seaforth; Mr. sod Mrs. hailer, of Guelph ; Mr. and Mn. Wells, of Mae leod, Alta. ; Mr. and Mrs. David Mac- donald and Miss Verna Irwin, ot Rip- ley ; Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, of Auburn ; Mrs. Irwin, of Sault Ste, Marie, Mich. ; Mr. and Mrs. Nkhol, of Wingham ; Mr. and Mrs. Hender- son, of Blnevale ; Ed. and Miss Minnie Btraurchae, of Auburn, besides many from Uodei4oh and the vicinity. MARINE NEWS. it is announced that the Canadian i Pacific and the Northern Nav (k,. steamers ars to be 'qui yration with wireless telegraph apparatus before the openiog of toe ....00, and when in service next s,rmnt.r they will be in constant toucb with the Port Arthur Marcool *talion, recently established. A eompany is being formed at Am- besstlurg for the building of a 0110-ft,drydock capable of accommodating the Iargsst ('anadian reshrls no the Great. Lakes The deal for • merge, d th.' Inland loss and the Northern Nevlgatitan Ob. M declared uff. J D Mayfair. prod Heil of the inland Uses aside an ranee of $1,17ri,pD foe the total stock of the Northern Navigation Co T1s oiler wag enbjeet to the approval of (;hseMs M Hays of she Orad hank way with altos the Nertbertt Nasig atlas. Conepsay bee • ses.tret-t. Mr Nay, refused to eottie.t. rte Ube ground that the Island Lisa was ea nopoeitiea oo.eern to the i•s11wy. Are You ,�t'�a rt Like This? 'Fired all the tine, nod' much good tot anytbiog, hardly able to drag around, dust all run down. if you are, we guarantee our VI - NOL will help you. h has helped many people around here who were in this condition. Now look here, just try one bot- tle of \'INOL, and if you are not satisfied that it did you good, come back and get your money. It will be returned without question. That is a fair proposition and shows our faith in \'INOL, and that we do not want your money unless you re- ceive benefit. We know what we are talking about because we have sold VI - NOL for years, and bave seen how much good it has done among our customers. VINOL is not a patent, secret nostrum, but an honest, tried and true body builder and strength crea- tor of world-wide fame, delicious and easy to take. Come in today and start your cure at once. You take no risk - AN OLD TRICK. The "Spatush Prisoner" Coefideoce Gate la Still in vogue. The old "Spanish prisoner" rwiodle is being tried once more. Reeve C. A. Reid was the one chosen this time for the pr.'spectivr victim, but Mr. Reid did net '•bite." The following letter, thrown out as bait, was received a few days ago : Madrid. January 111, 11111. D,_.ee 8ta.-Altbough 1 *wow you only f.ow good .efere,an, of your honesty. my mad situa- tion compels me to reveal you an important affair to which y.,u eau procure • modest for - 1 .,ne, savlus at the same time that of my der• tee' daughter. Resor. being Imprisoned hero 1 was estab- lished as a banker in hurls. as you tout .ee ray the enclosed article about me of many k ngl ph newspapers which have publl.hed toy arcus Io Loudon. I beseech you to help me to obtain • .um of 48 ..0 eddies -6f have an America and to ,roma here to raise the seizure of my baggage by plying to the Registrar of the Court tae expenses of my trial sae recover my portesan- teaee cOetntninr • ,rooret pocket where 1 have hidden the document Indirper.able to recover the said sum. A. reward 1 give up to you tet• third P'r cIL. leyel, do1W++. !Mutsu( receive your au *war en the prison. but you moat scud a cable- y,1.111[tto. • portion of my oOdenos who will els- laerme. oo Awaiting your cable to in.tract you In all my secret. 1 am. •tr. Yours truly. esdrowsky. Some instructional as to cabling fol- lowed '1'he clipping accompaoying the let- ter was as follows : ARREST OF eel'. PETKRSHOURti HANKER, ('HARGED WITH FRAUD IN RUSSIA AND MANSLAUGHTER Ile SPAIN. INTERVIEW ('F THg Two AMHAS 4A DORS. Some months age., aa our readers may remember, we rete& red in thew columns to the great scandal caused, in St. Peterebourg, aed iu Hassle gen- erally, by a noted banker, whu ab- sconded, leaving a deficit of over five mUlioo. of rubies. The Russian police sought for him for a long time In vain, for it seems be bad not left the least trace of his flight . and the continued search over Europe and Amerida proved uneva,lind. Yesterday, however, atpanish in- spector accompanied by two offlcete from Scotland Yard atrt acting under instructions of the Spanish Anthems - dor, who had previously interviewed the Home Secretary. arrested him on his way from the hotel where he was staying to the steamship office. It seems that it was his evident inten- tion to take passage for New York. From information received by the Ambassador, he had been in, hiding in Spain, where he lived with a women. and with his daughter. A few days before arriving in London be had quarrelled with another Runlets, who was mortally wounded by a revolver shot during the scuffle, and who only lived long enough to denounce hie assail/rat. in an interview with the Ruseian Ambassador, it seems that the dame he bad been thing in Spain, and which he gave on being arrested, was not his real one, Mananeina being simply an alibi, but after compering the pt ironer with photographs in his possession, the Russian Ambassador recognized him as Alexander f(adrowskp the criminal hanker who ekrped with five millions of rubles; ha is a native of St. Petenbourg, a widower 48 years old, with an only daughter that be left in Spain on escaping from that country. Oo being arrested. two of Manasee- i n a ' h or Alexander Sadrowsky'n portmanteaus were seized but al- though strictly searched nothing but Personal effects were found in then,, in spite of which the Russian Ambas- sador declares that prisoner ought to bare several million rubies somewhere, The Russian and MpanMh Ambassa- dor 000ferred yesterday evening as th to whether e prl.00sr should be 000- veyed to Spain or to Ramie. and after an interview with the Home Seere- tary and in aeoord•nee with the ex- tradition treaty of England. Russia mod Spain, it was agreed that the prig - toyer should he eoeveyed to Spin, to stand his Wal foe manslaughter, and that ugly after hie trial can the Russian Government trek Spain, through dipiorwatir nbanre's. for his extradition. W • notice LIMO t he same old t rick was tried with a man in Guelph a few days ago. It bee become two Panellise. through freq,sset repetitions. that It M a wonder the swindlers ere it any Possibly they this catch a trier 1a a while, J. R.01 Man extra attesseJw =Aihani sad bee eetmeaay. The •utmetaitter. se Mr. Camaro. M nailed, ss,pI, justified the title be has chosen. Hie style' 1e dietlocay good, and far shoes the eh/rector dente Hie seleetlone were good, his eloei.tlmb exesI1s.t. and his hurosnt s eon. jest what is wasted in hie parriett111r Nae. -Guelph Herald. Mr. (eerou ie ea the pro- gram gr.e. a 'I'►tr.rou+y M w V M. • Ott l ' r, ce. "• "Omar* 0" 4- i Perhaps you have noticed that we don't say e2 t flit r bargains all the time andstill pry YM THE STORE KEEPS GROWING II in the confidence of everyone who has occasion to visit it. The mere telling how big the store is, etc., etc., etc., wouldn't be interesting. The people come here to look and buy, and our printed announcements are devoted to telling the news as it is found here, and it's always just what you ought to expect. \ S^a We are just on the edge of the new season and goods are areiving every few days. This week a shipment of imported Dress Goods, a second lot of lOc, 121, 15e and 'tic (leogh ems and 10c and 124c Prints. \Ve bave now, just in, the largest assortment of Embroideries, Lees, Overhangs and Trimmings we ever carried and you will find our prices es low if not lower than chow for like goods to other places. Prints Seventy-five pieces new Prints here ■Iready. :t3 inches wide and every piece fast blues and indigo dye, .... .... ...... ... hoc and 12io Vestings A lot of new Vestings jure in and rover had better values. 124c, 15c, I8c, 211% !ae Embroideries • :,0t$) yards is this new lot. direct from the makets this month, in Edgings and Insertions, 6 ru 23 cents a yard. A down 40 -yard pieces an inch wide. Roth in insertions and edgiugs, on gold flee Iawn So Corset waist widths on plain and check lawns, 17 to'18 inches, wide. good value at 3ttc 10 35c, for .. 25o 4 pieces ISinch wide Flouncinge, embroidery tart 7 inches wide oo fine lawn, a real suap-our price is only.... Mao A few peeces full skirt widths, the best to be found snywbrre at the prices asked, with 0 - inch bestutitebrd insertion to match. n Oinghams Best cloth and hest patterns et the p eases we ever offered. Scotch make., tart cobra and (tell widths,. Pricer Nle, 124c. 1:r and.... !air Laces Valenciennes, Maltese, .reipures and Orien- tals. 6(10 yards Nottingham v dercisones, i to 1 inch wide, at 3 rants a yant : to 1} inches, at 1 and 5 cents. Finers val•'nciennes from 5 to 15 cents and hundreds of yard- t.• choose from. In- sertions to uwtch. Maltese wild torebon banding 'flirtatious from 24 4 ' 4t inrttt wide. A lot of valenciennee ends, 2, 24. :1, 3;. 4 and 6 yards to an end. et 3 cents per yard. .Another lot tut 1 rent per yard. Hosiery \Ve hougbt a mill'. cleno•up of wool Hone in It nth flratr and seconds at prices that allow us to give you a si0411011,, all -sial- gn^a value foe 35c to Inc, fur Sic to 30o J. H. COLBORNE W inter Suitings and OVERCOATS A fine seleoUon of find -clam goods at HUGH DUNLOP'S WEST STREET Cr -to -late Tailoring In _..•lt our garments.... r SUPERIOR in every demi of Qialldtr Style and Finish. and representing more actual value than was ever attempted before at a moderate price. The rash of business tele betty than anything .{.e what the pubic think d this )oe. It has "Rade good " wher- ever introduced, and is climbing b sales every season. F'lterall 4erbigs sue o a dial by themselves for attractive 4n and gamine quaky. Ask to see thew only to maks amps& MOM -alas. once yam sea Medi we feel tvrnllrlent that your sense ,.f good judgment will decide to favor of the hat Chale ore oelt FITS WELL .31rr LOOKS WELL 4.14D et, WEARS WELL McLean Bros. es vial ."'Lases tt, at 1 giggle =,.warn: r stub • 1N,7,7 rA,';e afwrlr 's,"'1 . I-4. 14 low Market _ t i ryr. Reports 12 to 18 Hours Ahead of the Morning Papers - -9 Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the day's price quotations on the Grain and Live Stock Markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago and other important mitres --the very same quotations that the morning papers will print next day—la to IS hours later. The Toronto Daily Star market reports are most accurate, and getting them every day you are always able to catch the market at its highest point and to sell your products at the highest prices prevailing. To be a daily and constant reader of the Toronto Stat market reports means money in your pocket -e lies pallor for wideawake people. TORONTO DAILY STAR Clubbing nig later •tel the Offer Tarsals Daily Star rk ma year jbr $2.2o $1.50 a Year 11 1�11�li�ll�ll+ll�ll�l W11�11�I1111�11b1�11�11111�11�r1�1Vf1Y1�11�f 1�11� i - -=" -- Atha.. s ibe kltcbw 'II ie t he w orksbop d ilit ' 1G',i ,c the borne w is the . 3 3 3 3 3 :9 3 „ We bave a special valor in this line. Large enough 3 • i to hold all the utsetils required in the rnthraey art d yet small ennugb to go foto she tiniest kitchen requiredai • 11,4: 't Oar Motto : "4 square deal to everyafs ' KITCIIEN CABINET 1 f I ` the work bench and untiring adds to the ootafoet and suhtraeta from the drudgery of kit. hen work like a con- venient Kltchen 4'ate net . i i Treat yourself to osw of them lal.or-e ring and lit► prntoneal/ articles esti J. itimvo `t Ow etMw • '•Tlk Meal odor ghrmlie for yaw MONO '. eve ei+@.. IP °M004141tift,1041,44Mit,t1M.,” * a(:QNCV NORDHtIMYR P1ANOR 'y ' ! i. MUIR & CO.