HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-16, Page 3;0s)::•1‘. .,,_TSB,,,. 81GN ASL GUDPtRiU N ONTA kl O The President's Address ONLY Review of the Business sinesSS Conditions of thetj IENOINE Town by the President of the Boar I that ("heir r"."'" 'Kuhn of a snide -rich. !Lear payroll rum frown $18,000 to /MOW a rept. c7edmfri tc.wrtg Co. Have hr a fair yeses e1.n1..1a& Thr are jbstalliog some Mtfttm•Uc mac harry fit the pwoductloa of .true h stew Innes which the market la calling for and with (he eatabliabed repute - BEWARE OF [MITA- TiONS. htLD ON THE MERITS OF imN&WS LINIMENT BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES `:und or repaired, OOLD umlaute on LEATHER OOODS AltriAl a��..�.� to en Navlag sham •t TH ml Osdarfr:h. A. L TAYLOR. STRATFORD CIVIL ENGINEERING s VAUGHAN M. ROBEHTli, CIVIL W HyeasaItc isdaser. 0$tarle Load SOMMOVOrl � ulnas fust. Osdaalea. corer Msnmeal most Telephoto 101. MEDICAL DR. W. F. (,~ALLOW M B Omen sad r.idesee- North estreat. (indene•, north of Ceaaty hmgistsy oars. Telephone tel LEGAL PRUUDlrrlrlYutTT,, HAYS A KILDI.ault- en.bbath. WetalHAtrsOt' n este PriveIe lire at Sweet rater 01 Lawson i ale IL G 141Y8 J. W1. N. 11 o. OLMEROK. K. notary�pCam.. BARRIS- driek, talyd d Otneell- Yieur from Com' DARKOW L.LB., BAR- ne si 1. Moet rare&& . Osier O. JURN8TON, BARRISTER �ssgeq.r m esu hrseer• notary public figs•rs Na allews.wsao . Uederla0 Ont. INSURANCL LOANS, ETC. ICRILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN - n UU R .4 NaC. .iset�, a -Farm and isolsed ".1%aw- ' ii"11 as . Putt. eieaterth P.O : Jam (.washy, vin. teodartah P. le; [lamas lif.. ham. lies -Thar.. tlssf.rtb P. 0. U. ei vases -W l; Wilier Rinu.neatoCo • Jahn hese Mfot s�� K'UlrmRlna,.CowtmsoK Jobe nen : Jaime limas. Idesobvm.e •Jura watt, tlarloca : ]laloolm Yciwq Aponte : J. W. .o, Uolessevllle : R. Smith. ��macclook : Jacamielap. aioodrllle : lin =It, m z„ , esatertb. W uerpte Moors me pay �mrrrmraai rid est their med. receipt/id at Z,� tywewe 1a e. Ya .a, .r a. M. cat's a grocery. �dasmaasst..s6ee.eicbt R silo•G� 00Vl) 0 PRIVATE FUN us TO Ulean. ♦pity t. 1d. 0. CAM - $U.4. Ilanttas M mlitsn rnr.t Odrice. w R. aoBBRTeON. • DI URLNCL AGENT. has1 ■ rare : MUM. C.awalas and A ownenri.S.005.a Y. krrt.oTille Lsm4 rev : Taw finnan Aesl sat sad UYr.ntes Jrpus.$l.s, Wetted. of l...emn. Ills. Sited i sun =... I ...:' The U.& tee ymmer �alama id fit. e'saireot Moe lie 1011211 W. ORAIOIE, L!FL FIRE email .ad meek sem-- a thar.a..toy� tpar M swatea ea hear. plass and at lowest room .,all at Mimi. eras West asset and Moan i fJ1 W. CN&JSILL tike. slab. Out. MARRIAGE LICENSES wALrit u 1L % L1.Y, J. P.. Y(JO&$t1e M. 0141. Ifl6(J OR MARRIAGE LiCEyi810I. LANE, 1Mf 1YKR OF MARRI- • Alli nsaaa.Oedorke. Oat. $RAYDIO PARLOR lot aDPORD BLOCK RAIABER MROP- -Ila wellitaewa sad pepalar .rand ears Its nattarsm the Mat _woke is obeying ata me. oalUDhaod hands busiomd. will be appw.siat 1. 1d. 01. ARC�[1TRf.TITRE A RTHUR J. BARCLAY. MEDAL 011 Lilt Rq eftelastl s0easem l e s.lsslwe- Ar.11loasesh dessidentes tc. AUCTIONEERING II BOMB.&$ UV N1)14 . L1 V 1I STUCK s ea Borth sq.et wine M wall M eas4 at an timer wba wt.and t ed to give IMM � ios. phusu Rine i - (IODBRICH OONSIERV ATORY OF u 110 C. J. ■ :tees. Is 1. c.11. r gwaisnde. f 1. t a Kam seer(, vele• eel email aN pater., haneosy, eeanterpelrt Mr▪ * A. L Upttla plans. henries mentor am �t,es. Awtiauw. k h am .lana Iles N ie1..d- ns. A R wrsrdelln. fttala•t sad dandy ; Per as w tombs, sm.. apple at lila •wits ommoany. W. J. MUIR & CO. UNDLRTAKIRrb pa..lr�sn.d..tai clear_ I AND iIRIALMif)ya ,-.tM+► m tort twirl* t0a1i . 0110.00.w of Trade. At the annual meet tag ue the Hoard ,g Trade on Mtutday evening the prrrddent, Mr. A. O. Gamble, pre- sented the following address : fietrrt.IMrt,-This betog the end of the Hoard of Trade's year, it is usual that the president makes a report of the years busipar.. I congratulate you on the large uwmhrnehip that we have attained during the past year. 1 believe the total te between ninety and a hundred nreaabers. This is the largest mem- bership the Huard has ever had during its existence and is, 1 think, very creditable. In the month of August we had what 1 soosider the hest means of bringing before the ieuthoriUe.'s at Ot- tawa oar harbor nerd.•. i refer to the visit of Hon. William Pugsley, Min- ister of Public Works, who, with his party, spent some twenty-four hours here going iuto the matter ul our har- bor ituprovenents, in which he took a �nwt Interest, and I ata sun that if it si ib his power and he' has the assist- ance of his collr.gues we will yet have the finest harbor- on the lake. The one great aim that the Board of Trade and citizens should have is to never tier of impressing upon the De- partment the necessity of the harbor uupntvrwenta. That, 1 clnaider, is (i,dericb's greatest tweet, boats wintering here spending $1.600 each in their outfitting. There has been, I ani glad to say, • fairly large appro- priation fur this year's expenditure, Irut it must. be borne in mind that no expenditure was made un the break- water last year, and, as lion, Mr. Pup dcy said be considered is nears- tory earstory that the Ulla fret of south break- water should he built at o•cr, we ex- pected it started hast fall. Yet there was no appropa latio' until lust Decem- ber, whirh,of course, includes the Wiel- ing of the south breakwater, leaving quite an insufficient s to make ■ny very perceptible extension to the north bre kwater. So 1 say that you, in conjunction with the town oouucil, should take these MU nttat.tere up - that is. the building of the breakwater and the military camp -and do not let theta aloe at Ottawa but keep et them and I am sure you in the end will gain. At the harbor this •year, through the persistency of the Bond of Trade, the freight sheds were build. I say through the Huard of Trude, because, although sone in the town council were in favor of It, there was a ma- jority against it; is. the Board of Trade went anongat the business men and ratepayers of the town and had a petition very largely signed that these •beds and waiting -mom should he built. What. is the result 7 Al- though not coniplet!d until August and yet not furuisbed Wen were fif- teen vessels iiaiding and unloading un- til the clove of the season in Decem- ber. the total amount of freight handled bring 123,547 lbs. With the connection of the C. P. R. and G. T. R. tracks to the freight sheds you will have an ' se addition next year acid no doubt you will, if you cater fur it, have nut only the Inland Naviga- tion Co. bouts run package freesia here, Mit with proper ieptesentatiun to the O. P. R. and G. T. K. probably their Mote will call here weekly. i night say at this point that 1 went to Detroit to return with Mr. entente and his party of directors on the Mt. Ignace on her last trip last fall ; Mit unfortunately three of the directors that he expected to conte up with him tared him at the last mom- ent on account of important business, and the trip was cancelled and the Mt. Ignace went up the west shore. I saw Mr. Mhants while in Detroit and Ned a long talk with him with regard to his Ooderich business. He was not even aware that we had a waiting - room for•bis passengers and objected to the pulling in around the checkwater. However. I explained what (ioderich had to offer for accommodation and he maid he was willing to pay the town a fair rent to ase up at thetr (locks, so that his passengers would hate some place to go out of the bad weather if it was reining He also in- formed ate that he would, if • possible, try to snake arrangements, if backed np by the Board of Trade and town awncil, to nuke connections with • C. P. R. boat here, so that he could ticket pamenger. from Detroit and Cleveland through to the Soo or upper lake points by their line a. they now do et Mackinac. This is, 1 think. a very important natter- for you to take up. Mr. Shantz will be nese, 1 believe, by the first twat from Introit, when you should take thews nutters up with him youreelyes. There is Juni one point 1 should like to mention here before the repurts of the different factories and indu,Rriser an' read. This is, that a great mart. people. asd especially some who aspire pt being members sof the town oounc(l. consider that the Hoard of 'rade is &ntagonietic to the town council. As you snow, gentlemen, this is not • fact. The Board of Trade is only toxo glad to help out the council in any inatterc e,f importance ; it. Is working for the goal of the town, it represents largely the bnuineww men of the town, and eennetn.aee whin there is a differ- enre of opinion atmmget the council, and e matter or project is thrown down, if the Hoard of Trade considers it ,. not in the hist intervet of the town it endeavor. to put these farts before tate euuneil. There should he the vert hest of harmony between the two Tbwe ta..gentienaen, w very impar- u.nt matte • that .bouhi las taken up before rhe Omer! of Trade. that is the matte, .,1 worm I em glad to sae that the noeinty ,.ntfxil }w at last taken etre natter up at their Laps nteet.it A rho very matteras ems r.41119111111•• ea. hreMlgkl rA yea► DO - an ago lad ,nterview with Mr Noyes In Tor - .nate end ' son glad to see that tap emant7 ixnaeeil he. r'ewm in ilse with that propeaal, that the county develop tire power for iwu tea hM - the .. a.nq . 1 n•wdst'ses^i1 -Mtanw'n'e;a want the eo-opewlina of tads • and 1 teat, you will do all in your power to help them. Tho Ged•rirk Blevabsr and Transit Cem- This Company reports a very suc- cessful .eawou'e business and is the handling ul &Wu,Ouu bushels of grain from the llwadsan Northwest Jnr fully maintained tae enviable positioo tummy the proluiuent grain handling pert& of Canada. To enable them to cope with the rapidly ineraasd offer - Ings it was found necessary last spring to increase their storage capacity anal to this end a ountract was awarded for another half -minden -bushel con- crete fireproof elevator to be annexed at the east end of their working house. which now completed gives them as aggregate storage capacity of 1,000.000 bushels In the equipment of this new build- ing her been included a uxtoern auto- matic sacking outfit, which will enable this eutnpany to enlarge their tr.de by racking oath destined principally for the \\ est Indies and other Mouth American points. Their increased ' swage capacity .will also prevent the annual overflow of grain to other points, which has unfortunately been necessitated in pest ywum when the iaiiways have been unable to supply the necessary rolling stock during the spring and fall rush of business. Another indication of the measures being taken to retain as much busi- ness through our port as pourable is in the increased storage accommodation which bar been provided by the rail- ways for the storing and preparation of cars' for grain shipment. The Grand Trunk has .xrsted a new upper yard for this purpose in the old gravel pit, where two long tracks have leen lad, capable of storing upward, of 1110 ars, and the Canadten Pacific has laid a new siding along the Attrill bank, giving accommodation Um fifty additional cars. Other extensions are alto oontenplated by the railways'. ,nisi the replacing of the steel on the Grand Trunk between Ooderich wharf and Stratford with 80-1b. tails and the strengthening of bridged are indications that the rapidly increasing traffic can no longer be handled with- out the use of larger engines and heavier. trains. The local benefit of this industry must be appreciated in the amount of wages expended tart season in trans- ferring this grain front vessels to car' and in the extension of facilities, for which the pay -rolls amounted d to over s4l1,uW. Tu this must be added the large anoint, expended by vessels in pro- visioning and equipping and for me- chanical repairs. all of which benefit our merchant', and manufactures; in- dividually and the citixrn.collectively. Oar hallways are 'leo required to spend large sows sof money io addi- tional train crews and other help inci- dental to for handling ref their baai- nem, which also is circulated to the benefit of the town. Western Canada Fleur Mills Co., Limited. The past year los teen a very busy one with us. The plant bas been run- ning full time tbtunghan the year. We received by water over 2,000,000 bushels of wheat, which was carried here on twenty-three vessels. This wheat his been ground into flour and 'lrnost the entire lot lorded on ars and chimed out again. ' The sat business has been quite ac- tive during the year and met with ready demand for all that we could manufacture. The new half -million -bushel elevator which was reported in last year's re- port as being one of the new buildings expected to be built, has been accom- plished, sed wen filled with last year's crop. Everything in connection with the house worked fulinp to expecta- tions. The Doty Engine Weeks Ca Complying with your request' for particulars regarding business ~look for 1911, we would slate that wt pres. ent we me very busy in geuing out machinery required for early spring delivery, and oar works are running to fnU capacity. • lost year we established a i branch w. rk. at WinnipegMan., in order to get in touch with the Western trade. and while we do not nianufactiire there to any great extent we find that it is a vslus.hIe' feeder to one Ondeeicb Martinets. During the past year we have devotes] much energy and money toward. developing our business in Winnipeg and the Went, and we are very much grv(tfled at. the present time by the good hominids we pre g etting form that territory. and at the prewpeets frit future heelbess, m. Chet we are looking forward with much confidence to a year or gond Mutineers. We employed during 1910 an aver- age of eighty-five men, and our out pout was about $190.000.00. TM Godsrich Organ Co.. Limited. This Company. which ie the parent of our industries, has had a very eew- e'.wut 1 year, notwit.hetanding the dis- esteem' fire which destroyed half their premiere the end of September. The hominess' of this Cosnpany .Mows 1.1•1. Mont expansion, and they intend to Add w large addition to replace the horns ,l porthole, giving them e,olJ0 fret of aklitirmal Aon Tres Thr repute - tion rot this, firms goods to firmly established. ase only among the job - berm of ('anode. but in foreign lands as well, anti the prospect 10 Mr in- creased prnapeity A. wenn ap the weather pet mita ter Company will d art het rebuild the materia] stein awl the ground The lashes M..nkho snag G This Company again report. a most estietmeow•y years ►winnow Osrdsekb bnneb hm lessen n tehtleaeel about three years. They now employ' ratty benefit, serstly fiwal n. l.h.r, and yet are .ui*Ne. to keep ep with their orders Last year they mad. 1117.!11 �armnrMa sedpp.d tip es far eta ow Haltf..x sod west to Vassnouver. ,Hetet touch larger output, for the ensuing year• They employ about thirty User roll to about 11111,001.1.b n . Tfactory rain amounting during the past you. Aoricaa Read Machine Cly d Ca Below we hand you se outline of our business herr for the put year, and the outlook fpr the present ma - e on. A few facts about last years Mosi- nee. : In 1910 we sold rock cnuber , com- plete crushing plants, rued machines, street °Mainers and sweepers, sprink- lers. etc., to the approximate value of $70,000. As you err aware, we were seriously handicapped in uttering end installing our plant here. otherwise we would have done • larger voluwe of businent. Our payroll shows a dis- bursement for wages for 1910 of an - proximately $14.5.A). A few words abut the present out- look. We may say that our plant is at present better equipped thou ever to manufacture our claw of goods. The latter part of December, 1910, we Metalled ten new me chinas, mu as to he the better able to handle our ever increasing business. This in- cludes a complete outfit for uwking dump wagons. making the wheelhi otu- srheo and setting the twee cold. In addition to manufacturing our pres- ent extensive lines of toad machinery, we will ulanufai•turw in 1911 a large quantity of torrugat.ed metal culvert i Pthe road machinery business was never better tbarn oow, as the people are realising that good toads are es- sential to the pregr•eas of the country. Although the season has not yet opened, we already have a number of orders on our books for large planta and expect to do a much larger vol- ume of business in 1911 than in 1910. We have also nude ar•r•ngewent.e wit h the Remit on Machinery Co., Ltd., to sell our entire output, au that we can gore undivided, attention to the 'manufacturing end of the busi- ness. The Godsnda Planing Mills Co. Have had a mood year in the build- ing trade. completing &tour thirty new dwellings, rebuilding HAmlink s evaporator. the carpenter work on the handsome new public school and Dean's new sou, e on best street. They report a goon pte,spect for 1911 season. D. F. Hatrdudc's Evaporator. While this has been an off year for us in the apple tau-inees, the crop being a complete failure in this eec- tioo, still 1 have haul a very fair stetson un the whole, as 1 wen able to get • few ears of fresh apples shipped in for my evaporator, and also have been ably to secure a good many fanners' dried apples, which 1 have shipped in and packed here. thus keeping a num- ber of teen etnploped nearly all the time. Memeseteag Park. This last season was a very prosper - ran one, in tact. I think one of the best .ensues since the opening of the pert, and p• aspects ars very encour- aging for the aiming 'summer, as I have sold & number of lots to parties who expect to badld early in the .ping, .nil 1 deo expect to carry on numerous rat ower improvements Theis*. Dean Lumber Ca. As last year was my drat year in business, I fled 1 dkl very well. I sold to the amount of about $12,000 worth of lumber. etc., also paid about *11,WU for labor, and the prospects for the coining year are even better than those of last year as I have ountr•acted now for the building of four houses to be built right away. Godricb Rural Telepheee Co., Limited. The Goderirh Rural Telephone Co., Ltd., commenced construction of their lines last July and now have some seventy-five utiles of lines in working order. with 120 sthecribere through the townships of Colborne, Feet and Went Wawarmeh and Ashfield. They prepost to continue on branching off fmm their trunk lines. connecting up through thews districts as required. They now have "pine flfty eubst riber' awaiting constriction to have 'phones installed. This Oaop.njr has been a great hoon to the farmer', as an be teltifkd by those who have had anon not only to call'op their friends in town, but those who have inside quick calls for doctors. This year they hope to have some 300 or 400 'phones in- stalled, a large number of which will centre et Goderich. A Friend to Man. Therese hermit souls that live withdrawn 1. the Omelet their mitoenteet; Thom an soar Hite mini that risme sport In • hlo••lesa firmament : Thant firs hill. sr nook that bila.. • path Wben hlgbwaf. neer ran. Int ms live lea bon* b the aide ef the road And ne • friend to naw. Let cis Ilse i. • house try the ids d the eo•d. Wbere the race ofIsm gobr- TM men that ars good. the men that we bad. Ar pend •ad as bad as 1. Thea why should 1 .It M the.e.rn.✓• rr•i. Or bar( the eysk • has t Let me Ilea 1a • boa** tae .Me of ,M road And he . Mead 'r, mesa 1 nae frees esy nesse ler the side of tare road. ■y the aide of the highway of life T1s mos that pram .'n with the ardor et hope. Aad t ho son 'het me toilet with the .trtie And I tarn not •awl fawn their ani e.• .ad tank taw, Beth pieta M en In*** pis. Let sae Bre la • hones lw Ilea ISM of Ow read And M. blend re ars , teem than .n NM*. -- ----' emblem ahead ♦.deed n.enta.se of 0ar(sen.s That t5rwsnaas en tbs.agw Ye yu h And panne. some .n U. eege. Tit .1111 1 r•)ok.m, wham abs emv41s'. Melee. ♦.d weep with 11. ilaea&.. Met !.fns Wer Bye is roe ba...e `ab. eiee .r the nose lAbe • ,wan that a _s siva leg me ere lea • rwo.e*/ the each r las Mad whore the men of mgm Se mr. They .r, pane. tier WO hal they sew wesa. Map me .snow Meir fwnihe. . an an Thaw .by •111.0111 .1 tae ermnra ea. nes b ' he reale . 1 Um imp Wow b • M. . .* 00 died Mil Peed And 1e a hien., ,e w --ism Walter ism boumasm.. is Uric Add in lis MaoL Unhealthy suss of tmid hwM�.iimwi�s tiara If the kldagsacted as they should they name strain the Uric Acid .et e f the sweat and rIi . t1 in wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney Die. as Dodd's Kidney Pills have oesde a great part .f their rr�eppentatioe cawing Rhsumatisa So gat .I the noses .f thew 7earfid shc./sing Pains and .figs aching joints. There le bet ms sure wayr- Teloat sal'. ri.avhU 114 'Ph ne D. MILLAR & SONr Dodd's Sidney Pilis Plumbing HEATING ELECTRIC WiRING ROOFING METAL WORK Etc.. Etc. FJnastes cheerfully 1urniabed. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 166. Select Groceries Here are it few of the many lines in which we can give ,you excellent value : SALMON CHEESE MARMALADE STARCH SUGAR ORANGES LEMONS RAISINS CURRANTS SPICES NUTS Etc.. Etc. Sturdy & Co. 'Phone 91 The Square RicCalI Ansa. Ns. 3$73-1Tairn. No. 1553 -Skirt Price, 1S cots esti A STUNNING DRESS NEW Dress Goods New arrivals of Spring Urea Goods just to hand, including the newest shades and weaves for the coming season. New Black Dress (foods A especial showing of black Drees Goods in Vene- tians, satin cloths, Permoo cloth, plain end fancy voiles and Rajah cloths. New Neckwear and Frillings All the newest designs in ()oilers, Jabots, Bows, Linen Collars, Dutch Col- lates and Stock Oollars. Special values in Nov- elty Belts. Ladies' Handbags in latest designs. McCall's Patterns must be tried to be folly appreci- ated. McCall'. Magazine pc a year with free pattern. 'Fbise 54 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'nem 54 UMITED Manufacturing Furriers Special Values in Furs for one week Natural Mink Sets, Cross Tie and Large Pillow Muff MOO. $$1.00. 160.00 Natural Mink Tim .... $8.5(), 110.00, $12.60 Natural Alaska Sable Large Full Ruff, !Rohs Ends and Large Pillow Muff 08.60, $118.50, 140.00 Blue Lynx Wulf, Large Stole and Pillow Muff ....... $80.00. $86.00 Select Fenian UN* • Pillow Muffs Y18.60,r$2I.50, $27.63 Select Persian Iamb Neck Pieces $6, 119, 812.60. 113.60 Ladies' Near Seal Coate, 6l) inches long, lined with beet plain seal brown satin $76.00 sieltatieWeelisesSeeteneeileteasesseesereetaa 196 Mader, Street Leaden, Ontario. The Signal's Job Department A trial solicited. has the best equipment of any office in Western Ontario outside the cities. 'Phone 35 FREE PSYCHINE FOR THE SICK Let us buy a 50c. bottle from your Druggist and give it to you to try. Here are our, reasons : For nearly the third of • century wst tare known what Psychine will do. We have known it to cure hundreds .f thousands in that time, of some of the meat desperate cases of dl•eaw known to medical science. We bane received thousands of un- solicited testimonials, which we will gladly let you look over should yeti desire. Think of It, a third of • 'ntury's experience with one prepareea. a third of a century's Intimate know- ledge of what extraordlsary cures it has made -almost a lifetime' Do yon wonder then with that per feet kiowt.dg• of Psyebase. ?bat w. are •axions to bring It to 11. matins of everyone In Canada suffering hem disease? Do you weeder tea w. wane those to kn.w who are 'ming wrong methods M euro who are sot settles wen, wad wise we iso. .111 10 henefted by Psyching De you .oad.r bat .e res bey hundreds of thnuenada of &g-e.st 1.r Hee Of Mehta. (rem the dregglets of Oared& 'o g4v. •., how. .he .101 to try 11 • • i tit Ayeatee ba id• v,tallu it atreagtben. and ,aerwaa.a sae .bila eavN•el.• Of •aa bleed -ter ghyseytea, taw pot' eeel.. •r •r • itwm Gore eN the bland These white eon'pusrlss .f A. hosed whys stress wesegl MsMrOy .only dtasot germ 1104 hl» g. late tis 1y1b. Imes 11y MAT 11 these white esrpuseles are wet 1n suf$etent numbers or are sot sufecIea: ly strong, then thea dtrsen germs destroy them and disease bolds the body. That's the mum of dean, every dlaeas, that aatet• human race. For years. centuries, It fact, It her been recognized that herbs are the most effective treatment for disease. it is only 'titbit recent ttmta that we have been able to tell jest why ;hey were sr; effective. Berens certain of them increased and strengthened the wblte corpuscles et pbagoeytrs Three herbs are employed in e.mt- pouadla$ Psychloe Ws go all ever •h p world •e obtstI these herbs Arable. South Amer,ea, "hiss aid Japan all r•outrlbute Aad the result 's a preparation rut will resiore health and nand vitality M nes she, tareparstles see Thar hip proven !welt r. nearly ter third o► • enter, • .is, as so .r.11., pr•partttoa M• Orn VIM '..1r Tan, 1• • sae, ewsr.r,ti for Po. fli•po �in'•100 emu Reek LWash ., eiT Thq•r My"( ebbs. •� W.inti 0 01103 Ath rima- ♦ Ml($et s top _ ObUa.t. r NVe�ssr Ia u•iIlr. ��� .a, Naw we awl ask ?ye M take sur weed hr the tratlatod.ualy bsoeflrtal dos!! jilt Petsteee situ Ng the coupes ..t 1a below. mail it to m5 and we'll give .our druggist an order (for which we pay blot the regular re'ail price) for Me coat bottle of Psycbine to be [leen Jou free of cost. We w111 undoubtedly buy and 41.1."- bute is this manner hundreds of thou- sands of these 50 -cent bottles of Py cklae And we do that it, show our ()tlre cota6deace le ;his wonderful prepara- tion. A con0yleotc (hat has been based on our 30 years' •iperlesce with this splendid preparation, with • full knee - ledge of the kendi•sds of thousands or cares it W made. COUPON No. 4 To the Dr. T A. SLOCUM Lad. 153- 15S Seats Ave . Taranto I Near, 'war nal►. 10 try • rte Mgt* es ere.rii.0 t,emend es-kent yhataur•ae;mama I • ,.a gad • lerlerg t• Plar Kindly eeveeriers�i,.enbrh,r soder +YMi,.,. see taro res t ,ty Name. 'eyes. .. mime .hew • es` el 1�moo • *caw Mine eaad '.i.•.' Thee remise r ant pre tea. I a�sat�taaa of tee M premese'e hobo dr'i�aa h w M ...t w w tM.�Is.ayy fettle a1 Pebetwe trews y.a� leaggYa wad dM.a Mn am tree n t. Too n T11•.1t1r seg 1s hdwwa as cutlers wlrsst melon neaps. 1