HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-16, Page 2• rnor.ew. M'ssesv'•av ts. 1M1
uoDJOL1Ca. WIT &arts,
Na else V t . HltiHTtlp ()U. geed
Fabillamao LSO Na tEt
tarnser tiataswr... tl:
FieriWY la mesas&
ness= e1bete. Miesoortbeee. a e • ow
ea metbon who tall to receive Tea BNNaL
by =ail wed renter • favor by .o
um of tie foot at as tarty s date as
Wage a oint at address 1. desired. both old
.d the now addftsra should bo dura.
d rsb•tntttesa to [
asthis will
1 hot know bow this wiU
week out. ,The thbd is the tbrpwieg
1 of our forests to Atnerieai, ex.
taboo. We ell know in atak,ug a
ale that it takes two Part end
that we orheuot always get w we
west. 1 osly hoped)* sgeement will
be ratified on both sidss of the floe
and that we will set • trial of h.
Should Reduce Duties on British
Godertch. heti. Itch.
Thom wan have watched the mar-
kets the past few years know that
prices of Dearly all farm products have
been considerably higher in the
United States than in Canada. There-
fore to have the freedom of that mar-
rotket would add materially to the pros-
perity of our farmers and through
Ae.wttwta Rates . them would benefit out oountry as a
•i,g.'ai.ad sums d=1�• .dv.eh,.m.pu, toe whole. I think farm implements
per line for fust tn.aruoa &adto per line ter should have been platted on the free
alb+ a `�vbastees m swartad aa
• I list, as on amount of the scarcity of
nonpareile.farm labor ose- has to Itm a lot of me -
Sustains oatds sten Ila.. am Hader. 0 par
year. ehinery and the excessive juices
charged here make it a heavy butdett
to the farmer.
Now, while our Government have
on account of the existing United
States tariff had • good sinew for
keeping up our tariff against that
country, they have no reason for Dot
lowering the duty on British goods to
a revenue tads, Ai they promised to
do when they took office, and as I con-
sider they should have done Ioog he-
Adve rtissoeeta et Lore, Found. Strayed, Sit-
uations Vacant, Mutations Wanted. Homes tor
Sale or to Rmt.. Farms for Sale w to Rant,
Argots for eta, not exceeding sfabt
Liam SW eaob Inaertioo ;$1 for tint month. ago
each subsequent mat'. Larger adworth.
moats in orouorUon.
...u.ouncemesu In cedinary reading type u•
Dente per doe. No mottos ter toes Ida
Any special notice, the ogleot of which is the
pecuniary benefit of any individual or associ-
ation, to be eonsldered an dvertlaemsnt cd
be charged accordingly.
say No Unsada's out
on a haste of dollars eadl cons W.
have beso doing tritely twice ai unite
business with our neighbors to the
royalism we did tee or fifteen years
ago, bat It has [made no ohmage in oar
loyalty to the Motherland, neither
would It make sus ohmage U It were
dqubled over weed over aside. We
may do betimes with oar seighboe .
wt may be on the most trleodly tennis
with them, and yet have no desire to
live in Doe house. Demagog•tes may
talk about annexation. but not one
per oast. of them actually believe what
they Day. Another remota why i like
this treaty is it does not interfere with
the preference. The treaty is all
right and should pege the parliaments
of troth oountr•ies without chaise.
J. O. MURDoctt.
Thos. McMillan's Views.
Hullett, Feb. 7th.
This agreement if carried into effect
cannot tall to be beneficial to both
countries. ao4-la• the blgbest degree
beneticisl to Canada. Agriculture is the
industry of such pre-eminence in Can-
ada that its const.nt condition fortes
the great barometer of the trade of the
country. Free trade in farm products
will open to Canada the best market
in the world. In the American nation
there are more people able to com-
mand annual incomes of 1110,000a year
than are to he found in all the rest of
the world. These people demand the
hest food -,ruffs obtainable. Canada is
fore this To my mind it is t idiculous able tm Produce such, sou free accede
Rates for display ase contract advettls.. for our r. y- to this markt will furnish an r'ddi-
taanta MUM given on applloaUon protectionists to talk of
..lay., Clonal incentive to sirs w. Thee con-
alty.'• and of "strengthening the
Accent W aommanlo•Uost to bonds between Canada and the Mother ditiooa will ensure the bother prog-
THE SIGNS I, PRINTINU CO.. Limited Country," while they are trying to rep of agriculture andust as ngri-
t,b. Vet shut British gocds out of our market. culture flourishes so will its succes.
W. F. Hires. tingle back through every phase
• • of our industrial and national life. Just
_OODERICH. THURSDAY. FEB. S. t911. Reeve Sturdy for Protection. one instance :—A certain cheese far-
Holme.ville; Feb. Iltb. • the in
o of 1911iC sen three coneigu
I t is my Arm belief that (:anade. in stent- of cheese to the American war-
ner now prosperous condition, should ket. hicb, after paying .8cent. per
by all means retain a protective tariff. pouno duty, netted higher,oreturns
1 am • farmer, of that clap which tree than ,. • coneajj��uwenls stat to Britain
trade is deemed especially to benefit : the so... teased., .,,;
The Signal has obtained the views of
yet it will not, can not -on the other Furthermore,
hand it will do deepinjury to us, byclasses oftCan sit receiveearlyly
calling across the boder our workinfruit and vegetable commodities from
a number of representative menclasses for the factories. which should , the south, at more reasonable pricer,
throughout the county on the subject be situated here, and thus without the I before the time of sorb Canadian pro-
of reciprocity, and takes pleasure in working classes near at hand we cannot 1 ¢uce is due. and of course these will be
presenting them herewith. There has hope even to get the pt ice for our pro- , displaced by Canadian produce when -
been no effort to confine this ez res duce which we did formerly. It b a ever it can he put upon the market.
P national question, one which concerns i This will also be a benefit to Canadian
sion of opinion to one political party : each and every one on Canadian ail, provision dealer.
Conservatives as well as Liberals are and with the ezceptionl of a few nb- Out of the total foreign trade of
represented in the -ilii, and we invite scure factions i do not bee where tree Canada in 1910 of i C3.000,0t10, over
further e: ions from trade will benefit us. 1 prefer to keep one half—S95Y09t1,0OI _.jumped civet
Ixes• an y pe none the reaouroes of Canada for the benefit an adverse tariff wall between Can -
who wish to present their views in of Canadian people and prefer that ada and the United States. This
these columns. the trade with the Mother Land, safe.- shows the power of natural trio's) laws
stable and Secure, shall note be des- and points to full reciprocity in net-
troyed or impaired. If the thought of ural produce.
free trade should ever he harbored byThe loyalty cry seems to be the
the Canadian people, it should be at a I greatest cry against the ratification of
time when our industries and rim- I the agreement. Anyone who thinks
sources are highly developed, and our t thatthe loyalty of the Canaaian
population increased, and by thesepeople is nothing better than a C0111 -
weans we might hope to compete I mer'cial ronttnortity, to be bartered
away. very much underestimates the
temper aid spirit of tree Canadian -
g am, Feb. 8th.
ism. THos. MC•MILLAN.
Will Increase 'Farm :and Values.
Another Step Forward.
Clinton, Feb. Rth.
It looks to me that Canada has
made smother step forward towards
greater prosperity. ,1. W. SHAW,
From the Reeve of Turnberry.
Win h
As a farmer I think reciprocity it
going to be a benefit to all farmers
here by getting them a better market
for their farm' produce.
Tim K. Powici.t..
with the overwhelming population
and highly developed resources of the
United States.
• • •
From the Reeve of Stephen.
No particular part of the agreement
between the United States and Can-
ada affects ole ; but 1 doeMsk on the
whole it would be a resst"�•'ttefit to
Canada and it should nave a fair trial.
1. Swerrzna
• • •
Cannot Help But Benefit.
Belfast. Feb.9tb.
1 am highly pleased with the pro -
agreement with the United
hetes e.
In locking oyer the present and the
difference. Ii
It can'thelp but benefit
the Canadian farmer a6d merchaht.
I could say a good deal more, but I
don't think it is needed. I must any
with The Signal, ''Hurrah for Yl'ield-
log!" and "Hurrah for Paterson too!"
The Agreement Is a Good One.
I think the agreement is a good one
and should benefit the farming class
of the whole Dominion, particularly
those of Ontario, as almost all the
placed faced onhe Am-
productsamentioned areexten-
Ontario, and
of tew have be
Dsarket in the face of a heavy
tariff. The manufacturers should also
be benefitted. es the stimulus given to
agriculture should provide a home
market for them which would more
than recoup them for the small reduc-
tion of ditty on manufactured articles.
Fielding and Paterson are to be coo-
• • •
Had Experience of Former Treaty.
Brussels, Feb. soh.
My views on the Leads, agreement.
between Canada and the United
States are as follows :
That if the proposed age Bement be-
comes law—as it should—it wit! be a
great benefit to both countries.
That within the next three years it
will largely enhance the value of our
farm lands, and, the faros being the
basis of prosperity in this country,
and likely to remain so, the farmer'
prosperity means the prosperity of
every other trade and industry.
That the increase of trade and culti-
vation of more friendly relations with
the people of the United States and
out -selves is not likely to affect us as
a nation within the British Empire, or
foster annexation, but is more likely
to have the opposite effect.
That every Province in the Domin-
ion will be beneficially affected.
That if the people ' of this oountt y
could only take a broad-minded
national view of the question, elim-
irrate party politics, personal elfish-
ness and Canadian jingoism, there
would he no opposition to such an
I happen to be one of those who were
in business through the term of the
forester treaty, and I know something
of the benefits of the open door.
A Larger Market for the Farmers.
Westfield, Feb. 8th.
T. H. Purdorn, K. ('., addressing a
meeting of tbe"$astMiddlesex Reform
Association the other day. spoke
strongly in support of the reciprocity
agreement. He declared that it
would raise the value of every. acre of
land in Western Ontario.
-Yost will have great mar-
kets. such a. Buffalo, Detroit, New
York and ('hicago, all within a short
distance of you. rhe advantage of
these market', will retake your position
'indeed a strong one.
"When Mr. Fielding gut reciprocity
hi natural }products he did the best
day's work for ('•nada ever done by
it single an in the history of the Do-
"Fen)* Years art ago tarn) land, wase
dearer in the vicinity of London than
it is today. i1 decreased for ten
rears, then it held its own for a time,
Inn during the past ten years it has
been gradually increasing in value.
When this agreement goes through
our fame land will hs worth as much
as the faros land in New York, Iowa,
Wisconsin or tiny other State. Our
soil is better, and I never could under-
stand why land should sell for *160 to
IMO an acre in those States when it
was much lees than half here. With
the trade agreement Ontario land will
increase greatly in value."
East and West vs. North and Mouth .
Montreal Witmer'.
The shout bas been general that flee
Gude in wheat will deflect trade from
1 n view of the wtonlahlig figures
and west direction that bene-
vie d byins Canada, Into north and south trat-
porter Robb at the flc which will benefit the United
recent eouuty council meeting—that States. To this there are two answers
the numbers of pupils on the school to be made. to -the flret place the
roll in the county bad decreased forty- farmers•' product, whether of wheat
four per Dent—something drastic or anything else, will not go south W-
ilmot he done by ourrstatesmen to Stn- steed of emit unless the farmer gets
prove the position of the farmers, more for it when it goes that way.
larger sod lees restricted markets Can anybody tell us why the farmer
obtained in order that the should be prevented from getting all
May Have Wide Results. may obtain the greatest free- his produce Is worth? Who has a
Benmiller, Feb. 8th, dons in the sale of his products. The richt to rob him of part of the price of
My •trues oil the trade gr'e'at problem of bow to keep the it by forcing it to pay tribute to (Jan -
between young man on the farm hinges on this adieu railways and Oaoadian millers 7
between Canada and the United fact, that 16e farmers are not doing Is that not something of the nature
States are as follows : wail enough to encourage their ?am- g
That the benefits to the tweeters and flies to engage in the of highway robbery ? The wrong done
000sum., will M considerable same business. him is aggravated by this, that the
vent mars [bens to wad A larger market will encourage more farmer has always had to my, with -
will other de onmp.UtJoi wtoogae the buyers and out any oretenoe of madvar tags 10 him-
Thsat the protected industries so cut into the profits of the middle self. greedy enhanced prices for
will /man. That the great Importance of everything he had to buy. Nee, but
probably find that the Injury they ex- this movement was known to .11 our there has hem • pretence of adven-
poet to experience will not be as great statesmen is proved by the fact that tag* to him. He has ooistantly been
as anticipated. every Government since confedera- told that this
That a worldwide agitation for tion has eodeavored to obtain a Simi- building protective bo s system was
greeter freedom of trade is likely to lar agr'eetnent. o 'mp for him a home market by
follow. Moil Al %Von reason of which he was to be ems.
That a result of such magnitude and otocK, Inousl better off. What • blaming.
importance should follow • wren and index is a home market whicfosoesswbwt treat aaftatioi is rwnark The T -*My Is All Right. bidl bum tt, get [note money by .sil�ns
able and that the wishes of the people 4 perusal .>t the abroad ' it has common)) been held
Bart a000mt41ab what war and diplon. enumerated in the [trent,. resularticlted
them the ct o thine the farmer loses
se often fail to attain �rea t.ly in m suy reht. at. p` protection t n the extra price 1.
1t will probably. het defeated ,n the I y rpr'ise and delight. at- peas for the thin horn.
the AoseNevn rtenwte large number of our natural ton. the least of the }tarn: it do T�{m,
y duce gland on the free list The free Nether he nor the publk realise. how
n.u.tise. i ucikoo if peodu, to of our much more he loses ►y) the roll it
ttswrtt Heber,., and mate to • ,
044 tease oar"Rana Exceptions
market of nlnet! millions 1 peony to " •arsons war. Y• unr.n hi. ;mid-
Pets 7tt miser result In great oerunttiry hsoest [tut Der.
i taint Hoa W v Mold and latices of (Janads1 t° ets'ut eight � sent .f thy• .It Ketose .,,.Etter
' 'some, to this if
Hon stood 6seW Paterson made • ..� h will help '. 11' ,,, deer, wort' and M at the having td
steppers of three wn ae a whoa setwiit ei claim and th• saran ,ands of the astern f he and argot ve ewstrt will rake •
es opinion) ins. Ifk, to ars P•evint,,, will . uspulatltotr Lir string over horn
pain the dory or tsars d thrifts agrk'ttlturin• and le turn I °e. to Mos tvai uphe ,ho St
semi the Iteral 'ape result in greatly incr,,.ed htteieells to Poolittewes w111 tae they the shortest
or he esedrir vs per Ment in 2i 1enufar•turers ese'cbaota he whoa. rex tis. lake ,tastes
think k« .y.. for /roatss'0 wren es f �a time hsen,ll,lne ate.. and fn' the whnte ragioa weer M the
hes some chow a emu as the g., Winn I Miriam throught not i'a t brut b tMftt. I son y Mak,.
Iia as erd b t6. [inn a �, ib 1 5 ttosr �•s foyvty so I tirade freeand it will amorally xak..
mar Maly t rhe tM,rta.er steel sashes. route A„
h1 R1C
Pain in
Heart IC
"FM t We roan 1 bad par its
my heart, back and left side.
Could not draw a deep graft)
or lie on left aide, and as lithe
exertion would cause palpita-
tion. Under advice I took
Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and
Nervine. I took about thirteen
bottles, am in better health than
I ever was, and have gained 14
Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
For many years Dr. Miles'
Heart Remedy has been very
successful in the treatment of
heart troubles, because of its
tonic effect upon the heart
nerves and muscles. Even in
severe cases of long standing it
has frequently prolonged life for
many years after doctors had
given up all hope, as proven by
thousands of letters we have re-
ceived from grateful people.
Price 51.00 at your druggist. He should
supply you. If he does not, send price
is us, wo forward prepaid.
that our route should gain' ten times
what it limes by any process that
should increase international trade.
It is admitted that Minneapolis and,
to a lesser extent, other centres have
enormous+milling plants from which
the wheat belt bas,tec.ded. and that
these would rather pay an outside
p ice for our wheat than go idle. But
I remains true that they are not on
the direct route Ihat the wheat must
take, and that the long fortis a e in
favor of Canadian mule, The same
state of things is thcastitably true of
Canada's other products. Chicago is
a centre with a hig pull But every-
thing the price of Saheb is deter-
mined across the sea should find its
way to the Canadian louts. Far h om
the north and south trade, as it is
called, injuring Canada'. east and
west trade it should weightily increase
it. For those things whose prices are
not determined over sea it will surely
he to the advantage of the producer,
and of the country that depends on
him, to find the determining market
open to him without hindrance.
Moat people have poetry in their
souls, but only a few have serve I
enough to keep it there.
The hill collector is about the only'
man who has an excuse for believing
that the world owes him a living.
Sys and
W. ACH 5Nb'5ON
Should learn Ghee subject* by
which they eau earn a living.
Setters Semmes Gasses are
the largest trainees to Llamado,
and ou.• graduates secure the
belt positions. l-ou 0*0 study
at home, or partly at honer and
fnlah at the college.
Business College
CEO. *POTTOre, Principal.
Get Ready
for the position Just ahead of
you About 1500 young men and
women prepare for promotion to
better things by spending a few
months in our great school—
Shaw's Shoot — The Central
Business 'College of Toronto.
Our new catalogue will interest
you. You are invi ed to ante for
it. W. H. Shaw. President.
Yong and Gerrard Streets.
Write ns at once for our free catalogue
and learn what is being done in the leading
business oollege to Western Ontario. our
graduate...enuregood position'. and meet
with soaves. Business men tray they are
the be,:t. etre have three dep.rtn.ents-
commenial. Shorthand and Telegraphy.
We gine indtvidn.I instruction and you
may enter at any time.
D. A. hl LAC-HLAN,
EDIto Boys and Girls
We went every boyr.d girl to i' 1
!1 30 beautiful Shater.ak
Beds.. far St_ Patrick's Day
t Io rs.s. Eek. W bead.aiyy
send the $3.00 tote. Tbaa weIi
cive you. absolutely F..., ether the deals Iadi . Cki.f
or the Indian Hiawatha Suit, shows in picture• owes'
dudes [repaid. send a. wee - we turns yea Bei...
In siakt—.venk.dy wear. enc.
111'• mit is made of Khali Cclared Dvia, it remise of
trimmed with Fast Red Fria wish wish Leal hem.
P n•s trimmed to marl. Jwket. W. eo,.aw .4 &Mast
Feather.. Gate scut costs.. •1 Biome trimmed ash Red
Friers• welt laced frons. Skin trimmed .e mead. War
Beate. e1 Celore.i Feathers. Every Ivey s.d girl swam see
i those natty suits. This i.....ay way raw w
FIEM, .. wri.tr w [slay.
Canadian Novfly Suppe, HeuN
Maraet Lan., Lesnweri, Oaee.da
HAVE ARRIVED ;41:--;•;t
Every day adds something -to the headman distday tat WASH
GOODS. An early visit and you will readily amilantaad
these materials will be more popular thetaever this summer.
6.000 yards English Plaints, 92 inches wide. heavyI.� soft sloth
and in splendid patterns—warranted fast colors. Special Feb-
ruary sale, per yard 11•
Crumb's famous English Cembrice and Prittta, per yard1 Ow
Scotch Oingha sa. grand values 1$4s
White Vestiogs and Check 1[wllas....12ie, 1$o, 00o, 2:04)
We sell exclusively the "a la Gram" Comets and a srry them
in eight style., adapted for different figures. We believe this
to be beet value, beet material and finest fitting Corset to tie
procured.- We carev every stern 18 to 110. at pee pair
*, $1.•O, $1,7$, $*.a. and $a.00
Final sacrifice sale astrachan lamb Costs
sa5•00 for $2$.00
$$O.00 for $20.00
No. 1 duality, with lamb collar, clearing at ,... $27.00
Butterick Patterns and Delineator for Mareb.
Do Exclusive Woolens
Do you want Clothes that satisfy you in ever)
aspect ?
If so, have your clothes made by
Martin Bros.
tVe are agents fur these splendid Remedies
endcan nec,immend them ae being of the
highest standard in regard to qualit% and
appearance. We have a complete assort-
ment and will be pleased to show them to
our customers.
F. J. Butland, Druggist
The store that *ales.
' ' It will pay you to get our prices on au �'
heights. To give you an idea : 1
Our Special Price .°
cel 7.wire 40 inches high is, per red,
Snores of workers go Meme nightly with eatys,
pawning or aching hands / We want o11 workfare to
knots that Za.sc.8ak gime ore / No matter how
careful you limy b. while at seerA, the frost will get
into that eat, or came that old stare to r'o.osieg, or the
kiting cold from the articles ear tool. Aanrl4r will
came painful spores.
As soon a. you [K home m the evestslgs Nib* the beads 'a hie
water to deems sag noN.. them Timm apply Zein -Bek freelyit will
he paddy absorbed ed mom es, se apply
Repeat Mks
proems before going to lad, wed by meriting dee a r.Mss will ha..
'swami sad roar heeds win be ready fes ..Mfssr day's hard "Mt
Tay %•Bek fes ebeppd plates. twat hire soli ewe. sad ell eMd
imparts, mad deems Ales ler piies
/am psespts stereo .vtreyerbe a sea ss kgs. bra. eve filer Free harm
yak Callsay. '?.,.ester, eyes t•ttssys .t pub*
.ad saRafle'e Harmful Sueeti ee
FREE 90!
seed .•r
nue* w 1176.sto woe ea ei
atm s. tioses-
..d .chi sea .Cel
�+es.asd ria the
'27 1.2 cents
Special price good for this month
No ,experiment with the ilenf. it
has been tried out and sold here for years,
and proved to be the most durable and
tItrongesl fencing t.n the market.
Buy ell Us and Oet the Best. It
is made of all No. q hard steel galvanized
H es ra sy.a'r t rte• w 4
Nowell Hardware Co.,
rr,.. sp•.r ,..ps,;., feta'" ro,,.r. LIatke trik l t 4994