HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-16, Page 1F
-fie y:
jiOw is the time
;• to renew
yont subscription to The
Signal. See premium
picture offer to paid in
advance sabscrihers
UI1TT•TB1BD TLA -lie, Sig
Copied, Beet and Uodisd.d
W o6t s 11d,000,l Ott
Total Assets over 1116.000,000.
the next time you send a
small sato to any point in
Omeads, Or l0 tory large city
(n the Uhlted elates. They poet as followe-
S6 and under. . . Sc Si() to 390 . , 1(k
Sb to ill) . . . . 6c 4.913 to 360 . 16c
ne convenience with ab
With this leer' Met they combi
solute safety.
t f For tosser mins use our Urafts.
Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager.
Copy of change of running advertise
orients must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure Insertion
in issue of same week.
J. J. R 1rO at only 1Io. EAR,
aegis and throat only. Boase .mr*eoo,
York Ophllel..lc sod dural Institute.
1mkt, liar. Nsse.d 7 hragt Ho.pitel.
GeMe. 9�� e, ale Moa•�tj� ykwp4�,
LMsAsisiste W Ones. eel curvet. titan[
i.eda ls/eo�t. WIMrer heel. Hour.: 1411
a. es:. 1 to i w la-. T to a a m. TeI.phas ler
Livery, Cab and 'Bus
South Street. tiodericb
_AIL our Riigt are New. 'Buses
Not all Trains end Stemmer'.
Particular attention given to
sails tress private residences:
'Phone No. M.
will bold • sapper an$ sale in
the rooms
£XT TIM mlalMaa, (erne*, ..% 'tome .r
Thursday, 23rd 23td inst.
from 3 p. n..
-w rte uar.nter we .,••.I to the of
tbe se being good 1- to tell you
Ilya est U to make them - but
Lade and me tor yutneltsn The
f he the mens :
itPancakes and Syrup (a11 you -
want) 16e
Sandt.ieb - ler
Home-oirde Dread and Butter, 6r
Home-made Cake - - - - tic
Horne -made Pb be
Tea . . • . - let
Coffee - - _ - - - _ • ler
Honse-nlade Bread. Cake. Pies
and Candy for sale : elm Kiteh
en Aprons.
'i,�• tl1. -..r
The lkonmium expert the '
repr'es ntative@ Of *'Ilia of 4
the leadlug horse - buying
ti Arms ip Canada at this sale
Good sec ossmndau0n for
Lr . n n 5 and attend..nts lJ
by Um day. Apply at elite AL./FMK.
LRRe •t the AKssaodre Hrepital. Ap-
pry to ADM GRIM I44M. saponete �it.�.
Tummies lith. n
wrist+ pr hist e4 900 to e n n
whet per ttssi". 0 e, to 000
perbaai 0 5t. W tr J id4
aa. *lea. per 6.ii
Old Oste, perhemi. ,
07yto 0 7
031 to Ial
Peas. per mob
Barley8o<ssnit spar Mw IA
i h to 10 110
.wteio4earopis vt.
Mifeebe OE
Wan, per too 10 Si te ti le
inert.. pK too ,........... f N 11010 t. 211,
Hsy par Ws ,1 m
�1raw 5 11 110
wood. nor Ma/ 0 1b to ., YI
Batter, per Ib 0 13 1n 0 1s
Come, per lb To
te It')
OQe, treeh. per dee n Mt w n its
Peiatom, nes bushel.
QaWt aMle to good. Der eat 4 W to 6 id
BitY. ettpOrL, pet merit' 3 ,i0 to s yS
�og•e.. .... .... .......... 10 to 7 10
RDrtng Lambs 5 W to 300
tl6beep, pee ewe 4 UO to 4 M
Tallow, per lb of to • IMH1dr, par awl 7 NO to 7 'n
tlleep Mins 30 to 00
tileerd weedy Mat Gd wages sod ear-
NAL 5F l outriltll nit* einem AwayllUxsett_
ns vein old wbo bar a desire to lea(be
kMeer utflROC STI WART. Banos
H Neeett0rd. Tralwt Nantes
far Nan
Three yen shones l'er aves. 114.00 and 111=Meek andiruns address Secretary. •pN76 P
sMob le M
wvst OS. MOLT. North
A~'EN KePH is e le h dL
pwpar.e yes Is skeet
xy I n addlt(oo to private sales.
1 horse* will also he sold by
•,ration, o neonwnnini at 2:110
p. am. 1f yon have a hnnre
to well. mown. If .or, want
to buy w bogs. eons.
tDr. W. r (lark. V A.
9e. .
'tenability le • Watch -writer 11 Harrt.on 10
Bost Penning M Heat Prices -C. C. Lee. ... 9
laid "'Maine in Hole Paint --Geo. Porter.... 10
Warning -C. Cooper - ..... .. 1
Fttwell Het. -Mclean Hror. 4
Servant Waited-Alexsndi• Hospital . 1
Your tl Mob 1 equirements-J. P. Dorm" 6
K mole Cableet.- W. J. Mak Sr Co. .. 4
Auction Sale of Farm Stock --Alex. Young
Carlow . .. 1
Ideal Fiume- Howell Hardware CO..... 1
A startling Aoneenrement-Fred Rent.
N.. Spiers Gingham' and 'Mau -W.
Ach...on a Soo .... .. . 1
Catalogue Free --Elliott lfraleer College.
Toronto .... .... .... 10
Liver? Benne.( for SaY-Libra G. Lecke
Luckoow ........... ... .....
Farm for Sale Char. G. Locke. Ltokoow.... 1
Remnant 11 eek -Hodgen. Rio .. . . ..... ..10
To the Public - MacLeod Medicine Co 1
('mrd of Thank. Mr.. 11•n. Buchanan ....
Tr.lnlns School for hun.er-Jobe B. term -
ford Ho.pttal. Brantford • t
• 1
Is- MiSOv0111. rf d."t Seer .ac Tt '
ye.5.c Mary t�►d
Comer" 1... NLt bar bsri K�.w. fes will.
1 wit net be ume.Abis M her flie or es.
penes' .mi weew. C. COOPER, (4derich, OM.
Netts Y hereby gives tha- t .ppae.Uos aril
be aide Is the Legld.Uve ♦remits of the
Pembina of Ontario at lis pessst• saselew ter
an Am empowering the Ontario Went Shore
Bailees Ce01s0017 to extend Ps iter .11010.7
tram . 1. er .ear the tows d Godr4aa
tbro.fi W township of uoder$d4 Um tows of
Clinton. CY tew,ahis• or Hallett and MoKll-
bp, the tows dforifortb. the toweoble of
town .f Mitchelld athe township
of o11e to a point t. re mem tae city of Meat -
fore, and to oonetr.at Mete aid operlte rues
extended line Of railway and to Menem Ufa
awo.at of bonds wiike tbe said Company M
authorised to Isom and to exiled the Ume for
completing the add C.mppesa.m s 1. es of railway
sod to omens sod vagdat4 oertaln bravo.
MM. eJpr. �A. MAc6WAN,
M.rotary of the Ontario
West Slar. Railwaayy Company.
Dated at OMrlsh this ad Myst rebreary.143
Netts is bersby Oven dist the Peeple'w Rail
way Company le eeteP5.7 is ....toted b1 the
lendelet.re of W enmities e[ Onterbl will
apply at the proewit wades of the Parliament.
.4t;aswd• for as Am 11.1 Deriering Ut.t the
wurke and usdertsltlage of W Cmpswy •re
wart• for the ite.erel advantage of Canada.
p1 r To extend the Uses of leeway
Company le .ow authorized to sastrset and
0pos( as fellnwe : from • pent est of the
v►Wsergs et Arthur 1n the (musty of t1'
In • northerly direction to the town of F =rr-
tot.Iotee county of Grey. with line. to w
town. of Meeford and Owes Sound Io the
000nt7 of Grey. and to tit. tows of Calling -
wood le ole o.unty of Sln one. also a line from
the aljopnigggt the Owen shor 90 nd in of 0.1.. 0eeosrog44.e7 Bay 1.
Meaford, Colllntwood sod Midland in tie
enemy of Memos: (corn the city of Wenn
• In the coon of Ues
xforl wterly via the
city of London ern. tbe town d Strathnk In
the ...minty of M x. the village of Alvin
(tonthe town of Petrone to the town of
Sterni• in the county of 1.•mbton ; .Ntbwent-
oi1 hen tie city of Woodstock Hittite vt11.4t.
et Norwich and (,tterville In the toasty of
Ox1t1d, the village .f waterMrd Lb. taw,
of fll•eee and ole ,tinge d tort Hover�In tee
nowayof Norfolk . frem the 'stoats • wee
fad vis the villages of Illairerivine Cale
of Bemiltos 5. the _ouucounty lmand to the efts
of Wentworth%
weeterly tram the HOPE. of (Mervin" to the
town et T*Mosbsre vu tki town of Aylmer,
the city of 86 Themes to Port Stanley a the
rowdy of 'Ogle i fres the city of Strident
weeterly vla the tower of letobelt In the
county of Perth, tire tennis sf Se•fort4. Clin-
ton and Ocderteb In the nasty of Hume : dl
of whine Pa0 tine* are Into nt 00 endwill
mows with tie Company
(mewing In letwrerevinsld end Inter
tsar trade and enrnmeree . ham the city of
M •.Foss r{a the sets of Lidos. the Nlkee
of Lenin In the county of Mlddkex. rte .fl.
or Weodhwst In the oo..t7 of Porte • id
theme cinema In the onsidedHenn.Hn.
the town of Rebell and tite villages re Monk -
tee and Atwood. the town of (j.towel II^n.th
Mountet e
moody ForoIn 144. eentPerth. the 101001 dof Wr"witon.
, toeee•ttee etre the (•emaaaye MN eta point
Is the ooentl d Orgy bean the cit, et G.eteb
In the erste of W-e1Rsetom to tie Wi-
le . of H..pdw os
le the e.p of Meow
I•orif 'eke In tie snsnt of eel
aaphh aortae 10.1 ole /sesta*( the emend sleek re
the mid (»5557 te See million eels.. end es
sspserr the Compeer to ''sale tM pwS et
mid raided •tad ae tmeferw..a ereek.1e5 to
L ,rf strsertdoe wit
Realer -M. T. K. ...
Roder-BI•ck.to.e'. Rsteur■st
Corse Matnrday-N. C. (:amerce
M•rmdaie Orontes -J. W. Vesatter 10
The Stye Keep* Growing -J. H. Colborne 4
New Dress Goold■ -D. MWar & Sow ... ... 3
Reads -North attest Methodist ChurehChoir s
Reader. -parka Bros. Co.. . ... t
Next Thnrsday'e Entertainment -Y. M. C.
Spectacle. Lost -Tho Signal 1
Reedere-R. R. Wises
-Auction Male -J. A. Matteotti. D055Snso...
Announcement -Ladle' Aid Koos Cbeeoh.. 1
'fervent Wanted -Mar.. Reit ... .... 1
Woman Wooded -Apply at Signal Ogee. 1
AUCTIDn aais.s.
Mowoar, fghteeq Ike. - Aeolian sale of
fame stook and /weineeete propertJ ofBow
Miele Packwood. IMF; Hire° road. Ooderiob
'own.hip. fenseetaime wW be dimmed at w
Mr. Paekwod 1•e 001111 HU farm Trines
OURDST, a.o laser.
Don't forget Marks B• um. et
tori• Opera House nest'seek.
Tug:wee rebru.ry test --Amts( wale of
firm meek and implements •preperty of w .
A Harri.oa. Uederiat, ,owRyer/Wm
will M ro4A, yr.vrVtor'.{stint Wed Tiros.
WINDOW. • lien .
Wsoa oay. ren. Wad. -Clearer •wallas
sale of botrehold Garniture aid tnreLhises
the prnpertr of THoa PRIMULA. Bruce ere*.
0oderid'. Tama men Tuve 00 ()UNDO!.
TutIMP* 7. February Lead. ♦ecUse sale
of farm .,eek and Implentaats: property of
Mr. Henr• , eeeowt•bn 13. HsWtt Teo..
O. euay. anetiooeer
Wgrr..DAr, Mac tat. .l action ..ln of
farm .tech and 4nd i).,... property of Mas.
M. O. 9rtt.w-sIJ., Soluble her, Beasley (late
Thos. *neon fermi. THoiu. UURDay. asr-
tctwpuv. llwrob ted. -S.le of purebred
shorthorn cattle, heavy and light bonen, pure-
bred LeMeewter hese. farm la.piemeeta one.•
the property of Alex.'V ming. *1 h1.. premiss..
7' h connewA0n of ,'olborne. Mr. lion"ti I. re-
tiring from the farm. and title will be one of
the biggest ++lee at the ~on Taos.
OeeuRv, auctioneer.
THt•RODAV. March 16•h.its anther
Nile of the apkndld herd of Abadten Anima
cattle. farm ,mnok and implements; emptily of
Lrrt•r.-(111_ VAaoor, concowsbrt s. Colborne.
who la retiring from tern'. THUMAa GUMMY.
BoolumeR end n
OOoderluh Organ fenny 5.0 emploseee fonr the
kindly sympathy Drown them rt the time of
tisktisvemtm set.
lar tae 1n a demi Mee between atew•rt .
sad Ram Murch. m 8500.7
at brass Ra
Tie Rod., is asked to team tier
A large Hy wwyy busiowe In • good kindness
town oar Gdrtob. Mus be odd at masa
E. amity CH .LOfKB•'teeter. Lecfertber know..n*
i'ARM FOR 9 *LE. -1 N THE
C wettable mf Aehseld. 1! assns amuse
land. well watered, building. to Mae os.djt•o..
Family the beet snap offered thio ever. ]tort
be sold at owoe. For farther partioSYs+ MO/
to CHAM. (3, LUCEL B•rrl.ter heekkr w,
Ont late
ARMSTRONG.--ln Goderich, oe Satardey.
February 4th. to 113. and lits. H. K. Arm -
ergot • won.
BROWNLEE.--in (Mderlch. ou Sunday. reb-
rnary i2th. John Brownlee. aged Myelin.. 6
menthe and 13 days.
Mcr/ILLEN.--Is Goderich. ,ow Oaturday. Feb,
rare" Itch, Martha MoM+bon. eldest
daughter of the late Janes UcMaboo and
welow of the Ire J. A. MoMlloo. aged 11
1 TiES: Time fonowing lore for MON. Fell
.5,ite.l•re as to location and mew.nr.mente
ode be had by applying to H. F. Hodesm
cha. Alai. &Olsewe
n. oretary et !h.
echoed (ward. lot N victoria Park. no Nel-
son .tr51t, 1 50 ; l.t ad joining above. on Nekton
street. we: let text V Mtori. Park. no tiros
.tr. et, 5091: lot lidi0113414 above. on Bruce
street. hiso: 1 Iota treatise on Tomato street.
one MOO: 2 leu fronting on Park wisest .melt
21000 swath's an weeimetew attvef. each
3 las fronting on Ikitansla reed. esob
M. Tender. will be rewired for the *oboe
(Ming. In St Dever. ward ed St. Andrew'*
ward 744e bendier" ran be removed at any
Use to suit pnrehmser of let.. Ten is a mood
opportunity to ..cure desirable bedding Mee at
a nominal veluaU,o leader' for Me'ba1M
Ingw will lis received up to the he of Mate►.
AI.RX, ATRAITON. tiecretr.ry.
melmis email
Ce• eeney M sdi lathe fsei .tewml• em r I 7'0 sletta*ae
.4aMa' water M tM PIMP" "' its teedted st some : 0*s{ prUon of 1441.
\t HITO -8 W ANN. -At the Methodist parson-
age. Fullerton. on Tided a1 January 314
b Rev. F. Swats, fate., of rb. bride Missl•
k.teasee Swann to J. 8. White, of rn.nk-
La. Man.
Mir Olive Rose. ,.f Havelock, is the meet of
Mr.. Jas. Marys, Reese street
A. E. Cook wee at Toronto last week and
aos nded one of the con, ores by the femme
Mesdeb.aohn choir.
Mr*. it 8. Cooper. of Clinton. and Won.
of Tor ate. ,ire gusts of Mr. and Mr, A J
Coo per as Sunday and Mooday.
Ration Herald: Mrs. Graham of Ondertoh.
win he.. hoe ',bating with her daughter. Mrs.
J. J. Mesmer. far• few week., left on Thin -day
sur titer W vial' her daugh.er, Mrs. Charles
64dtuOsId. ,
the Signal's
Clubbing .Gist
rot oewspapei bargains. A II
the leading t;anadian public' f
tints At reduced price
THE RIONAt. P1INTINU CO.. Ltd., P10 --
DR. MACKLIN g`t' t° approaching meeting of AT THE HARBOR.
The ofcere appoiAtd f the
eigenquen National Park.
Many popple heft unaware of the fart
that in use AlgMagain National Park,
I.00tefeet show sea level, at Algon-
quin Park station, w (harming hotel
known as the "Highland Inn" in open
during the winter month for the re-
ception .4 guests who desire to enjoy
the ple.eures of outdoor life. 't•be
purity of the air and the many winter
amwsnten t I that cern he enjoyed are
ju-t 1 he thing to recuperate a nen-down
oorrstitutioo and build the physical
eve' -worked body.
Address "Highland Ino," Algonquin
Park Station, Ont., for further par-
pO .t PRiaL.
1 1 two hundred and tweet a tIl34 ea
KI rest.. In the town of ds
Gos7eA, am-
ide eerier d an were. On the nota h
half of this property there i. erected a •tory
and w half frame dwelling Mop
e Alex
smitMop ores 000npled
ander Klrklwid. Moth the homes wad the
new are. *1 present, Oder team. the how at
p170. month mid Ute -hop at 87 per month
Th. property eIU be .old In one or two parent
.. thepp reita015 may desire Apply to M. O.
C A M KAON, Barrister. Mor, . Hamilton street.
.115407(01'. Delano.
AUCI'1011 SALk .
ttre will be odd by ..Icier. at
�,�e• : wet Wawa.sb Icwe
ewe 'embroil see Morn ladle one 11 taoothw,
cbels toe.: este 14 went•. Md. deep red: one
■end grade cow. with can ; these York•htre
new. rise 4prlt 1. A n.sbs- of good heavy
hersy will be Mewed ter sole tn.loding one
pair wombed dam cram one good four-year-
our-yearrid mere w$th foal. 1,300 Imo Alio 000 bnehe's
New elesilleid awl aide mearenteed pen.
Prtdtivels ire reserve en tire and now..
the Library institute at Stratford.ret
nt or
PRESIDENT. current year are : Chairman, Joe. ------ -
Kidd: treasurer, J. A. Fowler; secre-
tary, D. J. Mattel ; hook committer,. GETTING
Messrs. Tigert, Elliott, Strang, Fow-
ler, Killoran, Totu and Galt ; house
committee, Messrs. Tom, Fowler and
Elliott ; finance committee, Messrs.
Galt, Killoran and Tigert.
The financial statement for 1910 is al
follows :
Retiring President's Address Received
and Officers Elected for the Year- -
ttoard Wi11 Join Associated Boards
of Trade - Power and Telepnone
Questions. - -
lot lit cos -
mese frees
The annual Meeting of the Board of
Trade was held in the Hoard room,
North street, on Monday evening.
A. G. Gaunter, president, was in the
chair And After .Brite routine business
pn'sen(ed the p"ural president's mi-
di -ma, which is published elsewhere in
tbis issue of The Siena".
The election of officers was then
proceeded with. In accordance with
the 41.ual custom, Mr. Gamble was
asked to 4-cllaia in the president's
rhair for another- term, but on account
of his expected n emoval from town at
an early date he declined the office.
At the same time he took occasion to
thank tbe members for tbeir co-opera-
tion sod aasi,tauoe during the past
year. He had greatly enjoyed the
year's weft for the Board and was
gratified by the kindly s.od considerate
treatment which he had received from
the members.
H. E. Hodgen.. rice -president of
last year, was n the direct line for the
pre. deucy, tart in his absence his
brother, F. R. Hodgen., requested that
his nomination be withdrawn.
Dr. A. H. Macklin was then unan-
itnously elected president.
The other offices were filled as fol-
lows :
Vice -president -H. E. Hodgens.
Treasurer -Wm. Campbell.
Secretary -Jac. Mitchell.
Council -Above officers and Jos.
Kidd, J. H. Colborne, H. J. A. Mac -
Ewan, C. C. Lee, W. H. Robertson,
W. L. Hotton, J. W. Fraser, D. F.
Hamlink, Alex. Saunders, G. L. Par-
sons, F. R. Hodgens, Rim. Lane.
A number 'o new members were
proposed and accepted.
An interesting discussion on the
telephone question was introduced by
a communication from Reeve Kernie-
han of Colborne; in reference to the
mooted establishment of a municipal
system in Goderich.
In connection with this inatter it
WAS recognized that a delicate situa-
tion had arisen owing to the rivalry
between the two telephone spite/ter
operating in Colborne, aid the cnn-
i-emus of opinion appeared to be that
the Board should not take any action
which would appear to favor (Inc
system ar avainet the other. A sug-
gestion was made that the Board
might. volunteer its good offices to the
two companies in an effort. to bring
atx,nt eoHne agreement between them.
This seemed to meet with approval.
and finally the whole natter waw re-
fereed to the council of the Board to
be dealt with.
It wax decided to apply for member-
ship in the Associated boar& of Trade
of the Province, and Messrs. Kidd.
Mitchell d Robertson were nomin-
ated a* the delegate+ of the local
Board t0 the meeting of the
Associated Boards at Toronto next
W. Lane, cour.ty clerk. explained to
the Board the steps which were bring
taken by the county council with re
girl to the power question. It was
that the committee ep-
ppo ni • � by the county council should
get into touch with the icipal
councils and Boards of Trade through-
out the county with a view to forming
a deputation to go to Toronto and in-
terview the member* of the tiptoe
electric Oornmissitm. With tbe infor-
mation thus ,weuresI the county coun-
cil might be enable.) t • Oink.• definite
pp.rooggrear in the twitter at the June
Weal W.waoosh. tern h..,
red aura. of goad �a4 eoltsm. far bay .r
crap. Toone orchard. Hank limn ono sial.
ppi1rese. Menho,01. Implement Med. driving
Aeon. oma . *lda gond Isms home with .tone
o.4t&rg kitchen and wordebod .11111V0
fd.11 44 o.d aid . tone � 4bend The hem he
tomer int.edr go4ad West.
lirOIRKE kD.auseon Wire
at =Lesrl peel . Aoils bei I NORTH
J. A. ALWU(iH.
1 have received In.tiee4onr rn.n. Alex.
Young to ell by public section. .t lot 5. ran-
oe.•leo 7. Colborne toweebfp lane mtle east of
Carlewl. tom
oommeocing at 1,11p. re., thet .IbwWt -
Ho,wa-Heavy animate nt.are, "tloe.n
right and rad. In melt to -ecorew.tl 6.okesn;
Newry draught filly, "1.o Gaiter four year.
ale: h• wry d,.a 1.t f r"IM'IT.- tieing
terve years OM. les W. «Frrgeson s hone:
brwvy dengbt. gelding. Pete.- rising two
yyee. re Md, by W. L Penniman'. hers!; be..?
nmerbI,'siding. "HIO.- rialot one year Md. M
R' . L lura •see'. home : brood mars. roadster.
"tit..-twoIn .Olt to Robert Wt4.on'e bores . drir
In ally. -Top,- Mena three Tears old : dei.•
Ins molding Tem Reed.' ride* two yearn end.
and Uy,"Lei tie P.,..KdrtguN'ear oid,match
se Amin. Ail the t1gkt bootee were p0M win
Orr• 'ant fall et Ooderinh oro,•I)angennon fair.
roan Pore bred tans Grey
IO1s741 41 7cae+ old. aired lay Raman'. t'r40r
11000. )11e to calve AreingMJt. In calf to WS-
Orr+. beau (74401 ; femme gt�aren. bred by the
Ma I•:. C. Attn11. got sly Old Favorite Isanir,
six year. old. In calf to Rrarnow. Bean 174111.
ler deo.. Rrltennle diet -rola *DWI : Red Rea.
riei.•r four year. nM. In calf to Kaolin'. Pride
yrrl, 4,,.rhter of Mn* Gray - iwdyrC►rlow, ris-
ing,.wn year,. ole. Orin. lied by Lord Fragrant
(007e. dam Stormy queen: Annie Lanes. He
Ing t.e Www Mi. dare god got by Ramie'.
Pride* : Jewel* Menne. Koine one year old.
red, got by Re. morn Deno • little Toddle. four
ranine( nfd. eel, of Wormy Ones., got by �t'.
mow Reay . one ,rare bboll soli. boa
'writhe old
('owe 0melee Redd.*, rein* Mur 7101+
old. due to miles Main late : Victoria. Ado.
three reit. old In ralf IKs*..ai. rimer three
ream Md. In calf . ton.. .neer, *idea ten ,..star
old. rood fns barrier market.
Amer Forty h ersting 1 eteenter ewwe+. enp
nom the bee Awe. oneed to be In Iamb
M Ane • or R Dia..
a( conserve . rornhn11 ef Walton Smell, of
Hullo& and 11ntiom.M of Ernes count? rant
I ig AUb ' '4d.t 0..' mere eel with .edt
w ( a/ww Yorkshire slew tyre year. Me torture*
me weir le - d and two less. tee V inarmi
esekerels. owe -heed ..e erase sf two One
nen* dna .rad esp.
Irriatenorr. Mule Mikado p..etan •1
r sew with lenges and whinietrem
retina rb• Mad berry Melesigklin maim nom
we market wagon 'ti Adm. t.0 of
mew Mr wagon ner1TTin�R .,.en Ilea.. mil d
'mete . ,1..W.1r of ben. l.MS.s. paeo.� steed hes
Maser arr.. r•..IU.•I. ' . Nesee red drill
rood Part, Duey enure .57edrerwl bt'M
temp renew■ : eel of .teem of.ee heree•w ww
see 005 .A sot of h•'14a.
7Yr.mr. err tempt £tii4. q 54Mese.
itots. * 3 ernes Mtn f� Nl.tg, (yant51 MY
tog Ms'hn . eu ►o wadi gr {rglosn .herd
5.Inen. t.y .d ewer lore w M rd 04 sate
r filo!. m■.w, ; ter newt. share weed. roams
.sad nn'wwnee ether all
Twee* An .m' se sad odes ear ;
sm. ther ...eon'. ewe weatb' ,wdM wti be
smel'1 ser, tel woven
• hind otM..�$a.estreett and o�em'�ut
tell. for the we tsrwr• 110
An Tr'.�..,wgtit pMperM�gs,
pureness r otherwise n mei 'rd M
sono .d Ober marls..1saf. brio. kill/
ie , aside of n I. 1 ■7 .rwr
o ▪ in rM 'ears railway -_
wrsheemeam ed wtie sisesh the
01 wessa��ii ether MwrS
sad yrlvi..r's se t.* he isr'teentel r mew
•-----. tit.
p.�wnt. Mee
J+4 ahem
�e ge
visePteedient ( p`t"t 711ftgl0(y�L �rt9
SaIlettee. ter the
Itesrletmy `i
1 irate
e4a �y b two o s.'m5 twoand
113 Ar... wisdeer e.list.
( R db
=C. stake yes t UM
Wad. are erne 0.t)Mg nem sig" re g,•
sow In meat to aft( erre* trent. si
worth rrmwr IPI OW pmt awn* alma steel •ala
, matw.d Ide.l e°mers. ped Mb
truer t latwresa ' A rr»all t4Ml
"tidy tear 'err': don,
R•1. (Otto 44.4.
Leg4leture grant
Municipal rant*
Floe... err.
Rent from Librarian
Int. ou Bank deposit
41 4.)
light sad heating 118x.(10
ealariea............... .... .. S'.W
Hooke. 115.00
]l.gazlaee sal ns0. ,pees..... 01633
Water and legal lssptevos.e.t rom-.4 s)
Boiler 5.4 enrol repair
Bel. on hand. Dec. 01
Last ot the Storage 0argoes Unloaded
-Roadway to the Harbor Under
Consideration ot Ottawa Public
Works Department - A Busy Sea-
-ion in Prospect.
The lest of the. grain in 'enrage in
the vermeils in the harbor was unloaded
yesterday from the steamer J. A. Mc-
Kee, by the Elevator Company. It
was onlypert of the boat's bull cargo,
amountng to 26,000 bushels of wheat.
The coosteuction of the new dredge
by W. Marlton is making good prog-
ress. Two cars of white oak lumber
to he used in this work are expected
today from Catulachie.
r Those interested in the con.tructi0n
of a roadway from a point below the
jail t0 the harbor will welcome the
announcement that the matter is re-
ceiving the consideration of the Do-
minion Department of Pullin Works. ;
on Thursday evening, March 11th. A corn . titin was received only a
Io Knox church next -Sunday morn- few dsys ago, stating that the wort
Ing Rev. Geo. E. Row will discourse would he commenced this spring.
oo the tercentenary of the English The Godericb Lumber & Milling Co.
Bible and in the evening consider is arranging for large cargoes of klgs
:'David's Splendid Resolution. ' to be brought down hy boat from Nip -
The English Bible •ind the work of teeing Junction as soon as navigation
the Bibb Sock will be the thence In °Pens'
The Lobes' Aid Society of Knox
church will hold then anmuel high tea
m.eM �t
11Fhi emit,
. A resolution Approving the Pounty
council's move was placed on the 'Mo-
A vote of thanks was tendered Ge
President Gamble and the otiose affi-
rms of last year for their services. and
the Board then adjourned.
Victoria street Jietbodist church Deet The work preliminary to the °an -
Sunday toren on. An evangelistic M^m ^f the new portion of
will ire jorkl in the evening. several carloads
wator bas twee commenced. Don- -
Rev. Dr. Medd will preach both ear, tractor Connolly heti
moot. Everybody 5s invited. of maetiinery here and a number of
Vat-iuue churches uu the coming men in charge of Engineer Hume have
Sunday will celebrate the terceotetsaey erected li shed and blacksmith
of the King Jaunts version of the shop.
The shid will be awed a. w stor-
Bible. '1'be morning service et North I sets house for cement. The construe -
street Methodist church will be of tion of this 800•feet of concrete break-
Ann.al wlectiog on Saturday Joseph
Kidd Chairman for Tkis Yost.
The annual meeting of the puMir the inland water*, a work in which a night. Fire -Ham sprcialtls 5w'w.en
library homed was held on tsaturdry. number of (4oderleh people are inter 'Lc" -
this cbara,:ter. In the evening Di. water involves' similar labor to that on
Dougall will pre*ch oo the subject
"Homeward Bound."
Mrs. Cbrywler, of Brantford, a prom-
ineut W. C. T. C. worker, era) here
this week and addressed a mass meet-
ing in North street Methodist church ' proper poo
On Sunday afternoon and *ever al on adredged-Ievel surface, after which
ppober gatherings through the week. 1 the part of the breakwater above the
She Is alt entbu.jasuc supporter of the water line will be completed. This
cause wt he reprements.
The W Sentinel - Review
gives an *000 et of the rendering of
Steiner'a sacred cantata, "The Dangle- TO THE PUBLIC. m "''• 4' .
as F. T. Egenere first appeatance
ter of Jeirus," in that city on a recent <o
are asked to
evening. The paper refers to the event The people or Goderich
as areruemher that the pr' rietary ntedi-
• of e a Dr. J� M. MacLeod
dewenetretexd very emphaticall!! his . are still ill existent,. We are taking
shlht to train and direct choeal spit pa
the Dement p(ent0one for the founda-
tion -of the ..nnez to the elevator of
the Goderich Elevator & Tran*it Co.
When the,oement form is completed
it wili be launched and floated to its
huge undertaking will necessitate the
e,nploynteat of *large number of men
during the coming season. ,
a yr uawmenna wuu.t.raz+
musical director, and eta ea that ..he 1 cines the late
• w to re-ineretl8o0 them to the -
work t' Mention slam was made ' of Inc nod are papered to t11 orders
D. Millyard's ezeeheot work at the t for any of Dr. MecLee'd'a medicines,
organ. At the eternal recital of the manufactured by the late Jam. Wilson.
Ladies' Musical Club Mr. HI(ener gave The formates used have been proved
est iotereeting and instructive talk on to he second to none on the market,
-Wagner and • few of his Natio.
Both artier are well known in
The "at home" given in the school
room of St. George s cburch last Thurs-
day evening by the ladies of the congre-
ga• inn was well attended and was a de-
cided success in every respect. A.
large assortment of laches' work was
on sale. from which • substantial suet
was realized, sod refreshments were
carved and were thoroughly enjoyed.
A progarn w54 rendered coosdstinght
voted solos by Mrs. Curzon, H. 0.
Sturdy. A. F. Sturdy and G. L. Par-
son, violin solos by Miss Heinicke.
and piano solos by A. Roy Adams.
Rey. M. Turnbull was chairman of
the evening. Tbe proceeds of the
entertainment amounted to a sum
which was very grati'ying to those in
J. S. Potter. superintendent of sail -
oris work on the Great L►Ecs, was the
speaker in Knox church last Sunday
uroreine and occupied the pulpit of
North street Methodist church in the
evening He ale add:esee.i the Sun-
day scbool..of tbe.e churthee in the
afternoon. Mr. Potter has had t hirty-
eirbt years' experience in work
among the wilon. He i0 rine ot fotir
men who have charge of this work on
the Great Lakes between Mon-
treal and Duluth. Th distance
between these two points is 1.1:10
mile' and the numl.er of mike* with
whine the workers .•01810 in contact
ie estimated et 2111011 The speak-
er gave hie hrarerr a go ed idea
of what ie Ming dome rmnng the tam -
Wets 5114 pointed out the ex, .'hent
wor► that is being carried on by the
placing of libraries on the chats on
as many people here and elsewhere
can testify, and have saved life in
many 50.1.0ces where other remedies
Arrangements. have been made with
E. R. Wigle, druggist, .ucceuor to
Jae. Wilson, to manufacture and sell
these remedies, and from time to time
the qualities of each of theme medi-
cines will he brought to your atten-
tion in these columns. At this miasma
when the system needs a tonic we
especially recommend MacLeod's Sys-
tem Renovator, the very medicine
necessary to purify the blood and tone
the whole system.
Coming -Marks Bros. Co.
"A Family Feud" was the play pre-
sented h Mark. Bios.' dramatic and
vaudeville company at the City Opera
House, last nigbt, to another large and
well -pleased audience. Tbe company
ie fast Mc 'mint prime favorites with
the p'tone of the City Opera House,
judging from the number of people
who attend the theatre Dight after
night, Gracie Marks, the clever little
star of the company,, appeared •w
Truly Barlow. The Terrible Kid," its
last night's hill. sod she had strong
support from the company. Tonight
their feature play, "Two Nights in
Rome." will he presented. and judg
ins from the adv*tice sale a capacity
house will greet the popular company
again -Port Huron Time. -Herald.
Thin Crmpany will Appear in Goderich.
at Victoria Ooer. Hous", on Monday,
Tneadav and Wednesday. Fefireary
20. 21 and 21. The ironing play will
he • Down 1V stere the Orange Bios
Rims Grow. ' ('bang. of play each
February 11th There were present htiad An appeal erns trade for for. Plan oP heli it, &Awards wetaur-
JOs. Kidd, J. K. Tom, Rev Ina Elliott, *.her assistance in this worthy project sant open Friday noon. Priem 'e and
nH. A1 +ng. J. l4alt. J. H. 'rlgert t3k:.: e.hik{t•n 131.
1 J. A.dtAFm►1.t NeIdiom indeed is .u.'h interest. mini _--_
teat • 1. a
pointroent ot Dr. 53&raag by the town *0 was shown by the large ett.•ndenee' As a ,00eologie, b4e woe'! 1, Is.
council for ibis. year. sand nl .John at Knox churcb lest Monday evening Icomp•reb1. A. a eb•rset.' delis•
(4 tit uo 811 out the term ,f M, Rei'- t w51.,r Ree. Get. B Ro.e rddre.oed the .Aims And dial.*', wntettalnSr '.hero it
r g,u►o. r.sign.d. ,-.ilwa> ,nen `.eating sccom.00da• no ether .ntertsine, no ret. enodur
ne lihreeten . stoat leo rw nip• ..t tion wet st • prem sod to I ,deal . e,gw.. tnAS, 0.h*• 1F let* per, . Gal
0 1.71p in rhe•"
Notice. wens receive(' 0t the .1 ,4) ed in • ehereh service In Goderich lir. 'a,we..an ie hon. estert, ioe•-
ngrrgal ion were a Melee num to will own, a ek•nm. les ole
r 14 for Januar and en issue peoP
books ame „,„4„,,n,,,rh, ental ,M I be. •.f 'nee who follow the vocation of appears_, ,f 1 H tlami,„4,._Areet•
0mime00** for 5010 Ir"m M1, • *weds ',no ole.-'rwllro ole, Tb. ,wv.ren1 er.
gentleman 11.nk for the hemp of hu r►
catalogue' ••ole wore ti►4t i x Fee wills y .' •M+up 11 sew 6)tw
A cwnpwratiee etaleomein t rhe , "1°41" the t,x, Watch vol *blind feet Cure. IOM sly It R Wigle 1rUisw
ironed h wt ex months ne to ,.ire faltb men. he rscetsse i1 to la. Wii.om
titer. were 2.Ml eaomw molue.. rat fl, 1 Kamaist,,, / IR w�
leen 1n e
1191114 And I1110 ehowwd th•f in 1909 1tP0ng 1 ler id Iii tie dimmers* A(T• pets F. -Mildew Der 'vers
was .,rade' frau, 5)1545055 in wb11h be 0 r r,n ver, e
ti,,..s.ued than of Otho. -tweet. son, I tndieat,n 111+ 4.91"(1 i ts11t4M 'e a 9 pophn.pb,u'. Rya) w tate h►
bleed, and during this serine pet -.n., ,r 0.44,41&)town 411 105tebfulneee •5n• pl' man" • wore .O0 lead •
eteedta►, naw manliner end err elftb
1910 there were 0057 Axl Foos. •04„,,a,„wilt. err op, rift ' .'..+•. ^"
1. r.w...li•e."rrM ever, min ewe n1
of Aeuos *memo than r,/ nibs•, rla.w.a , •N F.1erlgg,at
armeetr. armee u. the r.
hok I '' net err Hav► ", .0 a0 15ne•...ter t bort.. 01113 ,r
renal) reanited re the hsteo u w1t 1 ,fta5t01,101.
' '5 1a we Dae mei, �, wee of rhea lanai f0.
pot-0Wof. pP,prwr'on by loetwk ren.ark• If' gar. male
mor,„ emote., 0 the moi tnt.ch'ng •-•fer.n.a ., the tem which
rho ending. the,.fOr• tbs. rwertherhor d •'..' rhe town at
ho the results large had en•talned .n the sadden r.k
hooka frog.. Heti. Porltr g Awa) M a 7,
th.ir renewers« and .eg
of 014..7n ..m.,,,,datedlled I Metes in the wrerb el Paris Ht also
The rheum. •
melee. bow mope
reading the
mph 515.10.
stele works
memo justified
Invoices for
to the amount
h5Ch m,
we. a ..stone Aafd 1
paid moll the tres■nr.l ossa •1e in- ' antloatwd th.0 "0 me
renewal 0f ismimne.••n the broke and regimes • r.t•teln Ane annually nn
with the
serseted to ply , 0 F Carey S12.00 for wishesof
the rallwac men he would
tenant., et the brikitag, whish raw wnuW dellmer r spec
J. A. Fowler was appmisud a dole- dress w (beau. flits
iw' M , mine. the, prime- R 14
Wises trustier
Doe • *argot taw worth wart.•. Alts.
and t e owe, r„ee.rt Lank tot fesllet
Amnon nommen ta nut weft.
T0r1 can get fresh nvstwe and pare
ho.nemado rend at. IlSmckstone's. the
pias-. whereon 1(01 that .tudieious iee
cream in bulk or limey bricks. 'Phone