HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-2, Page 10s• Torino*. ttsasoah• s salt � .•....�.._ .:za Y3► r'�i.r .,'i3tt 4 • THE SIGNAL 4:O1/ERICH• ONTARIO 1 railliummaim7ammusalliallINIP-' Mai asimmem ikFORCE.1 r ' Now tor the final finish of the big Forced Sale. Only live or. six days left at the most to raise the necessary $7,000. We have either to raise this money or close ,,ur doors in Goderich. The weather for the first few days of this forced sale un- fortunately was not in our favor, on account of the streets and roads being so icy, making it almost impossible for people to get out. This fact snakes it all the harder for us. It means that we must have the extra selling now to make up for it. It is going to be the biggest fight that we have ever had to hold our own and stay in the game, and everything depends now upon how fast the customers come to us and how fast we can hand out the goods in exchange for cash. Only a few daysleft to know what our fate will be -whether we sink or swim. Just place yourself in our position for a few minutes and you will easily realise what we are up against. But, as we said before, we are not going down without.a fierce struggle, and as the time nears the end the selling will become fiercer. We have no other choice than to let the goods out and get what money we can for them. We are too busy now in the midst of this big sale to give details, but we will just give you an idea what we are doing anyway, so you will be convinced that we are not running any bluff, as well as to convince you that it is important for you to get here right away. E 25 children's Winter Coats, regular up to $6.5o. Forced Sale price 11.93 35 ladies' Winter Coats, regular up to $12.00. Forced Sale price 13.95 25 ladies' Winter Coats, regular up to $18.0o, Forced Sale price 14.98 J5 ladies' Suits, regular up to $16.00. Forced Sale price.... .... .... 16.95 175 pieces of Furs, Muffs and Stoles, every one now at the Forced Sale price - ONE -HALF OFF' REGULAR PRICES 40 untrimmed Felt Shapes. Forced Sale price, any one in the lot .. I5C too Ostrich Feathers, black, white and colors. Forced Sale prce- ONE-HALF OFF REOUALR PRIC! 15 trimmed Hats. Forced Sale price.. .. 75C 4 ladies' imitation fur -lined Coats, with fur collar, regular $25.00. Forced Sale price, each $14.98 35 ladies' Skirts, made from fine venetian broadcloths, Panamas and voiles, ular values up to $6.5o. Forced price, each reg - Sale 12.98 125 pairs ladies' and misses' Ribbed Wool Hose. Forced Sale price 19c 85 pairs ladies' and misses' ribbed Wool Hose, regular 40c and 5oc. Forced Sale [mice, per pair 29c 25o pairs men's Boots and fine Shoes. In the lot are box calf, velour calf, kip patents and heavy grain bluchers. Every pair in the lot - regular prices $2.5o, $2.75, 13.00 and $3.50 -all put in one lot. Forced Sale price, per pair Si .S 8 zoo. pairs Indies' and misses' Shoes, regular prices up to $2.75. All on one table for Forced Sale, per pair . $1.48 75 men's and boys' Overboats-every coat new this winter. We are getting des- perate now, so out they go for only HALF-PRICE 200 men's and boys' Suits, selling now regardless of profits. Forced Sale prices : Boys' Suits --51.60 to $3.75 Melt's Suite -$3.95, $4, 9S, 17.30 and $9.85 Men's and boys' Winter Caps, regular 5oc. Now half-price for Forced Sale 25c Men's heavy Overalls, frith and without bibs, regular $1.00. Forced Sale price,75c 5o pairs Overalls. Forced Sale price per pair . . Men's extra fine 'all -wool cashmere Sox, reg- ular 5oc. Forced Sale price, per pair, 3Sc loo pairs men's all -wool cashmere Sox, regu- lar 25c. Forced Sale price, per,pair ISc 39c Ladies' Hand Bags. Forced Sale price.. .. 39c Ladies' Hand Bags, regular 12.50. Forced Sal price $ I.55 Ladies' wool Sweaters. Forced Sale price, $1.25 Black Satin, regular 15c value. Forced Sale • prig .. 9c Black peau de soi Silk, regvlar 75c. Forced Sale price 39c Ladies' black silk Waists, regular up to $5.0o. Forced Sale price $1.98 Shaker flannel Blankets. Forced Sale price, 79c Silk Ribbon, three inches wide. Forced Sale e price, per yard 1 Oc Ladies' winter Underwear: Forced Sale price . 19c Talcum Powder. Forced Sale price, per can, 9c Kid Gloves. Forced Sale price 55c Three Neck Frills. Forced Sale price.. ..Sc Twelve fine lawn Handkerchiefs, at Forced Sale, for 25c Collars and Jabots, regular up to 35c. Forced Sale price, each 14c Corsets. Forced Sale prices, 39c, 59c, 69c, 98c 1300.00 worth of Jewellery, all guaranteed goods -Watch Chains, Fobs, Lockets, Cuff Links, Collar Buttons, Brooches, Rings, Belt Buckles, Hat Pins, etc. Forced Sale prices -HALF-PRICE for any article and all guaranteed goods. 5o sacks Redpath Granulated Sugar. Forced Sale price, per sack $4 50 Highest cash prices allowed for Produce In trade only, during this sale. tfygme to this sale if you never attend another. You can tell by the awful bargains that we are renders, desperate in an attempt to hold our position. Get herr while the sal lasts. We are aping to hang or, as long as -we can. Shop in the mornings if you can. CAMERON'S Departmental' purlmental Store doderich, Untarip11111111111111111110 411111.11111111111) 0 Ingrains Eimenanathw Tlaselehles '1s..Oetereo of Linea- momamas; high *straws mad del hes Issosd tiaaeadtles for the model sahod malice& which w ft be held neat midsummer. The biph school aatraass tiwuM ea le arranged p. fdbtw : 1 lloa:day. June--Aflaaaoow -1:16 to lalti leashes lesdaselene lea to 0ati4 .ompaskiow : 9c40 to 411115, spall b . , Jam llorekag-4 to llat� arida 1 ; laa[afw� prpsr1i0 to Wmsaa (,Junalla-11 .t to 11. �p�m , 11.10 * swa4tiosph nanwoa 1:3D to sm. 1tia molal salami eataanse exam- inations omemenos oa ttrs sante tabss tto model mhos* tips. taw: reses Jane M -Yo etas. 11:10 to WA alllemestryhsooaoaeee aa�tMeboon. ! to 4. Jays composition ad s 0 t 11, 1soiYah pomade.; writiog atterasoe, l t ksspiapo dad soReap'yi baabr s pa - Jens IS -Morning. ** to 11, as4thme- madtio d meassratioa r'11:10 to 13 WS - lag : afteraeon, II to 4. SaaiW Wets - tars. Jame 19-Moenlas. 0 to I1, Eradfsh grammar; ; l i dO to 19.40. art .• was• soon, s to 4, history, Mtieb and Os* adieu. June so ---lamins. 0 to 11. French grammar afttrn000, 1 to S. hsseh The 0 ntral Bushmen College of Toronto. and its branches, the ()s- teal Telegraph and Railroad School and the Shaw Correspondent* School, Toronto, are all operated ander the presidency of Mr. W. H. Shaw. end I are commonly known as ••Shaw's l Schools." These in.titutloas ase doieg a great work for the young people of Oanada in particular. but enjoy the attendance and pats mese of students from many other countries. Ratans@ st our ttsttiltata .sine 11d aft" all isethe,; Stied with coin puree, redound Ie 75c Bess Sas, trill ohm etch with coin ptrtaa, reduced from 111.45 to 89c MOTS mist and ISCVSLOPIS Bond is very dainty and amity boxes. roomier is. reduced to lSc Saguia,Resider Ilia 90e. reduced to m to Ma Ahoet ID boxes. asatainkest 1 of amain. par .��er and 1 tankagedialog Sc An odd lot of 1•asslapes, reg. alar 10e per peakaor. dachas sale, per PookoS.. • cheaper Rae, 2 packager for jarpmaimpinna ibeColonlal Bak Stare 0110. PORTICR. Prop. 'Phase IOU. 0 OPERA HOUSE GROCERY Med /ver c// *saw LMa easermats he 0,9•80110 %NW Ars wad Table Figs Cookine Pigs 'x Dates aad p.. kap- Dried Peaches Dried Apr Dried Prunes Dried Apples " Raisins An kinds Currants t Liir°74 tC your 'sr Riefure advsnel Pure Clover Hooey an beak. glass met in soma Syrups -Jams Jellies. etc Hosignartare foe sham "sae nod frank lima. Jac W. Vaulter Opess Masai Week 'Phone elle Logan Street I EMBROIDERIES AN AVALANCHE OF SNOWY WMTE To go on Sale SATURDAY, FEB. 4th Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of yards of Embroid- , cries and Insertions in almost every width you are likely to ask for, from the tiniest edgings for infants' wear to the wide flounc- ings that promise to he so much used the coming season.„ New designs, uncommon and out -of -the -ordinary run of embroidery patterns. Dainty, delicate embroideries on the finest of mulk and muslins, or the more substantial nainsook ,and cambric. Embroideries suitable for every purpose that they can be used for. Embroideries of quality that will appeal to every admirer of these much used trimmings. Patterns by the score for you to choose. from and, best of all, every piece priced very much under usual value, because we contracted for this immense lot months ago. It is impossible for us to prepare a list of prices before the paper is printed, but the goo& will be all ready first 'thing Saturday morning. Take our word for it, you will not be disappointed you come here looking for embroidery bargains while this great February Embroidery Sale is on. We are gotng to make this the biggest embroidery selling event we have ever held, and have the goods at the paces that will do it. NEW PRINTS The first showing of Um new 1911 Prints ea liaturday. An advent* shipmeot far people who like to get at their erring wriest early. Light grounds with mat designs in Meek, Mae. pink. red, etc.. Suitable for waists or shildren's weer. Flue. areas. durable cloth. fast colon. 121c per yard A Splendid Blot* Silk. at SOc ea. Silk. heavy soft Otte cad only4. 41011114 pay no for sod get vane. Sites amid for Saturday at. per root 50c SAVE A LOT ON WINTER COATS We are clearing oat the balance of tbe Winter Coate at decided prim reductive*. Two =oaths at least of coot *author shoed of you yet. Too mono, very well malts may mistake taking advaatagg of oar remark- ably lost prima Children's Coats, reg- ular up to 118.00, clearing at 13.75 Ladies' Coats, regular up to 110.00 and *12.00. cleating at 15.00 Ladies' Coats, A few exceptionally good Coats, regular 120.00 to 125.00. clearing at $13.50 BUY FURS NOW AND SAVE MONEY Stock -taking has shown us one thing at- least,. and lhat is that we have too many Furs to carry over. there is too much money laid up in the fin stock to have lying idle until next season seem round. We are going to make it worth the while of every person who is even thinking of buyiag. furs to buy them here, and buy them now. -There is still a splendid assortment to make your selection. from Some very choke pieces In Persian Lamb. Fox and Sable Canadian Mink Neck Pieces and MM. One lila& Pox Set Periian Lanib Neck Pieces and runs Alaska Sable Neck Pieces an* Mulls Western Sable Neck Pkces and Mutts Isabella Opossum Neck- Pieces and Malls Allarmot Stoles. Throws and Kalb AM Pate at an simiet4 Mgt genhAp shot ore era soft le lash ail ear oridaill (101111106, Sem briefs lo mid ars prise Sant tee tad* haying el it so emenesity es am ems, 1 • RU F Oar Oiler co mid Myth Mew rr MAD Dart MeS Noel WMI Siva Saila Alley amigo Mena Stern Taus Teske Whys aPeotl Stotht Pent b Leder Clarevrr MIL S ober Maeda W awa Waite SWOP Yonne Meade Mins LAKE 13 Doom SI ithutri McNeil Lamm Marital Myer Ilehoma 0. A▪ WL 1 etacodr 244 MalwaIlayda Mellon Ms Ow 4267 411'1E14 ' 41110. Whom • Oo aastatti taboo w111 seettract *op wish re Wiese% of wee It le out art bdt• Of talk to day it fairy without ftmanse emit 4111 opal darased to