HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-2, Page 7The following sale of "Tiger" Dalt 6 famous Oolherea t Pular IfeAreber ue ••Qorerlv." tam - to .n 10 silk hie tidied am. he pay • vi -it Eat. Talbot. the ~ural.• IswiVJ.•.. t whew polkieal Smiles rem high. Ea tem ssorilltre epees b: Might diemmeleg the qu..time of t 9r�t� tWowlaR atomise whoa Me floe rem Telt an urgent seed mase o"Me bale of the if He neer travelled.. that hit kao.. sees a twelve bottles, but oma tied a eedosost the tea that eoutaloed edgy'distt� «otos. fomoms r hit ..t ea the road rem P *seers pw_ deb wen uwt•lly *1101 with kSpb. ironed he innrefused to yield ted dup J When Weis Ta mid.101.,, d serialised i• kiey � t ...'t erg.. tin Is a este la ants MjWide that no Omar a;•s Wad may be served bolas mos. The Tiger whistled in •nte.esaent la his own home at 6akbwid M was wee sto �t bogie the day with a 1Vhai tr the mem fee that?' be Ooot. Talbot Maks *01 w�+mbaeak w bears nowin a Itwee to ran that w ivied to sa e. bete se bribe the frtitbl.I My O i� mode.imps hie mode. di.. asked : "Deena he ever make • mistake in the time ar "No dr. � cloaks are good, but for tear that they should step or be maidied with he had an sedinsee who wee of the heremark whom die shadow mos of the house strikes at g0000ne. mMinimad when the . i. Minim h. dsd him e, It u the e will shadow. II a�himself m� thiiskiiste h•&( the Deed oJ• �1R_t Ilei. ,1,ep." ooThe rows out and awena *e bene w � the a sows. 1as •hallow. Ita.kh,g with Mee the sit= s—'-' 1 bio some a Mawr. doaw ti(eg molt be doss to make 0e1. Z1s1. b* 10 .& his role and he net hieantins rid to th• MM. WWs N tusk up •.dime he wa.iseed to the ~bee! with he ,, his arms* the hQaei seaming 1' he •shed. hem icing all "I wee down to the stags -toad to see the stage Roy That •.. , Rave Dealer the idea be "Now herem to mw,- M urged. "I am s �ttp to the miser a the boom to talk to Vol. Talbot he a few talaetes yen me to seam .ltd tail me om that whets we down a that a son end heir mer hues to gums Vielosis. Do yea a.d.e► stand r us et4 sir 1 I am to telt you that a ma -d�nheir ame been borer to the ' t yea play 'talked part well." said Design, . he 'tk.• cif f0 Me- cum the hermit if W but frosty Jartltary reeraleg with his boa. De too.d Col. Tilts* eitiverieg with hat Moody waistline cowshadow. P�•�•��ts a • tssriy woad sad that hie humorous made bias feel sere that h.e kiekk wo•ld waned. It proms that tie Oohed was oleo thirsty. He bad sot been mating fable eonvee.tfa, lone obeli helped � t us tsservant. who atlas Werehimbissesseti well. what do you wad?" growled "It the Time. >aa r. t woe domes to moo Astro rood this morning and hamd some wooderfal mime a.d t tMoudht you would like to Mar," HW.. 't well 1 Out with it d don estinst mod giblsoriag there." "N yea plume.to t heard at a me and hole has hth hem born to our P lod yu.as game Viehnia." "Novo !" shouted Dualiop and the loyal Oa Talbot moomesii 1°n to hie fest and "That is surety great news r M eaitki 'It plfathomsate a . "It is the rule olf Otd.'haat Ir NaIehid. meow r�rW ams liquor before .ors," he said the dell with all leder at mesh • Uwe as •toeetthe Evil* �Orme. le not bore "11at so hem! That's Um 1 Pew Mee k Inv name moor nems to m NMima led/my. • you may ge to the odler �brine oomph el bottles of the :i and you Wag tie whiskey, tee, to bd.k.t our Ws of Ressidah they i.dpei the ms d the e.s ahead two WWI ased to des room too a erretired Me H. n ews. ns mal to make the It wee his a homed the wbrow sem bele wm redly Wm. bit en Iii w the em rule wee brokif The ththoesNes medien PieterW le w beet- meerdei "49011.4 bappessimp. tsc.$ot er ss or ~tema **wog mem aathe deform s0wt.g the mimeo kola a io.eeph'i: edepassot of ear gram Deerriais..- * Me Nat d the tact. Mse 11 10 typo. mimed he drt am to mod wiiti .Bowe syr` Moro the, people me ofneatod. rary as mice pia Nair a1 raryiet a/waft Iter Ow mo- on u,eeh htforapatkat is ea cheep, • Sot the cit, dania allsodpm by wesotatne betweetar*. Tha n st Mehlnes and tea tbte.na..• ..ear. !.ohms at }Unarm ht atsA i -+ auto w redoes a their*sew •odt (Mel • resavAa. a 1st C 1611 BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS This is a genuine Bargain Sale --the Sate the believe we are giving goods away ; but we do say we prices that will greatly benefit the buyer. This _ ple. have been waiting for. We do not wish to make the public gave too much stock and have decided to reduce the same at will commmeace SAT U R DAY, February 4, and continue for Two. Weeks --finding Saturday, Feb. I8 We have reduced almost our entire stock to cost; andta great Many lines less than cost, and any person needing anythingg J in our line cannot afford -to miss this sale. On account of such very lame' redudions we will have to rind. that no will be charged at sale. pikes.- • Men's Lines 30 pairs men's- Regal Bluchers, sizes 6 to 99 regular $5.00. Sale price S3.45 40 pairs men'sCalf and Vici Bluchers, sizes 6 to to, regular $4.00. Sale Price 2.89 7 pairs men's Calf Bluchers, pointed toe, . sizes - 8, 9, to, regular $4.00. Sale Price 1.98 18 pairs men's Patent Colt Bluchers, sizes - 6 to to, regular $3.5o. Sale price, , 2.60 .. 3o pairs men's Calf Bluchers, size;'.6 io • to, regular $3.50. Side prise...... 2-60 45 pairs men's Box Calf and Vici. Bluchers, sizes 6 to to, regular $3.00. Sale prim . _ 2.25 14 pairs men's heavy Box Calf Bluchers, sizes 6 to to, regular $5.00. Sale Price 3.65 to pairs men's Box Calf Bluchers, sizes. 6 to to, regular $4.50. Sale price, 3.35 16 pairs Tan Calf Bluchers, sizes 6 to to, regular $4.5o and =5.00. Sale price, 7 pairs men's Tan Calf Bluchers, regular $3.5o and $4.00, for, so men's Buff Bals, sizes 6 -to to, reg- ular $t.5o, for 25 men's Buff 'Bals, regular $1.25, for 15 men's Dongola Balmorals, sizes 9 and TO only, regular $2 00, for....-... 3.25 2.60 1.25 1.00 1.60 18 men's Dongola Balmorals, sizes ,to ao, regular $1.50, [for - 120 Hockey Boots so pairs men's Hockey Boots, sizes 6 to to, regular $s. oo, for to pairs men's Hockey Boots, sites 7 to p regular $2.50 and 112,7s for .. - 1.90 to pairs boys Hockey Boots, t to s, regular $;.. for 1.25 P . - :.'; Winter Lines llii f t4.etioas is all Wks of Winter Goods 5 men's long Fell Boots, loose sox, sizes 8, 9, 11, t2; -regular $3.00, for $2:45 9 pairs, men's long Felt Boots, half foiled, sizes 7 to 1 regular $2.50, for... , . 20 pairs men's "Heavy Working Boots, felt -lined, s 6 to it 1, regular 12.25 and '$2.5o,- 7 pairs men's h$fr lace Fox Fek Boots, sizes 7 to 11, regular $2.75, for 8 pairs men's all -felt Bois, sizes - 6 to to, regular $2.25? for ,. 6 pairs men's Pin Felt Congress Shoes, regular 11 ,, for 6 -pairs men's .Pelt Fox Congress Shoes, regular $2,.00, for • ' ' 9 pairs•men's Felt Fox Bals, sizes 6, 7, 9, t o, it, regular 12.00, for 36 women's Felt Fox Bals and Congress •Shoes, siz 3, to 8, regular 11.25, for 24 women's pl Felt Dais -and Congress Shoes, size, 3 to 8, regular $t.00; for 9 pairs boys' 'n Bals, felt -lined,. sizes 1, 3, 41.5' lar $1.75, for 1.95 1.75 t95 1.751 1'00 1.60 1.60 95c 75c 1.35 Men'sesvy' Rubbers ani Overshoes 24 men's one -It isle Overshoes, sizes 6 to 12, for 13 men's fou . kle jersey Overshoes, sizes 6 to for .... t8 men't low ' hoes, no buckle, sixes 6 to 11, is men s heavyRubbers, two -buckle, sizes 6 to t 1, regular $2.5o, for 12 men's heath Rubbers, one . buckle, sizes 6 ;11, regular $1.75, for Is men's hea e -buckle Kant Krack Rubbers, 6 to t 1, regular $2.75, for . ,:, . 1.90 13 men's hea buckle Kant Krack Rubbers, 6 to s t, regular i3.00. for 2.25 15 boys' heav?$isbbers, one -buckle, sure 1305, x$1.50, for is youths' Rubber,,' cone -buckle sites' r ��,%t e5., for 1.35 2.40 1.15 1.90 1.40 WM. SHARMAN, mitionemew 1.10 911( 1 Ladies' Boots and Oxfords 41. pairs women's Vici Bal and Blucher Dorothy Dodd, sizes 3 to 6, regular $4.00, for S2.95 28 women's Vici Bals and Bluchers, sizes 3 to 6, regular $3.5o, for 25 women's' Patent Colt Bals a n d Bluchers, sizes 21 to -6, regular $3.5o and $4.00, for. 26 women's Vici Bluchers, sizes .3 to 7, regular $3.so and 14.x0. for 74 pairs women's Vici Bluchers, sizes, 3 to 7, regular ;3. oo, for go pairs- women's Vic* Bluchers, sizes 3 to 7, regular $2.50 and 12.75, for 1-95 45 women's Vici Bluchers, sizes :; to 7, regular 12.00:, for • 1.40 6o women's Vici and Box Calf Bluchers, - sizes 3 to 7, regular 11.50, for 1.10 14 ,women's Patent Oxfords, sizes 2% to 5, regular 1$300 and 13.50, for.... 2.20 13 women's Patent Oxfords, sizes 3 to 7, - regular 12.00, for 27 women's Patent Pumps and Slippets, sins 3 to 6, regular $1.5o and $2.00, for 1.15 29 women's Tan and Chocolate Bluchers, • sizes 3 to 7 regular 12.25 to $3.00, far ..-. s • ` - 1.75 6o pairs women's Tan and Chocolate Oxfords, sizes 3 to 6, regular •2.25 to $3.00, for 1.75 2.60 2.65 2.85 2'20 ti 1.55 Boys' Boots 3o pairs Box Calf and Dongola Bals, sizes t to 5, regular $1.50, for ... 25 pea boys' Buff Bals, sires 3, 4, s, r g- ulan $1.25, for.. •. - . .3o pa4ir's youths' Dongoia'and Buff Bals, sizes 11 to 13, regular $1.25, tor.... Girls' Boots J5 w i tides' rota Bab and Bluchers. sizes i i to a, regular it.s5,.10e :3 child's r)ongoh+ Bids, meas b' eo 10 regular Si . oo, for • - - - W Ian asap after Bess tai mer redoes in nebee. bop f set ISO* vs Is "lots disc has 1.15 90( 75c 7k 70c E SQUARE, GODERICH, ONTARIO senemmons 1