HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-2, Page 5LOCA elopes@ Soar d. ?be booed of limn* oonsue tar Centre Mitten for tbe Isaac is the •11$110 la ISS4 year, the me ett . Homeland." -The Enchantress, and Adam TOPICS. Theermate. ecene aim the leedlegicot estosers Airs" were °umbers w h t year called forth prolonged applause from gators I tie( audieuce The taloa. -The Osar Wm. Peatanion, of Hull a �oov.r. of Clinton. end Hays, of/Seaforib. A 'January Frog. Are we going to have an early spring? The Cauatlian frog ia sup - pined to have something to do witb tbe weather. and a lively froggie cat:f- aired one day thie we by Isaac Seelk• eat, of the Hayfield toed, may be a sign of en early breeking up of win- ter. G. C. I. Trustees. Tbe atatutory meeting of the trustee board ed the (ioderich Collegiste Insti- tute was held yesterday afterno)n. raege Doyle was re-appoioted chair Iran of tbe board for the ensuing year and Dr. Field's resignation aa sl of the Collegiate was accepted, to ale effect on July 1st. lacreased Hours. The employees of the Doty engine works beve commend working thir- teen beers a day for three days each week • number of large orders have tseen received by the mummy which necessitated tbe change 1,1 the hours of the workmen In order to keep jtoe with the work to be bandied before the opening of spring. '41.iiChemical Worts to Operate PMeo man 8aIitirks on the Maitland road ns of the North A user - south of the Grand Truok station have 'seised instructions to local men to have the plaza put in order for im- inediate operation. Further details are not knowo, as to whether the abOVII will mean the constant opera- tion of the works or not. Fruit Urowers Meet. A meeting of fruit growers of God, - rich and Oblborne townships was held Wednesday afternoon at the office of D. F. Hanaink. for the porpoise of wronging for an otganisation to co- operaus in the cultivation and oare of orchards and marketing of the fruit. The inertias' waa very largely at - Loaded aod tbe matter was freely. dis- claimed and all expressed themaelves ai favorable towards each an organisa- tion. Another meeting will be bold for the completion of the organi- sation on Thursdae. February 9t.h. at 2p. m.. at the sante place, and it is hoped that everyone interested In the growing of fruit will make it a point to attend this next meeting. U. C. I. Lamer,. Society. Tb. Literary Society of the God. - rich Collegiate Institute has elected tbe followiog officers for the present terns : Hon. president, Dr. H. I. Strang ; president. J. F. McNaught; first vice-proskiant. Miss A. Dornin ; mooed vier_ president, J. Benson Long; treasurer'Kim Irene }iridium ; secre- tary, Mias Gram Warnock: editor -In - chief. Donald ark:Cl&senator* editors, Miss Beatrice Pridbain and C. K. Mac - Phonon ; councillor*, il. lietj D. C. Nictitation and Grafton lim- dette; pianist. Miss Ina Welsh. The initial meeting of tbe Society fsr this term will be bead In tbe asesisnibl• hall of the Collegiate tomorrow (Friday) evening. Promenades, a short pro- s/ram and a buffet lunch ars comprised In what will doubtless be a most en - 10 yable evening'. entertainment. A Double itereavernent. Particularly sad is the blow which nes fallen upon tbe home of Frank Smith in the sudden taking away of the wife and mother after • brief ill- ness. Mrs. Smith had heen suffering from a saver, cold, which settled in her beadrendering an oPeretton nec- essary. She was ractiovestto the hos- pital. where the operation was suc- cessfully patterns's! on Sunday. Height hopes were ehtertaioed of her recovery until Monday afternoon, whets, without a women:it's warning, Abe pawed away. The w)rrow • stricken family hays the heartfelt Elympatthy of every citizen in the great snd sudden lose which they have ma- tained. On Thesday night Williem O. &nicetises aged fatiser of tbe Mer,. Frank, Wilmer and Arthur Health. died at the bone of his son Arthur. He was for essupy years a prominent businese toast of tbe town. and a fur- ther reference to hie life will be made mat week. Mr. Freak Smith la just recoveries front a severe attack of pneumonia; en Use teeny Ls haring a very large share of affliction. The Funeral a Mrs. Smith took place this etter000n to Meltland cemetery and the remains of Mr. Smith will be in- tend tomorrow rriday i The ran- ee/ will be private rho Annual Sescasees. rhe annual oyster sup r and enter- aininent of the (4od.rlcb hratieb of he Wonien's Institute we. bell in the OdelfellowsHall last Thursday •evening. and from every stand= was a complete nooses • "lumber sat doers be tbe bounUful re- past servedealtale ladies. after which 1 M. Kern Reeve a Collsoree, toot tee r filled It very accept- saiy witiM a varied prograas was giros that was moth enjoyed. The coati solo. by trcomtd ilisillargarit Monsoon. Miss Mary bieoil Clark and E. Wilkes pima* solo by Wu. McCarthy t violin solo by Mbar Lena Clark recitations by Mimes Gads sell Yams ; dancing by Wei Agnes Mc and • *Dena NM by Roy Jones. Tbo suety isounell, willies was la seon. was well represented at tag getberiag stet the program. woo ordivisood by 7 4•71141., faRams Bnd Rana: Winter. ef rees Bailie, 01 Waft (Ionia*. returns from the entertainment ansi. ranellont and the loam are wall Mewed with this memo at their oatertalamoot Welsh Choir Eallouslase ^ slay Iterierad The Royal Waite Idifisa' Choir woo In a hill town int Tomilay Wiaeo Sho plum01 Victoria Room was monad es Friday thereoo ws "NM mob for ousaria by 6. igeisee Tessier evening every eeeMeW seat mop molt The program readirand try Modasoo Horbre-Thoniae auditor hood et Praised Welsh WNW" wee tese Wit will him long in the oRayaory of the large arid menithro andiscies. rhornmas whether tarsi** or apt. were rendered vs.i.h mob Saaas,....is ea.amosaskari sod clew • - flky My Ain Folk '' were !sedated b the reepseUve singers with ducts hearty fervency that the whole audience was touched with the humor or p&thoes of the 'ones. The sweeter were all at- tired in the quaint costume peculiar to tbe inhabitant, of the Welsh country. Thom wbo were privileged to listen to this musical treat are unenituous in Um expressiou tli it at any future date the Royal 'Welsh Ladies' Choir will receive an °mime- astic wish:time in Goderich. '1'hey ap- peared here under the auspices a the Y. M. C. A. LOCAL TOPICS'. 111 RIEF. Arti•Uo talkwing at tea best la exameded in Lbw sarstanta tossed oat by Prk1 tu the taij.r K1 ottsnlisholoolt IN boadquartars In titstiob ter the &Lod as4 bet a -arterial atria& Msay now Woad In home dosoratton ars roar pato& by • coal Wi:mor Ehaith's An Store. Fast strost. and an esatulostlon of tho many articles of good was dhow', t.ht,ra. A pkisaare to show soadla Chae. Irwin, of Bridgeburse is now on the railway mail clerk servals be- tween Goderich aml Buffalo. The Loess' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold iLa regular meeting et the residence of Mrs. Carrie, Canihrie road, on Saturday afternoon et 4 DonaM filcMurchy had an accident at the 6. T. R. station biat week by which be bed two ribs broken. We are glad to see. however, that he is &Me to be &bout &gado. The edict has been issued frorn China that all natives of that country may cut off tbeir queues. The result is elready noticed ia townone of the load Celestials baying dcrie mew with tbe once much prised "partial." Th, date of tee met bores market is Tuesday. February litb. Those in- terested in this monthly event will do well to keep tbe Mete in mind and be in attendance at • thee when the best Mock end tbe beet buyers are brought together. By order of the Dominion Public Works Department the Uoion Jack will float every day benceforth from. the flagstaff of all public buildings in Canada. A new flag bay arrived at the Goderich poet office and wee hoisted for the drat time last Satur- day. arousing much curiosity aa to Me remora for its display. A epeeist meeting of the Daughters of tbe Empire will rie !mid in the court house on Monday, February Oth. at 4 o'clock. The meeting le called to make Goal arrangements for the after- noon taa and the sale of work to be bold In the Oddfellows' Hall on Thurs- day, February lath All members are urgently requested to attend. The editor of The Signal 1. 10 receipt Mao invitation from the Heron Old Boys' Association of Toronto te attend the eleventh annual "at borne" of the Association to he bold in Use Temple building on Friday, February 17th. This is always one of the big modal events of the se tem in Toronto for tbe many sons and drughters of Huron resideot in the cite. CHURCH NOTES. The teachers' training class will meet in the Y. M. C. A. room next Wednesday evening it 8130 o'clock. All interested will be given & cordial welcome. Next Sunday in Victoria street Methodist church the uarterly love feast will be held at 10 o'clock. Public service at 11 o'clock, followed by the Lord's Supper. The usual evangelimic service will he held in tbe evening. Rev. Di-. Medd will preach. A very keen interest continue, to be manifested in the evangelistic services bald nigbtly in Victoria street Metho- dist dwelt!. Tbe attendee/me is large /end impiring and much good has been acecouplisbe& Songs that hearten and oddness's tbat help are given every night. A cordia/ invitation is extended to all. The buttes of St. George's churcb purpose holding an "itt boas" in the schoolroom of tbe church on Thurs- day evening, February kb, commenc- ing at 8 o'clock. A good program is Wog preparMs and refreehmeots will be waved Tables a faocy work, bowel:gide candy, oake and useful household &Hide; will be on stale, rbe services In North street Metho- dist church next Sunday will Morin with congregational withering at 10 sectock for fellowship. thanksgiving and testimony. Ail ruemlsers are re - queued to be present and those about to become member,. At, 11 o'clock the reception of members by letter and by profession of faith and the adsinistra- Uoss of the Lord's Supper will take Awe. The subject of the sermon will be “Orievina th• Spirit." The subject of tbe evening diseoure will be ''Houseward Round.' CONGRHGA TIONAL MEET 1 NG 01 Cam Church NW Last Everting Very Satistacterp Reperta elle The ensuai nostrof Knott church atalfeeation wets h roma of tbe chuil In Ms teeters on Wednesday evening. Notwithotanding the very unfavorableweather there was a large atteadaries and tbe spirit of the amt. log ebotred how istessely interested tMe onnerregation le la all pertaining to Its life and work. The pastor, Ray. (Mn. R. Row.. orindoetcd devotional etarsioss and prodded ihasjilseagpal am felt and erpreased Dr. terse& far NNIavy rime Me efiledens memeary, was notahist on sciessat 01 Ames to he present ()i motion C. A. Nairn was appointed merstary et she sweetlag •Iesandor Rt'aoo 1era 01 seasio41. anhasitted the iamort of sesnion. ia white tone -bine and element refer - ems wee made to the deeds of the foe everpestar. Rev Jam A Ariderese and Me esideent and faithful latr•IfIth readorad by hire Tbe report shrews that Ms abliiiiharithip of the newRI[PWW*- se onanhara Win and tee attendance et entrunteelou during the peet year true tbe lararasi hi the histare of the jthis ••••• PH. (44/11.ABICH tiNTARI" =a1 wholtIrrigriValgoo vegeta= was urged waliamphasimat HOLM REV / LE K I NT A I L I:1st epee Wednesday evening pine- y for this devotioneJ service. Wiall-desarvad comniandatiou w a taits officers and teachers a tho sobool, the hoard of manage - meat, the organist and members of the choir, the ushers and the effic- ient pew -steward and caretaker, .11 01 whom in their respective tepartments had offered their servia hearth..., as unto the Lord Th, Sabbath &shoot staperanteedent. .1. E Torn, reported a most successful year. The bigbeet attendaince during 1910 was 106 and the average ee/7. Report* were submitted also from the Young People's Society, the Ladles' Aid. the Women's Foreign .asionary• Society, the, MacGillivray Weldon Band and the Relief tiociety. all telling of faithful service and p.rliy. The choir under tbe gifted and de- voted leadership of John B. Hunter is in excellent condition and is thor- oughly organised with a membership a forty-one. Enthusiastic apprecia- tion was expressed by the meeting for tbe feithful and splendid 'service ren- dered by Mr. Hunter and every mem- ber at the choir. The report a the managers and the treasurer was presented by C. A. Nedra and Mr. Tom, indicating that, while tbe past year had been one of unesually large expenditure and the congregation bad been without a settled pastor for seven months, the incsicue bad exceeded that of the pre- c.eding year by more than $11010. This a only one evidence of the loyalty and ree_ipowsive spirit of the congregation. Every report eubmitted was encour- sari ng. The future is very briett and Knox c,burels, which stands as one of the largest and strongest in tbe Prov- ince, enters upon a new year of service witb consecrated energy mil reel. GODERICH HOCKEY LEAGUE. Arninganuns Made for • Series of Ten Gaines Ammo( Local Teims. At a meeting of the representatives of the teams comprising the Town Hockey League, held io the Menem - tang Canoe Club rooms on Friday evening las, the followitsg rules for guidersa in management and playing adopted:wero 1. That players yam have entered with any teem to play in any of the scheduled games must not have played more than ooe 0. H. A. game during the present season. a That only Mayers who have re- sided in town since January 10th, 1911, shall he eligible. 3. That players of each teem must be registered with the executive com- mittee not later than January 10th, 1911, and any additions thereto must be sanctioned by the executive. t Players are not transferable after they have signified their intention to play with any one of the' sobeduled teams. 6. That garoes are to be of one boua duration, Mt -McNair detention and in- termissions, and are to be commenced punctually at the titue advertised or agreed upon. 0. II. A. ruies to gov- ern play. & Tbet the following shidl be a board of referees. ooe of whom to be mutually agreed upon by contesting teams. If the teams CalIDOI agree a then the referee shell be appointed by the convener of conimitmes. Board of referees -Roy Walter, Arthur McLean, Mr. Scheeffer: W. sp.. Cbapmen, Gordon McDoneld, Dan f 31 cDonald. SCHICDULE GAYS& asdaree Jan. IISA-0. C. I. vs. V. M. C A. Feb 1R -M. C. C. re. Jubilee V.13=aja Sannoodu. oiaoongo at' the bVasi Huron , PMMNI111' lantiente Weitettendrod and intarea meet =the West Huron names te. were beid last week . tfohnos ville and Kintail. , 'Me Holmesville meow* ueld on 'rueediey 0. Barbour, of Croashill, on ..sa.kru and see Silo, giving email °Poke on -That Draught Hulse" end practical information and ninny useful suggestione. There wam a Sage attendance at the evening emotion. The president opened with a brief address. Mr. Westin -et of Toronto, cave a talk on "Poultry Raising" which held the dose attention of the audience. Mr. Barbour spoke on "Present Needs of Ontario Agriculture," dwelling on the careful selection of seed, "'good drain- age, careful handling and storing of the prodiela of field and orchard. tbe improvement tif etock, and the placing of the finished article on the market In the best possible condition. H. Morris, ex -president of the Farmers' Institute, a6o gave an address. irain of musical selections aud reading.. intempersed with the ad- dresses added much to the interest and pl.-moire of the ineeting. The Women'e Institute met et Mulholland's in the afternoon and was addressed by Mee. Woelard. At Entai1. Splendid audiences turned out at Kintail no Wednesday. The afternoon meeting was opened by President Mallough, who pointed out the beneflta of the Institute to the farmers and bespoke an increased in. terest in the work of the Institute. The president then called' on H. J. Morris, who told of hie experiences on a visit to the State a Iowa, contrast- ing farm operations in that country with those practised here. He thourht the horses in that State were greatly inferior to those- of Ontario and that the cattle in general were not so good as ours. Mr. Barbour. of Croashill, was the next speaker. He said t here was something rtrange iu the fact that not only 'were there more horses in tbe world today than ever before. but the prices were at the highest point ever nown. As vegards beef cattle. how- ever, the case was different: there Waal considerable tehortage in their numbers. Feeders would have to get a high price this flaittlOtt to let them out, owing to the big prices they paid in the fell for stockers. Mr. Barbour then gave a practical addrees on the raising of beef cattle. He said three crope-roote; corn and clover --should be grown on every farm, as they were indispensable either in deirying or in the raising of beef cattJe. He con- cluded an interesting address with some pointers on the horse -raising in- dustry. which he maid would be very profitable for a long time yet. Mr. McGregor gave a brief Addrean, advocating draining as a profitable in- vestment. At We evening meeting the mesi- dent in his opening remarks spoke of the importance of beautifyiog the home surroundings on the farm. Ex -President Morrie spiske.of the progress of Institute work throughout the Province. Mrs. Woelard gave an instructive ddrees on "Poultry Raising," a sub. ject upon which she is thoroughly 'reed. Rev. J. ft Hardie. being called upon, ke with apprecietion of the armer's calling, his rem/irks being received with much pleasure. Mr. Barbour ',poke upon. agricul- tur .1 conditions in Ontario, recom- mending care' and study aof proper methods for the maintenance of the fertility of the moil. He also pointed out the great need of drainage. He evoke of co-operation as a coming feature of agriculture which could be profitably employed in many depart- ments of the agncultural industry. The Kintail branch of the Women's Institute met in the afternoon. Atter the meeting had been opened with a few well-cboeen remarks by the presi- dent. Mrs. Beckett, Miss Atom May McDonald rendered some violin selec- tions, and then the visiting delegete. Mni. Woolard, of Toronto, gavecan ad- dress on "Hygiene." Thom present beard her with profit and pesure.... Describing in graphic .tyle a trip through New Ontario, Mrs Woelard raid the Destitute was a boon to the imitated lives of Inane in the sparsely settled districts there. The next nesting of the Women's Institute will be held at Mrs. Jamieson's on the first Thursday in March. 3rd -04., I. vs. Harass litessehr II -Y. C. A. vs. M. C. C. O. Li= Stb-o. . I. vs. Jubilee 10. Plth- Ir. II. C. A. va. Horsed Maass 132•--M. C. C vs. 41, C. 1 Chapala& Lith -Y. M. C. A. mallets* aceseser MA -M. C. C. va. Mame __„1.) MeDoesid letb-Jublko vs. Harms waiter The first game in tbe town league was played on Use West street rink on Monday evening. between teems rep- resenting tbe 0.0. I. and the Y. 31.0 A. It was an exciting game from start to finish, the supporters of the respective teams present forming a fairly large crowd of spectators. The Collegiate team won by one goal, tbe floal score being dee and their mucosa may be attributed to the fact that during tbe last half a the a number of lady supporten ved on the scene and gave splendid assistance to the G. 0. 1. Rooters' Club. There were several shining lights on both triune wises' spectacular rushee, stick handling, ste., brought teem before the notice of the critics. TO03 Elliott and O. K. MecPbersee played well tor the students. while Me "Yaw" had speedy pock -chasers in "Goldie" Smith aed Buchanan. W. Obspman handled tbe referee's bell most lathe factorlly, itnpoeine a number at pen- alties and keeping the 'SUM free from roughness. Tbe following is tbe line- up: 0.0. I. -Goal, E. Pridbaau point, Z. Dean ; ooverpoint 0. Dean ; rover, 'I'. R. 191liott, ; centre. IL E. Elliott : right wing, K Hawkins: left wing. 0. E. MeoPhereon. Y. M. C. A.-Onel, R. Jones , point, J. MeNervin ooverpoint, 'MOM ; mew. Hales; metre. Leonard right wing. W Boolmoso left wino. 17. McDonald. feat night 'be game played by tbs Mssismitung Oases Obab aad the Labi- le. hockey orphatte rosetted in a rk t.- for the M. 0. 0 by th- score a 1 elmw 104 Me =as very livety at tines mad Walter was load. bosy tramithag the player, to a view of theobree from the penalty bait, lc) 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS. It's the modern improved methods that makes Blackstone's ice cream, in bulk or fancy bricks, es decided. de- lightful, delicious dessert. Pure boos- made mode, fresh Virginia .salad oysters. 'Phone 240. A Valentine omelet is afla01$111101d 40 he hold in the Oddfollowie Hall on Tuesday evening. February 34th, under the auspices of the Rebekah Lodge Adinimmion 26 oenta. Every- body in•ited. POT& At 121 11 coadiad°RwmPle*emee. forontw. Saturday. Jitesunatahltittlii. th Mr. and Mrs Clatt•• & Pete. • SMIII1N. -Is Godlortelt, on Swearday Jae wary Mt& 14, tweak, lira H. A. 11 ado Af10. 01 00ehroJw thetewilk • ess. A$ aseltaps kiwtit wa Moody. wItt=. 7rdisi.mea Mr sad Mra Rammer MARRIED FORRI IT SALA. 1/owlartt valley W and On** ware the peck of Nis Canso Club and MaDormild and J Obiaboitas piaysd a good gases for foi N ib.0 Ian.llirtbe Moans M. . Pones %WM fever point, 5. ins!. Doak*: metre. L W ttelborais left wig& A Straiten . 1. Ohilliolan cover pellet. IF Chip. bolsi . rover. kfeDonal 1 what W woos .narittLit va In"..mwtre,suji %taw, Our vow 0.notw by mprvtep ,sss of 10.00 • tketesen tasted %loupe Obsesses Reuse Reeds ense after aim adding hint water Any grind groessr non supply MOM sayer of time and troobie. - t rani • Yam. Oalbernas so Modorratirwcy tat . / Naas woe tem elhomil. • 71 ...be, rNahmet A•bead • DIED IIMILigiakemosiorkt stats4i. them AS4sw......, ......0., tnItio="3t 7 16mareillainthollrboosa 0.' le,/ =rad rft• teittatino.. The ten aro( LenNfo,... • WU ult delta 141 husenam. hawse.i iiiimuseest eg eildrese in reply se • h. 4 pooch 1, Iwo 11-• l'Istrons. thy doom.- o • - Pan v - • wd Ate lit 111011 rifIllInnlf Ay IA. hrs, • of% ,cautt., Hon A 0. Macias The Provinemi •enewirit. -new en., pooditure of Sm./487.11110 on ordinary 'adamant tor the year, and • Illireirio 01 1111001 rn 18 1. the il(pe What To Do -FOR Sickly Children Letters from Mothers I wish I could induce every mother' whol has a delicate sickly •hild, to try your delicious Cod Liver old iron Tonic VINOL. It re- stored out little daughter to health and strength after everything else had failed." -Mits. C. W. &ruse, anton, Obio. Mrs. F. P. Skonnard, ot Minne- apolis, Minn., writes, ni want to recommend VINOL to every moth- er who has a weak or sickly child. My littie boy was sickly, pale, and had no appetite for two years. I tried different medicines and doo tors without benefit, but thanks to. VINOL, he is a well and healthy boy to -day." C. Allen, of New Bedford, Mass., writes,"My two puny childrengained rapidly in flesh and strength in a very short time after taking VINOL." We positively know VINOL will build up little ones and make them healthy, strong arid robust. Try one bottle, and if you are not satis- fied, we will return your money. H. C. Denton. Drawee". Goderala BALMORAL CAFE The plaos O buy Hasatoreads Caodies Salted Peanuts, Etc. Ice Crean' in Bulk and Bricks rnioistuar., LAIPOlq AN? laritaNG ANNOUNCEMEN Annual Special Fence Sale OYSTERS FRESH EVERY DAY F. E. BUR DETTE 'Phone 64 The Square We have purcha•eii &hoot two care or •„r-, (deol Fencing. it is made of the heat hard ;.artioe etwei wire. No. e, perfectly cralvaoized. We b.se bandied fci years. Although rhe fence WOO U &CI urera• ha auvaneo their prices ten per nem., we are in a position Lu announce prices that are very interesting to those requiring fencing. We ran do this because we houghs early, tor spell cash sod ir+ large quantities. Anotber coneideratiou -you can take your feociost bona - an the sleigh, and when Lime is not so valuable aa it is in summer, and you ae saving money by buying now at these prices : 5 -wire, 38 inches high, per rod, 23 c 6 -wire, 39 inches high, per rod, 25c 7 -wire, 40 inches high, per rod, 27c 7 -wire, 48 inches high, per rod, 29 c 8 -wire, 41 i,nches high, per rod, 31* 47.inches high, per rtid, 33 c Last year souie who did not bear of this sale in tine wanted sale prices after time had expired; so this year we are bolding open long enough that all may he patisfled, subject, of course, to our supply leating -THEREFORE ORDER EARLY. Remember, all No. 9, hard steel galvanized wire. No better fencing made than Ideal. These prices are for spot cash with order: or within the month. Fencing to he taken from station or storehouse at our option : and we positively will not guarantee te hold these prices open atm Tuesday, February 28th. See us about Coil Barb Wire, also Gates. Howell Hardware Co., Limited 131/1)112 PlOOTT, "The Harry Lauder of Canada," who appears in Victoria Opera House on the evening of Friday, February 1016. Mr. Pigott ban a distinguished reputation es a character vocalist. He comes to Goderich under the aus- pices of the Goderich Citizens' Marine Band. saatniehatearisee2WWSeeftWiesereale 10 Cutters to Be Sold at Cost Must be cleared out regardless ofpric e. C a 1.1 and see them at the M assey- Harris Shop on Hami I n Street Robert Wilson WI, good time keepers and consequently comfortable watches to carry. Their efficiency is assured by a guarantee which enables the owner to have any constructional defect remedial free of charge by the nearest agent in any part of the world They ' are not made in grades which cannot be fully guaranteed.. We carry a full line of these Watches. Walter H Harrison C. P. R. WATCH INSPECTOR ON THE SQUARR. GODERICH The Signal's Clubbing List will be found on page UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN Her Secret. She Always Looked In Y. •.:weryolo, (Boo • noas 01 th• weer mitt. stell•• weintilit la .0er a 11 WILall't her features, for wills *SW- isr they *of,5., wilosisal. Su, tate char.. la, 1 tao asaa rot upload It slitoreel• hitt^ that iiiAisartiasse area., is ime taw r ales Ch. stir =Iva 12 Pa 1,111.1111•• - You essiee't leek at am, .fthout if Arno Set MIS meseasettes eaa beauty of •••, 11* hitt '.k.i. N•lir a I.p too weaut she oPIfiest tile, 1, waa so aw riff el Ws ergs,' E....par/4n. my roe • , 141 -•trio.. co nth I mi glee t 1.1.1.•C IllIll II... 40.111110d le had 1 •111.10/18 he. -ontitintsst. but tba, sht, *64,14 1111rauton• .b• 'wet thing Aso ot.e' Pen re, 'ho 1411 it gave h• grass suer a -awl wrvisolsoil 0.11,1A13 APIA 451, *as w wow* osinor rf Area. a Mr* ,.• 416• Then, aro plenty 41 asaa. -moss he km as 4141ra...oils. Pew Hires wvor lt•httra loth two army* Seed .11,,t tip My• hoot - flasrant•• *Vintners% 4• an elaintod (or it *ad ovary easw hap um. It ••• %ergot, te tr, FURS Including Fur -Lined and Fur -Collared Louts, Fur Stoles, Throws, Ruffs, Muffs, Etc. OARGAINS IN TAILOR MADE SUITS AND SKIRTS aArtowihs IN WAISTS al silk. as. laws wsiliag. so itARGAINS 14 tirronstaninrs Mart am! volors. •• all matertais Falu(,* i MS Ile VolLe SKIRTS AND SILK ()Renee BARGAINS IN WHITEWIAIR CORSETS. ffTC oAR.:AINS IN CHINA AND Gi ASAWARP SA9PMes. I COMMENICIPIG ON MONDAY N b. X Rvilov.rsisi; 114 411'011t WI LI SP 121h011t FROM 25 TO 50 PER CENT. 11. • 4e, I 1 A.04 • Old u. 1.61.= isle we( robable atisibtitior trill I I. I b. • tp • •te • 'W V 4Prinattit, .0.11 .1.11.1.von *fool lt • 4.11:9"1"1"1"." ••ineit JOHN STEAI) Cloaks, Furs" China, Etc. Hamilton Street