HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-2, Page 4•
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District N ws. subject ;room,- Fortes . *MI
MoNLA le. ;•.10Ci....L
Nelms+ Mr. dare MacLea. Of
Lothian visited at Mrs McRaes so
Tuesday last . M. end Mn
titmouse Shields., of Oreitoto
nutntmr 01 friends in this vicinity be
fore their eturn Ken. MacKso
de had the iniefortvo. to loot b No
bores bust week, due to rodigestioo
&good horse ip this thriving one o
sum/I loss .. Quite auinher at
ended the Femi-re' Institute auntie
re Kintail Istat Wednesday and at
onsequentiy earnestly cosidet•in
!he putting into practiee of -.owe a
war of the tansy suggesrione
'itooeci bv tbe speek.s.
CASNO0 tittfellt. -The followi r.g re•olu
Lion was paused by liarostaple Lodge
8. Os E. B. 8., Br:miller
To Be. A. tioroiso orts Foos. -As it
bee reseed *tets God in His Janette wis-
dom to remelts from you by the hand of death
Near brother, Cb..rlea. we. the °Moors and
membeni alsowenamod lodge. desire to coo
wary to you and your mewed family our dine-
t:it tParithe loollestaieVeuler 8:11 rare Ined.aleat
es sansour way that you may rueet
pour loved one in that knit beyond the river
Your. oo behalf of the Lode,
K H. Mee.. seseetsry,
E.. T PYIE11414*11. W. p.
Mr. Mugford Ouse ks the officers and
members of Barnstaple Lodge for
their expression of sympathy in his
lues aod apprecietes the brotherly
feeling which their have.dieplyed.
TUESDAY, Jon. 31s1.
SOCIAL. -A box social end en-
tertainet will be heldin McDonelds
ball on Tuesday evening next, under
the auspices of the C. M. B. A. A
first-clims program will he given by
Dave McGill. of Blyth; A. Fitsell. of
Lucknew, and local talent Auctioneer
Purvis will dispose of the boxer.
Adission. 25c; ladies with boxes
bee. Doors open at 730; program at
WEDDING dELLi. -The marriage of
Loughlin McDoneld, of Parkhill. and
Miss Hannah 0. Dalton, of this place,
was solemnized at SL Joseph's church.
Eitsgsbridge, on Tuesday, 24th. The
ceremony was perfortned by the
pestr, Rev. Father McCormack.
After the nuptial inane. the wedding
party drove to the home of the bride,
where a aumptimus dinner awaited
the. In the afternoon the newly -
wedded coupes. isft for their hooey.
nsoon trip before taking up their
abode on tbeii term neer Parkhill.
Tbe good wiebes of the bride's meny
awn& been follow her to her new
barna where *he i • we a:ranger, as dm
hes been a succeseftd teacher for some
tune and bee woo numeroue friends.
snassalosr of the Boll Talmabone
Goderich, was present and intinisted
that the desired connertion with the
Meru through the Bell Cowpony oould
Lik/AINAA /*Mom be obtased at 94.00 ear tid•Phrine
0. R Forster, presislent of the G& -
WTO'. DENT181 on borne Telephoor Symons, proposed
I be Lemno. ha. anmit dation .uteldis that • central be established at Ben
idols and 'rib botasostenis sive hie enure
plit.tonne .wer. day CI nipaan„... he obtained through that 'odium,
to the home oMots Luntooi. ewes miller and coonection with riuderiob
- rjoTius rtik LoOAL AGENCY
- 1.1 ta Dungannon tor The Miguel is at Use Post.
• °oe Hook and Stotionery Stens, where
weer" win te remised for sub scription% ad -
warlike.' ask Jul work and resists will be
(") laala Ism ...moon tar mid for the manse
Tuesuar. Jan. 31Let.
Mies Pennington, of Godericin vie-
* ited friends bare Sndt'''.
gt Miss I. Duneld, of Goderich, spent
_ Sunday with friends here.
Erneat Driff bas moved iuto Mrs.
Smith's holme in the villsge. -
Rev. 8. H. Moyer. of Rt. Helens,
preached in Erskine cburch last Sun-
• day.
Her Illarly friends are orrery to hear
or the serious illness of Mnt. it. Aug-
Gordon Stothers and Fred @Savae,
of Goderich, spent Sundity "nth
friends Isere.
R. Westbrook and T. Steel left on
• Monday for Petethoro', to work in the
woods for T. G. Allen
TUESDAY. Ja. 31.4.
Mores ot about eight weeks. Ellen
Jane Irwin, wife of 'Thoms Gauley,
passed invey on Friday last. Her ill-
ness bad balal born most patiently,
but deepite the loving ears which sbe
had received front her family else an-
swered the final call at the age of fifty-
seven years, eleven months and
twenty-seven days. The late Mrs.
Gauley was born at Elora, Ont.
When she was quite young, her
father, the late William Irwin, moved
from Elora to Alliston and after •
abort residence there the family
moved to Belfast, in Ashfiid.
Thirty-nine years ago she was united
in suerrisyse to her noW bafitikcitner
and nineteen years later up
their residence at Port Albert, moving
there from Belfast. They were
blessed with a family of ten children, c
six sons and four daughters. The sue-
Ifitiag children are Minim, of Port 0
Albert; Hugh, of Detroit: Mrs.
George Brinkman, of Cleveland;
John, of Belfast; Mies Mary, of Gode-
rich ; Mies Lillian, of liansilton, and
David. Tom and James, at home.
Sara another danghter, was burned 0
to death in Godericb sixteen years c
ago. The family and two halfsfsters,
Mrs. Jas. Edward", of Belfast, and 0
Mrs. John Miller, of Toronto. were all "
present Inc the funral, which took
place on Sunday afternoon. A large
ooncourse of people gathered at the
hoaoe to pay a last trawls to the de- it
cetnetry, Rev. T. Hicks, of re.
. The remains were interred t
Dungannon, conducting appropriate o
services. The palltwarere were flve
sons tonl a so-in-lew : William,
Hugh, John, Tom and David Gauley
and George Brinkman. Tbs• berenved w
relatives have tbe sympathy of the
community In tbeir loss.
A load of young people from here
drove to Isucknow Tuesday evening to
attend a carnival there.
Mas. L. Saunders. of Mafeking.
spent a few days with her brother,
James Whyard, last week.
A load of friends from Ebenezer
were entertained Tusaday evening at
the home of It. A. fdcKeozie.
A box Denial will tie held in Agricul-
oust Hall under the awn/ices of Dun-
gannon Circle. Order of Canadian
Home Circles, on Friday evening,
February 10th. A good program is
being prepared. Thos. Gundry. of
Goderich, will be the auctioneer.
The box Innisl held itt the Orange
Hell Friday evening last under the
auspices of the A. -Y. P. A. of St.
Paul's church was a suc•cess consider-
ing the weather and roads. A good
program was given and the boxes
wee auctioned off by John Purvin of
Holyrood. The proceeds, amounted to
eoerr-Week endiog January 27: V..
history -Fanny Fitzgerald, 90; Riley
Bradford, 89; Myrtle Allen. 89; Mary
McCourt, 88. Entrance cla, history
-Ralpla Didier. 75; Lillian Pentland,
78; Lorne McKezie, TA; Mervin Dur -
nits, 53; Melinda Culbert, 47; Lotus
Gibes, 44. Jr. IV., history-'Mrion
Lieber. 87; tileettin fileesdir, 85 : Fred
Fowler, 81; Laura Fowler, 70; Willie
Fitzgerald, 68; U. H. Robinson, 53;
Lionfleld Anderson, 47. 1II.. history
and hygiene -Albert Brown. 82
Edith Sends, 78; Iva Carr, 77; 8bel-
doo Bartlett, 74: Hamel Augustine, 70;
Ruby Allen, fill; Victor Errington, 67;
Harold Sproul, 84; Edith Anderson,
62; Judson Bell. 66. Wit. J. MOP-
Fern Principal.
Winkle/WAY, Feb. 1st.
PMPONTATION.-00 January ifth
very pleasant evening was spent, at
the home of Joe. Cook, Point Farm.
where the 8beppardton Methodist
congregation were assembled to wel-
come home Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman,
who returned that evening on the 7
)clock train, after imending a happy
Iszegnoolen with relatives of the bride
. Mrs. Freeman was much
pleased and surprised by the piesenta-
ion of a beautiful china te• set, sc-
ompanied by an address exprestaing
ppreciation of her efficient services as
rganist ot the church.
MONDAY, Jan. 30th.
Horne CLue.-The annual meeting
f the Goderich Township Rifle Auto -
lotion will be held on Tuesday, Feb-
sary 7th, in the usual place. All the
Meer* and as many of the memnere
possible are requested to attend
his meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Etnmersoo, of
8asktoon. Sask., who have been via
ing with relatives throughout the
township. purpose commencing their
turn trip to the West in t be course
f. few weeks. Mrs. Emmerson 1ms
been away visiting friends lo tbe
tate of Iowa.
H. Dunbar, incumbent of the
iddleto0-8 tuerbill
nglicso parish. Isas reoeived two
Is, one to Bervie and the other to
unnville. At the letter place there
an excellent church and rectory and
flourishing congregation. The par
at Berrie consists of one hundred
ill fifty families. In the event of
r. Dunbaz's accepting either of these
calla his resignation will take effect
bout the 1tof March.
81 emir Reentrr.-The following ur
echo& report file R. 8. No 6,
dericli township, for the month of
wintery Tbose marked thu. • ab.
01 during examinations Those
arked thus absent durine wbole
ooth The mune* appeal lc order
merit Sr IV Hthed geoweeol.
argent- Dayideon 'Keith Roes, kn
ed Wi's, Robert fitowerby.
ennw Fierier. 1.141140o
TV George fte•• McKee
rmer ervey McCloskey Fred
I tit III Warm McCloskey
ward sowerery H Davidson
• Tot- Mee , Feb. 2od.
C I.F1 RT - TYNDALL No nil
A very happy event took place yes- 114
terday afternoon at Pleasant Valley .8
Farm, Colborne, the home of Mrs.
William Tyndall. when her youngest "-
daughter. Nettie Emileen, was united
In tbe bonds of matrimony to W.
Arthur Culbrt, ooe of Ashlield's most
popular and enterpeleine roue, mn. tho_
The ceremony war nerfortoed at 4 tin
o'clock by Re. 1. R. Mown. of Ate
berm in hr pi ~nee over seventy- se
nye friends and Illealeee of the happy 112
.0.1,141.The bride was given away- by in
ber brother Milton while Miss Carrie a
Mester. of Myth. a cousin played the
wedding march The bridal dress was
of edit sa*toy and tbe going-awas eon tJ
tome of bitr %"enetian broadcloth Jt
with het to metcb The bosses was
deeonsted throughout with evergreens Lis'
and beating, the ceresnons beim; per trid
formed oar, an arcb every:rocas W
and rows. The beide carried • hmsquet
of lilies of the valley while ber oleos,
Miss Gertrude Patrick * London,
who acted as flower ginwas at ttred
in pale btu. and married hereenthe.
m▪ mo. -The oweents we • eurnerous
end testified to thermosets e whiet 'be
pos-nlet son eighlt -reeplerNee ,eilfer
4; 4 tl PIC . • hes man,
* 1101altatn• 0011twpro. 12
Ashfield The groes1.0drifi
ladder was a bandolier lora.
with heillikate Attar wedding oar •
per Lbe red of the women wee
molly *pew anti mull' .od garnet
Among those present rer tbe weddins
from a Mutants. were Mre Ta
reed Mrs. Par riot co 1..r.., isso
Ude Tredialk, es.niton,, 11. . pow
mid Mrs Onlbert ertli wi Maple /la
Otero Farm. nee of the moo desirabletti of
a boat of friends wiehing the the
•sbileid Mna. pline rot
WNWpresperi If
eormlle many yokes ,f weisadaa c,x
but this proposition did not wen)
meet with approval The ache
that seems to be (neural Is Oust
hawing direct connection with 0
rich for the northern part .4'
township, just as the southern porti
is connected with Cliuton, and eve
flatly establishing connection betw
the northern and eouthern perm
the eysteus by a trunk line from 0
ton to Goderich. thjii too
line is built the Bell Co.'s line hetw
tioderich and Clinton will probably
used to connect the two parts of
trystesn. Tbat steps sbould he ink
at once to cocumence the initial
met with unanituous approval and
following canvas/ter* were appointed
1st end 2nd concordat:la-Thos. Am
Donald Galbraith. 3rd and ith lin
Jae. Orr. Oth line -Harry doting°
ery. Form the town limits to T
lora Corners -Herb Ls ouphrey. F
Jewell's Corner on to 7th and too ir
-Oswald Ginn. From Jewell's
ner pout h -Thom. Johnston. It
hoped that the canvasser. will no
with the success which they ha
been given reason to expect-
.7 -
Coe -
iContinned from page 2. I
The Farmers' Bank Failure
Ottawa, Jan. 2. -The Opposition
will make all the party capital pas -
Able out of the Farmers' Bank mash.
Hon. C so. E. Foster stewed the ball
rolline. '0* speech on Monday even.
Ing. in ••hich he blained the Firmness
Depart Ion for -not interfering to
Dom it r olaritiesi in the Bank's meth-
ods of c,orducting its business. Other
Opposition members presented a series
of questions designed to put the Gov
comment on the defensive in the mat-
ter. The Premier assured the Home
that upon the return of the Minister
of Finance horn the reciprocity con-
ference al/ the papers and information
in the caw would be brought dwn.
A stnry has been floating around
that W. 12. Traver", (be general abiarl...
Eger of the FannersBank. contrib-
uted 82,500 to the fond presented
•ennie time ago to the Mini.er of
Finienre by his admirers. The most
emphatic contradiction of the report
is given ny the men who raised the
Charter Issued in Regular W.
In reply tea question by Hon. Geo.
IL Foster, the Premier on Thursdey
detailed the procedure in fronting the
charter of the Bank, showing that the
statutory provisions had been com-
plied with before the Government
issued the certificate authorizing the
Bank to do business.
Major Sherpa, bag given notice of a
number of amendments to the Bank
Act designed to prevent such practices
as were responsible for the downfall
of the Partners' Rank.
Wireless Telegraphy on Ships.
Mr. Lewis has secured the first resul-
ing of his measure respecting load -
lines on ships. It Is announoed tbat
the Minister of Marine will introduce
e bill in regard te wirelew telegraphy
on ships, along the lines of another of
Mr. Lewis' bill". All passenger steam
iest on tidal waters and on the Great
Lake. over a stated capacity will be
required to invtall a wirelees equip-
Western Free Trade Sentiment.
Severel hours were given up in the
House of Commons lest week to a
cilinussion of the duty on agricultural
implements. It was a Conservative
member from the West, Mr. Arthur
Meigben, who introduced s resolution
calling for "a substantial reduction in
the import duties on agricultural ins-
plements," and the strength of the
low tariff sentiment of the West was
indicated be the Unanimity with
which the Western members, Liheral
and Conservative elite, suppnrted the
proposal to reduce or utterly abolish
the protection which the manufactur-
ers of agricultural insplernenta now
enjoy. The resolution did not come
bit vote, the debate being adjourned.
"Bob" Rogers Coming
it is announced on what looks like
relieble authents that Hon. Robert
Rogers, Premier Foblin's right bower
in tbe Manitoba Government, is to
inter Federal politics in the near
future, and that one of the present
Coneervetive usembers in the Rouse
of Commons will resign to provide
him with a seen It is no doubt ex
r -ted t,bat tbe Hon. 'Bob."•wbo is •
Nester. will become one of Mr.
Borden'. chief lieuteneeta and will
make up for any lack of aggressive
ness op the part the Opposition
Senate Room.
Ottawa Jan 41, Ube question ot
Semite reform had its innings in tbe
House reeterday %fr. lauseaster
moved bor resolutiou declartng for the
abolitioo of the *wend ebambr,
which received the support of several
of the membere but was not pressed to
• rote A number of meeethes were
made in favor of rform, rather than
abolition Om suggestion was that
ths nenatoriel term he si% Oar* in
steed of for life
The Premiers Views
. t Win. cliwion Jr
111 r'gria 1""'s• .1'"'rl A�. 411416 nintributioe to the debate He ex
Mr Wilind Laurier /made 4 ,1114.4041
.....R°16 /Cra" gag Mt 1 ,,,_M"' teemed his anxiety to Sind the nest
amott i solder On it il newerw method nt effecting needed rigout°
80ert'l kik° Palen"' lie" Mel/ Hs east inslieed himolf IA' Lake inaf.
watts Misr itrinley -o ti A
Been. baridaas wai van. Ral ternusei it 'be 11,4fenepprtinennii arrompaieti, sdA v,limhlitedm
wow,. Donotbs Hi
% ret .• Ross Vretor Plik, 'OPT The
°' but he thought in a rears ton ihrset
bass mart* or rise smooth wen as raid w - oi Mont rear. it 'trend
aaa ,,,,, Warr.. 41.00.,. r. were 1 ..... would te Netter was hot
• as *1 swiefee , ennoneni ts t. whether the senate
should ti, lominariy• ie steettire he
11. • • • • Tars.arno•as 4 iptelside warssr tie non'.,,.oad 'I as)
106 'mesons ninustfasted ro iseseges togoirge das g to. mid whim in• halt
the saes,. .n if , he M onsets:lel tWirk 4 X., as white 40 , ' le today,
plume esteem •ntar Os. srthere lee
sior wborsiborier es •1"airseedey ereali mass. the repprontesonts Iliad
inset pier of odor to imam
*I ilk 'iiwriebli ' flaatial *i bP Provincier wrisisteree
vesne. for rhe lescussio. if the ore sees go sucrose vrith which meth a
• W H lei* rie/AM tbe Inetarel worked ont to the visited
" "ic wenn Holirind, preordain' Motes But the esperierwe of the
h. 41,1thh. UM 0 W Potter see United Steam bas not ben en sat •
sirs gees addeviewe wanting out 'emery or late year. I am not
iwinellita to h. tlerived from the against ihat Germ or outottoo, but 1
Famous or iiii, ors.., onnoofitor um nn t esi orthodontic toe it as I W5.
WD alas made some remarks ors the in say neglaag ago" peenseps she eon
-4io:wak.Asynawyway4.,j3 4
'4)1 ,.ros• week, outlined neer. wos drool pitisuso afeedgi. into, swipes scalers ot.. cbo
be fouod plain facts abae, what we are tieing While the BIG BALE
winter goods that we sirs selling ringiedlites of profits rather then
the goorn. •nitlined ist the following Won, 11et
features of Isar offerins, where wt
5 practically over we have linee ;
•:arry Omni througb the aessou.
11 you Backache you have
Rainey DalataaL you neglect
Backache it win develop iato
someone worse -Bright II Dis-
ease or There is no
see rubbing sad doctoringT=
back. Cure the kidnev•
ie ooly one kidney medicine but
it cures Backache every bale-
Just read what, we are tipto:
21/`..'00 Coat for $5.00
912.50 Coat for 95-00
213.50 Coat for ., WOO
414.00 Coat for 95.00
Twenty now left. t•eguier
50c. You NM have one "Mk, -
now for
Beat honeycomb stitch.
Only eight now to sell.
principle would be to have part of the
apponting delegated to the Livia-
lotures and part left in our hands.
Tbe country would then affeate repre-
sentatives of different aectione of pub-
lic opinion end diversified viewe.
Under existing eonditums the Govern-
ment ir frwined of men with much
human nature, end it is difficult to
"snore such breadth of opinion es we
might contemplate if we had different
nominal". bodis. All them things
are matters for ronsideration, and if
the muter is brought before the
House again next year it may be that
some satisfactory scheme of reform
might be discuseed."
Black 9able, inorrnot
mid black corny. Just, , fee'
now tett. The following prici?
shottki aell them quik. -
Stoles, $16.00, for .4116.(10
912.00 hn• 98.00
118 00 for 15.00
36.50 for Wan
23.25 for 32.2IS
One Muff. *12.00 i'or . 11e.0‘.1
We bought s eiru-up oc
wool How in both firsts and
seconds let pricer that allow us
to give you ft stockig, good
value for 3bc to 40e, for 35(.. to
30c, all sixes.
Drift. 00d.
A bot I. lid suit iengtna, good
colore. alt wood. French ointh
7 Kill yartir *Lob eod We
will roll them to, on t quarter off
'neuter prices.
1)ress Ooods nds
arsoirt.ende from le
yards to 4 ylbede, MerViee-
..ble cloth. at shout 'half-prioe
8ix pieces tweed eitutings
$1.0t1 ei.st. Soy one c5c I
of the lot for lust %.1
for thew
Vest ings
New Spring Goods
ire arriving in large quantities already. lt looks erten- Inc spring shiniwtotit sub we art aalad
aud moving them out very freely for the early season. Just read our list of late shipments.
Oingttams •
Best eloth and hest patters
at the prices we ever oilsee.
Scotch makes, fast colors and
full widths. Prices 10c, 25c
124c, I5c and
Prints here already. 32 inches
wide and every piece feet
Ishien and indigo dye,
10c and • •
A lot of new Vesting. iliac
• in and never had better „se
values, 12c, 18c, 110c. zac
Laces and Embroideries -Liege importations and ezorptional values, Van, Torch -
ons, Maltese, Guipuree woo Orientals. Loon in short or
sample ends, 2, 3, 4 and 5 yards§ an end. Price. from lc to ac a yard. Well -made ttnindE nal eroollit•
dorsally cheap. Embroidery ends just as gond value.
R. CAMERON. Rntertainer
Contralto Soloist
MA RVEY ROBB, Piano Soloist
and C. J. PINK. Timor sacrist, in the
J. 11 Cameron, a clever entartainer,
delighted Ufa large audience and did
yeoman envies for the line of laughter.
-Chicano Daily News.
Not only • rare humorist and a good
woosliat. but • Age elocutionist -Tor -
oat* Globs.
The moat relined and delightful of
Canadian entertelnera - mad and
The Soots Amooktion of Baltimore
Md., was fortunate In securing Mr.
J. IL Camer6n. of Tornto, who. as tui
entertainer. is In the thwt rank.-
Boottish Arnaliall., New York.
Elizahet 4 Campbeil possesies • restart -
ably rich wibrast oodtralto voice ut
wkl• ranee and great dramatic rewer
She 11, Akio contralto of Moor street
Presbyterian cburch choir. Tomato.
Elizabeth Campbell's %wonderfully rich
cootzalto voice wed a delight to her
audienoa on Free Pem.
Elisabeth Cumpbell, • very artktie
oontralto delighted the audience with
her rich and mellow woke -Toroto
851u1d11 Night
READ 11111$E
There are rename why
watch feeders need our
BECAUSE we know what is
required of a watch -know
what tbe buyer neede-know
that tbere is on nee in our
selling s. watch that wont
make good.
BECAUSE even our 09.00
watches are guaranteed.
BRLAUSE .oery dollar above
that amount that anybody
pays gets him just that roar
more watch valor
BECAUSE we handle ell tbe
vridely•known makes and do
not touch ranythIng that is
itECAUSE if then -finally other
watch petiole that are worth
while we hays thetn.
7-. S. Daley
Watehmaiter son Jeweller
*moth Ride of Rel..., iroderirb
* the ri+List
oi An btry
It mals• • up
fragant nutriftoull
W. R. Pinder
Pboea 153.
The Signal's Job Department
Etc., Etc.
Estimates cisesrfully furnished.
Boreal* • few of the
many lines io which we
can give you excellent
value :
her Esc.
Sturdy & Co.
Hula/ tfl The filormer
%WU Lear tea.)
enossornical that
rianf a teaspoonful
of ronos eirl•
- swirls the dbtor:est
no -or that •• heretteristilt Of COstrats's
rim cone« co umiTte rewesrro
has the best equipment of
any office in Western
Ontario outside the cities.
A trial order solicited
1Pitosa 33
,• •
we are now offering for one week;
Natural C•oadiass Miok Muffs M.. $10.190
Natural Alaska Sable Muffs at. . ... 10.00
Natural Alaska Stable Buffs at 1000
Pillow -shape Perna° Lomb Marro at18410
Rug -Insane Persian Leash Muffs at11E00
Ladies' Near Seal Cots. 24-4nch lie*, 110.00
1 aalkour Astrachan Goats. 18 mob
lecigth 0.00
Ladies' Hecerster-fined Coate, natural
Alaska sable settler and revere
rest broadcloth abeil 80.00
196 Dundas Street
London, Ontario
11 OW Ilksifto: "A agars deal to erournme "
I Just a Reminder
1 WIgdow-Silade
1 Picture -framing
.n(1 have .uvit reeesseri !see stook ,y1 the. • wyl,
4" PrePerrd '' Mee"flj-PO ninemets ts
Ines- *roil
We neve sigr • wage if inctnre tutruiding 411C 1,4111
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