The Signal, 1911-2-2, Page 3r• 't THE siGNAL GOIERIc_ o14TA COtNTy CO NQL. r atawldad io 'ail. viz . gli per O itlHA !loved by Maws. (!rale .ud lbw that each pubic library in the aw he granted Stif Them three sea executive atone! AN day. ase aber.bIp fee of the Ontario Mani- MOclt the Pritionn be Aid .mato of wt illi to the Priron••ns Aid Araucititiop, AlF0,11ER net*tlootl SS Ito the Salvatkhn Army and $11.1 to Le.. the Micklt)hiklren's so.pital were tee- ms aWute nd 4. No action war advised d to: the the requests for a grant surFERIN0 the ando the • special Roads Asrodatlthe un for • ep.rcisl donation w for ail Western Fair, London. It was rec- ommended that the printing contract for the turret' year be awarded to The Signal, its tender being the low- est. It was recount% that the usual sum of (ills be ranted to We Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Asso- ciation. on ooedittoo that the show be held in different centres after this year. It was recommended that *25 be `ranted to each of the public librar- ies In the county sad that $10 be do- nated to each V* ome n's Institute 1 have always *add to.each . Far iaer's.lnatitute of the county ; that the sum of *10 be mantel t. pupurchase flowers for taint- ing aro nt! the court house ; that • prise of *f5 he greeted by the county fur the beat fat beef shown at the Guelph Winter Fair : o hat the Huron spring st••ck show be given a grate of *1$. and that a grant of *J5 he made to each ap;• icultetral and bort intlt ice society of the route y. Respecting the mower' providing that the per diem[ allowance of each councillor be *13 inste d of $3. the romn.ittee referred the !tatter back to the whole antneit No action was-dvised resp-cting the £ egll t of Turnkey Elute for li ' bt and fuel. It was rrnounteu(ied that ea h officer and men in the:i:3rd Megime•.t receive :36 cents per day on the same terms as [ornery-. The report passed. The motion to inccisse the pay of the county coon, theirs to $5 a day was defeated M• a 'urge majority. County Property Committee. we.ltua.d ree.p pogo <., testae a to the a fordo, wag a rated lu the bused at ile by Meagre. Gla([ and Stu ONLY8aatort► Op late Ia.Mute. C !!caws Kernigltatl and Lone I appointed d , , waters/saev meeting of the lZuuicipal Asr,eiati MovedO ENOINC♦,',eq. at Turoutu and repots to thy court ht's- Carried. this hosloitaL C Auditors. The council then went into eon- ., wittee of the whole on the apppobht OF meat of auditors. On the Walden's resuming the chair it was moved by IMITA- TIONS. Meeeers. Lamont and Mtothers that ?ION$. el b of Ligannuo,f tt bebacriitore for itbis by year. This was carried. king The High Constable. withThe council went into ooennettee in of the whole on the appointment of a faith, high constable. The cwuwtttee re - ng of ported In favor of appointing A. y in Whiteside', of Hansell. This was rat Pint ified by tbe council. - r de- Moved by Messrs. Grigg and Mom- yeeot sings that the matter of the salary red to paid the high constable he left to the special committee. to get what inform- ation they can in thio oonuectinn hien soh- other counties and report. The motion the was sent to the special committee. the Gillespie bthat the eatery of the hiMessrs. Kereighan gh d t o[ constable be :Mq per ear and fes. tion, on, This also was sent to the special com- not aced The council the» adjourned until Thersday morning. BEWARE HOLD ON THE MERITS OM 1INARD'S OOK BINDIN& MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES `:cud or repaired. GOLD LETTERING emug LEATHER GOODS n et THE B1O A1. W sa iesvlag a. Z. TAY LOS. fkriuvrroan CIVIL ENOIREERIMG V&VttDJAN ll. 1WBlitt'1'!l, .UlVIL and LLrdrindia triglown. tlatarlo load trillor-Ma> strew. 11M pbsn st Mak. moa earner IIIDICAL (fit W. F. HALLOW, M. B. northoar aat raablanok North d Ores Tompa . t)RUU1MUUT, HAYS A KILLUR- r N. barrltw.. eattotterr, notati.spubne, pesf*rs ►o tb. Warman Court. etc Private leads to load at borrow nu. of tom tU1 ss. Ltat ode Haman. Godor►eb. N . KJLL AX• K. 1:.. R- C. IIA Ye, J. L. Kiall ss. A. CAMERON. S. 0 .,11BARRIS- 111011114C11.salaryISM, arontar, Wed deertrain CRARLaeGAiiR0W, L.L. B., l3AR- e t*0Mad ifin est taiee. tiodr l0. JOHNSTON, iI&RRISTBR etWsltet, osss.t.dsa•l aware pebnc vases laainlruu deist. Uedsrnar Oat. mwuacE. LOANS. ETC. nuc ILLGP MUTUAL FIRE 114 11)11♦1ICY CU. --liars awl trdaW W a atrsgrq'tants. uMees.-J. B. Mueslis. Pru-. ueatw•th PA as 4Jsnsl1r. viwe.n... M. U ; tunas• L Ratti, neo..Tu—,, P. 0. I b.s1 - W at '.hues. • Jake Ytlsys. Windham.; thew l8M, aralanrta; Dt asssdtt. IYudbtrsea; Jsrrss rival, wadman att.. t+artssa ; ilalooim Apar:J.10. Neu, Hdslwsvlfs; It Babb. Jas. l amrtep, krtssad a ills ; lL llestwdr. eYargaessss our Mil* IA rim aL a in ag H. i'alt's . Iowa= Goren Modatialt. A 000 PRIVATE FUNDl1 TO V UUU jslr to 11, u. t *- 4.Irserfslat. .crest (Iodaeick. R. SOBERT60N4. • IYBURANCI AORNT. Ana Idea num b,tttsk. eanaalao are O no1 rr r1 aa{rnereraa AND 1,VLOTaes' Lunn- . 11r .. LtrafesA st )Aalsn Reg. OW pA,sarvaaawro boars : Tao U.8. ID ss ant a.rairaGo.par. ss nd_sass, stsetasat earner re vie and at Uwvld's acusis, rinse 178 Cif W. CMA101$ LJFB, FIRE sus an lllest!seaman Agent err Waling awl sssioessssa- - eawtsanoe nun entested M Wort pass wed K lowest. ratK as cease ran anon mea aquae. M `. W. tatAltlAil. ueaeaw, tint. NalIlAGE LICENSES Y Miesa . a 1l.YLt. Y, J. P., atomi:a. UYi. 1BB;J Or MARRIAGE LDICINBLtt. LANR. MURK OF MAltltl• AUX titiwhm. O*darlea. . Oat. SEAVI11O PARLOR BDARDELOOR BARBER SHOP - Ra ti mksrtt sevenalar a tally analog banns anwinetat will In IL apperatet. IL 1RallnICT ME UR J. BARCLAT, MEDAL 1=e="a11.4. sea --mr s rl a t» V: AOC't'IOMUDIO mu4.1Atfs.ttiUNimk. LI VA b'IUU` ssw iet+ be =Vita m awn ss ot aa s.ed i• s mad tliJ*iC -- e y COt4MERVATORY OF e y a Raez el,. a vaape o.t. esue A L Wwsskar"awy' 3r ole iii aw - amber and .sNOM! WS—L IM r le Lass. we. waft at tin miter, t Id . J. MUIR do CO. C/NDLRTAKLtiet AND £AiiaALAIEN1 ss tint era at <isaah = I. t;iws.elwh Oakgllfast The clerk read a letter hem ft stone, e.egta y of the Winghaul pial bused, giving statistiw res mg s Referred to executive cxoumltte .. Gaoler Griffin presented a rep which was rent to the county peopelt oxo ttultter. It contained a staternheu as to the cumber of prisoners eonllm at the jall and the charges on w they were held, etc. A petition was presented slgnled elghty neridenta at Bruoeeeld, so the council to use Ito inftsence the Ontario L.e b Lature w that future dem...deem who, in ted place their funds in the !heap' chartered bankinginstitutions ala some manner herr more ex guarantee of the safety of thea posits time is given at the pt time. Tb. p*ti uo was refer the ezectittve cwmmit.tee. The Cosety fiskias Fend. W. Holmes. county treasurer, witted a statement showing that balance oa hard at the cline of ye.r was *l'1,44KYu. The annum surplus t.► reduce this year's taxa $4,ajlt.YJ : the sinking funds, counting an -rued interest, *73,64 1 take pride," tbe treasurer st "in pointng out to you that four yon. before the maturity of sterling debentures the sinking created for retiring theta will be s tient for the purpose.' se.' The letter referred to the finance committee. Registrar's Report. The report of the county regia was reau, showing the total nun of ,n,rtrumeuts registered during year, ter '-be 3,67e and the total therefor $4,0[11.30. The groin atm of fees earned for the year was RNA/ and the net amount received the registrar was $Z430.mL The,repurt of the insurance car od the county huikiingqxx and cps was presented by the clerk and sen the ftnar.tt cowuwittee. The amount of insurance carried $4LOuo. 1)r. Bruce Millet's report of his speetiun of the house of refuge read and referred to the house of fuge committee. Scboog inspectors' Reports. The reports of Inspectors Robb and Tont were read And referred to the education coatfuitte►r. Mr. Robb in hie report drew attention to the alarming decrease in the number of pupils enrolled in the schools of his yew aro therr had been a decressr te. In the last of 4,01$ pupils. This was a decrease of forty-five per cent. The report raid that "if this rate of decrease continues for about twenty-four years more there wit! be no need of school houses, school teachers or school inspectors - the school hos will have disappeared." A conehttling parsettapb in Mr. Torn•* report was as follows: ••raking everyteiug into consideration the prog- mass at tae schools during the pest year was as satisfactory as could he expected. The teachers were faithful and diligent and did what they could for the advancement of their. classes. Those possessing experience, se ity slid enthu.iaam, of which there are a considerable number', does excellent work. The scarcity of teachers largely neremed the we rk and the wurry offtrustees and school officiate. We sigh fur the time when there shall he a sufficient number of competent qualified teachers." nearly tbe THOMSDAY. fund The report of Rev. D. W. Collins, ernmember of the deflate of the Western was University, London, was sent to the education committee and hie expense *count for attendance at the board Liar meeting wax referred to the finance t committee. the Moved by Messrs. Reid and Bailie fees that the name of Reeve Smyth of ,ant Clinton he placed on tie payroll for . this session and that the council regret hisahsence at the meeting owing to y illnoasr. Carred. tied Th.- motion of Messrs. Reid and tents Munnin that *80 be granted to pur- r to came ""wen' to Plaut around the. total court house. was sent to the executive cumutittee. helm moved by Messrs. Glen and hi' Sturdy that the amount }laid tee was reeves of the different municipalities re - Standing Committees. The report of the striking commnittee was read. The following is the per- sonnel of the standing committees for the yeear: Executive -J. Leckie, W. D. San- ders, R. Livingston, T. Mothers, Wen. Glen. Special -J. W. Taylor, L A. Reid. W. Beale, John Brown. Finarroe-N. Kernighan. real, D. E. McDonald, W, Sni Le i per. Kducation-H, Sweitaer, J. C. J. Y. Winter, T. K. Puwell C. - Road and bridges --J. M. (eov Dr. Smnith, 8. Sturdy, J. Gill ee iJ, Pi County property -el. C. Munniegs, A. flunkies, Jas. Downey, Robt. Mc- Kay, W. Hunter. Equalization -The wboie council. W aedeu's committee -J . Leas g, Mturdy, P. Iauwnt, 1r Hilo Mother& House of ref,tge 4 A. Reid, J. (ievenlock. R. McKay, W. Hunter. A letter was received from J. Knox, turnkey at the jail, asking the council to provide bin with fuel sad light. The request was referred to the eerier. the committee. County Engineer's Report. The report of D. Patterson, county eegineer. wan read and sent to the rvael awl bridge committee It eon - mei a number of order+ ionised since I report dated December 7th, 1010. Mr. Patterson stated he had received tender for a new bridge to be erected nver tate Hayfield ver, known as 7lerner's bridge, and submitted them with bin report, It had been decided to let BIae2's bridge nn the Hallett mod McMlhop boundary stand over until after the spring freshet . He had ezamioed the Exeter bridge and pee- led a repot a to the oecemary isenape Forty-eight feet of wood sttnaW r e at the end of the Man - heater bridge will have to be renewed res the apace filled. /Mow guarde have tern Oared on the Bayfield bridge at w mat .4$4 Several motions f..r the voting of tato tuna's1 euunty grants were referred t(► Lie enameve rnmmitt e Moved by Yarn Munn.og. and Kernigban that the approach to tale tlstttord Midge he graded and a psr,porr rt$lrtr he made to wavey the 'Stet oyer the harp inatessd orf rqa• ing .le to the bridge: ata, twat the gn.r4 vaiM he renewed- This motion as sent to the road atod h'idge erose. raitlee. Moved try Meows *Mindoro and PrrwvII the t a bylaw be prepared sad peae.od hy this moaned provWhet for II payment of regular =Whet males. trwt«a for the diep,vitkwu of vwgrwnta. owed by Meanie- tlnstth wane! Glen chant the member. of this menet re - or e the amount erl hy stalest, tee,,rr The county property committee re- ported upon the jail, the registry office and the court hotuie, which they ound well k pt, and r.commnend• d a utunhet• ,.f purehaaex and improve- ments, iucludi: g the installing of a telephone in the office of the county Crown attorney. It was urn- d by Messrs. Reid an,1 Taylor that in the opinion of the coun- cil therrefusel of the Bell Teleph ne Oo. to connect the carious municipal telephone systems is eon(ddeied detri- mental to the progress of the county an that this councils f rward a copy of this resolution to the chairman of e Board of R ilway Commissioners r Canada This wag carried. The council then adjourned until Friday morning. for overseeing the conatrvction ()fee- to went abutments for county bridges be increased from *8 to $L60 per day. The motion was tent to the road and bridge comtnuttee The request from the 33rd Huron Regiment for the usual grant was sent to the executive committee. alai Education Committee's Report. in The report of the education commit- fa tee was consider. d in committee with. it Mr. Lamont in the chair. The report en as passed is summarized as follows: to No action was recommended respect the ing the request of the Teachers' As -o- th cietion of Linc In county to extend stn the summer vacation in rural schools. With sincere regret it was recom- mended that the resignation of D. Robb, inspector of schools for East Huron, be accepted. It was rec otn- mended that the statemen( and re. turns from the Collegiate Ihstitutes cot Goderich, Clinton, tiesfurth and Wingham High School he printed in the minutes ; that the Ht. Marys High School account he paid when found correct. In the matter of grants to high schoxols, vontintuttion classes and fifth forms, it was recomuhendect that a committee consisting of Messrs, Mweitzer, Bailie, Greig, Leckie, Reis. Reid and the Warden be appointed to investigate and report at the June meeting of the council. Inspector fee East Harm. • Fitt DA Y. The report of the house df ref mlttee was considered and passed be reott of Dr. Bruce Smith. Pro tial Inspector, was considered esti story and it was recommended the be printed in the minutes. In ref ce to the recommendation of t spertor to have some printing done committee promised to look in e• chatter on its first resit to the i tut len]. YEARS Cared by Lydia E. Pink - ham's VegetabkCom po u nd Fox Creek, N.B.-" had pains in the loins and a weak. nese the and often after my meals m y food wouki distress me and cause sore- nese ore ness. Lydia E. Pinkham'svegeta- ble Compound has done me much good. Ism strong- er, digestion is bet- ter, and I can walk with ambition. I have encouraged many mothers of families to take it, as it is the best rem- edy i tithe world. Toucan publish this In the - Mrs. WILLIAM Q Fox Creek, N.B., Canada. The above is only one of the thou- sands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cron. pound. made from roota and^herbs, actual) does cure these obstinate dis- eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf- fering woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegeta- ble Compound a trial before submit- ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn. Masa., Writes all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health and her advice is free. mit to the county clerk a summarized statement instead of a copy of the are seesment roll, the first such summar- ized statement to be transmitted this yeeu. Carried. . uge Boundaries of Iospectorates Limited. • On a motion by Messes. Bailie and i'- Glen the township of Keit Wawano.h l'- was placed in East Huron inspectorate t and the town of Clinton was placed in m'- We -t Huron. The change is to take he effect on July Lt next. to The Power Question. n- It was moved by Messrs. Leckie and Reid that the clerk he in•trmcted to make inquiry of the Ontario Govern - awns an to what &mistanoe, if any, would he extended to the county should it take up the scheme of estab- lishing a power plant on the Maitland River and that this council get a }het - i' clam expert opiniomas to the practica- Ibili•y of establishing such a plant in this county. Carried. The oouncil appointed Meagre Leckie, Greig and Reid as a special committee to obtain all infor•nuation possible in reference to the power question and report fully et the lune meeting. Bylaws authorizing the appoint- , meat of county auditors and a county high constable were passed and on motion of MessrsKernighan and Gillespie the council then adjourned to meet again on the first Tuesday in June next. The council went into committee of the whole, with Mr. Bailie in the chair, far the purpose of appointing a public school inspector. Mr. Weidenharn- nuer, .1 Exeter, having withdrawn hie application, the contest was between Dr. Field, of Goderich, and J. C. ltmith, of Wingham. The committee decided in favor of Dr. Field and on the Warden's restnning the chair it as moved by Messrs. Smith and La- mont that J. M. Field, B. A., Ph. D., of the town of Goderich, be appointed inspector of public school. in East Huron. This was carried. FM.suce C. .,ittee's Report Examiners Appointed. Moved by Messrs Taylor and Hun - kin that the examiners for the public school continuation clepa graduation examinations for the current year bees follows : West Huron -J. E. Tont, I. P 8.. Goderich : W. B. Weidenham- ner, Exeter ; W. McKay. Hen -all. East Huron- J. M. Field, Goderich J. C. Smith, Wingham ; A. Gilmore, Brussels. This was carried. Moved by Mes6rs. Taylor and Sen- ders that the expenses of Rev. D. W. Collins to the senate hoard of the Western University at London be paid in the. council. Carried. Roads and Bridges. Moved by Messrs. Kernighan and Muunings thatthe county bear half of the coot of placing snow on the Milt - ford bridge, when. in the opinion o the Reeves of Goderich and Colborn township the same is necessary Moved by Menem. Rely and Powe that the council build a midge chi year over the Maitland River where i crosses the mad on Fralick street in the village of Wroxeter. Their motions were sent to the road and bridge committer. report of the road and hridge committee was nnsideree and p.eyed It was r•eeoennlended that the Exeter bridge be refloored and any necessary ire reoiuired'ir attended to ; that repairing of the Manchester ge he not dealt with until the e .rasion of the council ; that the ven of Colborne township and deb continue the iumt ements he Saltferd hill (commenced hy the <of Goderich i on the 100 feet of county's shear of the road, under engineer's inspection : that the es of reeves acting es inspectors eft as they are : that the contract he eeirhent work for the Turner he awarded Ge Weston Bros. at per cubic yard and that A. Hill be given the bridge rontract at : that theof the %rn eter bridon gebbee left until the June session : that no be taken expecting the motion are• snow plats' on 'h' 9sltford B f 1 A Good ids. bf Hai' I Treatment. t, • The Is that trouble wont take the etim to give it proper treatment. If you want endry vitalr ity, you r must rtakeookca carus e it hai Yrouif you simply rn a comb throgh cannot expect to have splendid It in the morning—..guIre It a dabuon e with a It eter a braid---wltch it around brush—throw heInto e ad—Jab n a few hair pina--and let It go at that. Nair is like any other growing thing —It nets d• attentlen—lt needs care—ft need. thorough grooming regularly_ I not only the hair but the scalp. If you have the time and patience you won't need tiny hair tonlc—but most women haven't. The next best thing Is Myal'r. Hlnutone. It is the beet thing offered to take the place I of hours of combing and brushing l eolert 1 oro ee one, up h• t he texture and makes It stay gracefully where It In put. 171rsutone literally revttallees the neglected hair. Year //yell Druggist cheerfully ree- essaade Hlrsutone because he knows Ta artistic bottles 11.00 and 50e. Sold and guaranteed by P. J. BUTLAND S. E. HICK H. C. DUNLOP B. R. WiGLE GODgRlCH reps the The report of the finance committee brid as passed recommended the payment of a number of acconuts ; that tae ac- Ree music of J. Brophy & Son, for the burial of Lizzie Anderson, of F. & T. on t Davis, for livery,and from the town estate of Jame. W for medicine the for inmates of the jail be not paid un- 1 the safari he 1 for ► & Co. RUM tine over action to he held On (:ill teera north at an alts Jun tui ; he responsibility of the county for the payment of the same be estab- lished ; that the report o[ the treas- urer eas- urer end o[ Registrar Como arsd the report of the committee on insurance on county buildings he received and embodied in the minutes. The Examen:, C-BtesRtss. The following is the report of the ezecutive committee as pawed: la reference to the petition from Brum- Seel Seel rruidenta (In ronu ration with the Ferment Hank) it was recommended that no action the taken, as this was a matter entirely In the hand. of that tAnninion Government. 1t was r'ef- otnmendeid that IMr. ('lamming* be paid the prime of an won by hind at the Ouelph Winter Fair, aewi that the mlttt nut's* .d Manan.. Monte and •spie the eng inner war instructed thine the T)irkryy bridge ,m the boundary ,.f \Vere tea early date. sod by Metter* Le ..,g.. -.. and McDonald that a hclaw he peeled per lig clerks .1 icipnlith•s t. ynh One for each everyday elated - 1 Trevaa►.r,r, WEaatuasv q hitt $ r I ce D. MiLLAR & SON Ptre THE LAST CALL FOR IMANTLF_S and FURS 11:7= call for the rawainiu st hi► andCosta that are left. They aro further reduced, and the next few days should see our reeks of ladies' and child. ten's Coats empty, ready to receive the new spring line. now on their wa. her•. Furs Furs Furs All our Furs at A etraight diet -fleet of twenty -live per cent. to clear quietly. Dress Goods Another lot 01 Dress %mods laid aside fnr speedy vlearance. Lines teat mete 50c to sxl tea, reduced to ffic yard. Exceptional values in Mich -clam Linen A few exceptionally good quality McCall Pdsww. Table Cloths and Napkins to marrh.tio. 370e_wig, Us. 3717- sem beet Scotch and 11 bib uosnufecture. Ju.t '* few set, to clear at cost price. A 3TTp1511 APTIEMMOM GOWN McCal/'s Patterns -the most copular patterns in the world. Ooee used always used. si MILIA R'S SCOTCH STORE 'now 54 W='s Ala ba sti ne ? All lovers of beautiful interiors who decorate with Church'e Alabastie can answer that question. FRED HUNT will tell you, too, that it is a prsparal inn P^4efying the qualities to form a pure non-itemsyiug stone-like surfs(* tbat trans-" forms the appearance of the walls of every room to 'which it is applied. Not only that, but it insures the health of the inmates of that home. The stone-like surface which it forms dote• net decay, bet it allows the air le pass through it readily, consuming or homing the erns of disease that lodge in the walls of living rooms. being a ^animal pteparatilon, till member of harmonious combinations that can he bad with Alabastioe tints is preemie/illy unlimited. If you have not already tested it and found it superior to other preparations, try it, and you too will sing its praisaa. FRED HUNT SELLS iT at his hardware Store, Hamilton Street 111E PLACE w-rfERE THEY ARE SILLINo BLAXEIr6 AT COSI. Cure Your CoId White Pine with Wild Cherry and Laxative Quinine Tablets do the work. h. C. DUNLOP. the Druggist, 1)Itih Side Square .e' .c .aeCne f c co RN IC Wish tot ate *thing en enessatablp delicanur .(, dlstlncovelydelhghuuL then tr, > Mc( .o i airs Wok Led Biscuit w dejc.cy revrtlatlon A soh layer ni moaner, Maple t realm. smothered $ palatable tvlj• a41 , few vnth ton teenaptioBjy-whole orn. etch Maple Savored &mui s /e2eafa, a M*pis Leal drawl