HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-2-2, Page 1)V'owis The time
tO rionew
your s lbS 4ptlon to The
Signal Ser premium,
pictere offer w pied
advance subscribers.
Che Signal's
Clubbigg .CIst
tor newspaper bargains. A II
the leading Canadian public .e-
tiops at reduced prices.
Capital Rest and Undivided
Profits 110,800,060
Tow Agate over 848,000,000,
to help yourself and others.
But it's only the money
, you save -not the money
that slips through your fingers.
Yon will find a Savings Account a great help in axmmn-
lating this power. Why not start one now in this lie
Interest compounded at hid lest current rates. Money
may be withdrawn at any time.
Goderich Branch, W. L. HORTON, Manager.
Copy of change of runnsng advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Iiiiinday noon to easter* insertion
In issue of same week.
V LZY .ed tarW what to thank their
th:"tew sympathy
for their kla.and sympay
the neer bere+vemsot : aro .tbe
Ald of Port Albert ter their floral
W .NTSD. - T W�O011 tTH I(k E
O�a za. LTD.-s�1i
roster .anent. Apply to MSB. BOLT. North
ler Asst sad TalwTelegraph tb geed
eee.ro. Central
'fileirs school.
=tir 1sterme *..eroatia nee you la chat time
11 Let two hundred aid tweettte�re teal es
glwSr w street. la the tows et Osdoleb. ose-
asrr-ee•rter d es sere. On tbe ant h
wearer there a erected a steer
Mee dress h by4M the A�lez-
ride. the rues nod the
step are at yewot ander leans, the house at
EATS s sae th sad the rep at p per north.
'Tb. p,,sy 011) bestir a one or twit panels
C KN"'
Bezrbo, r.H:n erm
ingliP0M SALE. -ON IND CON -
eeeed.lir %
tlead,.•ssi table two bur
imam; acre ass. p1si. heare withbeet rd. Blur bans sadS shed. game
kb�bss sad wssti-bM. Two Deva -
wswa MN ledge ever TM term f.
aM dear te church sad .ohooL
�gqwwesesrr rtwd. eo1Dg West. ANDRZW
M. MIRMZ, Du.la.aom. 34-1m
✓test, Leah ooegbd 1.s J. L. Kaaren
sed ANemw Teeter. Apply to J. P. BROWN
i aide net betwwss Britannia
reedsgw.dPerth* el ptbIa
land a thimble market avdan, mall fruits,
feta. sfa. 1s tt�woo paste a oofm mid tmwso and oes-haI
JORDAN. 171 Writer Ave., Vr� tat..+
turm H Ibligswasl LA small ftN1t
ida. S. C.. will wt.ebs yes tassiseddssut ter tie.
nese l�oada w mewS(Mlle"hose .re vq
matumdsere hi . 8 pee mire tracts IW
steadily Fede �meraot_ppllt••np.
D, 4 Ontario street. stratbed, general
.seat 1sr Octavio.
1: ABS lla.so West. •Greg a meg tomer
meg have as by oelbnk at 1 H a 1310 N AL
UKdfWa enrvtas property mod porter Lr
Ode NUM/
sdiomalsed. Wank and wbite, ;sway
about the jaws. nob -tried, answersi to the
lame -Collie." Intone/limn r.seedSno roe
wW he t.antfnlly received by the owner.
JOHN SOW EMIT. (*Merkel P. u..
.ease le hereby elves that appit 'lion 011)
he made to tb. LaRtal•u,. Assembly et w
Provisos d OratMe at he art .wae.an ter as
art emy.wenn, the truer West 13hear 414.4
way trims..( to extend u. Its el relwwyy
risen. r or sear tee town d He.erlek
lea meg or sear the ay d etr.tlerd..d
Is ear equip sad .timate ewe extreme
[Lr d railway esd te la t.we a the •resent et
beam wash t4. said Leeway L aatior4/ee
to brae •.0 te steed the time to. rim
retire the said Uel mpasl'e ns. aL mil way W
to ueoarm nod validate carter byrem.
J e. 11.ca W
Wog Shan comps.
Dated ea e
tbl«bea7 J nary. y.
otioe is hereby elven that an application
wall be made u ts� eI
ran d thwart* et1M sed
se act to toomeotata • sampan7 leder baa
n aso of the *trades' Ball C•• spray with
power to tab ever a tare b� a ober,
r.11wq a0stee by w any ei tHratrt�d ys T.
u. li,A..a Jt L. ftYw
It Is awl A. hiss
aider bylaw N.1.711 at the mkt oily et eest-
fotd, sad dated tbe lath dry of Aaga.t, A. D.
Me, with power to are trees and operate •
street railway r the asM dee. aid are great
rag ace uompaay alit=•es meet to ray
resta. ams 1.[ire hthe a 1viee hem
the Sty el Straggled Perth and Huss is • wester* Wrestles to
Lake Banco ; and afro with power 1• ees-
street brainier et the rid IMe is a
and .artier* 1bM tastte. e town 417=
r1 oil the allow et Mekte ; W sere weak
peer to .et, eeaarmr. wmelms.
• slue K 4. leo d*w.1 Owm
t Vrty
er .w las st aMi d.setl i
the town et Crewel : Gee era pmts. as
las a.t, om.stram. sed/, -pleas maietale
and operate a Ire of railway to es =ail
direction tort 44. dry et ntratfe, a lis vll-
yge at Tartrate.
Dated at thartard the tweet wvantb deg
d December A. D. NOW
leAkkIN13 t uBFJOtI�fY,Mra�
at delivers hes the AaeMmas•
.ties 4s betmby gleanabilseswsts �Pewee s fiat -
way Company t.seessaay by abs
L.get wrel
blatuet the 1 mimosa et t)w AI
.4 tri preset .mitis d the
works and torreaeart
Ast 1111.10 that tie
seamoswsebs tee
lir the gemered advantage e iaaaud►
1 Te sited me bas i railway ebbe the
le sew auteeime4 is ametrer .ad
.meats es follows . hr • pat seat et the
11145. of Arthur ttoa the seanV et lir
r a th
a norther* dinettes e bows 01 pfesiw-
tee to the Beer et O.wy. with Mier le re
tower et Mw5wd and Uwws Omer is the
°eery d O.q..sad tows d CsEAtg-
weed In the 0 she • Mae hem
the dry e crowing**
Uve�e.. ** 41=4 !e7 Bay se
•Mi..os8gyat� t dmeSww.e ..d
stock in tee seem y wmetar* vi. the
.f r
�•-,r-�-..- �..,� d Noses u Ts eve telt
etty arm tee aeii MY Landes
ea Waage d vie• OFWrh Oannot Be Cured
ere, tri taws of Petirdlla to tie Iowa d web AL APPLICATIONS. as they cannot.
n1.r.la r the sf the
:saes►west- Flo* amt d the dimer. Catarrh is •
Livery, Cab and 'Bus �''mer„� � ��� ss et Wesiere.estltaiimsedbrew sad Inard.rra
gars w gsee uki inter es) r.mdies. H.11'.
Stables et drier � � v 0 "'v� w tJetane (,'�a�e b ratan tnt«..as .1e .cele air
T'� T�, reo..ad.
*p toe Del
• M a to
;M10 to so
0 In to
per e��
ase kat`
par per rah .
tee > ii Le
est sot 78 to
oat Ms 111 N to
yar We ,�o
B ettor. :n d 8 11 to
Por III, 16 te
Ms, Pardee la to
Om* ssesa se We.L, For eR 4 to to
Owls, a ase ens{. i M le
Lamb 6 f de
par le
. peeIb 4 M46 to
Ifte.r cwt.. .....,. 700u
C . 30 te
10 to
0 4e
til 000 ----
75 • Fishing Business Will Be Greatly Deno -
a,• fttt0-Lake Shipping Trade May
r us Experience a Boom -R. J. Megaw
s ars , Says Western Canada Flour Mills
id Co. Will Suffer.
4. 1
' M
7 13
. SU
4 e0
7 00
it mesmd. Crestas Balmoral Cab Pani
✓ eseed If.b-N. e•. Cornea 10
lite 8.d.etlee esu w ei Skarsen -
Cad et Thaabe--lir. Oars, ... ... .
Lekeareetes ea ibe-Akt1_ er« 10
Last wean 0 ti 4-81 g rale - Oa
Pere. 10
Jae • Rae M1.' -W. J. Mar SC d 4
Heed These "Whirr -J. O. Missy . 4
Re der -shares Sabel 4
Det Reedy- W. Y. Mew. !(ewes Y
11•at4s.d rs..- t Mks IA se......,.. 3
Rasa.. Wate.m---Weider K. hewn s
Meek tatter dela-W. A ba ss Ilse 1
ReaMr-Her. A BMW 1
aortas sorts ate Qelbas-(seises pew..:s
Write Artane/ -Bled 0set 3
Imparter r.eeleg eel
Hardware De..1MMed 4
More New. -J, it caper .. 4
February aid -Y. M. C. A. a
Valentino Soasal- Rebekah lodes a
Deg Lee -Joon 8ew.rby .. . .
Header Lar et St. Oaaas'. Girard 5
Bargains la rem -Jelin Steed 4
fervant wasted -Ms. Beet 1
Md red-y1e News . .. 1
Weis Ws.11d-admbb tasting Ce., Ltd.. 1
Termer. reitteary 7th.-ANsstioocn, Pre of
fans weak Du.r.141•ritesIoM-sero.. 4. !Manua. Allwillbe suet, r poerketer a imam the fano.
Thee. Yt-iesty. seetteser.
Tvt�•v. r.Msary 14th. -Auction .ale d
seer resister berme ad two este *timed
team at the berm market are. Them
sea. te • party whs W leaving
SUS be meld wifhant .serve.
Taos aartasuser.
Ttlf'..Y. / let.- A uotlm me of
term areae asl tetelrmelu ; t.operty et h -
D. Marsha... Udeewk entrain. levsgibier
INN sesrs.•essleraemrl logien./ Wert. Trees.
Humour. •safan
Wawruesar. x1od. Auotisu sae
property d
0 .dor! eel
Yr. Hsry. euressiea 11. HWett. Tens.
0 t vein, •.etlumesr.
rho Seined is bow Eos Benin Ste. ]tads
to • few were! .lett
Illest� M� Demi a away on • holiday, u
She Braehe Kra maenad last week to
Termor atter • Mr of several weer at home.
Ilea. B. bogy lilt yrrteeday an ea el -
tar to lar Ae aleS Ilan Prancer) and
Thaw Prised, lett Ire week for Woodstock.
where he .54 w�a/s u w rata-er.ot trade,
berm smeared • bused there.
J. Owk, r et Postmaster Oak, Is now ac
eseoso r et the Beak d Moaumal at $.lea,
B. C., have beim rasoaW traas*0n.a�O pam
talb4wus. r C.
tie. L. M. bakes hes teemed home tram
Tsrmatw, where he was eadergmag treatment
! W error whet Wast completely rated
rem* tree beams some us. aro. M arm da
WS ire= dealt vee*.
Haler Waa• SNOW Me gage CO Toronto to
parrs her wmrml Stader. ltlr rare
g lues erembeef high attalame•t in mudo, and
pertiora ry as a velent.t she rasa already
r. • rib daodard for se young an
Mr. lied Ifr.. L L ]le.lten. who had been
the guests a Me .sd Mn. Aeg.ts eloLeod.
(Moore tnr.a& ter the past month. lett
They lateed welting at Ter-
s.4. and ether rotors polar berm, recruiter
te trier bans_ r 41str.lt. Tiny will be •t
boar 1s yrr .toes at 1.O deett n avenue
e ar Apr Ise.
a. A. Caner, et Lealaadf. Sask.. is renew
ing W hiemearge m town. Mr. Cvniok was
Mr.y years. treated eerier of the town -
t�ia t sad orb a�wwiidds .eooweintsnon
H,. `'senjoying etr.
W • tN W se street.
is a .,a of n.
Al eat+slreN, whoKtri aged
)alms■ b Rm la the perevtoi d ex
°14"440.11,4:1141 ham the ,„,ac, d neatR mile ea kg�.t Weed and mooing surfaces. Hall's
Issd lg••ge• 0 .s i (tie lata. rh d by b sot • me et e but
inidelaa In
Male Intro ewmy d Bald M W styrearm 1er� . and Is • ne reeller prescription.
hem tdumb 4 was
he village et (rtmenH. the It e et w tames known, cos.
bled amber bleed twirlers, sating 41-
w tri ewer ..art.eta. The perfect
« the tee legnrlen4'a In what
-esmdveer .�s1 w.wdere.l revolts la nurleg
Gl.me.- esu hr 8ML seedal. free.
..e14ii J. rt. 10 IIZZT t cera. Prop.. Tondo, O
If 71ab rsmQy PtA ers M oon.Up.Uon.
t Haaelltoo la tesenc et setws4:
town of T1.o.bbre via tis town p
the eit7 of di Themes M Pot
canny of Mete : teem the cry
westerly 11. the tows 0 MRdboM de the
county et Penh the 1.w.. d
tee ..d O.dss'leit In the see(.
d wtalah saki lino. are la le red wIM
ewseet with the C a .team mad aber
enirsierW to inuarwrirriesni seed Lame
trade and bee. the .ler 01
e the treaty sof .o tl.e
d eedbes In the 111111111111e7 Of Pots sed
te et Hees.
South Street. Goderieb
tA11 our Rig. are New. 'Ruses
mast all Trains and Summers..
particular 'attention given to
mils from private reeidenC
Phone No. 80 me
W. R. Oseary b Wham: for dab ass
et the ri.dle.a sad .sat ooay.ale.t
..owes le ti. tows. u4tu.ted a Mei
nares si Serb street sod Elgls •e.
nee. Thin beer la r Arntees nae
!hies fa every toy sad moot lesser a•
ones. se the ewer 4. reeving u.arfeb
The here b really larger than it
tore. .1441.1' g as It does bell. parer
idahrreem fort bedroom. MAMMON
and ebrr, • des lege kitebee Mid
Poetry .nl • summer kittens There
1. • gra-dee tureen her rid ar
water retains and dew. mad the der'
trio IISYea
ills a .se et Or 141slts., somas*
sari the brew ewer d Ws set res
tes.W r Me Nesta Ayes Staten*
to ei.•i•ea • hes sbosM aims awl
we 11th Alt* le
w B OU=
tbi HMOs ant K Irktes 1e the
bks bows d Hltcb0l W the
tea rod Atwood. the ewe et to t4•
esssty et P.0k the t•wne of:
rear Norse In the s..sty of elle ea, ---- -
ceseentleg with the etth�mp..yneso a Use at . AOa'770N SA►ib.
Mathe e .wutyts at T itiaagts. env 0.y vtt ce
(ares d xsepera is tb. ..wq er Mar. I •(?TION "ALE
IA; e�aa�aMy1 wsF•w . t l cee r ear. • en A are -, *
t he •Y aOs.seaeTl le An Were Seer• and M ere` MOOS or Heir
*001W TO 1ST.
Tt�l�ifii HOUSE TO )SEM'
e.ssW at.OrrICt.es.W. rw.tet
poww tM tas..e.■1 a lee AL
= re
veld saelta] wash .a p.,EAea.0 .ri W M
Ise es.. the amosst et .eeseeres etheeb
Orseapoay 4 sew aetherfmd M bees M.
Eessorww seas* ware 1Q{p�O.�weasisprto � 4 . dey.leeegt.amaw�keMe
t ` warms! i 1tuotherwiss meow u"e,/`.ea�u�rs'..
steam � erre mai el every R`lase�tisuM..�M
eel sNer�ssaNr��rf rswSwyy��tt T1 bs/d
r.. vId w may le ber�rlasr�es.�ftab�..ussuttl
ave.% y s;, ser Irnell dt M►
f11A.r ter the
I seem serener rw.eteerrILre.. Herwl
WSW ..bile artless 0,
1a Griew. et Onterleat. es
TL'BI''T t 1LR1l: As d ern.
1,. th. .tterros tet IA lake
Ureers. ...4.bg e.vesty gm
ems. es .1.414 these Is shame here
arse asf pias t ~em t4at are jar j)ars carr S a ng ss
C�ear A4rr me. wiedlien peep •rid tank.
14..eeer e.ss�y of water Thi. Is M
W�se� • gree=w *aim 1. la the bower* 1
14w.me .l be made !sews at the dem et sank
Alsai at the
Urate &Mbe seed.raft,the .rt neo
we ow SAY • ser.tist..4444 eta A.
ran w foramens 8Mrwr.d )s6t e.t.a. Or a
ele malt a. I4t a4.ewt off hes
Pe erten. rearms i
asd w
How will th a agreement for sec
procity between Canada and the
United States. if it passes Parliament
and Congaree, affect Goderich ? This
is a question of a good deal of interest
at the present time.
Asa border town Goderich will un-
doubtedly feel the effect of the in-
creased trade that is bound to follow
upon freer relations between the two
countries. In the olid reciprocity days
there used to be considerable trade be-
tween C;oderich end Saginaw and be-
tween Goderich and Chicago. Condi-
tions, of croute, have since tbell
changed in a good want- ways and
new trade ebanuels have been furiued,
but it is not at all unlikely that a
Large business may hereafter he done
between this putt and L7hlcagn and
that the shipping trade het. will re-
ceive a decided impetus. The man-
ager 1.7 the Goderich Elevator Co. ex-
pre.eea the opinion that the grain
trade will increase, and Onderich
ought to get a good share of the trade
in uiiseelleneoua freight across the
As a fishing centre Godericb stands
to gain largely. The wiping out of
the United States duty on 11ah mean.
more money in the pockets of our flab-
erwen. The great bulk of our flsh
goes to Buffalo. Toronto and other
Canadian centres can beadle a limited
quantity, but the great market is Buf-
falo. and with fine entry to that veer.
ket every flsh caught bere wi11 be of
increased value. Even one-quarter of
a cent extra per pound on say a five -
ton shipment of flsh make. a differ -
!nee of $26. -
Silt manufacturers say the opening
of the United States market will be of
no advantage to them, and on the
other haod tbry fear the abolition of
the Canadian duty will work to their
disadvantage in the Canadian market.
The Comedian manufacturer.' are
hampered by the duty on coal. which,
though reduced by the sgreement. is
still a bandicap of 46 Dents a ton. The
sat btsi..w m Gede,-ich, however,
has not amounted to much fors good
many years; so that the new condi-
tions will hardly be felt here. As a
matter of fact„ the North American
Chemical Co.. whose salt works have
been in disu.e for year., is just now
getting the block along the O. T. R.
'reek ready for operating again.
The flour milling business is hit by
the mange. lo an interview with R.
J. Mew, of the Western Canada
Flour Mills Co.. The Signal was in-
formed that it will be a very bad
thiog for tbe Company. 'The change
will cot off our market in the Mari-
time Provinces, end to some extent in
Quebec," said Mr. Megaw, "with nntb-
ing to coubterbalanoe the loan." While
the United States duty on flour has
been lowered to a parity with the
Canadian duty, Canadian miller", he
ways, will not Iib ahie to get into the
United States market. Mr. Megaw
says it is no advantage to get United
States wheat ftr'ee}}' of duty, as it is not
of the right quality. Neither does he
think the reduction of the duty on
coal ' e cnnsid.n,tion of any oou.e-
quence to hie Company.
W. L. Horton, manager of the
Goderich Elevator Co., informs The
Signal tbat he does net expect reci-
procity to affect the grain t here
to any great extemL He thinks it
may help the elevator here by divert-
ing some of the United States hu.i.
new this way. In other respects he
thinks it will help the shipping trade
of Goderich, and he considers that
Canada 64 secured a good bargain.
Alex. Sanoders, president of the
Goderich (ligan Co., says his liminess
is not dffectad. While as a nianufac-
tuter he world have been pleased to
see the tariff stand so it. wee, he did
not see that the changes would do any
particular harm, and he was glad to
see in the agreement evidenre of a
better feeling between the two neigh-
boring cmnbiers. The Canadian Gov-
ernment, ha believed, bad mad. •
=bargain. As a border town
evicts world likely cis henefltted
by increased lake trade.
D. F. Httmlink, ',ben interviewed,
was apprehensive of the effect of fres
trade upon the fruit h usineere. It
would open the Western Provinces to
United States apples and Lbws cut, off
Ontario's trade with the West. it
might open up a market. for Ontario
apples in the United State. Atlee, hut
h• was doubtful about thin. 0. the
whole he eoneidernd it would work in-
nry to the t►ntari • fruit trade.
re might be an )ffeei In rmduetrt
height rate.. ea the result of competi-
tion het ween the , 'anadl•n and the
reified State" railways
A very groat adventA a •rout tabs)
reciprocity agrenmcnr will he the been.
eats to the terming omInnnitt• from
the opening of the 1 eked Statism mar 1
tet to Comedian f. ,r. pr•.ttluct. This
will enhance • M- eels. .f iImost
everything raised '4, the farms of
Hn.oe county and 1net mood pnt.p..r
it} am. no the farmers will )w re
fleeted hr i n+er &..si pr'osp.ri t t in the
0. the whole 1..dwrreb and Baron
county will nndnnhtedly receive lane
pas from the nee ondltinos that will i
far outweigh ane harmful mesal.. '14.1
nay he felt hemp and there
star~. Ne-,.wat'ton
I lea' .ntwrlor of Hero 8 Kiti..t' • Imo,
awe b.. duelog the leaf few days
been considerably improved by paint
and paper. A.ddlUonal .II.41 room bas
been provided 1.41 accommodate their
increased Hoek. The shoe stock has
been .earl douhled and includes the
newest and classiest lines of wade -in
C.nada.boes. A call would certainly
bsn.st anyooe interested in the hest
footwear to be obtained. (loud' are
always displayed with pieseure.
Ttntaoatr, Jan. Slat.
CAsf•ngLt,-MCDONALD -Thr bows
of Mrs. Finlay McDunald, Lochabh,
Was the se of a pretty wedding os
Wednesday. Januar 18th. whets her
eldest daughter, Isabel, was married
to John Bradly Campbell, of Hamil-
ton, on of Peter Campbell. Mie.
/Sadie Harris played ilileodel..obn •
wedding march. The bride came in
with her brother, T. McDonald. who
gave her' away. The retwrwey- w..
conducted by Rev. J. B. Hardie. of
Locbalab, in the presence of +seam
120 friends. Miss Belle McKenzie, of
Gt-anum. Alberta. wa+ bridesmaid,
i while Mr. Croot. of Hamilton, sup-
ported the groom. Mies Saba& Mr}
Donald. niece of the bride, .'tri as
flower -girl. The bride wore white
satin duchess-, and carried a ebuwer
of white roses. She al.n wore a veil
and orange nliwo,ws. The brides-
maid. who .:arrird a lovely bouquet of
osroatione, wore a 'roue* elk dress
with Cream over lace. The geoew.'i
gift to the beide war a beautiful pearl I
necklace set with diamond.. Mime
Maude Harris sang. Tee bride's
unveiling dress was a blue tailored
suit, with a blue beaver hat W match.
and wink furs After • short wed-
ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will
take up residence io Hamilton, where
the groom is in burglarise. Their many
friends join in wishing them long life
and happiness.
MONDAY, Jan. 30th.
Sunday. January 22nd, • pintas of
this township, in the person of Jas..
McCallum, passed to the Onset Be-
yond. He was eighty-one years of
age and fifty -.even pare of his life
were spent an East Wawaooeh. He
wee born in Perthshire, Scotland, in
the year 1830. When be was three
years of age bis p nts came to Can-
ada with their family and settled .rtt
Little York (now T..rook.L bet base
moved to Halton county. lo 1116E the
deceased came west to Huron eowty
and located on lot 30, e000..ion 8.
where he resided until bin death. 1.
the year 1881 he was united in .car-
riage to Mies Sarah McLean, d Bei'.
Wellington county. who, with their
children, Duncan, James, John and
Finlay, Mrr. H. Wasson and Mie.
Agnes, is left to mcurw a kind hus-
band and father. In the early days of
i the township, the late Mr. McCallum
served •in the capacity of nouncillor
and deputy reeve, bis sterling integ-
rity and gond executive ability com-
meadiog bitn to the ratepe.yen d the
..towwhip. He was one of the hand-
ers of Knox church, Belgrays, and
since 111 foundation in 1886 he had
been one of the manager.. He Akio
served as .ecret•ry.t.•ea.ursr of the
church for a number of yearn. By
hie death the Cuurerretives lore •
staunch supporter and a loyal adher-
ent to tae princippled of the party.
The remains were interred in Brandon
cemetery on Wedoesiey, Rev. J. A.
Ferguson officiating.
TUESDAY. Jan. Slat.
WBunt:mg. - ft H. MacKenttie was
on Wednesday. loth inst.. united iu
marriage to Mrs. Barge. of Clinton.
They ate speridine their honeymoon
in fitratfotd and London. after which
they will reside on the gromu's farm
here. The beide is a teeter of Geo.
Swage. .4 the. place. Their many
friends here winb the bon voyage on
the sea of life . Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
MacLean have ree►ived word that
their ext Dave, of Chicago, waa
united in mediate. to Mine Beale
Page, also of Chicago. The gn.orn's
many fries/is bete wish him .ad hie
wife a happy voyage tdtoogh life.
News Norse -Mimes Mary and
Maggie Rivet t, of Crew., spent a few
days the guest., of Mian Mary Rwao.
Miers Bowie Barnby spent • few
days with Mends in Lucknow P.
R. McNay ha. purchased Andrew
Smith'. farm. M.-. Smith inteeda go-
ing West In the opting . John
Philips, of Fordyce, .past a few days
Iwo week vl.iting trends here
Mleeee Mary and Mot'.4.. McDanakd
.pent the weekend Atli Moods ib
Ripkc ..... Sean Swan had • vert
successful wool -bee one day last week
and treated kbe bort to a dance .t
night. A11 report an enjoyable time.
. John Horan is speeding :a
few deye with friend. in `V.wanash '
Wei. Hunter. one popular Dep
uty Re...-- atta.nded . M laIMPIPUIAIS of
the county meanie) held ire findericb �
le -•, week.
Wanerwgnev Ian 1141.
nl•e... Love f`r•r 8H11,R1 Mu• h
mirror was felt in Reiss ridge over
the nntImre v death -.f Prank Rites.
of •irderi.•h. whir+ .. aimed, n - •ted
in the onuses ' The eireak
0..11 mem •t r lar .. derfeb isee-
;dm on the nth item Irrenk wag
well known here, he patents. Mraeand
Mn. Patrick Finn. with their !easily
having lived ben ,.ntll rkty •miovo'
In •:owlerieh Ave year. ago !meat
mea oak in hie fifteenth year bed his
d.see was the warm break is , Nano,
of right stns The knte,see• wee
made in et 1, wpb's cemetery her.. M
Wednesday 111,14 heat alter masa bad
been aid by Rev- Father Me('n.u.. k
The pallh.ersw were three brash...
.Joan*. Thoma. sed Roswell all d
Detroit and three ermine 4g
(YRei11. Gu• MM'artby and Jobs
Ann. Reside. the two young herd -
ere at house. John lives at Winnipeg
sad Will at Calgary and were unable
to cone boas the long distance for
the funeral. TM parents wish k,
thank the matron and nurse), of
Aiexaodre hospital for their care amd
attendance upon their son : ala, the
n eighbors and friends for thee kind!
sees in the time d bereavement.
WRDNSSOAY, Feb. 1st.
News IN Bwgv.-MiwClaraSclat>.r,
OIMsaforile visited friends in the vil-
lage over Saturday and Sunday
Mn. Ed. Robinson, a000nip..nied Iy
bee burband, returned to her hose in
Buffalo after a tw a weeks' visit with
friends here Mime Annie Naylor
and A. V. Shackleton. of Fordyce,
visited at A. A. Naylor's over Satur-
day and Sunday....Fern Nywington
visited friends is Blyth from Saw.-
day till Mime Mabel El ratt
left on M to attend the wedding
of her Mend, Mien Kathleen- Swann,
of Fullerton . Mee. Sruzvick, who
had towel visiting at her fel, Ines home
here for some time. left nn Tuesday
for her home in Flint. Mich Mies
('lark.. of Varna, is visiting her sister.
Mrs IOm. l K. .% Miller, at the par-
Clit'wr•.. Nora. -The wieraulent of
the Lord's Supper will 1.e adminis-
tered at the cies of the morning ser-
vioe in the Methodist chi.; -h next
/Sunday .. . Don't farmer the SJunda
school convention to Knox church
next Wednesday. Several good 'pe'ak-
.rs are expecte.] end the musical part
of fire pogram will he supplied by the
Westfield Methodist choir . Rev. R.
A. Miller is assisting Rev. 13. A. Feer,
of Blyth, it evangelistic s.rv•ces
this work . Leet night we- "Cana-
dian oiget- with the Epworth tree Ur.,
when the service partook of a patri-
otic character. A talk nn ••C wade
was given by Mr.. W. Andrew and
patriotic songs were need 'tee 154 of
the regular hymn.. Sias May Den-
e tedt and Mies May Fergus on ren-
dered a duet in gond style. Skier
Munro acted a, chairman, in the
sence of the pie•ident.
DHATH of MRs. Joe. LAWSoN,-
After an illness of several weeks,
fiery Charlotte Downs, beloved wife
dries. Lawson, passed ewe at her
boobs here Friday morning. Dpoea.ed
ha/ not bee. in good health for the
past ate yesirs. T zee years ago she
ball a attac of anaemia, after
wbicb, er, a time her brealth
wee oon.id proved.- Mbe wan
again taken ill last apriog but war not
twinned to teed until about two
weeks ledere her death. She was one
of the oldest and moat respected r---i-
dente of Auburn, being born iu this
village to 186M and, except for two
years d Ism married life, having lived
base continuously till her dear b. He,.
loss is mouthed by her husband, her
son Edgar, and her daughter, Jars.
Walter moose, of Goderi.h and also
by her three brothers - William
Dowse, of Toronto, Robert, of Clin-
ton, and Dick, of Port Huzv u, all of
wbom attended the funeral. The re-
mains were cooveyed to Ball's ceme-
tery- on Sunday. Rev. R. A. Miller
out.ducting the service. The pall-
bearers were Mears. lt4ddell, Bowmen,
Arthur, I ungb4ut, Doyle and Mole.
The bereaved ones have tbe sincere
71 patty of the community.
TUESDAY, Jan. 31st.
el el meetings In the Methodist
church will close this week. Next
Sunday will bre quarterly meeting and
0o the next day the board' will meet
and a week from next Sabbath Rev.
Mr. Fond will preach missionary ger-
aeons. Rev. R. A. Miller, of Aaburn,
assisted Rev. E A. Fear here Monday
and Tuesday evenings of this week.
.The town was in darkness Sat-
urday night on aconu0t of the failure
to raise the new smoke -stack at the
power house. Monday morning. how-
ever, a trw raised the old .tack. so
that Sunday night the town wag
lighted &gain. ...T. B. McAr•t.r.
who recently purcbased the photo-
graph bas again good it hark
to W. lboohs. who now has po- pewee on.
Wilford is at present •eriun-ly
indisposed Blyth monthly fair
took place Tuesday of this week.
There was a good crowd in town, also
a nu.nb r of horsemen... The St.
George ('rah h. -Id a smell dance in
their club rooms Wednesday evening
of last week, a number frotn Auburn
hying in attendance Miro Pollock
wag in Goderich on Frid. of Inst
week on legal business1. PfeRsr
is now agent for the Frost R• Wood
implement* and expecte in the spring
to hay. a building nn the main street
fon his +hnwroom .... Mr. Gillian, a
fonn.er employee of the Bank of Ham-
ilton hen. but now of London. visited
his friends in town this week N.
Bamford visited wt his home io Lite.
mese.( ..ver Sunday .....John Elliot is
In Th.rion this week with his fam-
ily Mr. end Mrs. .1. Stothers were
In T.'rnntn last week purchasing a
stock of rntgla.e ami 'hin•ware for
theft store. wbbh they will occupy
the week . R. Water, .hipped a
sae of r*ttir t n Tnn.ntn 'b.& week vin
C. P. B.... N'. H.ttron. '.f f.uck
Mer, sprat Sneday with b4. another
Awn wThe see hat vent hero i" neer'
ly fln.hnd and the mon have all pot in
a good finality of .o. W Watsttw
•44 Rnll4.son IietMr4ch
4sa• 4 "tt ..4. r drt 14w...re n..w.n • , TIS.
..pan +i. .baring Nei . .sang weft
1. melee' thew nigh .rue the re on
.. Rood rn,adit..,u te•mpin,..4 la. OM
•• .ho nae her, 1s tb.
..r. tru nighi cleper tenant or "bit
ban, re reiterated to Were permeet
to take hie ntd position •• engineer w
I the grist mill Mr Fon also has bad
the pewit inn is IMydng mien C
Willow• ,d +setos- h .pent '*sada)
1 with his paresis here
Several Important Appointments Made
-Standing Committees for the
Year County Sinking Fund is
Good S' -ape -Special Committee
Appointed to Look into the Power
The lint session of the count y coun-
cil of Mill opened on Tucson./ after-
noon, January 24th, in the council
chamber. A11 the members were
present except Reeve Smyth, of Cho-
wn, who was kept at horns by ill-
County Clerk Lane presided during
the election of the Warder.
It wa+ wove d by Messrs. Onvenlock
and Bailie that Owen Geiger, Reeve of
Heiman, be Wat•drn of the county for
this year.
No other nomination welt made, so
Mr. teriger atm. invited to take the
Wsrdesee chair, to which he was con-
ducted by ex -Warden Irwin, of Wing -
ham. Mt. Geiger euhscribrd to his
declaration of of5ce before His Honor
Judge Holt, and thanked the council
for the honor conferred on him. He
trusted that the business of the council
would be conducted harmoniously and
in the beat interests of the county.
Messrs. Leckie, Reid, Hunter,
Sturdy and McKay were appointed a
'striking committee to mune the ..Sand-
nog.wu.milt•r. for the year 1911.
A levee teaes read from A. P.
Wsat-reelt, secretary of the Guelph
Winter Pah, stating that Jas. Cum-
mings, of Blyth. was entitled to 1329,
the .pecial prise offered by the county
of Huron to the exhibitor of the beat
leaf aniwal fried this county at that
fair.�the leLer was sent to the fln-
rf"ITlealigilknnicipal Amour:"iatIon
asked that the county continue to be •
member of diet association.
The Prisoners' Aid Association asked
for a grant to waist iu carrying on ita
A. M. Hunt, secretary of the West -
e. a Fair, London, asked the county to
oiler special piizas to exhibitors from
this county at chat fair.
J. Row. Robertson solicited &id for
the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto,
and the Salvation Army requested as-
sistance in its work.
The above five communications
were referr,d to the executive coot-
ThereOntario Trustees Association
asked the council to appoint a delegate
to attend the meeting of the Associa-
t ion in Toa unto next ASWWS.il. The letter
Nay tent W the ethical on committee.
A communication was received from
Lincoln county. setting forth certain
proposed ar+reeiseeot.a to the Educa-
tion Art. IC mai sent to the education
co tire.
H. J. Bowman, clerk of Waterloo
county. wrote respecting the good
'toads scheme. The letter was rent to
the special committee.
The G«.dAssociation asked
that delegates from this county be
appointed to attend the annual meet-
ing in Toronto in March, and that a
grant of $10 be made to defray ex-
penses of printing, etc. The request
wee sent to the executive com-
The county of Wentworth ant s
communication respecting the regula-
tion of :Harker fees. It was referred
to the special committee.
D. Root). insp-ctor of public school+
'or Ewe Huron, reigned his position
and J. E. Tom sent a leiter in refer-
ence to the diviaion of inspectorate..
Both lettere were sent to the educa-
tion committee.
C. Seeger, county Crown attorney,
wrote respecting more adequate office
accommodation. The letter was re-
ferred to the county property eorn-
John Itanafdrj tendered his resigna-
tion as trustee of the Clinton Colle-
giate institute.
APPIIC.tlotls tor tbs pool tion of pub-
lic .uhnol in.,w.rttor were (received
Ir..,,. A. N •Vicar. Landon : W. R.
Weldenu..o.tu.,, Harter; ('has, Mc-
Kinnon, Kincardine; I. N. Fiekd.
Goderich, and J. 1'. Smith, Winghan..
They were referred t', m he education
committer. .Memory. Seuith, Weider -
hammer and Field were present ar.d
.ddre.wea the conned relative to their
qualiflcam ions for the position.
The resignation of W. H. Gundry
as high constable of the county wee'
accepted and sent to the special come
mittee. Applications for thepoet t ion
were received from J. S. *chat h. of
Goderich, and .A. Whiteside., of Hen -
sal I.
Applications for the position of
county audit.'. were received trout F.
Metcalf, Blyth : H. W. Holman. Tuck-
eramith ; A. Stratton, Goderich : John
Hartley, Clinton : T. G. Allen, Dun-
gannon ; John Wilr.on, Colborne ; 1.
W. Hone, Emit Wawanosh :.Pr.d.
Hess, are, Zurich. 1 hese were left on
the table.
Four tender" fur .-ounty printing
were sera t,i the exMotiv. ro.ary4tit .
A number ref .eeoamte were reed
end referred to the fineries erienrn,t.tee
W. Lane `"0.1v'leek. and DT
`+es Reeve ,.l I(ayleld. were se
pretest' '.be hoard -I rrtnorial •udl
Judge Holt yew re app on•. W rhe.
board .,r '.rus,wee of 4i..*.►.. h f:. •1.
Sar, ; n.r a n.. F V 44 14410
�s(.t war anpointrvt 1 n• .,ern
(A1►trw. • .Ilei;. tee I new' e . no N
le %abet err .• %Ain/M..D tow• r ►a
pr•1D•ori •. •M n -...rd of W•hens..
bleb .ntuw. Itn..wll Y•.00.g
f iev.D era. appointed ,,. the (Ala. -,e.
Uoll.giate inst.itut. bread re 4N1 not
tab. mem pored -•rm nt R., ( R
r)nnnresigs.d K S. !lays, d 45a-
i(:setiesed es togs a
f -!hi