HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-26, Page 101• "t'Mu a(ui• . J esu as TheCilesial Beek Stere I ri n a OPERA HOUSE GROCERY First door off Square. Kingitsn St. Everything In Orocsrs Fresh. Pun and Oosd Table Figs Cooking Figs Dative Bulk and Package Dried Peaches Dried Apricots Dried Prunes Dried Apples Raisins All kinds Currants Pure Clover Honey in bulk, glass and in comb Syrups Jams Jellies, etc. - Headquarters for choice Butter and fresh RRa Jao. W. Vaulter Opera House Block 'Phase 164 Kiegs s. Surest Alarm Clocks AT �, Z6 Good COM. tea. The sort that rest you out ,,f 'red tee morales fl Tee seri at are !tarsi ' latches Tao ao p« as. 'r - Yes Mew Use N r nave • targe smar m o boa cracks to. show Yi ,)ts i melets& lea ser teems*, aiapy Walter H. Harrison 00 [os+.tas a. acusis teener. it, i i i ANNUAL MID -WINTER BARGAIN DABS Saturday. Monday and Tuesday, January 28, 30, 3i Three days of big genuine bargainrgiving all over this big store. Three days that mark the cli max of a January Sale without an equal since we opened our doors in Goderich. Three days at the end of our business year when we are willing to lose sight of profit in order to get the stock down to thevery lowest notch possible before stocktaking. We enter, stock and close our business year January 31st. every season must stand on its own footing. It is not so much a question of getting actual value for the winter stocks, but a question of getting a . price on them that will turn them into money in short order. This is but a partial list of the many bargains that will await you Saturday. There will be ba rgains all over the store, In all departments you will find them. Come expecting to save money-yqu will not be disappointed . Many Fur Bargains Here Saturday We would like to clear the fur stock to the, last garment if we could on Bargain Days. We ought to., if selling Furs of very high quality, at very low prices will do it. There 'Ono discounting the qual- ity of the Furs this store sells, and there is no „dis counting the prices we will mark them at for Bar- gain Days. A few samples : "Ladies' Fur=lined Coats $25.00 Two only ladies' fur -lined Coats, shells of extra good quality beaver, inside in this season's most popular style. one brown, two black, collars of mock fisher or Western sable. linings of good qualit • lock squirrel. garments to give both comfort sod earFor Bargain Days your choice $25,00 only VV ' Ladies' Fur -lined Coats $36.50 Ladies' fur -lined Coats, shell of extra quality tine 'all -wool beaver cloth, black, brown and navy, several styles to select from -all good quality of lining guaranteed. collar of Western (� sable, hamster lining. Vary special for Bargain $36,50 Days at each Jr Cloth Coats with Fur Collars $15.00 Lilies' black cloth ('oats. good quality, all -wool frieze, with collar of Western sable. Decidedly, special. $15 .00 each ogjy Vll Astrachan and Electric Seal Jackets $22.50 Seven only ladies' astrachan and electric seal Jackets, twenty- six inches long. lined throughout with good lining, quality of fur you can rely on. Very special bargain, at each $22.50 only Long Muskrat Coat $62.50 One only lady's genuine Canadian Muskrat Coat, forty-five inches long, automobile style, hitRth Dollar, handsome and serviceable garment. For ' $aegsin Days only •' $62,50 A Straight One-quarter Off , on Small Furs It is impossible here to give a detailed list of all the Fun iu stock. We have still a splendid assortment of Neck Pieces in sable, mine, marmot, Persian lamb and light furs. These are all Mtn of quality and Fun we are ready to back with our guarantee. No need to tell the original price. You can buy any article on Bargain Days for exactly one quarter less than its regular price Ladies' Coats, Half=Price Fifteen or twenty ladies' Coats, tweeds, blacks and colors, this season's styles, just a clean-up of stock before stock -taking, regular prices were $lo to $20. Bargain Day prices will be from $5 to $10, or any of them for EXACTLY • HALF-PRICE Children's Coats $3.75 Fifteen only children's stylish winter Coats, sizes suitable for girls six to tsar years of age, plain beaver in reds, blues, etc.; also some fancy tweeds, regular $8.60 to $9.00. Bargain $3,T5 Days only Ladies' Winter Coats $13.50 . We have ten or fifteen special quality Coats left in stock, reg- ular prices run from 1118 to $aXi, they are tweeds and blacks, all • are this winter's style and up-to-date in every way, in every particular. We simply will not carry a coat over to next season, so offer a choice of these handsome garments for $13Jll.50 ; Bargain Days only Ladies' Winter Coats $7.65 This is a collection of Costs that sold in the regular way up to 1115.110. Most of them are black heaver, although you will find some colors. Nat sole but is this season's style. o make the sale our absolute certainty we offer you a choice of these $7.65 up-to,date garments for only From the Carpet Department Some extra s %vials for Bargain Days that will save you some money. Axminster Rug $18.50 • Genuine British Axminster Rug, arainlees, 9 x 9 feet. hand - sonic design, in colors of green and fawn, regular $1 JV Q.00 1122.50 For Bargain Days only t7 Union Carpet 29c Three ends heavy Union Carpet, will stand a lot of hard wear, green, red and brown shade.;, three designs. Very special fQr Bargain �Q Days per ward.. 29e A Wool Carpet 50c - One end only Wool,('arpet. This is all pure wool, woven on a cotton warp, and will wear as well as solid wool, colors absolutely fast, heavy weight, regular 75c. For 50„ Bargain Days Axminster Rugs $24.50 Three only imported Ax- minster Rugs, made without seam, heavy close pile, 9 x 12 feet, in floral and conventional patterns, fawn and green tora r g a in $24.50 regular 830.110. Days...:•.JV Kimono Flannel 17c Three ends only heavy Eng- lish Kimono Flannel, fancy staipes, will make specially serviceable kimonos and bath robes, regular 30c. For Bar -- gain Days, special per 17c yam Turkey Red Table Damask 37c One pattern only turkey red Table Damask with green flowers, fast colors, heavy weight, in fact an extra good quality. Special for Bargain Days per yard 37c only More Vestings at 12trc Another shipment of white mercerised Vesting, in near small patterns suitable for tailored waists, an extra hood quality. one that !gives satis- factory wear. Bargain2c Days. special per yard. ,a Fancy Sample Hucka- back Towelling 36c Two patterns only A n e quality linen huckabeck towel- ling, 2t inches wide, the right weight and width for Towels, standard 60c quality. F o r Bargain nay,. per yard 6c only. J A Towel Special Three hundred yards linen Crash Towelling. 17 inches wide, heavy weight. red border. Special for Bargain Days 7s, or in three.(��, yard lengths, per end20c Heavy Woollen Socks l9c Fifty psirs men's heavy woollen Socks, gray seamiess feet, heavy ribbed. -For r Bargain Days per 19c pair '(, Girls' Sweaters 75c t.irls wool Sweaters, but- ton over shoulder, colors nary. white and cal•dinal. regular $1.15. Special fot' Bar- 75c ;.Iain lays. each only.. Jl Jabots I St New embroidered Jabots sod r'e.tilers, genuine Swiss manu- fart fire, neat, dressy and very such worn. Special for Bar gain Days, clearing at ♦ 5c Combination Suits ti9t e. moor. q,dts. a•ergbt Arse rib. sots. 11 seise very special for askees1 Timms. pe- sw' mum, Hair rets Sc e'su r Hat ,ad valet di ibrs5r; Sot ata' or, Illargsir nee- Sc . ort Clearing in the Millinery Every Hat in the showroom must be sold before Tuesday next. • Miss Reynolds goes on ,,her holidays Wednesday morning and must leave an empty showroom Be- hind her. There are probably twenty-five un- trimmed shapes and the same number of trimmed hats to sell. This is how we have them marked for Saturday and Monday Any Shape 39c Your choice of any Untrim- med Shape in the showroom, black or colored. no spatter what the original price-ws►me sold up as high as $2.50. Sat- urday morning you can 3(1c buy any one of them at Ja7<, Any Trimmed Hat $1.00 We will positively not re- serve one. Leery 'Trimmed Hat left in the showroom Set- urday morning will he sold at $1.00. They are woith two. three and four times this price, but our policy 'is to carry no millinery from one season to the next. This is the reason you can bay any of these stylish aha on Saturday for 1.00a les 00 \/V Lace Curtal ns $1.85 Fifteen pairs genuine Not- tingham Looe Curtains, three and three -and.$ -half yard s long, nioe • buttonholed strong wlanteed to wear and wash well. regula Bargain >Df� For �� .85 Towels 2 for 25c hThree hundred crepe and duckalack Towels, sryers, good weight, large size, special for Bargain5c Days, 2 for • lsJtr Fancy Wrapperette 6c Here is a big bargain. Fivehundred yards Canadian Wramwrette in colors suitable for waists, wrappers and qyuil�ts, a dozen or more designs, regular 124c qua ity. Saturday per yard .. . s 1-1 SOME DRESS GOODS BARGAINS Special inducements for Dress Goods buying for Saturdays Monday and Tuesday. We want to make a big hole in the stock'befort entering it, and have cut the price very, very low in order to do it. Wide Dress Goods 29c Rods of dark Dress Material, splendid tieing• for separate skirts and children% wear, tf to Si inches wide. " Very, very speccial for Bargain Days at per yard only 29C Your Last Chance for the 39c Dress Goods 6 irgain pays will see the last of this big. bargain lot sold. There areal° or b)U yards still lett, colorings suitable for aoy r• pose. you can use Drees Goods for. Regular value up to 9c $1.00. Fur Bargain Days only • •7 Black Venetian 55c Take our word for it, this is beyond the shadow of a doubt the best value we have ever offered in this popular cloth. ► Guar, anteed all wool. 48 inches wide and worth $1.00. For Bargain Days per yard rely........ - 55c 54 -inch Serge 75c Black and green, all -wool, heavy weight cheviot serge, noth- 1 better for a separate skirt. reguler Ba Ra ys per yard only ralne 14 111.275cat � least. For o High-grade Suitings and Dress Lengths 95c Twenty-five only twit and Dress Lengths in choice materials of good quality, no two alike. regular value from SLID to $:.00 per yard. Just a gathering togsther of ones and twos of rasions lines, all new styles aqd up-to-date materials. TOOT oboiolt. far Bargain Days oofyC -Cotton and Flannelette ftecial January Sale prices on Cotton and Flannelette continue for in Days, but we do not think we' have enough of the special lots to last any longer. It will undoubtedly pay you to lay inasupply wheat you cas get them at the very low prises we are q ,ti -yard lengths of. fine white Oettoa SM 5 -yard lengths of coarser whits Cotton BOO 5 -yard lengths of heavy factory Cotton Oar 5 -yard lengths of 'wide Canedisn Flanaelstte ilie You Can Buy a Tailored Suit for $8.90 Jf you come here Bargainyou can buy a man -tailored Suit for only9o, These Suits are made from high-grade Venetians and diagonal serges in blacks, navys and browns. No need to say anything about the original price, but they were a great deal more than this. This is unquestionably one of the biggest bargains we are offering on Bargain Days. Your choice of these nobby tailored Suits” at the low figure of $8.90 Word Shirting 2k 'Meexford Shirt log. nest in blue and white, fast c lOxford For Bargain Days per yard 22c only Table' Napkins 5c One hmAred linen damask Tableffapkins. assorted sines, set more then three or four of any one pattern, slightly im- re�nlar lOq to 16c. c^ Days aptly a71. • Apron Muslin 22c One end only fancy Apron es Muslin, 88 inchide, belle- • stitched and insertion border. Special Y rd . 22c Man's Fur Coat $15 One on man's fur Coat - =1 quality wombat, a east teat will give any amount of wear, medium aisle Special fDysBargatn $15.00 Saturday, January 2 1St, we took two lots of Furs and ladies' Coats and put them in our south window. Half the window was filled with those selling up to $12.00, the other half with articles of from $i5.00 'to $4o.00. The window will remain dressed in this way until Saturday, February every article ticketed at regplar price. Each day the price will drop sec on every article selling up - to $12.00 and $r.00 on those selling for $t s.00 or over. A card in the window will show the amount 'that can be deducted from the selling prices each day. For instance, on say. the sixth day after the window was first put in, which teas Saturday, January 21st, you can buy any article up to $s a.or• for $3.00 less than its marked price, or any article selling at $ss.00 or over for $6.00 less than it is marked. Every day you simply multiply the number of business days commencing with Saturday„Januar 2rst, by soc. or $i.nn and deduct the amount from the price of any article in the half of the window the reduction applies to. WF want to sell every piece of fur and every article in these windows thin. season, and have adopted this plan to make the sale .t certainty. You can buy them at your MI It prier if you leave it long enough. hut must run the risk of someone being willing toty little more awl get it before you. It will ht worth your while to watch the window day by da.. Tha is is a straight ,offer' and the prices will drop just as tee say. 41•111111.041.• II006ENS BROS., Goderich Wide Laces Sc Five hetadred yards new Lams never onun rale before. widths troy ! Os 4 teethes. deemsap pats regular • gain D • y e. to Milos Der Bar Me ! I. Yard :n More Ali -over Luca et we taothdr k.;. .s lb loch ail .,ver laces In white and ecru *echo jus the thing for yokes ' and +operate rttrtrtlar value elf to The Rye - Wool Glove* t 9c Fifty pairs tidies and (1111- dree's werdise Aiovest black and colors. aeaortat kinM, =nays per pair-9--- lie M'-r- - 19C MealnerMIRYINIIIIIIMmettensomesseamileallitinisi 1