HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-26, Page 941
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e News of the
District.' :ha
MOND* V JOU &ten
• Annie EVEN -- The sem,
othly meeting of the ttYPet
January was held o, hipster,
std. at the home of N and Nes
.emietibals. i moo enjoyable euceal
was spent in genies and
after which a daipty lunch was
Jervoi During the evening several
new Immo, were added to the mail
torship The next meeting will be
held on February let it Erwin Km.
Ler'd, when a omelets' program will he
Oven New members will be cordial.
- - - -
MONDAY. Jan. Vete
SEWN Hants. -We can hear the
vedding bells tInklina again at Crewe.
Abs Culbert and a portico
nut tensely are moving into their tcwn
residence in Dingatision (lie week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Pierre. of
thingannoo, spent Sunday at Crewe.
Mr. an.1 Mrs. Jai' Colbert called
on friends near Paramount la•t weak.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Reed Ryerson
Benson were visiting relatives t• t the
corionnica yeet-rrley
)leggin Hasty is meantime e few day,
eith her sister. Mrs. John Seeks-, of
Mafeking Mn. Thos. Shackle. on
spent Sundry with relatives in the
Circular Town.
An Ideal Hair Tonic.
Parisian Sage is compounded nn the
tomtit advanced scientific principles,
and nothing on the market tolay CAR
compare with IL It accomplitihre so
much more then the ordinary tonics,
and doss it so quickly that users are
Parisian Sage kills the dandruff
germs and eradicates dandruff, stops
falling hair. itching of the salp and
splitting bears in two weeks or -we will
refund your money.
Parisian Sage gives a fascinating
lustre to women's bair and wakes it
beautiful. It makes the hair glow
luxuriantly ; it is the daintiest and
most refreshing hair dressing that
rcience bast produced. and has net a
tearticle of grease or stickiness in it.
Parisian Saga tome fill cents at your
druggist's or postpaid front the pro -
The Giroux Mfg. Co.. Fort
Erie. Ont. The girl with Oro auburn
hair is on every package. Sold and
guaranteed by E. H. Wigle, north
,ide of Square.
TIMODAY. Jan. 21th.
Deere or A Fimenen.-A pioneer
,)t this township passed away at
\Vingham no Sunthsy *yen' ng. January
lab, in the person of William Arm-
our. His death took plater at the
home of his son. John Artnonr. in
Winghadm with whom he had resided
for the pest seven yeara Deceased
was linen in Argyieshire. Scotland. on
May 20th, Ine He ensue to Canada
in 1862 and two years leiter to
East Wawa b. In the same year
he was married to Miss Mary Clencv,
who predocemwei him twenty-three
veers. His family includes two *one
and two daughters: James, of Swami.
Mask.; John. of Wingbani; Mrs. John
McCoonell, North Dakota ; Mrs. Mc-
Lennan. of Hoak 4 woo. Mask. The
bereaved reintives have the spaspeiby
of the communIty In their lose.
A Medicate That Does Net Cost Any-
tbisqr Cakes It Ceres.
The active medicinal ingredients of
Rexall Orderlies', which are orlor'ess,
tasteless and colorless, is an entirely
new discovery. Combined with other
extremely valuable ingredients, It
forms a perfect bowel regulator. intes-
tinal invigorator and strengt helper.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy
and are notable for their egreenblenem
to the matte and gentleness of action.
They do not cause griping or any dis-
agreeable effect or Inconvenience.
Unlike other preparations for a like
purp wae, they do not create a habit.
hut lostmid they overcome the cause
of habit acquired through the as. of
ordinary laxatives,, cathertics and
harsh physic, and permanently re-
move the came of constipation or irre-
gular bowel action.
We will refund your looney tali -
'Jut argument If they An not do as we
say they will. Two Oyes. 26c and Mr.
Mold only at nut inure- The Reese!
eitore. H 0. Dunlop, isonth side of
A.../ see sed 'sande. bw yeomen Me peat re
,isetiase In Paiellie sad bays reedrawde eled,
mot dessdel berestee IS ether tines
ittxuatsat.-As Interesting event
weaned at the here of Mr and Mrs.
U. Grey, on the 111th inn when
their niece, Kiss Marion Jamieson, was
united in marriage to Osors-e Minolta rif
of Pine River.
(;)71° Rutherford,per
a. formerly of Amberle) Hes.
oormed the ceremony In the _presence
of about forty spectators The bride
and groom were the recipients if
nany valuable presents, and were el
ended hearty congratulations- and
if cd wishes for their, future The
'vebitlit was spent in games, dancing.
social chat, etc.. tall the early boors of
_,"'n'etee. when all retired pleased with
we' evening's proesedings
i'rrt Fos. -Mr. and Mrs. -Aimee'
lt•own visited Mende on the 4th (on
yanks, Ism week Mr. and Mrs
' 410�e, gloater, of Head wardine.
Sian.. are the insets of Mr. mod Mrs
J. L klePtaerene . -.Kb* Media Camp-
bell lett last week for Thronto to
*Peed the balsam et the Miner
weals, there ...... Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald McLean entertained a few friends
one seeming lest week _„ We
Sea to ese that Jolts Bradley, who
ascidentally shot himself through the
left hand, is able to be around again.
. and Mrs. West Sommers, of
tinikolreted. am visiting friends in
one *tidal Visisave Thorhurn hoe
hired with Malik Reed f"'
whiter • Ire are all glad to see
ars (key areend seals.
Duel LOP
Wm:imitator Y. Jan.
- %tory rarely do we hem or
a school having:in than three trus-
tees, or fewer, but is the came of one
'drool in this township there is at
pieseitt only one. In these days of
higher eivilszetion and compulsory ed-
ucation, Ishereevesy child has
the reuse chant* as hi» neighbor's, it
mann strange indeed that a A.. ,rd of
trust eau eannot tw found to put t ottaer.
ably and harmoniously together in
the common interene for the prop. -r
running rut the school. However, we
hope to see things in smooth running
order before lone Le grippe is
raging in this neighborhood and those
of us t hat rano not yet suffering from
its evil influence are anxiously asking,
Who will be the next victiin?
Soult• rtf the young men of this section
ate busily engaged at present drawiug
gravel hum the lash- ()own is
already busy asking, What does this
part end ?
MONDAY. Jan. Vol.
Ur. and Mrs. Alex. McDonagh have
returned to Russell, Maui(
Haagen McDonald is away at
Guelph taking the short course at the
Ontsoio Agricultural College.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDougall and
family, whit were visiting in Lucknow
and vicinity. have returned to their
home at Calgary,
A hockey match was played here
hat Ttieeday evening when the Tees-
wat et' team tried conclusions with the
Ire -at boys sod went down to defeat,
the score tieing 15-4. J. King made a
satisfactory ieferee.
The annual congregational meeting
of Knox church wits held last Wednes-
dey evening. After the busines, had
all been dealt with, a social hour.
which took the form of a reception to
Rev, KW Mrs. Duncnn, was held in
the basement of the church.
Rwskit-Ginvia.-A . pretty wed-
ding was celebrated Wednesday
morning, Jaouary 18th. at the home
of Mrs. Thoma. Anderson, when her
gr toddaughter, Miss Mary Lindsay
Girvin, became the bride of Herbert
K. Hillier, son of H. Eilber. Crediton,
M. P. P foe South Huron. Rev. W.
J. Joliette officiated in the presence of
a small company of relatives and
friends of the contracting parties.
The bride was given away by her
hrother. T. A. Oirvin. of Saskatoon.
Sask. She wore white satin, veiled
with silk chiffon, a tulle veil, and car-
ried .a beautiful shower bouquet
Mese Helen Johnston. of London,
made a pretty Hower girl end was the
only attendant. Mr. and Mrs. Haber
left by the 2 o'clock train for a wed-
ding trip to Toronto and Hamilton.
On their return they will commence
housekeeping at Crediton, where they
will he at home after February 1601.
The bride's mane friend, here extend
hearty coast. ttulttions.
Here's An Offer You Should Not Over-
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach trouble, hr supplying the
one element, the absence of which in
the gastric juices causes Indigestion
and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach
to digest, food and to quickly convert
it into rich red Wool and material
neeeesary for overcoming natural
body waste.
Carry as package of Reseal' Dyspepsia
Tablets in your vest pocket, or keep
them in your roost'. Take one after
each heavy meal and indigestion will
not bother you.
We know what Rexall DespePtia
Tablets are and what they will do.
We guarantee them to relieve indiges-
tion and dyspepsia. If they fail we
will refund your money. Three sizes :
26 cents, Fill cents and 81.151. Remem-
ber you can obtain Hexall Remedies
only at the Rexall Store -H. 0, Dun-
lop, south side of Square.
TUISIDAI Jan. 24t0
BlUtVITISM. -RObt McAllister &peat
A day hi MIlvertno this week
V Intent Liddy is on the sick Ilse but
e hope for it, speedy recovery.
J seph Sprung spent the week -end
v s.NJna Kinburn friends -Mr.
Dean, 01 Kiagshridge, visited his son.
Rev. Father Dean. this week
Fred Clerk, oi Indian Head, Sask
visited his cousin, Mrs. Win. Tboup-
arm, last week ......Roht. elprupg. of
Kaleide. Man., is visiting to this vicin-
ity . John ,Shanahan, of Clinton,
called im Win. McIntosh on Monday.
Miss Ellen Thompeon enter-
) -tined a. [mother of her friends last
‘Velneethiy evening Miss Joseph.
lite McAllister lilt cur Friday to visit
Gait Is
Read How This Sufferer Benefited I
Don't you believe that experience is
r better that, hearsay e If you puffer
nom piles, just try Zatu-Buk. You
ran do so AL our expense. So assured
, are we of the result that we will send
I you a free trial box if you send to our
Toronto office(' full name and address
and a one-oent. stamp to pay return
Scores of people daily acquaint us
with the benefit they have derived
from the nae of Zatn-Buk. Mr. F.
Astride', of 3 Mt. Paul street, St.
( Utharinee, OnL, says : "For live
years I have suffered untold agony
with protruding piles. The pain was
to great at times that I would almost
D etrain.
"I lost weight and had no appetite.
I tried everything I ever beard of for
piles. is I WKS willing to take any-
thing to get relief. It was useless,
however, and I almost gave up in des-
"One day a friend give me a sample
of Zem-Buk, and told me of a friend
of his who had been cured. I decided
to try Zam-Buk, and the relief I got
was encouraging. I used three boxes.
and at the end of that time I was com-
pletely cured. I wish I could have
got Zem-Huk years ago; it would
have saved me a great deal of misery."
Zasin-Buk will also be found a sure
cure for cold sores. chapped hands.
frost bite. ulcers, blood -poison, vari-
cose sores, scalp sores, ringworm, in -
Horned patches, babies' eruptions and
chapped pieces, cuts, burns, bruises,
and skin injuries generally. All drug-
gists and stores sell at 50c. box, or
post-free from Zant-Buk Co., Toronto.
upon receipt of price. You are
warned against harmful imitations
and suhstitntes. See the registered
name, "Zarn-Buk," on every package.
MONDAY. Jan. 9th.
TOWNSHIP Coetnett. -Owing to
Neck aded roads only Councillors Kick -
ley. Dalton and Stewart were present
at, the statutory meeting of council
/Amiss y 9th and an adjournment was
made tt. January 14th without trans-
acting any business. On Jenuary
lith all were preeent end the usual
declaration. of qualification end ranee
were taken and subscribed to. The
minutes of Deoetubei 15. 1910, were
read and approved on a motion of
Messrs. Hunter and Kickley. Moved
by Messrs Hunter and Dalton that
the new bond of the treasurer he
aczepted. ("artewl Moved by Messrs.
Dalton and 4feweri that the usual
gram -if $10 he made to the Sick Chil-
dren's Hospital at Toronto. Carried.
It was sate unanimously agreed to
make the usual grant of SIt to the
Dungaimoe public library Moved
by Messrs Oaltne and Stewart that
John Long and A ft rinlayent. he
reappointed auditors for 1911 Carried.
Moved b) Meows. Kickles and Hunter
that Jobs. Onwah he appointed •
weeniest of the local board of health
tot three years Carried. Moved by
Messrs Hunter and Stewart that
John onmentin he appointed assessor
for 1911 Carried Moved he Mears.
Hunter and Dalton t ha the oriAti:
he given to Februare 18th to
the ,nliectot a roll Curried
clerk was instructed to notify be
Mcletyre KAM* to remove or urns
the hedge •Iong the road on (Myron"
9400 12. et, es tar stop the suweineula.
Oen n gene on the. road at that
Point Os mot lot of Messrs *oth-
ers and Hunter aceounto totalling
099.tin including the grants heroin
mentioned were trdered paid By
haws Mime thr "rows -*Wraps and
sepoultum ..see...nr auditors and road I
erommtorkm ref. and -inc nese her of
!arty road t and •••••1=
tie lona! ,orard naalth were
of Masers Hunter and Donne tousell ,
adjourned te Ines.* liPpbrogre Ugh as
IA a. m. Two (4 Auras tura 4
WKDNESDAY, Jan. rali.
Joe-rtatots -Charlie Fisher is seri-
ously ill of pneumonia George
Newell is ill with la grippe Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Gledhill also are the
victims of la grippe .......Clyde Gled-
hill is suffering ti -ow asthma
Wm. Oke, who is in the hospital at
Godericb, is doing well E. T.
Pfrimmer is able to resume his duties
at the mill this week Clifford
Gledhill visited friends here last Sun-
day . ...Benson Long was home
from Goderich for Sunday Nor-
man Newell, from Goderich. spent
Sunday at home J T. and Fraser
Newell, of Goderich, visited in the vil-
lage on Sunday Mrs. Heddle, we
are glad to report, is doing well after
her serious illness at the home of her
daughter. Mn. J. White, of Goderich.
- -
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner, who
have been resident, of the Outline for
a great many years, have moved to
Clinton, when their daughter, Mrs. T.
T. Murphy resides. Their farm is now
in teams of their rote D. Gardner..
Win. RathweU, a former resident of
the Bayfield line. has returned to his
home at Ethel after a visit with rela-
Hype and famed, in this township.
Re was accompanied back by Mrs.
John Ratbwell, who will visit there for
a time.
John I. Brown, poultry specialist of
the Gunn. Langlois Company, Mont-
real, paid a visit to the Holmeeville
fattening station two recently. He
was very mach pleased with .what
he saw and lays there is an increasing
demand for ruilk-fed chickens from
C. 0. (' F. ANNUAL MUPPIER. -The
annual nipper of Heirneeville Council,
No. *15,0. 0. C. F., was held at the
home of George Holland on Monday
evening of last week. Upwards of
forty of the brethren sat down to the
very enjoyable repast provided. After
wards with carpet bails and music the
evening was very pleasantly spent.
The officers of the Council for 1911
toe ma follows : Past count:81er. W.
Johnstone: chief councillor, G. Hol-
land : vice chief councillor. D.
Kreuger : recorder and treasurer. 0.
R. Forster: prelate. W Sinclair :
niarsball. L. Tippet ; Inside guard J.
Tervis : outside guard. H Sweet
The annual meeting of the Onderich
ToWeebip Rural Telepbone filyetees
wee held in Holmes' hall, Holman -ills
on Friday, 111th last. The preadent
Geo Holland, was In the chair A
ehangs' was mad. In the boarsi of
sommiesioners, Bilivard Wise taking
the place of William Jenkins This
change was rendered advisable as Mr
Jenkins has sybarite of all the repairs
and linework in It was thought beet
to relieve hint of his duties as enninsie
d roner The board now sionsints of
Georg. Holland president 0 W
Potter seereterf ICtlevard Wks A
delegation from the 1st and 4th one -
cessions sated for the 'ensnare, of the
telephone line. into that pari of the
township It was decided to take
grope to beep the work nommeneed
upon the opening if 'twine The s'.
tern non has 11111 seharriber, not it is
nine. than gw-ohnhle that by non hill
Us. number seilt no doubled Thy
reinitniesinnees were entre" 41111 reels as
nemognitInm 4 •Itol• ...rotor.* nproteonel
in nornmeetton with Lbw initial wo, k ,r1
having the system established
ae, -"VA "eiv "Isrliredie*V- 114 s4
1-401- ROU0
Mortuat . Jai. med.
NEW. us res WOOLY -Wile Haines
delivered a this drove of cattle for S..
Packer near Tersw•tre Kies
Nellie lisines spent a fee .lat last
week with he, sestet. Mrs Sam Par-
ker. of Tesswater Mrs Brodkin'
is on the sick list : we hope to hear of
her speedy recovery . Mr. end Idre.
Ernest Ackert spent ‚sundae with the
latttr's sister. Mrs. Ohaa Conga -am.
near Ripley Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Pierre spent Sunday with friends in
Lecknow ....Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Pierce left for the West last week.
Mrs. T. Oersoe spent Sunday
with her parents, Er. and Mrs. ehelton,
near Bettie .... Baker and D.
Statters are busy making cement tile
at present ..... Will Pierce spent Sun-
day with his uncle. Alex. Pierce, near
Lucknow Wm. Bell spent Sun-
day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Bell. of Kintough
1,3 soap. 7 bare Howie Nape ha or Elerhive
for 21.'.: Ii bars O. K 8 lbs. ground offtake
for Ito.; buy it for conditioning your Poet.
Our drygoods bargain. you should not Wm as
there are only fifteen days more left till dieser'
of our sale. D. IftiltrlYTIL Kingsluidge.
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 250.
nestlay, January 18th. at Kintail, a
very enjoyable °evening was spent.
at the ball given in boner of Michael
Dolan previous to his departure for
V sincouver. Old friends rallied by the
score to Miser him hon voyage and
success in his new venture.
PRESENTATION. —On Thursday even-
ing last tbe member. and officers of
Branch 142, C. M. B. A., met to spend
a farenell evening at Dennis Dolan's
on the eve of his departure for Van-
couver. A very pleasant evening was
spent during which Mr. Dolan was
made the recipient of stailver-mounted
meerschaum pipe and the following
address :
terra ;Flaarnica.-We, your brother mem-
bers of Branch is, (7. M, H. A.. meet here on
the eve of your derture for roar new home
for the purpose of bidding you goodbye.
For many years you have been witkus Ind
in all that time we have always found you a
good ruemoera steadfast friend and a genial
companion. While we are sorry to have to my
goodbye to you, we hope that it is for your
future benefit and welfare. So in parting we
ark you to accept this slight token of remem-
brance from us and trust that when you are in
your new home enjoying Its comforts and ease
your thoughts will spas the distance wide and
travel over its limey miles back to your old
friends in A,h&ld.
Signed on behalf of Branch is, ('. M. H. A.
DIOlet•N DALTON. 4_,
Joss DroN NOR
Toon. M. OrOttirolt.
Brother Dolan rotes to the occasion,
remarking that while being no orator
he could not but express his desire to
see the Society forge ahead and do its
utmost to reach the young people by
emtertaiuments, etc. He thanked the
members for their magnificent prevent
and said that as long em he lived to en-
joy his pipe of peace together with
the pouch of plenty he would remain
with -and never foe get, the old boys of
Branch No.
The Bald Headed Man may
Look Wise
BM If He Had Been He Weald Have
Hair Now
You do not want a scientific treatise
on the hair follicle -you are not par-
ticularly Interlined in the name of
the German scientist who isolated the
bug that is said to cause baldness.
What you do want to know is how to
save the hair you have and make ft
strong and lustrous.
Nyal's Ilirsutone will do it better
than anything else.
It Is not claimed that ilirsutone Is
a wonderful scientific secret -but It
Is the concrete result of all that Is
proven In the scientific treatment of
sick and diseased hair and scalp.
It Is a happy combination and you
will notice a prompt Improvement In,
the feeling of the scalp and the look
of the hair.
Illisutone loosens and removes all
scaly and matted deposit on the swats)
_stimulates the hair bulbs and gives
new life and vigor to the hair itself
Nyal's Ifirsutone gives back to the
heir and scalp Just a hat it has been
lobbed of by your neglect and abuse.
It Is time to start right. Use ffir-
It la one of the Nyal remedies and
no higher recommendation can he gm..
en it. They are all good. Ask you
Nyal Druggist. He recommends It.
One for eacb everyday abused
Sold sad guaranteed by
Father Morri▪ scy
4-Ite;t•r•".".' Remedies
lusesSslule,,s •
Whir Fathom lillerriscy. !he famous
prottst-physicsas 9I Illartibogne. N B.,
died a year age last gem', he left his
ge.ur,r1"al"ml,:histtohe'rehe Stri.""Ise etegiIh.tolit °Itheel
henein of humanity and of the hooch.
Not boring 1, palmier no inalt• •up and
distribute the ;weer rapt sees themselves,
the. '(ester, arranged "Itis a numb*. et
gent Menem, who had bees I. ether Moroocy'r
friends. to do HI for thew Thes, gentle.
men swot Slag under the name of the Father
lifoettmi Madietee t.sa . 'outed wad by
the erw if the rear ph.. .41 the offreffdle•
'sear . ••••• • .tore be SI er•inviff
So e,o.,os so
gladly we,. .1w) aretes41. bad :.
latsillaelerr has been these reeterd acute
that she Seders tied 'he Ceimmistay ha..
decided to Mae. thew •• ohle theme
sot (Seeds
l'athipo Hot no. • . • •
miasma and the Kwineye-
engii Ler • sad 5..vots rook. Pic
Stomach Remedy P. 4' ,fee (Wien*
deed • • Pathos, 14 or •tor LISimun. a,
sew be obssined frump in. sot ihimaors n. thus
Prestsw• vow.* &ler an beep Ilene
smite she. Vallee Morrie • ligedicies
Limner. Chatham. N P •
Sold MiItld 1 lar11614.0wen Sissies -jot, f4,
5,J' liatilledid.
'thow thr beneficial ef-
fects Of le •
Scott's Emulsion
in every short time. It
not only builds her up,
but enriches the mother's
milk and properly nour-
ishes the child.
Nearly all mothers who
nurse their children should
take this splendid food -
tonic, not only to keep
up their own strength but
to properly nourish their
DOE SALE IT ALL Dirletiliginli
Nod ee., Yew at 1.10. and ti. ad. See me
kesentet Estisils Meek and 01141‘• Desbeh-leasIL
paie Mak mesabss e Geo& Leak Naar
tee Webeiffews lee... Wee Toffees., Osn.
Why should a bald -beaded man
make his will as soon es posisible?--Be-
causse his end is in view.
"It isn't what, a man earns that
makes him rich," said the moraliser.
"No," rejoined the tiemoralizer
usually what his father saved."
A man takes contradiction and ad
vice much more easily than people
think, only he will not bear it. when
violently given, even though it be well
.SY ST ivl
Mexico, Colorado,
California a n d
Pacific Coast
Points —
'The Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem is the popular route from all
points east through Canada via
Double Track, Fast Service, Finest
Reedbed, Modem Rouipment, Un-
excelled Dining Car Service -all
elements of safety and comfort.
To the Sunny South
No more desirable route than via
Grand Trunk and connecting lines,
Very Low Rates
Full information, tickets. etc.,
Town Agent.
OfRoe hours 8 a.m. to II p.m.
Or address J. D. MuDosaid, District
`Passenger Agent, Union Station,
Toronto. Ontario.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
At all imam, eight or day
Line TO
Toronto or
be shear Omer.
"e • 1~0. lier et
`SPAS .11 corwasi ell
. heated tee, Massinne
.4celpir Hss,te. it yrnr want •
trip to the •444 rate the
H Tickent word u. •n hue
,flateriet •In earth rht .10.“
tap 44 uptown • aro, We. en
o-on,emai %)S54 MI eorele
Spring Hats and Shirts
The Shirts are of the popular
W. G. & R. brand and the Hats
are the latest shapes and styles.
Shoes .are the most attractive and sensible presents to give.
They are always needed.
For:men, ladies and children at all prices.
Do not fail to see our assortment before purchasing. Skate.
put on free.
Are very popular gifts.
We know how the ladies are interested in artistic footwear.
We have the kind that lends to the foot a coveted charm of indi-
viduality and gives a graceful poise to the whole figure. They
excel in quality, fit, style and kesonable prime.
Wm. Sharman
== 1=======
To make m•ke your nome happy during the year you shoal d
have one of our
Happy Thought Ranges
8 Radiant Home Heaters
CARVERS in cases and without cases
1847 RODGERS' Knives, Fork s,
Spoons and Sundries
BRASS GOODS. A fine assortment.
A beautiful assortment of ELECTRIC ,1
SKATES from 4oc t4 $6.00
Have you seen it ? If not. do not
neglect to It is the only perfect
ankle support on the market
HOCKEY STICKS all prices and
FOOT WARMERS for your Cutters
GLOVES and MITTS from lot- to
$2 50 per pair
Boys and Girls HAND SLEIGHS
, And many other articles too numerous
to mention
JOS. KIDD City Acetyl
rHouse Phone No 112 Store Phase No
11::=:=1,101113 C===I