The Signal, 1911-1-26, Page 8'4W -k aletratlifitk.11;1'7111TrAirdMr..1:07 VAir reieseador. J •onu el Ye 1011 ""1‘1:44"1743nieti'' :41791:464itt:4157747'::i THE SIGNAL. GODBRION UNTA Rio • • • Nry itCrn 42-/t4 n (40A Ill Gii* t„rtt:i , i..,* ii,:j l'$0,•,. AA t ' • 4 " ..N"NN,V • .in N'.1,147-' X;Y:3;44: - , •• '' " :4‘,.0,11.' -• STORE t at CAMERON'S DEPARTMENTAL $ s worth of new merchandise to be put on sale starting SATURDAY, January 28th, and for 2000000 ten days, ending February 8th. Every article in the store will be reduced to a sacrifice price. The reason for this gigantic sale in plain facts is that we must raise $7,000 by the 8th of February or else close our doors. This is the decision of the wholesale houses from whom we bought the goods and to whom we are now indebted. The reason we got into this unfortunate predicament is that we have been expanding too rapidly, buying too heavily and unable to get the necessary turnover to pay for the extra goods that we bought. This is a position that many a merchant has found himself in, and many a one went under without a struggle. But it is different witu us. We are bound to save the situation at any cost, if it is possible to do so. There are only two things facing us : One to close our doors and go out of business. The other—to put on a slaughtering sale to raise money. Of the two evils we have chosen the least. We will put on a slaughtering sale to start SATURDAY MORNING at io o'clot* and ending on Wednesday, February 8th. TEN :DM'S. :711' tke Here is the entire stock and how it is proportioned. We cannot stop to quote prices. You will have to take our word for it that we are slashing everything right and left. The stock is divided into the two stores with two entrances and an archway between. IPrints, Cottons, Flannelettes, Lace Curtains ......................,...„.............. $70002 Dress Goods and SILKS $50042 Furnishings FOR MEN $500;9.2 Ladies' Furs $500;92 S tn all wares " and NOTIONS $15002P. Staple Goods 90404404111~P^~4.00W04011" , Sale Starts Saturday January 28th 10 a. m. tniti44. :iNgl,NnZ" " INN4 A104419,1.41041WWW."0116"".."," $6000;° ORTH Clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS $2600;2,rc," Boots,, Shoes and Rubbers for Men, Ladies and Children $100029.Hosiery ^ and Underwear for Ladies and Children 1;6 A $500,22 Milli n -e' r y . . . and TRIMMINGS Store will remain closed all day Friday and until io o'clock Saturday morning for the ',purpose of marking dowel the prices and arranging for the sale. Come, no difference what happens. Buy 'all the goods you will need for the next year. You will never get as good a chance, and we need the money. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. Don't forget we have only ten days in which to raise the money. Sale starts at xo o'clock SATURDAY and ends WEDNESDAY, February 8th.• A 7.1; N;r, ,4- WantedApply at the store or give your name to any one of our staff is extra salespeople wanted. Also 4 boys to carry cash and 3 girls for checking and wrapping goods. r:Ott:4'4, td;:tr!$ Sales o le (1%14 brieAst p meet as year the' • &glair DEPARTMENTAL' STORE T3f:'1 rF -v1.4 41 •t ; k,,t; ..' nz ,‘A t. t- • 440' 4'10 44.* .44 11•441110.44....---N-INnn-Nnn 4'4 4444' 4 "' ;" 7 • 4N, 11.4 r all11"111111140011101011111111milmmisilmommeelelememellr - 1 I, ,