HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-26, Page 7hett ma ab,,. ode* !eve, I�1 and bOrr lees OUTA lett: 'erg tar s NII. it. alt reel. nit Iber- lbr- aN tree V. If Yore Ping are Ina r I at Inn r srds Mit ■re nwl- nr I. to are tea uses I to hls .nta Ines hes belt itch Ir GI t.. ter :Ill e F„ n a :ler I to ell un - ha 'ra ton or ho - the IIM I ld Mh ant Id- to - a' loo Iad l ne lar r lel Lr rI ,ie Id - of 11U do Int• be ie. Ill m• lir su be er ;l a ea If; Ile rr nt bt W Iy 'V. Il - IO pr IM Pt u, al • 4 le 7 • • THE MAYOR'S ADDRESS. eeiteests Combineo lawn eau me Market Building -How ile Would eeiti with Telephone Situation - Outlook for Permanent Military teunp-1441pee Counts Congeal Will Take Ue the Poems wee. eillowing se the Mayor's sdebeseels le eied at the Aret regular meetlng the tows council of 1911, on Friday last Before proceeding with the work lic- hee us at thin our AIM regular meet - of the yew, beg to offer tny con- eratulestioaa to you gentlemen upon * nit election by the ratepayers it) ell au important posietuo of trust. Yon s leiter repreeentattees to can y into effect those measures which you be- lieve to be to the general interest and welfare of allot the people. I have Do emit* whatever hnt that you will lerforne to the bent of your y, the duties with which on have been chat ged. I feel • alas that hainioninue action will he the result of our deliberations aril that the seine pleasant reletionship amoog the dif- ferent membenewill exist during 1911 as marked the work and btoor of the council of 1910, and that a like malty of action with the Board of Trade which mprked the efforta ot the two boards Mat year and brought about such beneficent remits will eontinue during the year upon which we have just entered and for all time, for united action means more then lan- guage ces sapiens and is absolutely emential if we are to make any con- sidetable advance the way .4 peW- Now before we take off our mate and seta,* down to work to give the hest that is in ea to the service of our masters it may not be inadvieshie that you permit me to piece before you some of the matte., of iatevest and iniportence that are likely to our attentimi mud demigod our = handliog during the vete. The Power Questioa. Fine and petition he must import- ant et all is the power question. If we are to move tiowerd 11O 111118111/111e- tetriii t town, and our primperity is st endeavor to obtain cheaper roVer Ginn t ett wheels of industry. a step heytind this and say tbat unless we give relief in f his respect to our industrial estebliahmenta a retro- gressive condition is iimninent -is in- evitable. We cannot expect new in- dustries to tvatablieh here, or the old ones to remain. if power ran he ob- tained at other places for one-half or one-third the cost that prevails here. Takeaway front us our manufactures eel where are we? A deeerted 'mullet known only as the place where comb. are held, and pet -- hap: nut even that for long. You VW herefote the importance of this ques- tion. It demands the moat earnest insideration of all of tis -the eouncil, the Board of Trade, end the citizens I think it Iltay III` admitteel that leiter cannot be obtained by um front Niagara at a low enough priee / help Tben what are We to do? Ellen - t engi nee. it have re that sterile power CAD be dryer i)pritillm t he Maitland River for the requirements net only of this town, hut of the mun• icipalities adjoining am far east as Mitchell, and this lute been conarnied by the report of the Hydro -electric Commierdoes. and that power tan he This being so, the way et first 'Audi -amine eaay. Tbere is an obstacle In tbe way, however. end it iit this with sends is the difficulty of financing such a project. We Wive not private capital ia our town to take it tip, and it appears; to me that there are Nit three way. by which the destired re - =Mt can he attaioeti la) By eodeav- -eine to induce outside capital (A / eithark in the enterprise., IN by the -orporation of Oodench doing en, ee by the county council taking it up. If the county could be induced to yen- tun:apt...in it and tbe river as far as Wi utilized. the whole couoty eu=supplied with cheap power* This, I think, is the best seolutioe t he subject. Time will not allow me t., deal may longer with the different epecta that present thetweelves to the ,oind respecting this all-importent ,itteetion. The whole subject la still, in a way, In embryo but it must not permitted mucb ioncr to remain end I think it will ve tr. reach fruition in one of the three ways I have indicated. Harbor latprovenenta. Next in importence, if it ir not .4 erinsary moment., le thet of harbor mprotreenenta. Yon are all awiti‘of 'he work done by the council of 01st ear in this moppet and it la units-re- etry to go Into details. shout it Jule epee I should like to say. howevet, hat I hope tbe public appreriate the immense amistanee the council iv- eiverl from the Board of Trade in errangilifsor the besoquet to the Min- isters, ng with the ration of late, join ng in in we with the nelway end shipping intermits and (morally medetiog the couneil in bopped and goomal gratification @very we jor:t. multi. The' is a moat Mould be aft that ouch a enaditine hiendle co-operation exists. The visit of the Ministers resultse its • grant of 11174.000 for harbor im lett for the ennettenction of MO feet of break wester to the emit hires amd Linn to mir harbor. I thought we t▪ han this and an expremed myself to the Minister of Puhile Works Me 'replied that it was hie Intention to proceed with the extension of the northern hem/wittier but did noloom whether a gem for that pewpose he paced In Lbe .sotintat** QM. vent. I atil ID 0114111.111114111eltioti With btu. flow upon that subjecte but ha. v not ..-e- calved Ito eepl) To thee however I Ulla •PoWilftilt praailairt ,1 11. the authoritiee must be made nut ice protected harbor Whether us DIA We ii•Oceitin ku It/ky- les a sun. put la the stippletuseatery milituttee for the "I tension of the northern ureakwatei trio+ year, we InUal, ileac a etrentsous fight u. mecum dock A new will have to be cutistructed The t one is bli- the *arms/bum intuctiiireta.enhe , xsaussereial yond repair Wheo • new one is built the Largeet vesawis Ebel ply ouF inland ewers can milieu* with safety end tbaysteh and, eioreover. the eheetwatee CAD them tie removed and ibis imam oontianona dockage room free the eanterly end of the Ooderich Elevator and Transit Company's ele- vator te the eod of the mouth pier, it dieteoce of halts utile. We owe it to the AYestern Canada Flour Mills Compeny acid the Oude- du all in our power to give them the best shi •ng facilities we can. Their ete have demonstrated in the most unmistakable manner their eon&ience in our town's future. Tbey have coustructed two gloat huiklinge that not only do justice to themselves, and to their entererising spirit bra are a credit to the town, the Province maxi she lenninion, And their erection was doubtless a pow iftd lever in helping us tu ovule- suliatan- now realize hew fatal amid how itiseu- sate would have been Our folly had we declined to accede te their reasonable wish them all inertuer of prosperity. step tip A eonsidersele number of runts im the Ladeler of promerit V. Municipal Buildings. We heve received a mandate from the ratepeyerti to proceed with the erection of municipal buildeigs. It was time. I don't believe tbere is a village of any conaiderable size, or Amy town, in this county that ham not a better hall fer holding public meetings then we have. This should uot bs MI. Let anyone who has any doubt about the matter visit our prement building and be Will find an utter lack of pro- per nectetninedetie.n,, fur tle officials and an moire absence of any secure piece for the town arehivee. The pub- lic peelers and records of a munictpal- We must peeve**. great caution in pi °reeding with this mattes , both sa location, nature and extent of Abe • lings and the style of architecture as what we lboVf do will have to serve, most likely, for some generations. We must build not tor our preeent wants but for what we theik will he required for utany yeses; to come. The very bent telent available ishoiral he seetirod. Any other c would be moet foolish. When we have sel- ected what we would recommend ati being the proper locale on and sue, die. plans end spentkat ions, a public meeting should be called and tbe mat- ter thoroughly discussed, AS the rate - payee; veil have to vote upon the the work ean he plocerded with. I would suggest that combined, if posible, with the lllll traipse buildings proper, we should erect a market house. We have plans already pre- pared for this purpose anti I believe we ahould do all in our power to men courage the agricultural population adjoining us to deal with rat. Teiephone Question. A matter of very e tomiderliltle grav- ity that ithotiki lie dealt with i thee respecting our telephone- system and einneetion with the 'waiter's contigtunie to or within ismiparatively eagy distance of our town. elle whole telePhotle *Meet itin and should receive itneents thenighte In 1997 tbe coutieil of that yeti. granted an exclusive franchise. for five years to the Bell Telephone Cempany. receiv- ing therefor the munificent of 111160 per annum. That re/niche's. ex- pire' in June. Nile It ought not be renewed anti the (-outwit of this yeer shotral take whatever steps, are riecemary inwards the introduction of a Purely municipal syetem and the ac- quiring of such other systems as may be conisitiered prudent and possible. The policy of the Legisiettire is (A I en- ceurage the eileptinn of such is method of dealing with the exorbitant elptrges that Are made by the existing mon- opely and I belieVe it ha be a wine pul- ley. The agreement of RIM gives the Bell I 'ompany the exclusive right to the IMP of our streets for its Imieiness and we ere precluded from permitting stay other company during the period I have mentioned to use our streets for a telephone business. This is a distinct injury to us. The township of Colborne, for instance, has estab- lished a municipal system. They want te get into Uoderich. e can- n ot let them In -the Bell Company declines to give them any intercom- munication with us and there is no rem- edy unless such as the Board of Railway Commissioners may afford : that is, tbere is no retnedy that we can offer until June, 191/. when we put an end to the franchise of the Bell tennpeny. This condition of affairs is very ditead- vantagrous to us and it is our duty to do everything in our power te gather In all the business that, should miter ally come to Ila and make march for new avenues of trade. We went he trade of the townehip of (oilmen* end of every other township that, te deal with is Permanent 'dietary ease and Barr acks As you are seer* •hi ottnet, 4 Mat year did not make tnuch betide ay in necuring the permenent ramp and this target* Maratha, etas - Minster of Militia cap IMAM' n. to that the pries naked V/ • RIO the renewal of mere lesson- frith the (*merriment as an .0 rly data- parent owners it et* *Well ivieperti ire willing in nem. ..• he decision •if hot tiewerrilelleat •411111/11‘11 .f that Alirlatellt Will hot give • limning 14' 'NMI eves Meetly fait and sheeld 41',4.1110 SO the klinieterp W hen,. se ramp it will not he nins .iefor• h rock homes are ereeted anti h. egu lar soMfere moved w =hall not cooly have the permute -no in, 1..ritm teen et thnsweinite a dollar - THE Ad. GOUltitlUld seam. anuitally Our Wallet. alte,1 00.1" augmented Beware **easily last yeat-, between the eorporeeion and the Ontario %W.I.. eillore Railway will require your attention. It was isitOcipated that the bylaw limed subleitted te the i myrtle at the opitan this agreelitentild have been last, municipal electitui. I do not know why it was not put before the wan thought that a new *smell might be disposed to make 11011W clutieges io it. An objection made to that tepee - merit in Its mama shape was thet it covered too many streets. The rea- son kw that wag that the el il dee dined to penult, the Company to ft* carry t on thst, main thorough- fares ( the Company was willing to that none should be carried tint. after midnight), and al / other streets had to lk• included. Fur toy oWn part, I cannot see any serious obleetiona to the taming of the main streets for freight purposes after mid- night. For all the freight that would be carried through the town I do not think the injury to any intere t could arise. The bylaw would be much more likely to c u ry if a number - of the st.r.eta covered by the anent at at present urawo couftlr le eliminated. We have a large amount of money at stake in this enterprow. Much benefit will risme to us isy the successful operation of the road end in our own eitereets; we sbould place no obstruction in the way that would preveut this must deeirable result.. Passenger Stammers. .4 vigotous attempt sheuld be made 1.4) •ecure the running of one or U1131 e nger b.eite from this port to the EtliZeot nave/aeon, or, at. all events, to the Sault and Fort William. We have tin such set vice no .v. The time for deeding -with this question seems opportene and this particularly eu vire of the propmed absorption by the Inland Lakes Compauy of the Northern Navigation Company. lir. S. A. MeGur very k tally promised we te bring this matter before the C. F. H. authoritiea as well (he was to *cc them this week) and we should aim, make. representat ioos on our owu behalf t this Cootpany. We have already a Mistiness connectiou with the Inis.nd Lakes 'Amman)* and I in dulge the hope that there will Ise a strong disputation hem that source to meet our views respecting passenger traffic. Package Freight. The action of last year's conned, supported by the kismet of Trade and terge petition from leading tete- PaYers. in constructing freigut sheds at the harbor for package treight put. - perm ham leen beyond question clearly justified. The Intend Lines freight steamer cal eel here regularly awl although the SCA* III for ties des - shipped at alit ISIMAkt pounds of feeigbt were handled, and I shall be very touch disapportited if that auesuut not at least quadrupled this year. It mhould he a. nuttter gratifica- tion that the sewer bylaw carried mid the work should be proceeded with at. as early a date is it ean with safety be begun. Great caution should he exer- cises, in eonstruction aod I believe we will make a great inistitke if we do not employ /14 lllll • thoroughly competent men to supervise it. Fire Protection. The engineer of the i'mlerwritere Asserciat len was here a few days agn and preitiounced out- tire protection eerviee to he quite inedequate for needs. 'This; perhaps, is nee news to many cif the people. There is no court*. open to um but to proceed with- out deley tem introduce it pmper fire alarm mysuini, make direct etennection between the witterworksi and stend- pipe, and employ sit least one man to give his vvhele time tu the duty of looking after our fire applianees. One seriotim lbw that colt not, he con- trolled for want of an ailieitmle ser- vice would reveal te I het in our de - glee to keep &own expenses we had been making a Meal mistoke. Public Parks. I have not heard any expreettiene of lie park of Ilw Melvor property. We really should ourquire all of the vacant property facing the river and 1 ike from tut. SaltIoril railway bridge to t he light house. The finalise& obstacle is the onty one that blocks; the wny. For whatever we tlo in this rrepect, however, I believe we shall receive, at all events I think we. shall deserve, the thanks of those who come after usi The Outlook The foregoing is a considetah'y large order of business. We may not ac- complish all of it or much of it, but we et accomplish sonic of it.. The outlook for the year and for the future is very encouraging. There will he expended by the Government alone on harbor and postoffice im- provements; almost, if not quite, MO, the sewer wort will be proceedei with, the Wooten. Canada Milling Company's elevator will be completed and numerous other expenditure, that, we cannot now foresee will he made, so that there need he no fear that our laboring population will not be abundantly supplied with work during the whnie year. It t lie very gratifying to tag to know that, Ontlerich hag reached such a high lineition as grain receiving port. We are third en the list Irina surprised only Ivy TiMn end K ingot eri whose eepresnacy if it ran property Our gengtsphical oneution. if not .in - excelled is atilial hat ef ani Atter port n, the lideie Ds in. erreaaing trade from luso • . Wein will "'ems ite -farelintent sealing, not, -if oso long inithshged hots thin ....oriel rostra but one the vneet frt 4411) IAA V• tare AS's, es fermi hes IL 41.1A0 ..ate night be remerted to hie aril% r.,u ken. what 1.1 have dont '1 nee sweted 'You'd ha... mett 1.4 down in Ooreirs and spent your life grumbling about bad luck sad hate, Moses 1,1 ?1st amass t settle &V It WS 1 eie ith Encouraging Message ideation to every suffering mime.% I hove ...Mire.' the a Menial agony almost to ihe paint of 6sepair, I hi V • and to the nappy. fraase of mind whi,h 'wean - modes physical well being. 'rm. riving. lies • been brought about wbolly by the use of ORANGE LILY. in addition I lieve had the privilege end pleasure a indue- ,ng multitudes of other suffering women to give ORANGIII knowledgments of the blearing, it has brought to them The follow/11-g is a wimple: Dear Mrs. Curralk-Tour very kind letter Was received yes- terday. lu reply to your question about my belalth. I am thankful to any that I am vezy well. As I have never given you • statement of nu. Case you may be Interested in It For several years I have Nuffered untold agony. This auffering was ,ontinuoula. but I would have violent •ttacke every few weeks, each attack lasting several dais. The first Sunday in 'November, I felt the pain farseeing and so did not go to prayers. The rest of the family did go. and soon after the forcing down pains melted me and I had to remain on the floor entil their return. I was in great pain all night and was very sick for a whole week. Then Hrs. I.. came tO SOO MO and told me of your aorderful medicine. I got my husband to wend tor it right away, as I wes too siek to write myself. (My doctor could do" nothing for Infi) I have used Z. boxes of ORANGE LILY, have had three months of good rag, sad ern now well, never better in my life. I liars not had the old pains since. I seen ask my husband If It is myself that Is going •round and doing my own work. I can screwy believe It. It bris tears of Joy to my eyes. I could shout it to all the world. I cannot speak enmegh in Ifs praise. Receiving. ns I do. dozens of such reports each day. I feel impelled to rnalt• known to my suffering sisters the merits of ORANGE LILY. It differs trona other so -railed remedies In that it is not taken Internally. It Is a strictly local treatment, and is •ppUed directly to the affected organs. Its curative elements are allsorbed Into the congested tissues, expelling the stagnant foreign matter which has bean Irritating the, membrane and oppressing the nerves, and a grow- ing feeling uf physical and mental relief is noticeable almost from the start. It is positive. seissiisk remedy. and eyes if you use no more than the Free Trial treatment you will be very materially benefited. FREE TRIAL OFFER I want every reader of this, who suffers in any way from painful eorrheeaYinflammation or congestion to send me their addressea, and I will forward nt once, without charge, days'otreatrnent If your ease is _not far advanced It may entirely cure "you. and in sinv event It will do you mtleh go0d. I am too carries( In mak- ing this statement. and am 'wattle° that it fa true, that I trust every sufferer wbo noes this notice will take advantage of my offer and get cured at home. without a doetor's Lilt A Cal ff cnCloldng 3 stamps, MRS. FRANCES E. CORRAri, Windsor, THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBINd LIST% 1910-1911 I tie Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe $1 .60 I he Signal and Toronto Daily Globe • • 4•50 I he Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star l 1.85 f he Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) l'''''; he Signal and Toronto Daily Star . 1.85 he Signal and Toronto Dully World . 150 1 he Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.35 he Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail a n d The Signal and Farmer's Advocate .-127.16-7273-5 Or with choice of me te Ralph Cogoor's Books -The Sky Pint. - The Man (io.a Glengarry, Black Reck The pollee and • Tbe Prospector 200 The Signal and Farm and Dairy I 1 75 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 I •Triihee SS.ignall and London Daily Advertiser . . 2.90 and London Weekly Advertiser . L6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition . 1 Evening Edition The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness • The Signal and:Montreal Weekly Witness The Signal and World Wide 2 25 11 The !Signal and Western Home Monthly . (Winnipeg) The Signal and Westminster ll I 60 2.25 2.?5 The' Signal and Presbyterian CCIWANS PERFECTION COCOA (MAPLE LEAF Lodir,L) Give the children Cowin's Per- fection Cocoa and.drink it Yourself. It is the best beverage for young and old. 153 TUE COWAN CO., LIMITED. - TORONTO. 3.50 2.90 3-50 1.85 • The Signal, Presbytrian and Westminster . The Signal and Catholic Register 3.25 1 70 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) . . 3.40 The Sjgnal and Busy Man's Magazine . . 2.50 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto) . . 1.75 Taw prices are for addresses la Canada or Great Britain. The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine . , 3.25 If you purchase a piano you must have a life- time of study and practice to be able to enjoy it. If you buy a player -piano you get nothing but piano music. If you own an • Edison Amberola you get an instrument as beauti- ful as the finest piano and one that gives you at all times all of the best of all music and songs 4•11 yen. smile." aim vow bens The swim Is o, tree ike Mee •mberel Ike me attar twin, as Including postage to Canadian RI I I/scribers. The Signal and Yopth's Companion (Boston) . 2.90 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The Signal and Woman's Home Companion Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The above, ntiblications may he obtained i3y Signal subscribers in any coinbitiation, the price for anv publication being the figure given above less $1.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal and the Weekly Globe. $1.40 The Parmor's advocate lEa.35 lees St.ocit t..35 - making the price of the three papers $2.95. Tbe Toronto Daily Star ga.ao lees $imo 1.20 rhe Weekly Globe i Bubo tem ti.noi (is 113-415 - the knit papers tor $3.45. It the publication you want is not in Above list, lei its- know. We can supply almo(si Any well -know,, Canadian publication. fie le Se oseeel pis law the Raw eliamegrasa stee bed. 'AMMO POOP The Signal Printing Co. Ontario 1.1111.1141e1 Min riri4 ete