HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-26, Page 4June well The itwi- we di /tot K • aken seethe veldt avant V hat -orwati Bovet. /themred night 't• stateto •f the outset turfing itch a .•ken ling Te .rot In } ,ew teas /ireful 'frail, • he qe. o umhe •rltdini ' dtratft a blyunseats ) .�is -he It w New Y Let' '0171n •f rhe Heir ft • ,4".. COs, Irtu mouljkerr.; Hine 1 Why ; this (irm eeir knig VV.R.ar Want, k Manrj unit ate - matins If the to stood ol n.•tess hi 'p 1 i CDrise.i . .l s '1Ua1.Y '.el .cYll lI District News. • e a •tlt,M '•�' soessDs r, ! e... %Stb. •- a'3UNDAY $cteoOL Ooxve: - tor -rMe twentieth annual obovee- tot the Auburn Union Sunday *boo.. A.eooiatioo w i 1 he beld in Knos eburob, Auburn, n Wednesday, ieebruary 8th. Theis sill be two see - none, Widening at 1:30 in the offer .not end 7:10 in the evening. This onveodon is of special Interest to all eh( era concerned in the training of .Ire young in the Sunday school. Ad- l teems are expected from Rev. J. W. tird, B. A., London ; Rev. Jou- Ham- Goderich ; Rev. Mr. Farr, Blyth ; Rev. 0. G. Harman, Hermit - ler, and others. BM TUE - LocKHART. - A very ueetty wedding was tbett of Miss Char- lotte Lockhart., harlottert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart, to John Smylie, which tock place today at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's father. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. R. A. Miller. pastor of the Methodist ;lurch, in the presence of only the im- mediate relatives. The bride wore a graceful gown of white satin -striped voile daintily trimmed with silk em- hroidered chiffon and white satin. The groom is A former Dungannon toy, hut has been iu the West for the past five years. Mr. and Mrs. Hwy -lie will spend some time among friends here, before leaving for their new home neer Star Cite, Sask. EDUCATIONAL SMRMI/NS. -'I' h .:laime of the Educational Society of the Methodist church were presented to the congregation here on Sunday morning by Rey. W. H. Taylor. of Varna. After emphasizing the discipli- nary value of en education in broad- ening the outlook and sharpening the intellectual powers, the speaker drew attention to the fact that almost all the great religious movements, such as the great layman's missionary movement, originated in the student life of some college. Hy pointing out the large increase iu the number of students taking advantage of the So- ciety's otter to reimburse them for ac- tual work done during their iteration, the :need for increased funds was ohown. The subscription end collec- tioo► amounted to about EFL A PLEASANT Ey/CHINO.-A most en- hoyable evening was spent at. the ome of W. C. Robertson' on Friday night last, when the members, with their wives, of the Colliorne and West Wawano•h Stock.Oo. partook of their first annual oyster supper and social gathering. Supper was served trout 6 to 8 o'clock and after en hour of social chat and games a lengthy program was begun. The bt at of the'•vening was asked to perform the duties of chairman. which' he did to the satis- faction of ell. The pr 'gran( consisted of instrumental music, violin, grama- phone sod mouth organ selections. r eel - tallow. dialogues. fpeeches from sev- eral of the members, club swinging, etc., all of which was well rendered. Special mention should be made of "the Oetwan Wedding," rendered by Elsner and Ella Robertson, which was heartily applauded. There ware .several other contributions we should mention, hut space will not permit a fuller account. Suffice it to say that all enjoyed themselves to their heart's content. A vote of thanks was ten- dered to the host and hostess fort heir hospitality and with a modest reply and the singing of Auld Lang Syne ended coo of the most enjoyable even - nee spent in this cnmmlmity for a temp time. aJUNt.AN NUN. tit t'E %'TON. I'ENT tn1 . let' a.µilkome. haa nonset*t� �etkrtula Y(t • white and eth at Totho the bone ay. ' tI no4erw, w ka will Oe foneti ererf day. nil model, NO'1'iOR-- 1'HS LOCAL AGENCY to Dam aenon for The llsow mmStationeryistaatatewe ppwend- wee will to ronstred Vitt stomata TIIMDAT. Jan. 24th. A. Culbert is moving into his house In the village. . Miss Lizzie Parks is visiting st 11 of. R.. Wilson's, (loderich. Mrs. T. Parks is vtaitieg her sines in Goderich this week. The 0. C. I. students were visit- ing at their homes here over Sunday. T. Culbert eotertaineoi a few of his friends on the ereoing of Thursday Inst. Mrs. A. Duekeld, of Goderich. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Met: rat ten. this week. We are glad to bear that ROLA. Hamilton is getting well •again after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirkpatrick, of Nile, have left for Hepworth. where they will reside in future. The gond wishes of,wany meed• go with them. Her ritany friends are sorry to hear that Miss Ella Ryan, who has been ttending t he Business College in Viughani. has had to give up her studies and return house on account of illness. We hope she raiII soon be able to be around again. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MISTING. -The annual meeting of the Dungan- non Agricultural Society was held on Friday last, with a good attendance. The reports pt'eeented showed the So- ciety to be iu a flow ishing condition. with • subetentiat sluplue us. hand. It was decided to hold the fall fair of 1911 the first Thursday and Friday of October. The proposal of the Ptovin- cial Government to institute is system of insurance of fairs against bad weather wee approved. It wait de- cided also to have a field crop compet- ition this year and to revise the prize list for the fill fair. The old officers were re-elected, as follows : President, Win. Bailie ; first vice-president, Jas. Mallough : second vice-president, Jas. Hayden ; secretary, H. Meliwain treasurer, J. N. Roberts: auditors, Dr. Case and T. 0. Allen ; directors, Thins. Stotbers, Jas. Alton, Arthur Culbert, Jacob Reed, !mac Hethering- ton. Wm. Watson, John Dustow, Robt. Onto. Ohaa (Arvin. BRIEs's. Mins Elite Thompson, of et. Augustine. visited at J C. Clarke's Mr a few days last week ....Mr. Murdoch it bootie from the West on a two weeks' Milanese trip. He spent a few days in in'Mkrow the beginning the week ....0barlie Asquith went to Toronto on Moeda)' fot a few days... All the cattle were disposed of quite easily at the sale oo Wednes- day last•. Though the prime ralised were not quits an high as at thepre- vious sale, the nettle sold at their value O t K. Ker mitt. and Henry Sturdy are harvesting their supply of ;or from Lockhart'. pond .. Miss Bennett, of Blyth. visited over :sunt Is• with friends in the village Vict.N Yuogblut. who has been con tined u' hie borne for 'several weeks on .ccount ret ao abscess on his leg, bad • number of schoolmate. to spend the afternoon with him on Saturday. it Ming the occasion of his tenth birth- 'tsy. They had a jolly time ....... At pretreat 'be river is some place for skating, and the young people are en - it to the full Mrs Lawson 'sin _very poor health est present.. Her laughter. Mrs. Moore. of t.oderich. is smiting nn bet On Thursday 'Light the members if the 'local I. 0. V were 'at home to w number of their friend. in the Orange Hall The reeding wee pleasantly' spent in games end mud' 'sed lunch wee wend inroad irright P meet an� year the e Iwo -gal 11 STATE or,Oeto, (Irry or Toutoo, 1 Ll'css COO'Tv, i a' Frank J. ,Yensy make: oath flat he is rimier pa tsar of the firm at K. J. Cheesy & Co.. do- ied*n1and °s'ld Cityhe Twill paturaea�aedhat said ay the NUM of ONE H('NDRICD DOLLARS for each and every nue d Catarrh List cannot be cured' br t use of Ball's Causer)) cure. FRANK .1. CHENK1'. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presenos, tits 6th day of December. A. I). ISM. (Ski LI A. W. GLIASON. liarist PL'aLIC'. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and cots directly on the blood and mumus eurhoea oft he sweetie.. (Se NoYtaGO niT1. free. Sold by all Drruae�l1ate The. Take Hall's Famlb Fftlls for 000stips tion. F.Dolr I' ,••.••,. toe wen -apnea,• ••hsrw. 1 • e •ne' who opposer it t .rt ono Opey H.wse nnFT4asii evening Vele-um, lick seder the cuspis •' ti 4. -wit 'kisser' Mario. Band THE SIGNAL:. GOLLRIUtl O?TAR1S► to - - hO COWL. / moktatic b m.51 �. I.i.c.r t� Mty ofDiaotte - atasaastr from base .eau by the M mot advise as to the having a dLion go to l)glows. M- eanie ha d' not know hethee or not it. would be productive of good results, but it a delegation were to ir the tepresentetions would have his mot careful cousideretion. The let- ter ger referred to the special oom- mittk'e. A bylaw appointiog John Galt a member of the puellc library board was paused and the saner bylaw which bad received the approval of the ratepayers was yieeo its furs, reading. Medical Health Ofacer's Report. lir. A. C. Hunter. medical beaitu ot- fioer, .submitted the report of the board of health for the year ending December 31st, 11110, as follows : The town has fortunately been con,- par•tively free from infectious die- reses during the year. There were te- ported : varlet fever, nine cases, no deaths: diphtheria, two cases, one death . typhoid. thea Pe cases, no deaths. This is the smallest number of typhoid cases reported for several years, and must hear eloquent testimony to the purity of our water supply. (ating the Year the outbreak of rabies required the active interference of the board, by their order all dogs being prevented from running at large for one month. Numerous • eases of suspected rabies wet.. destroyed and the beads sent to Toronto for�examin- ation. In the case ret one buy who was bitten the town was forred to pay the expenses of the necessary treatment. I In this connection I enclose a letter ' and check received, being a rebate owing to a reduction in cost of treat- ment. The dairies and slaughter houses have I,. -n regularly inspected and an earnest ,wire is shown on the part of propri. '•s to make any improvements ' suggee • I Their condition hes been genera.', one of satisfaction. During November sod December I. accompan- ied by Dr. Clark. chairman of the local board. made the last inspectioo. At that time we paid particular atten- tion.to the physical condition of every cow in a dewy supplying milk to the town of Goderich, and Dr. Clark gave it as his opinion that they were all in a healthy condition. We at present have no power to have a tuberculin test made. It is announced that, its a result of the labors of the Milk Com- mission legislation will he introduced at the next session dealing with the municipal control of dairies. After this is dote Dome further adtion by your body will be necessary. I hare to thank the members of the board for their assistance, and more especially the chairman for his inter - eat in making an inspection of each animal, at a good deal of expenditure of time. A. C. HUNTER, M. H. 0. CC/WORSE. WEDNESDAY, Jan. '.'.Sib. Rt FMB CLUB Burette. -The annual sumer of the Colborne Rifle Club was bit tt'the Temperance Hall, Saltford, on Friday evening of last week. The spread of good thing. provided was partaken of by a large number sod when this part of the program was concluded the company adjourned to the home o' S. Bisset. Saltford Heights, where the remainder of the evening was very pleasantly spent. A shoot was held on the rifle ranges during Friday afternoon, with the followinis results 1 oe an Yards yards Point.. W. Mc W hinney (Capt) 14 17 31 A. J. Goldthorpe 21 18 36 C. Robertson 18 IF RR W. Cantwell ;Ili 18 Si S. Bisset ' 17 18 36 G. Bisset 15 17 3J 0. Hwmilu,n "19 18 37 I Walter 21 18 ,39 Toted more '�4 so se yards yard. Point,. W. aymoods teapt.l 19 17 )I6 C. McNeil 18 2Y 40 J. McMwou• 17 at 3P C. M. Maoue 20 SJ A. McNeil 1e. 17 VI P. Bisset 18 13 31 D. Walt,' 14 13 n J. Bites 19 14 33 A nnthee oar of the ',sat "r And r tent fieew jolt la reevsd by 4 I idia BNDy b (Ureas lsguiv.le t. Purple Elork and Poultry baled bay and straw, always' Rvsrything 4441v/inn un all parts of the town 9t Total score 279 M•iority for McWbimoey's tesne-la RHEUMATISM. Cared by Bewi's Kidney Pills. T. E. Foster. of Mt. .lobo 9e., Fred- erict'•o, N. B., save - "I have found more actual relief from Booth's Kid- ney Pills than it; all *Ise I have ever tripe en rhenun.at.iam. The pains in my limbs have lessened great" and I em better and stronger than in nate preview. M v appetite h•• built op sad 1 eat and sleep better -hen twee r 'yr. ' hr.!. woo" My ,rvneral health is et saki wt., en sue ear. '•reel• •hi• rely i• Booth a Is ode. • Pills The • rh. Booth Itidm • '''1 se Tbee► wnrdee'f," tate ••• sold 'ends', • ,c,.aranl••• '• '-«ours um money 'I tabes fain ,e r'shs,.. a, • 'unmet fr •,'. rbeun,ausn. .. Thy .r...e.l• harem., 'u •Mgtu r i► trdri., "he•o •:ear. 'meeiart). 1..1 di. -ester .eons heck and -loud. •malt re' and envie rbeematsste end r....e. •. -M kidneys and madden Booth • K idneP i,. ... ..M .11 druggists •d ',saran •a is,■ ',r postpaid from ' be it I vaoor. I in ' Ltd Fort art. Ont -.mid and guise I anteed le it N Wigs. no.,F •iA• r' Ronan .8iu th %) hl(I (Il'j Pats) The Summer Hotel. Councillor Vanetter arked that C. C. Lee Is, heard, as be might have something to say about the summer botel propositior. Mr. Lee said be was still prepared to pay 94,000 for the hotel. It wee his purpose to dis- pose of it to hotel men for use as a sanitarium, similar to the one at Pres- ton. Councillor Elliott passed the opinion that the summer hotel bad not been Flying the town for some time. The interest on the telling price would be =d10 and he was in favor of disposing of the property for $4,0110. In a shirt time, he said, the town would have nothing but a wreck left for its money. Councillor Nairn thought it ought to • be kept as a summer hotel. If it were not, the beats might cease to call at this port. Deputy Reeve Munninge announced that he stood by his derision made in 1910, that the hotel should not be sold for less than 95,0(51. Mayor Cameron remarked that the hotel did not owe the town much and that the money invested in it could not be viewed as a distinct lugs. Councillor Wallace asked what kind of arrangement could be made with the purchase,. to provide for its opera - Con as ,. summer hotel for five years. The Mo. -or replied that the agreement could be in the nature of a forfeit. Reeve Reid said he would like to know- if the council were in favor of selling the hotel. if it did not owe the town a 'collar why not keep it for another five years Nr. Lee said a great deal of work had to be done to the building in le - pairing sod renovating and he would like to have the matter settled as soon as possible in order to have workmen enragedat once. finally was decided to rete, the matter to the special committee and have it'report back to the connril at obs next meeting. The council then adjourned. M'. otiose ad Mrs J•• w'llara rya es ed frau a A t es le.aiay et i pined t l sswos of aU.. Imam. CARLOW. NVEDNBSDA y. Ian. '.:.ith. I0 rrI Ns.5 . - Mn. Roti. Buchanan left today for bet hon.. M Buchanan, Seek., after spending • month with her Minds and relatives in f -his .soon- tv We regret to report that John Buchanan i• in poor health at present Mrs..1 i. S. Varese- also M on the sick list and is bot himearing Idle her friends would wish Harry (Ifellagber ala., is under the deesoVe can (;ee,.L'_ _'ufQ hive, of Aebers. shipped 4 • errrlwd of export .,stets from Metlaw =tttion on ftatulday.... Botb 'elepMm. . netpaoie• are build• ung line.• al,shy tb.- Mnodar) 'ire from Nile ,t Cobnn '••,nsehod, suggests that rhe rival suction'.- .,rah' tat.' .1'-• nal. 'once exon• )'OSTMASTER 'S HAPP'. Its. set No Rheanetnse. Sre..ding Was f tired r Kleine, Pills 'tion H 'anus a Vire Spes•,al *ural 1• •raa'kaeb• "M.r• -women and ^bruins tilts. .t 'ea ear •sanding John Make., ,.Ash,* i, Der. .• ehenrtln, rhu prom" if Dodd • lido. Pills Mk.. ew' hail els • be le'stmastrrr 'cost . 'else I tsar ,onf'•ed la my ted Cite• raid several .uterhetmu s "chow M neat Dodd's Rolm, Pula I rete$ 11 al mom he. • and he hire; rot rbenmatins m' •.rvnuenaw sad el, backache SO thea for font veate 'bet haus slot coma beck 1 feel R •) Ant, to add my raise Gn the many who are MOW wesdl•rg Dodd's Ridlsy P111•. - !Le Vass ere amply ::ie.lacy disorders. 1 ne aialucy, g$er the blood of all that shouldn't b• there. The blood passes through the kid- neys every Idled minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder can remain in the circulation longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of order your kidneys have failed irttheir work. They are in need el stimulation. strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do all three, the finest and most imitated blood medicine there Ih Dodd's Kidney Pills 10 Cutters to Be Sold at Cost Must b.e cleared out regard, e s s ofprice. Call and see them at the Massey - H a r r i s Shop on Hamilton Street .... a Robert Wilson FROM THE Land of Song sod from its musical capital, Cardiff, Wales, ''one the renowned singers. THE ROYAL WELSH LADIES' CHOIR under the cooductonhip of MADAM HUGHES -THOMAS who will appear in the Victoria Opera House on Tuesday, January 31st et 8:15 p. w., under the 'auspices of the Y. M. C. A. "Mune over, of this city who were fortunate mount to attend Me concert in the Rowell Theatre lest deet, by the Royal WelshmLAM.' Choir. willbas remember It u one of the enact exhibl thous of Moral dnaieg ever board In Ottawa. . A party hum Government House occupied the vies -regal box and moot oot heartily In the frequent *0 . ..Numerous el.isrins orsaniracm• have, in tie past. slatted Ottawa, but undoubtedly none hays ever squalled the Royal Webb Ladino Choir In pM•bctiee of chorus disuriele and Mk, work.' --Ottawa .tnerwal. Plan of hall at FL T. £OWAIU)e Ouse to wbsertbere arida,. lawars nIA to the public 1atardar, January ISM Tickets. For and :t¢. •moi wWWW mWIS r 1 Closes S8tirday28th IN lanuary 5a e oust he cleared P red Ohild Bohr (;a►t* i '•tltbougti tl,a General Sala is Gina, yeIi We rave Sow' uwI t •'. +. t ,ices that do not tat. actual of r.' ' •. . we trill do in Coact. Fars a reo s . Coats Dress (loads s Any coat in tioe nosy are up o About 12 -sit. colors, all wool. !>IiMIa 3,1 nap 143 boughtfur I 7 to 8 ID 1202 sial: 33.5. 000. in black, brown, grey anti ' green, full lengths. Only 11 to will 1 them for oos•'iva" sell now, but they most o and -eernler prices. will go surely at $5.00. 'Nearly DreikB Goods wade for this winter's weer, Remnants Snore .hurt nuc. I ).4 Toques Just 27 to sell, all eat toe hest honey comb ditch. regular price 50c. You can tory 39c them now for just yams to t yards, all service- I able cloth, at aboat half-price. i Six pieces t weed Suitiogs. $1.U0 to $1.x. -4uy one /g 1 of the lot, for jureJ Furs Ofty leo . I. it ( Hz -s:. OL Am.' ywl can get one -ic^ tpsa teat .oaken.' prime. A rt- 1914914•. •' lel i. cheap rr'r. Kear coats. b white bear Uose.�e .c twilttlt.' it the following reduced • A BEAL$NesP 31.(10 for $3.90 for d300 for -'JS for 4311. SIR u.a $1.7t NEW GOODS JUST IN THE LAST FEW DAYS •;INGHAMS-from 10e to 16c. X11 Scotch retake. PRINTS -10e to l2;c, hest English makes, overy plane ant colors. DRESS 0001)5-a few pieces of new greys, beautiful make* LACID -lash, Tos'ehocs, Maltese, Guipure -e, Orieutals and Silk and Insertions to twitch. EMBROIQERI ES end INSERTIONS -- In narrow widths. corset waist widths, Hoatucinar• and full skirt widths. Never offered. such prices oto laces and Embroideries. Tbey are French, English. Swim and tieruaiu, metre. More particulars about new goods next week. J. H. COLBORNE - J I Select Groceries Here are a few of the many lines in which we can give you excellent value SALMON CHEESE MARMALADE STARCH SUGAR ORANGES LEMONS RAISINS CURRANTS SPICES NUT'S htc., Etc. ROSS' LIMITED Manufacturing Furriers The following SPECIALS Are offered for this week in Mink, Persian Lamb, etc. Natural Canadian Mink 'Pies.... .. ..2 5.60 Natural Canadian Mink Muffs 26.00 Persian Lamb Hug Muffs .. •12.60 Persian Lamb Pillow Muffs Natural Alaeea Sable Mugs. Natural Alaska Sable Ruffs 16.60 Ladies' Hamster Lioed Coats, Fox Collar *11.00 Ladies' Near Seal Onats, li4 inches lotelt Satin Lined. .... n. 20.00 Out ISt roosprisee maty- other epeoiale 'which our space will not enable is to quote.. aA...- 12.60 111.00 196 Uund as Street London, Ontario The Hungry boy. Sometimes it seas a just ieepeenbi., to fill up s good Maltby boy. Try (lark's Pork and Beans. Substantial, extremely nourishing. teen first rate and oust much lova ileo, meat. W m. (lark, Mfr.. Moulmein. The C hilttreaa'>s Hair A Unit Awe (... Now May Sinn Althea Y,. of Regret vereptree Si-" .air sae a rue•• ey 4 -se' and . se .ucky dr ' h• Kae. 'loaf an.' wet. 'neon - lees et• - nnve • .. . .M' Deer orea.h• b. heath ,. a t- Yea1's- one stet e • 'r ;II.- hair with tan Os. - 'h. •npre, Tile ',Ildrs, •k• w.' tel lou $ oeeese Jrdm . ^urs ala,. (Irt1 ..; N- yeneratien ate pas ,u .r• y1' 'her he easily ant LO melt, ^etsee Attie It is dried s+ •e woo. aNMcathin of !M- outons erre • Rtes 'send - e • wilily res. w ;> a411 '2 so rstnr.�will ea'.• --:'Il T11aaey Mat•es l tone to de all, tha' la eMSSeed far It. ibr each everyday ailsieue OM gai.er-i IrP. I. STTLAMD S. t. t�� a I. C. Dal DOD L P a. AIK Sturdy & Co. 'Phone 91 The Squa IF YOU ARE ,interested inWatches THIS AD. 18 FOR YOU If you own a good Watch you can afford to paw it -but not otherwise : because if you inteod tuyiog it's important that you buy right, You haven't very =toy snakes to choose be- tween. 'Where are just a few really high-grade Watches made. Among them are those that we are waiting to show you -waiting to point out their points of superiority -waiting ti) make you their friend. The rant will he from 27.60 up. Weinseseseeweesieneweereleseetistielsolatese Plumbing HEATING LECTRIt WiRIiIIG 'LOOP I Nt. METAL WORK Err . Es -- .*_ ifMy turmoils/ January Bar -gains fine furs,Ruffs, Stoles, Throws and Musts in all the best and most fashirtn• able furs. Fur -lined and Fur -trimmed Coats all marked prices to make quick clearance. Womeq's and )(Isses' Cloth Coats to. go now at less than cost of the material. 6arpanLa in Seo'arate Skirts and Underskirts. `Bargains MI Ladies' Sails and Waists. liseoams ,^ China and Wass Isssssnin' al JOHN STEAD • The Signal's Clubbing List will save'U more) telqinhilitewthilrNnitNrNr*tltfWIdeaWilAhiliilliiliibit 3 Aar eer„ : "A svusre Ids! to everyone . aiik Cl EAR t C A et 3 re -6 Your IF 41 3 ~ •: 'i • _ Chances 3 3 3 3 3 I 1 1 .9 I I I Are Good to It.'ains 114c. lex .0 eastga.o.. I', -.,urs.. W. ,wan! ISt & ppee •sf a► nine). ar pu'ee hie r' Dee w.• ma de.tr new stork for the spring t tad. ' nderstand. this ' .o-ompM is .• re old out if•dato noel we era trying wort .if on vow Even article is ^lean. saw and right up to -date but to ni 'stir it having ea A ; stork f•e ' .1 .n ''a,'' '-en, •A+. -ani •,..,a►' •micas M. pr• ..,,ale'. ns •Mel. •tai I, • a. aa-.., v,. a' . . 'ear. 'a dose ret and in order to make •M •seri., w. .41' riv• sect tb.ennui.• IIReP f)iwr'ingie milt N( t) w►Rf)HEIMER e'l •••I* R. Pinder We J. MUIR & CO. 'Pilaw IM b' wawa , .'1111 seat oohs weaiM, fes pate mangy 1,,,,! WIPT!PIPirM !if4MP!1 IP11 11/411 10Tsg1 E F