HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-26, Page 2l _ l'YuteiDa') . J .the u rlt s ai, lull, •L. nKr sego. t'ttMl.I I, ItVSidi' '1'111,1'He I: ttl' 1141 ata aihi ing th ways wit! any he t 1 spill. free! Wins' June well The . ft wt we d', Met rot, • tits tlmtt ARM tettt toot, war.. cath Seel' can , *op Va fail, ,ate: tb,, . etre, „tete, at PRINPLth. •11641144.1114 ;Jai: No. Rs arms Or Mawr ..tion &ik VIM annum in eemesue. to morale. ala ; tbzer setae, (�u. To United elate retMretata, by YOn hotly in ad: u.oe. on sonoaes'outlet we receive TIM aL a�.Mrly by mall wth ,alba a hew a► .aakaina err .e '.he •ae- u se (talc a as "few. «:ids of . wires. s wrmr'Sc, ts,tb old ors it: now abhors sheet.'' r1.•w•, Asa. t.Nng N.1.. : syr ear otic. emhu: .e vottammeeur, loo Lys fiestas tint taarUot. and to per lbws for ease se owe rtasetl•a. Messmer. 17 a tsa0are0 soda :ashy mitts '. an lack. ladaas aorta of ex Untie amu ued«r, e; ,, ear. alverthswants of Lost, Payed. duay oro- '.also. toast, Sheathes Wasted, Hosasafor lads at LC Ret. Form.± for Eats or -o Rent, Article. for Sale, eta, not exceeding eight tnse. Sic eank Inuertlee ;12 tot drat month. 50o ase sa►naoeot tarns.. Tarim- 'Warthogs meets di•ertlse - taeets in pr000itioo. ..au.oaaoemenu in ordinary reading tm Or teal cents uer line. No notice beer then tic. Any special outlets. Los Ahem of whack, a :is beaset of any Individual or Miles. to ooeddsted Cr adverthe mint be riratmed aeoardlnete. States for display an.. austral; .a Cal—tiler thecidtis pps will be gleam on slftise, Adres; all esmmuctoatx u.P to THItSIGN5:L PRINTING CO.. Limited nefsrkth. flat OODERIOL THURSDAY. JAN. U. Ibl. THE "DURO PIGS." Serious charges against the adminis- tration of the law regarding the sale �f liquor in New Ontario were made be Mr. W. N. MacQueen, a representa- tive ot the Knox College Student.' Missionary, Society, id an address n e- eatly given in Goderich. Testimony to the same effect is given by The Cobalt Nugget, a .news- paper published riglIt on the spot, which says : -.,er-The blind -pigeons are wall known, :sad If the Department wants to put the lid oo, the officers ate quite equal to the situation. if the Government should Sue order- that the officers realised were iatoodetl eo be obeyed. ninety per cent. ot the illegal sale of liquor in this notkh country could be stopped. The situation has not got out of the control of the Provincial police. They are nig enough leen to successfully tackle the job if the job was to he finished in a workmanlike manner.' But does the Ontario Gov- ernment want the sale' of liquor pro- bibited in this north country ? it toes not look as if the Government want, the hlind•piggere to go out of •Nlsiness. There is more revenue in allowing them to run along with doca- sionai contributions to the Provincial "reasurthap in granting licenses." Within the last week a Provincial constable named Veinier. of Gow- -, geode. has been suspended by Superin- tendent itogers for conduct. such as • d<♦gcribed by Mr. MacQueen iu.bia ad- 'deemm- here. For (several , weeks the TM'otiboial police have been conduct. I "'hi. a raid on the "blind pigs" in the , ,porth, with only moderately ;atisfac- toey P..ults in the way of .enuring .icenvietlotos. tett ,.1 . it, *MAT'S THE HURRY i .ire. '' t --- 'b.FY The Globe psotuets against any side-. .,ru it ; ,tracking ' of the enlargement 'of the `'"t " ' Wllaod Canal in favor of the Georg - oat• :an Bay Canal project. it states that. 'mei •'there is no hostility among the popu- let ba on the shores of Likes Ontario, lir* and Huron -oonstitu Ling prob- iabty hell the total population of the i k�' Provinee-4p the building of the I �, 'n4,lesegiao Bay (Jami cot through, traf- '� �' tiettiEns the West to the seaboard ; but .!here will be the strongest possible ob- ' o,` '-" $etion to any action that mar have ' -:+the effect 01 straeglioc the existiutt troute for the tsenett of a new canal that at the hes,, cannot b, completed ''rr tea Or fifteen years." Thie le a mild statement .ot ,the case. While there may be no "bostility," there is sadoubtedly a strong feeling that a selmcient.ly good case has not ypt bets made oat for the Oeoegian .t#Mf. CeSai to warrant the hareems •:lpooditur'e which the project will ovary*. Tha people ?house have 'en bet and more dean Os: infornuatior. ••r44, tlt'e utility of the proposed canal -"itelope the Nowa ionee,al in any war wenWruto Waif to dor ntwiertaklng. f hells ' n- o•tdl.ort , •tont Wit ' he (ire •rr knie, ".B.at Wail) it Mantd and eta If , the tow wad tr t' y'st l• bright meet VIII year tie a htre,tYttgj. I et/1T0111AL NOTEIS i, • .. erthesMal !luta t ,e 1.004 1'4rvut• IJor- e oaf and ll'tdel Sehoumis told the Do- minion •nmmnuc iaduetriol training at ror'nn• a, wast day that :bee wer. 'd 1tadente is &- commuter a 'b- 'v.irwV Mmol. tt whits. .late -tsar., Masi were reams ip Pr't y�a'. .rer •)daespt�pio�nIlets are. greed , with wi. OWN.- pt, ANN. .atMt great" •Nasties 'a► aAvol. 1f talc 14e.Mre Amid be ie ;fps to Maar 1aen4t• t wr the •++wise'` , ,Isar ' *TIMM' dear -'his will , te••e$*'av ,a, MINIM -dhow oppedtior '• t,.. MS. -0 „t, 11911011t inspection r hank • 's 4.cebig it is pointed n.. h. MMY be csprndve. that .r ..main ,K,t lin M absolute aesmen.'. .raid �SSRMs1[ promise and that ' neigh, h>r to ondwe confidence and sower. tows , •n the pm I 1 tins Mayhem MMastawt tw oojeation is,. that .frits tastect'ion timed wast hr * OelOOtr- ,tkio to drag bask .flair.• into peaty politic.. se aheadat. atfemMl is ha- los unlade ►losunade to matufw:tuiw oartry ttep- fial out of the Farmers Hank talhne. aoei.vsr, there is uedoutoodly a de- oide. movement of pubic., opinion to- vardt Government. !topertiot, and the abarehoidels of the 'readers Bank nave already pieced the Meet v.a record '.a in favor ot the prtronsal. a It is now stated, oe the authority of a apcial oorrrrpnrudwt of The I .ondon (fag.) Daily Mello who was sett it. Ulster to Asoertain the actual , ants, that. the Protestants of•Ulate, •.r••• 1104 preparit:g for amused resistau.. to home rule. The oorrespondeul +eys there will probably be some rioting in Belfast and elsewhere- It will not t e the first thee, uuweree. the' 'here her been rioting in Ireland, and the A•yuith Government will trot he de- terred from Carrying out its purpose by the prospect ot .i few cracked beads. __ - - 'Itbe Weekly duo p,iute out the diferenee in the attitude of the farm-„ ere and that of the manufacturers in regard to trade with the Mother Country. The groat deputation of farmers that waited on the Dominion Government' last, month asked that the duties on British imports into Canada be at once lowered to one- half of the general rote, and that the ' remaining tariff its against. Hritain he wiped out within ten years. Theaep- utation eepresentiog the Matufactur-! ere' Association which interviewed the Government a fortnight ago -de- clared that in no case must the tariff , on ltititrh goods be placed he low a point that would allpw "adequate protection to all Canadian pro- ducers." And yet it. is the protected interest that shouts moot vociferously for the strengthening of the I,ontle uniting us to the ,Mother Country. - THE SIGNAL : tyiOUQBTeH. ONTARIO rir time Omer Gum Wrens Strathtrd twos.. wilt nm oared that all sae it :ala no the hank. hat ham area wrecked re t)suada •r. recent veal. has been al the bead toilette. The • rnwuches area. be cell` milked , after tbt bans rnepectore out these .* noMld y ' c • aspen. • he head m0/ elti•pl ae a 1f. re. 4the gin/anal assi.agef. wbe n'�, oat .5 Wrt, is tot, much in •stro in keeping his lob tar interfere t..r.. tninutrl,' with that official's work. W oat is wanted Is ea audit of head office: acco.lnte, either by an independe.,t. auditor or one appointed appointed by the ll..v.: nment. Pioche& Reforest's. Guelph Mercury. Ulm suggestion entena ter from Walkerton I bat trees be pleated along the Saugeen and other .hers which Now chi ougb Bruce t>oaety; with a double view, for ref..., estetioh purposes, thereby imltrovsog the land adjacent, and to prevent he great evaporation itt the summer. Is is Ile. doubtedly true that the rivers sad stream* of this action of the country. are raging floods in spring, and mere rivulet. in summer, owtpg to the timber -cutting ail along the banks, fruit: their sources to their mouthy The tefor•estaliutr of tl:pee surname would also provide a source of revises to the municipellly or the 1st -irate owner who planted them. The Review's Bad Break. Hanent on Time.. The Kincardine Keview. Tory, pub- lished by mol. Clark, N. P. P., com- plains at the Finance D•'pparr.twnt foe issuing a charter to the Fwritten Bank and niers to the Iepar•lueent w an I neatly mark." It ears: "Any?ne who knew anything ahuut hanks could have told the Department that the Farruera Bank was shaky and that straight, business rnnld not b. ex- pected tom Mr. Travers," to ebb -h The GI ,te retorts that. that being the case. e I n the L=giatature marts Col. t,'lark •' • I no doubt move a resolu- tion Cr. aurin( Col. Matheson for placing a large PORI of the money of the people of Ontario in the care of a banker from wham straight business could not he Peppered." But Clark will nos do en. It is just another case of tot. arrest raconteur to manufacture party capital. • i, Bby s and Girls ee l'lY :those subjects {, �' he can earuta living. Btrttrsae Colleges x1 -c• est trainers in Caveats, graduates secure the study home Should 1 which tl Seettsn'S the largest and ou: beet positions: Von can at home, or partly at h u e xoom .t In an address before the Empire Club at Toronto last week, Mr. A. W.. Campbell, Deputy Minister of Rail- ways add Canals ler Cooed*, made the statement that in the twenty years which be had devoted to the study of Ontario roads 121,0011,000 bad Men spent in labor and $19,1100,000 cash had been paid for aietual improve- ments on the. highways of the Prov- ince, atdduring that time very little real headway bad been made. With tb`i• 440.000,000 that had been ex- pended, Mr. Campbell said be could have macad,mixed every rod of road,' in Ontario, and in the next ten year such a transformation world take ! plane, entailing t he expense of not a dollar more than had been wasted so foolishly in peat years. Mr. Camp. bell advocated a tax on' owner. of automobiles for road improvement par pout. r FROM OUR CONTEMPONARIES. Reliable Information Montreal Herald The next t.overnor-lienerai ,,t Can- ada will be either tht• Duke of Con- naught. the Prince ut Teck. Lord Dud- ley, or anmethodr oleo, Now you know. How to Make Good Citizens. Stratford hemi,. Them is force in the 'tootention ot The Goderich Signal t hat if we desire the foreigners flocking to this coun- try to he good law-abiding every Canadian should set good example. A Splendid Record. Toronto Star. Over 480.000,000 letters ate mailed in Canada in a year, and only seventy= raven containing money are reported loss. There it it great and faithful army 01 earlier.. clerks and poetwae. Gert upon whom the utmost credi is refeetod by such a record. • The Stronger Tie. Laatba AdvwtiMr, The .tote of Canadian bist.o) go back to the little Kentish village of Weeterhaw, where the statue of Gen- eral Wolfe, is native of the hamlet. was unveiled the other day. Thee ties of sentiment bind Canada and the Mother Country mora closely than trade and to rlita. A Poor Argument tt•,nadsaalt 3anti,,a- .Favlw. Ilunadianl whs. t•rote,e to believe that tetter trade elation. between Canada sod the United States would lead I.. tanrtexatiao ''luat. -have a rather poor opinion the Canadian spirit Resides, that must be bard preevso t o t , wrguwente. Sie.Oer argument. hay. coast doing ditty for a .twee •.i,»e. . Something is Thit Nome's! net .os, • Mew tiebe, while teritl ,e,• 'then; waterer are twine d iso 10 11 appi_v ourseives ane 111- -.ash r,.p b • own particular beelines.. I to- pn,vd msthnis. wits, trtrtilwiai at.' tent* .o • V. INp. -saving Inehieerv. will -oaI err fr inaraaem t>y :ewesty fiat •eft, pat Ont. the. ere esneel returns rrOt,. at- favus "without • sit' - pinging an Met A.. `•_ ,a •- ev ►, . .n• (Raft i is i a lssseml Gas, • • t Meat be M. . inyue•• •an. ,,.erten became ton sot ieee tot. . tyatesl rt hack 'speedo% see, .nen Ilk, K H ' «area. frim, tmmptatiew' Thai .s r, '.,e see. fat It issomsthing like asmtmrng that overt-. bndy hs heftiness need. watobingred that it is the duty of tilt dote it y. point the watch Attlee .x, ft wOf%j load to twngtbs or,' be este of ex ng the t(em.arnnsrett Mw1aN. THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Les. or, Chicago Higher -Live Steck -Latest Quotations. Monday Seeming. Jet. t . Lver'ptarl wheat futures closed lid to lid lower than on Saturday; cure Ata futures to ltd lows*. Chicago May wheat closed to -day ltd higher than oo Saturday; May corm yid higher, and May oats unchanged. Winnioee Options. Witnipeg May wheat closed tee towat than Saturday; May oats,- lac lower. Wheat- Jan. IL Open. High. Low. Close. MaY .... TX ..... .... 3{i July .. 3911 .... .... • ... 3T% Toronto Grain Market. Wheat. bush M A to d..,.. Wheat, goose, bush. 0 M Rye. bushel 0 A - e Stt Barley, bushel 0 q e a Buckwheat. bushel 0 Peas, bushel 0 72 0.M Oats. bushel I E .... Toronto Dairy Market Sutter, separator. dairy. lb 0 2e 0 H Butter, store lots 0 2e 0 21 Butter, creamery. lb. tolls.: 0 C 0 Butter. creamery. solids0 "S .... Kees, new -laid - 016 Eggs, cold storage0 A 0 M Cl'..,., lb 012 0 121 Horteycomba doses doe 2 M Honey, ex"c,d, It. Ore 0 U Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, Jar.. •S.-Closisg-wlteat- Spot firm tic 'ed western winter. 75 to Futures quiet. haven Is ld, May 7s Mid. Peas -Canadian, oo stock. Flour-- Mater patents Ready. at >k Hams -Short-cut, 14 to ii lbs., Needy, a ad. Bmcoei-Cumeertaad cut, E to firm. Ile b; short Abe. Y to a Iba.steadc eta; .Mar bellies, 14 to 14 lbs.. weak, Ml ed. lose dear middles. light, s to M lbs.. firm. Me b: lose clear middles, bevy. I to e0 lbs.. firm, its, abort dear hacks. 11 to 20 Iba, steady. fb W : seoulders, sVitar* 11 to 13 lbs., owlet, ib. Cheese -Firm: tltsa,dlar: finest wake Rte. colored firm, gds 416. Turpentine -Spirits steady. a GIs ad Roeln-Common .steady, at in Petreieua -Refined steady, et 46td. lamed all - Firm. at Ns W, CATTLE MARKET& Lower Prices mor Hogs at Bouts and 'Chicago -Markets Active. LIVERPOOL .tan. C. -John Rogers a Co., Liverpool, cable to -day that Rolm. day's prices were well taelntabsed In the Blrkenheed market: the demand was Mew, and, altho eappliee are very ileal. It is extrwnely Improbable that there will be any material Ase in vetoes. Stater "se Canadian steers msMne from 17W to ISjtc per lb. Union Steck Yards. TORONTO, Jan, 24. -Receipts of live stock tit the Linton Stock Yards were 94 carloads, ooseistjng of IM! cense. I bog 5A sheep turd lawns. 11 calves and 21 bermes. distorters. A. L. Woodward botMat for awif a Ca STi cattle as follows. Expert steersS. w.�esng1selbto..t1rt lM.,fltM11toa, ts ti'H 1,1• fie. t tech, at RM to also IlesMMr- Crime ;nesse nes, M to ta.h al Mood. KZ to 16.14 Absalom.O to se aoumos, a 'o ata, 'ews 1�1ti tt. baits. M in N steers. W r to S. Milkers sets ae'irlgsea, 3 lienI,ed ...MOW ,. eellbsw sae e ria s'a wa.:_ v 'lot.y.., w R'art. tree It. Md to las -net. Veal CORY mg Pries. or ecu Ms. e - a seine .t M U lase ow. ^w• SMsup and tws...aa Mar:+%W. of tel eyes' .nn sono ,,.w• ala ,saute shoes ewes bold • M 3 . Ida saw • M a /LM ambit Mai Ka` Oh ..e 4 •w• .ettr .r ot, M tie a.. -.. .. e a •. a t )more. ad s •' am yam V •areas* loves tewel gale •ta V. ear teetered at her maria CM red Ft II savoya err bolts • s , se, v alae' meets Weise sweat • o s• ea w, .,r. gee O.w -w• •rn the Woutrvwl LA+ Berk *LA,. KRAL lea a a it,. was, -telt Stoll Tapes. Waal Fag alertss, the reesM'. .r Mee Most M' the week as.s baa i awe as efts. Ml Miens sat tonnes ISM hogs Sas ! miasma wares tbe mtlertrge this aterafas aonN tnted - eaves see me' '"s ale aeras Me i TAKE ONE OF THESE LITTLE TASLaTS• AND THE PAIN is CCN.• "My • first experience \with I Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills was a sample package handed me. They relieved the pain -o promptly that I have never been withput them since. i have given them to many friends when they had head- ache and they never failed to relieve them. I have suffered with neuralgia in my head, and the first one I took re- lieved me. They Lave cured sore of neuralgia. I :would not lie without thein." ?.IISS LILLIE B. COLLINS R. F. D. No. t, Salem, Va. Peke Mc at your druggist. He should supply you. If ha does not.. send DR. Mt ES MEDICArice to us. vim L forward To'�ronto. Winter Suitings and OVERCOATS A tine selection of itn,t-clew goods at HUGH DUNLOP'S tt•roT srxsKF t'p-to.date Tailoring in ...all our garments.._.. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. write us at once for our free catalogue and learn what it being done In the leading business outleo, in \S•eatern Ontario. lrnr graduates secure good position.., and meet with success. Bnrlse,s'men say they are the bent_ We have three department - Commercial. Shorthand end Telegraphy. • We give indiyidnal (nttuption and you may enter at any lima,,. 1). A. MILACHLAlf. Principal. NOW ISTHETIAIIE to renew your subscription to THE SIGNAL I finish at the college. INdIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTERIANY DAY Clinton Business College O[O. SPOTTON, Principal, LONDON. ONTAS IO Business & Shorthand StJ1JECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalog... Fr.e J. w, Ww..•ee. J. a' Weww•.it, Pr.doal, via..pt.c..L PREPARE for a position of trust and ''eeponsibility byattenciigg Elliott Business College TORONTO, ONT. hie school enj oye :, widespread pat- onage. Enter now. Catalogue free. Our TELEGRAPH and RAILWAY AGENT'S Course is a safe guarantee to a good salary. You cat, master it i e n Mia mnntrs. The gnasimont,Aost it seO. Yo. mnar DN as you On ' I geaduetien we aid you to secure 1 employment Our nes catalogue explains. Writs for it. Central Tats4aph a Railroad School Yang° and Gerrard rets.. Toro W. T. J Johnston, Principal �--- —. nto. N. Mbar, PruioeM. e Cure 'Your Cold White Pine with Wild Cherry and Laxative Quinine Tablets do the work. U. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square t ru Yderich. Clearing Sale OF WfNTER FOOTWEAR Everything is Footwear for the cold wreathe, meet be eisaretd or') to ,,,aka mono for new ennds doers, in for the sprlug trade. fol+ aqd felt_/lged Boots, Shots and Slippers «envy irun? Rubbers, Jvershoes aqd )(ockey poets • 011,4 •;.; A , ..• .•res tr -l.-w •.R.. Repctirigg Dowsing & .MacVicar North Side of Square. (loder/rh W . ACHESON & SON January Clearing Prices fru Ire • 3i tilts, Bot:. scout, throws u, YeMyiw Sa hie, Niel:, greatly reduced.°- Mans 'few Hones '9 which pill stock .is large. at half -pier. Ladies' Lamb Coats. L40.U), Cleaving rt. hM0-00 Ladies' Long Coats of :teary wool beavers .svd ' weeds. •• uteri, its high's. $10.50. Sale pt -ice, each. ... . sa.00 Ladies' Skirts Fifteen only all -wool fancy Dress Airco, I; autitoily trade used trimmed, regular prices were $4.00 LUNAR'. Vous choiet:, woo Prints for 1911 s t Two bundled and lifts pieces of new, h utitu$•i liasch Koine.Prints-the largest showing weeaelnmre.Mted_ 1}►hatain�gp, effects, colors warranted fast, our beet; and memothem away dbe cloths. For JANCARY . PILE- on, sal. per yard 1 lc Cottons, Shootings, Pillow Cloths the spring cottons ate all now to anti forward. Jieet gyttiiam, Sheet lugs and Pillow cottons at close prices. and :thermal piles; fur pieces and half pieces, Corsets New A L► Grace Corset-. most perfect ;Siting and lett Iaiast. Parisian lines. Priced $1..00. $1.00. 1. $0 $5.00, $*.0o SIMMEllecatai W. ACHESON a SON r Style and Quality Jj style and quality count, why hesitate? We are confident we can p/ease you ))'cortin Bros., Cailors — NA=ORU=C0 REMEDIES We are agents for them splendid Remedios and can recommend them ,as being .4 .hr highest standard in r•ggara ru quaiilt and appearance. We have a complete assort- ment and will he pleased to show them t; our customers. e F. J. B.itlarN, Druggist 'rhe wort •h.,: $3.75 FOR THE ASKING Only owners of horses, pigs and cattle need apply, $26.25' HERE ?O GIVE AWAY This is a genuine offer. Ifaststigate at once International Stock Food Three feeds for one east is shrewd . haying. tr Howell Hardware Co.. Limited