HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-19, Page 10rendt
It is
New Y
Disinter George l.. e�►wve, ld H. underwater.
NES. Mules H. Townsend, I. Uud.t uOd.
I1iosN Haan, J. Ptttysrove and
John Mc L $n added their testi 1
moniale to esteem
in wbIc
11111111111•11 MIIIIIIIMIIININN/1/0 IMMO 111111111111111.11111,101.
TI -4 big sale. is noW on and growing in pro-
portion as the time goes by. We are determined
to clear out all of our winter stock and we are going
to do it right. now. Bigger bargains than ever will
be the consideration, so it is up to the people now.
If ypu require the goods come right away. You
will get bigger values than you ever got before.
The occupation of the Sovereign Bank build-
ing makes greater selling space than ever, an arch-
way cut in the wall making all departments still
under the one roof and easily accessible..
Read every item *n this list and you will find
a few bargains Nvorth corning after that were not
advertised in the first.announcement of the sale last
o pounds Oatmeal. Sale price.. 25c
loo pounds Redpath Granulated
4 cases Maple Leaf Salmon. • Sale
price per can I7c
3oo pounds Raisins. Sale price
414 lbs. for 25c
to boxes. Mixed Peels - orange,
lemon and citron. Sale .price
, per pound 1 lc
125 pieces of ladies' Furs, including
ruffs, muffs ,and stoles. Every
.fur in the entire stock to clear
starting Saturday. Sale price
25 ladies' winter Coats, regular value
up to Clearing sale
43 ladies' Coats in beaver and wool
meltons, regular value up tO
$18.00. Clearing sale price
each only $6.95
15 only, the last of the children's
Coats, regular vatnes up to $7.5o.
Clearing sale price each 12.95
25 pairs flannelette Blankets. Sale
price 98C
5o pairs figured damask Towels.
Sale price, 2 for 15c
5 only bed Comforters, regular $2.5o.
Sale price to clear only.- -.11.25
5 only ladies' combination Under-
wear, Penman's all -wool un -
shrinkable, regular $2.5o. Sale
price each 11.75
4 dozen ladies' fine wool Drawers.
regular values 73c. Sale price
to clear 49c
5 dozen boys' heavy wool Hose,
regular 33c. Sale price 29c
; dozen boys' knitted wool Mitts,
regular 25c. Sale price per
I -2c
-;vio yards Dress Goods, including
chiffon. broadcloths, voiles, ve-
netians, Panamas, ladies' cloth
and serges, in black and colors,
regular values up to $1.25. clear-
ing sale price per yard ' . . 694;
yards Dress Goods, regulai
alues 65c and 75,. Clearing
.41e price per parr! 4f4c
6o untrimmed ladies' and children's.
telt Shapes, all new. ClearinItic
sale price, choice
25 trimmed Hats, not one worth
less than $2.5o to $4.00. Clear-
ing sale price, each 98c
4- 3 dozen black and white Ostrich
Feathers, 14 inches long, regu-
lar $2.5o and $3. .Clearing sale
price each ..
4 dozen Ostrich Mounts, blac111:,29
brown and blue. Sale price
4 dozen boys' all- wool Sweaters,
Sizes 3 to 6 years, regular soc.
Clearing sale price 25c
5 deizen suits boys' Underwear, mix-
ed wool, regular value 65c. Sale
price per garment 43c
15 only men's black cloth.Overcoats,
regular values $8.00. Sale price
to clear 13.93
25 men's black all -wool me 1ton
Overcoats, regular values $to oo.
Sale price each only 14.95
5o men's fine black beaver Over-
coats. regular values $12.00,
$14.00 and $15.00, put into one
lot. Your choice each only 59.85
iso men's Suits of cloth, including
serges, worsteds and imported
tweeds, or choice of any suit in
the store values up to $22.00
Clearing's:de price 112-93
15 men's Suits. Clearing p e r
suit 54.95
iso pairs men's heavy black denim
Overalls, made of heavy 8 -ounce
goods, with and without bibs, all
izes, regular value in any store
Si.00. Our sale price per pair 79C
to dozen men's fleece -lined Shirts,
all sizes, regular prices soc. Sale
price each • 35c
75 pairs men's velour calf Boots,
good comfortable. lasts, sizes 6
to sold regularly for $3.5o.
Sale twice per pair--
values soc and 6oc. Sale price
)arris bla‘k Taffeta Silk, guar
Antee stamped in everv yard.
1 Cameron'S Departmental Store
kil0.111111/111111110111111111111M 41118/1111111111.1111111111411110,
A masting el the Rine Club is to be
held toenenrow night at Herb. Knox's.
MM. Hallinstra, of Buffalo. is visit -
lug bees with bee mother, Mrs. °o -
Mtn fliewah Irwin is visiting her sis-
Tbsehipments teem the Weal stenos
on Satamday irminded hones, mins
and sheep.
Miss Sean returned to Taranto on
tilliendsoadaybere.after a two woke vigil with
Miss Jenkins. of Clinton, is visiting
ahersborteketsetium, Mrs. Joe. Washington. foe
The members of the tool L. 0. L. in-
tend to have a supper in tbe Orange
Hall tomorrow
John Henry has sold hie farm on
the Ms crescaseion of Mullett to
Walter Cuaninethant.
Robert I. Sprung bad the misfor-
tune to lops one of the cattle which be
brought Naar -Manitoba.
Miss Ruby Young entertained a few
of bee friends in the village at her
home last Wednesday evening.
The debate, inteoded to be 'riven in
the Epworth Leone) next 'Tuesday
ritwierheektzbas been postponed for a few
Miss May Denstedt left on Monday
for a week's visit with bee mister, Mrs.
Streusels, and other friends near
We are pleased to be able to state
that little -Harry Sturdy has almost
recovered from tbe mevere- attack of
cold he had last week.
Rev. W. H. Talk., of Varna, will
take charge of the educationel anni-
versary setyice in the Methodist
church on Sunday morning.
R I. Sprung ia holding another sale
of Manitoba cattle here this afternoon.
There are forty heed in the rot. , T.
Gundry will wield the hammer.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was observed tbe Presbytenan
church last, Sabbath. ' There was an
additicon of three to the membership
of the church.
Rev. R. A. Miner will pteach
sioaary orisons on the Varna circuit
oext Sunday. Mrs. Miller will accom-
pany tier home being in that
Mrs. Lawlor intends moving to the
village shortly. to tbe house she pur-
chased from Mrs. William YungbInt.
She has rented her farm to ber son
Sandford, who intend@ moving there-
on as moo as his mother leaves.
The telephone construction business
has cloo down for tbe present,
owing to the beige queenly id seow.
If the snow coutinues comidg as at
present operations will no doubt begin
again. as the men will not require to
climb the poles front tbe tops of the
snowdrifts they will be able to put the
wires in poeitton. '
re: the (lionising accident which be-
fell Wilfrid Armstrong in Goderich on
Saturday reached here Ssturdey
night. Though sad on account cit nut
serious consequences attending it, his
many friends here were glad that be
came off as well as he did. We hope
his recovery will be speedy.
MISSION SUNDAY. -The last of what
has peoved to be a yen, interesting
and helpful series of studies was held
Naylor on Moaday night by the teem -
hers of the mission study class of
the Epwortit League. Duriog the
term the biographies of a number of
"Servants of the King" have been
taken up.
A Happy Aminvenery Celebration in
Sassy Catatonia.
As already noted in The Signal,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Writaht, of Berke-
ley, California, celebrated their golden
wedding on December 27th. Mr.
Wright is N. brother of J. J. Wright, of
6-oder:ch. and Mrs. ,Wright (Memoir
Morris Mellows) is a sister of R. R.
Mallows. a town. The Oakland
Wald.) Tribune has the follovring
Mr. and Kra Jonathan G. Wright
celebrated tbe golden jubilee of their
wedded life at their home in Berkeley
yesterday by keeping open house. sod
a great many a their Mends called
during the day to pay their respects.
It was • most enjoyable event and the
host aad hostess were radiantly
as they received the casemate
of their guests.
Mr. and Mee. Wright have" lived kr
Berkeley for thirty-five years. and ere
well known to the community tor
their high character. untiring energy.
business abilit aqd upright dealings
in all the s of Me. That they
have achieved an independent oast -
potency is cages a trtig with air
their essocistes. and thordore their
home wee Guessed with their fellow-
townossen, Mho were glad to do them
In the rearing • family reunion was
held, to white some friends and rela-
tives were lavited. After a most
sumptuous repast bad been served
there was & interchange a
mitleseet. Wells Drury was the
toastmaster. eggnog the greetinsp of
the company to their hostel in them
lidge's Melte to then pod Wriskt•
VW Ms 7 Id Leen Its drestent
lleEplatied In teas ear mold gm=
redeem Seats, nes dose. do ne weld,
Quoting Imes Goiden Wed-
1 ding." by David Gra,. the tautness.
1 .er 'VIVO korynote foe be even-
eller a• of old.
whet WOW ..r
411: habenr;r4'
ma "award oink • -4ader
Ube door !Mats&
pew! Seileste tjea worse
El. end 11. I. Wright retitle, some of
the tater.atess tweets 11 thee lis
own+ th. epee& tea wit.) woo wipe
mad ieferences fames
Gears.* Goole,. T Mayhey, Charles
host and beatese of tevening
were held by, the people of Berke -
unseal *elections included
"Jobs Anderson. My Jo Joho."
• Tits& Among the Gold," "Auld
Lang yee," "Home, Sweet Home,"
and other choice wogs of the soul.
lhe San Francisco Star, referring to
the event, says : "Mr. Wright is a
n ative of Bury St. Mountie, England,
born in 1887. He went to Caned& in
1852. le le121 Mr. aad Mrs. Wright
moved to the United States. and in
18/5 made their way to California.
They located in Berkeley in le77. and
io that year Mr. Wright established
there the Golden Sheaf Hake y. which
from the beginniog was succendul.
He sold the hakery in 1907, and the
same year. in company with his Una -
Hy, visited the scenes of his nativity.
After asev3o months' tour of Europa
be retunsed to Berkeley. That, trip
was worth a life of toil,' said Mr.
Wright in expressing bia gratifies.
"Mr. Wright is well known as a
thoroughoroing Single Taxer. a de-
voted disciple of Henry George. the
We are now ready
to take care of all
ellery repairs. Those
watch, clock and jew-
pairs here will find
unusual facilities and
who being theit re -
Our work is all fully
unsurpassed s.k 1 1.
Walter H. Harrison
Fresh, Pure and Good
Table Figs
Cooking Figs
Bulk nod Pnel..ig•
Dried Peaches
Dried Apricots
Dried Prunes
Dried Apples
ill kind,
Pure Clover Honey
Jellies, etc.
and -fresh Rpm
Opera House Block
'Phone 154 Kiegstoe Street
Prophet of San Francisco. Although
and Optician retired from business Mr. ‘Vright. re-
/ On the Square, (;(„lei.i,.h. . i tbe future qf that city. Mr. and Mrs.
tains extensive interests in tiled estate
in Berkeley. having implicit faith in
MID 3 1 Wright ere highly oteemed by
sea 1 huge circle of friends."
Watchtnaker. Jeweller
IIn order to make room for out.
new spebsg stook we are clearing
durieg this snooth many lines.
at One-half Off
Sa le
Vire oompletn Saglieh Were
Dinner Sees. regebie 821.00.
Clouriss s. 11118.1113.
A number of odd pieces ot
Chhsa. eisielair at one-half off
Wail Paperq
This is a splendid chance to
get 'goo& pager* away down
below usamdacturer's costs.
TbeColosial Book Store
Winter Suitings
A lbw seised= of
ersesisse seeds at
weer MUM •
Talliesise In
° Interest in the big sale increases as the days and weeks go by. Stock.4nter-
ing day is less than ten days ahead. Our anxiety to get winter stocks' down as
near the vanishing paint as possible is shown by the genuine bargains you will
find all over the store. In the basement, on the ground floor and upstairs. you
will find them -bargains plainly stamped "genuine -that appeal to careful and
thrifty buyers. ,
High Quality White Quilts
At January Sale Prices
These Quilts are slightly soiled. That is the reason for t he big
price reductions. A trip to the laundry and they will tte .8 good es_
ever. Most of them real goad qualities. Your thence for the big-
gest kind of a bargain. All the proditct of one of the hest quilt
manufacturers in England. Here is the list :
4 Quilts, regular 112.50, January Sale.. 1.09
5 Quilte. regular 81.00 and $4.M, Jen. Sale .99
2 Quilts, regular 116.75, Jenuary Sale 19
A January Blanket Extra
Ten pairs fine Canadian wool Blankets. A little. cotton
woven with the wool. Soft. lofty finish. GOOK inches.
A hummer for January selling. per pair only S2 78
A Clearance of Wool Gloves
Seventv-five pairs ladies' and children's knitted wool
Gloves. *Black, plain colors and fancy mixtures. Per 19c
Exceedingly LAW Prices
on Valendennes Lace insertions
We are making a deem sweep of the' stock. If you can use
Valenciennes Ineertion, line or coarse, wide or narrow, you can buy
it very, very cheap Dow :
Insertions up to 7c-2 rude for • . So
Good-bye to the
Last of the Millinery
A abort, sharp clear/ince of the lot rd the
Millinery commences Saturday Mies Reynolds
goes for her holidays January Illat sod must leave
AO empty shoserman behind. This is how we will
clear the balance, commencing Saturday :
Fifteen only chiidren'te and mimes' trimmed
Hass, all new shiapas and good trimmings.
regular SEM to "LK January Sale 98t
each only
Any Lady's Trimmed Hat 11.43
Your choice of any trimmed Hat in On.
showroom fot• 1111.48 if you come before .1snu-
ary is over. Not one reeler -red. 411 new. .411
good styles and well ti blamed. No emote.
what the former price. %Mildew si 45
Ilex week each only
Shapes 69C
'au,' what itk tonne price, and • e. .
Save in
About 75 end, of linen nob
Towelling. plain oc with red
holders. an linen: heavy weight*.
len/obit of 1 to 8 yards. All
very much under real value.
10 or 15 ends straw Mee-
ting, Sie to 35e polities.
Lengtibe 1 to 10 yards. Foe
Jeauary Sale. ckariag .1.5c
at per yard
Ten ends wool. elnion an..
hemp Carpet. tongsne t.
than regular plies&
100 Wings at 21c
Choice of over NO Wins sad fancy NW
ers. Dosens Misread kiwis.
50* to 81.50. Saturday reiry et,
Extraordinary Values
in Furs and Fur Costs
Fears and Fur Goats are ..wreseet ,se, Lew
remarkebly low prime. If TOW tbeaga4
" Fur -Polies the ireer w• Ink make
PolY 7uu to buy nowt sad now. Ths. wanes ow ar
orioles make I he Irirrifis of n Fut • ;•07-11817 .^1111/.
natant .
Adis,' furened Coats ash umsh 11114.Z
sales' shoo tic seal sod sateraehee ',006`
done kV, Lenti• MOM Seery arum*
.Amat thlr ;ton visit I1 1‘71r
44104 4 "'Wk., loll good Pees, and good