The Signal, 1911-1-19, Page 7Xew� of the 9istriet ens laawle Tlegapeso.4 t/s siorts, Otte has bailee r MSO over, 8. 6,. f.r MIR smooths. hoe retanmed booms gsod Kra Lassa J. Smith aed ram Oelonakme Manitoba. sr, ••i Mesa fa Moans township. has.- earl' wian_ ham boar. .xs the the Modules Beak at Bed. ort. by !sols t<soderved to Ttor- eto. __ J. K. asbool,has appointed so •„Wfc iata0t d of for of ant. London •ity schools. issuer Masgpove. eM dotasevaiet, ttl.w.tuobs, is vieitleg old friends is t3r.y sad T rsbrrry towssbips after .e *Demos et thirty years Ww. Ohaaisswoith has disposed of feria se ilg.odvi is is Jams. Sorry. The Ment 000teise At1? @ares .od the ptlwhesa pries was N.70o. I'be 10040io been owned Jerry t 111. 1110011ssiou 14 pie � p+tebaasd b 1.ev1 ora• ...her. Theprles pest was 1101`100. Roy East. who has bees es the staff at the Royal Bask ea Qistoo for the pact two sad a.bit_N - rare, bee bona t rendered to the 11Mochess braosb. ser e. few days' illness 0f pawns bones. Mary Jaime Orrier, wife of robs t. d Te skerry• passed tws7 OW . Rik *Osie 9be wee io aw thirty ytler. unmaking bap needs • *atone ,ask le Twee Wei osipbburIsgg dohs 'MVO been ignited to seine asst portl- iest* M friendly griefs. The Korean fern of Wm. •..bnoek. Ila the lapin ,•.recemdoe tat ti/vy, bas been sold to Jobe W. Me- ga , wine will get pasiessioe Ie the ler. 8ebnock may r•ewlove to se. C. .1. Thoraces, t( Wioshaai. Iles mid his pump and wtedsM business to iOdgar Patient of Brat Wawa nosh. Mt. Tborston purposes miaow iris hie lewdly to Oalib.rni,. in the near:mals@. A natio bslosgtagfar� t�,w+ria ot }meads, was mseide sMy dam- aged - bbyy its ase moratag last week. A sport in seow sciage that has hese deposited in the Weide le the wpline*d canoe of rho hlsa•. The death of Xis Assam Wilms oc`' cured an. the hoses sif her brother. Murray Wilmot loth •,oneeseios of Tar.herry. os Teseday. Jart.ry PPllh, after an illness of ova two years. She was fifty -Mee years of ago. Min Stena 1lresory .1 Raters., has been engaged as teacher of BeglWf in Obathanf Collegiate institute at a salary of 51,1100 a year hies Gregory is wen knows to this musty and bee n reputation as as esedeSt teacher. I.. Foetus «nese, 0r the Huron road east of 8e afert soss _odd two hos a t few days ago fee cue of ibe .m animals was odes four years old 11141 she other welt nets t three., inmost (Jarasehsi, ref ersseith. was the poreiseer. Ise. W. 1 @,censer well-known r -Odom. d died in Toros- , o last week as a reedit at falling from third -tory window at hie boarding - amide. While Krieg la Wine:barn be Ind hewn eogagd is the (arringe- uiWing bedews. bat Mfr 'seat t own ver t twenty yahoo ago. A yii 5L wedding was •+eiehrwt nl o0 holiday evening. Jo/teary 5th. at ,br bio, of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thiel, /uirich. whew their Moo daughter. • Nies Rol was united se marriage , Herbertfled. of the ne.bet. Hoe. { tt ► Zurich. Rev 0 C. 1. Mates. itastoz of the Latbewmn ahur•th, oAl idled. 'tee home of Mr' and Mgr. t1' le. S. than. of Po dwish, was the seers* of • •r' pretty weillisgoe Tuesday, Jao- easy 10th. when Let Rather Ann *Ahern. of P'.rdwieb. shod Gen. A. Williamson, of Gilbert Plans. Man., ••r• ,acetal is hot esatrliess} . Tb. •remooy p.elor iwl en lies. R. OeY • Kindlier. o Gerrie. '.v, Bart , d ser Lood.INiuew, has • sup ot Bast and West Glends pub- i.bed an New Yost to 1806. that of halt a osetwry has bsss,"ta pusses 1 the family. 11 la timeworn ••H reamed, but dear aid distinct, mimic* the map .skates le 'bole ern days did good work &waved is hotwo. as le Otiei on, Oodsrieb. Port .Ober' Brumfield, Hey P 0. and tfarptub yt, hot Sestortb. Illsster, Ri.'rb .sis4 Wiigbaarrt Linde@. art Ise a •,• r gradient : n. Las. Mrs. Heslhsi, d (.:ra..rook. rite death of Mrs. George Hu.thor. 'rsobetok, moored on Friday. Atb nn after an Mess, srsteadino over M` smooths bees hew( failure She al•' to here $y♦eeeid year ibe es. married la VIM u. Hnryer, win eserives with a rer •' "•.or sone mod thew dasgbtars their Irifty-Aldi As/simmer, `tr sail Kra. RANK Mastrril. tents of the Bluevsls raa3. near Wiese 'tam. celebrated the fW y�Iftb snt- 'nosey of tide searridse last week. N t and Mrs. M.zu ll ani nether of tuoitriosohhilkdosilmail,andbanebeen eaident. of Huss misty sloee the sae i&h'*O. Beta age sa g •1104' • health for people & W' sr electo al Addis's Para replay Kataan t Amide McAuley ,a. porattaind A 100•esere farm neer 'araIDOW01, to the tewssblp of Ash - 1.14. Toasts�� y iemown MO the °Ic • haat Cann. *54 ors abs prsnttw barn. stets bothe and sit .n'es of maple boob. Mr McAuley 'ai4 Kanter the property This eed to be a gestin. bargain. 'As MsAaiy. wbs hes boo tee ears Oahnsetarrive 'nuts on Aprilclimate 1St ke take ce rt. Repute rna, Je.ksso, of 8t. Thont.s. of Muster, wine tnarrt.d u Ib termer city es January Mk to Ills f a .add New Tosiottk. ' frw o wase proses. oe the resafdes alis 1M was replete with the liht- darUve *@torr@ o1 tits Jewish ism- was steeW codas sad hietorle Moe& now tires with many of the eseinnew ref 1be seders tkamdlaa wean_ lege seise " dr. Moo Marsdn e, .t1 l�eans, was "won the parse& amities. Dian •t iLace. Seatergoliellpee &tett took pima. et oe tbsu7th lost wham bre. Beery L unbrooks was called away. aged selnoty-sin year. lbs bad re. @red that evening in ber what health but Wore Jido[ght .he bad sxpited. Yee. lambr•ooke was burojat Kingston, and at the age of twelve years moved with hese permits u, London township and Meer re Hal 8be was married to bar now sorrowing husband flit y- ilve ))ears ego mad since had I •seeded at Exeter. A minify of one on sad a da.rghter is left to mourn her. A Pretty Wedding at Ethel. Tbs home of Mrr. Martha Spence, of Babel. was the soeoe of a very pretty wedding on Wedus day, .ranu- ary nth, when ber daughter, Miss Dania was united i0 marriage to George Kreuter, has dware merchant of that village. Rey. D. R. McRae was the officiating cies ywan. The bride was given away b bt,r brother -iii -Law, Joseph Hemswortb. while Lobengrtn'@ wedding march was rendered by Mise Alloy H.irisworth. Mettle Heme wortb, little niece of the hridc, acted as Rower.ghI. Mr. and Mrs. Kreuter lett abs nest mowing on • wedding trip to Bann a.od other p•dota and on their return will take up their rest. dance in Etbe'. Thea, E. }Medford Rearing. Tilos. E. Bsmdford, of Exeter, !vee has paid out nearly 1111.000,00U for borsesduring I bepate. twelve years, bas decided to retire frons business. He has earned the rep*tation of being one of the leading and best-known bodie !pryers in Wastrel Onta•:o. Mr. Ha'ndfotd started baiutss at Exeter in May, INK and up to O;toher 12t1), 1910, ever 7,000 booms bad passed through tis bands, fur which he paid about 1191115.000. He has ban0led Duly the- tie.t clans of horses, and he Ira• foee q.tently sent borne* w the Winnipeg exhibition, where the,- were nw•rdeJ high !wises. The prices paid have ranged from 505) to OW a ajar,. During the page year Mr. Handford'• health has failed and he has decided to t eke • wen -earned rest. Tae Passenger an Early Settler. t tot. of the Mat settlers in the vicin- ity of Seaford*, in the person of Mr.. John Tbompaoo, died at her home on the :ird conte scion of McKillop on Prirlay. Mh dist. She wait in her re8- eatty-Heventh year. The late Mrs. Thompson was horn in Ireland and when seven fawn+ of sae she com- menced the journey to Canada with her pareeta. H e r father, Luke Brauer. "died of fern on the trip aen►w Mod Mrs. Beattie wee after- wards married to Mr. Stein. The family was a long the first settlers of McKillop township. Nearly sixty years ago the subject of this notice was wedded to .1obn Thumpeon, who Fwwdeoreu d her twenty years. Her death is mourned by a family id Waren ebiIdren; oven eons ami four daiwwhtere A Nervy Thai at Wiugbam. A =batt, stout, inidd4e-aged moan, with ebubby cheeks, straight rtlack hair, and a short, dark mouetaebe, wbt, registered at. the Brunswick Hotel. Wit/wham. the other day e*bibiterl a goal deal of terve by going through the botels and atealteg what, -vet he tbougbt wog worth while in money or jewel- lers. The mane mite ,tole sev- eral articil•t• from the Brunswick * year ago, nu he was carefully watched tbere this time, and did not succeed in getting aoytiing, but be did get quite a sum of mooey and some valu• able jeweller from the National.' During the day he wee around the Morse advocating parcel delivery. but be didn't do soy buuoew in that line. The local po1ire are in search of bins, but so far have got no clue to his whereabouts. Terrible Accident at Dashwood. Willie Bender, the seven -ear -old .urs of Jobe Bender, who reside. • toile west of lisabwood, was terribly injured on Thursday, 6th int... es a result of being kicked by • bora. ?here i. 3* dight temper of his remover) . Thw1 bo) had stayed by oe from school ow- ing to the deep .00w, sod when his father went to he barn to Inok of t er the stock he accompanied bine la p1ayang ghoul he gnr ton dose to • fossa. ',bleb kicked him full 1:t the for.Need. T?..• ♦mull was ix,supteod. cawed in end ',resettled a terrible ap- pearwnme. It.. 31cLeughtin of ikea- wood raw at once *bat the tame we - serious one and bye tbe. boy .taken to , 84. Joseph's hospital. I.ondon. where be ten operated upon and the broken boos end clotted mama of brain and ' blood removed. The little fellow newer lest .Imoecioueore.. ann be ' is said U, have a dight tshaocr Of 1 recovery, unhaslromplleasirt -et' In DISTR13891MG HHADALH es. Meadacbd• ore lama,, dirofdervd kidneys. 4/ FI Thomas One. Myo "I nifleted for adbe, of r most die Lb. temit tt Mrs. Hall o. t. ,trOftt, J, , years with bead treseig nature Tbe'. would conte • n wrddflorwly, and woold last for day, at •tines'rarer were u•uelly @swum panted h. spells .4 elisaiese that would tea, one ,testes ' • l tood dot hove du the heck wean weak sad dau.ed ms smelt sneering n throne,'bwt sod ,titer an o r grata, hot all to wo @••ail Roth. Ing hoes -Med O• lend sty •»n ditWoO wasgradual!) ...anis ....ter i )edreed ei Booth. Eider., MIN. One boy gain we a complete ere, ,set leg eon I bat. nit set k Da had NeedM nc oe diamy .pet • amM person Booth's Kidney fills so ar.ld is sit deiaartots. resod gins money under they all to ntee to y 7 relieve any disease baying Its origin in the k Js, or bladder Postpaid frost Oet T. and guaranteedr by B. Di Wight north aids oil Brew THE ci1GNA Death or . T,ckerwmtb Readapt Death dimmed one mote on tba dui last. wbeo Prank ileum. 01 Tucker sotitb paned sway at the mage u1 forty ears. O(tr month sod toreuty day@ Mr Plewa@ bed bees @offering front la I grip and a severe ooid which devel- oPud tote pneumonia. with fatal re ; sults Deceased was born os Use farm on whicb be died About leo eat'@ age, he was married Le Mise Charlotte t,arer who with one daughter it t.ft to wourn out demise. The earners Bask at Daabwoo0 1be Drab wood correspondent of The Rioter Ilan* ba. this to say about the defunct Farmers Bank The Ferment Hank of this place b..d $118,021.81 0o deposit belmging to the farrier" of tbf. neighborhood and moony reeideots of the village. It was the a/1 of many of the small d-po.itora and the savings of years of uot a few ul the batik 'sctstumera. The depilate at this branch exessd the deposit of any of tbenther braoehee by over *25,• OfeI. The Late trey. Alfred Geiger. Hy the death ut Kev. Alfred t;.iger, the Evangelical cbur•cb loses one of Its most premising young ministers. The dee?asied, who wars In bis thirty. evens' ye ,r. was a native "t Hay btwn-hli., Newt( a son of Mr. and Mrs. Morn 0 iter, of the Bronson line, For a number of years he bad been staltoued et Pemb,oke as pastor 01 the Evangelical cbtt,cb. His 'sat ill - O 055 wag a brief uoe. ea it web just about a week before his death that he sea" stricken .with appeudicitis. An 0pera'lot' wag perforate 1 immediately and after reviving frou the effects of it be suddenly sank, pawing away on Sunday, 8th inst.. He leaves bis widow And two smell child, en to mourn his ea, ly demise. Death of H. N. McTaggart. Oo Sunday, 8th inst.. H. N. Mc'rag. part, postmaster nt Cbieelburst for twenty-five years, purged away et the home of his daugl•t r, io Uaborne township. Mr. Mc_Ttggart was born near Belleville seventy -right years agp. His ancestors were Milted R.e- p•re Loysli.te. He came to Huron county in 1840 and fora yutrier of a 0005 UF)' wait ppoti..ttrnwaagstteer and general arecehant at Cbwlbur.t. He buffered • paralytic stroke over tan yeah ago and bad since lived retired. A second stroke about two 'soothe ago proved fatal. He is survived by one son, W. O. McTaggart, K A.. or Toronto. and three daughters : Mrs. T. Byre. of De- troit : Mrs. H. McDonald, of Heiman, and Mrs. F. Rve►,nan, of l'shorne. MOTMMRS ! 0 Preserve Your Children's Hair. Every norther should see that her children's Bair is dressed with Parisian Sage. the wonderful hair restorer and germicide. A little neglect on your part, now nsay mean much Less of beauty when your girl grows up.' PHgt•13NTIoN BR'rr R.t MAN CunR. I'ari.ian Boge is n rigidly guaran- teed hair restorer and cures en • scalp diseases, prevents hair atom falling out and creates A rich luxuriant growth of hair, a glory to woman and the pride of man. A pteaaant hair dresesing-ladiee like it, and your druggist, K. R. Wigle, guarantees every bottle that he sells at 5iic. and stand,' ready to refund y ser money if it fails to an its work. By mail postpaid from Giroux Mann - lecturing Co., Fort Erie, Ont. See that the girl with the auburn hair is ors eseb package. Hold and gueraa- teed by E. }t. Wigle. north side of Square. The Canal Proposition. Hamilton Times discusses the Gillies canal proposition in ant editor- ial article, as follows : • Of the projecting of canals, like the making of books, tbere seems to be no end. A Tacoma man named A. P. (Mlles ih now to the fore with a little scheme to abort -circuit traffic by cut- ting a canal from (Jodericb to Hamil- ton. and thus diverting traffic acro.. the peninsula about 100 miles. leaving the Lower end of Lake Hurou, the 8t. Clair. the Detroit River, Lake Erie and the Welland Genial tsar the route Of tbrnugh traffic The. scheme is an ambitious one, sod is u, be talked only ,n large flouters. 8. -id... such a p.•,'. )ect the . nlerii.d rod deepeuen ran•.I ill a trivial tn•t,er. The company 'spoken of as p' .jectio. the Retina - yid. it if soder l.•" +, give the Uana- diao Oovrnment ant op ion to alts au enterer is the rntetpr..e ; but ,f the t i.tv,•rnment Meths coldly ,iron it the company wilt take hold of it itself. A Rimier et ,.tie propoted scheme and the country which i•. .Recta will serve tt iwpra.s the reader with the vastness of ftacharacter. Lake Hunan is at a level of 581 feet ahuve the sea. Lake gtic u 9fetet lower, while trek. t)oterio i. 984leet helow lake Brie. in approximately 100 miler this great change t'f level would have to be over- come That in itself would ile merely • matte, of lock. and ,none}y• -, assuming that neeees.ry canal feeder@ aro available. 't'h. differeness in laud I•vela, bowevn.. onstitute „ veer use- iou• ,lateen tot's -rich is on • , high ground 751.11 feet shot sett level 'l be sap nt from take level a, the mouth d res. Al •jtland River would be sharp; 'deb arse nountry there ere DO +n uilittaluk w*ter•wey.. ti nigh. rt,t Ibe most prat I, A. On altitude of MO fent is macaw Guelph the altitude le :. haft) tee ilastlton'• bvigh, ahoy see -level Slut leaf Obviously the task of building aueb canal le not A n oel l nip_ There ts to he ')fleet &gaines 'bat cost • aavtng r4 twn- thirds the distance ' • he traversed by the preset. lake. .• en and !anal roots. ant! . passible wrong ns •x pending a sense amount of resines on the. clod erieb-H.miRoe whom, in stow of or, a new Wellaort anal Nr rilllie. too' '•• ash 'o interest the leovernntent to hie g seat scheme Bot it will he nesemary lot him to i.e armed with facts to prove it. pra.•tisna- *4Utt +r. a heirlooms prtpo.ir loo More neer hi. •alentatinns n1 bugs rev mat Iran• eoWrt development along the canal most lee ha.sd alum s INK plea from the renal feeds' .yetwse t es a renal below water level of Lake Heron i• hardlyto be thought on, sod it is joie pn.hle abet hie .xpeete. alert@ In that regard wrmW peeve es- emelve. But let bias present big ease and receive a what bear log. r GUDERICti, ONT 1O (lEN[7 CLEARING1$ALE UARY 141h Ti*umr.ua 1 , J &swear Iv. 111 1117 Commencing Next ' SATURDAY, OUR •MID -WINTER SALE HASAL- . :- BECOME AN ANNUAL. EVENT 72:: •' w We have planned this Clearing Sale on a broader and larger scale than ever before and have perpau1Al a list of many money -saving attractions which should appeal to the shrewdest buyer and make businek} 'hum during this Sale. It you have a dollar to spend for anything in General Dry Goods, Hoots and Shoes,'- ber and Felt Goods, Staple and Fancy Crockery, it will be to your interest to, spend it here. Read caretiiily and note the comparisons in the list of ,..- goods we have here prepared : Ladies' Furs We have on hand an extra stock of these goods which comprises many of the new- est and most popular styles in Scarfs, Stoles, Ruffs, Ties and Caperines made from mink, marmot, sable, Isa- bella opossum, natural opos- sum, electric seal, etc. We do not want to carry any of these goods over if possible and have marked them at such prices as will make 'quick selling. If you are in want of anything in these lines it will be to your iuterest to in- pect thesse goods. - sale Reg. 7 yawls Week or colored Gress Goods at 80c..$2.7J $4.2) 10 yards English Print, at 10e 1.00 1.2S }Aids Hbirtiug, best utility, at 13.-......... 01 1.19 2-pieee Ciente' Underwear at 39e. 78 1.00 pair Tweed Pants .. ... . 1.00 1.75 24 yards Linen Tabling at S0c 00 1.60 1 lady's Sweater Coat 1.50 2.25 5 p..unda black or Ceylon green Tea at Y:c 1.10 1.60 510.4.00 14.44 SHOWING A So SAVING O F 4.64 to each one who buys $10.00 worth of goods at our Genuine Clearing Sale. We claim the above list is a fair, and 'honest average of what •you will save on any article bought here during this big Sale.. STARTLING t'KICEef; IN Boots, Shoes, Felt and Rubber Goods N.,. the fullowiog price. i.. these seasonable goods : Reg. Stile Melt's lice Cawihmet•ette, 4 - buckle Overshoes+ 128.25 *2.55 Men's heavy felt -lined. 4 - buckle Ovr.-shoes. ..5.00 2 49 Men's i.urabermen's Rubbers, 2 -buckle. first quality ....2.60 t-90 Men'. Lumberenee's Rubbers, with solid heel .. , 2.76 2.15 Women's Croquet Rubbers... (frim 441c Wornen'e black felt Slippers with solid felt Notes , ... 86c 413*: Women's brpwn felt Slippers with leather notes ... 00e 46e . Wotton'@ black felt Slippers, with fry top. 1.15 MSc 1Vousen's felt, lace Shoos, with leather Nukes end fatting1.:iS Bak We beg to remind you that the above list forrrss only a small part of the many special bargains we have to offer during this Clearing Sale and would suggest that you come early and often. Sale Commences SATURDAY, January 14th J. YOUNG Vs" TERMS: PRODUCE OR CASH GENERAL MERCHANT DUNGANNON Free to Stock and Poultry raisers We will seed, absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large thirty -two-page b oldets on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also bur to keep and feed poultry So that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer. No fanner should be without it. At a cost of ,ply two-thirds of. n rant n day per. Aamekl, Hoy a1 i'urpte Stock Specific makes each Animal worth 26 per cent. more. You never heard of any Alter spectre. or "Stock Food." Mian likewise. itoyal Purple will permanently ,;ore the Rota, Colk, Worms. Skin nissMe. and Ixbtlity, and restore run - 'Iowa Animals. • o phseptems rad vigor. It will ,acreisee •*t milk -yield three to eve pounds pet cow a day aside of from two to threw weeks. It, maks' the milk -idler tams eve, halon:. , MR. ANDREW WEORJCH, of Walnlle•.•., Ont., says : "Thar is to certify tha' 1 nave triad your Royal Purple Stor:l. .Specter for taro weeks. on raw caw. On 'Ise 18th I. weighed he milk as 17 pounds. T noticed a clumps alter or ti days. as there wak as e.trs weight of milk. t,a the 9915. 1 carendly weighed the milk, and .he gave 22 poasde. 1 em giving an order tut boss. as 1 curtsies, is the best i Soy^ cryo- N•p•'t ' 4toek Food" will sot it 'h4. 9@C..ta "Stock Food" is 'rhinos Wort o leas thea + mixture 05 ,be things which yin, yourself. grow nn you, .)sem /area. 7t it not more food you Animal, need. They nue, have *meet hilts o help +heir bodies get. all '.ow. 0o5rilolio en.. from the hod '.hey ate (atoms sic 'bat obey velli fatten. end stay 1s.. MI ; h. mea• 'rouser. '+•hey leen •rnasethhit •,. „•vvn rise@@•„ to cure dioses, and • . keel, '40* rest r 'waleall time •.im Nota Stock Pond ivy. •'nano • int . 'Stock Y t,... .. • a 'medicine '• a onditloat dos n0• ° omits, . to nor h .'roduc.- •.• ins nt.afr 'Dep .t +re. ,tM ,aIa., •v. al/ r.I su,i Raga .mph do.. +0• t1) •'0 ^ts•er'riwy -sloe wager* tie Anista '•l tea • .• a.y'hwr It re' maw.,. 14 • y • t e'uri. stake/ water•tt, .ht. A•imd• e• and heavy. .tort it buil& lip the health ..d res Lorna the former plumpness and vigor of rundown stock, in little or no time. The very best time to use this Con- ditioner is Now. It digce•tr the hard food properly and 'prevents the animals get- ting indigestion or losing flesh. 50 mer tent.. Cheaper Oise SO -oast Package of Royal Purple w111 lest one Animal 70 days. This figures, a little over two-thirds of ■ eww. per day. Most "`lock roods" in 60 -cant Pack- .g.s last but .30 days, and are given t„re, three a day. Rut Royal Purple Specific it. given Only owe of day, sold last. 60 per cent. longer. t A $1.50 I'•il, containing four alma» •be amount ,,f 'co SO -tent Package, tat..s 280 days.) '40. you se,. r. 1, Daly ttreeeary togrte 1t0ya1 Purpk• Specific once encs day. .rset think of making each .11,Imc,t. worth 25 per cent. oh, its cost I what will •h•' teem ',• y0•., M' . •: tock (,woe, ' It makes the liens lav 1 451 In Winter aa well- as in the Summer. MICR. 0Y. R1./1t' 13AM, Hanford, Ont., nays : "Dear `tire,-•1.4•ie Is to certify that I have used toe, boxes of your Poultry specific for my hem". They laid no wen while feeding it to them. 1 Won- dered if you would Mind sending Sue word how or viers I could tet some this .,inter. i bought It from your ag•-nt Inst 'winter. I had 82 hen.. and some .Jays I got two doyen eggs a day in February and March. while hit -ding them .use Sptc16c." Itoysl Purple Poultry Sp, -df=. prevente fowls losing flesh at moulting time. and psrseawt.ly cure. every poultry disease. It mak., their plumage bright end keep" them always in prime rondltion It mske, your poultry worth morn than they anti ever he-+ritl.oirt It - Yet one 60 -cent Peekag.. - will ...se 26 Hens 70 days. Or s 51.0) Pail will de 23 Hens 280 .fey.. 'ens. in four $.UOtg@ more matte -int a• ted:7 tl'r.- t1.oe. ahs oar, 1 STOCK It.ya 5 1rpl. l:,•d, tad Mips mature tr• etatet an,: • . ins Seel, sad mufti.% is a Hog feltemwr, 11^^.1 i'' teal. Ncv�r Off Feed. .e *sews'. tin. c.-* . t:r•mtl_. 111 •segs'• rflier 'in•.•. titer, wheat - ' . "Misr •frw•.: 'hal IMO ries aa.• ten ..a .tans, 45. ho. eneaa. gawk 0'5.5.5 Cells C11eck tr grtlsg one MQ• we' of say Now 90! ad 11100. rat 1 *saner of ,'Awa•, a * •a. .seas days/ Peres •o•7 • limo. •• r r •0" •" . For POInibry . • +, p, .'err 'ape ,... • UM, •parte• , , • M• r n+.5.'. is ...,ea W. A. j I *NKlNd Royal Purple Stock and Poultry 0,,r w„t ARO POULTRY SPECIFICS Make This Teat fleury oufwe of It .yal 1 urpl. ., a )ueitr'r bpac*I', 5, gear*OII•d. to prove t e• Rums: Putiple jlsaa n , •.teal. W. want y•rt tis rieake teM-forst root Re;yal yuppie o, •t; ale el you- "AMMO ou-tl AMMO ter Mar wefts, Ass at ta- stwtls* flee feed say "tear 1ereeteit*u • r•) "tier An`at in is. ION,A emdetx•n naph pie•, . .. • pro . 11 .cite alradar , '.e , • Ise a -rt -..4. tall -•Mw , ;1 WI` usri . • a. av tlesseles e-eea• 'n waw to was wan - . Mt /' 'AIM t� I ,, • we •.. • +cab M beano ew twee ' as• Korai ,'OPO 4 M. men ftssissfla/er • the .1art.t t' ra. .'• n.,• Imo sew sear t5N" no re. lea 1-.. •00rth1111. •a• mea, renvail., (,a'.. Feb. A. '10. '1 -he w•. A. Je•kias Mfg. G.. i eapoa. Ont .; t:stieseea. -%'e hese SAM u@Mg 5sy•l Purple Poultry sad Stock Specific ler thus last tares weeks. .aa mew •y that re sult. are reoarkabie- •u. Herne the Stock Specific to two mllka•g eow; and that• hash mares ed 80 per rest. is their milk. Ilse Poultry results are wean more marked tido this. we have boat fen hens, taring age. When we commenced feeding. we were getting five and six egg' a day, and in the fiat Ove days the seme flock of hens laid 154) eggs, almost •n average of 31 each day, and those fives days have been the coldest this sister.. You can see roeelta Wsinly tto throe days after the use of '•R0r05 pie." sed LW poultry hat'- the aan,e hustle sad appearaaoe now as in the amt. mem time. with cows sed p.edtry, an. noting exactly the same aged and tare se t.efore startlig to feed "Royal Purple,' Whsu farmers and etockMen get •c. relearned with Royal Purple, it W111 h::•.. • greater deemed than all other tens. sad stock foods ca the market cassette, •t. Yours truly. ANDREW MICR'. Aog. 2e. 191 • 1t A Jenkins Mfg. co.. bowler. Os,.. 4sntlernem-Last Fail ere had 1e ■ ta.len • yousg stare belonging v Ws • Cleusnon, of Montreal. W. ronN e feed ber any bran on srrvua, of eawrn tl.aset wearing. r.nsegeeatly- resoles Is •• barony weak .ad this We cos .sseaeed sass your 110y40 rur>♦1. Ste• . 'pacific. .ad .he rosettes were Weesiere• 'ter vele, it tarps week.. e. Met.! • , eId feed 'be aafaN7 area of ase to tel wit•ow. rourtwg M -. sad • oilmen, ',sok os .• tide ale. • •..t t - orb of fiean. w • working he e sow 'sae • fee t n:oust tin. hats : ,..w•te*+ recommitted -eon start :spes TOS <14? t 'BALs r t . t✓ lt•r ' 4• . Ws ear m.ae1M. tare 'nary pesos tan 9. *Rye ramie fttMm ser Oral PO'* e - ..' 1 Jet,•. - It 4 ebr00e Gen. •'ye. 'NI CM. (amu w5 . ,•. •si @rel. . • r flan Mart awe w,+ nese& ..M ow* 41* eine** i w . were. 8a t • yore a• soseee, @sppts 0". • • Royal lt,nerae Swamis are stn asp. .• ,p0. -.atop a/ *1 34 • pen e • Ata It rev emelltry . .loth ,f -we wast •s. ldelm•st 601 (4e a • • bate% revere we *10 sad tt by wall. postpaid .pen reneges at galas OfdLE'CA. COMPAN V,, IAHIIMC) v, OKTAmmo specific.' and free booklets tan be obtained from A. I Cooper, Flour and Feed.