HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-19, Page 6^1,114, At,r he wean. Aden' Tr OUR' CCsba, wick ins :,ably i eg kind through ways 1 shout any- part he the Spirit of frena., .nod 1.18 juncture well in Met The Signal ft will keep` we do not g }rat gong t+ `L ECT(O Every yea complaints ' tions are hal. latter part, busiest people, at an %ween(Jinni taken tap to s gathering. at result is tint mut attenti, 'portion of . Various sur t the ole• weed to a , Vern bee 0r et that th '•I Janus., ht be pr went sh, the calends ocil should tett theme as 'night keep the r The Lenalat into eg}ys• to grow. icy than obi uI odWd es. Wide question hs bee of paps; NI The ord • The •a.t ' e an j .nth to et, .boned E DITosf ,:evet'•tir ear'. text Pf( tett old {ne lex ,ere a. fe... t .tet au t• op who demi Trpak .7' t al eta b the C li Estee tee rake, nut K two 6 •1i, J niali) le, Mil c - SIStVANT'S �Q Ely Geletr Rurgcss +orrlaat. 1010. or •.re naw nostee•ed Cr. an rags• ... ,.i LL 1 know of the affair 1s that Passe.... '1 bearding bau.e was, rot a while, said to be 'haunted that Helggs •eser(ed tbat be had seen and beard Pawevant after he disappeared. and that the Huteeleya tbought they ran over eom. ,• ,fly or eomething, tboogb no obstaele was Nand That ts, ft's all except (or Deigbton's astottnding ez• planation of It a11. Briggs and the Retch/eye no one could over anspeet of falsehood, bet 1 have often sus- pected Deighton of beta--w,U, call it a practical joker. It was s pretty ember subtect to Joke •boot, t•ut-there you :tre 1 pass It up. I bad known Paassvant, not top intimately, as tete of :hoer •rnateur professional ebaps---tbe sort of photograpber wbo 'falls himself an artist and gives eou washed out brown prints on several mats of neutral toned paper, and signs hes name with • aH pencil 1n one corner. He was tall and then and pale brown, not unlike one of tris own washed out sena prints. 1 always tboogbt be ought to be retouched and focussed. Hi had pale aloe pop -yea and a then Vandyke beard. Ton know the type. He photo- graphed women mostly, posed them 1n Cbinne err.- brolderles, snd•all that net of tbine. It was Briggs who first told me Passevant waa missing. I don't know who alae would ever have missed Passevant very much, but the two bad struck up some sort of friendship. founded, I think, upon the study of ants. Briggs' ants always bored me to death. He had a dosen or more little formlcarice with different species. and they were always emcapinq !nto his cupboard. The only fun about ants to te see them fight, but Briggs would nerer tight 111s: he only wsft•hed them Interminably through a big lens. I beppened to meet Briggs in the street one Mon- day-. and be told me that he was afraid something had happened to Passavant. The last any one had seen him was on Saturday afternoon, when one of his fellow boarders had gone into the studio. That was about four o'clock on April 1S. Paasevant waa fussing with his arc light, and had the lantern that bunghfrom tbe ceiling of the studio down on the floor. .He didn't appear at the supper table that night, and be didn't, so far as any one knew, sleep 1n hes room. This was remarked, as Passevant wu ordinarily ns regular and as prosaic as a clock. Every one at the boarding house bad a little Joke at the photographer's expense, except tbe landlady, wbo seemed rather sour about It. It was too funny to think of Panevant leading a double late, even to the extent of staying away for a mingle night. When be bad stayed away two days, leaving no message, it got beyond the Joke -especially to the landlady,, who bad always been fond of hem. livery one now began to discuss it In earnest- I believe the pollee were notified. And then came Briggs' astonishing experi- ence. This was on Thursday evening. I was reading the evening paper alone when he burst into my siting room. Briggs is a small, round, dark man, with curly black hair. So that when he appeared. as whips as a sheet. his paleness gave him a curious biack,aad- white effect, like a pen and Ink drawing. He was • draughtsman for a machine company, and be pro- fessed to look up to me as an exponent of iltYarabare sod the arta. "Say, I've just even Passevant!" he exclaimed, •1 - most before entering. "Wail, be's alive, t ben. That's good," 1 said. Per I too tel feared s tragedy. ' "He bs'1 alive!" "1 tboaht you said you bad Jost seen him." ••I dM --about au hour ago." ''Why, bas something happened to Mw glace Meer "Oh, I can't say. What 1 these 1s, be wasn't altve Man I saw him." Briggs dku't seem to realise bow I hat sounded to tae. "Where was he?" maid I. "in my room." Theo, perceiving my •soasetsent, tie explained. "It was Parevant'.'g'boot 1 saw!" "Oh!" 1 exclaimed. Briggs had certainly began to make hiusself ir.lere.ttag •1 last. i settled back is my chair comfortably. 'Tell me all about It." ""That's Just what I ease tor," net Brigga. "1 suss tearfully frightened at the time. I'm ashamed to .q. lint i wanted to tell you. it's rather In year Ila., you know.- He waved Ids hood expressively, as 1f be considered me ae autbetity at the aspern.tawal. He Aad quite calmed down, and had begun to 101 !m- 1'ortaat. "How d'you know It w•etet 1'*a••••nt hie.self, in '.e Mesh?" 1 Inquired. "Ale, flesh islet like that!" Rrlgge .ba.daered. "W61, damn !t, man, 1 .Sola see right chrome] him' 1' are was a w elte Swan furans behind hint, and It Newel tight through his bead. keow a ghost t••''t"n I see one!" (led be speak?" dagga became ee.berraa.ed now far tbe ars( time. • I *o Mardi, expert yin to believe me, yen know. 1 net meow t bat 1 wend believe aitytbl.g sn aMird .-self. the he meted tn.• to nye him something to Re Jt,.. I g*ee. 1 t tad to .saga. "West dM be wast --angel cake: elder .l egg? A asap bubble: 1 don't know whet *cooks live out costly." wax nem. "Ten may laugh row- -but you w 't be,* attend 1f you 'had aeon It I Was seared to Mate. t tried to speak. 1 thwebt to in- e rt[, ':tow, bowel' say .hence at east,' bot 1 positively •-i*Ma't toilet . welle.^ "W1det die pet so --jest gawk e • aim'"' ' Mo, i rue. 1 ea is of tis room acid Socked ties • Wend d Tett knew thdee's s ben exit Hein. toe tltebs.rtt' • .,stay 'Nl down I.tMr•a, 1 .tem 1* met, * herd• . t was sickening. - I ee514 no mere caste" my wail tbea if It bee been ve eertnowek. tie s *Utese erste. acted sutom.t .Hy." Mew' pwre id. "Imbeds'? 0'4 batt? lou had been '. •• Ir wMtp ag *best bin tey go-' or env serves. , •. a fgAle !1•al ima, senie bcedtp- gaieM- ..what,. ves Pssattsat toffee," -With s�tr,a�rt �' ntrid .P• tttroosb1 No. ler' It was .. 1114 "'ream,,.. -. M11r4 • .w ari... :.retry w#,, 'the ,• ref k Henreid re gr u• • -.P sun. " said Why b wee ahem els t'oet. * perMp. • 'tie while •A. .see„ aM et as, rat. am; r n w• t r bing oar ✓ .n • fnrsarartcs M •,a, web aeesrtwan entrees% kilt red hone .eti rat -.mirk se rem tiny •rr hod pet Is . tpsere d nastbr •pseios aid the bob was all upN Kt was R bneerwtleg ?hit I wetted teem mita 1 ,.mid lard 1R esu. W no epos boleb to eche '''his 1 kb/ ar THE SIGNAL . t.01ARI 'H ►NTAKi( ug U U rhe', *OCendtus '(. motet- Muddies,t este se we' d'beset had u, 'b.. 'pent. , nue of no et* ,rt ,,, ,rough, area. %eau. to s... spirits wen art',tbere to •rtvUlailft •be worth. two and '4 being all test ha/rmemained of 'rat rI011. tie 1 Met ask say uoe to believe all this story of Ueish- ton's. But, as 1 can't keep coatluwil, apologising for :r, -1uppoes I tell It In Deighton'- wry •.:f It wont trig? Deighton beard of l•assevaut'a d.esppeara.• a vu Monday. 11. was therefore naturally eurprlenl wbee on Timer/flay night ,the Waist BNgp was with mt. you reossatbst) the tetepbooe tell lung and be heard Passevast's voice speaking to him. He reeott. uleed it perfectly, expressed Aurprisr, aid raked wbere•Passevast bed been all this time kis Meade had Leen worrying aims! Mw. i'asaevant evaded the ques- tion. "('an I Conte over n. see you?" he asked. -Police after Deighton 1st/aired. reinvent denied that, and Insisted taut he posit'ee!y "And then -well, he just gradually 'came out.' " felt something --I knew some one was in the room, looking at me. I turned round, •didn't see anything at first, and then -well, be Just gradually 'came out: -Just like developing a negative --only this one, you might say, was underexposed. Faint. Too damned faint. It made me faint. Well, as 1 say, 1 simply bolted. So world jou have, too:" Briggs kept his eyes on my face, awaiting his cross-examination' "Tenn say be spoke, though." "Rather. That was tine worst part of it. I couldn't stand it. He asked for sometbing to eat, and then he went on, but I didn't wait to listen. I gave one look, tried to answer, found my tongue had dried up, then I ran. He was all dem and shadowy -els face and hands were about all I noticed. I fancy be had a robe or aometting on, but that may have been imeglnatlon." "Oh. It WIS. Imagination, all right." "Briggs still stared at me. "1 don't blame you for not believing. 1 don't suppoee I would. Brit you'll thud Passevant has been shot, either by himself or somebody Mee --shot In tbe forehead." "Why In the forehead?" "There was a bole there -a dark shadow, anyway-. rdend Like a bullet 6oie. You waft and see. Have you beard what they say at his boarding house?" I hadn't at that time heard, so Briggs went on: - "Well. I went up there this afternoon and I hap- pened to meet the girl who has the room next to Passe - •ant's. Her story is that last alight she beard bas door shot esttli. She ddn't brow at the time it was Passevant's door, bet what happened afterward con- vinced her. It was late -about eleven o'clock. An- otber chap had just come In and gone upstairs to bas room. Tice girl lay in bed, right up against the parti- tion wall, and she began to bear soft footsteps and drawee opening. Then she beard 'Oh, Lord:' and abe swears It was In Pass. -ant's own rolce. They're all talking shoat It up there. 1 say, could you pat me up here to-nlgirt?' "Suppose I go beck .to your place and stay with You?" 1 suggested. "I don't mind seeing a ghost my- self. I can't imagine being afraid of Passevant." "Not whet be has a bullet hole in his forehead?" Briggs shook his bead. He acknowledged his cow- ardice and threw himself on my mercy. St I let him stay oo the couch in my sitting room rind asked hem to call me If Passevant *bowed np. It was lest h.. - fore we went to bed that n curious thing happened. We had gone out oo my little front balcony and were sitting there, still talking over the natter, and Idly watching the few paaaersby in the street- At about tau o'clock an automobile came tearing alone down Nato street, and i bad last recoplaed It as the Hotcblayi 1'. D. Q. touring car, when there was ■ scream and the squeak of the emergenc3. brake, sed the motor stopped s0ddeely with a stalled ep- glee. 1 saw Hutcbley get down and look under (be wheels. I hoard Ws- Mudge,. begin to talk excited- ly to bee Maned. Than Hutebley walked slowly heck !n the street, n. If 1.e were looking for solne- t t,lait. t *lr'uted down, "Hello, Hutchleyl Anything wrong? What's the matter?' it was Mrs. Hinckley who atawered Ape. "Ola dear' We ran over something, or nomehody, Pm *halt: '1t was •what!" • • I was on ray feet 1t an instant. "Why, i didn't .oe any osier Rat 1 ran dawn watt, Briggs, and we both Jobbed Hatchley Ib W ante. We all Ovist back era hr u Hyde street, namlseed -ea getters everything. Moto- wn absolutely nothing In tis street. Hutrkiey fibula crooked hie aeehim and got late afs Dant. "1t was misty, anyway," be amid "Pelt exactly as If 1 had hit Me nee and Ibstr ret, over him- 1f was a doe 14 " see bow he ever got away." Wei. we 9004 Mega &bent It, aleewealag Pamir •n+', AMapt••aranc.• sae Aylly vent to bed at mese ishe Seem lett weak I we taking my bath Nat •rntag t r. pw red uta to by rooaY ewer die, t wMb 47.10 t tu.de'• new rIrlghten taylhfnf short It 1 hadn't mad Asn breed ids story hetes br- ,,ard shoe it wean '. easier, for me to male op •;r ,owed Osignea , as 1n4441ee1 d,v11 rive the (.wogs. s, • n.M • ways tatty Met one of tbise c get ee era never pet rout .1111.13*tie,, moron sp,Y eg rte's ier. ate New <tow etervbedy Atlee ever, Nog reef, ret **waverer type. the: • •,u 1 wee %cuss) .soil. Mm ht • 'be re there • .. Loeb' ret tt.ernP• tint he Ata bees .hairs w111 toed aunt, n limp ernes The question to. Was ea ever in•fted agar, Fle's I.tsrs.t _g. h.Mootlio es segok sad he hoe • wap et Manse .M.r.nllip bi- psedbM thugs • id Menlo this Are out strobes., taw Oe het wits WSW' bsartfpm lagMeq.gsyli "And was just putting in my first plate when sdmething happened to the arc light." most see Delghtoh-it suns a question almost of late and death -only he couldn't explain over the tele- phone- 'tYou'II promime not to be alarmed, however queer 1 look?" Panevant had asked - "Look as 'queer as you like. You always look gbt•er, for tint matter," aald Deighton, and he hang up the receiver, rather dlagustsdly. He had visited the lepers at Molokai, witnessed Chinese tortures, walked the battle field at Sidon Kop and been hazed at medical school -he be alarmed! He suspected that Passevant w-ae drnak, Well. In half an hour -nearly nine o'clock, it was his bell rang and he pressed the button of the electrl, latch of t)ite eater door, two floors below. Then he set his own' hall door alar. A mlaute later Panevant was in the room--Paeserent. or. at least. something resembling him. According to Lelghton's de.eriptios Passavant looked like a living, quivering statue In Jelly. He was need, too. tbongh in • mosent be snatched a Navajo blanket from the couch and wrapped himself in it Then only Vaseevant'a bead, bands and feet "Mowed, blurred. yellowish and, indis- tinct. 11 was Incredible. 1)etgbton'e first act was to satisfy els scientific curiosity-. He went up to Pane - vent and poked a finger at him -you know bow yeti always want to poke a agger into a jelly mound --bit Pmseevent was flesh and blood. firm enough to the touch, but t_raoslocent---almost transparent. Parts of het h.ad kept disappearing against tbe dark back- ground when l'asete ant moves. i)elgtton •iso no. ticee s. had Rrlggi. •lye P*•se••n' hada round dark spot if, tb. middle of bid fteet ed. Paawvast's Or request was for food. He said he was half starved, and, yet feta apet'lficatloo was cure oar ile wanted ts, know If I)eigbtoo had any Jelly - env. apple Preferred. Tete nearest thing to that Highton had wa• bodee and, se the photngas heee told W story. be wolfed down s wbt.le conA, spitting oat the wax at the .Ptd• of sentences Ther ,. Passe - vane* cowhwe n. ae Deighton reports "On leotards to l .twdM I y a1O1n1ag. 4 was walking t., v notlewd . •las boo it, 'he gutter rear the centre of Mab, •net hirat streets : pkksd It ry_f don't knew why and was •ptl.M ti tend late& a packet •wrapprd :r berm*, skim lariat tees. and t'sfeAlly wrappett n 'oottrm wool •nd tyfoit was whet 1 took 't, he the brogei, corbel, of *a electrtr are light- I tbpighr it probate, neat '•bald's pia, thio, Mt It Into ay pocket and forgot al *bolt 1t It was fire o'clock, and 1 wee Itss, about to elan. ,to, tvb,O n girl 'sett reddish hie tame la to have r Phutasrape taker She war lansely pretty with a wNadeel, espw•temee par., .eA • times she ' oknd ur mere thee einem, rears old. 'boogh rr diets see -erred thirty at 'seat 1 coon awrtw 1, rake my eye of her abe raarlaafed m. 4*00*nthted 'wak. nor •cilM/bea.e« .f ,•oalhiaillpeOfe, "W1t, 1 bad , . mwi j *sod •n fret Mttatia,terht ed we. M•. ;Attlee im say an ;nett wilt. / Into. The ..g •oe.•tblig 0a tan art: .bares h.Aa't ie.+, p/••na ►r. day. lie they "beak! here . rel 410 the teen said met of chi widest was named ?el. wem ernes, dlsuttrmwtMd Iia% ttde't linos what :. le. eat', ! happened v. Odin et na i*• ' . A leo, had mend h the the ..baree r•n, rata 1 yos tar, she s.w'ket •N althea. who ; switched ea On eeriest In 11gbi It gave wag m niter sort of vaert r eOm n, f en t• a mod a* le eat•k •lght pk'tartta 10 •11 t'!sa atFl stes•d is b. m • halt nu t sad 1111141101114 the aid weitidle t 1abIM leiney� mod ria IMO "I1*. 't Mt5 Clint 'e. * c SO. tK+'ldlllhsnr street. ' : ' vet ted. I mute .'all :flet. la person . On u I My. ■•e* tatalw ted whit net. Alt.t .he nat, left t tone of the !in :'let t,.:r be hart. wittier' lute toy dart retest. •'whoa I ponied of, •rt 4r'$om, newer... I roue., tint net r single Malt showed may Image The plaIee .hewed no ■ppeenwe :,f rw$sg tight etrotk---tt we, )fiat es it the film wad ..eye' been s4nalesen. 1 tried nee after t 11• of bet Nothing cams' Ast "Wed. you may' imagine how disappointed 1 wa.. sad bow surprised. There wa• IN' way of mecoatslag her the failures. for rt.t teases west of standard makns and bad ontr Peon tw'• differed, paceeee•. I coelde't here made ani unmake. 1 w•smed:sty hands and west .,•t tete. !be stunk, tied exited the gm. '-1 was AI MOW daded, suet in a reverie- tryIrg 'o account tar It all. and 90 for some natant. 1 didn't Make that *aytbing was wrong tilt I want to 1110 table lad started to put 11, my es* links. fees I got a shirk- 1.oeidag dove at my abet sleeves ; bonnet I c.wlda't see sq bonds! 1 oak off m! .i.c.c- and wiled thaw. That wasn't Ir made- me feel skk at my stomach. "1 recall going to the ,vsudow *lel throwtn, It UO for fresh air, looking for my lands. feeling talent. One with the other, wonderful; If 1 were going crazy. Then, with :t fearful thought striking rne, t ran to the mirror. There 1 saw -nothing but a p,tr oe glasses where my head ought to pare showu-ante a *oft of clothes standing up. nerving with sky move- wealth. ovoawealth. Nu head. no hands! -The sight was grotesque --horrible. My clothes moved weirdly, like those of a scarecrow, In the wind. 1 had actually to feel of my (wad to be sure It was there upon my shoulders' 1t was unbearable, that apparition, and 1 staggered back to the ',pen window. 1 couldn't think it was anything but a hallueluatlon, however, and 1 had to prove my mletake 1n sane• way if possible. So 1 tore off' my cwt, my rest. sblrt and undershirt and braced myself to go back to take an- other kook• into the mirror. 1 %vas cunfroute-d only by a lair of trousers -and the glasses! I took off wy shoes and stockings -and my feet weren't there either! "Still I couldn't believe It. It must be purely sub- jective, 1 thought, uud the only thing next was to test it. There was it boy walking along Main street, and, leaning well over the window sill, 1 called down to him. It was light enough for hem to see me 11 1 were all right, but be only stopped, then looked np, stared blankly lu my direction and walked on. It was evident that he bad beard rue, but SAW nothing. "Well, what conk' 1 do? CC'hat would you have done? 1 saw that 1 couldn't go home that way -the appearance of a suit of clothes walking along the street with nobody Weide would have c'aubed no epd of trouble. 1 simply- didn't dare tisk it. My only escape from that any in my very invisibility-. If l wore no clothes 1 would be naked -but 1 wouldn't be seen. There was no other way out of It. But could I summon nerve enough to step out. on the street .laked? That was the question- But would I Ise ..,.ally nuked. after all? Wouldn't my ntautle of la- rtslblllty practically clothe me? 1 would certainly have an embarrassed feeling, but 1 couldn't see bow, when one considered ft. I ahount 1* uaMamed. .No one would know. There was nothing for 1t but to try It, and nee low tt worked. What worried me most were my- glasses. t was wretchedly nearsighted, and yet I didn't dare wear Klemm, that would be tooth -eel marching along the sidewalk at n level of fire feet six. i couldn't carry them, anyway 1 count see. I would hare to do as beat 1 could without them. I couldn't even carry the key to my boarding bouse, nor a pocket handkerchief, nor n watch. Luckily It was a warm evening. "I crept down stalre, opened the front door and stepped oaten the doorstep. A woman was approach- ing -this was too much. and 1 retreated. Next, n man came along, and 1 clenched my teeth and stood my ground. He looked my way, looked through me. and passed on. 1 was sate, for his expression had not changed- Another pared and another. There was 00 lodger any doeht about H-1 was invistblet "So 1 boldly walked down Main etreet-as boldly, that 1, as I could, without glassee, and, •a my cour- age Increased by my apparent immunity, the spent of adventure seized me. 1 perceived the romantic nide of the affair. 1 was. while 1t luted. for all prac- tical purposes, a sort of fairy. 1 spoke to It roan wait- ing for a car as the corner. He jumped as it be were shot. At my nett remark he turned end ran with all its mtgbt The next man 1 met 1 toecbed sharply on the, shoulder. He stopped, looked around, rubbed bis *boulder. I repeated the experiment, and he turned pale and walked rapidly off, muttering to him- self. The next man i patted on the cheek. He struck out, hit me 0n the face and made a grab at me. That ftigbtened me eufactentty to be careful tbereafter. 1 spoke only to women. especially pretty owes, telling them what I thought of their looks. All aerie of adventure. came into my mind. 1 determined to make a night of it. My Imagination bubbled with ;sensibilities. Rut first I wanted to get to my room, sod get something to eat "Havtng no key, t bad, of course, to wait till some not opened the door so that I could tulip Inside- 1t ma soot time before tiny one appeared. but finally the servant girl eame oat with a milk bottle. Thee 1 Jerked from ber hand and darted Into the doorway, while malt picked np the broker: fragments of the bottle " But the story of l'ssses-ant's remarkable tIve days Is aruyt 1 berg , cet. l we IS1'M� 111. dllelUwr these. W a% .t 'tale ,stele M .UW bei' beth Iy ar %}ray 110 t1eI Nlug afro bit hoe ua NW" M'tMet .y went. V0.t. r uel " ea, , aglealtlbit far Ms se ggg 1• est 3 Monde; tsd*.ang. l •* $ thdaeawe wesg Oil » iMel, and 'Walls.. ft wasn't se bad- a e diy be ace ut ra uvu . . • ts. spook, yrs. fly IDMga Be ae wok ' ,uIt ..erne°. He *peat that ACM is tee y lt' 01 a r Ikea tit ,N tura swerad with bare. ebonies. O. Meade,, 'aastlag he Anent that he we a1a1.11 es truaepareat aL stet. , Ira arras* dist etch (lee reed hi m abaori.ed W u,eaan ae44 d w leer 1u the s rloa, tr, Is yeteibstles aaaa't cork• Aloe. Wheel tee got to kl.l Stsdlc as. fwsd that the carbon led been compbgely boned oat, There w . no totrat•r a sty enact: ter the Wet Sint of tea "Q -rad" to re-ilaeolvt 1a m. Tie QsgMsR bow war - flow l*ech he conks eat with safety. This was w' settled, 1t w'as ;ometbing Irk.• thus: ---If vetts reek a apo.g, Ile water you eau add s few drops of ink and the watt ,.111 au dilute 1t deet the eoNw won't le neetrsl/ 1f tbe water itself gradually reror darker--wbkb sus, just what Pmtnwvent began to do -any terslsa eft meat Is enure ddretlye. ft twt•sme evident tit, quit.; npnrt (roti any foul being taken. L iu.ervear. bed• was gradually' losing Its traaspareney. The 'arar fad lad .Illy' n tempxary elect• lu unlet ro prokmlt hitt .!epees from dtsrotrt Paarers.at stopped e*(Iisg alttyfrthr•r, a.0 het seNe• Inge on Tuesday. Wednesday sad Thursday ',were more nujt more painful. He roamed rbt street. .. 80011 as dusk fell And treed to drown els torture. adventure. In the daytime be had f0 keep unite corer- fly this time there whit en teach talk alar', 181(414111.3111P ln1 at Ill+ Ix'ynling house he didn't don go tier. Rafale- he did g" there, n8 w•e'vP 81*11 'u WMa.At• eight lu order to get some money,. 1W had 11th areae the nitottrew8, ant It *wax gun*. He aeknw;• edges tint he uwe(t his Iandhtdy twenty-eigba dnllnl::- Tbb euuwhew u't leo nn indeasltely. At tire brass w•1ter0• he find been devising the dog lead left the bat dart bowling, with hl: toil between his legs. Bat be lead kept up the bowling ever sane, *raying et the foot of the gnnieu. %retehing for hem. Several tkbem the °weer had gone through the loft with, a pltchtork,. evidently looking for cats or agtoerhtag. I'nssernet decided that he w•oskl here to lake .Arne one Into his cunfdenrl' and obtain 0 piece, of refuge where he could ile hidden till he had becotae rnwmg: again - 'rel+, you pet'. hrin;n 11e 40%vn to Thursday .wain.:, yvhen. as $ewn as It ifl•ew' dark, he visited baa Wendt Briggs- 'lie bed 'sad several minor net -Ideate. owing to his being not only SO 1rnnsfrtren 1. but so near- sighted. and Just Is -fur, he renelled Mktg"' he •yrs etruek on the forehead by n lung Iron pip". arrlwwi 'ty ti werkm*o. It cut hint badly. nod the wound bled profusely, as be knew by the trickling Mtn his eyes. for. of course, the blood didn't .flow., He picked up a pies•e of brown paper 01 nometb1ng and panned ft ou the gape to stole the bleeding. He farther explains the "mite." by enying that, not wtshlne to emitter staked hetr,rs Rr!Rgr. lir took a t*blec•loth from the hall anti wrapped It about him. CC'eil, were seen hut. Wigg.. funned It. it eel:ton was I•assevent's next thought. He sell he did think of me, but was afraid I'd laugh at him. Well, 1 would have laughed. Ilelghton had studied • t.dielns' ,end illgttt be able to give some help. At leant he'd be in- terested. Ib he went to Rriggx' teieph.,ae end rang up Deighton, and afterward. its we've eesee appeared n t Leighton'. house, So far so good- Why didn't he stay eomtnrtabl�• with I*lghtot and lire it down? Or, one might any, live It off' Deigbtpn received biro cnrdhlly esebgb. fere hem on honey. both agreeing tot traselneeot food would keep him Invisible longer, I*lghtnu, of Bourse, wanting to steely the case for a while. P444... rant was now quite willing to stay transparent for n while. Why? The reason Deighton givers seems t, Ane a bit7ar-fetebed. It was the giri with the reddish hair. I'assernnt had been smitten by her, mind .wheat fee dbcevered his own pltgb he naturally wondered. what Ind be- come of Hiss �we, wbo also had been under Or - effect of the Q -ray. When you begin to think of ber dilemma fancy- runs rampant., Peeeeraat was sorry for her. Ile wanted to help ao.Yehow. 1 eau'% Imagine, though, what he could have dose. int it was, In a' way, Ids fault, and be held blaseelt re- sponsIble. He had gone seven! times ro the house le Jfllibaik atreet, sad, altbosgi be didn't cleanse I think be had tried to ester the place. k's pretty hard to dodge in between the °praise nod clerkly or a door without beteg bit. You'll wonder low Passavant expected t0 Us.l ler: empeclally is be didn't dare wear his gktsee,. It was simple, yet 'charsing- Mir Item, be. had noticed when be pored her, had two gold teeth -molars. TIE. waa his only elew. Bot tbe.e organic, would be a ptd teeth. sot torr tank, during hu r l•af*etod ij the Q -ray, and fg11 at flee deur oe No- a Yllllrant. street. w•as to wateh for :1 drttttog through tete air. 1 feu ti 4 so td t te• naked shivering. necre hrk ori that tw•• g• r heed at ing for esu cold doorsteps hour seder hour wattling for ?w„ ., teeth, On Tuesday uftertoon tar slid see .;.'• door open d • two yellow dots come rttvw,d *i„ ,a tit sir- ''bo 'tlp.gg,tl down to the +truer ted drifrd r0wr, Eau *Venue. Paar.vaot :011)45', '.each :hem. Chi might Wive happened :f ue este 1 don', :art to go int , I a delicate natter foe ;be magln•rhuh to ,ler. Jan, happily or unhappily, of: 'oa sight of them Is to roe after tilt two teeth, ..•.alis "Meas Inst. M Bowe". and at til. they rodde.b• disappearet lie Mee Taney bar alarm, poor girl 'Im 11'editesth• tthese)!Ilesaw a vague, ,maty female Torun meets e Wein.RD, W. wasp' curt knell, ,f sit ob. mysterious, questions rife whole .fair suggest* alp Blast sdfordlig to as is, What became se kilos haw-. maws ..ornolote tee• ,.,-tele.... ,r1,1 erpr . P•..evael. be M* 51 11.4 'MA ,e- 4/.'911up bop( et rercAtoe ny tate, b war .mitt., SOLI 0at Peas, .of /wiping ds ,anis wry crested la discovers told suturally a.m Ir. reg her whereabouts say k 1010• ator.l, bot t dotl't admit it eat q1111 a /host, mee►ua, but. lb *It Probability, WM Howe was, ilk, himself *coming 'ras.iseent, On I '•teed if fact scrooning ro Delgbt,,, 1 Icer dkt 6e eililbank street mm 'mon gong once mote'• io relook, els last .• �� Is a search 'f be' It war, r~ baste. 'rhea was a mentality, le consent -rd. .11a: Nies Mow!. with- a %MAP slid gloves- at k ne Nan *iia tt gee oboe, sibstleell flit w antd • • sae ser rad Intl out what and In ank4appor'cPi*eelvbmotieaf) tosock 1.4"18.6. b" ilt�ya t WNhit'iibtoe'. atury as brief tV lePlito ubol mink of 1t? Ileigliton', : beery of whit. r Rp afterward (for l ase., -en was •mer. el es ails) is that Pammeeen:, rine forteons any e .0 er of my house tis tee ter t t M. wY etrerk ,nO t.,, -' „H/a see a6Nren nein. Goo Kaoline .t11041 w 5.Jirert11 Hs e►that Bantu later. atter hiring 'rewkn diad what bsreaWr tet tm, nodi awe) somewhere. W' Af ttilalg5in, 1,. ,► . n,, t'itre's .r wMkesg peep. Rriggs h►.,w• .. ••t •g7lfb.e Rr1g;* /„ otos. ..e '.>rr, •h. •• 45flgeld V ' Iancbdr iyor te.s •.tee n euro , 'MI5 putnt. summa wandered sera sat snot sl.ntNf an 'I'tmr• 1.3 cheroot's. sae M. sieve 4ppeer.eo to, rota tiered in nemesia, • en., ,maw worts wont of veers rtrlaa• .ay tet '1a6 ores g••ae, tbuga b,4.r, .a. I,rrtrnr•t bong nor. hs ,eon ' no tree• s4aPetilie mitt'• testnrga. eke ,reit'..441•0 ..« id .v. • !)Orb et .,I Nr•Ihlw a rift. •t. •oa.• .fm••erwsJd l uM toss.' t w�' ' p °spi 'r It whkyb, b. )Ms ,rwttlpsl. Psews esu wen' n" melsgtl dwn : iheseetillatr Ila.atitw• Paam•re.l • landiitek we • theme Wide, {prgwMr me eves we.. tMIM. 1141481t0a a es Riggers lir had bei feet at Powe .aur nada be left. leaving fear wtrtghie rent SW by that .he beard tee Friday Whin Mbsserabt sus Mngrtsarstthhaatt a me wewte iter rq. idwe be boob liar Npi►evaLagajr+� *barreM iper0Ibaliyss ore. Yee cos ,eil�t. impienvillouweimp too long to be told. Had 1 received It directly from Paasevant himself It would be different, but, coming through Deighton, one has Se allow altogether tor, much for his lmaglytion. Indeed, according to I)eigb- too, tbe beat aid most exciting of Penetrant's infea- tirwm would hardly bear teling. Panevant, hitherto a modest. quiet, anaemic penou, o far as anybody knew, evidently deckled to be re his fun whUe 1r lased. The extraordinary liberty be had attained went to Ms bead. He did all sorts of things.' Given the ettuation, any neg. may Imagine for himself what might have occurred Almost anything was possible. • Granted that Paseevant was invisible, one could spa, .t *late for holm Mr tt hasn't yet beep proved that he • WSJ. His 'xenon tion of rare pbeourwenwu, 110 we ••.•.. ,s of more interest- It was (bat the pyre of ,emboli Pa.sevait rotund to the tin hoz wasn't carbon at *il. It wee some new material- perhaps .•en •t stew tee ,seat, probably badly radio -active In some bithertr, unknown way. Whoa Ineandescent 1t gnat ,;f rays fist altered the lades of r,traetlan of P•asevenre body, making him transparent We know so Mtn of iigbt tot .o iseb kypotbrels a swresa.'sriy shyerti, Of •l. dm rays sent of by the we only about .one hundredth ere risible. tmtugb amen, mere fee Image Li t.wish their efferta, u are tbe heat and mediate rage. le!psid the ultra-vkMet and ,b. Infra r'*1 there ie ail Ismab* distr et ,f e• ranee hea.'k light 11,1, tieing Peaseva.t had Meed. tun monad • part of tine Anton •rf 'be speetn.. •nd rendered possible 0101 Phybe•' reactions Parev•n• N5Nlf named it (be (g -ray. ' dos', Know why -wept ,be, 'easels* 11 was beyond the Aso this dike et the It it donn't explain anything. N u.rse We 'raw e.t• MKS .om. Warr of that •••etww. ung wit' •e.a,. he totted W bat w*, more 4*( ?, for wow Passe* se. ,d• W tufor time the Q•rsy eu whittler an trsbbn.ppaa w•* • pereasn it cit • elerely terpr/rarl maNilestkni of by cells obi thsass. Would the new am trots Takeo tarn lb body 1. the forts •/1 sstrkl•a b two shred trategrair w ween t peed ,e make bin Awes. y Mee &54 MU •mule ' B* alb' tidy of fhb at deet be wee bobs in men tis with bis advsswwns is Mantas, ant at bee b.ard1g Mer sad N«whew•. He was hark* -a IMO, tattoo s• �ape.ann�eN 't+aS tee YhM ee a• gerttns ,r,r, „f est.tRe et ha • .nine w and deal* • Mn Nanw Marwrdas might hwwRer aha Ibb4y worn, one, m tn, bur b Pesw••aat to, ebb reuse ws. Alto sea w hese he netteed a wh same ant hie kande w•ee growing raletty •ww hilly 1*tireM two tet *noel 'tit *up veal nage net tt.swp b to r• Mm •-thMtrteg He bed . by ..row of as bow ltd. wile, be lV Ide tom ALM he int u IIP d soollimine. he slant dwt�l wormed �bMb"gbf1�-a.j death r. .04 .m tMI h oral •arc .robe este Ir,J le Ant .1 b' tp 414 gar .ted rb Darr Iran Ra at th tram aeotil fobs awrn beef at sail bele boot ciPal Selig Gera Kay, sprig Mich sold I u' 11 nosh. ing 1 HMI -' I et El tett•♦ .A sp depos , *liSi rf cut Mur, Tarn after She Nu been in ail .alar is we a ref road a few mint awl Jame was t las rt -side to Ise a t hit house bad buildi ,icer I 11 Ibon for 6 Uric YMs to Hs south peat o Ciw',v 'I he Allan TV' '• I ears Sot1e wind were !reef * Ki � rev USW lobed •ot las et.n uN, suit .bow! eine Harp Bit•tk ml: r .1 1• -ttn. w•, wad. Se et few Nr. Jobb nem Kt a ted, ear • A• 'oral tele, ''ick, ,re a •f ewe old ones "an saes ry Ha the bliss t•er eon mom haft -noel hinge the n 4005! Lanni