HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-19, Page 5THE SIGNAL : i,.ODh'!tl ki ONTA1t1O LOCAL TOPICS. (weary gestates t ,ire W. H. (iuedre - rw,guatiee of Chu 00..11 w. trlhiieh ronatebleof the -tv of Huron win ha pyeed before, 'leer oouorl) atieetlne Reit age MacMathor O.me. given bib deeThis was au se - A Pooeto event, the date set tut the apnoea oyster sup. Thursday eveningt JenuW,enure 21 tb, js per and eutaiument of the Gode- rieh breach of the Wommes Isutitute. It will be held io the Uddtetlows' Hail, where supper will be sewed from 6 to 8 o'clock, after which en interesting • More Calendars. The rlignaYttauppl�•t pews who ender% is r� d 8u>trosibore "MOW: a advance for 1011 have their c lee of pictures of Sir Wilfrid Her and Sir infuse Whitney. the t great Premiers. J t in McCsmmond v. Cloven- Iock. Chiet 3 wattle Mulsok. beton, whom who the caselot ,e� eev. Uovgslsek was tried at (od.rieh last fall. bas ,4,.r. J UC' ][aeliabon• judge or program will be Riven. The duals- .ton to met acids ds a Imes made by the levet of llotatmu. Pleas. died at cion fee has been placed at •L5 ceuta. defendant, William Govenlock, to the rewidlmes in Toronto yesterday ,o,ning Me was to his uneasy fifth Death of J. J. McMath. Viniutitt, Gln. 11lcCa to sec and to ;au. a podded many times iu Atter a Ione illness James Jobnston compel the .ndf defendant ruooneyys, iMnclud .rjodiriehat H 'tut sittings and McMath answered the final call last tog the value of certain lumber, etc., was antro bold the non -lull .venine at his home no the Huron .rjasr beers ay nett. trawler care brie the outcome of the of the old (:obh msu home - steed from the defetdact to the plaintiff. Judgment : The defendant Agreed to sell to plaintiff certain lands. Time was of the essence of the agree- ment and the agreement was to be null and void if terms were not com- plied witb. Default was made by plaintiff, and I am the-refore of the opinion that on the expiry of the let of June, 111011, the agreement became oull and void and the plaintiff ceased W have soy interest in tbe property or in the insurance motleys arising from the destruction of the premises thereafter. On June 3rd, 1908, the lease wee executed. The plaintiff says she supposed she was signing claim papers to get insurance oo ber property destroyed by fire and not the latae. While I do not question her truthfulness, Lahr quite satisfied she warts ntisteken. The plaintiff ex- pended corunderable moneys upon the preauisew, all of which, together with her payments, have leen forfeited to the defendant. The terms of the con- tract donot permit me to grant her relief. I do not see fit to give the de- fendant the costs. Action dismissed with costs. rood. His age was furtyrsv'•'t years and five mouth.. The tun. rel will take place from his lata residence tomorrow IFrideyI aftern000 at 2 o'clock and the rematius will be in- terred in Maitland cemetery. The menthe's of the bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity in their lose. The Maawnie Temple. At the annual meeting of the Ma- sonicTemple Associatioe held recently. new oMcers and directors weteelected for the ensuing year and it we. de- cided to make immediate arratnge- ments fo.• the erection of the new Temple building. It will be a three- stnry structure and will be built upon somewhat different ,linea from what had been previously propneed. The necessary work incidental bo the erection of the building will be pro- ceeded with immediately upon the eperring of spring. The site of the new edifice is on West street. just below ('has. Harpers hardware store. r-alled to ReoIrseeer. Rev. W. W. Stoddart has received stda, .epted s sail to the pastorate of Metro Presbyterian church of Rochester. N. Y. This is one of the Arens churches •'1 Rochester, with a ":ern eership 4100 and a liberal stip- „f hMr. Fltoddaat will take charge ie new work oo February let, and it is not aere''sary to say that the people of Goderich, who -bare watched bis arpwaed career with pride and satisfsetine, will wish hire dean - dant success la the sphere to which he has been called. The East Huron Inspectorship. Altbougb no applications have been deceived by the county clerk for the position of pubileschool iaspect ur for Mast Huron, to he rendered vacant by c be r.IIr, Meet of Inspector Robb, It is understood that there will be at least hire applicants These are Dr. J. M. Field. principal of Goderich Collegiate Institute : W. B. Weidenhammer, principal of Exeter public school. and John C. Brnitb, prioeipal of Wiogha high school. Thlu These gentlemen, it is understood. are all qualified for he position. J. B. Hunter Bandmaster. J. Sobeide baying some time ago Minded in his resignation as lewder of the Wird Regiment Band. J. B. Hunter bas been appointed by the executive of the Goderich Musical Society- to fill the positron. Mr. Hunter's abilities as a musical destructor and conductor end his energy in connection with any undertaking in which be engages give good promise of suocrae to the position The Race for the Wardenship. The appointment of one of their nuuuher as Warden ;or 1911 will be the first business of the county council on Tuesday next. This year the bonor goes to a Liberal. Recording to the rule observed by the council, nod there are several on the Liberal side of tae bourse who are prominently mentioned in connection with the pee itioo. These are Wm. Bei lie, Reeve of West Wawsnosh ; J. M. Govenlock, Reeve of `.fcKlllop ; Robt, McKay. Reeve of Tuckeremitb ; Owen Geiger. Reeve of Hensell. and Dr. Smith, Reeve of Rayfield. These are of headmaster. He is getting right to all good men. but the people of this work end there is every reason to ex- eection would he pleased u, see Reeve pert that the popular 33rd Band will Heilie in the Warden's chair as the he in excellent trim for the coming season. Citizens' Marine Band Officers. The following officer of the Citi- zens' Marine Band were elected et the anneal m •sting : Hon. president. Dr. Macklin ; bon. vier -president, A. M. Todd ; provident. Jas. F. Thomson ; vice-president,J. 14. McClinton ; sec- retary. John Small ; treasurer, J. C. Sbeaedown ; conductor. Frank Smith; manager, Geo. Stewart ; additional neemhete of committee --L- M. Mabee. A. E. Cook. O. M. Elliott, Wm. Thomason, Jas. Your*. Edgar loner. Geo. Smith, Roy Jokes. Wm. Spahr. 'rhe next meeting of the committee will he bell Monday evening next, .5ird DMA-, is the t on.ervatory of Musk rooms over J. F. Thomson', @ tote. Judge F. W. Johnston De ad. The people of M,derich wen. : hocked to hear of tbe death of Jude F'. W. Johnston. of Sault Ste. Mane, whirh took place at the hospital there on Monday after n three days' illness ..f pneumonia- Judge Johnston was •ix' v -two years of age and leaves' a widow (formerly Miss Elizabeth Helen Grabber elf (oda•rich) and a family of three warns and tun daughters. Mrs. Johnston and het- daughters are at the present time in Kngland. Judge Johnston was formerly a well-known harriwter• and politician of Goderich, ,.ad was elected Warden of the county of Nuevo after having held the post - tion t4 Reeve of the town of Godesich for several years. Neatly thirty years ego be wal as t &wuc•cersaful can- didate fair the representation of West Huron in the Leghlatere in oppo:- t irwn to Use late Hon. A. M. Rees and a tew years later he was appointed jun- ior judge of the district of Al Afterwards being made senior jugs e tr teemed nt many years of faithful ser- vice in the municipal field. Annual Meeting February 11th. The public library board met on Saturday last. The members of the board present were J. E. Tom, who was ruoved to the cbnir in the absence of Mr. Kidd, and Messrs. Fowler, Elliott and Tlgert. An account from Mitchell er Todd for $5 for readers' cards was ordered to he paid. Tbe secre- tary's account of 115.96 for salary and expenses and the librarian's account of 95.96 for incidental expenses were also ordered to be paid. The librarian reported receipts from cards and noes of $4.85 and an issue of L354 books and utagazines during December. After discussion of comparatively an- iroportent hnsiness the board ad- journed till Fe/it-awry Iltb, when the annual meeting will be held. - Reeve and Deputy Reeve Entertain. AplleatiOns foe Railway Charters. As will be"atses by advertisement in mother column of this paper. the Peeepba Railway Company. which now hoe a Provincial charter. is apply- ing 10 Parliament for a Federal chanter and for peroissiom to extend its lbws of railway already authorized as stalled In the notice of applieatioo, au 1is,rs.s the capital stock of the compmy, and to esgr.wer the Com- pany (s develop water powers. oper- etta 1. raph lines, 'WO septi .perste vessels, and build ink figurate elevators, wharves. ware - home% ole. Ods of the extensions for Which esermiesion is asked is from the ng intratIned 'Ha 11, gra forth endlasesn to Galeria An aopli atk.s which is to be made to the (1Btatie Legislature at the com- ing dereism M for tbs incorporation of mlItellmiC Linder the name of the Co.ppaoy, with psrmiWes toeeeletrset certain t dial lieme. Aelmims 'sae Rom Stratford [.berg! ti . eotemtirs of Petah and Hares In a weigette direr -tine to Lake Harron. O O i.. NOM • erect the Empire a Meet} rote of given in the Y. M. C. A. rooms dar- t n lbs winter months, (Maar the MID - LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Have you examined the brass Draft work at Wilmer smith's Art Store. lust street t It M beautiful ror». and tnforo,atioo retrarding it will be moven gladly. This store is headquar- ters for all fancy -work and art materiats. ,Don't maks any mistake. What YOU want is a reade-tooraer suit that will et yon oomfortebly sed giro you a wWdreaa.s mfr peatasoe F..1. Prldham the Tailor a. an elerrant.eiection of ratting, tax all waasns. .a special meeting of the Rebekah Lodge will be held at Oddfellowi Hall on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock sharp. Reeve Reid end Deputy Reeve Mun- nings were the hosts at a pleasant function held on Thursday evening but nit the Imperial restaurant. Hav ing been returned to the town council by acclamation. these gentlemen in the fullness of their hearts invited their fellow -members of the council. the members of last years council, the civic ofticiali and preen reptenrntativee to a supper. which. needles• to ,wyp, was thoroughly enjoyed. Afterwards with Mayne Cameron in the char and County Clerk Lane as vice-cbeirmaan. A triage list was ir.troduced which brought forth speeches from many of those present- The affairs of the town, past. present and future, were diacu.wd with the best of good feeling. and the event should be an augury of a hatino • s and succrasful year's work for the council. Death of Mrs. Jasper Wilson. News of the death of Mrs. \Vilenn, widow of the late Rey. Jasper Wilson tformerly pastor of North street Methodist church, Goderichi, was re- ceived in town with deep regret. Mrs. Wilson died at 'Reveler on Fri- day morning. She had been ill for some time and her death was not un- expected. Two sons and three daugh- ters survive : Maxwell, of Alberta. and Hugh. at horse : Miss Grace, of the Leeching staff of St- Mary's (ollegiete Inatit ute : Mite Elizabeth, at home, end Mrs. ;Rev.) J. F. Reycraft. of Gran. The bereaved ones have the heartfelt .yrnpathy ..f many in Gode- rich in their double loss as it in only a few months woes the sodden death of their father. The remains of Mrs. Wilson were taken to Till - wan burg for interment- The deceased, whine maiden mune was Margaret (''vise. was in her Mtyeeventh year. She had hauled bravely for years against siekneusnn and uffgenelong . but the devoted spirit GOA - fain the bee .of the beloved partner of her job s and sorrows. Intemperance and war. At the bet meeting of the irsugh- The first M a series of debate)s to he AOlder pollo w� bstowserallseme amiuM lets' Christine,$tie hospital MiY- ng fined. The kindlnialn of Mrs. Minor rs host Sincerely ggintsoieted. for not t= doss she aillnesain in prefect the ward ski w handsomely felt•iriid whim the aconite) was •nuiiii-d tour year* ego. but she poss=temossarphses this Ioathration tMb maim detrain n1 $1111111111 wes tendered also -, Edi,. )Abe ot the Oman H. who 'ver k .pe a Emtereet is the hos- pital box at Mia 4erpel. this yeas Om ♦ Y. Rshwisoe mid J. 6. haottsesir ser Ott A� was btii' ti e n Ms ensiesNsle itis Dasightere of Thin lasted *that esptsity vol d�He he w* wmmetner the lee 'MIM gave their em lir. Wm %bk.wM always tried to el raMh•'e L. Amtodine.pwbfy M► elmileurio The meiet the y���Msl f I eberged tbe Make heats will bfie IoM ♦ et Ire 1twabtwn wtattveu d the Kee's Amtitfsy QM nt %Muller alit M ilei next Vlore at North etreetlstttetlindiet s �. strep sod lege nlllle hem% Om the at of .� .eyes amid 1� RMS litiolhemes e� JaeaAi ee r i zee A~• kw. ties as rob ban eilms pieces of the AaeodntioM, was held on Monday evening. The.uhjeet of the debate was • '•Resolved. that intem- perance is a greeter evil thee war.' The affirmative ride was upheld by S. J. Belabor. B. B. Hale wad Le Roy Ooultic of the Young Men's Calm of Vietnam street Methodist chute*. and �LMe ti('► taken • li=toeow LMS r'ls• .repgSes lop it. Andrew's yam Oh* of � et thelesS-tM mid who bed bees trwtr see to mat M OMURQN NO TES. `lbt�,'teeny'terien give_ , •,ii.u,turwt of the results of the voting on church union in the presbyteries. so fat as ob- served u to this time- tavestesn t�t are in favor Of union. elx opposed and two give a modified approval nt the proposal. The aggre- gate vote is largely in favor of union. The evaupelietic cervices in Koos church which have been conducted during the pa i two weeks will be con- cluded on Sunday everting. Toenor- iow night's meeting will he the litet this week. The devotional service on Sunday evening will Ik• of a special . haracter in that thanksgiving will h • offered for the work aceotapliabed during the past two weeks. Rev. Geo. E. Ross will occupy the pulpit at both services on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of %Vingbam, has been invited by the official board of North street Methodist church to succeed Dr. Dougall nett July. Dr. Rutledge has accepted the invitation subject to the ruling of the stationing committee. Dr. Dougall will speak next Sunday morning on tbe subject of "Justifica- tion," or "Forgiveness of Sinai." In the evening hu subject will be "The Power of God to Save." in this ser- mon he will read a remarkable stop y. HOCKEY NOTES. 'l'he Goderich Wockey- team is trav- elling in bard luck this season. Having been "burned out of home" by the fire at the Wcet-.G rink, the club accepted an offer from the manager of the Seatorth rink to play its home games there. Of course by this ar- rangement the locals lose tbe advan- tage a team always has in playing ort its own ice, and there is the further drawback that tbe boy, ge• hardly any practice between gashes. 'the re- sult is that the team goes on the ice io poor condition, and lose.. The Sailors played their fleet game of the season at 8t. Marys .last week and were defeated' 12 to 4. The first game on the Sesforth ice was played on Friday night with Strattord the score being (14 in favor of Stratford. Dr. Strang has been off duty at the, Collegiate Institute part of this week, a sufferer from the prevailing malady,•. Is grope. d. J. Morrie was at Walton on Wednesday evening installing the officers of the A. O. U. W. lodge at that place. He will be at Zurich to- morrow evening on similar business. R. R. Sloan. of Blyth, has been in this vicinity for it few weeks. making arrangements for tbe leasing of orcb- Ards for the lend Agency k Security Co.. of Tomtit°. Canvassing will be continued by W. J. Morrow. of Oode- rich, wbo has been placed in charge of the work. The people of Goderich will have ao OpcorUmity of hearing Eddie Pigott, the well-known character vocalist of Toronto. on the 10th of February. The Citizen: Marine Band is baying a concert on that date, with Mr. Pigott as one of the performers. Look for further notices. • A Windsor lady writing to her sis- ter in Goderich speak. io glowing terns of the Royal Welsh ladies' Choir in this wise : "If it is tbe same choir which sang in Windsor, they will give you a perfect ueat. In my estimation to bear one lady sing. "MT Ain Folk," is worth 50 cents 'Coolie This choir appears in Goderich Opera House on Tuesday. January 31st. A nasty accident happened to Er- nest Craigia sou of Rob:. S. Craigie, Lighthouse street, one evening last week. He was sleigh -riding on the harbor hill and in descending one of his legs came in contact with some obstruction near the bottom of the hill, causing his leg to he broken above the knee. It ie hoped that. the lad will not suffer any serious con- sequences ere a result of the unfortun- ate affair. Friends of Ernest MacMillan. the brilliant young Canadian musician (Doe of Rev. Alex. MacMillan, formerly of Auburn and Carlow). *tithe glad to kpow that a cablegram has been re- lived intimating that he bas suc- ceeded in the examinations for the F. R. C. O.—Fellow ot the Royal Col- lege of Organists. This distinction has never before been gained at the early age of seventeen. Mr. MacMil- lan is now wnrkiog at his finals for the degree of bachelor of musk of Oxford University. George Ashton has taken the A- gency for the international Harvester Co. and will handle the well-known McC,,ormick implements, including twenty-four articles, besides engines and automobiles- He will open ware - rooms in Goderich in the course of a week or ten days. and in the mean- time will he pleased to have an oppor- tunity of doing business with anyone wanting anything in his line. The McCormick impietnents are boo well known that Mr. A"htom's customers are assured oflintclaas goods. J. W. Yfltrride, blockman for the interim - Urinal Harvester Co.. bas been in town for • few days assisting Mr. Ashton in opening the agcy. r 'Nat would 'eters to 11TH avUs u! emirs Chu esus of 99I> J1. It he died , w�tetr reesiviwg pay one most o annU- ity the Ooeuesaeemt would pay to hie Wit* or Moire 9100 every peer until the whole of the 91.(10) gttt.rhutsed had Imo paid. If he survived the ten years, :he WOO it yams, w ich is the annual iocowu ou a deposit ot $.3,388.- 38 1 3 ia the postoaloe saviogr bank, would be paid to himself so long se he Melo live it be should live u, ape 110 or ov r. To give the above advent- s system involves considerable Ooversment outlay in the cost. of management and promotion and an interest charge rather larger than the Government pays on its other borrow- ings. This repreeene; the 1?overn- ufbnt conaributioo towerds a scheme for the ggeeusral benefit. Mr. Cameron enforced hie state- ments witb apt and telling illustra- tions and trade hie address very inter- esting. in concludiug his address Mr. Cam- eron impressed his audience with the absolute safety of,the Fee,t.ew and pointed out that eerything wee on the side of the depositor. Before the gathering dispersed, on motic.n of H. J. Morris, seconded by H. I. Morrish, a vote of thanker was tendered Mr. Cameron as a mark of appreciation. of his instructive ad- dress. Mr. Cameron remained in town the following day acid interested a num- ber of citizens directly in the scheme, securing several applications for annu- ities. St. Marys 7, Godericb 4 Godetich played its second game against 8t. Marys last night at Sea - tooth and went down to defeat by the more of 74., At half-time the 'core was two all and had it not been for the wonderful work of Weekes, the St. Marys goalkeeper, the score would have been much larger. as it was Goderich's game in the first half. McLean and Walter., did good work for the Sailors. F. C. Waghorne was the referee. The following is the line- up of the reepectite teams : St, Marys—Weekes, goal ; ('uwning- ham, point : Wilson, cover ; Riddell rover ; Shultz. centre : 8tricker, right wing; Lee, left wing. • Ooderich—Chaptnan. goal: McDon- ald. point; Thompson. cover: Mc- Lean, rover; Marson, centre : Walter. right wing ; Schaefer. left wing. Submit to Quebec Law. Montreal, Jan. 10.—At , a secret meeting of the Eastern Canada Pas- senger Association this morning the Lavergne dual language hill was dis- cussed. No conclusion Lias reached, hut from statements made by officials who were present it seems pro"ticallyy cottGat-� that no opposition will be of- feredrto the bill, now that the C. F. R. has broken away from the other roads and issued French ticaets. Roma, the Eternal City. • Kerne. the Kternel City." in North .trot Methodist churcb next. Monday es -ening. Whet has been -.mad ',brut it : in. lrcuare and Burp uningly gond pictures." _..Toronto News. One of the 1st things widish have mine to our town." Brum& PMIS. '41pMadldls .r d.—111gmelhon • net -•w, enytbfag so Beed outside Mew ''seat Qtly," ibps e ut "�Ye mum Ise • Rome aerate " Many Obeys it g alert. 16 and le berate OLD -AGS ANNUITIES. A STRONG COMBINATION. Union Bank of Canada Absorbs United Empire Bank. The latest move in the etrengtheo- ing of Canada's financial institutions is tbe decision to merge the United Empire Back, whole headquarters have been in Torooto, with the strong Union Bank of Canada, with head office in Quebec. The United Empire Bank woe estab- lished in 1900. Itbas a paid-up capi- tal of a little over half a million, and eighteen branches i n On t e el o. Though perfectly sound and ably managed, the bank found it difficult to make headway against the natural preference of depositors end business men for its larger and stronger cone petibora The directors have there- fore wisely decided to east in their lot with the Union Bank of Canada. This will give the Union Bank assets of over $50,000,000, with more them 241) branches in Canada. As none at the branches of the United Empire Bank. except in Toronto, dup- licate :hose of the Union Beak, they will be continued with practically their present staffs, as Union Bank branches. The directorate of tbe Uuited Em- pire Bank will form an advisory board for Ontario of the Union Bank, simi- lar to the advisory board at Winnipeg for the Western Provinces, which hae worked nut so satisfactorily. An lsteresfimg Address by R. D. Cam- eron, of Luck -now. Brief mention was made in these coluoias lief week of the address on Geyer nment annuities giyen by R. D. Gammon. of Lucknow, in the town hall herse The subject was dealt with in a moat interesting and enlightening manner. and the addresd is wortby an extended notice. The Anouitiee Act was conceived and planned by Sir Richard Cart- wright. While it was a Government measure, as all bills involving money expenditure must be, yet it had and has the eudorsation of both parties and is non-partisan from every stand- point^ What the Gerernment pro- poses to do is to receive deposits fro any person of any age between five and eighty-five years and coovert them into annuities. payable at the age of fifty, or later in lite. as the ap- plicant desires. The Dost of promot- ing and managing the annuities is borne by the Government The Government pays four per cent. compound Interest on all premiums or investment:, fixing the annuities oo that heals. In case of death before the annuity become; due a return is made of all moneys paid with three per neat. ourspoued interest to the cies. The lowest annuli i. $50 per annum and the highest >l. There SVC no fnrfelturei or boom. The appliu.nt gets credit for all that ie pall in. Deposits may he made weekly. tnuethly. quarterly. halt - yearly or yearly in amount. of 26c. and upwards in any money order met - office in Oaneda If the ansount paid in with interest compounded at four per cent. is not ru ficient to give the lowest annuity of 900, all payments with three per mot. compound interest are returned to the applicant at the annuity age of fifty - eve yew s. The alnount laid aside for annuities is immune from attachment for deb. It is payable Orly to the applicant, he nereivin it every %large months ae long so h. lives. Tbewppli 'Mot tatty, by paying at. additional Sora,_Midwestre hi• annuity for ave. , is., Weems or twenty > ekre ..i that it w wabe paid to Id. helm in the event er his death during tie immolated l etand ~wive.shook) `w vive the ttod hi '• mg w ebb_ t to leo a. g so N Ile • newt. .ithent additinnai .-herge ff a 'awe at the ACP of tweet . pus Miler st at. annnitenersnteed fey tee wears of 9101 , 'o•gtw err Mite, he wa•d pay in Ilk week or 911.14 .. yeas f., fns•' ri nr :. tut al t PERSONAL MENTION. TMuwtsar*x, 1e/bee 's le, La11 6 �— - After Grippe or any Sickaess Vino, Creates StrengthI 11BRE IS PROOP!, •• After a long attack of Grippe, Mrs, Vaught seethed unable • re- cover her strength. She was very. weak and had no appetite. VI - NOL rapidly improved her condi- tion and restored her w Opalth. I sincerely recommend its use during convalescence or any run down condition." Junes C. N. Vwvca•r, ' Huntsville, Ala. Miss Adelaide S'iamin, of Water- town, Wis., writes,."After a severe attack of the Grippe, my system was in a very weakened, nervous, run-down condition. I took VI - NOL with the. best of results, and it made me feel better and stronger than I have been for years." We have never sold in our store a more valuable health restorer for weak and run down per,oni than VINOL, and we ask su,:}; people in this vicinity to try VIYOL with the understanding, that their money will be returned if it does not do all we claim for it. H. C. Dunlop, Druggist. G Aert:h. Mr. and Mrs- Harry., Brownlee have left town for Tilbury. where tMy purtataee residing. L Wright, et Retort. Soak., sea in tows over 8unday, the guest of Mr. and Mev. Jabs Lawson. Mir Stella MacQuarria of Mefeort, Sask., was In town for a few days this week vtatting her stater, Mrs. Jobn Lawson. (shire New -Seewd : Mr. and Max Thea AsdaaaMMIOWal Ibis week to Oodertob, where Mr. AsMessa lugs a itsation. Miss Irene flanks left so Monday tet W/nnf- psg on it visit to relaUve.. 8hs will visit to Chicago se route to the Prairie CYty. •Walter H- Harrison and bride arrived la town on Mooday of thin weak. They have taken up tempoeimit reddeaos oa Newgate street but Mea. Harrison will not rewire for belly noel they take pouseadon of their hoots on IQgfn avenue. $446.1ii Aset)rm Me el the heel Woad of 1f he Masud n • bays tease I.efore =a111111ZI, _ Owosso maid is NMI ressivsd ♦ J. the annu(ri felt A - ell that 1.. hae UMW MOM mel } y wwh thew , epee ~+reps Steck wrwM ' eeot ed to kb IOW Mlyeadi Mew, abbeys halto m. premium be sawld die aft.. paid and jth•'Feet nds be .d pools d the tstrr5 delivered II ' Beer the asslt� l die the (ievsre DUUU s tassafei.are s Cleat Kidney Pills will cure Dia- betes. tike Brigbe's Dis- ease i -ease this dis- ease was it curablesaW i is PSits cured i1. Decors themseives maim that without Dodge , Kidney Pell. they eta porlee. we�aaainst Dis- 1's Kidney Pills are the first meanci is that ever caned Diabetes 1 mitations--ben, masse aid are advertised to do so, pu t the medicine Oval ass curs labotos is Dodd's Kelsey Rai Dodd'. Kidney P� w fi*v casts a beer at all druggists. d Plumbing HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING HOOF' NG METAL WORK Ftr., Ed Figure's , Neer fully t'u, 'shed A. R. Pinder epairing The holiday rush is over and we are again prepared to attend to you r repairing. W a t ch and clock fepairing is it specialty of ours. We give special attention to repairing in all cases : also repair all sorts of jewellery. spectacles. eu. Satisfaction guaranteed FINEST MUSICAL TREAT Royal Welsi Ladies' Choir of eighteen voices. a' trnine.l, will Appear in the Op^ mea floosie un Tuesday. .laaruy 31st This magnificent choir is now on its third American Tour and is singing in the cities. It a pears in Iletroit on January 17. Welsh music is as sweet as thele spelling is peculiar. lir Hai% Y'Deugn, Per, Clychn Alwrdyfi, ('vnrru. Fydd, Hen wlad try- N halon, are the names of some of their selections. Come and hear them pronounced. Tickets, 75c, 50c and 36e. Plan of hall at H. T. Edward's, open to subscribers Friday, Jan. 27. to the public Saturday, Jau- utt dry 28. 10 Cutters to Be Sold at Cost Must be cleared out regardl e s s of price. Call and see them at the Mas.,ey- Harris Shop on HamiIton Street....... , welter and Optician South Side of Square Goderich Cure Your Cold White eine with Wild Cherry and Laxative Quinine Tablets do the work. H. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square { — Goderich. The Signal's Clubbing List will save U money Clearing Sale OF WINTER FOOTWEAR • Everything in Footwear for the cold weather trust be Heart;^I at come to make room for new goods coming in for the spring trod... Felt and Belt -lined Boots, Shoes and Slippers, f{eovy Gun) rubbers, Overshoes and Xockey Boots :it pries that +Ire cure to clear then •.a es►ww coo tc at we have to Offer. i eperirigg Downing & MacVicar North Side itl tiyuere. (ioderkh 1