HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-19, Page 4P
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ct News.
MONDAY, Jan. 16;,h.
I he aauual meeting of the Holmss-
1le (Jbeesc sod Butter Co. will be
held oo Sauuday next.
(Jlarssoe Oole has returned to his
hoose in Michigan alter speeding a
sew weeks among hi. relatives hers.
Lme BROKEN.- John Cox, she of
the beet -known residents of the town -
'hip. met with a serious accident nue
lay le 4 week. He was looking ovate
.-one cattle at Holmes vine when cess
,f the animals Kicked him, breaking
be' small bone in his leg below the
a nee and dislocating the k nee. He will
he laid up for some time.
WEDDING. --A p!easarit event wan
the wedding ot Miss Myrtle Levis,
eldest daughter of Edward Levis,
Holmesville, to John Huller. a well -
Known farmer 01 thistownahip. 'Abe
ceremony was perfot teed by Rev. T.
.I. Snowden. The happy couple have
i..ken up housekeeping ou the groom's
term, Huron road, east ..f Holmes-
. Elle.
.,t.nu.tl inet•ting of Godrrich township
district L. O. r,. was held in the lodge
room of No. 306, Bayfield line, on Mon-
day of last week. Officers were elected
and insulted as follows : Master.
Gel,. V e.nderburv. No. 189: deputy
toaster, '1'hoe. Bell, 145: chaplain,
John Wood, 14 ; recording secretary,
Adam Cantelon. 181: financial secre-
tary, Arthur Cooper, 16 treasurer,
(leo. Cooper. 306 ; f) of C.. John Mc -
Clime. 145 : le,rturer, John Emanenon,
1810 ; second lecturer, W eeley Vander`
bur. ISO.
TELEPHONE Me rrINO.-A meeting
in cunnrctIU.. with the Goderice town -
shin municipal telephone system will
be held in the schoolhouse at Taylor's
Corners u0 Wednesday evening. Jan-
uary 25th, at 8 o'clock. The object in
calling the meeting is to discuss the
edvia..uiiity ot extending the tele-
phone system into the northern part
of the township. It is wet: swab -
fished in the southern section and the
f Il is becoming general that steps
be taken at once towards ex -
tootling the system and securing a
Goderich voorectioo. This is a mat-
ter of interest to every fa -•mer in the
upper part.d the township. and it Is
=art fast the meeting will be well
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 11th.
Tau Thwarts'', CounciL.-The fol-
lowing persons made the neoeseary
d•tda."ation of office and property
,ium__.U��flsa•tinn : Samuel Sturdy, Reeve:
Wliliam H. Lobb, George Hudie,
John Hathwell, John W. Yeo, coun-
cillors. The minutes of last meeting
were read and approved. The fol-
fowiag township officers were ap-
pointed : Treasurer, J. E. Whitely.
salary. 186: clerk, N. W. Trewertba,
malnry. 1106: ooliactor, 0. W. An-
drews, IWO; assessor. John Thompson,
Malan. 160: aoditors, George Holland
sod George Gould. $5 each. Jas. John-
ston was re -appointed to the board of
health. Dr. Whitely was appointed
medical health officer. Fenowview-
srs : Isaac Salkeld. John $owerby.
George Laithweite, John Sturdy, W.
F. Hick. Jas. Yu,Il, Hall Rutledge.
Alfred Naltet, Alexander Welsh, Ed-
ward Wiss, John Woon, George
Adoption, Chas. Lovett, C. W. Wil -
limns, Thos. Churchill Poundkeep.
yes: Isaac Salkeld, W. F. Hick. An-
drew Mo(3uire. G. 0. Cooper, George
Haller, hn Connell. Pathmasters :
Michael MgAivo Amy, Herbert;
Bark, Walter tioeWbeie. J. J
.ton. Thos. Sowerbv, John Woods,
Q..orgs Hastings, Henry Montgotuery.
Johnston, Geo. Vander.
Jetts Burton, G. W. Sturdy,
Sturdy. John Alexander,
Nelson, Herbert Trewarths,
y Cantelon, John G. steep. Hart
Jas. Graham, Philip Rundle,
Jose bbon. Thos. Johneton, H.
Osbatdsston. David Lindeny, Oswald
Gfort, Lewis Gino, C. Wllliaw., jr.,
/es.Ooidough. Oliver Jervis, C. Caf-1
pas, Jas, Rapson. Tho.. Mair, Bora
used Alex. ('ox. Bert Lindsay.
fie. Lindsay. Wilbert Huck, Jas.
Fuser, John Lindsay. John
llsaoom. Jas. Steep. W. Id. Elliott.
Allam Acott. David Churchill.
David Deaver, Arthur Currie, W.
Mooning•. Daniel Rueger. The fol-
lowing accounts were ordered paid :
G. W. Andrews• postage and station-
ery. SS; A. J. Oourtice, express. 85c. ;
Municipal World. supplies. $.4.551:
Henry Miller, posting statements.
$1.00: 1. Newoncotw, gravel. $1.$$.
Tbs Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto.
was donated 113. *40 was soled foe
the use of hall for township porpoises.
The council adjourned to meet the
fired Monday in February- at 1:0 p. m.
N. W. TenwaRrrt a. Clerk.
r , .,
1V stsus , • •
let Pre:: t. Idtstl;:nett. -The
Oval meeting, which were held in the
Presbyterian church for tear nights
wire very successful. They closed
f4trday evening and one tit the !organ
crawds ever in the church on +tel or -
Misery night wits there, and a good
number stayed for the after -meeting.
Rev. Mr. McLeod. who was in chaste
of the meetings, left Mooday morning
for he horns at R.lwood. On %Yed-
nesday evening of this week Rev. E.
A. Fear will conduct a meeting in the
Methodist church, assisted by outside
(four, WEST. -E. T. Adam.. who
has conducted a jewelry store in
town for the past year, is clotting up
hie business through an arrangement
with Robert McKay, who has bought
part of th? stock. it is his intention
to move the balance of the ,.tock 'Tutt
West, a here t" is going in a couple of
weeks. While here he did a vets,
good business, but be thinks the West
has better chances' for • young ratan
than the East. He wan very popular
here and his many friends will wish
bim all sorts of succe s in his new
home. This week he is in Toronto
and A. W. Robinson is looking after
the business.
HYMENEAL -.1 quiet home wed-
ding took place at the residence of
(leo. Hirone last Wednesday. when
his second daughter, Mies Ina. way
united in marriage. to Gordon Mac-
donald, of Brussel.. Rev. J. L. Small
tied the knot. The Nide wore • be-
coming suit 01 grey lady's cloth with
hat to match. After the ceremony
supper was served and hearty coo-
tratulations were extended. Con,id-
eriog that there were only a few
guests. a great roans very beautiful
presents were received. The happy
couple took the evegiog train for a
abort wedding trio before taking up
housekeeping at Brussels, where the
groom is proprietor of the Central
hotel. Their many friends here all
extend congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Macdonald.
Tuesday, Januar yy Itkb. death carried
off one of Blytb's oldest and moat -
respected citizens, in the person of
Mary Coulter. at the eve of seventy
years. The denessed , was horn in
comity Tipperary-, Ireland, coming to
Canada in 1848 with her relatives.
They resided in West Gwillimbury
for eight years, when she came to
Morris and was then married to W.
Coulter. From this union four cbil-
irire sees bore. Is 1891? they all
mowed to Blyth where Mr. Coulter
died on June 25th, 1866. The de-
ceased leaves to mourn ber low one
eon. Joseph, of New York, and two
daughter., Mrs. J. Bowles, of Balti-
more. and Mrs. K. Sellars. of town :
also two brothers and two siaten-
Joseph. of Cairo, Mich., and Rodnlph.
us, of Blyth ; Mrs. Tackah.rry, Gode-
rich, and Mrs. John White, Blyth.
The deceased was a lifelong member
of the Metbodtat church and was a
kind and loving mother. Her illness
started last June, but was not con-
sidered serious until three days be-
fore het. death. The remains were
..rnveyed to the [:oinn cemeten on
Friday, Rev. E. A. Fear conducting
the service. Three of deceased's
ggr•aodchlldren. Albert, of Chicago ;
ltatsseII. of Valparaiso, Indiana, and
Whitfield and wife, of Toronto. were
home for the funeral.
gave an address on the life
ennyson before the union A. Y.
P. A. societies et Bel rave on Monday
evening Isaac 'Brown and D.
Fan•ish are in Lucknow this week fix -
ion up their apple evaporator. They
intend having it one of the Inst in the
county Misses Rene and Verna
Bennet left on 8aturd•y for Toronto.
where they are going into the whole-
sale millinery houses before the spring
openings start R. Sloan left on
Monday for Toronto, whither he ex-
pects to be sent out in the St. Cath-
arines district in connection with the
fruit firm he is engaged with .. - A
load of Trinity church young people
went to Beigrave Monday even ni g -W
visit the Belgrave society J.
Ooomhe left on Monday for Goderich
to spend a fete days with his daugh-
ter \ McQuarrie, of Serfortb,
pent a few daye in Dorn this week.
R. Stewart, a former farmer of
West Ai awano.b. who has been liv-
ing in town for the past few years, 1
has purchased • farm near Hepworth
and will move tbere in the early
spring... ..John Elliott, of The Stan-
dard. went home last Saturday. but 1
when he got there his mother. who
had heen i11 for a considerable time,
had pawed away. Much sympathy
is expressed far Mr. Elliott in
his many afflictions since coming
here. We understand it is his inteo-
tion to go on t0 Toronto end meet his
wife and family and bring them to
Blyth John Pette left last Fri-
day for Toronto, where be has secured
w good position es engineer ... W.
Gibbs, who has been confined to his
bed for • good many weeks, is not im-
proving very much, but rather gel•
ting weaker.
WEDNESDAY. .1an. Intl.
Hr. i.aws was surprised by him 4.'00-
...rogation no -
rogation from Coles appointment on
Pueday evening. when they arrived
.t the parsonage in a body and pre -
...rued their pastor with a fine load of
.\ sleigbluad „f young p from
• he visage and neighborhood were en-
tertained most enjoyably at the home
d Mr. and Mrs. Waite, Wallie on
Pt ssdav evening.
At meeting of the Cemetery t;oas-
paoy cm Monday hat, Robert John-
atoa was a oted sexton in the place
of Ric Elliot, who has hag! the
;elephant) for some years.
Tolima s.. Jan.
J , .
Ars. Lesson, from near
Hanover untie, her brother, Wm.
Bttmtord Mies (Lace Wightesas
w re do h ifeek f mentheor three ( sort -s-
tory Mies riatless McClinton. of Ooh.
rich. e• '^s mg ber same ?needs here
'bis ....l Mr seed M,, Wwby
'starkbn,,o.-oLeftist •M the rsemfk*e
4 the W "st $elc l eener at theft hems
a w i neosl• ! venting lass . All m-
Tbis Was
•lteIr'..•.1 • •[leas 0 them. «
,web due purpose' belling at
MI lemma of bs retinue eleelleeld-
taste Wesley Farrow peaposei
Obeli iMMsIs base
obasethe -
wiry Mwith tb
is te=
We be - . til mewed
MOPrnA Y. Jan. 0th.
Towsset, r4ICNCIL--Council Inst
as per statute. Members present et-
cept Councillor Wilton The newly
elected members subscribed to the ose-
smeary declaration sod qualincatfoa
p.pares and then took their Beats at the
board for 1911. Minutes of last meet
log were reed and approved. on mo-
tion of Wears. Watson and Anchor
sun. Grants t0 pooh :these'', we,,
Sao as follows : St_ Helen.. $10:
OOP. S6: Mawbutmr. $b. J.
earetakt of
hail at R ca O gre was dd teases R.I
loss .ted Murray. Tb. Manistee.
World w•. for t be holleherg
et beam no mMfoo of Msec•. Mem.
sad Aitebo•eoo Tie oil, to of 11111
Wei* Ielect.d • rads bylaw draws up
.osfirrn ing for sates. Unveil by Mame.
rwleray and Wauee ' hot tors Web
d -r be sodium . (,yrried. limed by
■were. Murray .sl
TayTho. los A )raRett�
\\'a Flail,* that Js..ew _`
auditor Taster wit sMt>t_
were smisttrd to the ,temps[ •/ Moot
OM its parties, •4 aseam.jj Osta-
.V djmmmsd to swot so FsSru.ey
lath at 1f1 e44111t. W tirromma. .
N. - WTON, DRNT18I, yr
if t. to.. W ..a. .saib
• ear e.a M its . Wass
sea tit Salle w, e1
•`a ades
..111 Itt&and every ' an ardert IMMn
1(u'1'1011. IHlt LAICAL AQSNICY
Daysu �'N•.d at w l=
ta-tw v ya-
wl At wart, so/ p s w 1 he
etre, smeseu esel ler t m WM.
'rummer, Jan. 171.h.
Bert Roach, of (ioderiob, is v'siting
friends here at present.
Mn. Jackson and sou Will, of Atd-
berigv, visited et D. Gienn's this week -
The Bisbee Thompson, of St. Augus-
tine, visi...•d at Mrs. Hyso's on Sun
John Shephard and family, of Cow
per. Sask., are visitlug at S. F. '1're-
Jack Ryan started work in the
B.adtoni blacksmith shop Monday
of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Begley returned from
the r month's visit to their son Will
iu Hwruilton.
Sirs. Barber has returned from
Aylut.•t- for a visit to her friends here
lar .t few days.
li.-v. W. Bremner, of Ripley. will
occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church next Sunday.
West Wawauush bits lost a good resp
dent by the death til Edward Fowler.
who passed away on f•c.day, Oth inst..
at tie age of fllty.dvs years. He hail
been in failing health for some time as
the result of asthma. He is survived
by bit wife. formerly Mars McNrvin.
and nine children : James and Bert,
of Maoitot'a; Donald, of %Vest\\-awa-
nosh : Harry, Hoy. Gladys, May,
Myrtle and Edo., at bonus The
bereaved noes have the sincere sym-
pathy of the community. •
AsmUAL MEErien. -The annual
mes ing of the \Vlwt Wawauosh
Mu al Fire insurance Co. was held in
the • :ricultural Hall, 1lungannon. on
We. • sda of this week. A goodly
numw. of � those interested In the
affairs of the company were in attend-
ance. Alex. Stuart. president. took
the chair, after which the, minutes of
the last annual meeting were read and
approved. The reports of the direc-
tors and the auditors were presented
and adopted. The meeting was then
turned over to the policyholders. W.
Bailie was appointed chairman and T.
G. Allen secretary. The following
nominations were made for directors :
M. Lockhart, Jos. A. Mallougb. W. P.
Reed, John W. Webster and Hobt.
Mcilwain. Jos. A. Mallough with-
drew his name and Messrs. Reed.
Lockhart turd Mcllwain were elected
ilhoetors for 1911. W. A. Wilson and
John Wilson were re-elected auditors
for another year. The financial state-
ment was presented and showed the
idy balance on hand of $ ), 8.1). The
losses for the year bad been quite
numerous, but tbe payments made
had been small amounts. At a brief
meeting of the directors following the
annual meeting, Alex. Stuart was re-
elected president and John H. Karate
vice-ptesi dent.
(Prom an or-o..Iona! oorre.poadant..
CARWw, Jan. 13th.
' BYteree. -The first annual meeting of
the Uolborne telephone system was
held in the township hall today. There
was a large attendance of the subscrib-
ers and contrary to the general expecta-
tion the greatest unanimity prevailed.
It not being the end of the fiscal year
the officers did not present a detailed
rep .rt of finances.. but the president
read figures of amount of money al-
ready spent and 'he estimated amount
required to finish the contract, 'Mow-
ing [bat there would be a small hal-
aooe on hand after completing tbe
lines now started. The officers abo
reported the actions taken by them in
regard to obtaining coorections with
adjoining systems. The contract en-
tered intra by them with the Blyth
telephone syineno was read, by which
it was sbownat subscriber, of either
system have free use of both systems,
and also will have use of further ':on-
oections obtaioed by either company.
By this contract ib. Colborne sub-
scribers receive free use of at preeent
over 2(41 telephooes in Blyth, Hallett.
Morris and Wawaonnh, and also the
free use of all telephones in the Brus-
sels stem. which at present number
over 600. A 5 -cent rate is also obtained
over the \Wroxeter system. which
numbers at present A10. with tbe pot,-
sgeility of connection with the North
Huron a ateen et Brussels. With :-e-
gard to connection with Goderich the
officers repotted that. though they
had been repeatedly promised ooenec-
t too by the Hell Co.'s contract agent
and built tbeir lines expecting this.
the agent had at the last meeting flat-
ly refused connection on aov terms.
though he would not commit [big air
fusel to paper. A motion was carried
by which the commissioner.. w ere em-
powered to offer the Bell ('o. • con-
tract for connection at ()eidetic."' et
either a 5 -cent message rate ora flat
rate of $2 per subscriber and a 3 -cent
rate for non-auhecribers until the pres-
ent teen -his, expires in Goderich. the
contract to be accepted within two
weeks. in the event of refusal the
officer were t.o arrange for a meeting
with' the goderich tow', council and
subscribers of the telephone"system.
The contract for placing a telephone
is r. P. R. station at Metiaw i►aa
tea over until the July meeting.
Votes of thank. were teodered to
GM retiring officers. who were uoaoi-
evousf y re-elected. aod also to I.
Hill president of tbe Blyth telephone
e�wtam and Mr. Taylor. of Morrie, a
director of the Bntaiela Co., who wer•a
t at the [heating and who gave
nterestism addresses on their experi-
ence• in dealing with r be Bet lb..
and who also pee useful advice in re-
run to other mattes, and premised all
t 'esterase* in their power to tee-
the' this iseportsot cooperative
movement and also to -lesia moose -
Hon with the ,rose[. 'own Jobe
Wilson. Auburn and Iles P. ttbep-
peed. Nil. were Wetted auditors. after
ttAtsh the seating adjourned "leveret
were +eortred frr.m stew gab
to he oonoe.•tsd with the ere -
tam sad the einem of gbh .Neese
there* nesMicell• assured
Good worms seem, isobar..
A craw salisa #Ir as Apgars smiths
MI=Illiturode UMW.
January Sale Continue Just Onix Week More
We neve. 1 ' duuatv'aie Mai did so w I for as this elle now in pro It Ia .n Brea, money-
td�1 1 �
sale for the buyers. We maintain very low prices on the goods people want j now and will hold ;hem
until the end of the sale. Good depepdable goods are rarely found at our prices.
New Scotch Gingham. on paIr
at 10e. Some of them Ieghlay
15e cloth and none leas than 124c.
10e will buy any of theta till
the end of the sale.
Every piece new. best English
slake. abst)lutely fast colors.
regular 124c. You can ouy any
of thew for Ile while the tale
Just one week re to get
11 44.• and 124c values for 10e. 34
to 35 inches wide. Rare value
indeed for IOc. Some of them[
could not lie laid down now fur
the peps-[- we ask. Be sure you
get same of them before this
sale ,loses. '
Just ought a big lot of Wool -
make, direct frau a will. This
bit. is a clean-up. Powe and see
what you ran get for a QUARTER.
Never showed such value fortis.
Black Sateen Under-
A special purchase for this lig
title. Note the prices 51k• to 520at
it is s vara thing to see such
values for skirts. made frills and
pleating full width- and length:
White Goods
Skirts. Gowns, t'orset Covcl-s
fought r-peciatly for Christmas
and Jautwry sale. and you can
'nay them[ at nearly makers
prices while the sale lasts. Come
and get out- prices on theist.
'l9tev ale real bargains at the
money we ask for them.
its fulllskirt widths. flouncing,
corset waist widths, fully a) per
rent. ler than they are usually
sold for. About 800 yards of
harrow widths, 8 to 10c. You
can get any of'them for Sc.
Oust Import Laces are here,
new• for Spring. You can buy
any of them while the sale lasts
.1:off. \-all, Maltese, Torchons
and Orientals. This is your
chance to get new laces cheap.
:Aka for.... . . .
$ c fur .... ..,.
81.15 for..
$1.50 for ... .:..,,
These are full
Corsets. Latest Models
D. b A. make. Note our Prices.
4S- 75c for 00c
.... $1.00 for....... tror
teic $1 IZ for 11.116
$1.30 $4.0O.for $1.90
length, just what most people ask for. White,
with stocking supports.
5 White Bear Coats for Children
• at the following reduced prices. A REAL SNAP.
$4.00 for $3-'1.'-i $24X1 for .. ,
82.90 for.. :..... ........$5'',i 8'1.•25 for
Au) ..N.1. its the agog, me.
114.00 can be buttgbt now for
$6.00, in black, brown, grey and
green, full lengths. Oily 11 to
sell now but they must go aid
will go surely at $6.00. !,tosyls'
all wade for this winter's trade.
Oue Muff and 7 Stoles left 'and
you can get one for huts than
makers' prises. A good chrome
W get a cheap fur.
About 1220 pairs of
Winter Gloves. Hand lined
colors, slate, doe, grey, cardinal
Myrtle, navy and brown,
note the reductions.
i0c for 39.
35c for ?,x•
25c for 'Aka
Slyer 84, T. Tl and$, A genuine
MONDAY. Jan. 18th.
Mesar,. Jesse and Wm. Gray, of the
4th concession of Ashfield, went to Ox-
ford Centre, near Woodstock, to
attend the funeral of their brother, J.
H. Gray. who died on Saturday.
MatMILL AN-Mat'LEAN.-I'he mar-
riage of Miss Isabel Margaret[,,
delighter of Mr. and Mn. Donald
MacLean. of Awberley. to Philip J.
MacMillan, of Lucknow, took place at
tbe home of the bride's parent. on
Wednesday. Decetnl.er :Nth. The
ceremooy was performed by Rev. J.
8. Hardie, and Miss Fanny MacKenzie
played Menoelssohn's wedding march.
'l'he bride, who was given away by
her father. was dressed in white satin,
semi -train, with the conventional
bridal veil, and carried a bouquet of
bride's roses and lilyof-tbe-valley.
Her sister, Mies Lexie, was brides-
maid. and wore pink pyette silk and
carried pink carnations. The groom
was supported by Donald MacChatles,
of Lucknow. The bride's mother was
in black silk. After the ceremony the
wedding party- numbering over fifty
adjourned to the dining -room, which
was decorated with smilax and pink
carnations. Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan
lett for a short honeymoon trip. the
bride travelling in a nary blue broad-
cloth. suit, with hat to match and
Mack Persian Iamb furs. On their
return they will reside at "Fairview,"
Lucknow. Among those present at
the wedding were Donald McLeod,
Montreal : A. MacMillan. Macville,
Dakota : Captain and Mrs. Maclnoes,
Windsor ; Mies Sadie Boyd, Chicago
and Miss Mac Boyd, Goderich. The
bride is one of Ashfleld's most highly
esteemed young ladies, and a hat of
friends wish her much joy in her
wedded life. Many- beautiful gifts
received from near and far testified to
the warm regard in which she is held
in a wide circle of friends. v
Willie at • Party.
"Noe. Willie,' said his mother,
"did you behave yourself at the
party?" ''Yeti, ma," replied Willie.
A lady- handed mealate of iced
cakes, and. being quite full up, I said
as you told me to say, 'No. thank
you.' " "That was quite right." said
his mother approvingly. "She banded
them a second time, said Willie. "and
i said as before. 'No. thank you.' "
"You sue a good little boy," cried ba
mother. "Bet," continued Willie.
",be banded them • third time, and
you hadn't told nee what to say the
third time." "i most have quite for-
got to tell you. said his mother, "but
surely you said something." "Yes,
ma." replied Wilds, "i `bought of
what pe secs. "Why ' inquired
bit mother. "\\ bat doe, pa say
'Take the blessed things away. low
tnan\ more times have i to say 'No. s its diamond'?"
The Ontario Department of
Agriculture is devoting special
attention toward bringing farm
laborers and others suited for
farm work to this Province.
These parties will begin to ar-
rive here early in February.
Farmers requiring then should
apply Nome tirue in advance of
the date required. Write for
application forms to ,.
Parliarnent Buildings Toronto
Here are a few of the
many lines in which we
can give you excellent
value :
Etc.. Etc.
Sturdy & Co.
'Phone 01 The Square
The leather -"That young fellow
who bas been calling here lately is a
very Ane young man : be has the right
ring abut him .•' The Daughter (e.g-
-ave you- seen it
erlvl-"Has be % H
For Good Reading Get
Each lssue Corny:els In itself
14 esat.ats r of sae& • c"s'dislg eater, u
to rests tie reader 1. bay a se satabw •d wast
the asst. 1.111PPINCOTTI new eleven • wide
field el Ji.Orkeheetiae rsadwv who seek emir
Mei whit* is beet he nobs. Feet. .a/ Fere
all rust 110111110120TOIN MU. Win T$ WO
1 2 GALAT CS I.gT! NOVU&--esr is Back isms.
50 11111111ELY ANIMAS by compass[ wets,,.
75 /MET coverrime-set, and vital
50 PL(ASf9I PtlU the[ seed es iwrrprestr
200 PAINS M NEN ACA 111011111110 in " Wates. anti
Wine " the meet wiWy goosed bow n,elise is Agonise.
2000 owe yearly at exhilarate( readies.
Web. ,...
Mend alp enders as Ail paper er M
I -ter. M
IND MI AM MOB 11118181111,11
rsadr.ra e.
Pleigge w r----- Bdecriiers. p carats [tong
January Bargains
Fine Furs, Ruffs, Stoles,
In all the best
able furs.
Fur -lined and Fur -trimmed
prices to make quick cle
Women's and >flues' Clotll
less than cost of the mat
Throws and Muffs
and most fashion•
Coots .tll marked at
Coats to go now at
`Bargains in Separate Skirts and Undershirts.
Bargains in Ladies' Suits and Waists.
Bargains m Quos aired Glass
bass eat
This Fur season is now advancing to its floes.
and consequently upeciai values are expected.
We are 'now affeling to all the advantages
which are only enjoyed by wholemeal, pur-
chasers. -
' In ladies' Astrachan (:oats our range hegins
at $x.00 and up to 196.00.
In Persian Lomb freed 110.0Il to $896.00.
In Near Seal from $$0.00 to $eo.00.
In Fur -lined Cn-ts from $45.00 to $86.00.
Our Fur Sets, Ties, Stoles and Muff, in
Mint. Perwuut Lamb. Fox, eto;. have Dever been
as choice or large at this time of the year.
Return Railway Fore within 60 Mlles
.of London re/Ianded on all purchases
of $20.00 and upwards.
196 Dundas Street London, Ont.
Our Motto "A as uare deal to everyone "
Your E
Are Good
for }ricking up some rare good bargains in Furniture. We waist
to diapttsr of es much as ryesiblr so that we may order a oorapklte
new stock foe the.priug trade. Understand. this le so =out-
of-date stock a ere trying to work off on roe. Seery ats't�kte is
clean, new(k�t upto-date. but to be sure of lutvtag am A I
,tnek for and .ieinity we want t.. oder nn entire fresh
Our pretenses hirer* hat's pertly renovated. lit there ,-more
to be done vet, and in older tomelte the axon. we will sire you
the good, CHRAP -DIRT (JD;ILP.
\14 NORDHftiM[R
W. J. M U I R & CO.
Oar melt
file reel *mew psef4i fee pear meg