HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-12, Page 8a Thorson•
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S12,000 Merchandise Sale 1
I E SIGN A'I 1;vDERItJ l ONT% Illi
Srs.nching out and getting bigger is`the cause for this big sale. Just now
square feet more• selling. space added on, making in all a total of 7,000
,q,.are feet, giving us the largest store in Goderich. We have taken over the
building formerly used by the Sovereign Bank and will open it up with a tre-
mendous sale starting on Saturday morning and will continue until every article
Of the $12,000.00 worth of goods advertised is sold. 1-lere is a chane- for every-
body, as goods for everybody are included in the sale. It is an unprecedented
:Oportutity to buy goods at a great saving of dollars and cents. .Every depart-
.nerr the store' is interested in this the bi gest sale of the whole year. It will
e a., outpouring of goods that will he long remembered in the town .'t
2,000.nn worth of new merchandise divided as- follows :
$3,000.°9 2,000.00
I I' 4 x11 . - and tet' '' Clothing
ever;- S Overcoat
_tick. ieralls and
, i1,
ISO Men's"Overcoats
-Ul her i+e c,ple'i pricy $10.00 toll
u to:,.n'a• i,rice S4.1.00 and $5.95
- ..her people. price $IS.00 and
$1:,.00 and $16.IRI.
• 4." de:cri})tion we will sty Lot' \o.
11 uoeiato to ++'ell -tans.[! Nests. made of i,u((,or, cel
scotch and English t re[[., nI o beneers and w.stl
-e.4ri aa;' cont ertble and college collar.. i u
•fp'ht sail dark grey- mixtures, also black and blue.
,. I«"+' 32. to 42 ebe.t measurement. Sale prjee
,OLS ettuipriat•s all of -the 'hest Coats we have in
ock:anti not one reserved, sizes 3.1 to 12: $1.2.16.
A 'i(•tt-in4-lifetime-opportunity.
Men's Suits at Extraordinary
•uttr items mentioned just to fie you. an idea :
ITEM NO. 1-1041 business Suits: Cameron's
regnia.r prier $its.tst. Sale prier per
runt $12.95
1TR.. :NO. 2- 75 men', high-grade tatailo''eed
Safe p• ice-
uit, Center'oti s regular 112.0o values. .DVil• / 5
No, -50 toes', ordinary tweed Snits,
well made. .izrt t to 42, Camer+,n's r•cgular
yalaeli up t.. $10.I01. Kele pr ice per $5 95
ITEM- Nu. 4-75 Boys' too-i)iPy' titins.
,gutat set,tra ;end P.50.ktele price peer $2.19
•sit elle �7
LSO pair- men... odd Pants, sizes 30 t„ 44. in
,c'od setsicenble tweeds and worsteds. ....giant
••aisle~ fi" 2L and $2.50. Bale price per $1,65
rix. . ..,
beledrrzen mien's and 1w.rc' linen CnJlays. stand -
/p. tiro -down. id.• and close -fitting. in feet
very coecsiyable shape ii ade, sill sizes from 1.2
* o D . In the he some are slightly soiled but the
tirhl laundering will fix them. Regular values
i5c and Mc. The be an sale at one price, Co.
•.Eldozer: Inerts fine wool acid cashmere Sox.
.no.ttr all black in the lot. regular values 17e
Syr. kale price. per pair
lbdc+•zen • o -n s and bots' four -in -lulled Neck-
•ies, excellent motetna, regular values sip 1 ett
n tsar. t 7earins all at one:price. , . 2c
5dot-o :nevi four -in -heed Ties. 4regular- e]5c
''. Side peke L
10 down ten's:4viute. Caps. regular 35c
•a,lues roe and 76c, sale price each ..
I75 suits men's Rewe -lined and mixed w•oni':ui,t
vary Cotton Utader'e-ess, 'v8111111' value', 39c
3R amendSale, per ganitent
`^ IJe+dln hen r. working sox. dark colors. 1 i!
_' price pe, .,•.;.elle ... J
of \iitlinery
.a,;.Iud(rS every trimmed Hat, all
i4':e feathers, flowers, wings and trim-
!rings. On.sak main flour. former![. ,
rr,e-'s clothing department.
tltuinerw matt gra now. Positively n,, ,.qac,. '
61i ,Foltz &wpm all • now this seesenu.oo,
soave, s fine and diminish felts, regatta
11119.60 each. /isle price 50
>.,,,,: 5 fur alno latae., Katz. rhea,-
,' irsaa.re and ha: turbans that
., u 'roar to 03.00. 'Thio the,.
ra :. ea a ![rise elle... $3.45 ,
tiritnrme +ta,rtn±r..
_r.• .: w Or.^. a ec, r77a fol. !tar-
n ..�.-a1!,
of Boot:, and Shoes
Overshoes and Rubbers for men,
ladies, bogs, girls and children. Every
pair in the stock to be cleared during
this sale. On sale in the Sovereign
Bank building.
2•.0 pairs ladies' and misses' tin. shoe... .tea
100i. regular values $2.511 to $4.011. $1 C7Q9
All clearing at one prier. per pair
150 pair. I:s' Shoes, worth tip ' Q i Q
$2.'25, clearing per pair
NieJl/s J��J
7v pair's u,eu's atNx1 wearing Boot- ,;,,,,•1
strong soles, well sewed. regular values $l 98
$2.50 and $'2.75. Sole price per pair...
:A !,airs ,sen;+
refealur- $:i.25 an
pair ,
box calf Roots. welted . ,L• -
d $:1.75. Sale: per $2.95
12:i pairs teen'.
may have fetid of
for them. Our c
eases 1Pubet.
stores price 70c•
Rubbers, sizes 6 to 11 1 uu
her stoves $1.00 it pail
leari,ig price. per pair 69(
ltubl%rs. 441104 `2i to T. of her
Our sale price. p'r' 49c
of Dress Goods hnd Silks
including even' yard of these goods in
the entire stock. To be slaughtered
regardless of profits. Front, main
5.000 yards of Dress (:rails and Silks. Every
card to be cleared out regardless of profits during •
this sale. i'stery piwe in stock will be greatly re-
duced. The range of goods is too large to give
any particulars, but here are one or two samples:
$1.00 and $1.25 Dress (.oats. Sal'' 69c
75e Dress (hods. Sale price ..........48c
00c and 05e Dress Goods. i3 s 1 r 39c
price ............
of .Ladies' and Children's Coats
Lladies' Suits and Skirts. Not one
garment reserved. On sale main floor
in section formerly used as shoe depart -
26 igi rlr cloth Coats. Th,•y w'ilI tit girls from
`t to 13 years oil age. Almost every color, in-
cludhing pretty tweed effects. Regular values
$6.00 to $7.50. Clearing sale price. $2.95
of Ladies' Furs
which includes ruffs, muffs, stoles and
[oats --not one piece reserved. On
sale in department formerly used for
men's and boys' clothing.
Now for t he great sale of small lass, includi,.
Stoles, Tien. Throws. Muifs, etc. Furs such ,
sable, In,unnot. Persian paw, German otter, riy,
Mink, etc., ,lar rabies; $10.00 and ft�pQ+ (�
$1'2.00 to $1 While they last each .Dl)•.7�
Bleached Cors , . -, ,, n" do Or yard. nal,
. fords for
Shaker ..B kel w rJtt6c
e• hl... and g,.+t:. -,: r,
s1,1S. Sale,
per pair... Afic
Spool Cotton. Sale 3 spool.' 1 Oc
Ladies' Hand Satchels, result., i,v,.. -'a... AIM,
J31 k W0tele, regular $400.
.krt Sateen.
r•egttl,ar 90c foe 14ic
.A4 -r-8(1 Bottona, 12 (torr!
• ler
: •se r.a. regular $l.OQ h-7 do
SYC cr : 1Roth, reglideu*k_ 1tlie
1 Se 4 , .t-',7 - ogu111.r $1.111, for .
- r: r •
•tr>_ • 6 etrenee tr.. the Men's Jeepert ttrtiele mark
. T,►lpsrtmen'.
:• sot$an pace. lfoode at prices that cannot L:, t.ewtet. Ger ,•.
' + • .a. 't' aI rte for ever'ybod
' .- v." to ba S r You'll never tors,
s crowd- come and Ret our Goods Dan be rw u
, ..e • 'at"k without eltreseitrs. The bstlta� fsth If not estisfar,...
sir Marrs fres eet�s Riad [!lain tot. M tiet+n. Dtan't '
s4R as �atr
ae41.ills toil r m., friends/me firing thane NtM` t1. *Vetstilillif and orae n.r:..
Cameron's Departmental Store
...... arnme enim.00mm
for the
, pet Ball", per lot........$$.25
• •ams of Forte $L�6
Heen Rag Game t 7�c
Also a full line of the ever
popular gamw+-
Flinch, Pit
Lost Heir
Hinkurn Pinkur:
Peter Coddles
Seep, Old Maid
Etc., Etc.,
tinging in price from
up to 60c.
i he Colonial Book Store
GfsO. PORTER, Prop.
The awaatal urea.. e,:►twl tuatiesi
In connection antis 9i. lla
church was bold in tbs soltoolj
eta the evening of Thursday, Jaawsey
5th and prevent most enjoyable
entertainment! e - asuslthe build-
ing was tilled with dot children attd
interested parents and friends The
following protrw, was resC.eed
['aro, hy the scho.d ahtldreo . pisod
duet. Miss.- alma Sturdy p1iv�
Tkbborne , r'scitation, J Hsfc
Christmas,' nes est Ira : g.
tial," Adelaide Mays : w aaoot•��,
Mks Doris Mays and Herold lfllaek-
stons ; realtstiea, Beason Palter
song, "When T Was • Boy at Sshool,"
Mt. Boyd ; violin .off,. ••Cavottne.'•
Misr, Grace -Sweet on hy ten little
nigger boys ; recitation, "Vera Wes!.
Miss Gibbs, of Saltfo d ; action song.
by a osmher of little Ririe ; recitation, '
"Advise," Pine Carey ; awry[, "Jobuny
Scba oker," by several hoyo; resits
tion, -Spelling Kline," Gertrude Mc-
Lean : song, Willie Sturdy ;piano
solo, Mies Isabel Doolittle : reading,
Miss Gibbs. Santa Maus, that favor-
avorite of all ebildreo, next arrived asd
1 from a well-filled and prettilydecked
tree distributed gifts to all te schol-
ars. The prizes for regular church
attendanoe were awarded by the rec-
tor and theft the audience dispersed.
The pulpit of Knox church was
The Woman's Missionary Society of
North street Methodist cbutcb is the
(recipient of a legacy of $100, be-
queathedito the society by the late
Miss Mallougb, who was a lite mem-
ber of the Society. and who died last
yea r.
Rec. John Pollock, late of Toronto,
has received and bas accepted the call
of the Goderich Baptist church to the
pastorate of this congregation. The
new pastor is already in charge and
will conduct the services next Sunday.
eft•. Pollock o_cupied the pulpit o:
the church for several Sunda ye during
the vacancy, and the congregation
was much pleased with bis ministra-
tions. The Signal -welcome. him to
Goderich and wishes hien much success
in his work.
The services in North street Metho-
1 dist church nett Sunday will he spe-
cial and interesting. The Inn/MinSermon will he introduced by a ser-
rnooette for the children. Tine little
, sermon will be illustrated by objects.
Will the parents be sure to see that
the children are all in the pews The
special interest of the morning will
centre around the work of the
[roman's Missionary Society. A
special collection will be asked. The
subject for the evening will be -Tent-
ing towards Sodom."
A large and appreciative audience
listened to an excellent program given
Wby the primary ecbolars of North
r•street Methodist Sabbath school on
IMonday evening last. The program
consisted of choruses, two motinb
songs by the boys: a chorus by the
girls, some singing soprano, others
the alto : a number of solos. also a
duet, And trio, and a large number of
recitations. The closing chorus,
•'Christmas Fairies," by the girls. was
greatly enjoyed by all ; eleven carry -
11 tog holly wreaths marched as they
sang. Tbe,proceeds exceeded those of
any previous year and every person
seemed happy and well pleased with
the entertainment. Much praise is
due to thole who trained the little
First door off Squaw. Kingston
Everything in Grocerfts
Fresh, Pure and flood
Table Figs
Cooking; Figs
Bulk and P.t.'1....
Dried Peaches
Dried Apricot,
Dried Prunes
Dried Apples
\il ki,;,.'
Pure Clover tiuntr�
Jellies, etc.
Ears l . ,
vete Ears
Last ^cauda, even by W.
N. a rel fatal. of
Yes Btud•su'
SocietyIn the Doors. of his mishits
RI .xplalnsd what the work of the f;o•
dtity was aid to relating bus experi-
ences in toe Porcupine and Glowpoda
districts aii a etudera miastouare• bore
vested a egllttling condition of affairs
ablate be '.aid .slated in these new
settMOeeN. That liquor flowed far
too freely in these unhoru..d districts
was a statement which be made in
afpphatic terns. lie declared that the
Government police ' :e'er wag ant do-
ing iia duty to rnforcinp the prohibi-
tion n, the sale of liqu..r and Rave bis
hearers Ur strong ,mptusr:oe that,
graft and corruption existed among
these government officials. Restated
that 05 One OCCael0n. when iu convey
station with • detective, be .,•as told
that it was nor the i.ullc of the Oe -
Maio Governmeoi to 'afore,. Its Ik uor
laws in these new districts Goodud•
Ion,, Mr. MeeQueeo brew attentloa to
the growing owed of true acrd 4,061 ,
[owes to engage in ,uiuiuoary work In
the n u In e r o, ,- Dew .,ett lern.hte
ibt•oughout this vast Po/arnica, To
new forty fields during be .•omi.R
year the kilos I'ollegw Miasiouary So-
cietywould need financial &s.i,.tenou
to textent of over i3'i,ttlll Houma
uneaten work, be said, would not I#
\ ' saw uow read
take caro of a1
•watch, clock and.**
•Jlery repair.. Thos,
,sk bring th,elt rt
,site [fere will lino
maimed facilities and
,sorpamed, ekfl
ork ie all full
Wafter H Harrison e
taken owe of le the future if the s_
cburch did not do its duty today.
1, J', t-;. \i'ateh lnspertt
watcbuxsker, Jewell
and Glatfelter.
Is Now in Full Swing
NEVER has there been a January Sale in this store that equalled for enuin .
value -giving that now in progress. It is a money -saving sale -a sale
that is fairly bursting with good values. in every corner of this big store
you will find money' -saving opportunities very much out ot the Coldinary. Priice_
quoted in last week's papers still hold good, unless goods are sold out. There art
dozens of others that are just as tempting scattered•alt over the store.
Underwear of Quality 1, et Sr'atier.•a11 exceptionally s o n ,1
lualitios al the price. P
These eenuine old - time winter days we i
woul.l remind pal of the goodies of our I
Under wear stick. it'.goud both inquality-and!
value. f
Extra quality' ribbed Vest: and 2�a , I
Dramrm. Per garment.......... �5
. vest,. and i)r..wers-jolt the right weight.
ro.,v a f1 tiniah, natural or clean,. Per 54c
' garment .. .
Plush knit Vests and Drawers, the fatuous
"Wate'.n" make, white or nature'. Per
garment .. 50c
al• •
1, t
:1.00. 1
('sirs hiilation Salts, rto 1x"1, s v
1 hoped, I*orfec•t
in file woven from fine soft yarns. very' COUI
fortable•aud vett' ,etviceahle. Per $w] 75
garment' S1,.Qa to L
Aa Extra Special at 79c
:Never have we sold anyth�ltr� odarle so good •
for the price. Bought apeoidt v for this
uary sae, made from good yetis, soft finial,.
accurately cut anti well -trade - therefore
comfortable garments. For January 7
Sale. per gent.,onsv / a7
handsome Furs at January ,Prices
Sad Ta of horou hly,dependable furs they are, trio, for every piece cif Fur 'specially priced for this Januar t
t high quality that has made this the fur store of the county. Each article that leaves the
smoat tore is fully gua•anteetl by us. Von take no chance whatever buying furs bere, and save money -in
Muffs o high quality-, s 'nisch bought verylem now. nucl Iwlow the markt vacial for next lue.. will Judge* Jnmlnrs-Renalefovalues srhee.
$7.50 Marmot Caperines, for January $ 5.00
New Sable Collarettes, for January ... $ 7.90
'522.50 Marmot Caperines, January Sale $16.50
Choice of a dozen u.. more gots I
Throws and Scarfs. fon' J s n ua r v ... , . . 65
Genuine Alaska Sable Scarfs, ,-cry thickly
furred, regular :26.00. For Jin:- $e
lorry Male $18. 75 �I
Some very choice western Sahli• Neck- '!
nieces much reduced for Januar2 Si
Sale to *11.75. *15.50 and
C-: iisaabelln Opossmu and black Mat ten Mme,
large end bill. very choice. for Jan 85
V nary Sale, each. only
OtherJfur prices just his money -saver:
if yon come to this stoic.
Clearing the Entire Cloak Stoc
not our policy G, Coatsu.ts get
it is let
out of style. The season Ise buy t, (oat is
sold. It is now ,wck.emptying time, which merles it is your time for t, 'season lb oisis sta
40 do your choosing from, baa gain,, 8>fll n. good asaor�ieaa
Childrett's Blanket Cont.. For
January Sale sa.2s t.,
' $4.35 {I of [die sod ck tuid colored 4, ,;i, slat fawns
I Siie. each QL'alfty. N111r Januar. .13.w70
$7.se „f
Girls' brown and ket•aey ('oats• sizes
tl to 10 years. For January Belle,
• elle... ...........$4.20 anti
fur girl:.
Ladies' back Caracole Co:at.-
$5.75 Janiv ry ede, oar
Ladies' Twetid coats. Fur January e
Sate 117.25 and .p9e�
!.,tidies' black Oariecule t torr nitre. ienuist
western sable collar .sett rnrne.
For JamtarySale. only....... s
Rare Values iii White Waistings
/hese a�oittl lot bought at a very low price spetiagy to,
f�tterne a.re new, 410441. and ad.t.rncki.• Q , h. ;.,:
White Waidtings I2 4c
380 yards fence- white mercerized. Wriletiug,arao•Ltr
�a s spats, dtriippssK ese.imn et weave. will
rotkftrags when wnahed. penial, for,nary 11,010
Wv als11t!�Lengt hl. 47c
. e w 7 wood. sr �ter,rinl4nrillw. whitsl ansh sire seslains these e They .PCA OJ an a wptloua I,
mid[ �oUt ' - fr. QtlaittiEa
I , •ka .. aist fiflRgt•ial t, I 1 l
„enuarr9a1t1, per end •{
Extra Geed Valyg in New Otnghams
'.Ont tf the frost rontarkahls. ,-aluec nu Waal) .jot.,
1e111d our customers t: ,,ria of the a.ttvaotione fee
a .p.Qal a t: ilea, tf new Scotch t N
.is st the sns..iiftRl• low pew. of lOr yard. Thee. s
'isms ,ir .sear patierna- aft new and all gond Th,• ,miter - •
.a►. i'ite quality a material is a guarantee that the
t1 p� Von hare paid lir n reeve fo
1,0 beds. R)4SiIn r.hie frig tads nor .limna � °f times 1L/r��
cacti will bo elle f P' l V`
$i..INI W %Itself
11 alta dutwu.
;lorislg$ in sena non
with setir .frills. [*rite. of
lave• and
aseaa . 51.00 Pot
tarn:lay Phis p9, yard
A Rig Hosiery Extra.
^oirarma •trtnom
crt Cssrllier Hoa e
•able•' .s • Ar, ;hl. 'enaark
disc and ,,,so.; 60Oaftt
tit •lssbtne,e a o s e.
.amain rapt trade f4ow,
(It% ie luslaidia yu,os.
andard irks •nd wI' q shall.,
, -Pyill nucha" -a *bdiaitti. fait_
i*) /isle. f, r e• et lc
palls for;