HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-12, Page 7THE 3iIxNAL (h)DBKILki' ONTARIO Tuuaisnae. JANueur 1:3, it)11 7 ittlint4tier.4“0“114,4“trale.401141011, , Tie Nekws of t 13t +1 41► **4.4aa6 5AYFFl Turmas. San. ,tit► W IN tamerus. who has t tier • - past els months at isle hoes. h... re weddioa, of e District. ;,t 44CKNOW, BENMILLLR. TunaDAY. Jan. IOW, W $JPDUSO. -A double latest* to rod - turned to Detroit Lie Saturday last- deem of Luekeow, was solemnised Jas. Dee+Id.os, >t tits 13srdt, las'Tbo,sday eters-nom at tbe Hes- arrived tin Saturday last .to *.gaud a dame of Iles. li. H. It ratwas abort time with phis palled*$, r x0d 1 deier. Nies Kato lDu can. was wooff Mrs. Jae. Donaldson - dam w Rev. riJ. S. Drch of pastor e. the Presbyterian church of this place, The Arai meeting of the: Lisa coun- cil wee bald Moeda, alien:Woe is the were 1u►14 with a u11 atteodacee of mem HOLYROLIO 'MONDAY J ao. 9th. News uP Wawa. --Mist Pearl Congrem& of star Ripley, Went Bat- t aunt firs. Emma kekert withMr. and Mre, Ed. Pierce ld talon, specs Sunday witb the ntdys brother, Alga. Fraser, near Lu ckeow .. Ate. and Mn. Rayner& tnd family. of near Luckoow, spent and Miss Minnie Johaewoe was edited to-lodeew Hollis Jardr^e, 01 Winnipeg. The ceremonies wale per- formed by Rev. N. Stewart. of St. Andrew's church, Heepeler, in the presence of a large number of gguests, Aker* short wsddiog trip Mr. rind Mee. Duncan will take up their rest. deuce bine. Mr. and Mrs. Jardine will reside in Winnipeg, where Mr. Jardine has business interests. BLYTH. • TU*IDAY. Jan. 10th. -, e,►tun&tq with Nr. Rayeded's rite, WEDDBD AT TORONTO. ;A number el r• Brevet Ackert Me. Mn, of friends in town of Miss Clara Mot - •..r Holt A artend family. and MrsKin. fat have received announcements of .oucih, spent dueday .at the home of her wedding, which took place cDe- the iattee'a beadier, T. (lemon: of rhis c Central at her iuotber'n voidance, lana Mr. and Mee. Ernst ark• 46 (Central avenue. Toronto, to M. P. P A. Jackson, of that city. They will ert sprat Sunday witb the former's be at bow. after Jaot.ary 15th at the eereoter Mr, and lrs. J. H. Ackert. above address. The bride was well AUGURS. known here, having resided here for TtURS. Jan. 10th. a great many years. and her *many friends will wish her much joy In ,her .Enna AsenctATION MesteNot-=The new state. annual meed ', ,s,t the Auhuin Rifle MRITINO. TO B6 H=LD.-The Agri - Association waeb he bald in H. E. cultural Society meets in lodustry Knox° shop on Thursday, January Hill Friday evening. January 20th. 19th. All wemberi. art *requested to There ought to be a Iauge' turnout; i 4' pt...ent. and thecitizens should rev that aft - (ACT BYOOxtis Bs BYoortts.-The cern of the right kind are elected to municipal elections sae .over for nutke the annual fair a nieces. TvssDAY, Jan. loth. News Nome. -While driving lost week Mn. Wm. Vaestoee bad, tie misfortune to be thrown from the sut- tee. Site sustained a broken arm and a dislocated .boulder Wm. Oke, who is seriouslyindisposed. is sot im- proving as welas his maty friends would wish to see W. W. Falter is the bappiest man in the township. The election rants or the beadlike) of the *»ads is nob the cause of bis blies. Neither is It the telephone (although 1t's a haudy thing in ntornty weather); but it's "the bran. the hunch, the bsautifal beech" of twin boys that tbe atoms was pleased to heave at bis home on the 9th. (Joe- ggrat ulations ! Thos. Long, o t Lethbridge. Alta.. is visiting hes c- ent,. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Long c- ent,. Reid, of YeUowireas, Sask., is visiting et tbe home of (.bas. Walters. KIPPEN. rs \VBDxtemear, Jan. llth. PnntroNAL.-Aniong last week's ar- rivals front the West are Mr. and Mrs. 8. betty and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gemmell, from Tea -ford ; Joseph Da mao, froin Golden Plains. south of Whitewood Alden Jones and family, of . London, spent the New Year's holiday,' in the old homestead. Mr. Junes sang two splendid solos in tie! Methodist church ...Mrs. Holmes, of Tilbury, and her .on have been visiting their many friends here. GOOD Rsc'oitDe. - Ap interesting featuienf the closing exercises in S, S. No. 14. Stantee, was the presenta- tion of tbree cerium of that interesting anauaI,.Obatterbox, by the teacher to ,u.uther year. Lit the tongue of 51.811- Tbere will be a meeting of the ,nem three pupils who attended school each .ler and the•inialeading statements of bees of the public library Friday even - open the 21t days that school was kept he past be forgotten. Let the victors ing of this week. when it is bo open during the year. The fortunate and vanquiebed shoulder to shoulder, ' tbere will he a large turnout. 'the pupils were Herbert Kehl, Anna M. work for the good of their municipals- mtetiog rs tier the parr se of electing Hood and Lola Rothwell. The first- work Iuedirectors for the vrar.kmj mentioned bas won this prize in live aitferent years and in that time was Hour's A Pitt/BUM ! -Tbere is an vow. SNu. . Shote. -The heavy late only three times. The second, iuiportant question for Goderich and suowstorms we have been having of Anna Hood, has won it four times. Colborne to con•idr. Did the arta- late have blocked the road• very Arial chaage of tbe bed of the Matt- badly, until now it is almost impos- land River at the harbor change the Bible for team* to come into towo. .,Id houodariee between those muni- , Tbe remelt is tbat if it eootinu,es much •ipalitiri? " We believe that it did not. ' longer there will be . a scarcity of Hew about. tbe Bowed of Trade of ' wood, both for the houses and Tong }oderteb endeavoring to secure a' wood for the factories. The railway* art Lit Colborne for that towns , are having quite a titne to get trains Jatrtaus.-Obar1es K. Arthur, .of through and ori Monday all the trains ,'arty Bond, is visiting in tht. }moat- were 'rely late, although both lines 4'CeDDING BgLLS. - On "Saturday, 31st inst., at tbe home of John Stew- art. Tuckersnttth. brother of the:oride, Rev. John Richardson joined in the bonds of holy matrimony Walter Mc - and Miss Nellie Stewart, both of Mippen. Their many friends join in wishing them bon voyage o'er the roatrimoniol sea. The happy couple !ty at present. He !pent the greater had their snowplows running. have begun- housekeeping on their Dart of the peat summer in tie North-' 1'SRawNAL AND (igNBttAL.-Fairly fares on coneeueion 4. Tuckersmith. .vent mid goingout there good crowd* have been in attendance Mr. McQueen. of Teckenmith, :.gain in Mate Therecent hard at the cyan eli*tic meetings con- and Miss Or ce, second daughter of rrrtir have been hard on the telephone ducted in the Presbyterian church Robert McArthur, of fiery, were wires, a large tenriher of them being laat week and this. Itev. Jnr. McLeod Draken. Men are busy repairing them is in charge and is a very good his week .,..Prank Munro. of Wield- speaker, nut be is not one of the excit- es*. visited bb mother aid other rel- • able kind. On Sunday be preached ,ACHES, PAINS AND icier.; here the litter parted last week, beth morning and evening and Miss :paving for b,s home the beginning nt Dodds. of Seaforth, rang a solo at RHEUMATISM? • dais week.... .C. lipwsnn's sawmill t >}ch service in vary good style quietly niarried in the manse, lien - sail, by Rev. McL.. Smith, on Thurs- day, the 28th ult. is scatting operations this week. He' a understand Mimi Dodds 14 -tying as over .00,000 feet of maple deliv- to get up a ',lase here to take vocal .-red this winter, which he intends cut- ; lee -tuns and as we understand he is a •igg.intn rollers and bobbin wood. • first-class teacher there is no doubt ..Skating om tbe river is all the she will meet with success -The Kee here at prseeut The Sunday new 'council held its first tweeting ,chocii convention is to be held in the' Monday and elected officers for the 'reahyterise church here, pn tbe 8th 1 year R. Sloan was in Toronto , f Pebruary. 11... Mr. Baird. of Lon- this week attendint a meeting of..the on, ia ezpe!ted to be one of the Ontirio Fruit *.towers' Association. :,rakers- I He is oe the executive John W*DNSBDAY, Jan. Iltb.. , Brown, who has been on the sick list, !'Ir*SSONAL MBNTIOJ.-Mise Mabel is iwprotriog 13. • Bender ha. a :rratt had en attack of toneflitis last pleased smile there dew, the cause, be- veek bat is new able to be out again. 1 tog a visit from the stork, wbieh ..Victor Ifungldut has been home hruught a haby girl to Lhrigbten bis •tries school since holiday* on account' home Mrs. Pfeffer is confined to d r abscess on his leg below the knee. 1 her bed with an attack of pneumonia. We bops be will eosin be able to Ilei K. I,tvbell war ip Toronto last round agent Prank Munro. of week en a business trip D. \Vianipeg. paid a short visit at bis! Wolper, who bas been .n the West ,oese here from Thursday to Mooday. for the past few month-. returned to Crank is prudent of tbe School of "cieetiBc Farming out there and =emus to he/keel-ably impressed witb he country ....Mrs. Helwig returned 'roes Ftlat, Mich., last week. She was ,eeasapanied by her daughter, Mrs. etueviek, when she had teen visiting •-tr a short time 'Jus. Sadie Car- er and Miss Small visited their friend, 1limi Clan Spider. of Seafortb, the were very bed thq had a good time teafnoing of tort week. Mian Sclater when they got there. .John \Vey - town Monday to spend the balance of tbe winter Miss L. Begley enter- tained a uumber of her friends at her home Moudey evening Mr. Cantelon and family, of Mateo, via- i!ed with his parents here this weelw his mother being confined to bet fed. A load of young people drove out to Jas. Tunlrey'• Monday evening of this week and sltbough the roads toresetly taught in the public school owe Mn. Joe Darter's mother is reo 1th, who is assisting W. Hill at Asking ban fol a few days Ooiborne In his sawmill, spent Sunday Ralph Munro returned to school at with his family here Quite a Rtyth on Tuesday number from town attended tbe fun- HAPPZNIN0a.-Ur. Yunablet has eel of Mrs. Jas. Wells in Hallett on re toed his botcher oho ter the *ham, Monday. Their many usher ben p the eyes thine with her bus . and Haw of catkin isle to 1 ,south. Owing to storm o . ly in their sad loss, as the de- 'ivadaf negbt acrd Moa y worming. ceased was a kind wife and mother. .tteadschool hod. cons^mteetlyy tbere F Metcalf is main se applicant wee 00 sobool . Some of ibe boys for the position of county auditor and to work last week and sbo.eued ate be bas bad only one year it is to he .hedot ape of IM 00 the booed he may secure it again P , ie stow off a large pi Gardiner, who has hada serious at- ivee jest baht the bodge res and *wade leek , pleurisy, is ebowitsg 6igw of ,s open-air rink- As a result of thele improvement G. M. Cbaabrt+ i. worts a largo number d the young fe to this week on a Whose e.opb bed a very pleasant tithe nkat- trip Jag. glens was laid up this otos Tbnrday *sight. Fredsv sight week with so attack of the grip. y, zoo, •ttsenood 1 Of tht woman Tues& a rb PrA1 6 yr thou, cur or Tot•so.,. 1 . Tuesday ce oAs xrr. ; -us A. sear email.). sow LAW aim. Lir per_ . s[ F MD ,[.A ► l)se.t.dt t V sand M tie. new "s' -war to rlr Ctq d y At • g. 'd £. Na m was sleeted hEP- wsth to .noosed MM. Pearl mere tate eon lothe arrives tbs sawmill will 'oat- it-N iti rte (er 0sea 'rarer opoeutkles. There are quite a wed evert et Catarrh that cannot. ►r cored amber of lop as hand A week be the nor f war: OatW `s La t 1f :rasa Teeeda night • debate win be Stora '. , os st .ae wtteeA ilea rteld at the 11 pwaecb bogus n►aetlner. erorases, rhis writ Aa. et 3.i " Nona. ....r-: fIOT FOOMD TIT- le Le oaten tateeeel e TVs Cas. d Eking Disease Da lt& Kid- t S Orr• 'r ,trq /its D ea .te Yet b >b , ,Iro tlwtt • Q IMr4 a -aer..,,r,l, vat itr, Pageetelne. Glsuast r Uu . N. IS.. - Jan. Lath. - Olinda) - Mts. J LOTHIAN. Folder. oft pies, has Weed t Nampa a ..►aa. 9th. '0 Dint a Mse MOM et rhes Pert d ,c.y, N„ Res& 0T. --111 kiIow1 ie new Wiley.says.. the report d D. A. No. 1.. a I . far Dodd'. KWeey Pills are lbs 1eaM T the moetb of Dseembse Nems 00 - ter kidney dieser. wed that t y eZ cur ht order d merit : V John Me. ie an that le claimed for taw. Keith. Greta (lsmpbsll fir. IV. •'*idoey ttoobk botbssd tart for JKeneer tt i H Na R. Boggs. rdi sn real; and 1 did net set 1 Olive Wasik (Serene, Henderson. rellrt from tit, Menet msdi e Raw. Tone i Jr. i11. -Evelyn WNiicsRtee>. Graham tteok DSA odd./ a5V Ftllh, ewe bore, McPtas. Karl Sweats, Jeeei,Jobestoe. iv all. •fed 1 ars betide now. The Map Stets Thomas Cooke. Fr. 11.- •w.01eg 1s Vis, from way body and Rob. Helm. Jr. IL-Ladre lis Sr. h fest. R it were not ler Tome Pt. U. - Ales. Mnitay, ton Dodd's Kidney PNb 1 would he it my Bestorsoe• Jr. Pt, iU - Thomas Heir. Henry Onnmor Join Si ▪ 1 1e_ paw d rf abeam WO Semis Or. WINS W w met L-Olaid 1. Zam-stilt Will Give Yon Ease. Piave you had a bad attack of "gen- eral aching:" You know the feeling. Limbs ache, muscles seem to have be- come tired out, your back aches, tow and again a twinge of rheumatism strikes you here and there. Your chest feels that, there is a pain he - twerp your shoulders,.' and altogether you need toning upp 0old is responsible for this Condi- tion, and a vigorous application •'d Zem-Bak will pat you right- .'1' a hot Nab, if possible, and then tR i your chest and the aching limbs w with Zsm-Buk. . Mrs. B.,Gorie. 78 Berkeley 'St., Tor- onto, ele onto, writes : "I cannot apeik .too highly of Zam-But. A tew weeks ago 1 was suffering from a bad mold, which had settled in my threw.. chest and limbs! I tried all kinds of remediees new and old, and found very little ti - lief until L used Zara-Buk. Oa apply- ing title to my throat and chest I found such ease and relief from the tightness and wetted 1 determined to use only ?rm-Bek. I alt rubbed it 'oar my limbs where I felt the rbenmetie pains. In three days from the time 1 nest began applying Z un -Bok I was free from the timid in throat and chest. and also the rheumatism in my limbs." Zein -Bilk will also he found a sun cure for cold sores. chipped hands, trait bite, ulcers, blond poison, vari- cose large, piles, scalp sores, riel(- worm. Inflamed patches, babies' erup- tions and chapped planer, outs, burns. bruises and skin injuries generally. All druggists and storeo sell at filk. box, or post-free from Zana-Buk os., Toronto. upon receipt of pries. Avoid harmful imitatlona and substitutee. ST. AUUUMTINE. Towne:. Jan. )Oth. Jaiu4S Robinson is visiting friends at Devobaas. l Mise Betsy MrAllister' 10 visiting Pine River friends. 0. 0. F. GATasstlto.-The members of tbe Canadian Order of Foresters spent • pleasantevening together W bow of Thomas Robinson about • week ego. An oyster Tupper was 1 served and the ev.eing war spent playiog games, sings song., etc. All those present report having had ay good time. A FLoUiiuuING OLUB.-Tbere was e fair attendance at the annual meeting of the Rifle Club last Wednesday evening• The omcers for 1910 were all re-elected again for 1911. A num• - ber of new members and a good many of the old ones have joined for this 4syear. Practice was hed at the range t Saturday afternoon, and there was a fair stteodence considering the stormy day. Following are the scores at the 200 -yds. range-poeible 95 points : Ed. Robinson, 28 ; Joe Benpb 27 : liar r.eddy, 27 : Tom Mc- ear o- Oar D. 37 ; Charles Robinson. 'l5 ; David McAllister. 24 ; David Tindale, 21 Oswald Pollard, 24 ; Robert Mc- Allister, 28: Gus. Kinsban, 23 : Ton, Foran, 23: Ambrose Brophy, 'le ; Tom K.aroey, 'L'h; Frank Thompson, 21 ; Tom Leddy, 2A.); Walter Tisdale, 19; Wan. Leddy, 18; George Jetfer on, 14; Patrick Wslsb. P ; Uriah Thomp- son, 8: Barney Brophy. 8. LANES. SATURDAY. J;40. ith. LANES LOCALS. -The roads during the past week have been rendered aliuo,t impassable owing to the heavy and continued storms Some of the young meo of this locality have detest mined to have aeroplanes to reach their haven .of rest The tea -meeting and social held in Hack ett's church on January 2nd and -3rd respectively were ver y se. ce..ful crtn- sidering the state of the roads. A splendid pt•ograrn was reudered at each gathering. The Luckno- talent entertained at the tea -meeting,' which was nighty appreciated. The .oeial piograru had for its chairman W. P. Reed, who filled the position admir- ably. Tbe recitations, songs and dialogues rendered by the children showed that each was waster of his or her particular piet....Jas. Rose, our vil- lage smithy, returned 00 Tuesday even- ing from hie Christmas beliday,. at his home in Berlin. Hii many friends will be sorry to know *hit t he home is still vacant.. ...J. 0. Baldwin has re- turned from an extended visit to his children in Detroit, Ease' - Centre and Obin. We are pleased to see him looking bale and hearty after his trip. Mr. and Mrs. D. ge.,Alton spent Curistmas with relative/ in Hawkes - vine • Mrs. W. 13. Beed and Me. and Mr.•Jae. Line each hid family Mgatherings on Cbriaiotaa.4•.... Mr. and rs. Geo. Parrish and cj ld, of Sas- katchewsn, are at present visiti,pg the formers father, David Fairish. George used to be a school boy at No. 10. and his many boy and girl chums are beartily glad to see his face again We with him. a safe return -to his Western home, which mill be in a couple of week,. Dr. W. L. Hack- ett and wife, of Detroit, spent solve few dsyd'am tog relatives in tbia vic- inity during the holidays. CHILDREN In disorders and dis- eases of cbiIdree drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the babies' remedies. • Scott's Emulsion is the food -medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful• tonic for chil- dren of all ages. They rapsdly gain weight and health on small doses. FOR SALE 8Y ALS, DRUGOISTS Send 10e., name of paper and this ad. tor our beautiful Savings Hank and Child's Sketch -Hook. Each bank contains a Good Luck Penny. r SCOTT & BOWNE 128 Wallington 9t., Wont, Toronto, Out. THIN HAI?. A Liberal Offer. When the Bair thins out on the top of the head and tbe bald spot is get- ting ready to appear in public, don't get discouraged or irritable- lust go to your druggist and ask for Parisian Sege Hair Tonic. He will charge yon 60:. for a large bottle but if it does not cause hair to grow where the hair is thinning outpotbiog on this earth will. And we want to say to everybody, OMR. woman and child test you can have your money back if Parisian Sage isn't the beet hair grower. hair saver, hair beautifier and dandruff cure on the' market today. It stops itching scalp and falliog hair and snakes hair gro w thick and abundantly. All dru everywhere sell Parisian Sege or postpaid from The Giron: Mfg. Oo„ Fort Brie. Ont. See that the girl with the auburn hair is on ` every bottle. Sold and guaranteed by B. R. Wigle.'north side of Square. COLSORNE. Tae0DA', Jan. 10th. ANNUAL Mssriso.-The annual meeting of the Oolborne murk Ipsi telephooe system will he bald at ,at+ low in the township hail on Priddy a[" tide weak at 2 p. A1. sharp. All are cordially invited to attend. MAITLAND OONC11rstON No•rse+, Mr. trod Mrs. O. R. Parsee, i Seeday in the flaunty town .. Ym. Sieves WOWS a broad smile these days, eoew- guset upon tbs arrival of is bread -men hairy boy on Wednesday of loot week. Wesley Sieber was the !saip- isat of a pair of bouncing baby hove this west t )o.gntQLtioas ! Stepben butt has bad s masidpsi telephone installed is his house tits' rre t 'Rat* 1. nothing tilt. Mang np Sir Koss Plastid!. Brentford updtor. The Toronto newspaper* are a (- readym sog to ass bow "Sir t1e(Geary would look le print. Tbere Szpoilitor he. alroarty "set up" "Sir haws Rastall," and finds that. it kooks well. It Yor$t Loan plvfdend. Toronto. Jus. 0. -It was aauouesed L.emetically.tsrday that emetically all of the York Comity Loan property hats bees soY. and the derisal whet is awes Wes with the payment of another deett et s Beats i. %soder way. Is older to get the highest prise ire the sties, ton liquidator, R. Homos 1 Smkb, of the National Trust Cow - soy. bee dlrpwed of thew Iwmsl rs,sgtag from twelve to ssoetha. Defoe, ton est of 11e yaw, probably asst autumn. the dividend will bs.ditrlbetd smneg tit. 11 intended .I.rsboiders. The work eeensetd with ton d.elanatbe of this Avidend Y exteselvs and It twill tab sassy weds W completethe Wk. amaTigsestp= are Nab GR 5 D T U N K Y,r M Winter Tours ,.o '1'O Mexico, Colorado, California a n d Pacific Coait -_- Points - -- The Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem i the -popular route from all points east through Canada via Chicago. • Features Double Track, Fast Service. Finest Roadbed. Modern F.nuipment, Un- excelled ..Dining (;arc Service -all elements of safety and comfort. To the Sunny South No more desirable route than vin Grand Trunk and connecting lines. Very Low Rates Full information, tickets. et, ., from F. F. LAWRENCE Town Agent. Office bcurs 6 a.m. to 9 p.in. Or address J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ontario. J. BKOPBEY & SON GODERICH THE LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to ♦t all hours. night or day. ROSS' LIMITED MANUFACTURING 5Unet*Re tiptx'rel valuer, in Furs. We Nod nor after - holiday stock esoob beeviet• than is desirable. -.rid so bays determined to offer speeial value - n efln5. Pie -elan leml., gimes, P'nv, .'t.. Mere*,. Lamb late nervier% Leash Theo,,. IO.IO and up Perstao lamb stole. ... . 16 al and up Persian Lamb Muff 19.119 and lip laaenl Mink TIFF kW and op Mai nral Mink Three . 17 Mead .' 1 Wastrel Mink Ntoies 1000 ani op Natural Mink Muffs 17.00 sad nt. Alaska Nebk Muff. 17.011 and ,tt' Aiaske Roble Tis x0,00 and in, Alaska Mehl, Rn1A ital and d. Aimita Sable Rtobe. 31.10 and op Isabella Fou Stoles 13.00 and we. Ittebeila Pint Muffs 'MS mad .p Ladies' Astasehen (este. i mete- 1rrna L*Yawr .p I adlu. W.sr Mse1 c ..rats . SAO ed/ up fades,' Penises larsbf-.nate. 1111.11111 end „p London s Fashion Centre 118 Dundee Rase 1.rsden, Oster e . +t bull .rod 111. .amumm,w w-sA'tll'!,ae....- TM.eaoma<r-,.reMP.liwA.rr'.r,,.e.n -. 25 Per Cent. Off for cash on the Overcoats prices of all our We have a well assorted' _toe,. :.,. the leading styles, shapes and colors This is an offer ovorth v au•' ronsiciet:' rio,- C:4 LL TODA ;McLean Bros. Leading Art Tailors wense‘04,6.8.4.v,ti• .rw r SHOES • Shoes are the most attractive and sensible prabent.s to giAt They are always needed. 'SLIPPERS r:n !n, ladies and children at aJl prices. SKATING BOOTS e 1)o not foil to see ole a,ssortine t' before purchrtsin_. int on fr, . MOCCASINS very popular gifts. LADIES' CHOICE FOOTWEAR 1 We know how tate ladies are interested in artistic footwear \\'e have the kind4hat. (ends to the foot a coveted charm ,f tell? .ithtality and givest4, graceful poise to the whole figure. , The,. tXco1 in .lualitY. fit. style and reasonable price. Wm. Sharman 1 i 11 CC.LEE GENERAL HARDWARE b home happy during the year u should Happy Thought Ranges ' Radiant Home Heaters CARVERS in cases and without cases 1847 RODGERS' Knives, Fork s. Spoons and Sundries POCKET CUTLERY in a large assortment BRASS GOODS. A fine assortment. A beautiful assortment of ELECTRIC FIXTURES SKATES from 4oc to $6.o0 PERFECTION ANKLE SUPPORT Have you seen it ? If not. do not neglect to. It is the only perfect ankle support- on the market 'HOCKEY STICKS all prices and makes FOOT WARMERS for your Cutters GLOVES and MITTS from roc to $2.50 per pair Boys and Girls' HAND SLEIGHS And many other articles to mention too numerous 0 CHAS. C. LEE House Phone No. 112 Store Phone No. r'z 0