HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-12, Page 6■S sue ..b Is �rfew mats per Use. Ass sewer Misr be illass ter eras wall be matrw mat resIr q eODLBICI OUR NEW We hays• net staking New I. sfi►ly hecattse Ing and brit through die It enou ways •gh without nlakl any particulu he the proper spirit ut i'esol Viet& .inspofe nand telling t Juncture that, well in advan The Signal It will keep to we donot mak going to ELECTIONS en year at intei Lha • are held at part of .Dt eat Semisoft e e. et any ee 4'hristmly CD up t,. '4 gr. heringr and a alt is that mut t ett.m4oS 'portion of thtf Various reggae t th. ••lectin and to .. ,Jae vibe. it hat they at Januar. ba: in n,v tsho calendar` should the "rent all mightt/a the ,art Leal/islet .sternest der, pr tvidI that, ea i e osis Within on hat: of paper$ Tb4 Ki Vern, star•. , he 11195, O4it ,M wr leis. fires /It ta CYadi beside his Lok at lt. tee( P 6 '1 num-- THE INAUGURAL. n•_v. ,wrh C.VUNt." C,vMMtNCEb iTb YEAP•t, vying-, Siemer* Cornrnitteee 0: rlasplaiel .And 4iemoinfismeitte Made F i, i Renee tar Meeting Januar, 20th whet. Mayor Carneror Wilt Give th A. .• •at Addratta !rout the C► - i btu ca: 114ttrwi meetiog of the town ..oyooil of (*adoripb tdr 1911 opened in mown chamber or. Monday •11'o'eloek latter having reported that y declarations of all the oil�elUaee baa beep filed, read the re- ot She muoicipal nominations and elections and also the minutes of the last regular meeting of the coun- cil of 19(0. Tigre were nu inaugural speeches. It Is uodert,tood that Mayor Otmeron will make an address et the tint regu- lar morale of the new council. 0. was moved by Reeve Reid, sec- onded by Councillor Kelly, that Mayor Cameron be appointed a director of tbe (dodsrich Elevator. & 'Transit Co. This was carried ft gas decided to hold the regular meeting- of the ennucil as heretofore on Use hart and third Fridays of the month. Severer t,; laws wet•e then intro- dooecl and pitssed. making appoint - meats as follows W. R. Robertson and Andrew. Porter were appointed auditors for the town for the year 910 Di H. 1. 8t rang was re -ap- pointed .. member of the public t braxy board for the yenrr 1911-12-18. Sheriff Reynold, was re -appointed a member ot theta. C. 1. board of true - Wee Wm. Campbell was re.p- pQooetfeu ah.,aaeor and collector for 1911, Jarnee Mitchell was re -electees a mem. her of the board of health and E. R. Wigle was appoijnted to fill the vacancy yn the saute body caused by the . etiring of Dr. Clark.' On motion of Councilors Wallace sed Veoetter, Mayor Cameron, Reeve Reid and Deputy Reeve \funning, were appointed n striking committee. A.o adjournment was made for. fifteen minutes, when the following list was submitted t0 the council : FINANCE -C. A. Reid, C. A. Nairn, B. l:. Mu*nings, .1. W. Venntter, Wm - W anent-. PUBLIC WORKS -B. C. Munnings, 0. A. Reid, Rubs. Elliott, Wm. %% al. lam, W. h. Kelly god W. F. Clark. UEMn7iar AND Parsee -W. E. Kell , Robe- Mott, J. W. Vana(ter, W. F. Clap and C. A. Nairn. UARgrr--T. W. Vanatter, W. F. Clark, Wel. Wallace and Robt. Elliott. Simmer --C. A. Nairn, %V. E. Kelly, O. A. Reid, 13. C. ?dunning, and J. 'W. Vaaatter. 91az--W. F. Clark, B. C. Mun- nings, A. Reid, 11 -to. Wallace. (J. A. Nairn and Robt, Elliott. WATLR AND 1.IOHT AND HaR140R- ttobt. Elliott,0. A. Reid, B. O. Mun- niogs, W. Kelly, Wm. Wallace and C. A. Nairn. COURT of RevlsioN. Wm. Wal- lece, J. W. Varatter, C. A. Reid, 'W. E. Keit)- and W. F. Clark. The first named on each committee tc be cbairwao tbereof. and the Mayor to be "ex officio" a member of n1! oommitteee. After the above report had been ap- proved be the council an adjourn - meat was trade and the first regular meeting of tbe new council will be held or. Friday, January 20th. MILLIONS OF LIVES. Awftl: Toll Collected by Consunip- (ion-Many Unnecessary Deaths. If people could only understand Lha,': systernir cbter•rh is an eternal disease that external applications reatlot cute. the.. would not need to be•warned so Often about this ,naives}-, which, wherneglected, paves the way oftenttimee for consumption. at the cost of vninines of lives every year. Yet catarrh alae be cured, if tate rigbt trim'twat le employed. '1be" only way- to successfully treat catarrh is be employing a medicine which le absorbed and curried by the blood to roll parts of the system, so that the mt.eous membrane or inter- nal lioieg of the body is toned tip and mads• capable of resisting the mfec- tt0lt et ••oastimption and other dle- tares H e he,c n temedy prepaeed from tb. prescription of r. physician who for (hire_ ;ears studied and made catarrh a epeeinity, and whose recoed wee a patient restored to health in every case where hie treatment was followed as presoribed. That remedy is Rexall Moro -Tone. \1'e are ers posi- tive that it will coenpietel overcome ratan h i.e a11 ite •ariona forms, erbsther acute of chronic. that we moo** to return every penny paid us erthte ,netiiefee in every case where it tale o • for any rearm doe' not -•.t . • Qitbe user We want yr' to Illy Masai Mu..u- one or nflr recoeseseedatioo and &eu�4petee. We see right here where roe five anti you do feet r•ontram any sbliRau u or Hilt when : ou try Renal] Nu _ r•,r= on our guarantee. We to Mees -Tone in two sia4s, • ( • r . *1.96. Vert- Meet: the verge -ee 3l3 --:eat. bottle is sufici a: t. make, ra:.rked i*peer/foe per the •fes( 4. oOeree ;Is chronic .gess s Maw • rentaoat is necessary. The avenge sash instances is thaw *1 OU bottler Returnee• ' Ou, can nA- rale 8 -ye es/media ,: Goaerie,'. t •: -th• Retell Bier, • . •-. 1' .`•.,r vtWA7 our THlii AMNIA, AL : CH 1►NTARIu • 4Nt1'r. no less e p srsuuagt 'hart Liar ltlayor ot the lowo. the Kayo' iatalster, and city folk Tbeee are aawiar of unusual abort atoriee it • be number, Includ a newepape, fare :ailed The t?Is p That Stu.tk. by t3eo, 1 p1 whim recent novel. 'Thc Justice, has toady something of a hit •'The Bravery ot I tutee Lasalle. by Nevil G. Henshaw 1 %tithe• of ,Alin, of the (;rand Woods, is a Louisiana story of queer but interesting psopl.. The Bond,' by Charles Harvey Ray- mond. is a au-Mini/story of tbe Philip pines in tune of pesos Chante° Lawrence F.dbolm's .geeing le a bums orou8 story called The Missiouastr Hens. 'lfr. Williams of the by Thornes Cheeworth, u a ole told tale with an unexpected dtineue- meat. "Billy's laoantation" is Southern sketch of rue charas. A11 who think a Congressmw' lot is comparable to . tied of rased should react \Villard 1). Eakin'sarticle. "The Temple of Trouble." Mr. Itekias is the private secretary of one of th representatives-. so he knows what h is writing about. Noteworthy papers. to be found in the department -Way of the Hoot" are "Stomechitia," ht Kdwio L. Sabin ; "Criticism," b Ralph W . Berg -engem) : "Earn You Child's Friendship ' by Jane Beleeld and "Do Men Lack Culture ?" by Joseph M. Rogers. The fresh t characteristic honor of the America fun -maker is found in the department "Walnuts and Wine." There are also poems of power by Ethel Colson, W. Dayton Wegefartb, Charles C. Jones. Walter S. '1'• umbull and Shaemas O'Sbeel. LEGISLATURE JANUAFY'24. THE MARKETS. Latest Qesseratiews • sneak futures elegise today lad lid mohair Mita .e tiaterday, corm hat lid to did mew. May wheat closed 1c Mlaesr taws de Saturday. May ,oro lac 1 aid May oats tic Metier Winnipeg Options. wwralpsr Mai t weed lc MOM efiss ems ged Tan ? Open. High. Low. (.lesa - Aar 9s% se% INS 5% in Oath May,,TN SM 0% Ili t a Toronto Grain Market, rs� Wheat. Dumb - 0 ato w • s Wheat, goose, bush 0 71 0 1 Rye, bushel 0 0 0 70 barley, be.hel 0 0 OS Buckwheat. bushel s el e Pees, bushel 0 7e 0-a Oats, bushel 0 34 .. .. e Toronto Dairy Market. s Butter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 24 0 i Butter. store Iota 0 n 0 U Butter. creamery,' Ib. rolls0 26 014 y Butter, creamery, solids ... 0 N ✓ Eggs, new -lard 0 45 3gre cold storage 0 E7 0 s KOnsycombs dozen 2 50 2 3S Honey, extracted. lb 0 N 0 11 , New York Dairy Market Some of the Matters That Will Be Dealt With. To -outN, elan. 7. -His Honor the Lieutenant -Governor, acting upon the advice of the . Premier, Sir James Whitney, has called the third session of the twelfth Legislature of Ontario for Tue,day, January 24th. • The inauguration of the session will be marked by the usual forntaiieles and social eclat. Ib announcing the date of openingg Sir James Whitney indicated that he did not expect that the session would be a protracted one. Public Accounts Ready. There is reason to believe that the public accounts and supplementary estimates are sufficiently far advanced to peernit of their being presented to the House by Hon. A. J. Matheson, the Provincial Treasurer, almost i nt- mediately after the members get to work. this should obviate the delay that often occurs at the beginning of the session, and tend to materially ex- pedite business. Contrary to the opinion entertained in some quarters, it is not likely that there All be a genet al revision of the license law during the coming session. Amendments of sufficient importance to warrant reference in ' the speeoh from the Throne may be offered. but the overhaufiug of tie act will nand over for at least another session. . it is expected that Dr. Merchant's report on the operation of the bilin- gual schools in °Atario will be in the hands of the Government in sufficient time topermit of ita communication to the House and will probably ranee a good deal of discussion. To Prevent °Wdd-Cattiag." Legislation has been promised (o1- iowing the report of the milk boar mission, and an effort will doubtless 1* made to strengthen the provisions of the companies act to deal more effectively with that form of stock speculation known as "wildcattitpg." The Premier will probably report progress in relation to the investiga- tions of Sir William R. Meredith, Prot incinl commissioner. on work- men's compensation. but it is not probable that legislation will he tauncbeti this erasion. Provision, however, rutty he made where neces- sary to permit the product of Pro- vie,eial prison atone quarries and gravel pits to be used In the canonise - tion or improvement of municipal toads and highwaya. Campaign for Woman's Suffrage. The Ooteri., Legislature ie threat- ened with the advent of a determined movement towards woman's suffrage. At prorogation hast year the deoortus House of Assembly- was startled for the first time in its history by a wom- an's voice. According to the state- ments of some of the agitators this was only a curtain -raiser to the cam- paign which is to be brought on this session. As usual the ladies pin their faith to Mr. Allan Studholme, the East Hamilton Labor roan. and it it proposed to ask him to introduce tt woman's suffrage hill at the beginning of the session. The cause of this measure le to be added and abetted, according to present. plans. by an salve distribution of literature and a vigorous personal lobby. Whether the campaign is to be educational, or whether Its fair promoters plan to he raUttsotly insistent upon immediate results, they will not now gay. be Opposition Active. It is likely that the Liberal 1)ppoei- tbn, though small numerically, will give a goat account of itself. Hon. A. 6. MacKay and his followers, while keeping n close eye on the legislation sabaltted h the (Government, will, followingthe practice they have (adopted in previona Cessions, tin Iyond following eonetntreive rather than destructive lines of criticism. The proble-n of accommodation has been solved for the session. The in- termediate portion of the burned west wing of the Parliament buildings will be ready for occupancy and available for use 0t the members. While the work has not been txympleted (inally. nit* progress hie been made no wil' enable committees t0 wP,' and not 1, terlere with the internal economy tet•.,., f erelature. .sec.. • . sllagaeise waitrss° A ,.go., a to fulfil Its promise It •4 tLiup: , 0 ,tone during 1911. The ., aeeary- setae opens *kb ii tb4tt4u ill�ttttit, ttt)l Ike Etelet ret. N aw From a 0.C. 1. Se -etude, Jtton Ilurnir.. a former A. .. buy wbo made a. good mord at • ,xi, eb Collegiate lnstttete, is new at • he Normal 9ehaol et Regina. He writs" 1 The tlfRltal from Watson. reef ern direr El fluky eses the old vetaunt' 11 olio the pww4R, berme...ter w 7 are enjoyed my Isaehieg herr, ad 1 like the mitt ziebtt' both re a wave Teak !•1t►tilber 111aNe LPu Othe chto r 'Waft lea ale Of sura N lay mei nest .en Whine e'lltrall • enexpMit td b 1 In erlioe. Tee t`ew�ius K1 • terser' a 7er', .t daugbess:... io X11 i 'llee'31e 1 i and es a 610 %tweve OW tor °erred a oleo (e'f e'extrie%'Li a9 Utile meg mane I NEW YORK, Jan. 9. -Butter -Weak: lescelpts, 5434. creamery specials, art extras, 271ic; third to Orel. 2lc to t%C; held creamery, third to special, 21c to NV: state dairy, common to ,final, 19c to lac; ptoree., second to specie. Ise to fie; tent- tettoa creamery. first. 22c to 23c: factory, held, etc: do., current make, 20c to 'vo- Cheese-Easy; receipts, 161711; Mate wtaN mak, Sept, quality. special, 16%C to 17%c; 60., MANY, 1119•; do., choice. 14%o to Me; do.. Oct, Nov. quality-, fine. 121fc to laic: do.. current snake, common to fair, 11c to Llc; skims, b 10, 1219. Eggs -Easy; receipts, 5640; state. Peaa- Wriesala and nearby hennery, white fancy, 44c to 46c; do., gathered white. gc to 41r do., hennery, brown fancy, lac: do. gath- ered, brown, Tic to 1c: western gathered, white, tic to 0k: fresh gathered. extra Dist, Mc to Tc; do.. first. Mc to 2tic; do., satoods, 11c 40 V: fresh gathered, dirtla. No. 1. tic; do., No. 2, Mc to Mc: meridiem. tar, first In Neal storage, Sic to Se: des. staowM, flc to M4c; do., special marts. fancy, !Tike. CATTLE MARKETS. U. S. Exchanges Active and Irregular -Mega Generally Lower. N73w YORK. Jan. 9. -Lofton cattle market lower for American cattle, 11iie beef eater. at 5%c to 10c. IdvERPOOL, Jan. 9. -John Rogers & Os.. 'Averpoot cable to -day that alibis there wag rye reduction of priers in the Birkenhead market the demand ova:, very acrall. and it was w*th dlfflc*.ley that satdrday'■ quotations were agalntalned. Only Sats cattle were offered. maklpt Dem 1.P5c to Mar per pound. Union Steck Yards. TORONTO, Jan. 9. -Receipts of lire stock at the Union Stock Yards were • carloads. consisting of 1353 Wile. 91 hogs, 971 sheep and lambs, 11 calves, and 4 horses. Exporters. B. 0. wt»dward Lama'.( for Jwrft a Oh: aL steers- Ifs 11•. -ac'R es 6.90 t• w a, s aeew.g. 140 K edea at s Se W I bails, tai 1be 4ss► u tib tole.* Maybes a Wilma MeyO1 N .asere INS lea Bark et le glee owl Bt,hbera men was a geed trade res wafter, prime were firm aad IS •a a and1se per cwt higher Prime plea. M ead steers gold at M to (1634' leads et seed 070 to 11.11. medium, 3434 to Rei e.msson F to ma cows. RMI K34 with n tee at 0 casaere 0 to per wt Milkers and $pengers. About 15 mllke s and springer void at 3112 to Fe each Veal Calves. rear more sold at O to Nine pec nest *beep end Lambs. I♦1 seed at st a4y Sneed L ut lambs wed S.F. VMS& M to 08.61' roma, 33 to 0.1111: Ike le to IgM, and not or awe Iota b ewekt 3/.51 per owl. Hogs. Hog prices were quoted uncdanged at 87.0 to $7.45 for .elects, fed and wafted, and 17.10 toff* to drovers for bogs Lab. care at country points. But one deck was reported sold at 17 ) f.o.b. tars by Cones- 140 oned140 & Co. Montreal Live Steck. MO*'.TREAL, Jan. 1'. -About 900 head ot butchers' cattle. NO maven, 115 sheep aha ' Aimee, an 1400 hop were offered for .ale 1 at the Point St (Nutt -es stock yards Oft morning. The offerings of ttve ata., k at I this rnaarket during the week were 111 I math, DO calves, Ulla sheep and lamb gad "7100 hoes. Trade was slow, but the prices of cattle and togs are higher. Prime beeves sold at 6e to Disc Per Ib.: pretty good animals, 4lkc to 5lic, and the (daimon stock at 7c to flit per Its. Calves sold at from k to 7c per IA Sheep sold at 4kw to slit per I0.; Iambs et Vac to let per lb-, and good lots of hogs sold at -;%c to 8c per lb. East Buffalo Cattle Market. k.A8T BUFFALO. Jan. 9. -Calker -R - <xilietu, 3N bead: active, lfac to 1c higher: prime stets, (d,0 to 3675: shipping. 1 go 130: betchem'. 6 to 3475: betters. 0.6 r 3434; atm% 11 to 6,7; balls, KZ to 1634: teeters and feeders, KM to td,:. .tock hatters. M to $436: trash cows and spring- ers. active, >r to 15 Sieber, NC to 70. Vols -Receipts. 1010 head; active awl steady, 17 to 110.50: a few, 310.75. Hosts-Reeelpts.:2.500 head: fairly active, 15c to 30c lower: heavy, 18.:5 to 1425; mix- ed, 88.80 to MN: yorkers. M.* to 111-0; Piga. 28.50 to 075: rougls, l:.l:, to 17.34; stags, 3t to 3450: dairies, 38.10 to 38.80. 8beep aafitd Lambs• ---Receipts, site head. heavy Welke, ■low: others active: handy, Zc lower: heavy lambs, L- to 1.71; handy 6 to 88.1•; yearlings. l5 to 16.51': wethera, 3115 to K40: ewes, 33.75 to N: sheep, mix- ed. >= to 31.34. New Yerk Live Steck. NEW YORK, Jan 9.-Beeves.-Keoeipta 00; steers and fair to good cows, 100 to 15c 'lower; bulls and medium and commas cgs. steady: steers. 85.10 10 as: hues, 38o -e to 0.40, cows, L'.E to 36: dreamed beg- steady. Wee to 11'19. Catrea-Reoatpta, 145: reals, steady to .acre: otter carves. steady: yeah, t to Al: cone 6 to 3650: barnyard and fed calves. 14 to 35; tndtana, M to 6 and M; dressed calves, steady; sty drifted veala tic to 11'19. cesentr, dressed calves, 1k- to Mo. Sheep and Lambe -Receipts, 11.60. sheep. needy. lambs. weak: strep. rabic 34: Webs. 6.75 to 15.5; choice, 11.90 to F. mile. 6. t -Rereepta, 12,10: market, strong, w *55 to 1480. Chksage Lies Steck. CHICAGO, Jan. 9.- tue=Reo4pb. 014 Market weak at 4.01.. 2.Bereft 31s to 37; Texas steers, 14.15 to 6.1; waealee teem 34.34 to WS to 3471'; cows and betters, as is 315: calves, 37 to chi. market *row', '.-h is to to ��xed. MO b 4814 children Often Need a laxative --but you cannot bet e careful what you give them. l4seeb purgatives lepere the bowels and pave the way for eel; -,5 �... The new AT E 5 fO R U does the work most etfecttveiy weber fond eg the bores or cawing any discomfort. The children Mks Mala for they taste Wee candy. One of the most popular of the NA -DRU -CO preps:stoma lar. a bee. 1f roar duelist hoe not yet seeded 4340. mutt iia and we re art arm 70 husks tl Drag and a.m." a eahpaaw e3 Casella thssi.e. . • useY.saL PERFECTION COCOA (MAPLE LEAF LASQ.1 Alas rare food value. Splendid for children. Wholesome, nourishing 0 ! so good frr breakfast, dinner and supper. Economical, too. 152 The-COWAN CO.. unalt.9.11.010Nle. e lat CLEARING SALE OF Horse Blankets We have a largo stock of Horse Blaokeits whirl, e.. .• lfcrinicat pricestbat will suit everybody Rocker Sifter 1. ,; hat.: poly a few of this style of Sitter lett. ' I • give trona a-utisfactinn and should be in every home Remember that. we hays a larg: stook of even': V nn ,ale >.• popular prises. and that en are headquarters Inc Winter Sporting goods Fred Hunt's Hardware Store ha ilton Street ►Jhvl t I3A "More bread and better bread" 1 Ttaaas111111Vi WALTER C. PRIDHAM'S GREAT ANNUAL Clean-up Sale Saturday, Jan. 14th, to Saturday, 2 l st This is our great annual event -every year IVe have it ---and this year we want to make it the biggest "clean-up" sale of all. The knife has been applied and prices cut so deep that a very successful sale should be the result. Read every item and just see the amount of money you can save at this 'sale. seiset ,sf Boys' Suits. 22 of them 1 `tingle -breasted three - piece Snits in good -:.rung twea'.1s- -will make splendid quits for •rhoof : teslrbr 1116.00 to Ott.50. $3 50 t''^nn•np PI'{e► Big Snaps in Fur e ANI' Fur - lined Coats bla. ,, Iwo coats, regular Ma, t lean-np sale pries. .... S16.50 Klondike Beaver', regular 1108.00$23 00 !wen-- p ode twice L. Very Special (] •Jot niy . k t. rands: $39 160.000.00 Ocean -up pe a'(� Beaver (testa, earl limier ..terlined with lubber. good for Dollar menet. C D i � 5j � A *22(10 Clean -no salt. prig. Pim lined trait. good murk rat lining. Persist, amh or otter millers gond imported bearer retell. T1tie M a Rennin !nap Reg s52OO lar M6.O0 (ban -01) ate rice- L Val Men's Overcoats We have a good large assortment vet to choose from, but would advise coming early, as they will soon go at these prices- - Regular $10.00, Clean-up bale Regular *12.00, Olean -up $ale Regular 915.00, (lean -up Sale Regular 018.00.Clain-up itl• 12 Overcoats SAID 5.75 11.7. 12410 dot this year's stock, ever. ;flood. wrong Overman., sizev 34 to 62 -at exactly Halt -price Boys' Overcoats Sizes 26 to 33 R y;ulzi t *6.•' , clean-up price ..118425 Hegolar fe7.00. clear-up prise ... .. . . i .26• Reins er ir.ae. clean -tip nabs ti iii Men's Suits Single and double -breastfed, Seventy - seven in the lot. Reinter 1110.00. nietln-up prior. tg..s Regular $12.011 and $111.9a.ela- saup pe ice 7.50 Hegnlar *15.00 anti *18.00, clean-up prig► 0.7s Men's Trousers Two hundred and eight - six • pairs of good strong tweed and worsted Trousers at the tollowing greatly reduced rricc°. \11 :.iaes , tt' 44. .12.110 I'ests i • ,t >1M,60 Piswts Por *00 Pants fora 611,00 Ptantu }4.Af1 Pent. w:N .r Remember. this Glean -up Sale starts Saturday, Jan rare I4th. and closes Saturday. January 2Ist. SLR. 1.06 2.115 2.75 11.115 1 WALTER C. PRIDI-IAM