HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-12, Page 5•CliECISIGNAL: 6UVDEI1Uli• ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS dsurchernd and Pejo fee The electric dynamo which was leased from the Canadian Electric 0o. over two yeses ago and has been used =town town ever sites has barn put by the water Ind light com- mission. The last oarutett a mounting tr• 87'E •1.• r".r1r ew days ono. i Mehlawd Rive. Drainage Scheme W ProoeMet, K. O. wase eoemhei t e . of • d•putttlon *bleb was ie 1\eento • • a few dace ago Interviewing Hoa Or • Reautee, Minister of Publis Works, to oonsectioo with a drainage scheme. I atleettiog the rowosbips of they and Elm. knout MOM acres •.,f laad to then, ,.owoehcpe are affected by the everlk,wing of the liaitland River urban the bank, tote • en low ?hist .tate „t affairs is paused no the in sewers ,umbo of drauu whicb empty nae the river overtaxing ,t it b pimpernel that the rive, or wornerrt'e Institute 4WOp•• ,ems.. ,,,t.,..sea -. •..-cv ,t,, •,Tits- ,. dredged et this point mod the depute Ameeting of the meatus_ it menra tier asked • hat the Government trate the po8gicb branch of the Women s a gtsot c . soloist tb' interested town nt/Auto will be held a+. the hove 40 f. I -Awe' *hips o or, .,rip rut this project T(M. /Waughn. East s t r e e t on i ler to13ow4t •m . • • . ., ..ua TD. urvmtae was given char the mat r tet would receive the moat fa• •rahl. fheddy, January Mita, to ter sup I :tall No J_ B., (]ys r.e C. 'o eonatderauon .,f the Meister caseate for an t►ystrr, Abu stalled tot the soeele year 0.K., ppMeeto be bdd on TburedaV, laminate' W Bell P Cor B. lea ye .,,s. 'V Mspecto• Robe ro Reara letb, in tee&ddfellowe' Hr ' vert rnoo h Putt r•ecordialt mere David Robe wpecw, /, yubu. natter will 1» given 1st r, renew. Drennan fioanciA, Aoie tot East Buren. hintimated , Fre Inspector Her. +eo'et"a'y• 1• wb, -nun I)eas p'his intention to retire from the poet it; W . YroudfbnW l W a, ale tion. sod his re*jsnattou will. be la for Wilson .•. au.au LonJ. W Cbru t3andersoo ti a�ggee Underwriters teitoriatiOn WMw pInc,. tleudereot, 1 8 rhos B.r1' placed before the county ouocil at its IRiewo tbi* week Ob his annus. trip t . %byei•:is., t.,, \ , Noir,. Orr' tomtits* this year aft the lith of IV'on for the Association. Che lase Mr Babb', rewigpation is due u, AIM war rung ye•terda` worn- ' orn aro .'K lams Dear . eonunued ill -health. Hr began to within three minute, the rite 1. zed doses vas iwate ., +. a.s Mach 'n Remmers . 1904: nearly Toru bad hoot laid down, Hamilton pits, No 8uassie , whop I•vank Flee. , se•ea veer+ ago and has been steadily sad i at work •+ver .ince. And has ,wt'tainly =bees the hydrant, .t that wider thehire ti4itrie1 Flea, we. ,t Mr eereed . to from bis unremitting ontM T�hu, •,the• hydrants at fine P�triek Flea, iliacs ttneet. nuc � Apr .Tach oDnlier of the Square were tested cue Tees suttee •>+ append,etue. labs' 141+ aPpoiotmenI I, the posi- ster at d In the afternoon the tie en- The 'ad had nese i11 to. se •earl days Liar -il pubic, school nrpeetot was ire nes taken mut Ind Riven a ;fiat, before be was ' akee re tier norpital on Geode ot June- 1890. and it, the , wenty Today'all the otbe, hydrants .r. the V Iday easts and ter Missies bad pip. ,yid + me• ening ��o e No and (wade a ,ee- •,own are being examined ft Is ..,.ted $ras,ett to fa- for .,icoeesru' treat- t met alit county The faithful of - that the ieepector is faint. wet' -• tie- mac:.. The rarest took pia.:, this 'EMI 01 sato kr. Robb will doubtless a fled with the showier flied, mor-' g no tM- r arbour enwtery in nano a a.., ewe r�e .ecuoo :.o. , t.t nusati.srs of the Hotel Bedford ewes te se ad vertiawd to omtMnoe tomorrow bas been declared off the tic.n.t ammonia stones+ baring eoeeaded is eei0g1. she,. n tromr ag*1 Set wee. the Ia lone arid t be man rbc i►eertee of the nMM De. wet, eivaded until May let tL, give the wow time to make twine se, scathe. McRae Abid be c0.riiwed at the ear-, ,meting tat ueath of halt--O*1. Moor•: ware ..,. at.. Peter. :hurct vel the the (22emell It u Mid r•berr yrs only Perth county us,- :It ;,.., „s j t, d Mote 1. tore- norn. it. last; a vel.. lrw ie the ,awash wb,' poesa� prominent resident. slid -.officials in rr.,: ntt piano. gtM�s'ah.nne neit ea.r)frn t1 the death of Lieu: -u. W -0. Moe Ibis apooietremt. lbrip, who died at Stratford ,n Satin t,,.u. • Citiz•ans' Marine saner. inetfded at Fort unshorn. May afternoon tart -e pneumonia atter t'b.. 'eine tuow', Stere 11sm- an illness of fon, day*. IAeut.-Col- 1 dare :•ver ...wt. veers ago as the nosier A quiet Mia. very pretty w,sddiag Mo.cri woos fifty -eight )ears ot age, i Nano rat .doted a new memo and was edrosnpod in the Roman Caths. P p pg setuct, Fort William. iry`the Rev. and was a native of St Msrvs, where I hrncefuett n.- snow" *' tie fiber L► Maris&&, $..1., oe December he prscti•ed law tot . Rood rnany I G-..,er•ioh . tf &Zeros .\terrine and. At film. when D ill.r Neve. of Niptgon, of the County Court of Perth, which b...shipp t, •,torn( -tor,. l oder She tierce/Ant his removal t. Stratford. I tiircrtRank Smith, two po- Prior to this appointment be wwa --,reheld •:very week in the headr known throughout Western Ontario l man,. '}'p* itianwgmamboeunenmamboas an active pollticiat and ttt was for 1 dm:, by tile ipnow e riots the sts ars aist years before his appointment .r clef tate a rime the gR>tme mere- I was united io inerriage to Lillian A., dmrsaister• or Colonel A. J. and Mrs. Clammeroo, formerly tat Kenurr. The beide wore her travelling suit of cavy blur broadcloth. with it heooming silk n et waist artistically trimmed and a Nut session the member or South ow:1,d in the pours, h u,r park tbe Jwisdom* set of Canadian mink furs. Perth in the Pro lnaief r-visler,t, I band will he io shape t•o present '' with bat to snatch. 9be rcaa attended The Horse Market. i much better proems of music `hen it �„ gime. NI«, Maters. while .i. A. leis "i �eiae The opening ho... :market n the' res hither;n teen a :., : ve. 1 ro supported the 5roon • The Tuesday was favored with 1• bang wee nos of 1Leooea'� mostt .,rcim- � on thd record attend t •,gip, Connections. able young Ladies. having taken an ac• - present and a number .)f rales were ,r stRabut/Wingdtly but/Wing additional mete- stable work, god u an ion a -d leas privet* • me • %lung its lines and r,ow hes rasesiei.u. The is the testy eon of Mr. and Mre. D re . J. Neville, of Wil- ifom stet. Godericb. and bolds an iseparOet position as chief ••lark with the well-known ,•oetractors. Foley & O'Brien, on tbe Grand Irunt Pacific >iaitwac. Only :, few of the immedi- t ate friends of tbs rootractiog parties were �,ses�� t to witness the ceremony. t•ameb-. Cotooel A..1. and Mrs. Cam- eron, parents of ton bride. and Mr. had MIs. Sweeney. mode and aunt of il the beideeo Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phelan. ••t White River. uncle and The 0. T R. station. • filc� erre Deer, • Mrs. P. Tierney. aeon of • ne ATOM,. The bride received teehnyed h Etre on Sunday, Novem Atte an Morns of over s a` Mrs.. moony meth useful and eth presents, show- -wr (kb. will be opened for business ,o 1 *trick • Tierney, of Oodericr , an- log the ',rear 'esteem in which she is he course of a week. The interior • awered 1.1,c final roN :a11 early VooThem being held. aeormot Thebeing a beau,ifii1 .ow ie the hands .)r the painters sod 'day metniag o1 the' week- Deceased Peeetam -.womb coat with marten collar lecorators and the electric lighting + owe holo of Irish patents Kingstree sad rearms and large marten pillow -ystem will be installed within s few I seventy- it Lays The unfavorab'c weatbei con- name being ate r maiden muff to smtcD. stat, ., aubetaotul Beech She was ebfrom bet frobet father. Tee Happy Minn', ands' which be. workmeworkmenmarried et Tnote seventeen yews couple .left on the evening train for nave labored 'wring the oast two sign r . her now bereft partner and Winnipeg at d Vancouver no their nnntbs haw no, permitted the la iog s ore that time Goelerieh bad been bar bo.o. yDon. D. .1. is well and favor - 1 the slag root This work will be bottle. Besides her rostrum abs ably knows is t3odericb and has a ,rr,c•edeu wits, shortly, 'When, the leave€ asister lo 'roe -tete. Tne 'un- beet of friends. who will offer their •uilt}ing i.-:ompieted. i., promises: t-.• sial took place yesterday taornieg coesreesdatioos upon his winning such ,e one of the handsomest reilwt, • = - from her late residence. Waterloo an estimable young lady for his bride, ions in wasters, ,)nsnrie. ,trees. t 0 St. Teter's church. wieder* and who :will all join in offering ste- rna's was sung. atm white the tor- serest Npd beet wishes for t long and •,roungse• tDinsmore.'toe rut weather rn a l T he troderich Rural Telephone the.char- ancr. Several gond buyers were i Ph dtteiat.rmat it hospital and Other IShh ac-om litrbed made, 1.010 oy duct 1 ave: •r,: nundrrd telephones in mer. ;ale The prices realized in every ease were goad. A number's of farmers Connection: are established with ,nada tbe mistake >1 coming to the Auburn. Westfield. St A'tgustine, market and leaving their borsee at Dungennou, Nile. Carlow. Rion/Mee home and endeavoring tc have the Shepperdtoi' Aad Por` Albert. buyer• call on them which they wee. Kingsbridge auJ Kintail w he can- not prepared to do. The next market fleeted In a few days. This week the will be. held on Tuesday February oouueetion with Iles Bell system he ittb. when It a hoped Gee t biggerGoderich has been out of order. ooea- -rowd will be a1 attendance and tbatl sinning a good deal of inconvenient" van • oreater sureteas will' r.s1i,ed. hat t.be line will probably be :o good .... .r:,'ne order be this evening. Ready in d Few Dar- atrddin ^sites• trate proceeded to the r:atbnlie cele*. happ, weddtd Iter 4 pry' f. tery in f')olbnrne, where the remedies A Sudden C.atl. �asterday� a. '.he britt,•Mr were inter -ed. The. palibearerr were 1[fs Wetljngtor, Ilinswore. Trafalgar Dan. Melhtnatd. Prank. Qm:r s . Re. Saturday -i$bs. lest L*onald ' Mc - Area whom he, laughter, Miss Lvnu ;end Dan Carn•c. Pbail pswer' *urs' at bit homy, on ,ly dy7 Freebo - inert have. and (leort with win!' rc )ie,•eri l .,ung • Conscience Money. Trim. •p1 Orantc'. Rev. )1. Turnbull . The, Cba�� Alexande ri•sl ,reformed the . nony et high nate oseetngs 10 Tf ront* appear •o lx do- -o the ?resew, ' the mantel : ing enure good. So at least two God.• received a letter' a:f10'trait for ,v >e tripp tc Aram,- ; Toronto containing 5U omits •'000.al- md Soo ,that twintu before atklp[i I race Bey... The naps• of the evoker, .p their cesidrnoE at Gatptston. The Or she exact t neon foe which} the ,ner•cha t who received Iles Tetter )uple Elgin ave -tae His death -ase with startling suddenness to bis relatives, as bras Illness dated only from Friday teeming previous u, las death. when be became 11 wbile on rinty at the 13W 'Mill. He war taken bpeto and in spite a the almost ,:are and at- teetion be pared away the following oirrht Deceased tree born oe the Isle tat thaw's. AT the west ,:oast of Scut and ,1111. -Piiht year+, ago. *leis b.. •• •- a lad of -even vear%r of his esteem-. the tare Mr. had Mrs. ,ir and of the .ontracting maniere • rich busitwee men think. The other ;[r. and 71rr �oungstm hoarded ' Do• day one of them friars . ne e s fHentle m rosea will iris moor, wee seoc. INN riot given. Tie. xtendfoz *t •risb .. ';: P1•: ^^' 4 rF penlog rc a.ntion the lncideat en eta• IBRIOHTS DISEASE w aead:iest and dIddi minimi eraiady a 'duct, mankind L sabjset Dodd Kidney Pills will ,lis aar erne d Beptbt'e Disease They Dare oevw fades so ewe sieges cage- They Ant the °My remedy that *cm kw oared it, and they Are the eel, remedy that CJD Them ars tm*atroa. at D.4d's lowyPirie pB hos fid rase-Jte' mita tiaras are Jamisroua The anginal ° genuine care fee tiMoe DODD'S KiDNEY PILLS L ranch • bLid..y Pts aro fiftdng a Dna u all h moyal Tempter. emit Office. other mar, whr ,ire. ttuaiDese or. the 1 aid McPhail, emigrated to Canada �tquar. • he ,aIle' ,node he etopt'tuiaR g.MM Sot • too sears made thea, home at u the regale, 103 .nseeti4a If tin ' be t ` With the pr eetion of t,ouocil N.• }Og, K T ot T in 'be atatemeu•. that hr. had salved Batmilw 1 femp.runce Hall on Monday evening much ;. tette,. with tin 01 enclosed for tie railer.! into )heron the Lather :he folIowlne officers for 1911 were • notiscanet -aka. 4 ompar'inm of scored hit -Meetly tc- Ri;dey, where •Det.Hed P u . Chas E trouog the hwndwnting to the tot letters. te- for •ieariy Bolt a ,,enerseeed-t_ery be trend bis ,7., W J McCreath t Alio, ldirate' 'het fhev are from for tame tri a . digit set d evsest�si' eMn�te.ngpeering 'P.rnpletgn recording secretary lin ; per'•or• The two 0erebaa_ ha'• , r o. In 0. E. Young financial secretst% mina I cowed „.w line, rn of,. eel., .lie the yea, ,flat abortly atter his mo- lt. o rats Ow Iles subtest of this; notice -ems t3. ilin.M treasurer. J. T. Newell 1. 7fe.derieb and .,poi up bit , bode •baplMin. Mrs \I' 1 McCreath , her To Eno, se the It,„• _ hers For Dirty -tare rears be had sad. Mr Hopkinsare mused, H. Hole sotinel W Cares p`r-tete ♦F Mar rhe ttt,der'arh Ykaiis,: and r ;uriti.e steer, - 'aitbful employee of the Big .Dant reporter Allred Armstrong Associatlor ha* made arrangements I Miltno dut.iee es night-watebtnao A new member also was initiated at i with tbe lessees of the rink whereby being widow nterfereel with by -tek- tite same meeting J T Newall es 1 the building will he i.f, re c• preeeo' reser +urine • bat long ::,rind. His ,7ouncil agent has done good wort ,n I condition until spring 1 t ,• • he Intel, stedde. +senior m.•ornod by ,t family rhe past year and ser .,,.•r•..•. 1 tin,. „ flood It immediately m ....or w chat r a • w -.n• laughter if"Port oohed for during 1t may rte Rinsed for Mating a• earl• ,. , Joseph .4 tow, sorrow,. Nor possible Plans ere now being pro krtbo, and Mm kNonrIdge. .4 Boil Connection Refuses red frees wbich it a pi ,posed to Pa , trier MT!. lic1 bat' I .. ri : ,• ar pa is eurv,•ed A delegation from UolM,toe wu ; large the rink making H at least shirty yew-. AWL. Plea Aerwaord ship. representing the Colioine mull feet iooget m. Ate 1•, have spare Ito a Men by three sisters 'lin Murray: 'shoal telephone system, was in town gallery Al ne cos rod the Hoot .pace of t n.tbampton Mrs ',obi; Mellon wedneada to confer with Mr (lengthened The dant will also Dell i 4 tj �wuo4 dapitobs end rm Glbend, genera contract *gent of the fors galley. .o bntb side, of the sin Bell Telephone Co., in regard to con making . rate' seating capacity tnr 'section with the Bell system In Gode 1,600 rooms.h Ha �s proposed to' the rich., A member of the delegation new r•uildin ro have etallir roof afterwards Informed The Signal that ved 't he he connection was refused. hot that this would not prevent the Colborne system teem in,talltog an Instrument ,o Oodwich amd organising a mown eer service for calls tri this moo Whether application will be made to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Assoc*tion Kolbebetwwn three wash* to their los Boded to override the not of the Tomo men firms Leos Ehmah mid Bell people has e•idrotlt not Nom ie g idcd three from t'leto'M strew tlYmereb The subject ,• 'Rsselvmd that ,n Board of t rade Oount*, ttatimprranes 's a gre.shs eel' thee wink ver, 1 At the meeting of the council tat rhe' war the alDroattvt►t kes,.b • `� drink fat • he fkaeada cold stertor Mr.V cDcmatd .f r,onkuow. the ,set ,.wed bring ,)resent yr the heves; •as, 'ruesiia• aftern000 Che bteelsste was nasi. , Ma,ttend end ,f the p arta err. +ppro .- MINIMen the MUMS: hes: + „icet •r 'NOM the harebolders wort will er . Wind oM-' bs Rev Ger 11 Kos The .uenced imwwrlahsi t owe , s. - ,C' n ne war. Jttit of tone:wed . rel - of sorted io� winysei Reber. Hoggartb, At the t M Andrea 'Ott. M s Campbell kngu. bathes= Root YsLsod and Bete On Monday evening tae a • int. min balder Ths bereaved rel- inet there will les a debate .• the advise bee. the efrpoib7 n; v. • • 111 Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir, Tuesday, J�uary 3Ist IN THE OPERA SAIL$}: I't,n great.eet tadiek chuff the world. M Al ►A I E RUGHES.THORI AS, - au Directress. le the Western Provinces- this choir bas been reoeiviSY front 8100 to $1,000 a lcigb ., and hasdrawn large audiences. ' Ineg WinnipOD October lith, 1910, Madame Melba said : "The Welsh !Adios* *Zboit is mag- nificent. They are perfectly ,splendid. and you may say 1 said so.- Keep this date free JANUARY 81st. Tickets -75c, 51k and 35c flows. W the debate next M.111- • day evening, January 16th. at 8 o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Subject : "Resolved, That intemperance is a Greater- Evil Thee War." The af9rm• ative taken by three young men from Victoria street church. The negative by three from 'knob • cburcb. £berybody '1ve( plant,., N t fie tar coli 'tion. 1 1 11 1fnese, 1.24 tV14 1 Shatirtarig 111 1 CORNER RE\'I'.1:ti r This is a picture of the old Sovereign Bank premises, hereafter to be a portion of N. C. Cameron's DepartmentalaStore. This week workmenhave been busy ipaking the necessary alterations in.the interior, and on Saturday next the Men's Department will be open to 'the public in its splendid new quarters. Here the men will have splendid facilities for making their purchases, and it is but a step into the general sectionof the store -all departments under one roof. Be sure to 'call Saturday and see the new department, Whether you want to buy or not. ANNOUNCEMENTS Board of Trade on Monday evening a tlet � iIstria ...s . nasi proposes wai r•eesived feet, the search I judgesr ibile i. invited Or. 1d.eklisia Ind t of the Ontario Asod.ted Beards' J r Th Killoran e pis debate. whieh M trios to shield affiliateof e that the with(odAtioh this Piovinellal all attend t.1. first of a ,seise 4 es 11e propoost was fav- batty to or bad this white. The ved, but recite acting ,wale iSS bas* *It a future meeting. gen. erneweotladeaee In connection a•4V was d•st 0 i Led to the Rey- ssai other mattern with the team's beMeeas letwsstle n.rae gip for shun U disemoolon, and 10ss la there my he Millar w limy Wore rebs nowt meettwg. nest will be mimosa the North revert i Piotk $ae'a Rmbda 01eb and the Ootkrglaa si0 leetltute std win Ito Aad ,r / brnt'Wet `arid, Mbar folk They .wrvs 1t at Bur- Aseee's Rslssn• tl r'.ro R..lfn,.t Meek $ ester atia=tter *Nsceous twat ler r E ter ,xmsw to bulk nr Iloa aboi ll p/tad for ds, Niro. � ep.d Mir+ sty t/otheso, do carr what kind of 'P'hr Jn000le see tsN,buet ps!,epareid+m wady' � �put Into their del - for then SeWlverw Isnquet to be haste SYN MtM eeb.ta 1te. 1 yars do, r Add 1M. ttNMh. It Y join a year Idles they ley the pure hrr�rD�e1�M� depeetowas Merl or- • wade of the rtrfeet of amain tha fair ��J.a GENUINE CLEARING SALE Commencing Next SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th. OUR MID -WINTER SALE HAS • 'BECOME AN ANNUAL EVENT d We have planned this Clearing Sale on a' broader and larger scale than ever before and have prepared A,hst of many money -saving attractions which should appeal to the shrewdest buyer and,make business hum Awing this Sale. If you have a dollar -to spend for anything in Cketteral Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Rub- ber and Fell (crowds,, Staple and Fancy. Crockery, it will be to your interest to spend it here. Read carefull and ,note the comparisons in the list of ;roods we have here prepared : Ladies' Furs We,have,on hand an extra tock o4 these ,goods which comprises Many of the new - tkt- aftd most popular stvlss in Scarfs, Stoles, Ruffs, "Pies i.tutl l'aperines made from tnittk, marmot, sable Isa- bella sa-hella [.possum. natural opos- im. t•lectric seal, etc. We •1, ' want to :arry any tit. These goods over if possible. . s►d hay, n.,Irked them at such I•riCr: •vill make yuictk ,ging. 1: wit are in want .,1 anvthink in these. lines it 611 he t•' ' .cite intrrect t,• lye; t t h:yv,' letpt.A - : d��hlftck tar• colored Dress to sir ,,s, .11) 10 yards English 'Piint, at 1Or, ... .. yards Shirting. best quality, at, I31. 2 -piece Gents' Underwear at Styr 1 pair Tsveed Punts.....:. . 2,11 yards Linen Tabling at fie:. 1 lady's Sweeter Ooet . • or,tnda Week , , t;r• 1, r. et ' sale Rea. $2.73 .$4.20 1.00 1.26 01 1.10 ;: 1.00 1 00 , t• 1 ',HOW \V l \\ t, \\ I\ti t\l 4.64 who ht,j• :10.00 goods at .'I.1 ttelllline Clearing S•,i•- \•\i claim ;in. above list is a fait .+r,•'1 •,.!i :lverag( .t what you \rill 'Article btt,tgh• hire duri i , the; lei tea' -. 1 ARTLING PRECES 1h Boots, Shoes, Felt and Rubber Goods ..,r rte following - pt lea:, 1. ti.e: Pea/tenable goods: R, 4I cri`u Nile t f$hrnvrei.t 4 . buckle Oce;'shne:: $g . , ' \I .,, a heavy. felt -lined, .a .,Qkle Overshoes : 3.OV Tial e . . ILum'bermen's Rubbers. 2-hiickie; first, uellty. 2.1.1 I,,.'.e Lumbermens Ribber-, with Wild bee.. , sees. 2.7f. *' Vbiers O ta ire. R u ober:..,...rte4 - Wernen's Blare felt Slippy : • with solid felt solos .. Women's brown- felt rtithleatherst t.her )lc.- ,o )rnen'< h:aelt ..ii; •wiitiilercola ... \C ,tnsu'g felt leer's- • f sakhe. an.:s end ?cc: Mr, 1'e4 , , ntit„1 '.,w t -h..' . • .,hc!yt .. �alr Anil t., it*:, :' hrtat' tt' , "t r \ Ir'tritl: Milt.' l commences `t R) \1. .I;inuar' I 4 t h ti S. J. YOUNGDU NO h,H'- I'kt-1111 t 1 Ill: 1 \-lI