HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-12, Page 4• Ttioaistior
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District News.
t'r)RT A.BER I
1 ltd,. : J..u. :.t.
a 1 ' \ tisrr. NO. -The pa), •
esetunlo a b. Cagle m Young
�iop4s Annotate.. wilt se heal oe
{• y enrol Jwwtry 1` 't
obs home tri 11r tioheoobait t11
those interested or **btu* rleexlrnt
member, of the apple, .t • anal.
tented to lie presen' !R..
Tu &id Jan, tett,
• .yuday learning lee
seur'ted tis. neatb of Valentin
fisher. at the home of hire daugbtat
Mrs lobo Young. Deceased was it
he eighty-stxrh year. The tumoral
took place Tuesday afternoon to O&
'Dorno cemetery. We extend oursym
loathe tr the hereayed.
I'eV AO Mtge I roue; Young
returned Monday of last week to bee
•uhool at Simeon, atter spending :be
holiday. with het parents. Councillor
end Mrs. Young William Me -
Milieu. who spent the past season ail -
ng on the Great bates, bee arrived
tome tor the winter We regret
•u Iesrn of the serious Meese of -Mrs.
,(tnl. Volvos We wish beta speedy
reoovery .Th.: Municipal Telephone
Co. is snaking *teat progress in the
,saestrrctioo of its line in this 'part o
the townebip .. Mr. Aad Ws. Work
man• who bave r•et.irroed trom the
Weer. ere visiting their parents, Mr.
.and lies. Meadia,..... Mr. IIChfurehy.
of Rioted,* visiting hie sister. Mrs.
tele P'wr*pson.
THE SIGN 1. txtlLlat)t: I• I ►,
---r --_ - _-- - -
wend IS NATIOPIALibT t7"
�d ly
h -- is 3o Uulalix:U• r tit
tbe Giber fellow
tour. only by bit noir
ay .0
,ince we
C41111..OW ward ehoe et the beet
IW it ellatSGAt. Tan' 11La. •piniorre ere het Interop.: No,•
e ,,..eg eta, La/gll, A. E', end A. will draw out to101'01 ce'
.4 read et, i ac raged time P.o apre. whs. -a esse.tasliss
- • ruing with initiation esti doormat ill* goo man who *took .. he
f ater
w• Al Meriting Nies is ie the ae- 1br lig a( test week : One is always
••.soden, trivial •uraoue about the man wbr, tete-
nies.nr,• e quirt but pt.utty'LC' ricer. hIwaaelf behind• a pee„
...aiding took ulna Oda sa (fLa'am, for iwW&; VVbeo'we e
he esideooe et lir. reed era. W. •1. rt�u ill MD aloud pehied ne
a filmset
R well wino Mies baa Igc*naan. lett R p ee' 01 klub 11811
•r GtLaw e. •tete, ,1, Ns r. Powell, was quicken our euriontr. Wbo is '110 -
totted ii 'edlo k to Fleet . Beer, of ttooaliet r' This brevities!e tart otaa-
Nile Ito. \V. oJonwa sf Nlle, rind tieing sttdy to human nature.
I th uuntial lino, in the prawnoe tit arate the pestdooym '•Rathwaliet."
e 1 few relatives and immediate friertdE of That would strike rue h
e aaving been
the oxide end groom. The beide, was chosen with careful discernment. In
charmingly attired In a costume of the accepted •ignificaace of for word,
gray silk eoliene. Both Mr. ;and Mrs. "Rationeliet"dors not. mean inwisp je
Kerr are well known in the neighbor- rational, but ooe who denies that God
Leotnow. h.. ;w6ss0 visions ,•utaide
relate rad wilt b.00sfsrth give Nle entire
attention to the home omor rmknow. where
M will be femme every Aas 111 m•wlern rneth-
N(M'IUis. THE I,u( A,J. .4 t*1lNUY
b Dangaaaoa tot rhe sitrru1 tit &L the pest.
eines Book sad Stationer) stare, waste
seders win w n ee'v.d for •ebaortptioar. ad
verting, end Job work. and receipts Will be
rives ler stwemata :rid for tae mast.
WaoM tepee, elan. lith.
e. Ranch. of Goderieh, spent Sunday
with friends here.
Mies Etta Haldeman' Inas returned
borne from the West to spend the
Spaniel services ere being held in the
Methodist church, with the peetot•,
Rev. L. Bartlett. in chr rate.
Mies Pearl Bradford returuwl 10
Toronto no Sate rdsy to s eaume her
atudiee after sp udiog the t`hriatmas
holidave at her home here.
9cRout. Rametse. - The pnhlic
school hew re -opened for the term
with Principal Moffett in cbarite And
Vine Sager, of Galt. teething the
tonin, muni, Mies Ssget takes the
place of Mire dowlee. of Berlin, who
was in charge of the ,junior room last
Boeixltse (JHAN0C.-John Ryan Nae
tooted (leo. Bradford', hlackemitb
+hop and takes poserasion Monday.
limitary 16th. Mr. Ryan is a good
workman and we wish him success.
We understand that Mr. Brsdtord in-
tends to take a trip to the Wort and
?nom locate there.
Nee I, M&E•FINI.. The annual
meeting ...it the Dungannon :agricul-
tural and Driving Park Association
• was held on Tueedev et this week.
•The old directors were •e -elected. vita :
Tobe McLean, .1. M. J
Wbysrd. A small div en wee pal
t o each ebarehnlder ratter I ravi ng for t he
repairs r.ompleted last summet.
'n9TRLCT ')RANOR OFFI.:BRb.-- The.
tutees (range Lodge met here on
rueedry of this week. The following
'Miers were elected : 11. M., .I. B.
Coune. No. nit : D. lr. \1.. at.
Thompson. No. 44e; chapleio, Rev. T.
Hick. fit, J 4.: retoorrding seoreterv, .1.
4 Johueton. No. 4 : finencifo secre-
'are, Jae Elliott, N,,. 10,52: t.renseesse
W I Black. No. 9$1: D. of 1:., Thos.
ffergusoo, No. 498: tectnr,rs, W. Me-
rlwain No. Itki2. '1nd Ales. I).tr•nie,
'I'HItespee. .1x11. Iltt..
tial if,' (Jl.l'e Oemeatet. -The Dungadt
114111 Gen Olnb held a rneetieg last,
night and elected the following . ejfl-
•ere : (Impale. i •. illiott; secretare.
T. 1.. 4ijeo : treasurer, John John-
ston : 'onnnittee of msnagemeot, E.
Duff, M. Campbell end David Glenn :
enditore, %Its. Darnin end Bert Tre-
leaven. It wee derided t...•hange the
•late of the week) • shoot trona Wed.
taiSbler Aides afternoon. All
be sof the club ars; r•l.1ue'etett to
make note Of th..• W. Reid
hem bees the sucesieful cornNeUtter for eighty-sixth year. was the lest sur -
'ba Mitchell cup and N. Bellamy won vivor of the original Maher tamily in
rhe: fishing roil donated h}• 1...10bn- Colborne. ()opposed of erose. ,nns god
«fann..f Tendon. thaw daugbter.:. M•. Fieber we.
lionewge. 1.. . 1'. Y. I4v rH,a:M. horn In Waterton in Ittifi. end it. 188I
talar) Dungeon.= has suffered a loan be 'AWNS to t.nibt.rne .vith bis *the' ,
:n the emcee; tit eters Chas. V Ruth who took rep a large nnrtinp ..t lead
..rforvt wb . ate. a pastoral• ,tf nine lameerr•'• .i Bentnillet. aetUioli down
veer. .n -barge ,tf Rnkine hutch, r rn what etas afro.. mards Known re the,
'I)nnganoon and the Port Albert Pres a LeTouset pr. ewe. able pert •f tbs. .
'.eterian ehnrs'h toe ...seemed the •a11 e.,urtry. esu abet veer wilderness.
h. Pine. Riven ongregauor end ( abs Finer hems demote the first
rem lase woes Inducted Int.- the, pas- 1 settlers Ie tan,• that* W. anis' one'
*rate there Mr Rutherford has been other abet. frmaiii `know, btu in
the •.,opsinrpwn comuleooed the
seseuunus ease ,N rutting dnwn tad
ele'anps +war be Pores' sod devitdaft
paeans -' keeping the wiki animals 1
I Irne. rosetroyielg heir, •. roe. asr rhes l
. heer. and wolves were: uutsemut at
bat tisms le Me the Sobjero •:' tale
• notate married fltlwnn. Warne, end 1
the' ssatl.d.,r whet is we keno,... !
tbs enure, firer. on .h Meitner, .sir•
Weave Mr, plebe; wan Mauna
tletbodiet 'lendttying htsself wit►
this heti, t. ,$1+ •01 el .
-rats 10110,' ebc ',Haien .*.-lc
1011 lla All nee hue hs. 1
high** Mt Rom• ea... las1•.
lor-.d mos batt per -.dad hat. •od fo.
♦bort es had ''ngo•d nn • b• teat)
b• tet,.. sp ate obese -- server •*
il» 1 Peen. serest four solo 1.
fo,. ,,,.abler m' ort: •hr). net
rep Twaettnvge w tette r Mu
• rf ro ach:roe 4114 ,nd
Tnb 4. a unlhoens M• Henke. if
Hall.,' 'vine ti .ne kite
lin tont t -c lien , 1 tee Mr.
,late d t rating n• ! b• eera. ,tot
hood. end the numerous and beam:ladnastier*, with the affairs of this
wedding gifts received were a token
of tbe esteem in which, they are held.
Atter the festivities of the evening
the happy couple Tett for their home
et Nile, where they comtueoee wed.
ded life with the best wishes of many
What woman at, sometime or other
does not experience these d.-esdful
hearing -down pains. Mrs. E. Griffith,
ot Main street. Hepworth, Gut„ says :
'A heavy hearing -down pain Ned
settled across my leek and aides. 1
was often unable • to stoop or
world. A very aigoifleaat pseu-
donym is •'Rationallet," is it hot?
But perhaps strictly ....erect. He
Tben this sentenc.: "The majority
of the citizens are bros•d-rniaded, pro-
gressive people." Wise "Ratinlsalisrt!"
lase, bro-dur tadednese woe pi oved two
years ago by a vote of 800 to 413 for
local option. Their progressiveness
will be proved ooe year hence when
by toeir vote they progress beyond
the sixty per cent, and wipe out the
accursed traffic. "Rationalist" is
surely a man of scute discernment:
"Flittering away our, time to sup
press the licenved privileges of others."
"Rationalist' almost comes from be-
stiaigbten utyeelf up. \leny times hind the fence in this sentence.
each night 1 would have to leave my What "others" are the Citizens' Lea-
with the irregular and frequent
secretions of the kidneys and just es
done out in the morning as on retir-
ing. I was lar
quid and would
brave to !et my
stand. Not hi ug
I had tried
would benefit
me. 1 learned
of Booth's Kid-
dey Pills and
concluded f
would try thea.,
which i did, and soon found the long
sought relief. My back strengthened
end 1 be en to feel hetter• and
stronger. i now enjoy 111v sleep with-
out being disturbed and feel grateful
to Booth's Kidney Pills for whatthey
did for me."
Booth's Kidney Pills are a boon to
women. She Ilwouk1 know lees of
headaches if she task more of them
wonderful pill. Tiler are nature's
greatest specific for all diseases of the
kidneys and,, bladder. All druggiete,
gun tying t0 .upprees t In our town
thein are seven barrooms and one
liquor More These ate tha only eight
Iicenr• 1 concerns of which tbe propri-
etors 1. a willing to coin money out of
their t plowmen's weaknesses, to fat -
1 ten ti. t purees on their fellowmen's
vices, . -image in a traffic which is
ev.t only, and evil all the time.
Think of the carnival of drunkenness
which has terit)t•ized our streets this
summer; think of some untimely
• places
think of spine prominent, and
men whose frailties these
ate,: think of the splendid
know falling, falling from
the pede.taa manhood, and then
ay it is "trittering away time" if one
can by hellot or influence lessen these
heather results which flow a black
stream from these eight places. Who
is this "Itntionalist' who says it is
frittering tine? Wbo is this roan
who world stand godfather for such
"licensed privileges?"
We come uppn a parsgt•alh which
makes us rub our eye's. Why, this is a
page torn out of the hook of the Citi -
mins' League! It preaches the very
50r. hoz, or poetpsid from The R. T. doctrine for which the League was or -
Booth Co., Ltd., Port Erie, Ont. Sold ganized,-law enforcement. Yet it is
and guaranteed by E. R. \Vi;tle. r,orth this Citizens' League at which "Ra -
side of Square, doe/slim" affects to sneer and
manifestly wishes to discredit,
What Une Woman Is Doing to Reiieve Strange!
Why did "Itlstionaliet' 1 ropriate
is page ?' This is tt bwauthf 11 white
!lettere ie one woman in all America. picket 1n his fence. But the pictket is
who has done more than her share to not wide enough to hide hint. He
relieve that enffei ing of womankind Sticks out ort both sides. 1 ant re -
that woman is Mrs. Prances E. Cereal), poinded of a story told of Andrew
of Windsor, Ont.- Broder, M. 1'. for Dundas county.
Mrs. Ourrah was at one time a great. When be was a general merchant a
sufferer from dice uies peculiar to her roan quietly slipped a dried codfish
sex. She had tried many remedies . under his own cost. Bet the tail pro -
hut found ti cure and had almost cruded, Mr. Broder said to him, "day,
given up bopeof ever being well again. friend, next time you steal a codfish
Bat. one day she was by s friend per- 1 either take a shorter fish or wear a
longer coat."
Might i dare to declare tbe result
of investigations between the pickete,
my inferences concerning the roan be -
bind the feece? To me "Rationalise'
is a man whop) those who know hiu.
best would be tbe last to assert that
he cores note peony about law enforce-
ment or public morals, Suppose he
steeds 10 the open and let us test: my
inferences, and if 1 am wrong 1 will
he among the first to congratulate
him. H. S. DDG(;ALL.
the Suffering of Womankind. u y ate
suaded to try what was then a little-
known remedy. Much to her astou,
t she wee immediately bane -
and in it short time completely
restored to robust health.
F',- m that time until the present
day Mrs. t;urreh has devoted her lite
to interest women in this remedy,
which has nowbecome famous under
Hu- mitre of Orange Lily end is ed•
yertised ou prrge :3 of this. publica-
Mrs. Cnrrah's sy-iupaitbet.ie nature
Ieads,ber to perform the moat eharite
able acts and she is now offering 10
send, free et .•harge. s 35e. box non- nuailise is exhausted. Subcceibers re-
taining enough Orange Lily for it tett
days' treatment. Hundreds are [retying will please suite their choice of
ing earentage ot Mers Oomph's genet- the two pendent pictures -Sir Wilfrid
(nits- and doubtless inane r.•ajets of Laurier or Sir James Wbitney.
this paps, will eeiss. this opportunity
to try this wonderful renw+iy :at nuex•
penes to themselves.
The Signal s supply of es: eodar' for
1VRDNg$0A' , ,lin. 11t11.
Axes .irill 01.0 LANDMARK Orese,
Oa Sunday, January 8th, after an in-
nate of a few weeks. Valentine Fisher,
one of the oldest residents of tiro
township,passed away at the resi-
dencenft non -in-law. John Young,
Loyal. Mr. Meber, who was in hie
M ▪ eprune end and ,'•' ml, among
n ongrrgstiot two wee the
people generally he has neon see. pop
oleo hie gnes r• actions ongrega
tion at Pin. Rive. toll t11s people. of
Duopcanno, wish hay etsrrulan, as.
ease in hi* new sphere Retort his as
par'ture he and his settwahle wife were
wade the recipient' of • pr.sentatl•.r
eogstben wits. •hp4.41.•w'nt. 444 /pie
Tn R., M. /dn. a 0.111..a. 1.
41111110 Is Sl.-rwhet. 's 4.)57558
ties e. -a punt ...suer emir eu• •een.rtton
✓ ed R V ant tesltno. a 4eer velour es
yet oar of eau, and •e•reat.) seine
w of the newt nine memo are &beat o •na
11 is O.• lased . elf) ars we rnr.sr51))
�- r-�L'.a sae x •- osl.1n• arnw 5M1.
.rnl 1/ es 000S.Mr • •.r
is 'seal!
tee •pM11. ,ettfl rel trio •.enPoa
e MR In not ..wart• ae
s�yse5wee „m he barb.. lung. se
asew eleitee ret of mete 4 Aut,
to Gov Wlowsmw We 4n .ret • telt
y at barIt sr what nisat be wId -4
�� welt res, have den. nmw. n. no.
neer In Mew Mete,ww4. 'n. rya
w• will dant 4her oda and .hall .eat
iMM M albit bMw.wn ,no '11.0 ani
blab sea le 4oar INy .14 of Mas. Dine► 11 (4)1hnrn. edeter* le" ! "•
M IAs tient �elerwd is `le 0! he .Word I de) JLr non, ate W t'onw .
the s5re w4 rs tad„ Ni. 'ndurbr '. ,.era :e.tyicr.
wins Pew" Ile weer 1 •r)4' LI" shofar
shell 5rub sea 'wen 110.1* revel and Altana 'wad the pellhsranxs were Maltase
+rv-Mttat w�am intnthe tet♦ M Lay Lord rhwanz. Wm Der,t, Rt.phen nett
a0. Mte2f era a reel rel nitronss e.t and lnsdah Allis. from the old nelgh-
t�• r�'�r donna„, a owe t borbo d. and Aedrww Green and
flataabasmat. sib. ru. W.. Jlcpsu. 4 LOVA*
R. B. Nunan; a former resident, of
' f odericb, writes The Signal as follows
Iran Kamtoope, B. 0. :
"Enclosed you will Hod one dollar
tui renewal of my subsceiption to-
ward* your very griod and moot, inter-
esting papist The Signal. 1 am sure
you will he glad to hear 1 hove taken
up a homestead about twelve miles
from this ci•y. 1 have already a
bowie built. (log. 24 by 18). i expect to
get right to work at the first oppor-
tunity in spring. Washing yo'a, dear
Editor, and staff a element Ubriamas
and pr'ol )Pt nn< now• real, '2 OW*,
Stomach Troubles
'Lured Vila,
tIE*F IS Pe00F
" 1 i ih'..i w, NM,,l tri M11-44*MaLI1
' • Jlibi• •, mrd indigestion, that 1 bet
tesla .poly - VINOI, aged nr
tier , e, vthi tag ileo had failed It
<trfaagtltenevl my digeetit stereo -
owe n•• haetty Appetite ami
411 -et Anething Without 'he dSb
at iM teats i do reit believe *rev
• iftg -qua V IRO'. a smear&
tresefee nail 114lstee
tis' f' 1l',-vsaeOus.
r'•welann w
1*. t. Au 11hws.
erica. , write. edema le• Yea►.
'reel t nr .,., enseert 'melba
tpl(N nufe,e .ure(t ilea
w'vtOin1 tis. Nei %den
11 the swan* 0aeAr atra. -e
'.rets of the off osnbsner
vitt tit rte . • tithe" . et ,wopevtre
If tons ern. •esta'nesd to VINO)
.filch -nat. - ..u•Cees aF ,a e •
SWINE +eif5' 11LestI0n and ie
ire tam ata aaldieg et• the weak
r.ed on 'love testate
try , bottle .d Vi4UL with Me
understanding that your matey will
be returned if it does not help yarn.
R. 0. Dunlop, DrusgW, Glmiertalli
January Sale in Full Swing Now
SCOTCH OINlifAi'i . Fiftetu hundred yard of new tch Ginghaan, .:anis• thi" week pysl• veldt
for i i jc While the dalevao
S. T - _ .. . # iiia -
P INT-wo tnousand alad Pio;itupdre 1 y of ▪ 'the t English Print, X32 linct1W 1%iciq and fast
PRINT; c0{ OM Sold F for 12 C to t, i,. • Our =ale Tice k ,tnly. _ _�.._:,.,!.• ���
LACES .AND EMIWOIDEROES are .-4Fering at great values X big hit 1. them just ii' if -1641 wan; good
i•argains, come rc, this gale.
- r4
Here are a few ot the leading things you will be offered : Gloves. Hosiery, Waists, Skirts White -
wear, Underwear, Corsets, Dress Goods, Cloths, Silks, Flannelettes. Wrapperettes, Kimono Cloths,
Vestings, Waistings, Lawns, Cottons, Art Sateens, Shirtings, Tablings. row,llingic, Ducks, Denims,
Cotton Pantings,•Suitings and a score of other things we can't name herr
The stock must here(lutxd. NSCO L BO R N E
for some of thee BAR3A/NS.
Etc., Etc.
Estimates cheerfully furnished,
We Re Pinder
I are
'Pharr -188o
The Signal offers to its subscribers
wbo pay in advance for the coming
year their choice of pictures of the
two Premiers -Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
Prime Minister of (Canada, and Sir
Jarn.ts Wbitnev, Ontario's First Min•
inter. Good Words from Auburn.
Out-of-town subscribers 'sending ,• A new ,ohscribet' at Auburn
their remittances will plane state „1 was impressed with the
which picture they prefer, and it will readable, well printed paper.'
be sent in a meiliog tube.
10 Cutters
to Be Sold
at Cost
Mus't be
cleard out
Call and
see them at
the Massey `
Har r t s
Shop on
Robert Wilson
l'he holiday rush i;
-ver and we are
tRaie prepared to
attend to your
repairing. %V a t c h
and clock repairing
is a specialty of ours.
We give spedal
attention to repo i ring
in all case;; also
repair all ',torte of
'ewellery. apectaelee, •
./ua rd ntetd
J. S. Dabcy
wale. ,arid Uptiedein
!. ate . Q/i 14l ASOJer"leh
writes :
January Bargains
fine B ful"$_ in Rualhthe best' and moat fashion-
ishioable furs. -
fur -lined tend far-frlafmad Coeds all marked at
prices to make quick clearance.
Womeq's ane JKlsstes' Clot* Coats to `o ,pow al
less than cost of the material..
Sargiins in Sepa, Ue Skirts and Underskirts
bria-earns 'n Ladies' Setts •so ;Vamp.
'Rt'9arn' r Cited ane Gass‘ basemen'
Here are a few of the
• many lines in which we
Can Rivet inti excellent
value :
her.. et
Gross -Gut Saws
Phis saw is so well known it barely :eat ,it as deecrtpree. .1
lance cutting teeth, is made of extra. Mined ray.rsteel. thin bates
We carry the popular length. 5; feet, Cully guaranteed 25
Our price with two handles
1'hls saw it wtich the same as the Racer, with t FItLI•: t.-uaag
in the drag teeth. It stocked in 5l -teat lengths, fully $4.25
ttaranteer . Our price with tor, handles, ... .
-s :u,otUter of thu Mttpte Leaf line but'has only tee dates 1t te
a very feet cutter and gives good reknits, We uar.ntee
theA e]5
temper to he right. Our price -.with teen -h,, tart,.- �y L
fits is au old favorite • we have sold lots set ahem
good t'eporte. Thin hack. We sell them in 6i feet, with S4./k/k
handles .... l/l/
is much the save as the leader but. with Akio dtiili►tlg .$4.0(',
teeth. Sold with handles -••• W
We heveseverai other good saws le; 1$..7$ Oita with handles
In Axes we ask lou' ,tee the Soseite--e. a y
oils r anteed, 'sells with •sedge for bandies S1-25
A set from *each up. 9Vt: Nagai axceltent dnesof ata bandies
HOWELL ti A RDW A RE CO.. Limited
Sturd v ec (AL
I'h. • •' h•- Vet''
Cure Your C'okl
,White line with Wild
Cherry and L.azative
Quinine rah,, -+s tin the
11. C. DUNLOP. i•he Druggist.
,Guth Side Square ltodench.
t11P11'RwIII Main MUMS eta
of Furniture a n d
[louse Furnishings
.re w . 11.4 le, .t4.11. • ..,.. .ted, and it ie alpoet
inviolable to do the work with the large stook we have
n hand. in order to make room and also avoid the
.los lhllity ret haying our stock dammed, we will sell
toy article of furniture '.t a rre.atic r.duced pries
omen, 'h' mnnth ,f't&poor
-ptu. w111 ,.., leertu1t Ot a' pnc/n5 neer) artiek.
+ant If you era considering the purchase of any
furniture. NOW N the time • ' any for 11 will mean
-a sewlnb of dollar. 10 1,011
\ V(1R12M►1144.H to 14O*.
W. *1. IH U 1 K
& CO.
Ow suers r "!lett brat erre /needle for -yew mow, '