HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-12, Page 2and Noe
lambwers eat
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VSYWRH V11 )1V4\ Ili UBeilD+k1
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sti shag Al. PMINTINli L17U. Waked
InlsaYws CM No. ES. i
Terme .e.uadereeelec
/Lel is Fee mr.
, ..o tiaeates its..
atuoe soheoribers. Illtai • v... 1
ails* r s si.e..
mwbs fait to neue;e, t'es BI4 L
will meter trdfdtu stallolr factay ,
waw ..taartge 4 ,.ut a., et aallnd, hate old
rt' be 041•• Will nm ihould be given.
Aev..tring Rated :
u.d other velar savor:Amdntb it:
for cent faderfba .ed Sc par lire for
seek mbesqumt tr.ertlon. Mearm.d by •
asaterell .Wald, twelve find. to •a leek.
baatoea oar& Of six erose rue cinder, M ,o
Adverta.e ,,.ut. of Lost, round. strayed, 814•
nation. Vacant. Bitnetiora Wanted, Ho..eafor
Bate or to Rent, Panna tor Rale or to Rent.
Article for Bala we. •tot exceeding eight
Ins" Ysc each ineert4ou el for first month, too
each .ubeeguent month !Airier advertise-
ments 1n pr0pott.lne,.
....wunoemente In ut>>uw resascll type tea
note oe. '1• \r. nntlrx lew than Yee.
Any syeela. ,owns.. 'b. o(tleot. „t Whitt, to tae
lrwaaltiry. bsneerd
t d tiny individoal or an -
!t lon, to be' maddw.d an advertisement cd
be obarged sOreedleRl.
Rates lot display ..n* .heteec •.ertrso-
..erte will beeves on applio•tice
Addruan ull oommuslc•Oes,e W
• Oe,.b•iel . Ohl
"Me Torouto World, realizing the
:aloe position in which Sir James
Wh:t.ney has placed himself in hie
apposition to taxation reform. gives
the Provincial Premier a gentle hint
that if he does 'not wake up to the
retirees of the situation the way will
be open for bis political opponents -
:o wit, "the slow-moving Opi osition"
to take up the question as a political
iseoe, with the probability of rather
nnsomfortable results for Sir flames.
The W orad says :
Sir James Whitney bag one more
great step to take to endear himself to
Ontario and to write lie name se the
friend pf all, even as be Is now re-
garded as the friend of most. It is in
the r•eforu' of taxation incidence.
We believe Sir James has not given
the question his own personal atten-
tion. but hes been content to rely in
this matter on the opinions of others,
So witch advance has been made in
Britain and other countries in their
policies of taxation• not to mention
the tendency in other Canadian Prov-
inces and the colonies generally. that
Ontario is decidedly hehlndhand in a
natter in which the banner I'roviuce
ought to he foremost-, Sir James
•wgbt•to take up the question hefore
the slow-moving Oppo.itioo arrive at
a, end make it an issue. Municipal
opinion in Ontario is strongly in favor
of a reform. The principle of taxing
a man for making improvements on
his property. rod thus setting a fort-
mium on want of enterprise and idle -
nese, is thoroughly bad. and we feel
Cure the( Sir James would not at-
tempt u. defend it it' he gave,the ques-
tion some stndv.
The St. .Toon. N. H. Telegraph.
commenting on Vancouver, illustrates
what the Dominion feeling is from
end to end. The whole country is
alive to the necessity of exempting
improvements end placing taxation
where it belongs, nn land values.
The Telegraph soya further :
"Tbe system has been established in
Vancouver, Prince Rupert. *emuter-
laud, Nenaimo and Edmonton.
User places gat the principal part of
*sir Income from land value isxx-
tfos. Vancouver has outs three
OEM. a tax on liquor. which is A Die
ednlon tax ; a tax on doge because
they do not want doge, and a tilt on
land because they do not want unused
' ''fie .+sewed mouth after the law
wept into effect in Vancouver con-
tiaeta were mads 1,v citizens for SI. -
750.000 of new buildings. This in a
serf which bee less than twice the pop-
lation of Rt. John means something.
-Vancouver is rapidly drawing pop -
i00 from aeerhy American cities
which collect their taxes in the old
way. markedly from Seattle, which
!uses live families a week to the Cana-
dian tnwh."
The opponents of reciprocity with
lie United Stateee have secured a
1,.itahie recruit in the person of Hon.
i;Mord Girton, formerly Minister of
the Interior in the Dominion Govern -
:meat and now chairman of the,
Il.tminion 1,ommkition for the Con-
- seev.Uoe of National Resources. Ad-
.iglesiart t.hc [lanadiau Club at
meeal. Mr. Siston objected to tete•
l.eesity on two pomace..
As chedevirn of tont onsersalion
itrugliblieloti Inc attention has been
o.e.YM'abiy engaged in the subject of
presseving rhe natural resosfrees of
the eountre • if it ie t nee he said.
"that it .e essential is the interests of
else ikominiori of *}ands that. we
deoele rawer)..• out ,wean+lPa. ,nd
Wast cwt ,arsine)., bwnfadl! ,:ad
ahywly 1.1.- hest 10 tb(r1 .•f ,staking
them) available 11. •e'de. that we lair%
bares Woe* virile ..rad well -sour.
bead paptilatlga, it rum Ira sleet that.
this M mot the ISM tr, trite doe I, the
hers and two lbw reeteivr. ,,rem
to the Carted Risme
It re act dwi'e, that there is. amp
tsaeemary ineneene , hhtwsen 118e
two mohnret e M • eregi e s siev a east
termatia.al toad. nligAgas Aa aria.
neat tregessfly +seed egaiest tnatl-
flirealty 1r that one palgemests
THE. SIGNAL : GUDEk;.1Vb. i i h'I'A Rli ►
tad oibMt urtural produets would be:
immortal; in the raw for rmaiutacture
into the finished product to United
States factories, and tt is claimed 11184
this process ot inaslufaeturei should be
keptfor our own factories. Su Tar se
tee preservation of 'the country's re-
sources is ooneerned, however, it. does
not make much difference whether the
manufacturing is done on thio side of
the border �,' nn the other. If the
spoliation o our twines and our tor -
est= and our soil is u1 he avoided, the
object will not be esccomplished by
keeping out the United States manu-
facturers and giving our own nsou-
lecturers free tinge. Conservation
must be'secured independently of any
question of intitrnational trade. What
would Mr. stilton propose it the
United States. without any reference
tol'aoades action. should abolish its
import duties on Canadiad raw Mate--
Mr. Sifton'it. second objertinn '.o
reciprocity was that if ,nwcessful it
would lead to political union ; if not,
if it led to dispute and to the abroga-
tion of the treaty. Canada wouldhave
to begin over again in perhaps fifteen
years from now to build up its trade
in other channels. )Ir. Sefton con-
veniently forgets that jluit hefo-e the
old reciprocity treaty with the United
States was arranged there was a. deep
and wideapretui feeling in Cailocha iu
favor of annexatl'mt to the United
States, and that the pm=perity r•e-
eulting front that trent). effectually
quenched the ennexatioe sentiment.
'Canada is leis dependent upon trade
with the United Stetea than it was
fifty years ago, and the Canadian
national spirit 15 iroueasurably.
carouser, and this country can be
neither coerced nor cajoled into join-
ing hands in political union with the
1'nit1'd States. Mr. teifton realizes
this perfectly well. and he must have
been overly anxious to secure the
plaudits of his Montreal audience
when he advanced such at plea. The
stiggrstuln that Canadians will forget'
Meir nationality through npuch.
trading with the people arrnes the'
hnrtler is Akin to saying that a Pres-
byterian. say. is in danger of -losing
Ids attachment for his church because
he deals with a Methodist butter -
maker or nn Anglican baker..
Mr. biftun is probably the. a peea t
utas who has cone out in opposition
to reciprocity. The arguments which
he advances show how tittle is to be
said against ;a reasonable. arrange-
ment for better trade relations with
our neighbors.
Ilea,. you found any traces of pot -
:4,4111i your lark yard'
If ('anada can secure a market of
ninety millions. ill return for a'mar-
ket of eight millions. will it not' be a
giwil stroke of htisinees '
City of Hevina Is *tontine the
Ineth(sl of a lower ,Asst•tsutent on
Mlil1itltstiien n hands. with a view
to the total 'til of the taxes on
improvements. The world Inoses.
Their i. a ..tory- from Ottowa that
the membership of the Senate is t(1 he
largely iticrense.l. So long 115 the
Senate is 11se11 as a politimil cemetery.
increases feet' 111111' to t1111e may he
ne.•cese1 ry.
1f it is unpatriotic tie (reel d'ith the
United States for tariff reduction. will
the self. tvId ;lett-bite relieve the sit-
uation by supporting the •0prosal for
free trtule between l'anada ;old the
)1tit Iter 1' ti•y'
Why all this nittlalr'st 'against rari-
p1•t.city ' 1f there i5 to be a rr•clnrtion
of the (',madian tariff -and with both
pertiea in the West rind it strong ele-
mentin the Feastdemandlnr it the in-
dications n11 point to n reduction -
why should not Canada secure emote
concessions in return from the United
Sta tea'
Mayor Muss Restnll :it the inaug-
ural sleeting of the nen- city eonncil
of Brentford laid out n comprehensive
and progressive prngenni for the year.
He advocated vigorous railway meas -
tires. the puhlicatinn of the assess-
ment roll.. reerranginc the civic de-
partments. a tax late rat not more
than twenty-one mills. enotinustiOn
of the policy of biying permanent
pavements. improvements in the gar-
bage dispo.al system, a pmgre.sive
policy for securing new- industries,
and municipal menet-ship And opera-
tion of such public utilities as have
proved sueeest.ful tinder the system in
other cities. Thir ought to keep the
Brantford .ldertue•1 busy for. n few
months. - - '
%Vhnt may prove to be * lolsg.
drawn -(nit legal dinette bag got Itltii
Ivey in the Prorine. ,.f- Quebec The
f I,eB.4at i,- passed a law to compel
rellwsy companies to that Prot -lace to
print their ticket.. time.tehles. PIC..•
ie Preneh as well as in rewash The
companies refused to crenplt Then*
paaaPri to • • the *sobs' & Lte la
Jnht Rh IIw ,• c altwrl +. a ticket
printed M Mt► 1a .guages and retuned
a buy any 4h, ,ted •Yesssquesfl.
Was pmt off hs , rate New be to
rim ttbP A(Iwat row/igen, Fbielts416
meet tioc wttls the ether palIway
ateataniel• operettas le the Proviso.,
will cakty' the .yl:W las Novy Coun-
041. It seeeraatfb The .'ailways claim V
that the rnf e- el,lout •:.f the lair'
would t.,- expensive and vezatiove 10 !
them. sad alar• that it is ultra vires of
the Legislature. the •eguiatiolt of
railways lying with the Dominion
Parliament. The further course luf
the Cage. it ,t .e proceeded with, will
be inter•eatiny. By the way, this
seen( to he ,me or the fruit* or so-
called "Netionalisur" in the Provinee
of Quebec.
While Ulster is Baia to be arming
end drilling to enferee its objections
to home role for Ireland. John Red-
ni and peinta nut that Ulster actually
gave a,najority of votes in the recent
election in favor of home rule. He
declares that Ulster has nothing to
fear. and that if home rule is emitted
the Protestant minority will have
equal right' ;tn.] liberties with ,the
Catholics. Further. it is pointed out
that in the south of Ireland. where
the Catholics are in overwhelming
majority. ro•inty councils and other
elective' 'loathes have never neglected
the Pr•oteatents The ('0rit Fount.y
council has thr^ns' i all offices open to
free conmpetition. Towns in which
ninety per cent. of the inhabitant's are
Roman Catholic have elected Protes-
tant mayors. and in ;tinny Catholic
communities Protestant deniers have
the lion's share of tete patronage. 'It
must he remembered. too, that many
prominent Protestants in Breland are
convincwl home rulers. and that it
Protest -fit. Charles Stewart Parnell,
for Inn' -• years led the Irish home
rule pi, •. If the irreeonellahles of
i'Iste^ c v Out their threat to resort
to Tome 1,1 resistanee to the r•eascre
able will of the majority. they will
'thereby slake r•elela of themselves
and will 'be liable to he ',weed as
Get the Dentists Brsv.
, Hemllt'n Fnertatnr,
In two To-o'tn seho els it hes been,
found that nearly ninety-nine ter
rent. of the children in Attend 'nee
have defect lye teeth. A had ntltlnnk
for the rising genet•stion if remedial.
steps nee not =non taken.
A Weakness in the Bank Act
W j.. (,of T^lovr+m.
•A isysteul of Government in1neetion
which :+hall insnert. as. fnr-ins'Anre. a
Government auditor. et. hp head ntMlee
of every Canadian hunk. is what
newded to reel art shareholders And
depositors nlike. The now hank art 19
weak bernnae of this onrasuntl
The Root of Courtesy.
Tnrnntel 0.11*' C(.r.
It is ss -1I to 1"aeh courtesy. but no;
well to Inv too ninth stress on ont-
w•s1l olwo.•.-nnces. 1 ' lIrteer is the
Htwee and fruit of kindness. The test
or (•011I141'.A- is the (•n1'idetAtion shown
the weak. the rd Fould the
-elms (•n,rr14 5 is rs•.nti,lly .demo-
cratic. a trihnte "mid to humanity and
not to al tifl-i,iI dist ;net ion.
The Discipline of Young Canada.
use I ttnn Ttmea.
in n story^h the other day 1•:art Grey
`Poke yery stenrly en the, new! of
teachine manners in the homes and
sehnols if the people of '('Anada were
to reap the lest results in this great
wrote•-. Irreverence is no ;rale^arise
of indepenAenee. Trio num.- of our
youth leek disriplinr : and nn undisci-
plined is Intim) is A somre of den.
ger to A wrote•)..
Rwallowing Themselves.
f./Ann Evon;ne ,t•r•ntla•d.
`ervisn tenrher. M. \fedakot-itele
has inepittitod the most sucepcitf,l1
metl•r.d of teaching yet (liseover•ed,
fn his 4ehno' earl) Hemi!, is til»raided
with n chocolate alnhnlet. and As won
as he cnn nut his mune together cor-
rectl.- he ip Allowed to est it. Wnrd-
makine is taiieht on the seine plan.
M. Mediate -itch's pupils on en
Rvetage elm rents fluently in three
It'3 F.aa.
TAKE (t"t4'
LiT'L- 1
J) Tr1E
"I use Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain
for Neuralgia, La(rip; c
:Ind ail pains. I don't irate:;.!
tt, be Avi'hout them. for I ripe
rrttly relief in them for ever....,
Ching I use theist for.
120 eth Sr..Davenport, Ia.
IJ •t IWC ILA 1. &Astir -, dra•at.rst
chain of high-grade colleges
founded duriug the pest
twenty-six year*. This chain
is the largest trainers of
Young people in Canada and
it is freely admitted that its
graduates get (he heat posi-
ts ane. There is a reason ;
write for it. A diploma from
the C ommer•ciel Educators'
Association of Canada is a
passport to success.
You may study partly at
hose and finish at the
Enter tuy day.
"In civ family Dr. Miles'
Anti -Pain Pills are used for BUSINESS COLLEGE
headache, colic an'! outer .
tains. and always give relief { GEO s'oTTori in dual.
t once. f
R. D. No. ;t. Dt:nn. N. C.
Price 25c at yos.r drupplst. He
should .ripply you. it he does net,
scald pr.ce to ur, we forward p'epaid.
day or the titled Tuesday in Octo-
Nova Scotia adopts the third Toes.
day in November.
In Manitoba the second Tuesday in
December is the date selected.
In Saskatchewan and
ing takes place on the
in 1 hs sunset•.
In British Columbia th
that there must be anti
but it is left to the different councils
to ft the •date...
So, far n The Beierar ha. knowledge.
Ontario stands alone In providing that
her municipal eouncillnrs le- elected at
s most ineonv-enieot- and nnd.•sirable
time of the year.
Standing of the British Parties. •
London Advertiser.
The completed British election re-
turns are contained in the English
papers received by the last mail. The
chnoges effeetterl by the election ate
sIn'rinr•tly set forth 1(1 this table :
Old New
•Parliament. Yuartiatuent.
Liberal 2T `.2
labor. , •10 42
Nationalist 72 1't
Ind. Nationalist10
1'nioni.st .... :r3 '1;2
The strength of the parties in the
various dit-.fainns of the kingdopl will
i e as follows in the Sew Parliament,
the Natioualtsts sad r parties be-
ing grouped .vith..t c rale for the
sake et convenience :
G overumen t. Opposition.
England 220 "31)
%Vales 27 :t
Scotland 81 11
Ireland . . its 114
1 :fps 272
It will be seed that the Government
Pas a majority of 01 in Great Britain
.Inue-a sufficient re�r ly to the cry .,f
Irish domination. -Tpe pular vote
stood : Coalition. t rx11'0.11 : Opposi-
tion. '1124.313: (*Alit ii,n majority,
MThe number of plural voters is esti-
lusted at half a million, the great rpa-
lority being Unionists. if the prin-
iple of "nor man one vote" had pre-
vailed, the c oalition majority would
Imre been between half And three-
. tweeters of a million.
Course is a safe guarantee to a
good salary. You can master it
•n sea months. The maa.m um cost
,1 OW. You 'nee OaY as You go. On
graduation we aid you to secure
employment. Our new catalogue
explains. Waste for ,t. Cent rat
t eh:graph & Rad road School
Yonge and Gerrard Sts. 'or 11,:^
Alberta I
second Tuesday
r law provides
sal elections,
to resew your subscription
Early Closing: for Ban.
Guelph Mcronrv.
There is no reason why liar:s i•hnrld
he kept open after ft o'clock at nig',t. l
licensee at that hourthere tvo(dd he
Tess reamon for romplaint ahour youngfellows drifting into bars After the
pietuie shows or other forms of enter-
tainment. or After meetings, and
there would he less reason, too, for
romplaint 1400111 men setting -home
"jawed up" at 11 o'clock and later.
and either misainr work the next day
or turning up unfit.
Canadian Naval Policy.
Hamilton Herald.
As 'netters stand now. the ea
polies-ofthe Laurier Government is
theonly practical policy- in sight. it
may not make such prpviaton for
encient rid ro the Empire as many
('anediane would like M see : but at'
least it means something definite. it
Is a policy- that Canadian "Autono-
mists" can suppsupport lecan.e it pate the
10(411 nary under the rowel, of Par-
liament,:and imperialiets
lino.can sup-
port it .• in the hope that. later on,
the wiidnm of complete eooperation
with the nsval foes of the Bmpirn
trill he generally r' 1lgni?e(l.
Our loconvereent Slecnon Dates. B%
- sentence seot
Torching once more upon th, sue..
tie t of the inconvenient-.been*%dates lel the rnuniripai elections
upon the Aays obeer-.d for
rl,tmae tied New Veer: s, the fallow
1,g information in reward '. • the dale.
of there rkrtiorts in other oiintrM..
Wets,And pr.•• frees Wit! 1, int,
In Eastland "Itches- 'are treat •
November 1 far nn selller+. and
0m Nr mbfl1
ov.t 9 ter mayor and :rider
ria•a. ttr I noted States lour
elpse elle-
"�- gee, ea • rule, held eitherIntM
esemmethtall,e p;-4' and Mp tr
abMinme are held odwallieje
by January >�ti
Is Xtfw wick the lent Taw
w In Shaw. resioent .
T. J. Johnston. Principal
�si_� �i st•� sta,
PREPARE for n position of trust
and responsibility by xttending
Elliott Business College
his School enjoys a .widespread pat-'
ons e..:titer now. Catalogue free.'atalo
g �' K
Witter Tera frsii January 3rd
fiLt'f i��i
T_ he creat p:•.ct°ie•AI. trainers school of
western •'Mario. Our cnurae• are practical.
noir uachrr3 are experiew.ced bneruetors.
The demand upon no for help during the
fell tern. we, -even limes the supply. nor
eluates are in demand a'
tees Austria* Coh
leer teacher.. Our graduates soereed.
Three depa•tmenta 1bmmereial. Short-
ba1041n(.41 and
at Teleonce.gray: i phGet our trcats
U. A. MaLecaLAs,
After the Holiday, Clearing Saleof Ladies'
Coats and Furs
I xdieb' loug Coats, all tdie season - yew *Omit
thirty to choose from ;formerly priest! al. SIM)to =113.00. On sale $3.5; $10,00
Ladles' Maratot awl drink &arts and Threw*. 10.00 and
M°°. ` $7.75 58.75
........�.. ........ and
Sable Muffs, 515.00, for... $11.80
Alaska :cable Boas, $6.00, for .....................' ...... 211.00
Grey Lamb Caps, $8.50, for..........1. 2.28
Black Coney Boas and Scarfs, $4.00 and *6.00. for . 2,75
Men's first quality black liatloway Calf Oosts with
Iamb collar, regular 113200 and f055.00, for.
Men's Alaska Beaver Coats, 11128.00, for.
One only, Eur -tined, with otter collar, $00.00, tor._ 38.00
Ladies' Black Hochman Lamb coats, haAndsoanely
satin -lined and beautiful skins, $35 00, for 28.00
$80.00,.for ......... t'a. 22.00
Suit or Overcoat
I"11 t: N 1'l
ea'I(N SE
Ike et
Business & Shorthand
Resident, and Mail Courses
Catidage.s Fres
I. W. W.e.r.elq 1. W. W.et rwlt. Jr.. C.A..
Pronely.: Vis-Pwacia.l.
Another verse or two
of the songs you like
:t waltz or two-step that is
long enough, a monologue
that gets somewhere and
musical selections played as
the composer intended. not
taut or hurried.
!'hat Is what
They. records play tour and
one-half tglnutes. taking
selections never before
•1A'ered in record form.
All Edison Phonographs
play both Amberol and
Rd1041 Standard Record,..
Have you an Edison"
(aa' re T=1 =lee _ 1ma.ts w.ry,w"C.d•esas. an yew exam ..
.r..i N►s As~iM Mei
s.M r K;.y es. Yrea. OAa
tee Lioo& A•tain c. Oversee. M. S.. U.g.A
moss rnallisanaens tugs SOCIMMOS •aaa in
1Ve are agents for these splendid Remedies
and can recommend them as beiog of the
highest standard in regard to quality and
appearance. We have a complete assurt-
m( rat and will be pleased to show them :•
our customers.
F. J. Butland, Druggist
The store that pleases:"
.-, large shipment just to ►lanAl,
bought at a snap. Retore putting;
these into the drawers, we will cell
At the special prices mentioned :
l'wo Nail hitealliMe. fin
One fee'ger gigs 4.
Regular Ste Halt Stove Bswabee 16
Seigekte Ile Bak ghee !B1 s1
Regular Mabee
lbs tor.
Extra gond value ill �Balr Demes for 110i
Regular is tall silos. !!food Mer Some Ilea**-. 1s
Repealer ler exam huge alae. geed Mea Macee
Herder Ile wend Melt Horse Brume tine
Regular fir rotted -faced wood beck Rem Reu.t
fear ... oti
flares ere as now A lot ut ll i.#, r f.ir the maslle•
e• tuns 41 sewn
We have a taw Heel t oe Reeve.
h4 reidnetiene
we veil •Jas,
Always keep tats in mesad . -TM& rens w the limo
Pi.AOR rr. hey wow HA RDW AMR