HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-5, Page 8i
..fear t
soda wksee
lisle or to
Artistes tor
hark Sto snob
malt alerts £n
seats ser hoe.
Any e.psoisl
skii spins
►t eabonred
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rear so
We ray_
taking New
Kiley because
int; •land b
through the
ways enough
without makl
any particu
he the proper
spirit of reseal
fresh, unripe,'
Mind telling
Juncture that,
well in advan
.The Signal be
ft will keep its
we do not mak
Omit going in
Every year a
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many nth'
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Mr .% Cello
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be able ti�
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a 'i9iNkak7.: , sarfOrsA J iill
Rank Books
elfng eases
S:'t .,-ookst Diaries t.:,
,411 '•anptiny ' price trot.. '5c ,.,•
?t _J
phut* Books
ti :tail stock froar era. ..Yams.,
e Blotter to a t000•page ledger
N. ,food 200 -pegs Blantc
Boos, ruled eithe • M l n u t c
c,.,l.,r• edge • pec•.-:: 61h_•
u ae $banns
Wok. with andel:
pooch price SI.(S'
wttti_ a nuncb
Miles, Som
cover Ind
t e :',r
ter:1 A rift
}lllny Cas.
;rpiete with index. *li.usips t
dozen. %Vithout index• 11176
per dozen Soke. deal. `with
Indest, JIk mach 4 fc "'
Without 'ndez are, user
t'anades • Atnl.-t
:apse etre: :tOe P' c.
i he Colodal Bak Store
Pawl doses of f Square Vaguer •
seneyta{ng le ore.arr'c
)rear, • ve* ..., (�..
Rolled Oats, Standero uat
meal, Granulated Oatmeal,
Roiled . Wheat, Cream of
Wheat. Cracked Wheat
Whole Wheat Flout
Graham Flour, Purity Flour.
Family Flour. Pastry Flour
( ;orn Meal, Split Peas, Barley
Rice, Tapioca, Sago - -
al1 hash rend good
snake•• Jett e, leu;
Wheat Berries, P o ft e ci
Wheat Puffed Rice, Corr
Flakes, Canada Flak e i
Orange Meat, Malta Vita
Buckwheat Flour, Shredded
Wheat Trieteese Afarearnr
dr St.. ' V
p/ai' &17d fermi/
H• -q.: byruiu .I,au.
Tellies, et .
HgVatsr. Sete roe ;bode•. yllt t .
and fresh iffir
J no. W Vaulter
Jpr-- Soren Hine a
I`I Phone rob
(.Muton Styr...
Royaj Welsh
Ladies' Choir
.. A nurigt,,,,. .ggu.d.,,
trained singe trod, (lardift
Wales This bol hal sung
before royalty .n the uld a ountry
and has appeared in the largest
cities in Amerce► • n d b a s
••+s t received for its performances as
much as $1000.00 A NIGHT
ft L . Raft treat 1• have this
hos' visit our town The pro-
gram cout+iate o, Welsh, tvationet
Airs (Jlessiea. moss ..ss,
fleets. Tritely or
rtIra: Nrrefes•en: -.ON• •. 11
WV/ Mir M •lea enh-to-. cep-, Him*,
Tuesday. January ilst
steedot P'ehruary See
cwt.. the auspices •elf t.
tickets' 75(. Stk. And
Os_ .
to .chew) ars, aablalpp-
Tad a/OMAt
L* '4Lt�'Laru�r�: r. ua 1 Via. a._A� i t�..1G sGrr .ttli(IfdPlirr.+dQ k}I iilfLbril rdr it
!.MINSM.,,, y..1•..,_.�1
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• ft_tt
Val. insertions
.. he! just n
eaSOi -Oa such price ,n-
ucerr-ents or, such staple
eootir as Valencienne •In-.
he laces ••1'
^,atchatJ sold out. Tha'
-deans these Tadd patterc3
>ntpl•;, l`3(1ST GO
' Yards for 5c.
•'.'w•:, hundred err. ,'. •' ]
ass- Valencienne 1 n s e
s!thes, assorted widths nuc"
`mantles, reeguLr 5c
411 ora •
r II
The January Sale is an annual event here. As surely as the years rt.)ll round you will find in the first'
New' Year issue -'of The Signal the 'announcement of this interesting event. This year Saturday, January 7th,
t is dated to commence. That means it'has just twenty-one days to run. They must be twenty-one days
roweled with business, for we have planned this January Sale on 'a bigger and broader scale than ever before.
-have prepared a list of money -saving attractions which should make business hum until . we close the
noors the last day of the month. If you.have"a dollar to spend on Dry Goods it will undoubtedly, pay you
,.'D spend it here. Read this list carefully and watch this >,veek's Paper -for Specials.
Unusual Attractive Values • d New .Waistings Attractively 'Priced
• in Cottons for Januar
"' dose January cotton .prices stand for qualities ; i
let•pore. 11 clearing 'r, • rerlt7 worth. You can well afford ,to anticipate .
• January Sale at p(xr. �' pa
'';-aerie .'n.. • . J(- ;' ',Jour cotton needs when you can buy al' ;uch prices.
t 5c the Yard �I Meavy Grey Cotton, 3 yards for 45c
.00 'ends heavy grey Cotton, clean, free from black. spec••:.
•ound even thread, wuven from ppawe cotton yarn, fun 35 ioches
wide, heavy weight free, from reaming; 'put up in 5 -yard 5c
ends only A. January spacial at; per etid. only 45c
There are nearly CAG
-:r.- yon ',c rbuow from at. '•
.lis price. Alt *111 be pe!,
sl one table and there i.i-e
o ',snapo and dozens of pat
erns. Qualities range trout
bare aeltingg regularly iron
k to 1&. We give you your
:twice for January- Melt 5(
„pe yard o0Mv .J4
Allover Laces
k clearing out ? Aatn,r
Maces without any mem
:vhatever of value. A dour
. more pieces gathered tt,
tt the. white cream ant'
Paris shades, 50e to
'bc All one for Jana '
117 Pale and ',eine 19c
me- yard .7l -
18c Bats 2 for 25c
(Inc hundred only extra,
:one quality American Cot
on, large sine. Ater
.nd pure, regular lily Few
January Sale specie' 25c
5 yafds White Cotton 39c •
This es nice clean full -bleached CoUvo, weave very eve;:, nuc
-vitality exceptionally good ; It too is in 5 -yard . ends only, 3(h�,
Special for .Tsnuary :ale. per end .)r'l
White Cotton. 5 yards for 45c
300 ends extra ane, full -bleached Cotton, 30 incises wide, ronnit.
.yea thread, eze.tlent quality for general sewing, each end
;aataias five yards Very special for January Sate, per
end, only . 45c
S yards Flannelette 43c
Another Januar sale special. Heavy Flannelette, spleouu.
,asortment of patterns in fancy stripes, 34 incites wide, test
sloes io 5 -yard endo wily for January sale, ser end 45e
Dark Shirting Flannelette 10c I ';"hale this lot lasts our Jantutn- sale price per yanl 1 fl/c
130 yards hirtiisg Flannelette, alt dui: ,creel • neat design, will be l.
teary weigh,full width. 'Very special for January sale
arc yard
1 Q� t!
i hese'are aaspecial lot bought at a very 'ow
1 price specially for our January sale. Patterns are
new, neat and attractive. Qualities good.
• White Waistings 12c$c
300 vardi* fancy white mercerized Waistinggneat, small designs
in spots. stripes, etc., firm, strong Weave, {wilt retain their hrieht
finish when 'washed. Decidedly special for Jonngry Sale 121c
new end
Waist Lengths 47c•
Each end contains three yawls. They are id an exceptionally
good quality. white mercerised waisting. patterns new, attain it
' exceptionally good, each end contains only material to ,g 7c
make a waist. Special for January sale. per end.........`i
sea>aeea•545150 raffia 441•111155
i ' Remarkable Values in Ne.%
use of the most remarkable values its Gond:-
we ever offered our eukite
men. - As one of the att. aetlons
for this January ale, a special purchase of hew Scotch
Ginghams goes nn sole at the exceed nsly low prier nil 10c
a yard. There are a dozen or more patterns All new
and all good. The colors are fast. ' The quality of
material is a guarantee that the wear will he atisfaPtnn•.
You have pad also n yard lots of times for nn better.
White Blankets 51.45
These are good Blankets
Not quite all wool, but nose
;he worse for that Soft
rinish, pink or blue hotdere
size 80x 110 inches Decided
y special for Janis
yule pe' Pair $1.45
A $3.00 Do vn j
Comforter $3.95
•lenuanederdowt s_ ".0
otters made from very gg0000kt
aualitt ter'. aateenfiller
eit.h g.•o ,Ine purified !idea,
amen light warn, bet
vele tnndarei 115.(X
-••erywhe. A i; r .
uade for our. Jan:, $3 95
Sale each
New Tailored
Waists 98c
`Joe auot•es t‘ e
•.ade from very Rood quail? ..
:;ttabric, neat. designs or
''hits ground, white liner
_slime.- Decided) 98(
'peCis.l to • ,runup• O
Big Reduction in ,
Dress 'Trimmings
2,ie a yard for 'Orem
tlimealugs worth up <(
:0111.50. Black•. ceriu a
and colors. Short
lengths, brnkeu linea s
• end odd ends of high
;nitwit goods all clear-
ng nt one pricy for
January•' p s t- 25C
raid -nl
• 1.
Black Sateen ^'
Underskirts 69c ;t
Twenty only ladies' black
at•eeen t'ndrr,.kirt., 'mute
from very goorl quality
sateen, direly tri uunea will)
frills, and rattles. slightly
ianaaged. but not an a way
'o *Meet she wear, regular
*1.119 Fur• January 69c.
Sale • arta W�
Black Sateen
Underskirts 51.19
Thew I'nderskIAA were
mutt- 14, sell for at last
$2.Ot0 They are made from
u hieh-grade quality sateen,
nicely trimmed _with hills
and realties. The.. two are
+lightly druuaged, but not in
way that will affect the
wearing qualities. elle
Igor January Yale..
Tea Cloths 10c
Two hundred tea or glees si
. ketha, bile 21 x 111 inches.,. +rT
lust the thing fur glass
:navels. Very special (fit,
for January Sale, each 1 Vl
Black Sateen 10c
One end only black Sateen, .:J
neav weight, bright finish,
regular 15c, For Janu- nn^^
try sale per yard wily 1llE.
The store you buy your furs from is the best guarantee in fur -buying- Yourun no rilk buying }suis.
here during this January Sale. Qualities are up to our usual nigh standard and prises: -are decidedly in
vont favor These aresoms inducemetttt the fur department is holding out for big January business
A Marmot Coat 562.50: -
One only ladies' brown Marmot ()oaf lies is an exceptional
nandenme garmeat. one that will stand any amount of hard w"es
tad retain its *oust appearance. The price we quote 50
?or January sale ie decidedly epeeist esinp L JV
A Fur -lined Coat 549.50
adieu , far -lifted Costa mantle Crew, high-grade beaver ulotl: � �+
,nod with good quality rat lining, collars of western. Ohio and
ala.k at sub"t' Special r . , J a n i, a. r ,- s a. 1 e. C9 • i±(k I,
my `l )Rl
Fur -lined Coats 536.50
We have five of three •tuts to 1 stories • he Januar v Fo,b, I�
Whey are made f nm ter- )d q highly finished bearer
-Town or black, linings of hartiste aftisk squirrel acid collar: o
.veatero sable or mock fisher The c. tib are wort, V 50 $3
35000 without. Joehs A emend' at[n. ai Jl/
Russian Pony Coat 547.50
One ()nit Russian Pony Coat. 38 inches long. L. :ata.
*anent that bas style and nttality in it, Special for $ 0 1
January salt Tach' t.F x
Caracule Coats, Sable Collars, 524.75 1
3 only ladies black Caracule Coats, made frets , ,•s a• A. I
• uality material. lined throughout. western =able $24 75 i,
. ft.r serial
vyr,„ SpeczeiI for .fanuare se
Caracule Coats 514.75
ladies' black Caracule Cloth Coats,. 'full length, utilitie
oiler -gas latent') that have undoubted style. Very
-peciai for January sale. each 14.75
Marmot Caperine - -
This is a specially handsome gariuent cut in ;me or the be,
tyle's shown tbie season. cornea down well over $16.50
;houkter. made ,t, cell at *!2.00. January sale, V Jl/
Isabella Opossum Caperine 512.25
This ('aperioe is made from lsabell. opossum). It is one that
stand no end ref herd wear and has spleodid style." We
guarantee it to be No. 1 *uality, t4pecisl January $1 2.25
sale price
t'larmot Caperine $5.00'
The; ie a very .t vliah solids eta very little price. Hest. y,uu d
Marmo - good ;tyle, good she. Sewed. each, $5•WVll
Throws 53.65
Half -a -dozen Thrs,we in marmot, opossum, etc.,.tylish $? 65
nd;cnmfortahle 'seek pieces. (leering for January-
Ja.nuary J
Sable ties 57.90
see:mime Mask,. sateltsNeck Pieces. Lk sweat isle a lila. •rte,
good finality natural fur. vets-rlresry and inexpensirr-. $7 90
For January sale, •mach, only . . -.
$1.50 Umbrellas 51.19
Mar's extra quality Um-
brellas, good fast colored
top. strong frame, new mis-
+ion handles. !filar *1.50.
For Januar v Date $1.19
Men's Undershirts 50c
Men's beery wool Fnder-
shirts, leer than a dozen to
Al, the lent of a hag lot of
templets - worth far an n r e
axxwey. (Tearing for 50c
January at sorb
White halite 98c
Fifteen only whirr hones --
ooh (hilts size for three
(tarter a single le e d
egtr*r $1.25 qua1it
special for limitary t,(J<
Bath Robes 52.15
Six oral ladies' B & t h
stotw'), made from good
futility rotten velour- in a
good range of patterns.
lark colorings, regular VLSI.
January !Sale $2.15
Fancy Handkerchiefs, 3 for lac
These are a big shipment of -aecood. trod.
Swiss manufacturers They ars the Pain: imam; a. r
Iw uloid to sell at 21, and 9ilc. Because of some littn flat,
in the work or material these have been 'narked •',emends
They will wear as well es perfect goods W have d
dozen to sell for January et the very Tittle sears 2
v •t for.
Coats at 57.85
Twenty • ,f thews, ladies' Aiwa caMdi'6, • - garalen1iseg
• ear nrir•r,; '1:• • *)640. Tattuarr ark* -helm ere rn'. 7 - 5
2(1 Handsome Garments at 513.50
Twenty Cote n this lot. high-gradle garment -
11c0). blseke ;olorw regular pricer • tp dr. fllkeyr S1
t rues w mals 5.1 - •.,1,
Towelling bs t
Iw •tandtsed aua rd
.ods anon stash 'rowelling
-pare wP he 17 t'• 111 Incha
border, ..ewisl.r 1n,
r• p
.4031- .are �l�l
3 Yards I2;t.
Towelling 299
Inc hs,ndre, A.,.45.
t nw'nlling all ).ore line"
sesvy weight splendid dry
ng Tenth, in Syard
tengihe Huls .ser •rid .9 c
rowelling Ilk • '
at sneh pure lin• ot.. t
Slaw. Towelling aplcndle
Tying cloth. one that wil'
(I.P exrellwnt wear Vert
pecawl for lanrlar. 10�
eats n.v .yard •ole
6 Yards Babb' 4 ... -
Ribbon 5c
Fifty ends Nan; rtitt/r.a
.arrow width $• h tied
molests, put eq.., in ends •Yoe
mining ahnut six yet do
Mary Sale price pet ar
AB H Extra
n exceptionally fortunate purchase of Ceshmers Bose
Remarkable Ekes. (lauds Values
We are uttering remarkable values in Oren ?roods department. tl Big osiers
Ali through Januarprices for good quality dotter material, maks it: 1 11
enables me to offer this remarkable bargain.
l�adien' and 'Moire two and one -til) ('awhmere Haw, feet made from extra floe Australia traria
etendard 50e end 80c qualities' everywhere -a stocking
that will wear Special for .Jetnusry ale, Spahr $1.25
�_�_ • • Asn - A A Ate. -
Combination Suits 79c
1'w can este tome money nn these Combination Sults. They
see teeth from very good quality yarns, soft finish and are
R/l sasteetly -it . eomforta a gar neota l sires. For January 79
• •� sak. meek 'etc �7
vert easy to bits s Arise M skirt These are acmte of then. ji
press Goods at 39c i.
H wit ,) in sengtha ,1 d °toted Die,,;., Good) and puitioet 'i
•stariel, worth an the regular way frown 7&: to •1•*0 per yard,
s►u exceptionally good chane► to hey •, ski.(, ,,,• firers.I
Special for January )tab per rani.. .1
A Black Venetian at hoc
Ins end black Venetian cloth .all Yru'. wodi. Mi •eebes wide. 4;
.rightsatiny finish, a clotb worth Id Ola per yawl. AD •)xoap
sionally tortntlat* purchase enables as to offer Wit high
:lads Drees material for Januar. toes :,,t, per yearn
Tweed Dress Goods 35c
Ode end only light gra. *wenn .t - d .4 fedi ;acb+-- tads.
will make ottp{tal quilt lining. splendid for •hildine s wee ?!�
rlPgular''3c For January .ale :perish roe" "stud )Jl
clearing Wide Ribbons at 1 7c
nal" -leo ran- from the Milliners vete., rs rwti \Sid.
tmming Ribbons of alfailk taffeta re duehrws. splendid iscori
•ient of rotors 'veld*, Vor r. der, Per .1emsers ,sl. neleea 17
�. -,-".)
-Witt ei
C 101
Hemstitched Hand-
kerchiefs 6 for 25c
ladled or Children's hem
stitched lawn Hpndk errhiefs
kali-barb hewn, fine quality
mach with Initial in owner
Very al e'cO ft" L
Jana f]
PrintsP I
One hunched and 5 t ay
yards, light Prints. A douse
-er mere patter'es. O d d
dPeuignet tier we want to
clear Mut before a rtocktakilyg.
logy+. lite- Pro Jana- 10e
ary Rale per yawl All
Silk Ribbon
Vire hundred yards Nile
Rihbon, • 'nod aasnrtment
•,f mime, It inch,* wide. r
regular Sr. Mperial for Janu-
ary Sale. * y a r d. s L„
far.... •Jt,
Muskrat Cast. $62.60
laslfns' unaw t onus.
made teen very gdrtnd quality
natural cam/Alen muakrwit
Alms, ni.•Ply mate hed•
Homely furred, lined throe.-
hree.rut with • awn wn - a
nethat has comfort and
years of wear Ire It. V
epeeisi free Janis �+
ark• Rete •.nib'