HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-1-5, Page 441111111aonamma a TWO NUM JANI•Lai .e wars oar U mitten. tu:1:14 - Any s swoon bs OODIORI OUR NE We have. making Ne fee* ing ;anti through th ways eno without any partic be t he. pro spirit of es, fresh, un mind tellin juncture th well in edva The Signal it will keep we do net in 'Iet going to 1, • LECTIO Every year complaint. tions ere held ' latter part of busiest seaso people, at an tween Chris taken up to a gatherings a result is that scant at tentio proportion of t Various suet. that the -.led' forward to e November or other that th end of Janua might be pro tewent eho • the cale ocil *tubule h*o migh-i ming the in keep the I nee The Legalist', • t into 'areal le* to pro • anity than e reful 'ton airs w1t14 e question ha miler of pepi uding The M retford Beese • The Chet Y Inapt vee •• peace ite • ge should I EC:ATI t is fleet44 Y ear rue Cs store ths leg ou: old h lot lawyeet r fees cost of brio( CanadiM aid be able ee . but t • e hy tine erand Tru night at it and the 04 1 onldn t it bi n to eefa and out fot or two •rienei emine one. Onli •,• • been on thi tad* marte prrapeet and euntiat he beset or F infe es mon itfit:Af`r "-J.? ••••• a 1.1101111114ax, JiliSUASY a, J,I14" 0 !strici News. IIIRT -Otte 4, • Or,' ": el, t • Lit ,.._OYAL TtrINIDAT.,d au. Sol ' Witoleasiyee, Jim 4th. - - )111111011 Knall wife ano faily 1 spent dunday sad Ora GINRWII leergneitu teoe , Kr lage• N,it'illimb liOnd, Nide Mary Morris wart Om fosse al Monday visiting Mn Recionond's par- Week eats, Mr end Mr.. 1 oung, near Car- 1 Misses Elmo and Loretta, Youag tow. .John Bamford returned to I were the guests of Mr and Me; Toronto Yesterday '- lowlete nte Morris at tiodeiicto ors: Sunday studies We art pleased w note i .- e Wensoreto beathat ki Ny- ,' t that J. N. Campbell has been returned .„ ! Morris was:not elected to the council 411 councillor tor another tear in rots! ' ot Goderieli His experience as °outs Weeenneek he being (be 3°4 rrPre ' entcillor in Colborne qualitied him to be a ib sateee runniag for the council front I good sanemeatatiee of Goderieh este. is southern Part 4 the 'Alw°shiP• I He 't y mo Mn. Wilson. of Blyth. and Mrs • per greatl-Ore erund ss. 3. H. McClinton, of Godericle visited' e . - _ . their eater'Mrs. David Ramsay. last week Waddell Dunbar and tester PINTAIL Mrs. Thomas Itobinsoo, from Dakota, ' are visiting their brother, David Duo- , Bolooto-Weuding belle are rings MOSVAN ee bra who oi in & very poor state of in the village.... Kenneth Mceireir health . W. .1- Rodgers "ft"' WhO bad been visiting his uncle. Du seined a another of the young people McKay left for 4 levelanit Wedn le, Monday: evening. day... Colin 'McGregor and Arc Nicleurchy of Detroit, spent chri DUNLO- P. lines week at their respective homes WEDNESDAA Jen. i Miss Eva Drennan. of Toron lecremor Doinott-Jantwe Mcalianue, !pent (*bream:um at her home here.. tr., of Saskatehewan, who is taking a comae at Toronto College. visiting friends heie. . David Corbett, who Ikea been away welling on the Great Lake. all summe,e, 1. visiting here at present P K Williams. who was well known bete some year, ago, paid bit relatives here t1. flying visit Wit week. P K is travelling agent for The Detroit Evening News and though now a 1 'nited Soars citizen still likes to me his old friends and associates on Canadian soil . Rob. ST AUGUSTINE. ert Johnson, a well-known figure here : some years ago with his bay prees. is ., ATHER TVSMAY-kW lief LAUREN DEA GOI t at pt pressing straw for M. B Tobirompn Weil, the eleetions are over LONDON. - Rev leather Laurendea for another year and the old hoard of leaves this week for London, where h will enter it e eouncilmen are in again with the ex - upon mu, field of labo ception of one, James obisboim ba,_ During the five arid a -half years h ing taken the place ot John Wilson. has had charge of St. Augustine a Jim ought to feel flattered on getting Wingbetlil Perish he loto made fo such a large majority in his own himself malty warm friends, who a ward .Our worthy postmistress. sorry learn tif his removal. I-1 Mrs. H. Shields, is under the weather, brigbit mulls and cheer t words will being laid up with an attack greatly missed by all We wish her 11 f r e g eft, or. oe es hie at - la. . es/re Methil and Dingwall, of Blyth, are visiting in this vicinity.... The holiday meson has been ealivened by • few aimed gatherings. Woossees Immorrtres. -ib. next meeting of the Women's Institute will he held at the boom of Mrs. Rees, Kin - on Tuesday, January 24th. when Mrs 1Voelard. of Toronto, will be present efi ladies are cordially u e e nd e r. re is be grippe Laurendeau every succiewie 1 his new - field We would also 4-0 AMBERLEY come to our midst Res Father Dean nod ?dame GReeeeeetioo, °wig BREVITIES. Mr. and Mrs. Job WRITS ROlesit 4full stock et Dunn. of Whitby, are the guests o iraye so luta Mrs. John .Thorupeon Miss Elie tioefeter. Jan 2nd Thompson is the guest of her cousin Nzwe Norse A happy New Ycar Miss H Armstrong. of lerussele. th 10 11. ... Jaouary has come and with week Mrs. Cunningham, of Guelph it a thaw ... We are glad to report epoit the holiday' with her brotne that Bert Grey is improving grid. and Mater here Joh u W Nixo ' molly Our Christine. guesta are spent s few dart with Wingliain returning one by ameba their meow- friends usat week .The peopl live abodes and occupations. James Around our burg who have thei McPherson delivered one of his hones phones to can now learn of the wel 10 Ripley the other day and received fare of their neighbors without leavin a large sum for it .. Wm. Blue. jr., home, but tiring to a broken wir left last Monday o attend business somewhere between St. Augustin college at Toronto His friends here and Auburn they cannot get central all wish him great allocate . Miss However, the men are lewd at work Winnie McPherson has returned to on the line and in a few days we ex Orangeville to resume her duties as pect to to in ,,nitchwith th,• -•Iter teacher in the business college there work: ... Miss Lena Kempton of Lester - --- ler is the guest of Miss Lisle Hrowa. ST, lIELENS. TUESILt Nue ere Fleet woe raiz HOLIDAYS littng HAYPENINOSMing Belle McKenzie. those who spent thr holidays at their . of respective homes here were I( WI Lie Granum, Alberta, is visiting her Mn Clark, of Westfield W D. Ruth brother, Kenneth McKenzie isa erford of Southampton ; Colina Clark bel MacLennan, of Goderich Collegiate May „, May Cameron. marsh Smith, of (Jode. Institute, and James MacLennan spent rich Annie Rutherford, Rolle Heth- the holiday meson at their resPeettee erington, Elizabeth Rutherford and homes . Miss Isabelle M MiscLen Gretta Webb, of Wingbam. Elizabeth nen, who about a month ago returned Miller of Holyrood, and Messrs,. John from Italy, left en Wednesday for Clark. of ?moth Donde Philips, of Chicago, where she will resume ber emderieb James ionic. ot myth ; musical duties Mis. MacLennan is in Donald Clark, of Durbatu Hugh Mc - the truest sense of the worn a profits -Groats and John Webb. of wingbani. sor of music The annual school meeting was held 4i No 12 on Wed Jorrowe Versa Woods spent nesday Imo witb :age Attendance the holidays in Winghani. The chief bit:noes( matte was the Aitchison .,•nterteined the i•oong proposition of schom repairing after People of this eleinitr oo Wednesday considerable discussion • vote. was evening last. . Mr. Copeland, of taken whicb resulteti n the decision Toronto spent New Year's with his that a new school oe nuilt luring the dltughtet, Mrs• i H. Moyer summer of 1912 We ere oleasee Misses Mary and.Tenn Kelly, of ?Na- to see Hugh Ferguson abIs Le make forth, spent the holidays with their fe grandfather, Rohe Murray Mr, his usual excursions . . Bert Grey McQueen. of Torooto, spoke in' the slowly improving i'Ve crust ere long to see him about eget, John Preshyterian church on Sunday for Jamieson has Just lost :me oaf of !ell the Knox College Student Missionary by ,eiehratioi, New y par., Day ' Society , . Percy Whitfleld spent Tuesday. whet ne and family drove eo the holidae's et Toronto. -Miss Ethte Robet-hion, of Toronto, visited the home of his brother-in-law. Anson Finis. 11 Mortal -4. A eefeee, i et .1 43. Rutherford's lest week, _ - AUBURN V‘r BDNIZEID AY. .1 WC*. Tuftermr, Faso 3rd. - -et CRT., ENT. -A. natlet • enjoy - o' -t . ee (Oseteion is home faun the able (Arita -Mae tree en terteinantu t Welt and Fr`rSc'em5r reistai°1'3g 1"re' was held in the Baptiet obtircb last , anti, toning Wednesday, !hazily Asquith ected ' The mantle, meeting ot tbe Goderich .se chairmar, and the program ;10D- rewnshlr TeWPIterle System 'win be slated of recitations :hotline :lusts held oo Friday. 13th inst. ' and dialogues The -Bell" drill which Samuel and Melville Glicidoo, sons took se well at the Methodist (theist. and Mr.. D. Gliddon, are hocoe men tree eoteetainnient was repeated, vait from Yellow Geese, :ease • by request and won rounds of applause josh. Hill, o' Taber, Alla a formerfrom the audience The ?ollaction essident of t be Base lint, 1s home on a amountedtoover *24) visit It le four years since be went Bente TTEMis -Miss J. K Naylor of West . i Toronto. spent the holiday week with Oro coo W»0.'70 -A number -if !Mends here and at Belgrave Miss triendsof Mr.aad Mrs, W Teobbigion ;Erma Symington, of Guelph is visit- -.one) t. their home on the Maitland 1 big at her borne herr ;tibia Maude eeeeeesson on Friday. December '29rd Ferguson. of Clinton open, ber bole oelebrate the .11'- wedding sore days under the parental roof emery of their marriage A. taste- Mim Small, niece of Rev J 1 elitist ly prepared dinner was partaken of was visiting friends ••• the village not the gathering and the remainder week RSV ff A. Millers subject the evening we: spent pleasantly for Huntley evening 11114. "Our Indebt r.,sic timing the guests were educate to God " tipou which he gare a tette- O'ocr, Niagara Fele., Galt Mit very practical end appropriate di. hell etretford and Lewiston Many course W Holtzhauer, of t Neon mem presents Fa ilverwitre were Mound, and Miss Clara lioltzhatier of Av.-et rp.4, 'he hoot and hostage as Clinton, were tisitina at Mr Ladd', •eseal be high esteem In .which last week. illebool re -opened yeti. ey are helot hs thee friends After tardav after t.be "hristitiat vacation. most enjoyable evening had been *Nom ea-jim. Cher* as. not • 111) and Mrs Lobb ,nany pent the goon* 1 ed exteil4r0i/ opee large attendano ar the annual writhe • for their future welfare whom meeting held ir tee geleee home • week ago rods, et feconunt of 'H KNITS An Kv .• moterfosio The tot the *toren% «Nobel 'dr finersmi -wing 44 the report of the Chrietinas was re-elected trustee I'm Another examinatiort held at 8 S. Ne I. °ode. tern. end the youtract for the wood rich township The names ire re lea* let at $2.05 a rord k • • mann •it rded in order •-o merit Those compleintis made by to. tertian rio re, marked • were absent daring part of girding the irregular ettenditare .1 the exioninations Se IV Harold•FL f h as Mont gamete: Nina Driver* Ella brought up and discussed hut awing lake. Sr. III Adeline bursas, to the smell number of ratepayers reek Ilisks. Arnold Laithwalte•. Or- preeont nothing definite was dose It 1 illitseps. Jr 111.-.1ftehle John- le to he hoped. however •hat the true- *, Albert ins Moro* Sr I tees. who after Fettruar, let ha t he Thelma Lalthwaitte Maitland power to appoint a trustee °Meer Inc vete. Willie Khasi* itewart Al- the section, if one ha- not larglady 00111. Jr. 11. Clarenew Steep*. Rd- been impointed to the township mote who Montgomery*, Helen Way*. ea will di) sometising t» nreelttel Mei" Mari* Marne Pt 11 - Willard Hop. gent parents to their ehildrwii to igaad, Barflies shop". Pt. 1. Una nolnud instead allOW1igif these to run 'Myer, Ida Way, Hnward Hicks. on the *wept • grioir up without ea Jame E. Cutts -roe, 'reacher. wauestieles LAURIER TUESD• • ,i0DERIGH TOWNSHIP • ‘e.77 , 0 to tr c rei % itt 4 Dri t - r ' THE iGINAL Lcj, oNTARIu ISEASE . symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor has said. 1 never yet [nodes poet-coortemes- anunatioo fee case ol death front Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys were at fault." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful lot Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and moat widely imitated lh Dodd's Kidney Plls ,o0014ALSH TuelertA t eau :Iasi HOG t. REPORT. -The followiag IS the report of U. S. 8. No. 4, Ashfield township, for the month of Decem- ber The names are given In order of merit Those marked • were absent for one or more examinations : Sr. IV. -Bain Stewart Macy Berke ell. Annie McLennan 'Mei. Campbell, Alex. McLeod, Mary Ensign. Jr. IV. -Llelle Finlayson, 'Frank McLennan, D. A. ‘IcLennan. Kenneth McLeod, Camer• Campbell, *Sadie McDonald, *Lila 1: •bb. 8r. III. -Clifford Can- nel' III. -Wm. J. Ensign. 8r. 11.-M.. eret McLennan, John Mc- Leod, Onald Campbell. Pt II. Jessie McDonald, elan McRae, •Mary Finlayeon. Sr. 1. -Margaret McLeod. Jr. I. --Helen McRae. ttroote. Rome Teno)hf. KINGSBRIDGE ALL OUR ANNUAL elOCK- I AKIliti ocanuneness as Monday, the leth. Nee corman for great bargaino lost year's sale Wei hummer. Things will hum while it lane. rattly boxing neon, end ObsIee- 91. early 1) rtittsifTft 11 NUARY'i let SAL We, start, our litinuary Sale Oa next Saturday,:the 7th)oi this • in the. ,5tore. GENERAL SALE ''''"e'rinte nearly everythinte • :".0titinue 11 tor oat weal.. and perhaps longer. Thk not be: ii special 'ale. bin' • l_ 1 ill ' ,,,, , Chis is stock-tdking niontlt. We have ciltogerhat tt..tt inlay ut.:, Any Collar, Stole or Muff ONF THIRD LESS th It, .2,ula' l', Lock We a Li pkittrfit, low anon:zit to.clear a lot it in a very shot t time. r.qtete.s. .: st, 00112 - t:, .`" °kJ: :.4..!..i.', ',.-' '1/461 !ling price. 1",\ ‘,$, Any Coat up to $14 00 for...' 4 and gore. • et'• Four black Coney Collars. regular Ifyou want goods, come to this sale, you Win he stir.t, RGAINS , KX,r, • • !fere art' a low of the leading tilitligO you will be offered: Lfloves, 4iery, Waists, Skirts Whitewear, Underwear. Corsets, Dress Goods, Cloths, Silk- Laces; .--4:mbroideries, Prints, Ginghams, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Kimono Cloths, Vestings Wiusting.- Lawns, Cottons, Art Sateens, Shirting -s, Tablings, Towt-ilings, Ducks, Nknims, Cbttor Pantings S:Utings and a score of other things we can't name here. This is going to be a great big sale. The stock must he reduced. Come for some of the bargains • , ; .• H. coy. BO RNJ3 • NILE. MONDA Y, Jai. 2ni.i. 101-1.1.,N6c. Bailie, of Stret- ford Noresal echool. spent the vaca- tion under the parental root .. Miss Eva McNee, who spent the' summer . Forget. Swell . has returned boa*. , cREVIE Miss I Jacklina A.., of , the Berlit, oolbegiat. et.iff spent the moor", 1. ord. holiday week et the osessoimge The new telephones recently installed in the mighborhood arc: kept busy. Horne are learning y "Hello :'' . anircik tones. his former school at Fordyce . Mins Mary Culbert has gone to etafee1 A Nee Yeetot itS411=81,ANCI••• The Methodist people of Nile took ad- I vantage of this Christmastide to sur• wise their psstor last Friday evening by preei•nting him with. large quan- tity of oats When the friends had assembled in the eburch, messengers were sent tot Rev. Mr. Conway. who wa. not ware the proceedings. After his . short but spicy program was given. mad the following address Mt, read by P.Sheppard 7 Buoy tille6. Clarence Shacitletou. of Belfast. spent Monday amongst his relatives here Albert Shackleton left here on Monday to take charge of king again to take charge of her old school . Miss Maria Derain and Mies Minnie Shackleton base gone to Goderich Collegiate Institute to re- alm* their studies We regret to learn of the very sudden death ot Mrs. John Fischer. of Detroit, which hap- pened on Christmas Day. SIN was a daughter of Mr and Mrs. P. McGlynn, of Crewe, and was well known and re 'peeled here We join • sympathy with the bereaved relatives Hugh .6•4•••11411444•1•1111 weweeereieweeeoweaseeetieeeisameee Plumbing fi EA TING t!LECTRIC WIRING ROO Fl N G METAL WORK gt., Etc Estimates cheerfully furnished W. R. Pinder 'Phone 165. J. Johnstone end his eisty. • Miss ' Tc1 c' " .c '.s.. 4' ' IS. 411r11." N'" '''.1)''' itneo."..........""„,..........,,,...,„,,,,,w , . ,. Martha, of Lanes, were the guests or; Diroit PAt1T0h,-- ' .ltIOCATION. their courine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.! "Christalao c°41,Y. '': --.•.* ,tillailt 1111i:i,iel.. .. • Maize 313 Thursday apd Friday. 1 - Putting care sod ton to night. , H vs settee -Sliver Creek °Fanw. n lig memories sweet and brig: . the borne of Mr. and Mrs. James John- We would bri to ou our cheat While our hearts with stadium deign,. 1 r. stou f Ashaeld. wee the scene of a oetsiemee of the Year prompts us oio evening of last week, when their ; :raf,`":itiliwof moo very Pretty wedding on Wednesday: over the past months in retrospection. causing Pa"8 ibenenttly before austitalnoal daughtri . Annie Sophie, became the the familiar faces of these visions, to one wife el' Arthur Cufheet, of ashrield. The teretnoowas performed in the i ,o'le°eutre/Payega 1 which we have learned to love and respect tnYtearity ..ndto 1111.the, =rine: le 11 Moyer, of St. lee na. The sps ' principle Four sterlingi character has oom- dear familiar pleasures 4WD prempee of about Brill rests by fier • its spume in a calm, deep rind all.pervadityr Clout illation were beautifully deem- urreill tnadetters nnoayoVfo°rucor umeleoot oolv It ildri ateo witiy roses and carnations. The ••et abo in material affair. bride entered thls t•otun on the arin Thi.. influence combined with cue :mar, of her tether an , the wedding march woeful Bernet truths aPProPrlatelY Presented was artistically rendered by Mies rfrertTatrong l'Ethit. permr Ansi); 1. having " Bertba Sherwood, of, Belfast. The It has been with a keen effuse of joy that we trimmed dress of white satin pailette . save wenloontfid th? iseevete ,print„ ,:eceothr., deixe. bride looked charming in a beautifully de rhene. After the ceremony : eynotur influencenfteT;:ougurb busy with the prep - congratulations to the happe ooup'lleaidt II Ir'ureittrinheetroci.hgunrcandh work. 'rt°wnailav° laws" suniptnetts repast was pattakeo eil • i ermting we 'lb° were n hl:tder;414 followed by the usual toasts A eery huge number of costly and oessutiful preeente evidenced the popularity of the brile and grnotri The groom is • son of Tilos. Colbert. of Oreere The hyoomunsegtoeceoupawdle wwilel surepidiosen Ione, ,3t.ehav;,..ftealcli chiuro!,f, asowsolmh.rong.e wredhas sabyldiutheintzerorthin orso: sloes. you have witnessed a marked growth in ing °bete le: our midst ___ ____ Nile church. You have sought todevelop a tree • OUNGA MOWN ; foundation for all misdonary efrort by mission study, not only mows ow none people bet nR. N )1. WTO'. 1)F NTPS i OF '&esc'evealirsesale„ tocii&lmneanrly evidences of your handi- points and will henceforth sive h entire are strongly characteristic of one to winter I/ Lucknow. hat coastd vlsiti outside I work, hoth In church and parsonage whim attention to the home °Mee. Lorkssow. where peat -neat and order tire as a second nature. he will be found every day All rnedern moth. Though we look took upon Iwo years and t od a half of good work. we believe these is a 00111 pieties ot this work which •Ander the Judge MOTLOB.;- THE LOCAL AGENCY offoo of poe„,„,o) „ook, .,,,,.. ta "ow /I In q_1111111Issoo for The Signal Is at the Poet. pumd. Wane. noes Lod Stationery Scorn, Where With Byron we would say .t. yo‘ treasurer orders will be received for subscription ad,.... laid up In Heaven are all the desre• 94014U80 41. eive„rti.,.maieng„ .moandurtab Did"rdill4for"dtbihreCe"....„iPta WU' "" yet we have not looked noon them Faith it . cleareraighted and can glare* beyond the veil, bit happy Hop. bit 4 bhraindsn toalryeoadu ytziemrt.t these hidden tresorrie" This plen.ure wt are assured may be yours As a token of our aprecwitahttnogn vaziaes,, teginith. Invert effort 10 have boys trained iour nt:e churl) as strong sn4 well developed Christians bag aroused us to greats, seal and faith in oar effort.. In the Epworth League your regularity noel punctuality and Interest in all the departments have been to officers and members a mums or encouragement and inspiration. ieENMILLoR ,scetra v. Jan. lir l'it lifS A . ION -At the Christmas .04o1 the New ear meeting of Flenmiller Methodist Sate -, • yeerreirsitoo. bath school presents were distributed 'fortes oirr.t. leorge 1UITOT Tillio sestet tchil Sit. • l 1114, b 'he,pupite, much te their deligbt and the superintendetit. Henry 'few wee presented with two very nice volumes accompanied hy an address expressing high appreciation •-e hie services in behalf 0 the school IMi Oonwaeplied & Hate worda, expressiug Mr apprecie y rit, approp tion of the motive whicb Prompted the gift and hie gratitude Refresh rnents were sorted and a most enjoy able evening was IA more ertri•••res tin°. MRIEFP.. -Rey .1 Omen presorted here or, Sundity. Miss Nellie eitraughart. 9 Toronto, is home for the haidays Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fisher are visiting the latter's mother Mrs. Masdel Tbe Misses May and Mildred Brooks If Lietowel are itt.1 guests of Miss Elsa Oka Victor Newell, of the ts ( 1 and Korman. of the Mignel mai risen: "74.‘ Vftse. Fie et L11* ; Stsv Whet, . our gum* Vara to suppei so orilinery menu cite ne strengthened by serving One of the several kinds of Charles ( ciacentristed Soups. I autteau Brand. No troutee. and not astati- ne, Ali erneses Win leek Mfr.. Montreal Anvers:4 . women can wharpon • peocii juin as gratefully as a man can thread • needle. A man l sate to ham enemies un- less be smarms a wawa who hos so. rdmilyah •, Ste wioetlio LAuNite SIR JAMEty erei • NY I ti mtfters o its subscribers who pay in advance Inc the coming Year their choice of pictures of the two Premiere -Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Prime Minister of Canada. and Sit - James Whitney Ontario's First Min• aster Outeof owu enb.erlbor. mending their remittances will please state which picture they prefer. mid it will be met in • mailing tube. These pictures are etrtetle for threw who pay IN ADVANCE. kubseritipes are requested to evert In reassess's,* as ear!y as poesiblie. For those who would rather have a 1911 eatendar thee either of the pie - tares we have s limited supply. PLIWSIS ILINEW 114RLY Our :, Repair ; • Departinent -..f iaru 'ow rous14 • r - ' *.0 take care of all 1, „ , watch, clock and jaw 1 I "I ',eery repairs Time, ehtbring their re )airs here will find ie, • t nusual facilitiesarld ,ineitrpassed skil 1. -' Our work is ft I I frilly , •-• I .._ e P.. Watch Inspecto- Watchmaker, Jeweller "• sod Optician live th - ee uare Sam immoms. am. •••• ' girtrittattied Waiter H. Harrison 11 1 11 ,14 • 7;,; January Bargains iFine Fitts_ Ruffs. ',toles. Throws and Muffs in all the best and most fashion - bit tors Fur-linea and fur -4 -frlmrned Coats all marked at u, make quick clearance. Womees and XIsses' Clot/1 Coats ro go note at than cost ol the material. BarimiNs M Separate Skirts tend Undershirts ?Lugain. itt Ladies93avaSUZinanad inWAel:Thrits Gas. ikasenten JOHN STEAD • GOOK,Itifla H ftk RA'S Fables Horse Marken, wit, re lipid in %ORRICE; Tuesday lattueee, toti toesday brU art ath Tu Ma-- fi 14th call your Attention it the 4te. of the montIdy Home Markets to 1, held in God, -rich thi, winter. Them market's have been snecessful in the past, and We homt will be weal more popular this season. Harms will also he add by auetioe on each seJe day. rommencitm at 130 p. m. Excellent erceinmodation provided Inc enamel* and atten- dants. sted all the leading buyers will Amine. The beet stock and the beet buyers are thug bah* hrosoibt together Dr w r tura. v. A. Yee. CiseamIlly. Liles Meek President Vise- Prenkimo Illsormary Cure Your Cold Whitt: Pint- with Wild Cherry and Laxative Quinine Tablets du -he ..P.rork H C. IIUNI 4. 1 he 11ruggist, OIL SC1I.:,(.141 tt, t 'wench 11 11=1116, 4 • 6' 'et, .'i( t. • 46 IF ale1 f enovation *WEI A, 6 of Furniture and House Furnishings • ' . We i,4'1! iia, ing eui ilnkt eat, ^Leo, and hi s Minos% ( , inposelble he do the Wi11ek with he large stock we have ooltanfi In order to make room and also avoid the exteibility of having our stick !imaged, we will sell ,i t toy article of furniture Fa • ,sativ redue•sl pose luring the month of lemmas. • . -space- will not, permit of es. i•ocire, over) Article • out if you are considering the trued:ses f any Porniture, NOW is this throe t" • • for it we: romr 4 easing of dollars to jolt s „ ."` • , -44'; AfilaTIC \ Ntifil3HFIldirt 1".• et ANO° • " t, • W. J. MUIR & CO. 11 Owe wail, "Vie best waive possible fee yeew mem" " fe41 "1100‘,41114ig."110q41,,MOIVIMS