HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-29, Page 1010 1 rro .0v, I eelth ata :la 1U1U
1'111)11 v.1) SA-f('RD.\V
1.e Iiht
• . e ykpt the .,•al .
tiarld Satchel,
i •4 .411 1,11 duet Haled
- toilet... titled 41ilh coin
. be, gen lie, man Silver
Crate-, iegalnr sa,:tr'. cleat.
tut at -„
'11.irty • twit only Hand
• • :4411,c11rls. huge aize, fitted
t, it -melt coin pen -e. regu-
I 1 and =Ie leering
1l.ttul teal lilt•eS,y.. 4rgtllar'
, $1 Irl. IFI. ... 01..1) and
>,_. ••.
6.•:fling et ": end
• ah
te ' II41fe41 cosh ten copy
(4 11194Ok0, orrgiu,dl. pINllt.-
1i- vl tot $1.2.i and *I.Cr'.
s• and Saturday, clause
:.M •
_'t a t.er•of the tterylat
• .1 cclia %pthl bookiita
1 i •clay; Sattrrdky-. cl e
yup •I1
Altuse _ 1 full (loch bound
(1„a.ks. by winder ani hers,
FI id , s leo 1l*tutdayL
'• itch
Note Paper
1 fee/dozen rsf Note
1 41i1T J n . !opine, Omni ti• 411_1;x•. A
t:e ...•r o1Irtt •t -Zine-- 'at
▪ eduction.
i Ile Colonial Book tore
i' 1, t 1• I'4 )I{Thai. 1'1•!
tootle' hit.
M11T an.e, u.r1
0001 PAW. 1.1
Hr Ni 11, 1,1 he a candidate agent ter the
revs eship fund if• ritct.v1 would do
4A hilt he thought. Na. in the integi.th
of the lliwnohip:
W.'I'►tludfoot was called upon next.
Het ' led his hraletr. that he Nun
4111 elete•tor of the township. He had
•,turd it uw•estu•y: he said: to cto • 144
Ili-Illaeting411111 intake certain oezplalut-
t ao nt.-du. • out only to 1 ' •If but • to
° the 1'ate(r,•Iy rt.. 1("t 1 ho 441W1o.14iP.. lie
ron'sidered that he had been grossly
inatiltrd by the (township cuulled. He
hful leen, the tuwnahip 'solicitor for
Many yeare and hie lelationr with the
emitted had aIN'tya been a ' •able
then without nue word to lint from
4aiyieolly4 tit the council they tout anti
consulted ;inutile!' 'solicitor. wail. Ile
atilt *Lo(id on tie; Itookrdf the council
ies,Jhe 4Oanahip *ulari(ur.• (nue elan
bred %toted 111.41 be 1 Mr. I'roud(nul
had acted fat• the tlIWIt*Iiipc(hloral'god
for (I.Je railway euwpaay al the wont.
time. whir, lie declared, war r delltk
orale li44 and the man alio wade tht?
sl.aleosenl knew it. In one east. the
township of,Anhtirid. the Huron Con-
struction to4,aid the 0. W. S. Ryµ"
1'tituputy' uvea, ..•u-defeudantr in `a
.1(u. hell be who alliug-for the tgwo-
-hip of '\shfle•Id. - T2 Nay, Vliet, !TIe,
1'othgrne ton -omit -no dbllUeIl pa.Ired
re•-otul ion-- giving perl1iesitatl to lite
rade toy (vomitory to plate its track on
1lie .n,ad all, at ince at thinluj•. Ile
ir V i fie
a tole- it- itivt*I'. and ler
A Happy New Tea
*4411 it.vity tht lii Io 11114
;t. rooms. gats
momma owereesee arms
ea .Molds), Evening, January lith,
(wet tt...•1I thio young uteri
of Goo SI. Andrew'...club
:Ind the Vietto1 is street
o g Men's 1' 11 i o n. -
WAR - -
every other 1Vedne.dny.
A1 Kan p.. in. Next meet-
ing tie Jaotuee t' 11 4
Remember FEBRUARY Std.
t'.ntrrtded ,.till that this rtteolut
WAS *UMoaruI and that it by law w
not aeaw.ary, god be would, if nr
Maly-. fatless the matter to the high
court i1( the Empire to maintain 1
epioiun, 11 Nro tamely a ct'oselog
It lop and not a case of 1,Innallg t
the highway i the meaning of it
Art. ' •Che con cal wanted a rolicito
who ear net eunnl•rted soith the ea
way, and so they 4pp44ioted Mt•, M. l
('atjtroo, -who Imo been suliettor -f
lite Railway l'nsssp ny for years at
aloe holds aback in the Company
the automate of $Ai,4Ig1.''
There was er,uader*bre di:ender
lids point. find 1..1. Varcue itemise
Mr. 1'r►udfuut. when preventing t
resolution of the *alumni 1 of May 1111*
to the Ontario Roadway Hoard,,of sa
mg not hin4•furthe Ieetple*of t1) e tow
ship and eve' Viking fur-4.he "1*11woe
Mr. I'r t,dfiea pointed out Boal, tl
emoted and 1by Iailw,ty celnl•s)*Iy we
then in itgre•e•u11ent noel he .vas .iutpl
r1411014 111g out• his (n1.1U:I' f
the 1 it. 1 he r it were el
elected rept •.enTatives of the petit)
Gond-tee wit. ',mind as tpwush
*Whitt* by licit. nisi r1(14,4ne.
Mr. Htnulftot haul a large trill
d.rulilent.•denlitig wilb the railwa
latter and -used throe in exldainin
hie rot •t•tien 41-it11 111•• matter. • 1
el. ugt that after the egreen►eot its
been reached Iti %%ern the council an
the e•.4n(laal,ililet' the affair at Du
lop the council had, failed to carry of
it• punt of the agreenu•ul as I o passin
-the hy114N. -
P.&-It(•e•ve \IHcI':Nan rpuke'ne•xt. 1
leas glint. he. rola. thio' wrote tithe
irecede war,• having Ihe (1ifMdlt-tee tl►
t.••14t1)1 peeve haul' to
though! I he township tit l'ulls-rne w
not 141rgea.n..tieli fort wotelephonc cm,
(wrote.: Mill ss by tl►e-r 1.t• totaled- el#e.r
pent before elect on to gel a otic built
The tln•niripaI syrtrnt-Yiiut. brio
nuanced by tuwni<hip-(►uat•y, and 11
tame. should - yt• 'cufsidered 11.
tufa a• tuo uendly. Solely sunt
4hiopt tel 'lave been done ttt Lein
the -b meet i•- !noel het' and have
4t 4'*yacun. %Viten /III.* -Iirelid nt
4r.yl nc alma came in there were- to 11e
110 law earl•, 41• Ih4 emincilllrs knew
w. touch -as ali e. Iawyt'i . List year
the Iatt• casts N ere $.r the vete i t•fe(tr'
.year they were • $'aN.
with over $i»' tI lw• !mid yet.
Mr. 1,,e•Ewaft criticized l 1111 eteltneii
.e•vrlr'ly. to eee(ne't ion with • (Yee lain
nett )illi . and created great tnentee-
infa t by AS... 1141114i k41 on the t•ffeH's
of the conned ••tn 11111114 waiter inn -Iqr
hill.'" Dealing with .the fi6ar}p•ial
.tatemen/; ;Fns--et.trd -chit -ar
a(•1iilt►t't wr,r• not vet 'in. Ha ((!n -
'eluded ltv dee wing hie: gr itude f_
1111,. i.upltnrt lie 11.d re'eei ed in t
plot and stating that he w mid not
n eandulilte at this eleet i 1.
ion shall be defrayed by *ubacrlbers there -
as to and such emit obeli be defrayed by
.pedal rate to b e levied upon the sub•
test acrilrer*, and in case of (hos in default
tie the tail way -be collected by Itctiou AS
at an ordinary debt, or may be added to
1(4 the collector's roil it ud eellected in the
,e Natue snootier 1141 utbr1' taxer.
il- , •Goderich Township.
'• In (iod.etich towppship chi, year'.
or t. •il is re-elected by 41eclattwrion
id for 1Ul1 AC the ' ' tion meet jugg
10 tigntwtl ttut'tly, .lulu Met Una. and J. W
wt Yeo were uuutmated for Reeve, but
the two last-uajM•d withdrew, leaving
d Ite•eve Sturdy in p41a.se•$91(.l of the
le office fur another yeast, For eonocil-
1 I lore no other names were tut•utiouel
)` '11(au three. of the 11(1•4114.4s of this
•eeiu'a ceuulcil- .I. 1V. lest, 11'111, I1.
y• IA.hll, Juhu 1(athwrll told 6 -.urge
tH Rutile, w'hio-we•ereaccordingly declared
1f. Municipal affair's *41,i• quiet i(1 .\sit•
le field. :L('ttie 11natntti(i► m1 4.1118 on
,i, )londay the old council wry re-rl:'(coni
withunt oppoeil ion. The only tither
of 1(x1111 t41•upwte'el was that of James
Ail•ou. µ'11u Was no11rivatrdtorruut►cil-
Y ter but Nithdre•tt.
le West Wawanosh,
d There was a lis eh• time at the West
41 VVawantled► arintinatiu,'s. - .. large
0- crowd was pve.eet ani a goad deal 01
Il reef ilu nation was indulged.] 1)'Tlit
K o, eiskeis. Stephen Medd Ole. ttoesnt
Itee•Vel. Samuel Thompson and 1`"illi* 1n
te' Willie were nominated fur the reeve -
1' -ship, and there nee-tire/to the nett' for
't councillors • 11111. Wet.t.to 11'.
1 sun an -' it.. 1 1 0 41414tH tut 1114•
las IAlll louucill,
1). 11. )tl urray and:Patrick
t t 11'('Idl, •
mt. CLINI.ON.- -
r- Mayor -Jacob Taylor (elected by
g *cclalnatiun).
For Reeve -W..(t, Smyth, A. •T.
Cooper. - 41
For Councillors -Geo. McLennan'
Thoe: Beacom, Thus. Mason, W. J.
Paisley, A. T. Cooper, Harrison
_Ytiter, '..lackson,jjos, 8. J. Gibhio,
R.' J: Gitalin, Artlfm (ovk.: Dap);svid;
Ci}ntelon, Jas. A. Fords W. T. O'Neil. 1
Hill• .lw•akiug next, t'uuu•ki:tl
1 (11,51.17h. ( council had said tit• y Slid 11411
4114(11 tit (1(11(4• 11100.11111 ill 1110 410011-
4.h1p.-Stet that Na, just what they had
d • in the ,natter of the telepIymc.
The Mira I Co, WAS 4111x11111.• to 11111 kr. 4111
agttuoillut tytyork Logealie•i•, Mud this
(night hits.- been thee -result if the
council had not Bete in such a hurt(.
He mentioned the meeting at. which
the pet it. of those -%1111 41 l,11.41 to
Withdraw from the ''ipet1 41yetem
W1.4 111 he preaenb,l, 141d was fi,►i'-
ga11e1 by the 01 ars taking action
before the pt'titMoram, arrived. doing
lowsiue-s in the ntol'ning instead of.the
aftermwnl as usual. He µ,11I11 be a.
candidate. INN -3114e he I4•1i ev,v1 111Ntmley
had Brea -a W1)I 111111 thing• done other=
wile than to 114.- i(itere.I. of tlf$tvwn-
.1t 1hie point lhi•ie vias Mn 4.104114 111444
lie/m.011 . Ht•I•vr Kcr•oighan and lir.
Gamble in Asgard to the . telephone
matte,. Alt. Gamble -wet loot t11at )Ir.
Kernigliati had agreed to It settlement
lea neer' the two ,.system.. .tr. Key -
Mellen Ixjdainettl this by 4111Uing that
he could not hind anybody. 4i. lir vie.
nil a telephone lutui.aonrr. _Then
there 441(.41 japgi,- ..% el tit.- qu1.t Mt'
of :e (materiel' connecti.,)I. lit.. Kernig
inter rl,titnintt' thattftr -lids '1's 1, ph mr H
Co. would gi' .ole entniet•tion' to the
' •iital fess, and Niesoi .. Gamble
anti JAM' de'lnnug 111 t he contrary.
•ltat'hatd. Jewell. .N lot Nits 1411.00,1
ii all mini• Irv. •'1'In• old war-}lora•," de -
*dared with a g's ld deid of a tiplwRls
that he 14/14 104 .411141141 will the way
the township livauew, 1)11(1 been con-
ducted. He thought 'floe council hood
is;en a little tor. favr 1111.111 the 1e14•-
101141ue Hp wt•nt jilt I1 coo ideialble Ile -
1 tail in regard to drainage and road
411 wk. deflit•ing that the present c11un-
Ifs did 00t"•undetai(11d road•building.
Hecry 1 asllshing,Iddress with the
tri(rfiaph44 declarer' , "Yon can't
-eatlh Me telling n faleeloo nL"
Thi. et.nl•1iiiI.Yi the 11411 of no(1Iine8w
for the tve'vt'wliip auil Use couuii•illurn
then had their n ',Igo(. By. tide time
the light hitt leastine Very pont• 14
The disorder -111- Illy 111111, N-.hich hall
Fw•1n ancrr11iing, had re+u•het such 11
pitch that it.4v,l 111t1L!sl in1wissilik to
follow the e14141kera. I
I'ounri1111r %% 11.4,1 defended' the
ashen of the council •in 4(11(1 1, mat-
ters and fle•t•lrl•e•t1 himself -again 4t Can-
again i1( 11
111111 w
B deep
Nappy 'A1cw 1Pcar'
to all
Goderich (pick Lunch
Heitdquartw•i4 fin- per
-Heine•-u1(111c.14144dky :tool
t.\ •1'116 .yl 1111:
[1. Ra luso
1 _ *t attYia
era House
First door off Square
Kingston Street
11 c are now 41ytele of all
wilt tack said jew-
ry repairs. Thos.. ,
.eko bring then ' e-
i.mil r. will findevilnu,u:41 (*edition.'a
.e•u passed skill.
44,n et irk i. all fuu111'
41 ,,e e111Ue(I
one in Groceries
resp. 'Pure and Good
Walter H. Harrison
I I' I: 11 etch In.pcen
11 1, heinkei. Jeweller
and Optieinti
144 t y4 :. n• (Wiftf.,1,11
Semi to;
Jno. W. Vanaiter
Opera Freese Block
!'hone 164
Mayo(• -1),•J, •MCC5II (electees by
acclamation 4.
Fur._Ntws'r - Jobn C. Gnig; Uinta,
\Vatai t.0. For Cottncillo,•s-W(1u.:amelia J.+ -I
('onto- ta --F.-hoot': J. -Darwin it
I)rvereautt; Janie,,, Gillespie, J.-' C.
John Grieve. 1-.St•. Nart*lrn.'
V. Se Jets. HeUY" jt., .lie,. Noetic.
Allam McKay. Dr. 11 R. Rows.
For Mayor -Gen. Spotion. Dr. R, ('.
mond. Dr. J. P. Kennedy, fir. A.
Irwin. Wm. Holmer.
For Reeve -J. Welton MMcKibbon,
Wm. Bone. D. E. McDonald.
Fur Councillors -W. Bone, T., Gtwg-
ury. Allan Kills, Gen. McKenzie. W.
A. Campbell, W. O. Gov. H. H. El-
liott. J. G. Stewart, T., Hall. S. Mitch-
ell, Jae. Hamilton, E. Lloyd, 0.
Bell, R. C. Redmond,. Nicholson.
EXFTEit. - • •
For Reeve -Thos. H. Carling, Wm.
J. Heaman..John W: Taylor.
For Cwtncillot•*-Wtu• Rivera, Her-
h•rt Ford, Louis Dav, sr„ Wm. A.
IH-llkwrll,-Win.. W. Walper, Chaa. !i
Hooper. Wm. Levett, John Wood,
Wm. G. Bissitt. • • -
For School Tr1stees-F,Y►nk Wood,
Sitlwel Martin. Thos. H. Carling,
Rohm. M. Ross., Rich. N. Creech.
For Water ('nwnrissinner-Wm. G.
Biwatt-rhon. H.. Alcl'allum, AlIierr
Puke. Richard Davis, Will. A. Balk -
For ReeveJohn Joynt.
house Mitchell,
For Councillors-- A: N. Spens('. D.
N. Lawrence, (i, 11,_.Luglay._W. W-
it . 7. f:. Anderson, W,.1. 1 tavison.
11 oot•e-
. Voting maid fie was
d. There Nast it W111111
daring bis remarks he
extant r'fer'lu:ow t.t
laid the railway rn,aeiug 41t-1
lop.' -
Councillor McL44rty (.aid he wild not
•1 )plower) 111 Ihe railway, but he
11url,ght'it would iN• (hnIj{er0tlo, for it
to run un the highway. He was a
(candidate for r' -election.
Councillor Hallhh.y said that the
present runncil' were 1s•i1g tit hazed
for things for whirl' former councils
were res tensible.
Jaenh loser said t he ater nt Reeve
had !oft the ooutrsal 1.1 for, more
Cleat Dole then they had hall for twenty
yea It..
('lin.. Roleeitson dna
Meese-Luiton Hilt .Iby acclama-
tion}, -
For Councillors- W. H. -McElroy.,
James Cott. Thomas' Code. Josep
Stothers, Frank Metcalf, Allan B.
Bainton, Joseph Carter.
For Reeve- George Lindsay, George
,M. Smith, M. D.
Councillors- John Davidson, George
Erwin, David Leetcb, James Thorn-
ton (elected by acclan►atino).
Se•holtl Trustees -Robert Brown.
Henry Drehmann, Thomas Elliott
(elected by acdsi attoni.
For Reeve-Qwen Geiger, George C.
Petty, John W. Ort wain.
For (sttiicillors-Alex. Smith. Thos.
Hemphill, Harry --I1. Ingram, John
)ietry. David Nicol, Frederick Busch,
ii<eorge Ghee. -.
• For1ieeve-C. Reis A. Munro.
Fin Councillors -Gavin Davidson,
A. 11. Moffatt, John Douglas (elected
try acclantatiotll.
Reeve-John- #kepie {bgatelanin-
nbn). •
. For Councilloes -Peter W. Scott, .
Newton ('atrph'II, Sant. Hun -chill, .1rq.
Chatnney, Wm. 1', HMllaban. Joseph
Specials for the
Last Day of 1910
Here is a list of extra specials for Saturday next -the last day of
.1910. We have tried to make them worth coming for. All broken
lines of holiday stocks have had the prices cut without any regard to
value. There are Dress Goods Bargains you ought to consider if
you .have any thought at all of dress goods buying. Brom u stairs
comes news of some of the n-ost remarkable values in Fur (,oats,
'Suits and Millinery we have .icer offered. All told there Will be
an array of extra specials that trill niake •the last day,of 1910 a record
Linen Doilies 5c -
Fi11y Inner linen da►uask
1),)1lier. round end ,0V-alrlt.iee
heavy weight. extra 14,41x!
quality. A Saturday 5c
special nt.4 scb
Ribbon Bags 50c '
Filree'pa lti()bep !Maga itt,tl
Aka r 11111.7f1 tied Math'toy Itoest
bailey notions. I ere lie tee.
fifteen only. Regular price*
were-S1.1mo; SI.'k•, end I;j.Sti.
Particularly suited for New
Tier Rifts; '1'o ',lake tit!.
clearing sure, we give •
Your choice Saturday
for, each. only
Fancy Novelties
2 'tor 25c
('Ietrine the last of the
Fear. Novelties "•-• Match
tufo-. • 11.,' Nin Hollers.
l ti -bions. Needle Cases. etc..
err.: lea(ulnc ':.c, ' About .
lift. kit r. t.rll inetureiey.
Vourchose•e• two fur
. . _ 25c
Fancy Cushion
Fitt, Crecy l'u.hi.tu Tops,
es.ortid so les rod kinds.
1'he'.e Make splendid •u.b-
inns lot *Inamwt any room.
• 11 •gular S1(• Mold :sic.'Clear..
ing hat111day at.
r,.eb.. :.. ...
A Belt Clearance at 134.
Twenty telly ledir► pttrut leather and
fancy Brit o. black 1(r red leather. metal '
and fm ne- belting in ,various colors.
Hrgular:Gr.' A Sat ul(:ay spee•i*t 23c m
at, tech
----4 Another- Belt Clearance, 75c
1 • Juan -about a doze•n•..f these., The last i
l of nli•the good Melts. They sold tog. e
r uhtrly.. and are worth 51.1.4, $1.25, and
sr.'l. rich. Tor clear- cine.• tine, ma -,
1 ones out at once. we put thele on side
.ajurhey at your choir.•,
Binh 75C
'(tat Pins 5c
Thirty- five fancy metal
-Hat Pits, „half . a - dozen
different att•les, regular lite
to Sic. Clearing Satur• 5c
day. only. ..
Boys' Bose 2sc
Fifty :pairs boys" heavy
wonted . Howe, wide and.
Darrow ribs, seamless feet. -•
an exceptionally good task•
ing for winter wear. •Tbey
will stand the rough - and
tumble usage the ,overage
boy gives his stockings.
Suitable oleo foie ladies' over -
hose. Very special for 25c
Srturday', per pair....
Silk Mufflers 75c each
Just three only ladle,
fancy Bilk domes, neer
are the last of our mug
expeorive line.. Regular
pricey *I.:4I to r<'2.'_.,. 75
Saturday, ,ley one for
Hand Bags 55c
• .e only. Indies' tient)
ibtgs. This is a x(1411 s11 -.'ng •
well - made Hand IIMR•
Materials -are of ..eceIlent
4(uality anti the (sante.
particularly strewlg. Black
•traly. Very special 55c
for Saturda), each
t A Big- Dress Goods Clearance 1
at 39c t
• Twenty -rive emir or skirt -lengths of
enlored torero, 1.44411. and Suiting
materiel, worth in the regular was front
'.-' to al.:rt par yar.l. 1n exceptionally
genal chance ►.4 iuy a skirt or dress.
, 1 leasing Saturday ltrntng *1 39c
shutes. per yard
► A Black Venetian at .60c
fent' end black l:e•netiao Cloth, all pale 1
*•*r. lttry- tnrhea watt. hrlgTl1 satiny •
ninth. ucloth worth 51.111 ,t yard. An
eacepte•nilIy fot-( ,(i*tepurcheee,enable.
its to offer chi. totals -class dr es, 6c
m.eterial Satu,da, at, per yard. W
Corsets 2sc
Fifteen pain ('n' -eta• the
last el several lines we are
discontinuing. small a n d
large .lies. (!leasing rim
`tat utility at, per pail.
20 Belt Ends at 25t
'Pitot., only flocs Ribbon •
Brit Lengths. s cleaa-ep- of
the stuck. Regular prim?* • .
ars' a' and :es. :-. lust the
thing if .all Waal a 1]5c
Del, (telt. ! hoiee only Ars
20 Trimmed Hats at $ I.9$
This is the Millinery l)epsarterent . big
-special for Saturday. Twenty Hat.
prepared at this wonderfully low rice
for Sal nrrlay selling. Never have price
of such quality ,been offered before at
such tidiculou,ly low price.. '1'rituuled
and gottenup MI one milliner, know
how to make up •tylisll hat.. First-
cass material'. and naw aha s. Matllr
choice of tyent $1
Black and Blue
Cloaking 89c
1►nr cud eath 1...4•
blur 11(.akin% material. the
1 .41 line finish. .tandar.l
,ye:ht for winlel wear. t, III
n(wk• spl, ndid n1.tr1, 1
gal. 1 setul,la% apse, a
et. leer , at -d. u n I y 9c
A Heavy Cloaking 69c
One end only h e a v y
Cloaking, es pjrital material
and weight f -or girls rche"1
1(I.ters. brown mixture, oil!
,land env atl►u1)nt of hard
weir. V y 'special. 69
per yen!, ....t.•-•• Vc7
A 54 -inch Black Serge' 75c
Thi!' black Serge. id all tvo..1 and North
:11 . t4 per yard. It is a weight t hat it.
particularly well Adapted for making
separate skirt.. There, is no question
algout the welting quality. end rhe
material itself is much to demand this
'4•*son: We have. chi, 11414 length 10
.111 Saturday morning at, per 75C
yard. 0[1)..
A Clearance of Sample Ends
of Curtain Muslin
7Here is something decidedly extra for Sat 4 ay,
Over one hundred travgllers' sample end .• t - plain
and fancy. Curtain,Muslin selling at a €re fraction
of their actual w'th. Lengths . Stable for sash
curtains, small windoows,. stand covers, cots Divided Cloth Coats with
the +►,an- into_faur lots to make he selling easy -Qin stole in
1 Fur -Collar S118.S0
. thq basement. •
- r
- -• -
fl Electrk- Seal Costs -
Five only ladies' Electric
Seal Jetekets, extra ;p
quality akin. Wall • made.
•satin -lined. ('oats (hat have
style and fleet-thewwearing
qualities,. Five to sell Sat-
urday at, each, 524.50
only.......... V
there' was NI)
/11111'11 jatiglislg l lwL ti y 111441 N'11,) rrs-
pl•etl4l hlv reirlltatll 1 wouldh..itat.r
to serve tin he nuu•il. He w,edd
not be a rnndidnt .
John Ihistios retired in favor. of
James ('1)1,41)1)11 .
Mr. Cili.h1111 snit!lie had tetirel in
-paws flare. - . fees -t4µ'- tteleetef .et,, •,.,'t
11(11 wont, .a till this time.
fftetleel't •t.l'n,1g11411 N'A.reit Nitre
whether c would stand 01 114.1.
' it teti(1 4441 0(4 a (.an -
For Reeve - John Harr, .lame*
For Col --
ncilioraitohert Clark, John
Fingland, Wm. J. Miller, John Ta1n-
bh•n, ,lames Walt. •
Reese -Robert MtK,ty (bt' a -
[nation I.
For Councillors --R. D. I. Win.Kerry, Herbert (!rich, J n F. McKay,
Win. Elgie, Jo Murry, John
rl anima, Jose tkinson u•ed,goelil.
•• HAY.
Ree .-P. Lamontmentors -- Wm. Oonsit, Henry
eel), L. Kalbteisch Fred %%Inert.,
old c114i 11 e,'-ef orris by arTIurfatb-.
l'SRORNF:. .
For Rete•ir-William :\tkinson, .11e
fret nankin.
('oimeillor,-Eme Fl Mklnner. Fled.
A. Ellerin;ton. Thotues lintel, Sam-
uel Malta( (sleeted b4• ncclanl*tltrnl.
i4'I'A N LIiY.
For Reeve -.Wm. (Hein Win. l',.
For Councillor* John McKinle),
Gas. T. Keys, Time. Nicholson. Alex.
Innes selected by acclarn* pnl•
(meth WIMP Pae .4.1
,the Telephone Act.
inspection Nath the telephone
ntrovrrry in C.d►wtrne township,
e Mtgn.l i4 Irei14rytr(I to puhliah the
'f&'ow ng fromtheTelephone Act, -a
t ltd w • r(I V I i . rap. 10:
'!bee !+.- Cost of -con44ruMr(
ing, ere..,
ing. installing and Iuaiutotilugsyste'
First Lot
2c each
Seventy-five ends Curtain
Muslin., dozens of different
designs, :al to 50inches wide,
lenggths of pieces 15 to tit
iisyhes. These would WA
Splendid stand or Amor
covers. Mtpy have frills on
side. Choice of this 21
Int, only
Second Lot 7c each
These are eatnples tat :Mi-
inch Curtnln Mu*lins. 41 Mot
or frill, each end is :1t inshrb I
to There are many f
-different designs 1.. cp , tae
frort. The lengths Stake {
them just right for sash
cnrtaln, or small windows.
('hoiee of (hi. 1 n t,
only 71
Third Lot 10c each
These are sample. of :ins
frills down both side*. each
end is inches, Iffine, there
are many designs. Splendid
for sash curtains. 1 ft,
'hoice of this Int. only- rk".
Fourth Lot 25c each
fine Madras M it I i 11 in
assorted colois. Fisch end
is about. two pie& long and
follow. the /1/11111.. design. in
soine cues in several color..
They will make splendid
eurtein.. and twice
eat h will lie tttttt 25c
only Cloth Coat..
:t extre good quality cloth with
very warm lining. weatern
..ahle colliers and revere.
, each. only
Coat for 536.50
erette to sell on liatnerlay.
‘Ve have five of three
They are made (roan very
itood quality highly finished
beaver In brown ot black,
lining. of Inmate' or
lock .quirrel and collate of
weetein sable ot mock
Helier. The Coats are worth
gan.110 without doubt,
big special for e36 50
Saturday. mech.
If y have been thinking et
ell of huy ing a Fur coat thin
atavism. this is en opportimitt
to get a good mat at a decided