HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-29, Page 6of
, ,, re. 11:In
Captain 01 an Ocean Una'B. C R E O N• E N H A R D• SIT WORK ON
Is a Real Autocrat.
Tee M.r, .1 He Deems It Noceeoarlb
Put s Passenger In -.Irons or Clap
Hem In a Cell, and In Cases of Etter `
A pens 1. Empowered to Take Life.
imagine a mayor or a judge of 9
aetreeit court or a county bber(II or e
*own u/arnhal of it •Wage of 3,800 pop
tnlaUou stepping out lute the street every second- year and arjangenteDl4 at the asss, of seventeen, she married
mad on general and &elf imposed au are already 'well in hand far the 1911 prioceoffaas Heinrich of Plebs. The
i kin Mize rderin B Cl i at deal of talk '
Remarkable Production Mas Taken
Place at Chilliwack Every Jther . Men of many, nations have pruuutuu-
Year Under the D.re,tion of Priests ori the Yrioceas Henry of Plebe tbe-
-Play Is In the Form of Tableaux most beautiful woman they have ever
-Jewo. She inherited her eharws from
.-Around Which Spectators Walk In her motber" Mrs:'"•Corewallis-West.
Chanting Proceseiee`►•-"One in 1911. who was regarded n famous NnglJb
Woman's World
A Noted Beauty Called ,"the
Princess of the Golden Locks"
Al wonde•riu) ;is -slut Ifastoou Play beauty when in her tune, less thau a
at Oberanint •Kau i= "repreeruts-
?J to a pronounced •. blond of m�•Atniu
tion of the ((fret tragedy • by 1 riI h height slender and graceful:5w'1tb grey
Colufriblii 1n.11an This is g}veq, complexion in 1891
l cyte and a perfect D
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Puttee.
Close, Higher -Live Stock -
Latest Quotations.
-. iday k:veulna. Dec "
Liverpool wheat futures closed today
to },d higher than yesterday; Fera
futures unehauged 1.. ,yd lower.
At Chicaxu. Lbw- amber wheat closed tar
Il la. -V higher that, >rrterday, Dee.'•srl bar .
,•ora. Mea' higher, :net December .oats 1M
• Winnipeg Options.
At Winnipeg, - l k-,•.a•Ler wheat elem.
ter.fay unchanged front yeatenlal. a•
...ember 'oats \ee higher;
Dec. V. t open. IIlngh. Low. 96%
14r. 9144 t44
1 ;Wee
generation ago. Tbq Princess Henri
or ty picking up a citizen o g poefornianlr war Vancouver wer>4ing caused gra
Ola to a cell and cLpping •
trona O'1 Trite -eaten front• many e' art we- • '
*elm for safe keeping! trans of that riot of the Hriti,lh Jim•
Wookln't the bird of American lib par already sflf aetit.ly rrh uraing
y set up a scream! Wouldn't the
p and y cracked y
Id 1 bad; ked Liberty tell their parte and Hoot ,mauler co
o this
iseeisuate W discord? 11'agihr cos -t will d be
l tneirobb• - for
whit will undoubtedly' be th4-besS of
Allyl one of the great transa an c
tl ti Uu l.xtr.turthrier ..cyte, of oaesj••ri
partner bteamahips leaves the three (day- gne•n'by the aborigines of Dan
elle halt of New York the passenger_,' ,la's wetteen-most provulci.. 't9i•' llrt!
.cls tri foreign territory on the high seas. duction will take /nice. at ane .ut '
English, French, German -whatever little• 1 ssan• Catholic wars un+.
She flag rel tbe masthead -•the ship is a gleam, white and -pea vtul, at tj lckT'
Bertiou of Its fatherland,,floating iu th.e - ut,. th, .pruce•.;la, n o :steins o1 ellJ�•
610 sea,, where only maritime 'swim cuuel.'vantft•. 1'ri.►-t. wlii,-hese -petit
;regarding IUs transit in times' of peso, their lives .levoto !�' >,nuiintg rot-lons
lana, hdst cbeck upon the czardurn iron tb•'ir i,1 tat los it •hu Wive out
down •lnewating-`and' de�Vil-•lancing,
/he shy:s commander, o0 or off tile • are have htyy with fuse pnlinunary
Orldge. .reparnti:,ti- tar khat will undeubteed-
No colt has more power within bin ! ly hp':igr .'1 *the n,.+st vventtul robs -
'territory than has the captain of the ions re. -oration, on the -tun/i%
treat Atlantic liner on the high seas,', ` cdl wi. trot Ivugr sur r 'IN►
"Be- In on an island of his country's 1 •aw a s-
•ownership-a-flonling bland. having a a,t„n tuLliuux ;4rx•ittcd chi httb
imputation of 8&N) employees and look- ls.wrl ..t l'h111rwaek, milt;'L�om
lag after the welfare and safety of Per', r, It'`'ut•er, says a winter in They '-;tont•
r•nl tnndurd. Ther.•, near tine. banns`
lisps 3,0(19 passengerr_._ Ile is_ _pone- tlo.. • ., , . W to-
nically the administrative eleeutive tn..-all of Georgia, was 1pyfaJ t Doi-
'n d 1 1 i 1 ell gIP individual such as inspiring spertecln inn(:/<aiWr
as j vie 2% Mir . We
1111 Toronto Grain Market.
W beat , bushel p, rL to is W
It W neat, wooer, busk
Rye. bushel a to ..
Itarley. bushel 060 V •
Ituckwheat. bushel .. u 40
Peak,..bwhel , u is OM
Data, bushel . - u 31 a a►
Toronto Dairy Market.
lantter,-,wpacator. dairy. Ibtr .a 0 a
It 'ter. „tar.• lots.... 0 :1 V
Butter. creamery. It- rolls016 e a
flutter creamery. solids0 a ...
Ewer. new -laid . _ 0 W
• 1:exs. -old storage u t 0
.ers0. Ib. u l: V u51a
11 •neycombs• damn - W 2 oe
Honey .eatrwcted. It, -5 10 v 11
New York Dairy Market.
,Wnw..J NO 11048 030
303'1100 SS3NISf18
,2srl6n y suad0 ki.ral
•Sap .�uu .sous(
siSatl0. )
aql 1v tiepin par dmIOt(
1' AIWA! Splits .\illi noA
•ssa.ame of timbered
s! VIMUrt) lu unfttlaoaeey
.Jolvanpz Ivto,lawmo' y eq1
tutu; vwuldlp Y '11 Jul rr1!Jr
uosvdr tl 0( wt..gey •euo(1
•lend 10.51 aql, ldM s nurl:P aP
el! 1041 poll!wpv S(aa1, • ! 1!
' 'pUV epVUtt,) u! a(do.kl limas
to saduntal 1e.d(tr( 591 •!
utwgo s!9.L sJtra.< x!•-dtuarl
..iit•.d .91 ltowmp p.purtio
- window anvril-gllly of ulvg.
1eeloas l V eptruv tut -nue V e.
SS Wens
N1:\W 'YOItK, Dei. Zi --Butter---$.t.-ady,
uucliahteed. receipts MM. -'-
•Trr.p-FYrrn. unchanged. receipt". .'172,
gager=Easy. ivretpts. 511:.. state, ions-
'-ylvaula and raeclrhy• !hennery. hrows.
fancy, ' to Ile: do.. a.atberrd. bn.w71.
'Jia• to Mc: fresh gathered. extra first.
to ak•. - fares, ;.t. to 3M , era.ndn, :8k
n 111 1.7 H 1 ' 4 11 a
exists: turel • ou the mapof resent to be seen in ono ether ?art ol. the
s A
thorny over mankind. he may have Pity of British i,luiriLMA. as tory, call } goody, pekes un, ha, n:etL
Am rican Eichanges, Quiet and Gen -
rally Steady -Hogs Firmer.
Se:' ' YORK. ler.. - 1. -Landon cables
quotie- - r t•sada--t.+-41 y`.._44taYaty,-41
.:'h' to tie per -pound refrigerator beep
at. ta4• t . y\,c per pound
y P E• Buffalo Cattle Market
day drift -ration. Aside from Wm au- Atin,iiean runt.tnr -- To .the .l:ar.l.•I1 f 'F Jur Cattle
s cart) Its
carpo. .ii h
Veale- Iter
higher i. So
strong to
yorkers, la16
roughs, . 17. 16 to
dairies• to t0 is
-,."-.OU'1 of vessel looter him to say • Clotho -ark, outspread at thu.ita4t lit
15.5 5u. head. r1.1..-
ove sad Zk
white -temente M()unttun t heewl, coma t • art $1O.t(.
bottling of the International MAUS and +
Hogs- i t• uu nra.f: slow and
IMM) Ind tallih Tt,Cy, iurludi•d the rens , j�.i
era. G tghrr h•••1vy mlxe.' and
within.. in Gold In transshipment.
stouts of thirty tribes., all that err,.left
"Tber'e's the captain." be a whl'nered • It the-deeeenilants of the nti, -oi tea': PEulc1tllks
'bit of comment made a million times mien that eteneri thelatul roma*: to
lw yes' in the ocean
nnMF of the pas tel a , w• trance 01 th ,un ti s
sages of great oeeao eteatnablps. And (i,dk tun ' l Valta+uuvrr ybodies Immediately : .51.01) ac'tive- wets s. 1.• to 3a 'slitter;
athrted to look upMiss West's family handy Isamh. ,pray"' 6A IVa- . t4er. bevy
sPaerally tbe captain looks the part. Thu• I'usswr'pinv of the vera :{ y lamest slow hese, taalba. G to 114E;
1e 1s not so much his uniform either. �'�f different from that•given at the tree. and it was found that she sons a 'bandy haat•.. $,.-re. ,earllIgy,,
Hint "1.1 F:ur 4(1eat. village: Thr Ito .direct descendant of King Henry 111. of • to eether., to .to r' ew.,.
?Fber arlty the captain a not young. >ta1-1-'3 ; abeep. mixed. 1. ..0 .
flbere k grwj In bin hair, musEacbe 1 sum (;athohc fathers, in�lerd, anY It.ngtand.:• She is nle>tt(amed "the pyla- i
that ft is a tea.•hino et Lilo go/11e.1 by case .with' the golden locks. lo ver • _ N Yprk Li -eek.
or Najd That young _mon in his h �t tv YDRI4 tier -1"..- t«• yes-ttw 0tpta
twcnthes. no matter what his school• Mann, of tableaux represit ting the fond (.•yachting, hunting and spo m
great Imssion. p law market firms. lite mai to Mgr,
fag for beginning the work. boil called general. and. the German nob omen - stockers and fesMer':, 31.x. ►velli., N to a,.
a•R ••\Ce teach the great central truths
Bowe, $ w (N.05 der.. Gtrf rt. aa1Y•
st A rlwmeut's notice to the captain's of Christian faiths h s continuation hold tip their bands !n Or-.%lpvaft
y she rides to hounds shoots 'ptieas- ureses tf morrow. 914 c fur and li,�
tirWge. He moat flare bis maximum of the powers of the 6hurch and the quaptees of beet. lower
of trsisting for six or seven numhcers stage," .aid one open-minded Luissions ants to the ro park at FtYrlten• [x,[ary nthRinxt Wet s. t�nul.xe v dJ„•mnaaf
$fie• to prime. 16.50 to {10.:45, top.,
and har•nyard calvCa. 0t wart-•
e.elt; dresser: calves weak to lo
.•.dteaned weals. llc W 161, count
Winter Term Opens Jan. 3rd
Elliott Business College
4'Rnada's 114th -elite. o in w s• I r. a 1
x,4101 f. Absolutely sep.•ri"r in+Ulu .
Goo. Write todat for (argr catalogue.
par". 1•31) fo 1{har: ,.
SltMrat-OP PLUM 'ND age Safi. ..5 stags. 11.6 to 96.19.
t .d end,
because site slmply bliss West. a 'sheep and tte,e3pta, Me head;
ecommoner. Bus
below before be in called to the toot nry. II 11- ,iL''r,ls encs Is of Inc ,
.of the ladder. • The tableaux, or play:; if' yeti will flan nolle f(y alarnt his tether's death
On the British paaseoger vessel aaire it iV1," remarked another Lather, taboritera fortune'of:i201.000.Of0. The
.tnmt 0l the beginners at navigating .."Is -intended to, be an object les+on for teatnsEa- of Lie
the Indians, who look upon the
society la
tMtooing. and Princes;Hear of Plesv' Calvet, a to Ise.
an ocean vessel of the first chane will ,. y dnetp and La1Me-Kpcettn*
t 9 -rete } • • I t
vary handy western"
Warr to
ez. city
Lave had a lieutenant's commission-`duotla,n with gree e t yeti Is safe to be sktllfulewIth the steed}e. art t ry stow, pricy.. y 'lanai
is thequickest and new - r(fsetual w on Buffalo advice", wheel.. L'.It'
I[ro�n .lee nary. It L9 from the royal way in which to edu : them et the
irate, $(..Z.0 to 16.50.
nary reserves that the lowest ofllcer's various episodes • our Redeemer's Where Matrimony SooPes. setts-llc ctpts. ran; TM sales re
eacesey is fl111d. Filling it, he has his - alsolort. Out diana are. £uet• like Dr. Jacques Bert�uon, the eminent..I numtni►Ity steady.
*hates. to ,rlse.tp the position of cap= Intle chi It is easier to train ?reach physician and an srknuwl. • -Chicago Live Stock.
'fain I them + ' the eye ant personal mum .edged authority. announces the Coo- . rnreAcio. Tree.' «1.-carne='Rarer
! e tau b the yrs "Gook•" Mee market weak; beeves, 14.a3 to t7.i;
As to the captain's authority: bila y M bed elation that matrlmoay ie the greatest Texan steers, 1410 to $.Z; westeire steer;
midnight, •wean In a tog the White'''..Indsuiis took part: tel thirteen tab- aid to longevity. He says if area ants' Se to W90: stockers at feeders. ku' tt
ton of Our I..nl. }t • >jt?5: ,rove. :ad bait<rs, i- t0 t., IS coves
eltenmshi Standard, the Baltic needed va tbwy must marry. Tbts• he say-, -is, Hogs -Receipts. ,."5000, market stead,
1 sunny summer day, that the great fief--� +
Its captain, and he Was there. Iib t,val txsutm.;ttced. a replica of which
established by statistics gfeaned:from •,�n4tto cos.$(779..f;
Y�n1itmixeydr t.vaeo cwt
ahlp carpenters were rushed to the will be given next year. The fathers' all over the world.. AttnaM}d man Heavy. t1 d to (9 ; rouafr tL70 to TRE
blow of the vessel and began the goat had heft special service- in the reser• or woman has. be nays. • tbrtce the good to choice heavy. fief• to 1'.90. pie..
Of patching up the hole In tbe Bsltie's vntiun for five days previously. chance of a good long run es a barb- ,17.145 to St.2;. bete or sales, $7.7.) to 117.2
•reel sheathing. ' bringing the Indian- up to the elor or a s inater.' 1n further tllustra- weep-Rteetpt", . 12'uar; mar'"'..!:' weak
P native, 12.40 t. *1.16; western, C.w to $410
Oup(toee that in a stampede of ti prop. -r -tate of mind for the wolemu eon of his coutentfoo that the wedded y.ar ngi, $4.50 to .1p.eu. teals,. native.
MOW* crew Its employees had rushed occasion. A. th. tuuur Otruek file -life 14"best frit mean he shows that the - res to es.Z, western, $.1e to $6.2".
multitude of red men and Womeh mortality afuon Widowers is greater
:lip to 011 Ila boats? It WAS within tbey g
took tl,rir pla/ea int the lung praxes' than the average, among twinned men.
CAptaln•s power to bare shot down the' ,sou Which was to a around ruck
le>pder-lo hare brought afloat war to group. • There were o1.1 patriarchs and 80 he recommes'ils tbem to look out
the knife, revolver and rlfle In the In wrinkled dames who saw the light for a new partner -that is, at nflb rate.
'Presto' of bis Tease1 and its passes- taeforr (Queen Victoria went - the If they are under sixty. (This is :hid
gers Or had some passenger or pas- /home of Great Britain; there were advice to young mens
aong.rs become pante stricken and young it:ethers with papooses ort their •'harry. Yon will do well. etap from..
against orders menaced the welfare of track-. thi•ir -stolid -husbands by their • selfish standpoint. ' But -Match care• r
the majority on the ship death would peers: young dashnlg hacks and nouns' fully over your wife's'health, as even
have beet. dealt with the game rigid limbed, black-eyed -maidens and hun from this a otistiest lit tit view her
iirlls of neatly -dressed acha(l chit. g point
dlsclpltne which requires of the cap• 14tH ions will be a terrible misfortune, for
talo that be to the autocrat at lib Before - the procession started a your life dellendn in a great measure ,
int- - ' priest addressed the Indians in Chi- on her own "
There are no forms of writs or war- e.,4, the.'- language of hatter lye - Dr. Bertlllon finds that the mortality
!anis neeesaary. There b no court at I'rrs•n whites and reds on the north- among widows to midi greater than,
Which the passenger or the seaman ion Patine: coast. Some Indians from among married •women Of the same
lags, give bond. to that instant of Lite interior' did not understand this -age The death r 00901f.,widows from
endden great emergency which arises sial f••r their benefit the address
twenty to twenty -die years of age. b*
the caplaln•a word in .lmtaore than writ- aS' translattid int. "i'talo.• " nye, la twice that of married women
ten law; It Is the und,ftten common 'A's you pass each group represent -
law of the high seas, in the spirit of tag the passion and .heath of our of the same age. e. I
whirl' (be vigilance commttttr of the blessed Lord en. Saviour, remerpnber Rut the doctor Very gallatjtly. Anda.�
your sire," said the lk er tui res- that women have Ipoa need foe men
:wild west of the United States rose, Slvefe. a' - than men have for women Lien are
filar Bettie struck the German oil kite / t the Pea �yomen would reach a good old age
s et Chrie in ,flu• nftcrtl,yon ut•Jr" >,i.IS u. ON.
fawlessly lawful.
Today the captain of the greet liner
easy step Into the palatial cabin and
command order` Ile may go into the
smoking cabin and. stop tbe game of
cards at whlcb the -sharper is playing
for his sinkers. in craw of recusal that
ancient land right of "no deprivatlafn
of liberty without due process of law"
becomes a farce. The s room or
even ' the iron minacIag of the cap-
taln's authority rimy -he used upon the
individual whohos peld 911100 or 91,000
'for bin sult-0f rooms and his passage.
(7n the high , sons the captain's ship
becomes an autocratic democracy. The
individual in the Orel cabin and nt the
captain's table must share with the
immigrant Int below those equities
that are granted to each In his place.
"Don't Mirk the captain," aaId an
official In the oflieea of a great steam-
ship line "He is ,II there le of author-
ity. He is the supreme entity of his
hbip Ile to dresser; for it; but, more
khan that, he is trnlned to It. Ile M
empowered to take life it be must, and
mon hind (his M the most aalous of all
things 111 the statute books."
"Commodore of the fleet" In one of
the onkel toward which the old ser
rsl.taln kooks. not envloOsly, not with
disdain It Is a naval number in the
parwroper service which marks the
age of retirement. There Is honer in
the mile It does not Arwood to lila
To the some! of. a weird chant the
cortege tiepin its march.- An Indian
cello! eat to the apes'tators that the
nsnret was styled The Way to -the
Crosse" whither the prom -Mon led:
Thomas Michael, a widely , known
ltebau of the SZechelt tribe, led the
waO --merry-111g the heavy cross. Be.
hind' the. uptilted emblem of Chris-
tianity walked sistett in -black and
mission girls in light-eolertel frocks.
9'heu tollowtel the representatives of
the thirty tribes. each with the chleV
at the bead. in tribal order. Ttie
priests walked between the linea and
encouraged the chanting, which wnti-
kept. up roontTnuouoly f.er a couple of
oo ur' er alma. ' -•
Durl.sg all -this ,time the S*'ehelt
!rldinn+'and others whs. e. nijw. ed (lie
thirteenotehleata, hell to remain pees
ell, w e the great pmeessiun punset
[lowly' frogs group to group. The lo •
(linos pored es 11 rut :n "tone for a
peri...) which no white - Man_ could
emulate. .
The first tableau showed 8t. Peter.
St. 'Jame, and St. • John asle'inooin
the linrde•n o1 G.Olis.'ni4ne, walls
Jesu.t ('heist praying. Next canoe the
/Moot of Jesus, with ,Ju•bns and ser-
yrcant- (w,rtriye1 by heliins. Groups
s. 4 and 5 depicted theudgmcnt of
Nine. the sauteing by hie order and
the ernwning with thorns. Resor Home.
Pontic' Pilar'. showing leur to the
people; was next strikingly tepresent•
n1 rind then the paired -inn posse. 0,1
at sit?* Christ billing under the her.
th' hen•hi
.len cries s mewhnl<
4'1. ,
ehlMren He givers halt Ws life to the v•ith the Virgin Mart, his eondohlnt
ri the women no,l St. .rontcn an -
graining of It, and N means that his .ft„�f lin(t his bleeding feet. Then came.
•Mlvtttea tine powers ars at as MOs- lin. I1. stripping the clothes off Chriet
*keogo Trthum . ptepeeekorr 1a lila eturiflZ10u. 059
less careful of their habits, and are.
Unable to live so near the -ideal .11fe
when deprived. either be design ur
circumstance. of the watchful care of
a wife. When we live under the rut.-
of matrimony we g:.ln. When people
lean they influence they. Haber. he
New Grob Bap,
A new grub bag plan that Is twine
tried this year with grinvett:Om oh
the part'of youthful pntetlb:y pf bazaars
Is rnlltd the ••ok1 tatty. with 100
pockets." ' '
The old Indy Is a huge figure (which
may he' eonritrncteti over a larite tear
rel by way of saving Unfit, dressed it;
• hoopskirt or a Wide countrified gown
mild bonnet and carrying a big cotton
In her dress are hidden nwny 100
?oCketr, In each of which a little five
or ten cent gift Is tucked nwnv. On
the outside of each poekelt Is pinned
number, or this any he chalked
there Thr,' child pity tr g Itis dime or
nickel s(1ts•1fles what poi kel he wl1hps
the contents at: anal this 1 Jrninwli-
'lely thea him. 110164. one mUst be at
hand. of comm., to reeetve,the money
paid to: the old Indy rind to deliver op.
the contents of her numerous pnicitreta
The Asparagus Cure. '
The latest 1. the .barrages cure
taken in switserland.T-,i'bo nnthes
find It prantehl., no is tee cesw with
moat cures Rot then adytbing for la
*tepee to go to Switserland.
Will Enter Convent.
• West Arichat. N.S.; Dec. ?A. -Hal
tie Leblanc, the 17 -year-old. Frerrcte
Canadian girl, who was recently ec-
quitted of the murder of Clarence if
Glover of Waltham, Mass., of a
sensational trial at East C+ • ridge,
:Mass, is going to ante convent.
81)4. declared yesterd at she would
spurn the scores '. offers ofl'nsrriage
and vaudevt contracts. which had
been m . • - , her.
ant to retire from the •world,
I,went most of all a -good educe -
taon." elle said. - -
Struggle With 1 . Man.
Cincinnati, 0., Dec. 24. --Serious in-
jury to two nurses and two patients
and minor hurts 'to several ether in-
mates of the "'Strong"' ward of the
City Hospital, resulted yesterday from
a lite and death tight with an insane
man.' weigking 215 pounds. and armed
with a knife.
The fight lasted more than' fifteen
minutes and during it beds. tables and
chairs were upset.
rr Attempted. Suicide. -
Wit nipeg, Dec. 24. -Angered to an
extreme state of nervousnes ()ver the
alleged unfaithfulness of his ' wife,
• wham he found in company with an
other roan. -Bert Metcalfe. teamster.
aged 26 years, living at 264 (ting street.
attempted stickle early. yesterday
morning by cutting his throat'wtrll a
ralor. He will likely recover.
I naugys'ated President.
Si -innate'''. de, Gee. 24 - - tnon
Ramus I.uco was inauggrated J regi -
dent of Chile yesterday.. Imposing
eeremonies, participated in by the
army, navy, and diplomatic corps,
marked the inauguration. President
Luce suecee(ts the late President
Montt*, who died ill Berlin lest sum-
Canoe Factory Burned.
J.ak•4ielir. li.•e. 24 --Thr lAketield
;canoe Building and Manufacturing
-Co.'s factory was totally destr,ye"f by
tire earl• yc-terdny morning.
' The origin of the fire is unknown.
The lass is shout $5,010. partly cow-
ered by insurance.
Lan a Faihrh.
1 London. $,e. 94.-(C.A.1'. Cable.)-
' The Raskatehewan loan was almost a
romplet* failure as the undrrwritatr
have Its+ per scent„ of it. The loan was
a Million pounds of .4 per event. sloe!
at 101 with ten shillings thrown in b►
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Cateleeaee Free
I. W Weeer.elt, 1 W W..,.e..k. Ir .0 A : -
Principal V•u.Pnwc.wl
Thanking �'uu for past
courtesies, and trusting,
in the -Nett' Year, yoti will'
find -it yourpleasure
and cl n
, ' advantage -to- do your
Hardware purchasing of
us. We protttise )'ou • we
will endeavor to do our'
Jowell -hard ware Co.,
e "veer v • •
\itt•; l'1 ,1' iNTERFMi'H, -1N'
-riff: F.tNIILY IlEItALI' ANI)13'EEKLI- ST.'iR, of Montielr,
1s going to rend three of Ile readers DI the 114 (:..ut t ry lie s'
J+lne at the time of the Coronal isms with Ail expe.ewspaid. It..ni.1,.,.
part of Canada. and a Iihrtetallowaner iittbpenrling nlnnt•.v.
We -have completed arr•11ngrnienra with the puhli h- r. of The
Family Ileewld by witteh oas resale n x;111 enter the eoss*(tetltiun for
this psiae trip, and it varmint' will be a trip roue dt•sisell. e '
1 - ve received a carload
of the - brated
and should like you to
them. We back the Gr
Cutter against any other
Cutter in the market.
Robert Wilson
Massey Harris Agency
Special Offer
The . Daily
Mail dad Empire , .
(rem now to 1st May. 1911. and
_. The Signal
isyr on,- year for only
This gives Signal subecriters
the opportunity of securing the
Toronto chile for the pericci
named at half the regular prier.
*Che j lestliamentary r e p n r l s
municipal ell-etions and .•thee
'doings of the winter month. wil
make inter'eting readigtt.
Address'all ri ersto
The Signal,
The i.RUP of "The Family Herald and Week
of SPpteusIer I:.th. 115110. had 868,3T0 to
on ah rives age of five readet•s to each p
llowt Many Readers
March ISth, 191 the same basil; have ?
'.Ve slier THE NI(( '.I. (Mtn now until January be, 1412. .tel
The Family Herald and Weekly Star fol one year for 11119 is. sod
.-very persk'n accepting thi...ner has the right to make yrs e•-: un •'e•,
mind •1'he Family tiern1(l and 11'eeklySsar willsend the first sliter
peneme who make the cornet, er nearest 14) ret'1•ect. Pollinate to
England. with all expenses paid frlirt an part of ('wattle, and a
Neral tellowance for s(endiry( money.
Special Offer to
Signal Subscribers
1t a snleteMber to the Signal win• a pi ire -4776711
eotyp•tition we will glee ver, addrtumnt $60.00 to
this pn•non for spending money on the' (11,'. Only
nue •nth ono, to he given hfi The Sigurd, and that for
the heed f'.+utast,..
F.ntima(e coupon. ran be hart at tbi• office, which mast be tilled
in and accompany your sittw•ripsion to the ten fe pero. '
The family Herald and 11'eekh' Star, of ll'ntreal, lei the
greiitest funnily and 1 tem paper on thucuntittant arta-ww aataly.
depended upon to entry out this unique competition impartiallyy. We
hope to a*P wimp of our render•, win the trip.' Mend your suh.erip-
tMit+ in NOW. Address all orders to this um*1e.
i; Most SuitabieGifts
are the most attractive and sensible presents to give'
They are alit'ays needed: The various ' kinds of
Slippers we have. for men, ladies and children, in felt
and leather, rank high as useful gifts. We invite
you to inspect our stock and judge, whether ycu can
anywhere buy to better advantage or have a greater
variety to choose from,;,. Don't tail to see our
Skating Boots and Moc asins. -
Pretty Shoes . for the Wee Folks. ' Any
attempt to- describe the complete assortment _of
infantti and children's Sloes' would prove hopeless.
\Ve always have such, an immense variety of all
kinds that it is an Easy matter to choose just what
you want, at'any price you want.
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square, aoderich.