HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-29, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODElt1CH ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS. Crowded Out.•"A Visit to Fairyland.- tilvetitlbudgets efdistrietcur,•cspun: It WIN un apppreciative audience. s, 'we, with many items of town news. which wit newel thejlroduction at the :u n• noavoit}ably erowdexl out of this Opera Hemet) on Teleiday svenitig of iesue. 1' 41r1t'MIM/lldeuts Would help ie. the dramatic eantats entitled- ".A trreads. by sending in their, letter. a lit tie till liter in the week. Decision in Colborne Case. '- Decision has been given by 4'haneel- lor Kir John lilted in the ease et Car- ley Ye. Township of Colborne which was heard at the non -jury vittisgs of the iligh Court bele last week. The action Bois dislnlsrrd, elide piety le pay its own emote. .Jardine -Anderson Wedding. Visit to 1..eirilatid." under the direc- tion of J. H. Hunter. Hy the excellent work dote by the children Mr. Hunter demonstrated his ability as it first- class musical trainer and conductor, The other nuwlwr.. given by local talent. Were thoroughly enjoyed ity all. The public en future ocertelons may lie assured of a tenet in the event of Mr. Hunter's providing entertain- ments of a similar nature. Turner -Newcombe. Monday of this week Albert Jardine St. George's Church, Goderich, war itud Miss Robina Anderson, of Salt- the scene of n quirt' but peed y wed - ford. were unite) in stem isge In Key. 'drug at M•o'elnek nm Temeday morning when 1 h t {x• . Geo. E. Ross. 1'herr it N ial inter- Mies la I li.' NPwentulo, t•Id- e.-i. in the event as the-bride is a sister. est daughter nt John Nei,comtw, of of Lizzie Anderson. the Victim of the the Huron road. was united in guar. tragedy of , last September, while the groom is a brother of the man who is being held on suspicion ot being im- plicated in the same affair. u. C. H. C. Office e•. At the December lttt*Oink of Gude- . ich Circle. Order of i anadian Hume circles. the following canters were elected for the eneninu year; P. 1.., J. H. Worsens le. .1..1?:. -Toes t \Its. Naegle;secretary, Mr'. Penning- ton : treasurer. Warninek : -chaplain. We. Ntoddart : alar., Mee Bogie; war., Mr*. Curry : S., P. W. Curry : (i , Alex. ('lark. Fred drophey Wedded. A happy event took piece et Sea - forth yesteraav, when Fred. Bruphey. a well-known tiederich buy, joined the army of the henedict*. foe` bride Was Mb., Belle .!Snole, who is also well know•nJn town. We understand Mr. and Men. Rrophey piirpose residing at Winnipeg. Herne congratulations ire extended to the newly wedded couple. Foresters Elect. Court 0oderich.- net :t:. ('. O. F.. held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening of last week and elected their otticens for 1911 as follows: J. P. 4'. k Thos. Burrows ; 1'. R.. W. M. Knight V. 1'. k . W. McCreath, jr. ; chuplain. T. lhennan: S. W . 1). site -mile; .1- t% ., '11., B. 3ic1)(maid; 1,11., G. Wrllldri.: J. B., A. Hadden ; auditors. W. • Mr: heath and T. I►rennen. The next meeting of the court will be held en felt sdiy, January 3rd. Horse Market, January ION•. • Arrangements have _been cumplete4 for the hnldiog of Homier monthly hone •neetkets in 1 elerich during .1 be -rousing winter. The date of the tit .t market heti been set for- Tueeehey, . January IIHh. lir. W. F'. 1 lark has !wen appointed Nresident, and with Iso Connolly ax vice-pierideut every- -thing will ire done to make theme markets even more .uccessfinl then 11100P of rot vier years. risee to Kohne R.• Turner. of (lode - rich. Rev. M. 'Turnbull was the offici- ating eiergy ►Han. The young roulette were.ttenllyd by Miss Sadie V. Barrs and Harold Newcombe. brother of th.• bride. The beide was attired in her travelling punt of navy blur broad. rinttf with has to ,hatch. She ale,. wore the -groom's gift. a handsome pearl bt'occli. The Mitten Was K.twnetl- in - navy--blue,--with s -black picture hat. The groan's gift to the bridesmaid wan :1- gold necklet, wit pearl letting.. and 10 the grloutstu t wiled gold -usenet cuff -links, lfte)•,.the nuptial knot was tied' the' happy eol)ple drove to the 6. T. k. stettee, taking the 'rein for a welding trip to Turonto,.Heiffslo and Magma Falb Ma..and Mi-. Turner will take up r residence in town upon they. turn. attended by ehe•best wishes -of a large circle -l'• (r.eudlt. - N j Skating 'Rink Qarfiageo, .. few t toe. bettered o'il,M•k 'Tinea-. 'i'1► - isg--lite•-- Terri tr ono in tele '1 ' t rUtvt *ka1irig rink. and did ran-' 9itleridd• Ila ge before it wan tinder eote1111. Wurkunvl haul etantnette'J. tJtat-anwainit . w.•rntiF,the Mew in preiared 4111 fo1• ti. a...slit for an it** 1'illk, nisi Ai.' tar t Iii. h wa. being used belled once mod -ignited. An at- tetndt was`isfarl • t . -.milli l'hi.holes to ...grey the IM'd out,ide,, -but he • was forced t., de) ti After lee. liner. tiii.it I)IUIIel anti b..Iry eiug.d in 't heat- tempt.: The bengal.. I..•spondril priaHptly and wither :m hour the fire was tinder ...mod. The- dressing 3.4411, at.tlw • m. -I end .4 the Intiltifyili w'err.•onlplete1V t i.rk.vl atkl the nit.( N NW.1.1,11y IIs i11.Ig•'.I. VW 1,.1119.• 111.1.It- Neil 1.y Merle.- -Fe-i --arms arm .114hU, Ind of nn time were any • d 1n•r J 'silences in any ' di:atr .Linger. The.learnrtion of th• rink .ane. of an unlucky t' • fur the hon - Ley elide. There being no other phew to pflu•tixe•. it i• alue.•.t OW4'0n1111. that 1 beteri'•tt will 1.o1. Is• represented in the' 1►. 111: A. -game. ,Idi.-vyt.e.r1. There. in an iitslu•anreof *2.10101 of. the !wil.ines .one as sit ns _this ha. been boy Scouts at the Gym.w eTseeo. 1, ill lie talken to repine - . 1• slit. In Monday aftermon, .Iamt.ilV 2nd: ' I lie I.uildisg 1 bat it 'luny be trod fes .1.glr of the Mqs of the Y. M. C. A,- pert J.fII..• ...Loins ins ..•awe" this winter. win p.•rforn, renew entugts•' that obey 1b1 • •Ili 11."-.. rhe how,. suffer a have neeel .practisinj( tinder the dime -ibis. ..1 1(.11 . ..- 111.•11 144 g., 11...•14 of lion of Mr. Storansyn entitle Y:M.Irolh•r-Late. tea - 411#•-It011-.1 and th.y - A..worker from arroxs the border. 1111.1 1. i1.-111.1111, .rill- be oche T T 'ntltghat>r- ----- _ Ins 'tufe gymnasium will be tnl Death o► Mrs. James Cu4 le•ty, by a game of tlitaket•Iw11. The I .\iter a short lienee+ I •hristimi Mair, , tit Inns ham will he open from :t:Arte.. relict .'t the ...( • Janina Cull. p4ese.l Hoek : d -friends nt the Assecialion !ANNA at the hosto' .1 her 1.1/11. R. H. and of th coots mrd invited a) drop, Cute. Mom rerl street, nn Sunday in and see • r bees. rnini' The :ate Mea, ("int war native of the Orkin') Islands, g Tile Rowcliffe case.- 1trio is there in the year- ee21 At her A case- of en-iderahle interest {1a •Ieatb she wean eigltty.•iix years, nine residelite of the •,thein petit of the! luoaIli* ibd three daybuld. In 1't.i enmity i.i bring Lai this week before while still a !trident of her ustive His Honor Jia.tge Do• 1•. -The heat:leg ...1 tete rase (semen.eneeTieeedav after. anon and it is tbat 11 he King vs. • Kitwetiffe and Chapman. he denote being. cons piracy to trait ver fifty witnes.es were "examined b Down Attorney Seeger. a number 1 .identified certain aetieIir-WfI -fated had Leen etolen fest t The het. of articles alleged to ha lwen taken teem farmers in quieten hi h•wn v ' included 11.111 harness horse' n blankete. a robe. Carpenters' !eels, 1 spades and shovel', and they were R produ-ed' in colu't, The examining of 01 the witnesses for t he defence was corn- "id h' weiceel this itterneon. W.' Proud. Lich. an, not. K. C.. is conducting the examin• tome Sas tion for the defendants. It will be diced silt vee ...membered that some months ago place en Jto 'hempen, Rowcliffe's hired reen,L_Tgs short service a riveted ort a chat Ke of theft. He con- by Rev."(161711.- ...well 10 'having been guilty of the taken to the C. harge laid against him but implicated placed on the 2:15 is emplover, Rowecliffe. The case lo• lancet" Walton. from 1 r'.litutly the 11 Sr,tsc.I W$4 'milted in marriage to .lames Cult. Twn1'yenrs leenr they ranigrat ed to Camilla and settled in W1ni,han: taweehip., I'erth county. where they evade their home, tureighteen year.. They then moved t11 Grey township, w herr .lire. Cott bey co'itiniwd to live until fifteen yeere ago. Her hnsIee..l diel in April. He'l),, [raving Grew'townmhip she came to l.o.lerich -nil had since resided with er sem, Roht. H. Putt. The surviving slily consist. of Mn: Thomas Mc - n, of Grey township ; lames Cent. th : John. of Grey. on the mooed ; Kohl. H.. of (inde- Mee .1. E. Coote k., of 8aak4- Thomas. another son, ego. The funeral took sy afternoon. After a tJjl•• holier: conducted he remains wet e P. R. station and sin for..conyey- hich place the boy was borne to its last resting place in Brussels ceretery. The late Mrs. Cute was a lifelong Presbyterian. having joined the (donde st the age of seventeen. She erns of a kindlylldi.po- Nition, held in high esteem by her friends. and was able and eller willing at rill times t3 set as a wise eouneellor. The bereaved family will hate genet•al sympathy- in their loss. biro. the Court today is the outcome of him confession. ('lineman erne sen- tenced on the charge laid against hint arid has been serving a term in jail: Death ot Henry Robinson. After it lingering illusion extending over eighteen months, the spirit of Henry Robinson took its flight. ou Monday of this week. He had been able to be st>1out, until aifout two weekie prior to his depth. when his ill- ness took on an acute form which has- tened the ettd. The deceased was a of the late Wm. Robinson and of Mrs. Robinson, of town, and was horn at r htttsville flay -six years ego. Vhephe Was about five Been of age hi listing moved to Goderich, where lead since made his home confifru nntely He was for years it valued enl- .1)h1 ee of the Western Canada Flour MiICo. About thirty years ago he wee married to Miss Annie Frage!), of a CoIb.,rne, who, with two daughters, s left to mourn his toes. The daugh- (•gtre Men. Cousins, of Detroit, who arrived -here shortly before the death "f her father.. find Miss Celia, at home. Mrs. 8. E. Hick; Of town, is 14 sister. 'tri also are Mrs. Jatlietlon, of Rt. Paul, Minn., and Mee. John McgAllister, of Vsncouvee. H. C. (;apt. Wes. Robin- son, of God d erich, Jas. Robinson, Of 1'}ois- *vain. Man.. and Geo. T. ltobinson,i(„ !linen, Man., are brothers. l'he late 1Vm. Robinson, father of the de- ceased, died six years ago at Bedsore - vein, Man, Hin mother, atter a resi- dence of namely two years in Van• rnilver, arrived In town shout two mutfthei ego and is at present !yam ill At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hick. The funeral taken place this after - end is underauspices the auspis of the era 1 tofflciate «t gelThe IInter•nieent Dw i it medic in Melt'and.oemetary. LOCAL TOPICS 'fie BRIEF. A happy Ni* Wert., MI petmr.. of Smith'. Art story. Ea.t .1n•et. During the miming year (-ter) •lfort alit he male to trivet the want. of the piddle ill th,• line. w'hi(l. thio Ston• Carni$ Alw'n)• a plraaure h, ml ,w spume+. Mark peer toilet. for ymlr fevnrltes on on. day, and don't. forget that PrMham the her t11.M1m 1M twat. for fine .sit. and al late err.alt.. lett+t +1)11. Mot material.. tit guanua red. The Management of the Lyric Theatre 1. .ulvcrtising s special pro- gram for Saturday and Monday next. Matinee' will he held on both days at 1 o'clock. The instelbttion of the Helmet, of Re- bekah Lodge will be held in the(►ddfel• lows' Hell next Tuesday evening at K o'clock. All member' are replanted to be present. The 1Vonian's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold their next meeting on Tuesday. January :ted, at 4 o'clock. at -the ho of Mrs. .1. B. Whitely. 111 ladies interested in this society are invited. s. into the reddened home of Mee. (leergppe Venetian, -en Trafalgar street a baby boy was horn on Thursday last. The father le confined in the county jell awaiting trial nn the charge of murder of his flee tear -old son. T. T. Leckie Is suffering this week from a couple of gashes Inflicted this week nn two of hts toe,. "y the nee. He way trinin'ing a Chrietniaa tree in the 1 PERSONAL. MENTION. . yard when the axe• caught in the' clothesline and de,eended with the re- br, ind Mrs. Herald are • iendlserttte week suit atorelutid. The injuries are heal- .int In Toronto ing nicely. Mi... MOM M Kiehl in awry 1.11 14 di,lt'tu frletule What it little hen ran do when i tries is shown by 1 he achievement of chicken hardly five months old, be. longing to John Long, of Kiatail, which laid its first egg a few days ago. The co um measured x{ and tt1 incbes in ciruugderence.""'il'his smart little •hen is of -the ruse -comb black Minorca hued. s• Chas., Blackstone, of Chicago, will lite in townlbr the next ten Jaye and will he pt•epaleti to tune, regulate and repair a limited neetntx•f of pianos lend' n ego n s. Satisfaction guaranteed. 11•riengeutenta may. he (wade at Black- stone•r, West street. 'phone '2l4e. In Knox Vhiuth next 80ndity, the p'..n.r. Rev. lie.. F:, H..., trill occupy the pulpit.0 both at•ryices., The sub. Tecta. of his diriruur.e*will Is appropri- ate for the n•'. year. In the aft e•rn.on Ihei.astitis bible elite* will meet a. misted at '3 o'elis•k and will Is• orgun- 1,14 +is nil ud Bible elas., The mus- ical pwngranl rrlgnlreti for 4'hri.( newt .tykes will • rendereel in 1I e e ' r , e I n 1•l- ing and eve u1 •rok.lo (NI t MIs 1:, 11. ng will rems a un 1Vulluc.duy a ucxIfnami to 14 ` S. I )MI•ktwa,. of Flora, IttM'nt 1'ta't.t alta in It ti In. and Ales. ( ', K. Sulu \(1.. I nitie Mcl'n•1uh 1m ap.uling.the 1 ori -l• IC. CHURCH N9 -(ES. 11ev, lir. Dougall, partor• of North street Mei.h.slist church. rtrltterts that. the people of -his church. attend the s.•rvirr nest Sunday [Horning at 10 •n'eI'dtk in the lecture room. This 'Pre vice will hoof import %nee to the pose - roes )tpd- are of the wont of the ehftreh Wept of Prayer. tiieing.engneed in evangelistic. ape. vieck. Vietnria street Methediat rhurch will not this e.o.m. he able to unite in these 11uin11' ecrviees. There_ will be no ilervica connected with this- series nn Monday night. The services as 'i•r:tinged are : Tne"duy- In tow Haptie.t. rhurch. Rubject. "Thanksgiving and Confes- sine " Speaker. kev". i)r.1)nng,ll. - tVeedneedaPs y ych church holds its weed midweek service. 'The av-ib Knnxieptsabiyterian rhorvh. Quhjeet, -Foreign Missions.' Spieker. Rev. Mr. l'nllock. Friday -in North street Meihldist ehutrh., fiubjact, "Families, Eduea- 1 ional Establishments a nd t h e •Ynieng." 'ltleaker, Rev. Geri. E. Rose. ftervire Port, evening at 1( o'clock. ex- cept We.inesdav at 7:30. Each rhurch .tofllt'nistl at choir. • North Street MethodistCkFrth •FelloN•ins; i• I lie .,r I r -rweeyes, Ninth .ti -..t \I1rhe nit.t Ih1H'eli next Any. Ila n. 1.-gMxan 1'te1nde ••t avutna .. Powskl tbs.dogt - . •Holy. HnI.r i -Lard'. Prayer n concert t, groin No. 'set .. . . . - 1'nlver- - - \nrhem. 'Mary That 4'.w intTear., Park. lem,dm is read re..pondre'v .... . ,. .,_lice' -. ,MI+a.KI)yg. Rs.i.ertop 11, - 1(rre. Yore Lewes,: Ex. 34. 1•11/ . .. to. Hymn ho. 211 . .. II - tewmon "The Open (lore rr1(r. •Don,tall tt '+n•''t"MY 'The r-.: ni H lMi.. Taylor 11a/1 • .ir. -mall Mr. Humber . It, --done.. Ne.al -... , I1. - %reed1Mion.. _ I,;. Organ 1'o.tlride •Y'ollege Mandl". .Hail At 7 p. m. - TM• program: .ner el mtede and ...mom e -r• rooted. nrime.I in Nail and Ma.•ad In every- iratV !rand -itvet'T.ror tgp04r-"111I1 bare i fart. Ionian Prelude. "Evenni' star'. . W.ignPr Anthem "Hope Thou in trod" -... Perk. Solo -...,lir.. Sheldon 1'h men+. Nor}h My Solo. G. L. Pe..on. Gravenleir.t .r on 'Miming gook.. Ito. iroodad aa.. hulklnya at swab,. with re her al Burt Huron. ins *pant Chrwtuna .1, J. Inward and Id* niece, Mi.. Lillian. 1ra1 - nett Werk toe• Vau,.lnl,•l Mr. arid Mal. 1. W. Vanatter and Mi., Van - atter .p eat the holiday at Stratford. Mr. sr sit i1... J. A. McDougall. of 1'hie0r;a. were 111 l,wa tier it fes day., I his week. T11111/. N. 141111 h. of R'd'er.. sank., in %Jolting hi. friend. 111 Yoen 111111 neighborhood. Mr. and Mr.. M. ('. iwauam and ..nn, \lar roe. t•l.0..11 relative. in Wluglunl the. wot•k, MI... Sophia Sira•lute la .ts..ding the bo1L .lay -. ,- i, Willi holder.. In New York city. Mr. told Mr..yy flea.. 1'hry.fsl are .dew o fruit r+n.kstchrWAdj. ou,:a tilt 111 their relative. here. Mary and Chrla. Gil.*nn,of ilplrmlla, Ire 1.1-iting Mme J. 8. Howrie, Lighthouse .1reat. !'apt. Iii: Rohh..on. of tin•+roamer Iraplol., Mw Arrived in town rind will -lend the winler at lib. home here: R 1. 1i. \. H„zrn ant >Mr.. Ilnu•n. of 1.110= 1100. 10011•• h)tef vi.11 to Gtderk•h 41,1,. week .,Tal Were KLutI)' gn.•1,91 by odd friend. here. Mr.. Itensv titeven.on Raker. at Niagara Fall., L+pending the holldayi with her par• enh1. Mr. and Mr.. Howrte. MY. and Mr.. Harry Finn, of Gwen Snood. .runt the holiday with Mr..and Mr.. The.. w'a,Jten. Mr. Finn ire a brother of Moe. 'Wal - tar.. 11. H. Clement. Mr. and itr.. 4, R. ('fe'ment, of to onin. and Mr. and Mr+. r. R e'knnent, of North Flay. are .pendielt New "lean with their Wrests In town. r.11K141' \1 .mml.... n. 11( 11191. W1..1+, .)f town, wfn. lou I.,,, 011 the +Ian of the iknniniun Hank al Tea• --.Jun. 1,. been ii.,...ferrcd to the Calgary beala 11 of the .sine bank. •'. -• lame+ Velour who ham Amen wilting the lake. during the 1,N., -moon am engineer on the +loaner Robert Wallow. running between Montreal and Chicago. i+ hale for the winter. Mr, atm/ Mr. i'h1.r,- Tibb and tin•ir little laughter.Ol4,r: err: wl 11.4 week from Maple Cork. •,..k., awl will ngtttw'Inako their h • iu felts.,,,, There 1. 11110e a .,•tIItWeat of Wifrom 111111.0.1.1.•1§v:•1§.' e• ,Jule in the lke Maple.. ('reek de.1 Het. etai 11, TAM) report. theme ".all well. =_ -._Christmas Visitors in Town.. - Erne.( Jordan. Mont ren John E. tblummn and dam:lat. r.. of Woad •tl.•k. - H. Itcu-..n 1 Ir -t, of The Tun..no X01*, Me. a..dM,-..i..-, tt kvardr. -1 4-.'. Ida( 4 \Proaid pod JIr. and Mr.. N. F. 1 anl11( 1)un.M) 11111:, .11i.. Z. N l, ud. .f fiaelph. an t+. M,.k., .1.111 of Kin.ira r. Hunallot, of Tors nen Rut Kline. o1 -))rine alertNIA 'rem ln. . f The I oto Star. I're.h..t 'r,e,,.. ve . N T.1 It 11. • A11.11 t'1' 111111 0(fhreltd.ertice.IRtaw., \_Malty 'lion id 1 f T...' Iu. ' -_any 4 tiff nod daughter.. ,,i 41,1, r/- • t 1RalleAT, lJat'tsgf:.:a 11110 i THE MUNICIPAL. RACE. Just watch Charlie Nati n trot in at the head of the poll. And J. W. Vanatter .swine%here near the head of the bunch. . William Wallace, - too, will surely b. among the "elect." dd Doc. Clark it going 9 to show them that he can "come hank." But that's about t•ttirugh for otte tip. isn't it? Walter Jelly, though. looks like a pretty, good proposition: And everybody knows Uncle harry Morris: And W. T. Mellow .,, u represent:i. Live workingman should get a good Yate. Jake Moser used to -IM• a tip-top eouuciller in Colborne township, 1f he is elected here he will .ay what he me.ins--aud fie won whisper it, either. 13ohrEiliott bas (wen it log time- on the track, boat he can still run like a sou -of -a -gun when be gets. atertekt. P. Y Hilly Wallace +a). to look at the last of the Ixdlot paper for the goat ale.. MUNICIPAL l4OMINAT)c NS. , McKILLUP. - For peeve --J. M. I;nvenlock, Alex- ander Rol. For Councillors --Henry Beuerminn, Thontas ienton, -.John Balfour, James_ Cowan, Charles Care. F. J. AfcQuaid, .fames 9. Smith. MTEPHEN Reeve --'ism. Mweitzer (elected by acclamation!• - For Deputy Ree e, -"s -Wm. Anderson, 1Vuerth. lora.-Mich. Finkbelner. r ••Mann, John Love, David VW: Yearley. HIIWIOK. Reeve -John Y. AVinterlelected by acclamation). For Deploy Rtefeve-.indrew Doig. James Downey, Joseph Underwood. Philip Zimmerman. For Councillors -James Edgar, .lobo Hyodman. Adam Rei, selected by ac - 1 antation TURNBERRV. For Hove -Alexa Kellyr'Cour. Powell • ' For•.(ouniillnn.-William M*xweIl, John., Rutherford. John . Mulvey. Arthur Wheeler: %Wheeul -Bolt, Mur - ray %Vilson, .John Mclbernie. (I I1 KY. For Reeve -R. ' W. Livingston: (elected by acclamation): For Deputy Peeve -Jas. Mcfeadsean, John Brown. For Councillors -John t'utJ. 8. N. (:ole, P. A. McArthur, William Fraser. MORRIS. For Reeve ehn; 1'. McCracken.' John tibortreed, - 3.'ot' 'Conncill,rs • ,Villiaun Elston, '. 13. Wilkinson. Wm. .1. ,I..hn+too. •hnel Kelly, Wm. 1.'. Thnel1, Wm.' --7 flee• 111,11 I'••tn` I'I.1 Christmas Meats. Morrow & Connolly's Christmas di play of 1114t and fowl for quantity and 'reality would be hard to heat, showing plain to the public that them farmers moon loderich con blee•d and feed as gad tuck as the, /irwern of any other pro of t Province. The followitfg *nim Dater.. comprised in the showing : Tw Durham heifers - of fine gnslity..bred b .la.n••s Young. of Loyal -two larger heifers, thick and cowpiitct, bred by it Linklater, of Dunlop; two medi,,m ere fed by the firm then,selv,•': on.• ne young. calf. cut up. fed" by .lames \ Clnskey. of Goderich tow nehip ; th larger calves fed by W. Sterling and John Ferris, both of Colborne township ; one splendid calf not yet killed, fed by Elliott Bros., cut line, Goderich town- ship ; pigs of the proper type fed bit the following wall -known pig breeders• D. Proust! antt O. Ynwerbv, (iode- rich township; Jaen') McG a and N. (irahram, of Ashfield;o ten beauti- ful lambs fed by i.Tabb, of Colborne: fowl of all kinds, breeds and' size'. The pair Irf pigs, twelve weeks old. Ind Int J. McGee, deems a special no- tice. • 1 THEIR G LDEN WEDDING. , Mr. and Mrs. G rge Thotnson Have a Happy elebrati*n. - Conttl•sttelatioosltre one to Mr. and Mrs, Georg. Thomson. N'.rthstreet. upon the rtmlJ IPtiuo ot• fifth' years of hsppv welded life. The golden wed- ding ed - ding was oriel)" ate! qu ietly but cheerily, nn Mondas lent, the eons and daugh- ters •.1 tb;• family having gathered from wear end far tip oke part in the celebt•ation. Mr. and Mrs. Th'omsn were n ei married on Christmas Day. IYf41 at the place now known as Cbiselhnret. Mr, Thomson is n native Can: dial). having boon born in Brantford township in Pill. His family moved frau) Brant- ford township to Blenheim township and then to the township of Hibbert. Mrs. Thomson was horn in Somerset - shire, England. in IMO. he•t-O•ople on coming to Canada livieje tent nt Paris, then at Prinoetopeqtfi then moving to Hihhelt. :lftertbeir marriage they remained in the neighborhood of Chiseihurst '.Yor ten years, then movipg to McKillop and six years later to \Vingbam. :After twenty years' residence there they ranee to Goderich in May, 1)41)1, and since that time they have been highly esteemed residents of this town. Mr. Thomson, as manager of the Goderich Lumber Co., has been one of the town's prominent burliness tasQ. Ne has also been one of the Ieaditi--wenit ent in North street Methodist 4iwrch. The family- gathering on Motlaav included Mr. and Mn. Fred Thomson, of Southampton, their son Roy, of Fort William, their daughter Bessie, of Fergus, and their some Earl and Freddie, who live at home ; Lew. G. Thomson, of Arden, Man. ; Mrs. Ada Watters. of (ioderich ; ler, and Nirs. Henry Thomson and their son George, ofSo.ithatnpton; Rev. A. N. M. and Mrs. Thomson and their tern children, of Amhersthurg; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horn and their daughter Leeds, of (loderlch. Rev. O. N. and Mrs. Hazen, of London. Rev. Dr. Dougall and Mee. Dougall. of town, shso were present. An extensive arr.y of golden wedding presents included two easy chairs, a gold -headed cane, a gold - headed umbrella, a gold chain and locket, a brass jardiniere and stand, and ntherltsndsotne gifts. In the evening the bride end groom of fifty years .were married for a second time, the ceremony being performed by their youngest eon, Rev. A. E. M. Thomsen, and the young..at grandchild of the familyy. Mar•gieret, daughter of Rev. Mr. Thomson. was baptized 1 y Rev, O. N. Hazen. The !Signal joins with the many friends of the worthy couple in wish- ine them many more years of he ppv union. we - For New Year's try Rfsckstnne'' ins .-renin hulk or fancy bricks, pure, 7, and some deep-sea 1'eyesore. Phone 240. •0 A Ito 14J1, of Tomato, ti• lar w. ..f Threat, a;rry Ifel. h, r.-,.1 Trenton, \lr.'Frnt t oto. 11.1. Isntetd..a., .f Sarnia. •- n . E Elliott. of • • bemire, Fr, . Prow M1a•i14,•i i•udc AI riot sum. of RrsuttIo d, .' - Mr: lend 31...1.., Hurr. 1e: of 1"Ionia John Iti'n Iuy,mt nal. Mn. Fred t -an pbc11, .1 1Yluglnlul. 1 'hark. 141aek.tope, of (1,1..,:•1. Harry hither, ,4 the 4 intarI.,.4 ollege oat: pine)'. 4 ha&le.'rnrnh,ltl, of the I'I,4... 1.I. r haat ahoy 1 11„ T.,I.n,tn, Walt,. X.1f..1. of The Tin,. t,' l..e,..., Mr, and M1+. Sootirnilkynf iij-kte ,. Alia. .1. l:nunn.ett. of Tonndu. Mn.ltuwell, of 5h,uldags, Mr and 31r.. H. Wt'..cll: of Toronto. t Mt, of Tomato. Mts. (and). ile\e. u., of Zurich. - ( 41'r,yleat,•n. •4 feel startle).. \I I 1.111 ill 1101111141. 111 Tew,,,in. M1/4411-% Nu mile and Moneta. Knee: ,f Tor. oat,. - Mf+w. Ir'•lti• 101.1-. Moody. HI-_eft..d New York. all,-.1b.y T1111 HOW and Mi.. Ihup..f Bram 1 N11.411. 14 ti.. borpr.of 1're.liton. W, .\. Cant clue, of Tnmptn. Mism IM•.+n• I)o•i ha... .41 •t.(.•'tgel. \. J. Kidd.<1't It ei im1•er'. depart mco1. n11bnrt'. Mi.,, fila \on+trine.IfntW11. Mil. Maud Wale,,. Toronto. ilio Mar) Inlx•rt.ml, Weal I.ornie. Frank FMw'nnt, ('hnthan'. Harry (Cobert atm. Strut! id • - 1'ha., w'a.hftorten. Tonhao• DIEU. - FINN. -In Goderich, Jif ranch), December Michael Finn, aired :94 yexn,. RpHISa4ON.-in tioderk:h, on Monday, 1)e comber' 114h. Henry Iteibinam. born No cembe CITT In Goderich, o0 '4lnday. Iterenlher 25th, Christine M.ir. relict of the late .tri.. ,Cutt. agod PI year. and tl nlont h.. MARRIED. CARTER-NI"INh, At the mane. Calle rich. h. on . Mon Iw December . i •em r w Y 'J'oh h Ile* Geo E. Moils. H. D., r:dmurd Jahn Carole In MI.'. Gertrude t.evina. \bin., all of Goderlrh. VI' RNEll - NF:1y('t.MRF:. In St. (Rome'. church, 1 : •erich on Tue-day, December 27th. • .v. M. Turnbull. Mi.. MAW G.. daughter of Mr. and Mr. John New - be. to Robert E. Turner. all of Goderich KEEN:MADIE NA STEL. In • nderit-h. on Saturday. December lith, by itev. M. Turnbull. Cecelia, )oinge.t daoghte. of Alfred Neftel. hederich townshipto George K Qroenslade, Hsyfleld. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Dec. 29th. Parte When You Think Martin Bros..:. 9 Our Repair Department -W H. Har rl+oo 10 Election 'Card W. T. P&ldw . 1 Election Cant- A'1Rtam Hill Election (`..-iValtrr E. Kelly. . . 1 Reader .81. Oeorge's Monday `school . . 5 Election Card -\1'm. Wallace. Election o Cord H. J. Morr{m .. t Locket font -J. T. Newell ,. I Election ('aid - J. W. Vanatter.... - - - - . - . , 1 Electlot,Card Rohl Elliott ;Maple Flooring for Yale Cb4.hol)n Brom. cors Card J. N. Kernlghan., I Flection rd .1. J. Moder • 1 Pard of Thar. -Chas A. Held I Holiday Rates- - ' Lawrence , f. Reader The Weekly - , ...y Collie Puna for Pale-Oeo. B. ...... Clearingring Sale of Lathe.. Casts and Fun+ W. Acheron l Son Great ('fearing sale- Geo. Porter t9 Oretfteings McLean $M. Birt Wanted -Mr.. A. K. Matheson 1 Boarder+ Wanted The tslgnal Unice . 1 Annnal Clearance Sale D. Millar 11: Son . :I 1"., t nt. Wanted -Alfred Elliott. Thank. --J. Y. Dare, t'acnl l're.enta Fred Hunte Hardeiare h(o,e 3 Exquisite (rood. F. J. Rutland.... / e Low Mining in Holiday floods -Jahn Strad.. 4 A Happy New Year ('hem. C. Lew" --- -- s 1emonahle Good.- H. C. isnnlop 1111... Renovation Sale- W. J. Muir a: Co / Leftover Yale .I. H. Colborne .... 4 Detrle Y. M. ('. A.. ,...10 Thank. -Walter c:. Pr4dham .. Weal for fnle-Hbwell Hir4ware ('o 0 New Year Slroeung -.I. W. Vanatter, 10 Spectate for the I,a.t L/ay of 1/Nh--Hodp,na Bros - ' * )re Reader* Hl.ek.tene's........,. , t.. •. 4 1,00 11'. N, Itn.a-n Port Albert Lind \4', N. limn', .... r .tnnnal Marlena McKillop MntnNI Fire 1n- '1esui.e 1'0, ... .., , 1111 1 1019 thin flue t\'. F'. ('h.rk 1 (and of Thenk.-H. q, Meanings. , i Election Card -C. A. Nairn ,,. 1 Before renewing your subscription to any paper drop *card to The `Sun, tit John street, Toronto, for their club- bing list: IteerWielltannewsweiree 5reetings We wish all the readers of •The Signal a happy and prosperous New )(ear. N. B. For Fruits, Nut andies, etc., etc., all grocery supplies for the holiday season, bring your order here. Every- effort maito serve our customers to their complete satisfac- tion. ' Sturdy & Co. 1'HiE (i1OCER8 On the Square 'Phone 91 .• 1 Efficiency, Economy and Progress municipal allairs Your vot and in- fluen requested upport oft Walter E. Kelly for Town- Coun- cillor for I911 • '.4 square deal /or ei erybooy ELECTION lONDAV,, JANUARY- 2nh 1•+ i li W Wi Nitb V►WNislistiW W 4 I *f, iI N,Ui>&I%iItl, deub,• ;•Z r • • Uu. tAi,n • "-Pie `best 7,14nt possrale ter yat•r money " • May Health, Happiness and Prospa rt:y - DurIng •the--month- of January, a i.l enovation Sale in Furniture and Clouse Furnishings t1'l1 be oil, and prices will be away doitn. Fuller particulars will ht glvetl_ next week. •le - .r. alit,. W. J. 111 U1R &' CO. Our . M,,14 , : "A .square deal to everyone !11!1!1!!1! '.I!11!11 !M!fiNiep! h! fl%if%T ry!!1!ry!ry!!11 h!h>t 1%'ON% Most Suitable G/fts ,SHOES :,74,eels an• the most attrittaive and sensible preemie to cit • are always needed. - SLIPPERS For;D»•it, Iraliwe and rhildre•n at all prirea. SKATING BOOTS IM not fail to 5 ▪ 1.--giur tasw)t•ttucnt 1lefor.. partitioning. Skate, - pnt on free. - f YI --MOCCASINS - .1 0. Very papular gifts. LADIES' CHOICE FOOTWEAR We know how the ladies are interemteedl in artistic footwear. We heave the kind that. Penile GI the toot a enveted charm of indi- iidnality and give* e, graceful pr»tw' to the whole notions They excel in gnnlit.y, fit, style and re/uonab h prices. Wm. Sharman ewe