HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-29, Page 4♦ 'Ilmbs.:.ay, tat t sirs I _SI• Inti
District News.
We-Ps:vane:a I)ec.:nith.
Ns:ws Npaces. --Mr. and ,Mrs.
Chester Oka, of Toronto. sl,ent-Chriet
mss at the old home !hos. Sillih,
of Saskatchewan. was renewing old
acqueiutances at Heniniller. Tow
Wenu1No, The marriage of Miss
Cecelia Naftel, youuge.0 daughter of
Alfred Naftrl. of the Ledo- Shore road;
to George E. Oreenshede, of Hayfield.
took plater: quietly in God., ich on
Tuesday. Deceinlier :doth. Rev. M.
was nt one time assistant tanner here. Turnbull was this oMuiatiug clergy•
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Pfritutder roan. )bans go! ld sielles follow the
lllPot. Chi -bonnie At rip{wn Mri•. happy couple IoW their tier,• ephrre,..
and ma, MHedal spent l hristmaw at -"+ • i
.Ldifotd I. J. Moore is home , ' LOCHALSH. • .1
•from the West. Tcgsn.ay, Dec. 2)716.
Sefton!. Ketaa T• --The following is Tanimal/ To t ONTKMr,LA7 K. -The
•-the l'hrisfnisa report for S. S. -No., 1. 1 Lochalsh correepondent of. The Luck -
Colborne. hayed 1111011 ex'athinationIn I now Sentinel expresses greet fear lest
the following stah)etls; Hietory,carat � w•e should net drowned by going too (
trading and rplrlliug, with plerceurage + far nut iti the stator ituagiuition. But
taken : names occur in order of mutt: that scri•be .hoeld just are our great
V. -John b Ka•rnighon; tilt. IV.- terror Lest our friend. when he gore up
John 31ugf•,rd, 77 : Rune -11 Albin, 77 ;ton one of (hese high "flights of fancy"
•N'ilhc Clark. ,. i11-r)lxhr� V. Halla• in hie iteroplxne, should fall and as e
days 72: Nlyt•tle J. -Uoiide, tai; Elfted result a tepetit b1Fnof the earthquake
.-Manor, tint- IL - b:merson E. Hall- of l"heater take plate. •
mann. f1:, "teeltai _lit i arele, S►_ . Tn KKK'. THE PE -‘48--A suggest'
Allan R. Jl�,e�r•t _`t!;_` thioate J. hes been handed in to the War'Omee
sonII. , 70;''ora .ended-, 73• W11- that l'xpt. McIntyre divide hie title
win H. Million. 7i; (ilaadys B. thin• bei ole into two detachments. turd
Dings. 57; stioldwin A. (Mode. Pt. SII. borrowing +t w kilts: and Glengarry
-Rtsaell Hill, �7: -Harold Mortars. khonoete march down. un the -double
lkl: •Hratriee a. llie M. P!. 1.- quick," to the Lochaleh end Hemlock
lion Me(af0rd. Nellie M. Mltgford, t'll.' 811111181 ach,tol-rue,.tings thin
an lest eiisk weer atest•nt how all cf ex-
auiiu+tion:. Thr best sp-rllers for tate
month natio 1wrcrntege taken were:
V. --J. B. Krrnigh+tn. 9ii. I V, -J.
Mugford, 97. 111.--M: .1. (ineedr, 97.
- II, -E, E. Hellmann. bks. 1't. II. --
Remelt -Ii11'aud Har. Id Mu,mltge. tow
Total attendance, 21 Ayerage At-
• tendons*. 1N. Perfect atteodauce, 7.
W. td. STtrrllKns,'Necker.
• Weans MenaTt.upc.•
Mr. Dinni. IefLoh `$ talydey to Igiend
his holidays at his home in Arthur. .
#ttnd Meira Hayter• spent '4'
mac with 'the lattet''m tenants a�.-(.ran-
brook: •
Charlie Robinson, of Walton. visited
at hi. bore near het from Siaturd: y.
to'1'nttrdny. - -
- Rev. J. 1.. and Mee. Small. of Ith•th,
spent Cnrislliits with the-latters•
• paretne hete.-
\fase Cora Fergus,ni. 'of lirentfned,
. wine suraon Saturday to spend the
vacationist her home herr.
- A 141-c wait a. laminas -The
• annual\Sethhel h echoed etitct'tainn,ettt
of the Methodist church was het lentI'hurodaaa evening and planed off vet
,leaaseutls ant *f
ecce ully. Rev. R. A.
Miller ni•ettpied the chair and kept the
audience in go, al huutor threughcut,
the eveoing,wte.l a eplendid program of
recitations. dialogues. music. etc.. Wee
given The chief feature of the pro-
gram wean -hell drill given by twelve
vaunt); )sada♦.. Severed %elections'Were
given by the ►uale'meetette ;Ind were
emelt apptecitted.
, Sums Iteei err. -Thi following •is
the • stewling of the pupils. in . the
Aitiiwn school at the end .of t
year. let sent 'on -attrttdanrp en
.•iency: V. Fvo•nilde1'feffe• ,'r. 1V.
Lilx Howatt. Net enc ' an, Rema
Rem. Hobert Phillips mune Stalkers.
• Elam 1' unghtut ern ' Iiy►TiliT{�(Ton.
Ernest -44 1*
Eine Ste. " Reggie ' Mann. Ellen
Phil'', t.M.eil King. Sr. 1.11 -Leine
eta %Villie(at•ter.-►otherLeml.•
enty'I'atham,.Ir.ilI, Elwin Itatrhi.y;
EIl I Strlkrr,- ISiidw Petuti , ii, 1)iive
'I' ban. Sr. I1. --.Fred Karl.. lona Mc:
C inches, Leonard 1 nnghlut, Roy`
err. Gloom. `iv mingt..n. Victor
b1ur (er iraBennie,te
Buddy. Harry Wadi.% .Ir. I1. --Ethel
.Msitditch. Maggie Tauine, Leah..
Schultz. In -orae+' •Ladd- Sr. Vi. 11.-
EIden Stoltz. Victor I.e,np, Fran
Raithby. Mary 'Barr. Ezra S••huh-z.
Harvey 14awson, i;let; I Why,
Audrey Dawson: Jr. Pt, -Harvey
Arntetiong. Eddie K•►• . Sr. Int. 1.-
. Sydney .I.Clinc , Eitne Haithhy.
Arthur 1tin t. Jr. I't. 1. --.Emil
Limp. 3Ia AVileon, Clayton Ladd.
' Bert e.
w4°t•k. Th, gt•Int aspect, of lire ons
ratter alia,ve, Hud the huge knotted
utHcIrs of Celtic. legs
lc•ow, would
tend to have it very lteaseticial and
mitotic effect.
MAINLY Ps:nio.NAL - Peter 11. Mc-
Keniie and Miss llolena ylcKenzie
both-uf Detroit, are *pending (lire t-
was at Meir reeprctive paten tall u
its..this 'lection.: . Mr. • and
Cemplwlh of Ch7yfham, are visiting et
of's mot hew Mrs.
n 1 tree
the home
the a
K. Ross. 1Hurot>..,. . Mini Dora Hag•
lama, in Toronto. arrived last week to
spytld the holidays at the parental
home.. Dan ('u met on, who ie home -
.ding m Affert-tit. has arrivrit'--err -s
rant to h lonely iti the vicinity, after an
shrine,- of several• •yeare......Miss
Belle McKenzie, of Granum. Alberta,
is sojourning with friends in' -the dies
trict Malt. Sem h MtIntvre, of
GoJerich. attended the waviest' in
Ashfield Prrebyteriau church last Sun-
day evening- .,... Mi.. Jos, Roble" and
her sun. Wan. Robb. left -144. Senn -day
with the inrentinn Of spending Christ-
ina. with friends in Wxwaim.,.1i, hat
finding the., roedm very heavy- they
changed' their- minds and tit,•k the
train at Lueknow for Kincardine. to
visit friends near that town. .. Jas.
Cameron lam beent to an siWcient
warki.,nale.and is now quite cepahle,
in case of war. of making a hull'e-oy
of the plifegrnitic Getman or the -
low ••Chince." Last Matti • he
headed the list and mcoted:fYut of a
pgraihle ai .at rifle pe*etice at the
hunts. The foil, ng heve 'arrived
home for the ho ' ays : Wm. Header -
...0, of 11rt tt: Don Finlayson, of
Hat dry • : itis Millie Long. of the .. .-
H1. -S.. 1icui Tena Cowan and Dune.
•yon, of t he G. 1'. I Mrs. D.
A. M-lt.aryeld, Kod. McLennen and
Rotli (:rant are visiting friends in
Gta e.iich. i
7't tpw..a Y. I )e.' 27t It.
Next Sunday (cerement in Victoria
street. Methndtst chinch, II, -v, Ila.
Medd will speak upon -The Duty the
ilotne Owes to the I►ay School.- All
ars invited.- •--
The regular meeting if the Gode-
rich brpnch elf the %Vella 0's. Institute
will be1 held ..n•Therselay, ,Iennsry
:.th, et a o'rinek. A,gotdd attendance is
requested. as there Is impel -fent husi-
nPse to transact.
The annual Christ utas tree and en-
tertainment of i.t. 1i•otge.% Sunday
echtnl will ie held in the. schoolroom
un.1'httraday, land/try i,tb, commenc-
ing at.7:I . A good program will 1*
given conslating nt music, Pings and
recitation., by the scholar,' and their
friend.. All are welcome. Admis-
sion, 15 cents. -
%%hat proved taelte a vera- successful
brined enteatignment took glace in the
Laurier out house on Friday even-
ing. D• either Ord. The roads did
not offer any inducements to the-
lett.utr:seekcrs, yet they ttpparently
not keep many at home. By 8
the school boost, which held
-sleeked for the oece-
i d to the doors and
.Met p on time,
chair. The
1n -
(IC a
Mon. was r
the program eta
with Chas. St. wen in
program : onsie'• ed chief!
rnentaelt.. song., dialoguegs and
tions. Messrs. K. Mclainnen. It..
Kenzie and K. McGregor welt pres-
ent with their bagpipes and" cer-
tainly roused the blond in their Scot-
tish audiences' The children of the
.drool not only proved their own abil-
ity by the ptecee which they rendered.
hitt they also.howed that the literary
spirit bad n hold on their teacher in a
!narked degree. Saute Claus than ap-
peared on the erene and distributed
the numerous gifts which wire heng-
ingK on the beautifatl arch of evergreens
which crossed the runtn. (;has. Mc-
Gregor, for teacher, i. to he enhgratu-
`lated on the splendid entertain,Itent
wb cb he prepared and after this we
may egegap mint nn ft gfNed time in
Leitrim NOW at Cht•Isttuas.
rn JtPdew your .ml ecrip(inn. to
ST. -•/C K usTINE.
TI'tctn.ty, Dec.27th.
)Dirt~ -31rs. George Brophy --ha
tetnrned home after a short visit
her aunt et Aliiiin ..Mise E.'N - uir.
who hat, kern visiting frigsit)-this
o' last wee n
vicinity. lett Ix .1r far tont
.who a 'its rl c o 0 foe. - •
t she . t l apatite f a
while • %Il r and Miss
May Ites'1 ,it, ut.th. fioderictf Cols
Ireiet nil its are spending .their
1'1 tames ..s.
iids. at their respective
Menem e Miss Rose McCarthy,
ie 1 Idaying ether home in Mert•it-
n Miss Corinne• Latiren,lean is
%lettting 1ti troitYriends Mins Ella
Reid visited her friend Miss Betsy Mc
-Allietrrlast week.... .Mr. and Mrs.
E:•nest Duff. of f)ungannon. railed on
lrirnde in this vicinity hast Thulsday.
.-A number from tine vicinity at-
tended the Christatas tree ente,tain-
men in the back .(noel iast,.Thurn-
v eventing .....The F'at•mers' Clnh
held a meetingone evening Last week
and appointed the following, oMetre
for the coming y.•at• : President,
1'riah 'Thompson ; vice -p r e s i d en t,
ltlsepli Eh nn-; secret»ry-treasurer,
Wm. Hoy 1..' The liras. meeting is to
he held tate second Thursday in Jan-
uary. ' •-
Mret'Klt A',D Cow•tet1T, The $
Auguetine Rifle Association members
with their Ia.dy friends. numbering in
all shout 127, gathered together in the
hell here to eelehritte the closing of
the brat year's shooting by having a
•.upper and 'concert. The hall was
tics,itifullv•dticorated for the o e tsinn
with flags and military rifles. The
losing side in the shooting c.nup etit Ion
held peat hell certainly did credit to
themselves •nd-t heir lady friend. in the
excellent Insulter in which they pre-
pared the supper. An abundant sup-
ply of fowl together with a supply -of
other dainties went a long way in sup-
plying the wants of the iAner than.
After supper waw over Rev. .Father
Ltauretideau took the chair and the
program got up by 'the wiening.side
was given. Miss Ellen Thompeon pan
a solo. Miss E. Thompson and Miss
A. Nixon gave recitations. lnutru-
mental music on the month organ and
autoharp wee tarnished by Walter
Tisdale, A dialogue entitled, "From
Down East." was given by :a number of
young people of this vicinity. Mr.
i'rovin, of London, the comedian,
kept tilt audience laughing with his
jokes and Harry Lauder song., and
the -McDonald sisters. of \Vinghagqt,,
in Highland costume, danced High-
land dances to the Hound ..1 the hag -
pi ,e. played by i). McDonald, of
gingham. Short speeches were de-
livered by Ambrose Breph •. Father
T.aurende iti injc " �Z m. Thompson.
During an intermissions in the pro-
gram Capt. Thompson prebented the
ptlzea to the winners In the shooting
competition held hast fall. Joseph
Rinaban won fired, asilvercup. Father
Liurendeau, foseph Brophy and Gus
fafddy each won watch fobs. After
the presentethone each winner made a
short speech suitable to the oscasion.
During the supper and ars Intervale in
the program phoning. .. ph selections
wore rendered by Mims Mary Donnelly.
About 11.:(11 p. tn. the entet•taintnent
was brought to a Orme by all winging
Goo Save the King. Miss Olive
Kearney acted as accompanist during
the evening.
- WIt»NKat)Aa. flet• :'.lith.
Loval. Lite ata. - to m. McPhee
spent Christmas with his brother ,G•
F. M Phe. in Goderich Mrs. C.
Tret Newey, of Volalt, is visiting her
pe,e,tts, Col. and Mrs. Vercov .
Announcements have Ewen received
here of the marriage it Allan R.
(liven. of Chicago. The event took
place in Manitowoc, Wis. We wish
the tonne couple it happy wedded life.
John Young. of Aseuwptiou
College., Sandwich. is 'spending the
la►lieteuasaecatiou with his peewits.
W. F. nod Mrs. Young. Mot..
)'lark, sr•, mud daughter Helen spent
('hriethut. Day'with auburn friends.
Visser Rata and Brace Wise, of
the 0C. L. are apwndittg the vacation
et their hone here %redrew (Preen,
recently dispneed of two foe short -
bot n heifer, tat, W. '1'. Mnrnev; Gode-
rlch. These were among Mr. tlut•ney's
fine Christmas display. The price
paid was seven cents. It pays to raise
good stock* Our village merchant
;west:ntrd his binds. with a fine
('htisUnas present. the gift heing an
organ fir. mild •M re. Goo. Fargu-
Hon sprit Christmas --At the lady's .
borne at Kintail-...• Mime Buchanan,
of (iodrrich, is spew d.rg the Christ•
runs session with her ulster, Mrs. .Iobn -
Clark. -
TrKNDAY, L)ec. ;Mit.
C IIt15T iA. ` rite*. OS the alight of
urst Hy. 1 ecern ter :'and. the , ht I .m.
was tree entertainment held at Eben-
ezer eutcees
tzrr church s a decided
althoagh less than throe weeks carte
'allowed- for prepareliou. The meet -
was -HI oiwn-d by singing "talars to
laud in the Highest." lifter which an
aide -ems wee given by the pastor. Rea:
%V. l'onwey. The audience was then
entertained by splendid progt•am of
solos..therusen, dialogues aid recita-
tions. Specially worthy of ' mention
wet.• the repitations of George %Vilw,n,
wh. •vae heartily enroted. After the
pros em . the .heavilyeladen tree was
sone • dot its rich, fruit, which was
*anted among a crowd of ,ager
ebildten. it was the children's nit
harem -alai they all went home ha-irf for
pdwee.sion of a number ot- l kafi3get
and. will leak forwent -Apo another
flight like it next 4'hti.ttuas. SVe
natter not forget to mention that Mr's.
dirk, teacher of the Bible (Inca, w
pr..•tinted :with a beatititol prfirl
brooch, and that Re Mr. Conway
also war handsomely treat '
,rt•een.v. Dec. 27th.
1'ISRner ENTk:t1TAINMKA'T.-The
('hristt a tree entertainment nn Fri•
day: setting wee well attended, al -
neigh the loads were in a vet y had
eondit' . A good program was fur-,
nishrrthy th4-children and et few of
the yeiing peopie,• after which tw.,
very heavily laden trees• were un-
loaded by Sant*. 'The ptoceetie of the
et g amounted to -about Irate 1,
NEWS-Nfrrios. Mins Ads and .timnlie
McClinton, of laoderieh,- were renew-
ing old acgnalntatnces her.• Met week. .
. Mt- and Mr.. Robert \Vsghtman. of
B1rth, were Cbristmes visitors at W.
I. W ightntan's - Miss- Albright. of
Toronto, is emending the holiday. fit
the home of Ed. Taylor, having accom-
panied her friend,'Mlism Mary Taylor.
who is' . me foe the hoHda s .1.
A. arrison toed Ma+ter Goldwit are
Itnl[7t inlet 0ttheY'ilr stFt�as .uoll-
daye vieiting at the home of W. H.
counnteell Miss Edon Hickinghot-
•tom ie biometry'. the holidays Rev.
R. ... Miller preached en excellent
( teriesionary " and Chrietmaa sermon
combined in one on Sunday last: The
ne-aionary pub•eriptions wire also
taken .. .. Miss Voting. who is teach-
ing ( h
ing next Sim.nP, accompanied . her
brother. from Sandwich, visited their
slater, Mrs, ,lames Redmond, on Mon.
day and Tuesday of this week.
alis Hunter and. her little mister from
Michigan are visiting their grandpar.
ents,•Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond..
Mlese. Bertha and 31abel McDowell
and their brother Alva ere vieiting
relatives et Inland Velley this week.
....Bert Certerand wife spent Stour•
dao and Sunday visiting friend it
Ripley %V. M. Campbell. e and
fetriily are p,•nding the ho •• ays vault -
inn Mrs. Campbells pa ' to and ether
relativ,•t' at Combe . )avid Ramsey.
•accompanied b is little daughter
Verne, is ho ' eying in Michigan
-Mise Lili ark left for her home in
St. H , • ii lastsaturdaj for the bili -
s. We are glad to know she will
ave charge of are echool for another
year, ate she is doing good work Ind is
much iikedt. by the pupils. --_.-_Miss
Emma C uphell is visiting her sister,
Miss Be And- otb.•r relatives at
Comber and Leamington Stanley
R n vi.
uc},wna isilio friends here
Mrs. Henry and family.of Michigan.
are spending the holidays with her
sister. Mrs. W. J. W ightmen.
A woman's reproductive
organs aro in the most ire.
tense and continuous spins
paths with her kidney*.
The slightest disorder in the
kidneys bangs about a
correspond it g disease is
the reprodu.tove organa
Doddt's Kidney Pills, by re-
storing the k,dneve to their
peiject condition, prevent
and cure those fearful dis-
orders peculiar to women
Pale young garb, worn-out
mothers, s..tlenng wive
and women entering upon
the 'Change of Life, your
best friend is
rI�"I'I�.IZ ('IIRIti"I'\I.\S
To the Editor of The Signal. -
t3ut,-4t the town -hip noptination
on Monday last municipal matters
were Studied by the nomuiees tut -et--
flee without gloves. •
'1'h.• taiiway question epg» in for
considerable discussion by both of the
con tend it.g partite : the drainage and
water questions were -prone ,into very
fully. The Metter of hauling sod dis-
h in • raver at this time of the
art cat ti g
year wee more or less criticised. eome
of the speaker& going Io far ai.- ing
timate t hat one of the coutl¢11lurs had
given his own team& ca .grew portion
of the work. The telephone question
was likewise uglily gope Parrot
and as thi mattet that hes' oc-'
copied *attention of the ratepeyere
tin petit year it is my pu•-pose to
rte snore fully on it than the sub -
to prea lowly mentioned.
Just a year ego •,n the 15th of this
month the Colborne council pat.Kd 'a
bylaw granting the Goderich Rut»U
Telephone 1'uwpariy. Luuited. petrnis-
,•ion to construct and upstate tele-
phone lines within the township of
Colborne, . In abnitt three monthr
time the next years council pe.s••d - a
bylaw establishing a 3Junicipal Tele --
phone System. Now; this council wag
quite aware of the lett that the-"Gode-
rich Rural Comptantji was it -process of
organization. having fire'other-muni-
1 •s -
c' i ars o waitt get- term
f)al t t to t
non to Mild t brim linea before their
cbat ter could be gtantedr'
io promoting the -Municipal Syetent
the euppotters claimed that it did not
r • to theta that the G,iderich
ural Comitans wee •going t.. go
ahead : in fact. the Reeve. Mr. Ker-
oigban, expimated hiia.elf un the
platform .at 1'arlow •thati hr favored
the Gidet•icb Rural Company. but' he
was afraid it -was not going to go
ahead. We would ask you to note
l Lthe progress of the two c'etupani.•i et
the present time. The lioderich
lt•slpl Telephone &annurtly_-has. _bunt
tine lines In several differentM t•ts of
(the township of l'olle.rne and the ad-
joining townships of-tchfield. Ea' -t
and West 'Vawanosh and Hullo t,
and have •connections establis to
the town ..f Gcoletich and the "village
u latwo t }}rr u -
t I tb the io s�la•io c n
elected by It trunk littg-f m Blyth to
1,4 What rt lira he a Fro
h 'e t Col
people done ":.,_,,They have pi
Come and get some of the left -overs. They are just as fresh
and good as when they stepped into the store.
from two for sc up to Soc. Hundreds of them here still -Doilies,
Napkins, Mats, Towels, Caps,_Tnques, Clouds, Scarfs, W•'ists,
Skirts, Gloves, Mitts and Hoi±iery.
A few Fur Collars and Muffs that we are offering regard-
less of cost.
Just TEN Coatkat less -than makers' prices.
You will find this is bargain week at this �taire on
many things.
Happy New Year to Everybody
To th?•F•dltos of The signa
i4tte-Tho ratepayers of this 'nun iri
parity are in a few days again goipg to
a seute,e the t•espoonaihility of choositi
to whom they will entrust the public
affairs of this township.
Who are worthy of our confidence
and support? Sorely such men who
are determined to do what they he-
lieve to he right irrespective of any
poreonal gain or favor to any interest
which is detrimental 10 the best Inter-
ests of the. ratepatvere as it whole.
Those then who are loyal and patriotic,
who are willing to sacrifice tithe and
energy- in safeguarding our inherited
rights, no matter what pressure may
be brought to hear upon them by any
individual or coept net ion to do other-
wise --such men should receive our
unswerving support alai influence.
Load Nelson on the ere it hie great
navel victory expressed the high sen-
timent. " h ngbrnd experts every man
to do his duty." Shall Comedians o•
1'olhlrnifes accept any lower stand-
ard f.rr their action* or inf,uence for
country or community?
The tante;aiyess of this township ate
broadminded and wish mimesis to any
enterprise or pdhlie utility operating
within her sliders so long ea the
rights of her people fire not infringed
knee built hi -severs' par
tuwnship,'hut they have
nection add the reseal
l• I-
nowhere. Th'
of --the
. Bell con -
r, sit far, that
oto no -tdo
sitice factpluee, And
v v 'terse r
e et ler Who is at All
1 familiar
with tne circumstances knows that
the tabiletich Rural Telephoto. 1 one
co -tonally hake wade infinitely gteater
',regress than the 3fuuicip.j -Voum-
puny, who immediately aft mintiest
the bylaw through Inst_ ring went
out and drove stakes galore frown one
end of the township to the other. We
all thought that in shout two weeks'
time there would not he H honer or,
hamlet in the whole diggings bot
would have a Municipaltelephone in.
haat Alas. 9 is only is tempest -1h a tea-
pot, an'I, to use a coined expreaston,
the promoters letckelj.�Gp and did not
do a thing for six,mbnths al't.erwarde.
It is unfortunate indeed that the two
a stems am -in out midst, with no self
ern one line ant' my tn•ighbor on the
other, rendet..g both systems cont-
' partitively eyeless. Such a- blunder
should have beep pt•evented and could
have been prevented, i am led to ble-
- lieve, if the Municipal promoters had
hati env desire to make terms with
the Goderich Rural Company. 1 hevu
seen the correspondence. that has
passed between the Rural company
end, t Municipal Company and it
c rely speak,, for itself, that the
odetirh Rural Company used every
effort to come to terms with the Col-
borne people before they were too far
advanced in the work of construction.
(1n two different. occasions did the
Goderich Company's manager' write
Mr. Forster, the chief promoter, and
ask him if it were possible for them to
come to terms. but he replied only
once Mat it .vas not possible for them
to come to terms except for the pur-
pose of connection. Then again the
Goderich Company celled a meeting
of the director. at Carlow for the pur-
pp,se of making a proposition to the
Colborne people, and wrote the three
conimiesiun•rs to be present. Mr.
Forster and Mr. Walters, two of the
comtnissionere, entir.•ly .ignored the
request, while Mr. Rod, Young, the
thud commissioner, Attended the
sleeting hut refund to say anything
of the matter, stating that he wen
only one and could not act with
At the time of the many meetings
being held at the township hall to
rarity- the getting under way of the
Municipal System, some stated that it
was on account of the cheapness of
the Municipal System that they pre-
ferred to take it to the (iodti h
.• r
Rural. One man said the (ireferieh
Company was a money mekIng
scheme, and he would not have any-
F„r„ta. January 1118. Anrtlon tete of farm thing to do with It. Picture a man
tank and Imht.mcnta. the property of Robert who own. two or three as nit* farms
Ktrkpatrlek, first la .oath of Nile. tfnrmen Aa arP in aha taw ehl of (11/11"1/.Eng at in oclock •,harp Truss. Deaner, nuc j' p
tions(, who will not Neve enytbtng to do
a good
IMO 0 1111111111Min 41111
with the Rurel.Unu,pany bec.us.• it is •
x , 1poneteatieritee concern.-Atiotbrr
mat stated (hat the fainters did not
wish to .have ana thing to do with
companies, stock .' om that they � were
j t enerally run by •harper- and that
the fwttnere - had letter stay out.
Sncerediblh anr acsonte ttertionram a s aelus almost itt
tocgentleman of
thest»nding of this Ulan. Imagine
anyla,dv going nut to a farmer in the
township of l'olldirne and heing ebarp
enough to get the beat of him in any
deal that he undertakes with bim. As
to the cheapness ..1 the ry'&tem, we
fear tiiwt the promoters have flgtiied
without the facts: They claim to
have altnul seventy telephone, at $7.5
pot. 'phone, vehieh would mean
Now, at the wnuiribal nnlnination.
was stated th'et oyer *t1111 had Leen
spent already. leaving only 1$K311 to
complete the not* not yet bailf fin-
ished. 1 am informed by reliable
authority. who ie nrep.mr.•d In. State
rheas -en of poles. wire. holt.. brace.,
cross arms and ell telephone cos.truc-
tion work met materiel. that the .ev•
enfy telephonea cannot he ttiNtalle.l
and pain Droller winking. ronditin,i
for lefIVthine $.....Mai. Much being the
www it meanie that every subscriber,
Om is tinder the impression- that he
will hq•:e ti. oai only -and a•wn his
telephone, will find" that it will take
t wire for , nst ..1 -roost tiler inn. and
connection will be antra besides. e11
this tight leave been nl-emented ball
Mr. Kernighsn, the Reeve. -en one
particular teseasinn shoed his beat
efforts. to obey talo to lash r•nu,nwnyyeee.
when 1 believe the opttortaniteaWes
ripe for him to do an, 1 am t to le -
neve he saw some of the ti moter* nt
the RnrsT .omnany.an mare cerbiln
statements which believed would
)# a proper ban it the two Antnnan-
1.. Liget together on and promised to
bring the goer before theC"Ilit r
Cnm v, hilt lit doing awl only a few
it r prnnanters w.•r• pt,•aent, end
•'e the most determined to see their
e, carried a., t.
n chem u
s :
1 retort then my apace, limited and
1 hope that the elector,. ..1 the town••
ship of Voltaire* will Pert wisely on
election day and sae that men ere not
elected tn the rout -oil whn favor dual
system. of pnhlir ntilit.ae. Instead r.1
one grand eonvrnienre far the whole
municipality. 1 n,.►a tally ,
December ;?nth. lulu.
iv ANTE -- t•1IIt KENS, HENS.
tf anon, tree.e and •urkeve: alive nr
Ar..oed,. (S/. pen the highest cath nr trade
price. Teen every _Iw^atne.aA,.y•and Thur.
nm rlv dreated. H. K. MILLraI1 DPTATE.
et. Helens.
Lucknow, has ceased ♦belting outside
pointe and wilt henceforth gave Nle entire
attention to the home Mace. Lneknow, where
he will be teeed-evet7der.--Edi modern teetb-
1I in Dungannon for The Signal le at the Post-
offic '• talk and Stationery Store.
order. a-tll to received for .nb.,criptlon., ad
vertiaing and Job work. and receipts will he
give° for arnounte paid for the aaame.
Useful Presents
• for the Holiday ' • ason
-Let us solve your gift pro • ms
for you: Look -over this• It
F, N al 1 Its l ipetr.
.'li•R 1'ai11118.s
T•. and )-..Ree tots ,nickel-
• Ifazyrs • King ('utter, Gillette
Snf.•t). Ever grasp strati
Grim *Magnet let
Butte. /ink.*
1Oki• F.•tk-
-Pii•kl.• I .,r k• '
sugar Sh.-IIN
carving nets
Se -ting Treys
U,N•key•Mkst Ilinker :u
)Itw•key )4 ' • s
1'tit te uga
Ito Iilautket,.
eat Chillies fur Cutter..
String steel Teale Bells
Stable and 1)a.hIN.erel Lintel ti -
Tungsten EI.r•tril• Latnpn,
Make your selection and v sib
red Hunt's Hardware Store
Hamilton Street
11 1 'e 1 •'/'l 11 N v
is lav 1 0
( tet 1 f uoflex pi.n.•,u•lirlrs Orsi• full of surprise
(lifte that will give pl•asus•, and n ill gn on gin ing ideasur• and real
1../infott. (' • now• %ben tilt• as.,q•titirllt is grNntt-et.
CHINA AND GLASSWARE. 11•. -. variety to elem.. film•.
If you avant 1i give Chinn .n- lihu..tire -always acceptable gifts -
;me bet -.tenant is' filled with n. -w- things, prirwl at from :a• each up to
slag) .• b. -'.140 dainty 1 •bins S.•ts and many new noyrltieni.
HANDKERCHIEFS. We allow• ninny sra•einl aslne., including
.1. tit,: Iaer and silk 11emlkt•reltirfs. 'Special tnlne. int. initial'
1itutllo u.,hit•f. Ht :. ..m, a,. -
NECKWEAR. -New and fainly things in Neckwear; O16ar+,
Belts. %Vaiane, i•nibre161s. linsie•y. Knit Goads etc.
1'hildr,u's Beau -skin Muff and Buff dote at 75e. 118e and *1.25.
COATS.-Mi.es'wiaru, winter ('oats at small price*. Ledien'
t •.Hu s l(t t-. tlurwl J) I (•s• mowretie/nig from $1.11) to $111.011. Etna
lined (7o+ales Fut-t•1•' 1.as, F'usFurStoles. Thtnws enol
M•itfs ail under -primal. l o1'cur'tcatlt, Int'ite,rSotl. Fr
a 1,.,, lault, s ti, Hamilton Street. Goderich.
We desire to
thank our many
friends and cus-
tomers for their
esteemed pat-
ronage during
Hie holiday sea-
son and also to
wish them all a
very .0(appy and
flew Year
lValehmaket, Jeweller
and Optician
North Side of V .•
Here yon will find Fi'R141hat are faahionabb.
and in so Its that are news -, Every article
guarnnteed am represented. fteibebility is what
at -aim e►, and all that expert skill and atten-
tion can do is bent to achieve that resutt.,s
Our values are such as you can only end Mss
that hind from manufacturers.
Mink Muffm, from $17.10 tat $100.01)
Mink Neckpieces, from.. , 9,00 td (.00
Mink stole., from r•i0 t°
Persianq lamb Muffs. from18.50 to 40.00
Persians Ice,mh Neckplecess,. We to •�
Persian l atmh Stoles. 87.60 Lo ht 00
Bltir•k Lynx Sets I:1ti.00
i.abella Fax Sets, from . 96.(111 to K5:°1b
k Fox bete, from.,. , ... (p11,pt to 96.00
Lynx Wolfe $e j.:....... W.(ttl to aB.09
Ladies' Fur Coats
In Persian Lamb, Hudson Meal. Near Seal. Pony.
etc.. show tip -to -date styles and Inset values in
the trade,
196 Dundas St., London, Ont.