HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-29, Page 3• THE_" -T rBy1a. ORIINAL he See AND ONLY Extracts from `Deport ot Willis Chipman, 6ENUINc1 C. E. THE SIGNAL GODER1CH ONTA UP) 4 , THLRODAY, Dee EHKR bl /WO 3 In view of the vote to be taken on Hinck* add Britannia to Huron road, I BE V A R E Monday twee •'in the sewer bylaw, on Jones to Klizaletb, and. Elizabeth OF IMITA- h Trois. • o0LI) ON THE MERITS O6. MINARD'S LINIMENT some extraehi from the report of Wil- i to Huron road. Chipman, C. 1;., on the rower a As great a proportion of the area. lis Cbi p m northeast. of Regent Street' rot ptarsible system of the town, which was sub- should he drained nor thesitrrly to the witted tri the town council early in the i River Maitland. - Year, will be of bitel'eit and value. • A branch should also be laid on fart of Mr. Chi an 1e- Eldon, Britannia and Waterloo to The first 1 pW iA Elgin._ and as the section mouth of port is taken up with a review of the Region and Cayley Ireoteuee built up. existing systeu.bof sewers and of the on addttinnal bora, wool* may be various steps"in the establishing trod Laid on tutu hof the north and ...with eltensionof the system to its present streets. states, tvith a reference. to the report - Salutary Sewers' In my opinion extension.' to the w►u of the 'late Alan Macdougall, of Tota atat�• SelleravertPtll should be made ui onto, prepared in II4111.• ' petitioned for by the owners. to be len- Mr. Chipman points out that 31r. Witted. ' Macdougall ,ecoinmrnded the ee{at•- On Huron road. southeast of Brit- annia, the sewer Inny be diseHsreted in- t.. the existing .ewer'northwest of storm sewers -and proceeds as tilt- Britannia, or westerly into the Brit - lows : anni t rOu l .sora. Bowers should be •'la. the separate system. the Bowes- laid on Britannia load from Wellesley tic sewerage. liquid manufacturing L.. %Vatterl.er, end from Kesyti street to wsetes, and cellar drriusge, are son•, Smith. With the construction of -veyed to the--of-disposalby a tbesRsewerr,-part nttt,e-*swawe-that system of sytal pile •tweis called eon- now finds its -way to Elgin. ett'ret way fairy eewerk, while the rurfr,t Watt -r be diverted westward. ' Je taken care of by at separate eyelet') Mary street may be drained - north - of *ewers celled storm sewers. ' ' weslelly to Britannia. and possibly "The putreseibte sewage ay a Tule. Jamas street and Hawks street. but tllust be carried some distant.-, and '„etterdrunuge Ior these *civets own the sanitary eewru must be laid at a be obtained in alae opposit (thee - depth of snout the -re feet Below ifl tit'... cellei, aed I•rsemente la. effect proper 1f the north and ..-•eth streets, Huth drainage. The scot in $ewers, on the fi,er. Cuyley sing Raglan, toe( - alt other hand; may. as a rule, he laid A spun. it will be liesTasary to.cinstr, t shallow depth and the point of dis• a niein sanitery rester from %Vat•t charge way lee into the nearest .ywterly along '1'liee s ---Blare an natural outlet. Overflows were to be- Baldwin atre4•1-. provided in the Macdougall system. for For Morar a,•:us thio may dischargie the rout water. nut it won have been into the NVerreu street louden sew•e .- utter to have excluded-ithut eventually, another wain will -lie ".\.rut.ling a` papolatigp of Koen trereured td the ravine. ' people, all using tower water and con - sleeted with the sanitary iytemi. ibe • .. Harbor Section. daily volume of. sewage proper . The email but important area lying ehotld nut exceed tinto.feet gallons, ..1 -southwest of the harbor cannot, he *trots( •t M) gallons per minute. InelcaF•drained into the existing syeteu,, as it iAg y p thier fifty, cent. for variable. lids. a.1 711 -feet. to 10 [reit lower than flow would give .Win gallon- per. min- plateriti upon which the wale.part urea Your mein outfall sewer Iouttir of the town is built. .This area coo- uf Elgin street. if in proper order. will ' ins one -large flour mill. two 'ele- diecherrge over twit gallons per fibulae tore.. t'. -P. H. station. freight *beds when running half foil. Without and found house. coal duck. the town po,sier house, one hotel and two or three reefdencee. After an inspection of this section 1 de not 'see that there is any immedi- ate danger ter. be apprehended, - taut it ate system -that is. a systems of WW1-' - Ltry.ewersandllt separate system of BOOK BIND1N(T MAGAZINES, PF.RIODICALS'and LIBRARIES ,•and or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All order.. promptly attended toon li+aving them at THE SIGNAL. Goderteb.' A. E. TAY LOR.--BTavreonb _ CIVIL ENGINEERING VAUUHAN M. IIUBER'1:s, CIVIL and Hydraulic Engineer. Ontario Lind Surveyor. l°Moe McLean Block, Goderirh, corner Mom real street.. Telephone 137. MEDICAL DR. W. F. OALLOW. M. B. eifl,e and residence. North street, (loderich. north of ('minty Regi.,iry office . Telephone 1.1 LEGAL DKUUDFiniT. HAYS A KILLOR- 1 AN.-barrsten., whetter,. notaries_ppubl(a pectoral In the eeseinuc Court. etc. --timate funds to lend at lowa.a rate. of Interest Office. koat side ~quare. unclench. W. PRUU•.Fl/1yi', 1.. e'.. IL ('. HAPS. KILL( IRAN. 11 G. CAMERON, K. C., ;HARRIS- . TKIt, solicitor, notary public. OMcer- faamtltao Street. Uodsrlcb, third door from uqurre. (iHARLES OARROW, L.L.B.• BAR- i RASTER, attorneys, eoltotor• ea... node - orb. Money to lend at wwert ra _ter. - 21O. JOHNSTON, 13ARRIf8TER . rolloltor. oommlrioner, notary' palrllc tames BendlLoo street. udderich tdt. V INSURANCE. LOAIts, E1C. 1A cILILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN Dl a U K A N C K CO. -Farm and isolated w u property insured. Onion -s-). B. Mole,an, Pros., Seaturlh P.O ; Jas. Connolly, sloe -Pr.,., Oudot tub r. V ; !lianas K Rays, sec.: tiers., ova:oath P. V. Directory -N w. Cheney, eeatuetb: John lit/ft/lye, Winthrop : George Dnlu. eeaforth; John tleunewu4a, Btodhreeu; Januar avant,, Meech awn ; Jobn N art, oarlock ; Malcolm Idc Ms cit. Iiruoeheld. Agamis J. N. leu, Hobuervllle; R. Smith. Hu tuck : Jai. &c.nnning•. aenoaid.11le ; E. hinckly. seem th. t'uu.y-houen urn pay asayesnient..ud get their cards ieesoptbt •!t' Toner t known's. a.ltnton, or at K H. (sotto mows. warmer street tioderlch. LO000 PRIVATE FUNDS -TO l/ loan. Apply to M. V. CLM- ar.v.d. barrteter. Mamlltoo street Uoderlch. w. It. ROBERTSON. - INSURANCE AGENT. Vise AND Lion ,1N0 : lantbb, Canadian and Americus. prlIU*NT. WO( /411414 AND 15MP1.OY6a))' LIABIL- ITY : '1 he Ocean Amid/tut and Uuarautee ..orioration, Limited. of London, Eng. Fru-IJ•f! AN I) I'UANANT*I IiAaplt,e : 1 he U.S. Fidelity ane Uurranteel:o "ray. O1114. at 1-..) _mice, northeae artier of Vie and tlL Davids street..Phone 174 JOHN W. CRAIUIE, L?FE. FIRE and Aootdent Insurance. Agent for leading ••flaunt and stock oonipanIM. mt.Uratnte in an nes effected on Per plans and at lowest rates. -.ail at Hoke, Corner Kest Street and square w adore.. J. W, uttaniIK, uoderwu. Out. rete .hung ra MARRIAGE LICENSES ALTIili- b KELLY, .1. 1'., OVDKRICH, UNI. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICKNSRS. VYLANK, ISSUER .OF l[ABR1. e AUK lice* ses. Ooderlob. Oat. SHAVING PARLOR I) EDFORD BLOCK BARBER 04HOP- D -Thbs well-known and popular stand uners 141 patrons the bent service In shaving bair-cutnng, eta, eta. Ladies' shampooing a specialty. Only skilled hands employed. lour patronage will he appreotated. H. 11, buena* bat, Proprietor. ARCHITECTURE ARTHUR J. BARCLAY, MEDAL LIS'1 Royal instituite British Architects ntsidenoe--Sault. Hone. Uodertch. Plans. de- tail. and at ecOleatlons prepared for residences and public buiMing.. Uorre.pondence in vited. AUCTIONEERING II IIUMAO VUNDKY, 1.1V1f STOCK and general auctioneer. Innen+ on South street, where he will he found at all times when not crying sates. Ternw reasonable and every effort mod to give you satisfaction. Muss MUSIC • GODERiCH CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. J. H. Ht'NTelt, L L. C. M. IRnglandi. F. T. C. M. (Torontol. organist Knot church vole. cul flue, organ and piano, harmony. oonntergdnt, tar. A. E. Coos piano, harmony. *splinter point. eta. Miss ANDREW'. kindergarten and piano. Mr)). HeiNN1cK vielln. A. F:. Sonar -mandolin. gutter awl dancing. For Info. motion as to terms, eta., apply at the '.'onservatory. TT___ W. J. MUIR & CO. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS 1_M1c. I'h P. West Nide of etilnarr. tesM.nre •'p1NaM i%l both safest.. opposite Hospital. (IoneHeh. (Int soot to sewer- the seepage will increase the flow in the sanitary sewers, +Ind the Maximow flow from 10,01111 people might alaciunt-t blit -gallon per min- ute. Measurements of the flow in the m Id13 -7ewli demon/aro te.. that the would improve the appearance of the c ape.city of tbir.main sewer 16 m.'re beach. and avert possible dangler to han ample for present requirements. the water supply, if the sewage foal. Storm Water. the C. 1'. ft and the hotel were 'It has been shown that the -1:r-inch treated iu reditnrntation' tanks, and main sewer is quite sufficient for owthe r sewn diverted to the harken.years to eon,$. provided that it he used The rwrge. from the mill, the ele- till for the our. w intended. It may �e revile, and the power howl. should each of inters- t to investigate frim what he (Recharged independently into arra your 15 -inch mean sewer would the harbor, preferably after eedilnr•n- convey the surface water in caw. of a ....ion.heavy rainfall: Two inches of rail) Ido not think that Wle town should per hour is not An uncommon rate in ,P called upon to constf`ct canyep of the this Province for a 'thuoderetorm. I wo ktl alovr u,rotoued, scooting One inch of waternn an acre will yield cnureei.tbat for for power ours. a flow of 375 gallons per minute. This 1. Sewage Disposal wmedd 1 fill en a -inch sewer or a grade ��at th!' otinw to -two hundred. In (lodericb ebmrg into a deep cot rev a that with iu very porous •soil, large lawny discharges into the lake at a.: point and yards. probably not wore than ahlotlt •aMJ yards distant from othe` sewer one-third to one-sixth of the precipita- tion (outlet. The tall in this disown a is fisld its way to the sewers.' abnit IMF feet. Moine figures are then given as to its the -distance 'from the point the extent of the existing system, and sewage disebaige on the lake'rhote he relent proceeds : y the waterworks intake is over un SanitarySystem Gorged. ( mile, I Am of the opinion Unitthe war Something over sixty earth -basins l ter supply c`nnot become polluted discharge street water into the seni- I from this bout re. , to y sewers. During recent years the! etoonee or later,'however, every cit y sanitary sewer system has occasion- i and town Must purify its -sewage to ally been Forged by storm water, and i Nome degree before discharging it into a ytream or lake. The town of Vode- rrch is fortunate in having is great fall it is surprising that more serious pon- eyore rti wdnot was pnseided tltasow. A tym at between the sewer outlet and the lake, Waterloo and Nelson that re • .ed tbo 1 which may be utilized.,in purifying the head at this point, hut at`any other sewage. - /- platys the sewers were under pressure, -..• Costs. It the rainfall bad been prolonged. , The followie.g myi, y .e*timate (r1 1h. the catch -basins could not have taken coat of the atom arwPrl that should. care of the surplus surface water, as t- m/yr opinion, now lN' rs tb*t the sewer sy+tem was then tilled. The ^itch -basins could carr into the N aterloo, from roe: balk to Nelson. y war feet of arinch rover . - $ 1:-sn sewers. with the surface water, mud. Nel.nu. from. Waterloo to Victoria. LSO sand, et►cks, leasee, lil(hi subbieb„et ., lest of 1. inri..,wer ... Vain that may at any time cause a h tick Wert, from.g%ibor 0111 to W.Iliogto, in the small sewers. Basemel►ty d etasfeetm lake is • .kwer Linn Carley from lar,• .-sink lJ F:idon: itlarl cellars .-night then co, ue -ii.soaled teat of *.into. +ower 7.7with sewage and claims made upon R+eban• from Kldon W Hoath. I,Nb fcet the town for serious danlare.ofIo , Kldw, from t'ayler • to BMtaoolr 70) 3,41"r feetaf _*rima newer .-.'urn Proposed Storm Sewers. - Bette. .,i ,. from Eldon to \1 aterloo. 301 The remedy for the existing troubles f0. t of i8 ouch newer ...... . - 1,4141 is the carrying out of the original µafe,loof from ,.ewer • la t0 ---- --31-- 7 R R feat of Is Inch *,ewer .. .... .. 1.4116 scheme in its entirety, by construet- sing a system of storm sewers as rec- Smote om mended by Mr: Macdougall, and The Above estimates include colorer - in disconnecting all catch -basins from tiona with- existing catch -basins. the sanitary sewer system and con- drsins. Pie.. overflows, engineering netted with the new storm sewers. It andtcontingenties. is not necessary W construct the en- The extendon of the storm suer en tire system immediately. hut 'the Raglan to pricks wll cost abet. ---1 iso' larger mains should now be laid, and Htncks, from kaglrn to llnrmn extensions made as deemed neces- Jooee, boat Kllraabelh to Hnrm nor y. - 15.10$ f - would therefore recominend the The total aulonnt expended (orbit r upon the sanitary s*'wer system in Or let•ich is r•idiytflo.sly small, n)) com- pared with,effe sums spent in mail% and Hamilton may he deferred for the other to is. If the amount re- sbnireet to construct necessary storm present. hewers were added to the amount spent I would.alao recommend that a shoat, Lite ew(141+aey--ew eerer- 4otssi- venstlet storm sewer be laid on West s t then fall short of the average expendi- froul the old stone .train at the top of One for sewerage in this Province. the hill to Wellington. in considering the cost of m ' !lire! The foregoing etliklin- oewers will works, it should he borne in mind that serve for some nave to take care of the low prices of Ilan do not prevail lo - the surf*re water from all that pot- day and it le to be hoped that they tion of the town north of Elgin, in• may not prevail again. It yon.- prP.- eluding the business section. . ent weaver system were to be built lit - The large area lying south of the day the coast would probably 1a, in- ihove slopes uniformly towards the cePtel rl by :M) to 40 per cent. lake from the O. T. Railway, which follows the hank of the River Mait- land. Ae the old wooden drains on Raglan and acroas the Agricultural grounds, end on Blake and Thomas, are now 01 little or not Uwe, the surface water now stan3s in the ditches. and forms ponds. To provide an outlet for this water a large storm drain should Ire built from the lake front along Cay - ley street to the Agricultural grounds. thence easterly and approximately on tbe line of the olil timber (train as. :nen the Agritultoral grounds, along (raglan, sRehm)/osa ))ehl grnundf, Murray lot, and *eat on Raglan to Weeks. Blanches should also he laid on immediate construction of a storm sewer on Waterloo. from the river bank to Nelson, thence along Nelson to Victoria. Branches on Victoria. Recommendation. 1 wonid therefore recommend that a bylaw b' sol 'Ws' for $I4,511) to por- e ide ro.vide for the a tistritctjpn of the five first mentioned Morin sewers. The street ditches and gutters on Elton, Raglan. Hinck)), and aevernl other streete tributary to the t'ny• ley -Raglan etot•ill sewer will weave• the pnrpoae of conveying the snt•feee water to the 'torn) sewer until the ))treete Ate built upon and permanent roadway'., ronetrlletptl. - Overflown for the existing eeweie should be provided at all point)) where gorging now OeelIre, and a)) many of the retch -basin"' aA possible steroid he Connected with the ))team sewe•r*. A. VETERAN TEACHER. George Burd Completes Fifty Years in Goo School, %%* hen the UbrisLwas vacation Collars at'noud Ueurge Baird, titanhpye sturdy school teacher. will have taught fifty yeas* in one school a reword that tete teaclerr have at- tained. Whets a boy of nineteen years be began W Leach iu the rchuol ha now occupies. in *01me inetences he has taught three generations. ,Malcolm McEwen was lir p.lpil ; today he to teaching Mr. McEwen Lei grandchildren tcbildren of Adam StaWara and John JleFarlaue. He was alweyd etAisidered one of the beet tracheas of Ontario and his pupils have done credit Cu his teach - nig and speak of haw as one of the beet wen they have known. They are scattered over ulrary+ lands,.etll over Ontario, many in .he, 1Vest. Some are bolding responsible positions In Chicago anti New York anti- one of thew, Dr. James Butchart, a, medical missionary iu China. His school is two and a•halt toiler Yroui his home. LING years he, has a bicyeleiu suu►mer, au wintrebel walk.. H.• ben no nee for rt fur coat. \\'leu the weather it severe he door his "plaidfe' and n,al•chre bravely on. He is strong and hearty and enjoys life ; never happier than wben ►huw- ing *favor t.1 suwe„ue t. upright and h.ioorable iu bis deeliti S -tit all, in every cense a gewlr,uau. Besides his dry ralirrul .be'has been sabbath school superustendr*tL for. the sahtath school 'fetid each summer in bis school for over twenty years. It heed}s uruielly in _toll and ends in ovewlrel'• 'There the rt:holrrs ale a call by the congregation of Oentnil Lbw uughly lautibt fryryt Inc 11.1 0* and Methodist :hureh, hi. Thwarter. to Ire - Shorter Catet:hasul. For the coirr':t, ei,Ilir iaotaor of that church in ,lune, repeating of the Bible verses and ItNI. Shorter Cuteehjsw. wore diploma. 'The warring$ till, consummated on Ir the Ilene, al Assrwuly have been eline*d.y• 1►ecetulier • 3 1e'. at the glta•11 tm the scnOla e f the rcb,itb home ut Jl:•. and Mrs. John Abraham:, throe terhApa been 'my other one g•tlriiherry. ui M... Minnie El,,ai,rtlt school w Ontario. Ther are in the TA bre haul to Edgar Biggins. Itev. rabbet echoed few teaibere whu oleL \\ . Mr Krmrir..tilriaird. ei tally aealoue ea the .uperinteudeut• A Ilett wedding WWI s.demuirvd Ea •y Thanksgiving Day the Sabiatb 1 y K scho• scholars arseuible and are sit= At 1:Itwvilleon the Itth Inst.,. .. at jhi• homy of M r. 0041 Mea huhu M r* when their daughter. Mee. Laurie h peme t he hiide of Hsrvev.-Perkin-. of Uels•wnr. About fifty gue.t. were present. How Old People May Prolong Their Laves At advanced age the organs. Act more slowly than in youth. Circu- lation becomes poor, blood thin and watery, appetite fitful, and diger- , tin, weak. This condition leaves the system open to disease such as Coughs, Colds, ...Grippe, Pneumo- nia, Rheumatism, etc. VINOL is the greatest health creator and body. builder we know • of for old people, as it supplies the very elements needed to re- build wasting tissue apd replace weakness with strength. HERE 1* THF: rift10! A cane Is recorded 1. Albany, 11. Y., of • won,..n who frit •he was breaking down by age and war dummied to the weak and feeble r If ion of old people. rhe had no strength and 11.e .1ltthtrel ea- '*rtl.ro tired her, but '.ISII . made her well and strong, old she Hates tkat ehe feet ter years y ...anger than she did be- fure taking 41NOL.- -• - \\•e ask every aged persop, in this neighborhood to- try a bottle of VINOL with the understanding that we will return their money if it does not prove beneficial. H. C. Dunlop, I iruggi,t. (;od*rich. femme. And is,mk. ,u a given as to-- wal•ds cording to merit. The ttuful farm on whieh Mr. HAird,now 'vets is the oil bousestead, where his ' recite. Mr. and Jils. Thorium Bei • sett led un wheat was The news was received it Hrueeele then called a •'Ifut•.iii Tract." hast week of the death at t'elga, of There they were erllllLted W see "the William, clerk, it y•.uog uuu, wet. v. fdreet tilowents the rise." blood two years of rdr w hr -e home w(i. fn roads appeared and. re whistle of the the. vicinity of iicus..-1 Hr. .h• .1 engine of the ua,lws:y could be beard wars the reaultof an•illnre. of w 4.1 • wheu the L., H. it 11. ilttfny p.used fever. through. The parrots • or long since The comfnttatile h-ose-,uf M. Ilow- guue to rest. land, on the 14 0 ci,itcr..I.(II of M. K•1 - Although Sir. Baird will • .t have lop. was demi roped by fire gin -t+a ur- his school duties 10 perforin. is wile day night. Derpoulrr 17.0. A or .. ot the men who ea t be i 1 . He eortents wele den, ro)ed. Tor Is ..,s., has no thought ot ,'sating u it: an which wee a bre k v. u e•. wa D.' mind as well as ha bialy ae always ac- sired for ttt.:.lst and the c ,h••-ilt o. Live. 8:11111. Mir.. Lizzie McEwen. one of -Mr. Baird'. pupils, will teach the school that has sib long Is•i n his. She boa proved herself au root rirnt teacher and alt wish her every success. Brussels l'oet. DISTRICT NEWS. A movement is on fort in Meeforah to a»tablisb a crib syetelu of business among the we•ch.o,ts ..t that tows. A. Gilmour, B. A., of Stoll d- ins. has been engaged asptiucipal o!. Brim- eels public end contiuuatiou school to succeed JIr. Camera°, who resigned re- cently. Wingham'ratepay'ers will vote on K bylaw at the municipal elections to l atee $l,:dW) to complete the' payments on the main sewer and sewage dis- pose! works. ,titer a few day.' illneie front pneu- monia, Henry, the sixteen -year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilde, of Step eu township, passed away uu Sunda 18th ilea. - 1het• m of the Late Jesse Bateman, on the pth concession of Grey, haw been purchased by John Bateman, a brother of the deceased. The pur- chase price was $1,1111, Chas. H. Dodds. who has cm r:ed on A tailoring bus:uess at Brussels for several years, hats disp.,sed mf his hoer• nese to W. P. Erase•. Mr. Dodds purposes removin,t to Van'. meter. Rev. David Rowers, of Sea'.urtb Methodist church, hits beep extenif d the teaehers'snd otticer- of Mrd chw ch I3ahh..tl ,chw.d, issae..yi., rented J. H. L'ameron wilt a -mks hrella, with gold-niotsgt d oa die. evening last. week. Mr U.n'. r . , who has - meted -ti. ,Uta•• .Ill+-e,.l. n the Sahtathttchuul f. r In reset- y a -, is rr ring to Loudon at the m ning of the veer. Word wen received at %Von,.lt last week of the death at NeI.Ir." it C., of \\1a.. 1''. \t.{'audlirh. 1 h.• Vit. ceased lotIt-t•ewldrd at Worsham. being eng..g.d as a builds.* .4 .4 , on leaCt.'r. His wit-W..1as -Mew Vu. e Taylors, 'daughter 01 (Is• lisle Jo. ° Taylor. of Zetland. w Lo .aria'.-. with a family -of -eons and status' b• r r: <li Pte. 11 o e; K• - '7647111. Moine & SON- 'r ee l• OW 'peau pear to 8ne' ab' 8" ANNUAL Clearance Sale ,I;.b, - During the month of January \.•e will • _hold our Annual Stocktaking Sale,- when, -all hen- "-.all goods ol,passing fashion aitd all broken' lines will be cleared .out at ,prices wit+ will make a speedy=clearance. r1 .. •F . Bargains is Wins' and Children's~„ Coats ' Bargains in Furs Bargains in Waists - Bargains in Skirts Bargains in Silks and Dress Goods Bargains in Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Bargains in House Furaiabiidgs 1 , 'nue 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCI STORE :MONS When You Buy a Range Buy Satisfaction Too It is not necess.mi v to buy a Range without absolute assurance that it will prove satisfactory in - ev*.ry way. You needn't take the dealer's word for it. You can - get moresubstantial assur- ance than that. SiR WILFRID LAURIEit -81R JAMES W NITtsEY. Th.• 'Signal offers t • ii' sobscribers who pay In advaute for the. . usoislg year their cholas a•f pi, lora 1 rtoo- t woo Premiers -Sir riot Len.1).. Prime Minister of 1 &visa's, Mmol )4 r Jaen/11 Whitney, Outarius first Min - beer.' Out-of-town subw• •ies- seu1ii••g• tbeir remittances. will pies.t• ,t. t• which picture 'hey p ,r1. .ud i oil hr rent in a niuilo'v I These pie. utas ore strict/ • f••. thirsts who pay IN At+VAN('E. *,otos. inhere are s,g11••1et, I Im ,l•I,•, 111 re ewale as eery a• (14,51 • I.. For thre who would other 'ha a 1911 eaten -.;t . u . n' eith o.• I c- lUttee we hart It. I111 Item 1 4,1% . PLEASE RENEW EARLY aim Every Canada B Range is Guaranteed • and- the guaran\ e,...i. backed' by ifie Moffatt Stove Co.,Lim • , who need tui introduction to the rat of the most reputable stove inanufactt - • in Canada We have -studied the sto\ business for. twenty years, and so successful -has out study' been . that the . stoves we make -are perfect enough to guarantee. it will pay you to invcsiP gate further. r• ( r Made by THE MOFFAT STOVE COMPANY, Limited Winnipeg, Weston. Ont Calgary FOR SALE !N GODF.RICH AT' FRED HUNT'S HARDWARE STORE HAMILTON STREET Winter Suitings and ovlslticoATS HUGH DUNLOP'S WK'r Sl ItICF:r 1'p to date Tell., Ing In ....all mar garment...... THP' 1,F..4DiN(3 Funeral i)irectors and Embalmers Orders rarefuU3'attended to et all 'Tours, night or day QOTIa3 ' ��• 1 I n I' I 1ITIT i .0 1 l OPEN-MINDED cussion -of and editotials of such people TORONTO DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC QUESTIONS a "A newspaper -not an organ." The newspaper for the man who courts. open-minded dis- on all public questions and who expects support of right justice -and of decency in the trEatment of public affairs. A newspaper with definite opinicns on all political -social moral questions -has the courage of its convictions -whose are fair -broad -minded -honest -and written by some the cleverest writers in Canadian Journalism to -day -just a newnp .per as an aggressive and intelligent Canadian will enjoy and read with profit. $1.50 a Year .... ma youteer and Me neon /a Thrall, SIar togifiber for on, year for $2.10. DAILY STAR„ aim Every Canada B Range is Guaranteed • and- the guaran\ e,...i. backed' by ifie Moffatt Stove Co.,Lim • , who need tui introduction to the rat of the most reputable stove inanufactt - • in Canada We have -studied the sto\ business for. twenty years, and so successful -has out study' been . that the . stoves we make -are perfect enough to guarantee. it will pay you to invcsiP gate further. r• ( r Made by THE MOFFAT STOVE COMPANY, Limited Winnipeg, Weston. Ont Calgary FOR SALE !N GODF.RICH AT' FRED HUNT'S HARDWARE STORE HAMILTON STREET Winter Suitings and ovlslticoATS HUGH DUNLOP'S WK'r Sl ItICF:r 1'p to date Tell., Ing In ....all mar garment...... THP' 1,F..4DiN(3 Funeral i)irectors and Embalmers Orders rarefuU3'attended to et all 'Tours, night or day