The Signal, 1910-12-29, Page 2' 4=THLRsspaY.Alkc'ssIHER 29, 1910 1 THE 3IGNAL G(IDERh1H ONTARIO t.OUERICR. ONT attics. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSUSY n HE -ltiNAL t'H1.` TINU to. ...dotted Telephone Call Nr. . Terme of Subecr'Mlon $1.4, per annum la advao• a. ,x months, .tie ; three months.2Sc. ro United States subscribers. 1►t.3„ w yea -• racily in ad,;tt,cn .;o -, mars wl:u fail to receive TNe Pre:. .1 •e,t1.herly by mail will confer re fas'or. by ac .namtint( u4 of the tart at as early a date „- uos+tb'e. When a,change of address la desired. both the sod th'e new address should be giver. Advection( Plates : ' Lara! and other similar advert' cements. the per tine for first insertion and tc per line. for each subsequyent insertion. Measured by a nonpareil .Cale. twelve linea to an inch. hudue.. Dards of six lines ana under, u .)r year. Advertisements of Lost. Found, Streye&, Sit- n.tuon. Yaoant, 5ltuatiae. tt'anted, How•ew for bele or to Rent, Farms for bale or to Hart. Article. for Sale. 'etc.. not exceeding...runt Iwey, 23e each insertion :it tor first month Sir each subsequent month. Larger advertise- . menta in proportion. m,,.ouncementa in ordinary reading type tea cent. iter line. No notide Ir.. than•C.ic. Any .pedal notice. the object of which is the peen t.ry benefit of any individual or asrnei•, at ion. to be considered an advertisement td be charged 4,r oetlingly. Rote. for display. and nontmet advertise. me,.ts wUl be given on application. A bare.• all oommunieanoae t•• THE +ION. L PRIN11NO CO.. Limited t:a..orieh: Out OUDERICH. THURSDAY. DEC. oaf. 19inr. NEW 'LEANS RESOLUTIONS. i t i- gape the fa •bion to luuile at the eid-tashioned...jdera of making New l'ent-a rt.. tions, yet tit% any gocNY ever been accomplished in this .wortd- except as the 1.• -tilt ,,t a welt•rnadeaod welt -kept resolution, made at some time. by someone 9 -and the New Yew is at good a time as any to make sensiblenxolutions- In ;i sermon. re- eeotly, Prc.feesor Law rn.ide u state- ment which every youth and •every man, yes. and every maiden and every woman, might frame into a worthy New 'Vent's restitution. He said that the [test rontributign any urau could make toward ibe • upliftuig of his country wee his own reformation into e worthy citizen -and tbar, if he did tint make that contribution, suyth' she he might do would be "'WARM( We are greatly concerned -Steno the foreigner, crowding" foto our land. %Ve feta lest ,61(y may not become , Roti Cs ane. If every Canadian irnuldnnly set the example of in d fry. respect for bow. and patriotism, the newcomers would speedily leans to irritate the example. and we sbnitld have a wonderful country. I.00 d citizenship. mean* more than amassing wealth, erecting fine bowies or big factories'; it includes more than seeking for the most desirable,.Alces.in civic or k'rovinnial or Federal govern- meut. it means, first. the develop- ment of upright character. then suit- able education. then unselfishness in ',Meg oar's lime,. one's position, one's influence in whatever line of work for the country should commend itself, riot is most lucrative. most honorable, m most agreeable. but rather as most necessary for the common weal. THE FARMERS' DEPUTATION. The voice of Canadian agriculture has n beard with no Irncet•tain lid at Ottawa. The questions .tp- - on (illicit the farmers presented their views to 'life Government Include a number with which the psnpie of this Prot ince ale largely unfamiliar, ruches the proposal for the establishment of a chilled meat trade ; but undoubtedly the anent moving power of the deliga- tion, the subject to .vhicb the mem• hero of the delegation themeelvra at- tached the greatest importance. was the tariff queetinn. Theiy platform in regard to this gtleS JOn was presented in the foUwfio tetpn 11, Reciprocal free trade between the United StMew and Canada in all horticultural, agricultural and aninutl products,spraying materials- ft•i t 11- izers,.lue), illoonmating and lubricx4 ing oils, rement, fleh and lumber. •21 Reciprocal free trede between the two countries in all agricultural implements, machinery, cubicles and parts thereof. i) A itnmediate lowering e6}he dot on all British imports o- one- half thetee _charged undo the gen- erat tariff. -whatever • may he. ttwa�eees given to ! Ti oca1 trade (creat Brit- _ t•nv trade tilted $t1at�e- relations be ,ftettd sin. j \ (4)such reduction of thel•atnRin- mg preferential tariff as will insure Thr establishment of complete fro trade between the Dominion and the Mother Country within ten yea 01 That tte farmeis of this ooy rtry are willing to face direct tax on, in such form as may he sable, to make up the reverin under the new tar=iff relit tfoliar Much • pl?tf6rm must appeal not .,nly tonere but too the great body of ronsume•rs throughout the country. The fifth claim* shows that the leaders of the farmers movement are not lurking iu statesmanlike foretighi and that they not only 4,oe in what dir.'rtion their proposals lead hut Ni prepared t_o`'rcrept their full ahem of responsibility for the changed condi- tinne whish they will bring N*Nnat„ Thatthis view if not ennflned to any class or seethse le strongly indicated hy the (•ouuuent of the editor of the G. Ct. I. EXAMINATIONS. financial section of tb*t metropolitan The following are the results in the -publication, Toronto Sate day Night. alder of merit of the examinations Stating the proposalsof the fainters, held lit the various fortys of the 1.. C. oldie wilier adds: I. duriog the fall term. Whoa neo ens' Wtx ada has a program of such straight ary Ith. economics been presented to the (inc- Fon 01 ONE. eminent by a deputation of such .%lartiie Down 'Never before in the history of Can. I inesday, Jame power as we are given to understand Evelyn Pollock. the farmer.' drlegstien will br. Fur Rubt. Uhuwt....- tltrr, it is douhtf 11 it the wisest states- Terence Kidd .. ....: 7325 man, having the prt•fuanent interests 'l'hue. :1111hon �1 t Iv►x lx hu ... f the comer) at heart ,old not for t ! an inte,iet tit specific industries, could 16thrl Nairn •• s:lggrat any improverurut on the pro: liladya McDowall .. posals as stated in the above list." \lay Rngetson .. . So unyualitled an endoraation. from Elva Kearney. Joy Shaw. • . Hitch a source. ib significant oft the at- Cockburn Have t dude which a great tatty of 'eplight- Agnes \IciMnaid enol public opinion will take 1n this 44:,1174.41%," Margaret matter. ' It is nota gneatiVn of Rri''t ;lfargnret. hruoal•,1 versus West. Itis not. n question of Evelyn McLean farmers versus other classes of the Ca- frau Young na.liran people. • Organized agriculture lei's Kugeniun has taken the' lead in a broad, Pat"' Harold Currie 1 (brace Thotnx* otic moveritenothat will couuusnd the ('hes. 'Kidd respect of all riedirw and all seetiouy, Ar1ie'Mathew)u.,,... .._..... It to in ON light. no doubt, that it Jian Putt .:......... _. Mary I►widson..•_,.....,'. witt he reisiderd by the Government. 4sntirt McLennan - -.1I Inaba Carey. - EDITORIAL: ,NOTES. • FtvaBeck_. Nary Young.;.... ft. happy New Yeaa to all, Greer %Vrllr... 79 78 77 75 • 7u 09 Ott Ilei 1Ifi to, 14 KI (14 64 (13 Mart the ttew vea eiseight bye -..)ting for the hest mon on the tuonicipal hal- Nina Matheson - 511 for. Uresis ,tlel,ean . ... s.,... .... 48 JOY. lit•iftlo .. 18 Every -qualified notepayer •ehuul.I Garnet Trethrwry................. 40 Wake it a pujM. to east it 1461114, on oho' (.ave" Kllwtt Li leave ht law, ' l..tis C•hallenger.... ........ ..... 432 Jri•nir 3l*rgtris....._ .... 42 Perhaps the item res.dution Lisele- 1Ju sir Foster 42 Jecetc Porter Il • H.411:111 me' Le for the matin{. year is - CON MM. R,'1.1 L II)RM. In keep its onto• out sit the pr.•.s des- Cel' • Robinson. Ieltehcs..-r Mai .. . Lacey . .... T _..- - Ida . et ie.. -Scollandelectssevento -twit Liberals 'lime %Vise..... and - eleven Tun-etvaOv.w to the Iris %Vacnock..,. I4ritti.h !louse. of 4'utuln,au$. .Sold Chien. Vti.i. ! . S1'(atia ba'nol 1u bo lin.wla•at.'n by the Karts en si Ilse iaq Kathleen Sutbetliend ' .. Cords. _ Sadie Wilson - .._ .. Mattel \laskell , E:ul (*ley says thee (litiariu, chit- Lorne Yoteng darn 4sorite of theta. at lest, twee' no Hazel, Macdonald nSitty afi mann.rs. Well. -we anus +anus l'hit•A.LClareultt' 1►unkeceldilr• 37 dere that herr manners• pli ttiv ,tfi. Margaret Duff . 55 there. and pretty had Mounter •. toe. Oliver Goldthorpe Herrete Smil . The (sabre. orgre,�s:tpalhans to ate Lnwt•encSwilry- -. terve rotation iu--f hThhrereir 11ns octal deal- Et Ie subjects Pr . subjects in.*. shaft deli. The wdvLee is gourd. Beatrice Wella a S8 '%n h already rwrtolcl•d to save the Mary Hurley 84 (..aura Bates Ernest i'..rter...... • (Ire(t4,n Burd-its :v: 56 Sb . 1.01 79 73 70 711 'e► rill 11;1 IMI 111) 50 54 ,t.8 19 17 of an an►omohile for the coming year by- keeping iii touch with the good fellows who adreoly own there. The l'nion Hank tit Canada Ilea en- twined the l'nit•41 Empire Bank of ('auada, and the -result is fu strengthen what was already 0,1,• of the str.mgest Unofficial institutions Of ('embeds. The announceutent will be of interest to ;hoer who hRV(' bitaineen • sm)RM Two. . • Ford King.. . ..... ..... .......• 84 Florence tywith,.-. • 77 TeAa Cowan .... 75 Jos. Finleon • 74 Amy %Valk 73 Olive \tcMurchy ,..... 71 Jar. McClinton. .81 Muriel J ohnaten .................. 07 George Case 67 May Ri•an 481 Victor Newell.. 115 Gladys McLean.... 05 mintier/elwith the i`niort Bank Jessie .lohneton . _...... • Mat through he branch in lilatericb. Margie Hallman. r'gie Adawn... Hector' \1c Kat n• Reports (hill the Old ('Donley state Elesno.r H..yle.......... t hat -tile- rtrfonl»tr; ser ilia iett*Recfi Pearl Urennau with Mr. Halftone,: leadeireht but Ruth Young . o . p � Uunrxn Matheson the. gw•stiun is, who is to take his plans' Is the Birmingham intrigue still et work be plan' a Cbaniberjain at the head of the Un' ist•perty7 Austen ('hattiber4ain hoar Rs good a chance of fetes eding Mr. Balfour as any other -Man in sight. The Ihn,iniou Bailie -sty 0.,unnriasion has ordered a r1I Ict' of express rates. the suls/tihttion of a new fere' of rnnttlic•t and a number of oth.•r change•+ to 1 he' teletions het worn • the expte.N esnnpNanies and their fuls\orn- "es. the changes being in fat -4r tit the rust •rs. TI. • I),mi'•iiin railway ..ionrrs sire .on,1 ' g their record of Rosati -et• -ice to the people of t'attNtbl. The I.rnldon Free Press co ntpdaius that the Lifter tla of Quebec.: arc saying impolite things *bond the Nationalists. ft in quite likely, howrcer,.that the majority of 'Ontario people; • while they nnithl stop short, of encouraging mud -slinging, are vastly better pleased with the attitude of the Quebec Lib- erals than with the affiance let the Quelwc Conservative, the Nationalists, If Quel - ie going wrong on the navy tom ion, what is the Poneert;dti +sty ,loing to set it right i This is is question tb+ab ought - to give some re concern to 'rhe Free Press. "0 Glad Young Year." Thy feet are light upon the morning hills. glad young )err What do•t thou bring to man. or Miss, or taus; •ir IOy, or hope, or fear, Ogled young )ear! A gay voles floated from tue./ sky Like a Child's laugh," - t troW et, 1 know not. 1 "' Thy (ace 1. hid.though thy stets are Ilght. O blithe •• . • poor' 1. 1111 • .ort lhnn A inns, art deer (► (l . young year ' A voice replied -krone out the antet hom..1 -ke "1 .bas my face 10go man. no. sot 1 in a twelvemonth thoe *LE beni.. d Thee a7ieft-area yin. ! Thos wilt base gone where (motel*, r dea.t. Ere then. what cheer 1 w-aat i.kpopc speak thou. O year A deep voice echoed from the farolr.ay 'Ask me not thou I Mortal. Dori knows not 1' "-� Jolla (' at. Don.. Home Conn:ng. After a tramp. ora ride, or work in the open. one enmea home goal and hungry. Nothing is more substantial and appetizing than a piping hot dish of (dark's York and Beans, \%'n,. Clerk, Mfr., .Iontresl. not passing fair. Mat jars Aitken Mar y ('lark (:emgt• McEwen Hoe and Robet t..yon .......... «. , Cora Allen Hedge Glen Allen.' Clark .. Jamie McKenzie eirepheu Wilkes ....;;* .. W.n•thy Ryan.:. Glen Mann . Elva Johnson Cora Washington Uneworth Jones Hi/by NI tither. Aubrey Walter: MIDDLE .t FORM. Earl 1'31iott. Jnaie Medd . Gladys Levy Margaret Garvey Edna Stirling. Minnie Shackleton Edna McEwen Stella Norrish Jenny** 'tuff Margaret ..alt= Mae McManus May Cameroon... Howard Jon,. Itichard Leila . gan actor ahel Young Robert Carey Edna Sands. Isabnson......... •. , Elba McLean.. , (irate McLean ........... .. . Flossie Elliott E11ts-Britnienmbe ........ Wee Smale NtDnLtt Mary Tom.:... Pearl McKe • . Eva Vo Iles ... ......... .:.: ft5 Edge3 Rwarts efil (14 (13 01 :iN: 59 37 57 57 -57 '5d 56 52 53 52 51 50 49 47 46 Iia 75 M0 til (f5 (15 Ill 61 50 .i7 57 57 50 55 54 52 52 51 :4,0 :>0 4f 114 Case.... iM. elect Pridham -,p Janie Stothers 5o Vera iturn ID••••. 55 Harry 4.30141,011111- 66 Eleanor MOPS Retie %V ow 1)urnin Philips.... Hoy Medd Jowle Dalton..., Sora smith Lawrence (trey . 43 Erie Hawkins 42 Pearl McNally Florence Young John Inoder 48 47 17 46 41 40 t•PPRf 1•iOff -PART nett. Benaa•n Long ... 118 %Vm. Bisset til Fergus N1eNaught pt{ (trace Warnock .......... 16 P.t RT Two--w•INNe•K OPTION. Thos. Elliott ...... .. 71 Hoy Walter..: t- Ap Archie Tom,::_ nip P.i,•RT TWO -1tnutA,,K .JPTIOtt. Irene l'ridhanr 144 law tl'elsh 75 Maresrrt Ripon 71 Three subjects: Beatrice' P,ridhaes .. 101 Agnes Hantlltpe.•.• ..........•Al • TO ENFORCE THE ACT. i Regulate ��A 0A -awl To theK liter of The Stgnai. At the last tneetng of' the Citia,;•nj League it was resolved that the ment- he's co-operate with the parents and police authorities in enforcitig the Act respecting the use of Ipbaeco by minors, which ia'pl int$l below. It was considered fair to alt the pat- ties concerned .10 give public notice that we ate deternime•tt, m the inter - eats of the boys of our town, to use the weans provided by the said Act W stamp out a Practice which is destroy- ing tbx,physit•al and genial vigor of the tunny Minors in (.odirricb now using tobacco. Thr use of tobacco is retarding the prole esti anat. wide* min - Mg the untie. itutu,m tit a number tit boys attending schools. as well KS of many not attending school. J. Eu)IN Tori, Inspector of Schools. Chapter 211,.1t. 8, 0., 18117. • . An Act l'eepeeting the Vale of 'Pubecco .by editions. • HerMejrety, by :md with the ad- vice and roruent of the legislative Assembly of Ontario, enact,. as fol- lows : - 1, Any pa•rsou elm either directly or indirectly sellout. giver. ur furnisher to a minor udder rigbTiten yearn .4 Cage, clgaretter, cigars ur to nacco in any form. shall un summary couvic- 'tion thereof beton e a j ort ice -of the peace, he subject In a penalty of not h•rs' than *tit. or more than 5511, with ger without come of prosecution, or to im- prisonment, 'wttp or without hard Tabor. tor any to., w nut exceeding thirty days; ur to loth tine with or without cwt. and iwpriennment to the said aurount and for the said trent. in he discertiou ut the convicting marls trate. And in case of a fine. or a tine and Costs feting awarded. and of thei waver not being upon ('onviction fottb•, with paid. the it's -tier may commit the offender to the (-owrnost goal. thele to be imprisoned for any tette not ex - ceding thirty ds. +, unkesr the fine end casts ate importer paid. 2. Tbis Act shall not apply to a sale te the minor for his parrot ur gdard bun uudrr a wilitten 'nllueet t,r ander of the patient or guarAb«n. 3. A person w ho sppearr to the megistl ate to be under eighteen- vetoes t of age, shall be presumed to be under i that age unless It is shown by evidence that be is in tact ot er that age. Cooper's Warehouse. A cat of the hest patent n 1 n flour. stool choice family flour : it ear of bran plod shorts, oleo haled hay and et raw std 1111 kinds of feed nli I make is specialty of chicken teed. All kinds; .t grain bought and sold at the welt-! house. One cent per bushel allowed above market price on all grain taken' grit: in trade. Prices guar•otetd. i Goode delllyrren to all parts of the town roan' Cortes:li v Wertetiter•s t 1 "I have been troubled prith constipation for several years, and have tried a great many kinds of pills, as well as medicine I' from the doctor., . Nothing seemed to .helg,me until I be- gan taking Dr. Miles''Nerve and Liver Pills. I found. the little pills very effective,. and I am thankful ,that at last I have a reliable remedy." MRS: F. M. PUNKIN, LeRoy, Ills. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liv .r Pilla simply cause the bowels to move in -a normal manner, and with- out the tiripinglffects of cathar- tics and. purgatives. That's t>I'hy they are so universally- used by women and children. The 1liiiger they are taken the less are needed Natural conditions • -• gradually being restored. PfIce 2Sc at your druggist. Me shoal. supply You. 1f ire dere net, send who • to ue, we forward prepal0- DR.'MILES MEDICAL CO.. 'TeeelrM. He who sarrrnd,rs when he is wraag is Wier, ti• who surrenders when be is right -i+marrieds- blithe. too. is wise_ _ -�t�litleami WINTER TERM IRK CENTRAL &SNESS COLLEGE ov rosovn. BEGINS JANUARY 3rd Tl'e business world' as never crowd.•.1 with eonu.wtent help. If you "''• IL„t•.-' training and graduste Gom our school. we guarantee to place yo, in a po.itlnn Or refund t OUT tri lion. De+rything i- In your taper. Scrod for new catalogue toddy and learn mote about our plan. ,o bell), you. CENTRAL BUSINESS POJ.LEOE. w . H. Shaw. !tire -,dent. "The School or thorough Tra,mng.•- ominimmgi111HIMINIEN0 Hamilton street. (ioderiob. 2t. } __- Clark's Concentrated Soups. Every housewife knows the trouhlel of preparing the complicated soups that people like nowaila e. By using Clark's Coneentratet1 Soups, Chateau Brand. one can inexpensively and without trouble serve ons of the elan. orate *naps evade hy good chefs. Wm. ('lark, Mfr., Montreal. � When a woman holds n stn• 1110 hollow of her hand she n prim off y kind of talk on 1 ' j ia1 fame _Nieto as long ss the pos>1esnor feaent. NIater Tcru from Janurj Irl CENTRAL ST1tATY0140. ONT. The great p-actical training school of A•tern Ontario. Our a,nr.e- are practical. our teachers are experienced in.tructor•. The demand upon u. for help during the fall trent was seven time. the-uppiy. Otir ornetuatee are In demand a. Rualne,« lege teacher, Our gradual!. succeed, Three dei+'tment. •'ntneeerri.l. Shot-_ _.�. hood and Telegraphy, ,:et our tree rata Short - loose tit once. hand A. N -Lilt ALAN, • Pei lir iph 1. . W. ACHESON V: SON �rr�rwrr•�wa�w� I After the Holiday, Clearing Sale of Ladies' Coats and Furs Ladies' long .'oats, all thin reason's style's,. about thirty to choose from ; formerly priced at $7.10, to *18.011. On s a 1 e •50 to $10.00 Ladies' Ma.rutot and Mink Scarfs snitThrows. 41q.*40and $12 I0 , ltleartng.:- .... $7.75 $8 and .75 sJaMe fluffs, .15.00, for. $1 1.60 .flasks 'Sable Boas. $33.4$I, for...........:...: Grey LA.hb Capp, 23.51,, for .. 2.25 Black Coney Boas aryl Neapi., 61.(0) and 115.011, fin. . 2. 7.111 Men's first quality black Gelloway ('.4,11 !'oats witb Winn collar. regular *3211) and $55J0. tor.. • '27.00 Men's Alaska Braver Coats. =•.t.00. for...... . .... 43.00 Ladies' Meet Hochman Lamb coats. hendsottely One only. (ur-lined. with ottereollar: $011.110, for . 327:,.00.OO satin -fiord and beatltitut skins, E.`.3 (0), for.... • *5.00 *8)tM►. for .:.... .. - -INSPECTION INVITED W. ACH iSON ce SON WHEN YOU THINK: OF MOM ETH INt. PARTICULARLY NICE IN A.... Suit or Overcoat MARTIN'S OF COURSE TAILORING EXCLUSIVELY • 'find advancing years bring an Increasing 1 • cy need is "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives Entirely different from common es. Pleasant to take, mild and paaniesa. A tablet (or lest) at bed -ti regulates the bowels perfectly. Increasing doses never needed, mpounded, kke all the 125 NA-)R'J-CO p►e- partitions, by expo emists. Money back if not stfbdactewy st�.r�s box, 1t your demist st has not N uCi y. decked thew,, send 25c. and we wfft tial 1hwc. NATIONAL DRUG • CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. MONTREAL. 22 to constipntiun• The_corrective t The artl$ts who make Edison Records have 8pe(It the best part of their lives in perfect- ing themselves for the sole purpose of entertain- ing others. • Each is a specialist and all are among the best that the field of opera, music hall, concert, - musical comedy and vau(teville have produced. Every owner of an - Edisou Phonogra . • commands the-itrvires of this great array of talent. Their songs and music are offered on hath Edison Standard and Edison Ainherol Records every month, have you heard this month's selections ? 4,w wt raar.A1 ~two Mrystrr•�ia a ry . Mow nwnersest ply ..Yus.,s.w4, re.o.Arobwr. Kai e4,N•�.+Ne& ?r.. ?Awn n,.enrnee1a,..' e e , NM r4, ` 5,.n,,4 ee.►au.,. Aa.h...1 s..eee. IJee► NKr* as 1111.1. Si. &db.., (O'itn, (i RAMIE AL PNOMOG*APHH COMPANY IML 4. Avner.. Orae,., M. J., V. S. A. U&4 mmeseaAlois Ass arreesig seta sry JAS, F. THOMSON, Goderieh ,Seasonable Goods lour stock includes everything in EBONY MIRRORS HAiR BRUSHES MILITARY BRUSHES MANICURE SETS PERFUMES, PIPES CIGARS TOBACCO POUCHES, Etr A nire line Of CHOCOLATES in fancy packages. It C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square Goderich. THANKS to our customers, and the public generally, for th 'r liberal patron- age during the pas year. The year has n a very successful one, and 'we a looking forward with bright prospects for the year 1911. We hope, by fair dealing and keeping good reliable goods, to retain all our old customers and add many new ones. WISHING ALL • a bapp , anb prosperous %esv Lear WALTER C. PRIDHAM Men's Clothier and Furnisher