HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-29, Page 1)Yow s the time
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Ie Signal's
Clubbigg crist
ti page. 8 of this issue. -All
the leading Canadian publica-
t itnis at reduced .prices.
THE eIGN al. Pit INTIN41 CO.. Ltd . Puemrandar.
Capital, Rest anti UndItdad
Pr. Olt eet5,614.71111
Total Asset* over 144.11011.11011.
toffaut.nutan 11415 . • 1 tio matter what part of -the
. ,
- world you' visit -- all 9be
conveniently- secured,
whenever and whrever you want them, if on carry a Travel-
ling Letter of Credit front this Bank.
'Absolutely safe, as no one else can realizenpon it. and
'an introduction to the be)* banks -and' hankers everww!..tre.
. .
Our Local Manager, will be
1. • ,glad to tell yeti all about
• ' Branch, W. L. 'HORTON. Manager.
-A QUIET ELECTION. ,inmit,1,,,:,,.tkry...1,14).tit.k..by John Scrimgeour
. ..\ 'W31illiam Benjamin Graham -by j.
• U. artin and el. Ft McPhee.
1 tOw.s: oF oonkeien. Ace,. Alex
hinies Aso blamilacmaN I thank you foi ander .1, Cooper - by J. C. Man
she vont:dente which ) im have again beatv.wed MAYOR CAME RE-ELECTED BY tin and G. F. McPhee.
1/10011 me Iii Peelecting me by acclamation to" ACILAMAT ION. . J* 11) Moser --hy David Brown and
the eo-alon of hee)e. 114111 try to .erve yourp
.. •
interviste feithnitlY troth at the town comicir, H. J. A. MacEwan.
alai it. the county e01114.11 durtng the etsming ' --- - ' 41'illiam Henry Robertson - by B. J.
Year. and I tneit that the one of year will he' ' .' --.7!'"
urosperity'aud advanoeinent. A Similar Honor Heeded Out to Reeve Ai;Nella.r(it.:inr!..aasdnillin1;:,•_11)71Jr.114Li. A:
. VOW. 8-111et yen. ,
..• ......i, 1' des% 414111. s' lieideod Deputy Silave Munnings
3IacEwan and J. J. Meyer.
.- -Nine On the Ballot for Council- %%Miami Fordyce Clark -by M. 0:
Fr -PIE EEEr.rt 'KS (1F T 13 .E.
fin3hellarl'ens ItAnlietxklanUdCISIu
sani ligri
r ni n_b.y H . H.
, , . •, , tors ,deport- or the N.om...inatienCa
et 111111 111pPr
41L/C311111414)• .t6/3' aee Mien of the - 'Meeting. ., -
. •,, . William Wallace -try J. Elgin Tom
Lawns Arse mist isterv.--1 Ake -tli-,. eip• ' . ,,,.. „•--.- Hmigene sad P. 'I'. Dean.
., ,, . , ,,,, .. •
wile •hown iii•ine by mrani returolne rue , and H. E Hodgens.
" ik.l'UtY R""0! the "41
". hat""tb" in ,'a n,utt 11t t he to di a l tt snout meet- John %c..Iey 4'anatter by- w.- H.
Mg last.. tquIllyeorerlieg, 4T.' 'G.' Cam- , Robertson snd 0. M. Elliott.
elm, is. r4-.-eledreil -Mayor. C.- A. Beitil William Pellow--hy %V. U. Robert -
tutors 1 may be able to Wain the cond.
dente ..o .placeo. Wi.hing Y011 the ogundt•
menu. of the .ea•oe. 1 remain. , • •
Your. tray. . . .
- ...•. --
_ L.A.I. t. MUNNINUS -
. . . a,
-- t
Ti 11611.E-- ELEA -
. 'ORS_ (IF 1.41014E-
.. Louts l'0 GENTI./511.,.. 11111131141.11111/11,11,
Pt°P..143-0.1,14.1411.141del/1.41 for the 1,...,4 won
year.. ovine intermtid iu the tow-.- %felt-
. , . and 1111U11/ Weeper its. and nomieerett a. a
town councillor. I •Incer.ly -solicit Our meet+
• andsneuenee. Being 14 bra) ) heavenly.
intet.e.t. etre our. but I ant liberal. enough to
publie4 .t.ate that 1 want ....lee the reed old
. . town grow anti eat .ital ow.. .olliii foundation
• Again gtve me Y eat vote "nii 'help tioderich I, . .
- .--,,...4.......-. -.. - 1 - •
›...,- F.iitiouLy sone, • .rMeleoltir t; re
• ELECT...210N CARDS. i!,,,levolot. te Ise40.4detter (Intern -1i. -
. .
. J. J. ".40tl, 1). meLegio '.
1(4 ‚4 And it, Cr6Stutiitthligs Dethity eon and G. M. Elliott. •
Itel•ve. beecelrassiet it tn. TIre-ft,1144w.ing! Frank ,Edwin hsen-by Jacob
• rt..' f()E•ettiliti..1111114, Rote the fell*:
•AV. F4-aaeln4I obt.-1.411intt, Waiter E.
22.41ot:rte. .1. J. -1141n•wr. 1% A.
Seren, J. W4Vein/tiler% W. IL Pellew.-
' Veltman:. W. T. Marney WAR
Pet t1 /1. ai0$h.t teriii as w :tier
awl lightinatinintsionte- and the sehnol
usleitere- all elected by cht-
titration. The tellelving i.17111 ..,"t„,."1. Lionel ..0. Perot's -by .1. H. Col-
Moser slid:Hebert E heti.
George Henry 0.t.aban1_-_-
PerUonis and J. It Hawkins.
F1111 S-iio0j, Terserstes.
st. Patrick's Ward.
William Forbes Gallew -by J. H
Coils ten'. and W. E. Kelly.
11. r
:aorich'h %Ward..
I would be the cote%
finuneinl statement he termed the put.
Ilc at:count a ten feet - muddle
and suggested that the public rehire!
should have 0 sepainte net:trout slid
have 11* affair. CiilidlICted in .tt elinito•
manner to that of the collegiate un,.ti-
iuItriprospects ahead of the towe.
closing, the Meyer %poke of the • TOWNSHIP NOMINA rIONB.
C. A. Heid, ieturned a..ifreVi• for
another teEne was the next speaker.
The Electric Railway and Telephone
Ile thought the ear jtlht closing heti
been one of tbe Most proeswrotes for uestionsthe Chief Bones or
the town. The work be and Mr. Mem- ... e.
ontention - William Hill Opposes
hinge had done in the comity ct •
J. N. Kernighari for Reevt,sh.p.
was referred to, and be explained bow: . •
that they heti succeeded in having the
Collegiate Institilie grant id
ticterase.tel .
82.1100. He 111313elited t1/ the election The font re ing names will le• tilt the
for their support of the bylaw amber •i luillot for the Catlike -tie eleetiens 1
For Iteeve--Win.. Hill, J. N. Kerni•
icing the ex 'orient e or 11:.44111.1 t he
egten•ion a the hewer system. Oran.
Munnirigs, ivter Welt re-elected Etre ti% tttt Chisholm. A.
y acelatitatiort ter the Deputy Reeve's liallitlXV. R. Jewell, J. MciArty,
chair, (legit with Willia Chipiitan'a re: Strautin. Tag' Wihron, W. F.
pout en the sewerage system. He
uptake of (him erect' of ths; freight
alwilsend 'scanted out that by nwlilr•K
the sheda the town wam in it hole'
poeitien thdri had an agreement been
made .wiih the1. P. R. The extreme.
14 placing a new Miller on the Hie
engine had been Plat died. it. t he teat.
now had a good engine. A new Anil
more tap -or date fire syvtem, the e.••
tion of a new.town hall and the tteelll
111g of hydrieelectric power were nett.
ter.. winch, the speaker lu me Id,
would have to be considered. at „it
early date. lie acknow lett ged b,. p. in.
the aumuier hotel traneavtion, elating
that he did not think it was right fo
- borne and %V. 1 -ane
• --•' - finery 0. titurtiy-by J. 8. Platt -anti
_--eitatierote-by A. W; F. Clark. • • - .
Het...1. Metetw• Mr. Parsons was elected. Mr. Sturdy
THE EI.ECTOItS -OF tiODE. --_-_-,----------- • • -- . • - s•
Copy of change' erg running advertise%
- - - ,, • _...- .-- 1 Itleit. • . • ' Fort REEV E, • . pitlid-rewieg, •
St. Andrewa Ward.
Illi'll. ." .- - -- - . ._ - .... __' ._..c-fl_it.L _THE .ELECTOIIS_ OF GLIDE.,_ -. -
i 1441.111. 4311/1:11NT1.3411:K. I colic thieenserin. 1.114...assoi6XN.1.1.4.,1EN. I have been nou ado A. Reit:C.-lee W. V. Clerk -
, . . , • . • Herheet Edward Hodgens--,by Alex -
monde). s. I -no nor have tiote to make a Pei end have amided to ,iceept tke • n/na• and itthri"S. Platl...-
ander Situnders rind }told . J. 41egaw.
merits must be left at -tha °Mee by of ,41„.it„), ,uu, ../1141kIl• at. the poll.' Iwo Mated fur a .eat at the tow!4 council fifer or
Monday noon to ensure intertioo tee4Sietl cauiva•-- "My _entire Interest. ate lit nom. Ilisavallie.tisue mut Mel
1,..• tows, of tioderich. and my -Ole aim in yoeeintere.t., .no if eleeted i to .,ervet., Beni46•• Foe Deet•-ry itzayr.. ..., -•-4:,
40-.0 Of the' ' - ill'''. 1 lehlrit -by-by . Robert H. li''Ati‘t.4ei '-i"iy.ard.'I. T. Newell
in .iseue of same week. ...eking ele.:4..... to nit emoted I. to Ito tee utnio-t uf ray abilny. 1 ta-1 Robt. J.,:illegiSW end 41. -El: Colturrite.
andrI /avid Munekre.
, y„,c".,„,...,;("b!„.„1"..udinPrwib.... t440."..1 ' FOR VVATElt AND 1.1.4:11T CO11 it is-
- , - After Town -Clerk Knox Nut read
, -bare in 000ducting the affair. of the learn a. for me to 'mike sr ye
-.--- - - tt.ey 1416,114 be nooducted. I 1,elected. 1 will ..t MI tocan, of soli • , . . s.. '.
SITUATIONS VACANT. make at my earnest eialtinot to ilhailaript the
duties of tliu mem, without/c.d.-fir .. ly_, . .. ... . .
% . Yong.. andlie,t at d SI reett.-Toronto.oder. -.. -- • ours roc.
/; • . ' , , FOte COL ILIAMs. - . uty Reeve, try xcanitation, Weis, Lane
. .WilliatAlbornits %lumpy-- e,. W. the.,liet of noinineee and proch t i lll e41
. w4 T. PELLOw.- AL (4. Cameron elected Mayor,
'bout, resesettelly
IENTRAL l'ELEGItAI'll , THE•et,F4 .TOtis :01., , (;01,„ y. Clark and It. C.Alunnings. .
• .• . Reid Reeve. aed 13. (7.i''' Thinning@ Dep.
14111. melted f•t•iistle. Inc limning i oung Men ill fillt 1 •rtiE ELFA in )1•12, • • .01-• R",•"' - ' _..._ '. • 7 - ' - . Henry *John Morri.-loy Wm. A. was voted if/ the chair and the pro-
, ...e.,,,,, 4.,,,,e. e °or.. hie Intel 1 eleetarre . 5 witiNE To% ssidp.. . LAMER .1N1/ (411.31'1):Em):•._itsionni -1.-00n te 'Chisholm and G. F. McPhee. - • . • grain of tTeeches try the 'candidate's
upending: Free catalogue explatus. ." • . I ---• que•ted Os a number of- inguenclatxatepayehr
- '4414644 t MR OP 10 Deanne acaedidate for.' he tewik counell:•.1,4 Walter Ephraim Keliy. by J. li., win, then earried out.
Lyiilas Alm liesT1.1iliv.N
IV A NTEI k ---61141 . I:011 i EN. Elf A 1 , .,- ri1:1ellilealh:rfthliraillitter
• .." ill 0 11 i'm resting your .uppe,t end yam. -intiarence .iii IllY
. am In the field -end 1 take thiti, Mean. of tat 'Colborne and ,Alex..seundev.
for the iiiipport• for
M. ft, Comeron, Mayor -elect f
i hete•reerk. A t.ply to Mks.- A. )4,.. - .1 obi) Claristeither Martin -by . J. 1r. 1011 .-.extendrd his hear 'thanks to
' N. . b . I. thin I we •Iillie gdidate for the Raeroalgo behalf.- I -have hid .;0114, experience in rimpF- er,... ,. -
I . i of the towriabip of Colborne nig tor the town ,cipal life. having -erved a1 umber of year. on warlDorne and W. F. Clark. , . 4 the ratepayers for honor which
• - ' of rioderlen. a. wore. of yo 'l might •IitMow the Colbunie town.hip . oulticit and 4 believe .- ' . •
1 from the number of prominent men ot. the that if eleeted I ten be of Smog service In tbe
ipEac HEIL WANTED FOR . s., S.
Sio Id. JAMMU. SW V be year Mt 1 lustier I d. edie to re.pectfully *elicit your 'mimeo
to ceerteemeet sifter Mew Year.. Rate weber* 1 9,,,,. lb. ,,, ,.1.,,,,on. mid 1 4 am rp.eiret,.4
loan who opoieael ow at the nomination. 1
town. Volts faithfully. -
management of the elan. or our beautiful 7/ ..L. - . • .
1-1. J. MORRIS. • ' 2 7: ......•__.. ................ . ,r,......_....._........._.
• • . .
se -v. NI,
See.--Treas.. 1 rewe. 1111 -a- i bai• no private interest. to turt err. -__. . , ..A -.e.
- -wee-expersesire. •pely to J. O. 11.1,41:01111 1 will work for the intereet. of the toeuabip. . ..
- I J'N..KEttNil'IlAN' - TO THE ELECT(.1BS: .
.• .
• • ---•
general h••11-ework. MRS. V. M. RUN i rrit) THE gi,leClektftts (IF T li I:: Li Pigs ANT/ (44471111'. -4 h‘Ve.13/4/1/ nom-
Fill s M01, 01• 4 -greet. - .1 TOWNSHIP 4 r1.* COLI• 'RN E. 'Dated fnr a peat at the teen council aigi am a
candietate..-A. you know. 1 Mr.e. -had several -
, L %me- AND(noiTI.Kfest. I have been asked year...experience:at the council. and if iron see. .. . .. . ' . -
FOR SALE OR TO RENT 1 by a number ot the ratepayel• oft by toworhip 14t40 eine me myeaperienee and My be.t ..n - , . • . ..
:_- - -..„..t...--- I of 4 '011.Uret to off. r niv.-lf fward ta
ur_paction year to the deavor. will be AC your service..e• honk191.1. J ing for. . NVIS11-b*e4riill its. Rea( lc rs and Patrons ,
, podtion cif Remit of the tawn.hl Your vale ke od for tiodrich tri am.
.,...p. nog ou corner or Itai &lit road and Molts,
Ole 'wet • Eight room.. beaide. b.11.....m. , Wit..1.1.121 PILL • • I
i 1( USK l'O ItENT.-NEW TWI 4- I end influence •ro averetruil, so cited. VI bm. . Your. ,A.s.oe. 1.7.1ci
1...%11k. •
• ,
1 ,...r.,Itv brit k hon... erected 11.. p...t • I"K the 'em‘prireen''', "f 'he "•••011. 1 444°.
../ y Inhy sour.. . . - ,
_ _ ,...... ,, . _
rro THE .1:1.1.:4 -II IIIS 0 r T H E
.eriy t.' utunifi. HILL. Loodraboro . or at ---
THE 1411:NAL OM( E.
ekeei• Anil pantry. Ail modern con.erat... r-.
4/1 led nig elect r•v light - ferimee.herd eti .
Teo n.. t. te ir noble. 1.w ioniser pert liaas -
• . V OTI4 E
'. -J. H. WOltSliti, . HAS
,. .,lie -.ed by a bun) her of citizen. to allow thy
panic 1. 1.. plaredon the li.t of candidates for
..11. row.N.tiF outiktm i..
1.11/1F.., AND 1-3k1.:71.341.... .1 Mt* been re.
• , - 1[3E1 P 1)12 .114 C W VC a t. .
returned the %teat and all aeconnt. Ole council of 19IJ. If ) oil are Pleased to re
%I:11AT 114 FRUIT LAN1) WORTH -:- owing 40J. H. Walsall it son suet be .ett led elect 4.141 10 your council board 1 .hell again
st mew er they will he put 'Into coert for coe endeavor. a- I have done in the_peat. -to •
V minty a onsell trim form kr Valgeweesi h.,,d1-60. Aet.eue-ca can be OiTd-TO-721.... or 11-4..tvtibt-eL11e be.t intereste of the town.
4 ..e.r...d.. knots -Pay di., rim. II. l'.. and beentie J 11. WOmelL at their hod... Victoria .treet• .Youtsi Very truly.
. milt pei.ger.t. 1b., -i. bifida are Worth 0%•1 or to C. W. '1V011SEI.L. at F. Hunt w hard- - - WSL WALLACI:
$1.0. 0 it r reit 1114.11 1.11114,4kt/41 and .14 out ill
ware •dore. • 2N -4t. - .• ____
Imo. V I: gin aoll now selling trim 21.. I.. SOI. • r
. 'feign.. without intetest, by monthly in. -t --
per Nett.- Ideal climate, good 11.1111.g. 1..'. •
- Iv() THE F:I.E't Tolts OE. Go)/
, ,
weete: Jtess W. imiAls, ueoeral . ere . .‘, • • . i - kit:B.
4•,,,,,,te sr.. :Oral fo id.
- The annual 40,44 ing of the N1.-Killop Mutual .
.. toms ae.reGrArtrui.s. 1 been noel
- Fir.. 44 114144 . -.dummy ST iii N. 111.11t all 00
inatel for the po-ition of., Miler of Gode-
. toe ti .141seniors!). on Friday. Jannery ill h. rith for 1911 and I take mean. of soliciting
i IF Vic ES To RENT ON NORTH ten. at 1 o'cick p. ft.. Itn•Use••• 141 rerri...• -your .uppoit on el day..., 11 y experience
ellled kJIK Mirrors,' thr timineiel--.tatrunt le:Jed Auditor. rer'rt. . a mernt..,. 01 the county council and -.rel. atey nocupy . .
oet..I .kodrew Portet: .ApPl- t J. P. It21 ttitWN ,11"'''1'"ling "f 41"4'• ill'i- d,,ie town co gives me the advantage of an
. 1 ff • . 111••••• WIlkb .... be roti••bierefl for the weal of with reimicipai ettbir. which
.. -
..- m -.. pNemy,. . 4eT4r1h1/Itte 1n1/11a- •/Irimitie. .ari!t7
1.ainte i..well Itattending to the work of
111)1' s FOR SAL - A TWO1l„,3freimlio1
t town in 1911. Whihing you the mental.
... 11 4 TORY betek hoowwith seven mom. .1 -14. M. 1.I....%N. .111os. E.. 11A% -s mem. of the ...aeon. I. alit,-
. litsme •Inaid. PartWalara ean he hid .by . .. . Asersi
.0slircerely --
• .1,1 t f pre.mitait. . se. ,, . .. OIST. ELLIOTT.
' t .11die at POONA!. tglice. ___ __ 1 _
To THF: 1:1,1:4 -1111i4t OF (l01)E.:
- --,-, . 1 •- lc
• _ _
I UST. -IN(. ;It lt• H ON T411 its- Ril'H.- . . -
11 ,i•o. is .4...; vffii, .4 ,litri. And .. bite Liotaa agriCiextiff was.- It wa. toy Inten-
t...mei ; Aeon .ifie. .1t.) -one hai ing in- don tip to a late bout Tumidity of Chi. week
hien nil_ or t N: animal i. reenc.ted to roof not Wallow my name 10 00 plAced before -you
Ideate' with the owner. 11' N. !MOWN. for municipal boner. for the incoming year.
!'ort ‘lbert. • unwire...problems during the peat Near made
. • it exceedingly difficult for me to give tbe
r,,,T,_(-)1),T' '(111.1 1 ..47 m .0.4 lee y. • A office of councillor the attention it demanded
'>) 11 Rohl lericet with red and white eettiog.Tailt444t
upon me a year ago bed not . been diled
that the tru.t vol, had so genertnetly
bet w 1.1. T. Newell'. home cei Minck. street aw well a. 1t should hove been.
GHowever. you have done me the honor to
Y'S . re•nominste me for • potation on the .i•ounell
board for 1941. and I have decided to place
myself before you for yoer deciwion' in the
cry,' Cab and '
Bus .t noliftteeirec.
ted. 1 think I can give the affairs of
• Stables our town better attention than was pos.lble
for nie tado during the year jag (loathe.
Wi.hing all my fellorion1tisons a happy and
pro.peroua year in 1911. 1 teenatil.
. Yo -e. faithfully,
IJ gold "love knot" brooch. lost on Fridey.
Deeember le h. will be rev arded by returning
1410R HALF.- FIVE ACREtl. 11 Es41'
1 vide 14.1)141141med. bower* Britannia
niail *1 11 fientiett .treet ' • 12ed pertfon of this
land • tnahle 14 marketrden..mall
• ,t . 1 t we part. .,f two abd one hell
4•10•1••• • rt vie Vr.t price and tern). write H .1
N 17s 11 nd.r Ave.. Window ,
and ctoria saw Milthodbit church. Snit
able reward will be given Um tl.,der nn leaving
,t..t THE 111145*.. OFFICE ot at MR. N/0%
ELL*. Mime. 31-11 .
I owl'. --itsTwErs V ICTORI.%
street eolith sod the Square. a gold bex
brooch .et with pearl. and einethyot. Finder
will be rewarded on leaving at THE SPI-
$OUth Mtreet, Godelich
All- our Rigs are New. 'Metre
meet all Trmins end Summery.
Par Ocular at tent ion given to
calla from private reeidences.
Phone No. 50.
- , 1 All kinds of ropgh lumbei in
stock at the New Lumber Van!.
14 -ext to Kensington Furniture
Fa op ite 0.T. track.
(Wen,fHled at short n tics+.
1 / •
( New- Eedrnswlek (Jrder-
1 Shingles "Larkin" brand -the
I hot on the market. 4-,
'1 •PF1(`N7 No 22,.
4,--4e-•.--4,,-,,,,- ...,-.../..
1 )1tOPF,RT,V. 1108 -
known am (he
.,a Veneer .10,1 1.. to be wild In kg. or
'mein% tseree splendid building iota
Vie sold eeparately. fronting net
sl44141 *Mt Urn exeeta ,lir
eremite aim ronvenient karat loo
I ivi idling With 102feet tin -dam
' Nelson Arpin. Alla 1104
3 Int. en Renee greet, 10 .1 118
1 Int Nehmen etrnet, *) a Int.14ti
rear cot ran. 0.
re, price. term41. apply to
aloe* ,..mmawimij !matte.
roomer.. Apply at Tux SPINAL
pARTNEH W.4NTED. 141 (10
into •letelt an tile b.,.ine.- in nederteb.
ALFRED ELLIOTT. Firlekmaker. Goderich.
eords of green. hard body erred wanted
. 4 (04 gaol The wood mieit be four feet Ionic
and delis ered and piled in the gaol yard befere
the lid of March. 1911. Tendet. rwe.ived b )
me on or before lanuaryseth. 4911 ,. LANE
Couiity Clerk.
iet black In color : horn beg heelars.
Apply to pco. cowermirdon.
(roderich township Inderich 9.''- •
1. 1T01) quantity of good. dr) hard wood. lo
tile 101141114 rail. ; Mao .ome ereen..hort hard•
wood,_which ere taking order. tor HOW
In. Whet street rink for wile at a Mir
gain. There le &tour Of 11.110 feet The lim,
her le one $e Dee -eight h inches In thloknee..
Apply to CHISHOLM 111109.. Ooderich P 0,,
SC. ti
/ form Ile pitigte that 1 have mamba...4 A
the power reachtne and will be able to
fill order. amounting NV litnAti the by the 1st
..1 June next. 111 the fnlinwiflitelre.: 2) 4 1. 11.
• in. 12, 11. la. 11. 414 inchm. 111 II tilt so -
tits same In peke aa clay tIlehijatsction
guaranteed THOS. SANDY. Lecbsiall. Met.
The hobble skirt le making (Mite e
stir, considering the entire absence of
modku•••••••• as)
•- • ..
GODERICH MARK-ETS.- they had oonferred upon him Ly elect-
• ing him without opposition for an -
'rat ALMA Dec ' h• other adiniuted that'll:14 he
tee sta consulterrhis town ears. and crowfeet he
to " _40 • wonkl'ilsve declined the offfee. .4s a
""0 t° 4/1.0.71 -fairly husy man, his time was t hor-
Buckwheat. per bush
`New oat, twc bm•hel .... , 0 3. to., 0 IP oughly oceupied. more than it should
Dour, family. per cwt
tkPereillarretncnperohrubpewuh.rht....n..._.„1_-:_ Is:7-e,.,4(joittotat:
211 HI 2 73 lied, for now, in -comparison with
. amio- so Eton Willa -119. dirties -a the Arei
old ost.. per Medi, be for one wbo aspired to this position.
_He referred to the great deal of ;Morn -
Pall 'wheat, terbush
timing wheat. per Weds. ..
Rye, per bush
Flour. patent, per cwt
Oren, per ton . - ,, 0,-, to 9, 9, What they did a fsiw pent ago.
Shorts, peeton ti oo to tt on He .poke of the kindness of the
par. puma . ••• if 00 tet " 1" press in reporting what was done at
eord tbe eouncil meetings. The .papers
nutter, per lb . - .. 6 Oft to 6 On
0 2110 o 21 might have criticised at threw but it
Cheese. per Ib , 0 13 re 0 14 was only their duty to d.. so. He was
Ego. fresh, per dor .
Potatem oer bushel. . .... . 4 30 tO . .1.'
- 424 te ° 21 rad that last January the ratepayers
Cattle, °rainy to good; weevil. 4 '010 5 F.: ad realized the importance of encour-
Cattle. export. per eve 3 Lit to 0 V., aging the two great harbor industries.
8p„ L:i.„„;, . I on% He felt eller that the benefit to he tre-
TalloW, per lb oir to 449, cured front this action would redound
heep, pet cwt 4
(F;Ieic.l.e.ee.. ped
• ;a1i%i; ttoo 7.4t4
10114* advantage 4of the
he ratepaer
tWith the 1111}1tof the Govse.
Chicken. It. to 14 11)0,11 approprietionfor harbor im•::.Ifo 21 provetrients at this port ie was nut
. r 1410 13. &It 1141111, as it was not a fulfillment of
-,.- --- - -- the -promise made hy DE. Pugsley
4-4 0 •I1 vo'n.: SOLICITED F'011 when he wasliere last summer. Mr.
, t'aineron said he had written to the
v . Department concerning the matter
'. A.
, and if a satisfactory answer were not
fort beOming a delegation would have
, , ,.
. to be tient to Ottawa to' interview the
Minister regarding the mutter. He
, I pointed out that the future prosperity
„,,•-•.----..----....--....-..---e-s-...--.-4.--.... -'-"•-•••-`----"4---..-r-'--"•-••"'-‘ 1 of Goderich depended on two things :
-y: '.
' t2ltkl'iliti":71::fti'rr:
- . fuge,lletr:ottenttirtite
:. manufacturing interests of the town ()\NIS TH F. TI:\11.
The building i if the freight sheds
bad heen justified by tha amount id
1 TO REN E\V trade already worked up, Oyer filtisks
_ .
pounds of feeight hail passed throirp,b
, the ulteds siuce their -erection. The
failtire ef the apple t-rop also was to be
The Signal thanks the friends who htoken into aecount when theive already re- I
._ . of freight handled was considered.
newed their subscription,for the coating, year, and hopes
.. .
that many more renewals v.:411 be receded within the next
few days.
TF1 1)R E111114'-'1:OR 1911"
As a premitinito paid4n-advance subscribers for igm
the Signal is offering --X choice of pictures of Sir Wilfrid
ei-atid Sir James Whitney.' These„ are large, hand-
some Plet-ttraultsble for framingi-Ind one of them shoUld
be in every Reme-nber these ata.for paid -in -advance
subscribers only. ,
For those who would prefef _19itcalendar.td- of
the pictures, we have a limited su •. ▪ • ,
Subscribers, renewing by argil illes4-e"tititte their.
choice of the premiumsy„.
i „ 1
Continuing, Mr. Cameron spoke
of the good Work of the Board of
e A
Trade IMO and referred to the
1 , valued assisuance rendered the cowl-
! ell by that body during the peat year.
' He expressed the hope that. the organ-
: kat ion would he Al active in 1911.
1.- Tie- securing '.f the permanent mili:
tory camp and making troderich a gar-
rison town was a matter which would
have to be taken np by the council of
The power question was a matter
which requite 4 hiffuediate attention.
It was absolutely cogent ial that some-
thing eh' -)old he done so that the town
manufacturers would be enabled to
obtain cheap power.
The financial condition of the town
also was referred to. It was hoped
that next year the town wneld be in a
better position. finant•ially. The two
elevators willnext year. ne %Mg
MIMS to the town which will rel eve to
the extein of $3,reili. The primer orihoei
censuses. he said, had failed 4 .4.teke
into enneideration the matter of oh-
tritriit)14 Some fin ?tithing,. for patt of
the helesslnol. which 'timid involve
ref trither expenditure of nearly illi.istii.
This, of 13011Ehe, might he 111141 hy the
sale tit property. which he hetes!
V.111111K. .
It W/41 expelled that the Colborne
110 111 i ttttt 1.111 111,91 ing. W111114 I. One 14.
t lre liveltio4 ever held in the little
novo-hip hail at Carbon-. it thl the ex -
pertatimi wit. not belied. 441moet
trim. begirilittig 1.. OA t he -re Woe
jangling arid its 1. • tie.' and er,41.90..
tiring anima: the candidates and the
electors in 1 he hall. with an Anew
11.11111111tett i oulttlgenee in -what might
mildly I.•• to 11 "111111ratlit tttt etitory
la gut gr... it 11111,1 IN* Said [hilt! !sew
ill it kV ilpeakerg kept themselves ierCa ,-
414' tretiele • while they Nett* 1111 the
elei turns. brit for newt a them it W41,,A
ll, minia). t• t. It would be import -
sell the hotel for $1,1010 when it curt. Mirk to ti.port the pm x.eedinge ilt full :
$10.011u, ' The Signalw ill try to living, out only
to enter the field again and not e isle Ilt:vidently en arentitit 4;f the heavy
%Vivi. Wallace Pala hihail been dared 1 t he pri ricilui I jetinte of Libeller -6m.
ing intake a (law be heti tleride4 1tt 1.roads. the at tendatire during the
run..agnin. Instead- of heing economi- _firrouil. no tttt i tt anon proceedings ens
cali.the commit of 1010 had mewed a let nowt. slim, telt when the iipeakiiig
of money. 1191710 of it wisely. and moue : r etioeil the hall 1R11011 aued up noel
of it otherwise: Ile did run. think thermajority of those present stem 4111..i-
- oiling the street,. was a mood. Noiras they lietetred to the fervid
thing. Among the thinge which the rtietorie fr . the plat forts, and elme-'
r-4nncil of 1910 did not do were -the where, F. W. Melemagh, the noels-
PanCtioning of the petition to l'arlia- ship clerk, acted no chairman after
merit of the Tee Reform League 'the 1,reervivitior the nonsinatitur. which
appointing of a police ceneor• for the were as ft rIlowli : - ,
pointing of an iuspector fer weal Audi
moving picture ehows, anti the Hp. •
John Not:than K. el:nigh/a' n --by John
milk. He was proud of him etillenglievi
in the council a 1910.- Everyone Wei. lit'"" 4°1 I 1'1'. """eilm'H;
trying to du his level beet for the towll i %VIII. Prinillf'N't• IC:-1.-------bY Jelm
them. _
and he was ready t9 sink or swim with
11..1. Morris said he did not seek the
office, and he had not made up hie
mind as to whethse be would strand er
not. If Ids 'endow were laccePlebir
he .41,1114 gltaisantee that he- wetsjel
take an interest in the work. He wall
/1.4hasned of the town hall : be thought
it ought to he made at least a little
ttttt attractive. He RAY of the
opinion that the hrielos in the eidefiner
hotel were worth more than $1.111111.
Ite favored the establishing a 3\ CA11.
fling factory in tioderich.
%V. T. Murney, re-elected water end
light coininiesioner fn, 1011 rand 1912,
male a few remarks relative to the
.protits shown on the waterwerke
account. He also replied to * number
of questions put hy Alex. Maunder,
Walter E. Kelly raid he had not
Made up his mind as to whether he
wuuld run for councillor or not, inn it,
the eeent a his deciding to allow hi.
gn berm e the prop-W.he
promised, if elected'. to do his par 4 to
verve their beet interests.
Robert' Elliott thanked the rate.
payers for the support thelgeve
at the polls at the last election. lito
had decided tri try Nevin, as he. bad
been beaten by only two votes.
Dr. %V. F. Clark said that he, too,
had -riot tirade up his ttt i t He
thought the council of 19111 was s. very
sensible council and wits not to be
criticized. He spoke of the financial
statement, or -the difficulty any ;we -
son** understanding it, end he reemiled
Mayor Cameron's statement Heade 4
year &anthill he would see that, it ava
made plain te everybody. The eel alt.
liaising of a Termer.' produje market
and stook market were two things
Whieh should be looked into im-
mediately. He thought steps ehoulti
he taken to have the electric railway
emelt the town via Settford.-np-Hani-
Men street, instead of ,having -it enter
from tbe harbor aide. 114. - believed,
further, that it. was nisi-ea/oar y to piesnil
money on the searer, Ilyete111, 11014411Se
the health of tbe populat ion depended
on it.
W. T. Pellow said he had not de-
cided if he would remain a candidate
or not. He took eteiriderable interest
in the: town. having been a resident
for seventeen yPere. and he was will-
ing to work in the tresCi to erests of the
town at an% time.
The other -nominees did not respond
When their nan.es were called. The
meeting then dispensed.
..'IV ratepayer 411,4011 t,il.. . a in-
ter •-ititt the sewer bylaw which -is to
lie voted upon next :Monday. niy.
calk, for the providing of /1 R11111 Or
51411. which with the sum of :20,11140
elreatly voted makes up the.41111)1 1fl4.
which "%Vali* Chipman. C. E., in'
report presented to.,the „emitted eavly•
in the ineeent year, esti ttttt tem as the
cost of the 1114P3.11411 irritate tine
1111/VPillent$1 to 411.' sewerage system of
Otelerieh. • On liege a of this borne we
the venter part of Mr. (line
elniCs re(w)rt. *Melt should have the
.-areftil t t ent b of the rateptiyers.
The extension of the sewerrige sys-
tem Es one of the rifted urgent nerds
of tit...Diem, anti 414.' bylaw nhould be
The gird Regiment hind wiltresume
practice at the band maim of. irodity
',ening nest.
Taylor and James M. -Manses. -
II. .1. .4..liu4Entatii -her Me Pot-
ter alai %% J.•Me4Vhinney.
',illiam Bill -by James, A. Elliott
and Jacob Mimeo%
Richard - hy Robert
St ratighati .Stamkell.
1.141 • tti. LUMP,.
tirades MeNea-- '.y Jame...1,m,, anti
.Me 4VItioney.
Jewell --by H. .1. A, Va.-
F.:Wati and Itieluird Carney. • 4-- .
-Andrew' Halliday --by .1 4 44 Var.
roe and Thos. 'arrell.
.14e.441) 41.4,4er-by Frank, McIntyre
arid John %V. limiter.
Cheri. itoberteon -by Robert beau
and H. J. A. Mach:wan.
141 .17:11/.411 S.!raughaii-by Hill and
John MeLartyity John Breen and
Thor., l'artsill.
%V illiaer E.,.Young by .1.- A. M.
441r4104'aiel Thom. Carroll. -
jirdujilL:ItnIreltJ'-hy J,
i.r. *4.' Var.-n..
Jelin ihistew .'by Jana, Nloser anti
Albert Mitgforit.
J1111111. Chisholm -by Hugh Hill and
Albert lingered.
H144V1. MAN the Hr.(
'.pen ker11, maid the wi lark liefiiri• the
el ,tin&trill/. the yeal• 11/111 leen
rather but had been
harnerhy and gnu.' !voting_ ,m 1111.
mato!. linti an hi rughlie .ulinitted t hat
stone mint eke,* had been made he
tliteirela they, inmeidering the ber
of questions 111 Ile &all with ter the
tirst,ttirie. they had 'ma. heirtigh
v well. After w, • explatintiene ,
tt111111(111.3,11i11.•••- tionneial statement one
•tits enntiectioti With the
trona tieing that the comity rate wax
lower i. Mr. Kernighan referred in
/41111141 detail to • ty council mattere.
He 114 ght there were t1N1 many
high selerels 111 the Isrunty, end quest-
tiened the necemity of a county sani-
' for «ins !elver. He rtata-thel`
developowsit of Maitland River
power, which m mild Le 11 /10141 10 the
farmers, 441 .111,1 he - big questing -for
next year nt the (-entity council. He
explained thc settlement with the C
P. R. respect nig the 11111111M of $111,0011
votral in MI. The t-otitteri had agreed
with C441. Mel smaid to pay the even-
t/A.1M with no ioterest or charge for
expenses, 0.1111 he' thought. the t own -
ship had thus diseliarged its oblige -
t • s ''ti fitvorshie ternoi.
Coming to the telephsrne question,
heblamed the previous eimuril for
gratiting re franchise to the Rural -
Conquory. 'When Mr. Fonder present-
ed his petitiiin with Mixt)'-nil). migna-
t tires For the , nicipal system it war.
WAR, granted. lie, wan sorry there
wen. the t s)mteins, but he and the
rest of the e •il hod lame' fele to
both Whiehever was the .1- e a t
-.0finfersitt:y win old.
4.0.4fm, bolt these had Iseen firmed on the -
There had been creisidersible
'The electric railway then. c14 • 41
the Reeve's attention. Tri -justify the
commit in its attituds. ji. ro,ot a ilis41-
4144.111.11,0443 1-144.---thetal,k) ti4,l4Wety awl
Municipal litranl to the effect that
nwolutern ef the colored w.11. not
sufficient in the earie of the crossing lit
I ttttt lop and that it was neves:sat y to
submit a hylaw to the people. He de-
tailed the step., leading tip to thi.
tearing tip of the track end the .1
-events. Later he had received tter
fermi I he .11 tot ney•Illenern • Jetport •
mem stating that a plenty/ eights. on
the highway mild only hy
vote of the rate 'ere I1f! considered
the e ttttt quite justified in etand-
-out hilted 9131.111te 14/4
• rights Of the township