The Signal, 1910-12-22, Page 9THE SIGNAL 4ODSRICEI. ONTARIO THi?BiVA 1. 11('I MBxs :A 1010 • 4 * ********++* +4**4 Ct9t9t9ti 4 *44444'409:, 44*'tom ... The News of the. District. 4 XCie '46635 4 4 4 4+44 -4k dl°44444446.4+4544 4641.4446464* 4 444 464,6* PORT ALBERT. W SDNIceDA Y. I )ec. 21st. lotFetiMA$ ENTittTAINNIeNT, - Christmas tee setertaiuwent will be 101 vu in Christ church on the evening of Wednesday, December 211. All are cordially invited to be prevent, A good program is being prepared. Ad- mi*aiun--a►dultt, theta: children, las et- BENMILLIER. WEDNEaDAY, Dec. 21st. Paint %INHINo PotLTItY•-At the duelhb Winter Fair in • close of thirty-four el. C. white Leghorn bene Durst tiros., of Beomillet•, woo first and third prizes. This elites was pro- .,,ouucrd by eiperta to be one n( the targcat and best classes of Leghorn. hens ever brought together in Can- ada. .1t the county show at Clinton this week in white Plymouth Rucks Durst Bis. won second and third rock -bird, first and second hen. first r,s•keta-1 and first pullet. and *11 spe- 5T. HELENS. ANTED. - CHICKENS. II ENM, 11 . dunk.. gem awl turkeys. alive, ur •tre..si. Ws tar the hltkaA cash or trade s�be lak.n ever? Wednesday and Tins - 1 ,,.uratng. - 'Nowt now ten tarvsd and stul••rlt dlewsd. it k. MILLER. lisiTATIt. at.wise. • Tt ENDAX, l)ec. 2tith. K ,l.vrt xeety, of Pigeon. Mich., is visiting his stater. Mrs, l), Todd. jr. Nn. (lark, 01 Guelph, is visiting het *legs, Mn.. %V. C. VebbandMrs. 11. \t Kenzie. guile a number from this vicinity at:.•n led the funeral of the lite Mrs. p. WiI son ell Mobday. • -.1 naming of the Women's Institute wilt be held at the home of Mrs. A. Anda -on on Thursday. 1)ecemher yob,,it2:atP p. m. 1 dewoosttation on "Row rrel4et a Table" will he given. t•y Mus Ramage. All the Indies are invited. -_ • HOLYROUD. Tr/OMDAN. Doc. 2llth. 1 - Ni;w-- I PP MIT WEIch. Then. and Ed Pierce. with their .vivre and tam. die*. also Mies E. Pierer. ere - all horse (runs the Weit to spend a. few weeks. with their isarents and friends in this lorslity Hiram Sh.ltuu, of near Suede, spent Sunda% with his .ister, Mn. T. I .•rs..n %lies T. M,-Lnd'y rbool gave a concert last Friday. .renwg in the township hall. with help from Kinlough ,and L icknow. All Rem well„plraeed with the enter- tainment. The proceed.. amounted to SI% The Fanners' Institute holds a meeting ,in the township hall on Toe -day afternoon and evening. Mrs. Walt. from Clinton, is to speak in the evening I. Fraser is benie (Toru the West laking hale acrd hearty. He un the lookout for two young tadn•e .oho give their name a. Misses horn 1'. Eaton's of TorontI, and .n going around giving lessons in drw*ecut ting, bur who fail even to pt,x their retard bills As the) paw itnough the villages. - LAURIER. }-.- Tcxsn.(Y. lies. •3ith. TRg LATE. Mie. AtortsJ of Mrr. Jame. Walker too on tiredav o placeTb last from the reel - dew, of John Walker to Green Hill rn.Ft.•ey. !sick now. The deceased wu horn in IMO in Aberdeen, Nast. lend. Early in her t wenties aha' aimed with. bur brother to America, settling in the city of Chicago. Stine eighteen years ago she wee married to bet now bereft hislsit,d, James Wilkie Two year' ego on amount of de. lining health •b, mus forced to net when she carpe to the home .1 John .Welker, where her CORY became mere , riticsl, preventing her return Dome. Sitter then she had been • patient sufferer. Nut eve•f when her croollr. were bitterest did she our. het put her trust firmly in Good, Sim who led her safely over the trials and treliblps of life to het hnyeu of estree-ond the skies. To mourn lose she leaves her husband, tw. il- - drrn.,Hui ry and Isobel. he n aged father And three sisters Aberdeen. And i,n* brother In Iago. be/tides many other relati. • k CARLOW. THCn$nAY. Dee. 13th. 1•I....uu• Cert`rslt. MKRTINti.--Unl- b,urne t w hip cuune it held its statu- tory nt ng in the 1•:.,1. All the mem- best ere Oresent. The minutes of the lweri.ous meeting were reed and Quitted. Two letters ti nasi Proud - foot. flays & Kiligran were read. one eking the council to appoint .ome other day than the municipal election isy t» yet, on the electric railway ha-- lsw• The council decided to leave it is the bands of the incoming council --to-dist with. The other letter was threatening damages on account of e cohere being put in in trout of \1'm. Mclntyr's ferns (In the advice of els township engineer no act ion was taken in the matter. On motion of 4"•aincillors Willson and MsLarty the eornination will to held on Monday. the 211th inst.. at 1 o'clock p. nr., and the election, It necessary. on the fol- lowing Monday at the usual polling Places, vies- 1, tienmiller, Tem - Ce -Hall, A. Heddle, D. R. 0.: mt2. Naltfordr Temperance Hall, A. J. Goldtht)rffe, D. R. 0. ; No. 3, Car- low. 'temperance Hall. F. W. MCDo n. lt). LI. 0.: No. 1, Leeburn, Tem - nee Hell, A. Williams', D. R. 0. Ole medial of Councillors Wilson and ides three drys' grace was n unpaid taxes. After that state five cent. would be ridded.• se•teR to he passed confirming the '449e• -The- council decided that fie d1e Pa', nt of an election being held a rot. would be taken for anti against the nli0lishing of statute labor. A 1uv5 number of accounts were y.... sed will appear in the yearly tante- "t nomination Young Ansi Wl Y .onth that E• t'. ('aroeron be appointed policitor for the township. CArrled. F. W. Ile Does nn, Clerk. All wrnl've get to do G to stir some Ae1 nn. to have them boil over. BLYTH, TeHsisy. Dec.2ikh. 1'RID*KNT.1T1oN To HEivE TAYwH. -At the last meeting of the Morris oouucil, last Thursday. Keeye Taylor, who has moved to town, got quite a surpt•irr, being presented with a beaut- ifully engreved locket *Aldan address. Mr. Tu>'lor (rely very proud shout it. as well he might, as this iesyhe first time such a preeentatiou has been suede in the history of Mo lir. This shows the high esteem in which the Reeve is held by his fellow -menthe'. of the Morris council. l'urat a Nrr'ree. Rev. E. A. Feer exchanged pulpitis tart Sabbath with ltev. W. Conway of Nile . ....The Chriatisu Led vise - Society of the Presbyterian c rch 'elected the fol- lowing officers .t Tuesday evening. President. Miss 51. Nichol ; first vice- prrstdent, K. Denbolut ; ss.•und vice- president, -.Miss J. Steinhoff ; /Wore tary, Mirs G. Putt ; corresponding eect-etary. blies T. (ittt ; treaoir, er, Miss C. Leith ; orraniet, Mies E: Stein- hoff . arisietai•t, Mise E. Leith The Epworth League of the Methodist chinch elected the following ufttcrr•s list 1'11e.4ny : President. alis.. S. Bentley: first wicv.presideut, L. Carr: second vice-president, 1'. Render ; third vu,e-president, F. MhPhersod • foreth vn•e-pr-.ident. Miss ('. Carrier.: corrt•spesiding arcrrtavy, F. Jaok- Muu; tt•.-savers, 31i,. A. (iillry,ie: ottani.. .liar 1'. Gidley ; assistant Ire iuia \list, 31. (.'ertrl• .....Tb. officers a Noted for -St.. Andrew's St(n lit/i\' arltt 1 are w fuliou'k : Superin• i.•ellen I. It, some!. b ; assistant, P. liardin . secretary. J. Somers ; t•eaaurer,' . McMillan• tile meanie Alr'e,.: ('ow , Sims and McMillan; or- genist. - Mire. i. (lett. and assistant, Miss H. Benne A SF.KI , , t N [el HY PIKE. --A dims trout.Are took 'place here S'urday morning about a. m. When the the edam was run it was die:overed that Mrs. A. W. (' rter's fancy goods store and dr ssusak•ng shop was on lite and the Hnrurs ad ouch a head- way that it was nut ),tilde CO save anytbit►g. A numher owwrnced to MA%r what the could of . Itubim,',n's hiltless stock .11HI got ou . a good deal of it, land the contents of J. Perdue s livery barn and the stock f 1V. Hest - mostly were a HI store- s de - out. hut all •et f ley,s Aho. repairing shop w all /avert. but the building piece loss. A rwrn used ra,w by T. McIntosh also atroyed, but he got all his buggi .\11 the parties hay, insurance, uui twitbstAndiog this the loss t parties will toe considerable, Land as we have not heard whether any them will rebuild or not. If they d not it will make a great Va:anc\- on the frptut street. 11111 a mystery how the fire ,,tatttd. as Carter' claim there was no fire put in their 'Lose after 9 p is. 5.,turdaty night. Then. although the tiro engine gut A good start. when the men got steam up they.discovere•d that the pipe running up the Mein street had sunk, allowing some water 9. at;.. in it. which bid frozen, so the engine could not force the water the°ugb. and alter wasting consider• able time thea had to move to one of the tasks up town. Hy this time the Are heel lick..1 up the whole block, 1•t. H.. Robinson has rente.i -the empty store of W. Robertson and is going to run his bar -loess shop there. As yet we he ye not hes • d what the others will do. \1'e should like• to see a nice block Wilt in place of what a as burned I -Kau al. AND trENEItAI..-1ne re• mein. of Dr. J. -Kelly, who died •in the State of n'selrirgtnn, were brought borne to li.xlerrch and nn 1Vednredas were rens eyed to tl cemetery sit Jinni.. Quite A n of his friends tollnwrd the ems to the grave ....The Sr, e . urge -('las►) held a lone.• in their ens last .Veal- oeeday evening, t • London Harpers furnishing tb nusie Mies Mitr- raw, who • been n teacher in our public • ool for a numher of years, has rimed ,ead her Supday school Ails mitt -'at her boeriling-house and presented her with two volumes of poems and an address whidh affected Miss Murray sr much that she could hardly reply Rlrt. Sloan. who is engaged lie a Toronto e pans to rent as many as possible of the mrhard. in Huron ' enenty, is engaged in the Exeter district at present. It ii the intention of the a ',any to rent the or- chards for a tette of ten years and Improve them. and by this means bring theltpplra of Huron county to the standard that they should teach. In ft. Sloan they cel tainly have one of the best fruit men in the country A lubscription hal been 'taken for an old couple in town to make their Christtnas more cheerful and the col- lector. have met with good success The• Christmas tree held�,-tiy Trinity _Sttnday echool last Friday evening was s grand success. The program was good the hall was packed The ranch; Firth Co. gave their a tainment in Induetry Hall Tu yy evening. There was a good. sttendsnce and all enjoyed the bigli-clans entertainment . . The ptoses have all got their Christmas decorations on and look very pretty and the merchants are all well pleased with the hushes, they•.aredofnK-, • A number from Auburn -a ove( over Sunday to vie* the remains 6f the fire U Taylor. who has been in the West for the pest summer *foist- ing his son on his farm, re4ut•oed home on Saturday The cltHens have got together and are to have their monthly fairs again, the first 'one starting Jauoar• Jas. Cum- mlogs received second prise- for the car of rattle he had at Toronto Lair last week The coiuocil finished up the huainesa for the year a! the last meeting on December 15th and the members are nnsv ready for nomina- tion day. Whether there will he n election ar not it is hard tn, sayy, o person in doing much tal- ing running for the offices as yet Fyle, who has been on $ trip through the Welt. is spending the holidays with his family here.. _ ...Iohn 0enbolm is at present shipping a Int of preened bay via 0. T. R........ Messrs. Brown 41 Living. stone shipped their peeing horse "Red Dart" to Toronto to race at the icg races going on there this week.. John Pownev bas some poultry at the Chinon fair thi. week. LOTHIAN. ... Tt'ESDA Y, Dec. 21.1th- 1,arrttt.lN Ls atsi.-Mrs, McLennan., ..t Wroxeter, spent a few days lent week visiting her cousin. P. R. Mc- Nsy (deo. Swami, of Toronto, at present visiting at his borne here. . Everett Heodetsou, who has been in the West for the past two years, arrived borne last week Mr. Mc- Auley, of germs was tbe guest of 1•'. McLennan on Sunday -last Miss Jean Johnston spent the week- end the'guest of bee sister, Mrs. 1). Farri.h. • BAYFIELD. TCENDA V. Dec. 211th. l *yi'igi.D HRtgi s. -- Mien Maude Sterling, of Toronto, returned home for the holidays Saturday last Herb. 3VaTtk returned from the Wert last week: also W. G. Johnston. to visit hie parents. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Johnston Alex. McLeod and Jas. ('smerun. of Toronto, ' are spending the Vacationat their homes bete Mrr. Cowie and Misr Chesney re- tiu-ned'last week from a- two weeks' visit with friends in Exeter and Kip- pers ... Pt?t►. Patterson, of London. p1.•iched in the Presbvterisu church nn Sltbhatil last The ('lurch of England Sabbath school• entertain w-ut will le held .+n Friday evening of this week in the town ball and tbe Pre hyterian entertainment on Wed- nesday of next week. • ttINTA1L. MONDAY. Poe. 12th. News \derEa s -The revival services in the Ashfield Preshvteriao cbuich tieing over, the usual meeting of the Build was bell on Tuesday evening of last week. The Guild will meet . op - Wednesday evening for the winter months... ..Ttfe Women's Institute met at the house of Mrs. 31. McKenzie on Wednesday, December Ith. Con- sidering the w,-ntber a large number of ladies gathered and two excellent kpapers were read, one by Mrs. M. Mc- enzie, the other by Mrs. Wm. Jamie - POO We are glad to report that biro. Dave Taylor. who has undergone an operation gi�((. the Wingham boe- Fpitd; will sooff be Aide to return home Kenneth MacGregor, of Duluth, Minn., and Mr. MacDonald, of Goderich, are visiting at the home of Dune. MacKay • Mrs. Dyson, as bo had been visiting at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Cathcart. left n Wednesday. - EAST. WAWANOSH. Mi ustasY, Dec..10th. Nr. t Nmrt!..--Miss Ida Martin m- os her borne on Monday of last er ttuite a long visit to the turtle. week a West. Ve are sure that all will wel- come her ome. tut' some a..e excep- tionally gt d t.. have her tack .. . We are ghat to to that Miss Ella Mason. win has taw, confined to her bed for so long with s incl trouble. is able to take a drive o t. Miss Mason is tar fr.m tieing as well • as her Ione would wish to her, hut that she will s, . • ily gain 1 %Wsunl strength a •.n, as path master. ordered ht ten out to do their road wor . o Wednesday of last week. It rat . unusual to see inen doin sir statute labor at this time o ear. BELORAVE. r. 15th. Tow. en le Cursuit. -Th . last meet- ing of the counclt for 11910 w held to- day. Mandela all present. linutell of Inst meeting read and pass . An- nual report of 1)r. Stewart. M. . o)., received and ordered to be filed. By- law No. 14, 1919, fixing the amoun • to he paid to each member of the coum. I for attendance at council meetings etc.. 1910, reed and petard. On mo- tion of Oonncillors Stott and Chanr- ney the collector was all.,wed time till February let next to return his roll for the balance of teres remaining as yet unpaid. rhe following accounts were presented and ordered to be aid : Alex. Leishman. repairing river idge, concession 9, $1 : Wm, Dohi,•, 24 wards of gravel, $2.40; Wm. Toll, 15 rds of gravel, $1.50; \Vm. Wal- den. 'iii yards of gravel, $3; Hugh 51 Burn y, 104 yards of gravel, Wm. 1lohir.. putting in euly , con- r.•ssiop'2. $1: Robert Johnston. put- ting in culvert, costo.-ssion 2, $1 ; Fraser A Logan. YBlyth. tile and de- livet•ing setup, $f3.I4 ; Frank Gutter- idge. ounce • tile. e50.21: L. .1, Wil- liams, ike.. 20 cents ; John T, Co es. repairing road and putting in in at Belgrave, $7,50; Devitt A. Dunbar. repairing culvert, conces- Rion 0. $l.:i(1: R. Mooney, bridge signs and painting,. 11.541; Alex. Parker, widening approach to Quinn's bridge. $11.91; the Hell Telephone Co., tele- phone message., 40 cents ; Alex. Stricken. Brussels, telephone assess - mud. *11.3n: John Phillips, levy for Auburn police village. $19; the local Board of Health, for services rendered in 1910, $10; F. Anderson, making out financial statement. oleo ledger for drain a'couotp, $S • Alex. Parker, re- fund of dog Out. 'ill : Geo. T. R.tobert- son, refund of dog Glx. $1; Geo. T. R ibertsm. refund of tuxes, W. H. lot :2, conversion 3, $12.08; George T. Robertson, pert salary as collector, $40; John (ifttaupie, fees at Reeve. 1910, SAO; Peter W.Reett, councillor's feel, 1910, $50: Samuel Rarebit!. coun- cillor'. fees, 1910. *56; J. N. Campbell, councillor's fees, 1910. $62 ; J. Ohpm- ney, eonneillor'u fees, 1910, eatsTors leeriness of the year being finished the council then adjourned. A. PnRTER- FIELD, Clerk. 510.00 Reward. We will pay this reward to any per- son or persona who can prove t o us that the DOMINION EXPRESS will; not call or deliver to Any residence,ef place of business inside the eqp ora- tion. 'Phone us or *duke a --hf your shipment ; don't carry yeslirreels. Thiene 8, CANADIAN• CIVIC 01,E11111. 2t A 50 -cent bottle of Scoll's Emulsion given in half -teaspoon doses four times a day, Mixed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near- ly a month, and four bot- tles over three months, and will make the baby strong,anc: well and will lay the foundation for a• healthy, robust boy or girl. POR SALE BY eta. DRL .Glsre arid lee., sore of paper end tine adfor our beautiful soviets Rask coal Ch.Id•* sketch- iook. Sack bask malaise wood Lack Pers. SCOTT a ■OWNE 11M Models. Street, Wart Tavola, Orr. M ay Establish Their Own Central. Clinton News -Record : Representa- tives of the Gatferich tewo,hip and McKillop tete-Phone systenlwcunferred with the town tathers on Monday evening on - a matter of vital import- ance. These systems pay the Bell Telepbene Company $2 5(1 per apnum per subscriber for central service slid an extra dollar for air additional cen- tral. If required to pay more than this' they say it wodld be more profit- able to establish a central of their own and it having been intimated to them that the Bell people contemplate un advance in the rate they are now lay- ing plaits for the extension of their wires into Clinton and here doing their own central work. But before this can be done the exclusive fran- chise enjoyed by the Bell ulnar cease, but that, -however, ie only a [natter of a year and a half. The !fell gives four 'phones for the privileges they here enjoy. - There Were No More Questions. CANADIAN PAC 1 F 1•G Christmas New Year's• Rates SINGLE FARE DECEMBER 24, 26. 26 . Return Imo December 27 A l•:in DECEMBE.4 31, JANUARY 1 and 2 Return limit January 3 - FARE AND ONE-THIRD DECEMBER 21 to JANUARY 2 Return omit January 4 To all stations in Canna east of Port Arthur, Buffalo, Detroit, Niagara Falls. etc. For full information and tickets see - YJos. Kids, Agent, Goderic/. Christmas and - New Year's Excursions BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN , -CANADA AT SINGLE FARE Wben a noted Irish oratorwas in \myrica a few years ego, aayi The. National Democratic Months be ap- peared at a meeting in St. Louis and delivered an address on the subject of :'Home 'Rule for Ireland." There were (0) of his csehntrymen in the audience. At. •e clone of his remarks the chairnn asked : "Wo anyone like to ask the r a question ?" man in the rear of the hall, who was quite evidently under the influ- ence of liquor, arose and said : "Will the gentleman tell us if there is any reason why the Irish should not be wiped off the rice of the earth'?" Immediately pandemonium reigned. The disturber was attacked front every quarter. C,Calls of "Do vi with him." "Let rue at him." came from all directions. Finally he was !peened by the policeman and torn and bleeding and in an unconscious condition was placed in an ambulance which bad leen called. Order wee in a measure restored. While the audience could still here the clatter of the ambulance and the sound of its gong as it con- veyed it, burden to the hospital. the chairman stepped forward and asked : 1 -Would anybody like to alk another question ::' Cooper's Warehouse. 1 ar el the best patent Hour, also chi family Hour; a ear of bran and aborts,\ also baled huts and straw and all kinds of feed on hand. 1 make a stecielty\of chicken teed. All kinds of grain Weight and sold at the ware- hpuie. One cent per buebel` allowed bove market price nn all grain faked out in trade. Prices guaranteed. Goode delivered to all parts - of the town from Ctunr'aues WAK61101.1Ri, Hamilton street, Goderich. . 2t. The man who stands to;) long in the limelight is liable to need a white- wash. r tllt�tt� WINTER MN" TERM I RI, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Or 100051 o BEGINS JANUARY 3rd The Monne,. world 1., never nrowded with connpetent help. 11 yon ponces.. a -I' II. (' training and graduate from our .ehool. we gnnrantee to place yon In a ooeition or refund your WI lion. Everything I. in your favor. Send for new catalogue today and learn more about our plana to help you. I'ENTHAI. Ito sisKSH f•O1,LF:0R. a% H. Shaw. Prr.ldent. LThe achoor or Thorough Training.• 111111111111M1111=(�tlta• fltllt� 'Good going December 24, 25 and. 26. Return limit Tues- day, uesday, December 27, 1910. Also •good going December 31, 1910 ; and January I and 2, • 1911. Valid returning until Tuesday, January 3, 1911. • At Fare and One -Third Good going December 21, 191o, to Monday, January 2, 1911, inclusive. Valid returning until Wednesday, January' 4th, 1911. e2'tr, tickets and , full i nfor oration from F. F. LAWRE CE, . Town Agent: Office /fours 6.39 a.m. toy) p.m. Or address ,1, I). McDonald. District Psesenger Agent.csion Station, Tot onto, Ontario, THE IMMIGRATION DEPARTKEN? OF THE Callus Rankers Railway System 18 PREPARED TO OBTAIN FARM LABORERS and DOMESTIC SERVANTS WOR ANY POINT IN ONTARIO If you want help, domestic of farmhands, have fr•ienilu to bring frfinr the Hornet 1 thin year, next year, or at Lime, the service of the lhorartment at your disptsual without any cost tel n, • Write Gr • THOS HOWELL, QeMrei Im Titration Agent, CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY 54 K•n1 Street East TORONTO, ONT. 1- 1 1140LEA-N BR'3S- I Extend to all their.best wishes '' four .1 -••- 1 Merry Christmas !CHRIST MAS1 WILL SOON B,E HERE AND YOU -WILL NATURALLY THiNK OF JSM.LT,I1'SARTSTOREI a. the plate to hey /irritable and .artistic preeenes for friends and relatives, We .ere showing an unusually attractive line- of .,.quality goals suitable tor Oreeents, goods that you wili.not.'..-e everywhere, .4'icturee stoke an ideal present. We hate painting -4 in oil, water color and pastel, by eminent artists. Carbon .anJ platium sepia photo.. engraving., and etchings. plain and hand -colored. Hand -decorated china, brass and leather goods. at ewbroido ries, art cuebione, etc. We are *bowing an extensive line of Christmas 1 'Al do, 'Booklet S. 0r lendare. Herders Art `.lottoes'and .trt. Novelties. 11 will repay yo i to sisit our store before waking envie selictioue for presents. i t 1 1 S11ITt-I'S ART STOR =iill M6rT Christmas Tu etakc :. \I••tt•y ('hristMan in yinw 1 t' you ehulsto1 have en, Of our Happy Thought Ranges Radiant Home Heaters USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS CARVERS in cases and without cases 1847 RODGERS' Knives, Spoons and Sundries POCKET CUTLERY i, a l a r g e assortment Fork, BRAS-S-C99DS. A fine assortment. A beautiful t nent of ELECTRIC FI URE. - SK S from 40C to $6.00 ERFECTION ANKLE SUPPORT Have you seen it ? If not, do not neglect to. It is the only perfect ankle support on the market. HOCKEY STICKS all prices and makes FOOT WARMERS for your Cutters GLOVES and MITTS from ioc to $2.5o per pair Boys' and Girls' HAND SLEIGHS And many other articles too numerous to mention. .THAT O. owe. ✓V The area •"Leticia training .rhool of W e,tern ratio. 51111- eon, .e- are greet seal. here are esperitmeed tnetrnctor Our 'lbs emend upon u, fur help during the .f111 term was ..v -n un. the supply. (lar !manatee areIn dertpand as Routine... (Int Ioge r.-, 'trpert.mentnil, K tmmppMsucceed Shin' hand and Telegraphy. I(et our has mita lo,roe at. ono,. D. A. MCLACHLAN, ('rtnrl pat HEATING ELECTRIC WiRiNG ROOFi TAL WORK Etc.,yEtc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. W. R. Pinder 111011e 176. '1 II C C1 H ■ A✓e -C. LEE ., House *Phone No. 112 Store Phone No. 22 a i e