HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-22, Page 7Xewd of the Sistriet John Eusery, of the township uj Ur' borne. hair been app oint� census coin- I uuesianer for 1 he scout t riding of Boron. \Villi,un Morse. who has leen ern. YIIoyxell in the branch of the Mulsoms ank st Zurich, has been U•.unferred to Toronto. Peter Mtlriuy, of 1Ise INth (•onees- sion of Stephen, has sold his farm to Ueoree Devine. He gels possession nest October. Colonel J. O. Waitron, MIS. Wilson and their daughter, of Kinistloo, said., are at Seaforth on a visit to rel - at ire* and old friends, 1)r. Rots•Mson. whu ('t•t'Cntly prat. tiandmediehie at Walton, has iu•cepted a (iot•ernment ptwition iu the Depart - meta of Timber and Mines. \Void was received at Mt•.ttosth last week of the death .t/ Alt.. Joseph ikenheatd, at ('arbor) Manitoba. she had leen ill for mune time. Louis Mchilire. of the I4Lh concessruu of 11a\•, ha. purebwd Leno Kipper's farm on the 1St b conceit don for $4,(00, PoM.ession will to given on ♦pril 1st. David \Pileous of Mask*. is visiting hia mother at \S'toxetet• after an nb- Accident to Clinton Lady. Jct,.. \V. Grigg, of Ulinto ,i, suppled and hell on the walk befit:* het• home one evening last week and had her ebuulller dislocated and ber hip in jured. No one saw her fall and slit. lay there exposed to the cold for some time 'refine help arrived. A Former Resident of Mullett Dead. The death of Joseph Bell at Algot Worry, Mich., removes an early resi- dent of Mullett township. The pure thirty years he had spent the moot of his time in the. Putted States. 110 visited this county .e.eitlionally, iug spent some time last winter id Lnndest.oro' and Clinton. Death of a Former Morrlaae. • 'I'Ite death of I)1•: James Moohev: a former Morrisite, took place at tt ell- inglon, Texas. a Sunday, lib hist. Death was clue pneumonia. •Ile was Ilfty eighty re of 'age. He baa been away from Morria nearly forty years hat is remembered by tote older residents of that 1 iwn•.hip. Three Seaforth MisIaps The slippery pavement in Se trunk hat been the ranee of throe accidents. 1. (1. McMiehou•1. of Hullett, clippies lance of asleep year•!. 11e purpnsee and fell, breaking a b one in his leg irtii1nintc to the northern country i M M4',ifnrtir,'fell and the near future. fractured her *arm a•ul .\Ire. \1'. F Southgate slipped on the pavement front of the public school and sprain her ankle. • THE SIGNAL GODEUI' II ONTARIO THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Mkt's* Wheat Futures Close Lowerr-Live Stock - Latest Quotations. • !touchy E, a. •tete U. Liverpool sheat roturm+ clawed to -t f ld lower than un Satw l., . corn .ad ower. 'AI Cb4vaatr, Uecwaber wheat ,Ibs.d 1p sewer than uu 1kiturday, !seawater curd ltry .lower, and bet•ewber "els. uucbartaed. Winnipeg Options: it Wtptuper, W b.l N heat cureae tit lower thaw, tlatwdat, lakeintII oats tag Winn. - W bS51.. lsoetnyer w*ar asap ..VM', , agar Mc (Jata-lyttrhttet ?etre. Har Moe. Toronto Grain Mai**. w Baal. bushel 4.1 a to at • Wheat. Stoat, .tas►t Rd', bushel Barley. boatel' grevetteat, bushel ... u 441 TPeea�llfi bushel - . 0 I$ - e r Oats, bushel ta►' •,•, Toronto [fairy Market. doter, separator, •.'• IL . v al Butter; .tore lots.. .,... . . v n butter; trearnery, lb. Butter, creamery, sonde fans. new -laid Egg's. cold klors4e • canoe. ib. Honeycombs, du*en Haney, extr,t.ted, lb ♦ WI OBI Ile' Ib VL & a 11 vw V 11 -V if Vb�} 1 IN' kg/ vin V11 New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK, Uec. 1V. noun t.aq; 1 mutton". tad, .seabrry, ether- tis. As: t advt; third t. Ana. ..as. to Ale: had.. e•> .wry', sS •amt to lll(xoos& alto t„ ;as- state dairy, tuuuuor, w truest. gin •• to irk, proceed .round to specula. 1;'k le Ill aa. lifltaciort . reamel y tuft, 2Atrt t• eel Mac. tattoo. Jame make, :O5yc; ee., current 'make. itj to alae. Iteesa-'heady; receipts. glts, stag& what* milk, Sept, Quutty, epasat. woo, to l.tay: du.. •amts ooka•ed or watt., LAW Ie- dos, excitor, 14%t tu War, do.. pct Quall- 11.1 1y, nee. 14t• to 144d., do., torrent undid cul ! tvantuou to fair, t;s to Lb:, alums, 1k' alt► al 121St Il* *-Eery: roossisso. one, a(.ate, Yelha. tU . s)Iotuua std nearby. heottery: wows. nil Leavy, tue to rocs do., gatir.'d, cab go. 40c'to 110e,., b.ur ♦e; du, brown. fby ancy. an im to 41k. do . - gatheni4 brown tic to ab; *Natant ptkwed, whiten, 111c tu wc; freak gathered. elttra ford. 34t to in; t1u , Bret. *c to 2k:; do., reload++. ffie a re- trtgeratnr, apet•W marks. fancy, ---In local h *Wage. Xe to ISbe1 do., JIM. yA 4,,,1 :Hut, du-, eseOnda, 3(4' lei Vic•. IIP. is• CATTLE MARKETS. d d H Hees Active and at Suffale•- th Lower In Now York. r- - NEW YORK, j) 11. -Lund*. cable Americanr- Quote American cattle to -day steady, at Lowe to Lore per pound. rrlriaw►wtar new at law to 9*te .per pound. LIVERPOOL. Der 1e Aloin Rogers • Uwe -pout, cable to -day that trade g' wee slow In the Birkenhead market, ala wd/L tons and prices cabled on Saturday. cls were undkws urb.d. Quotationsee as tot - u^ -w ' eaailae e. front t 44 1440 s• idtttiibeer llyc to (.4ir; Uanadiaa, lltli )' to 12c; rashers. be to 14.0.s• per pound. ' • • Union Steck Yards. RONTO. Dec. 19.-Becriptei of Ip tock at the Liston Stock Yards carloads, consisting of 984 A' week's illness from peritonitis re - milted in the death of liheldou, only .111 of Mr. and Yea, H. Wylie, of the Ht Hawick 1.tndlary. Deceased was in .his nineteenth year. I'he family of W. it. • Harburn, of Exeter, has been sorely afflicted. The infant child died on the 11th.inat., and two of the ehlldtrn are 111of typhoid I'etev. Mr.. Harburn also b seriously - ill. H. smith, of Exeter. aha attended the Interuationlal i ive Stock Exhibi- tion IA Chicago with three of his Springhi.'4 eb.nthnrn herd. was suit, cr.•fu1 in winning second, ffft4 and -doh-th times. Nit.. and Ali.. John 1Viseman, of 1 bat .n, announce the engngqeeanent .f• riot,. daughter. clam. 1. Killougb;io Jelin O. Rotes;son. of i,ethhridge, Alt:.. The marring, will take place nn Janney ac d. T. J. lies. v, of lienatfl, has sold the well-known ohne stallion, Blaisden chief, to John M•:Tavidl, of Oxford, Mich. This 1. tit- sect) td borer that Mr. M •Tavisb h as purchased from Mr. limey in the past year. J..hull. of Clinton.Clinln, is deist' after an illneati of two months. He had resided in (limo', for over thirty. tIv:• Seats. Ilia wife predeceased him four y. ars. A family of one eon and three daughters survive. Flu. tt - Sanderson, a former re.i- deut .,f 11'lozrter, died on Thursday, sill in -t . in the hospital at Hamilton, where .h•• had undergone an Opera ion. She made her h. nos for several yesra ptrt'wlth heP eon in that city, Ex•'ter ratepayers will vote on a -by- law ,.t the municipal elections in Jan. 'lark which will finding -Jae the ap- pointment of a rnmmittsion to be pi teed .in charge of the waterworks proven recently installed in that foam. A - quiet wedding 'took place nt litotes street Methodist parsonage at Exeter on Wedneeday, 511i inst.. when Miss Bertha May 1'lile, of Zurich, was united in mart lege to Herbert James I i'plt'\, also of Zurich. Rev. R, Hobbs nrticialed. John f.. Brown, the well-known pound .% fancier of McKIllop, had some of hoe white !Lodi fowl on exhibitionist the Guelph fat nook show and car- ried r fT Petra al prizes. fie sold blur birds while be was there for the bsnd- w ole tum of $495. A ratiocination of three priests wasap- is�inted by Bishop Fallon to look into the matter of the French schools in Stanley and Hay, where three are to hs sound. In its finding the Stanley school and the Ha school remain open. while $t. Josep� s school is to he Closed. Ifen'all Observer : \Vltile out rabbit bit -111 the other day Chanel -Donnell had the misfortune to breakThrough the ice and heroine St) time- mrghly snbnierged that be haul to have s.sistanre to retch the ehure. 'These cold baths detract somewhat from the pleasure of hunting. Tne death atf Adam S. .Faust o-rorred at Zurich on Thursday, I:,th inst. Kidney trouble and other coin- plirvttionm were the rause of his de- elke, ' He watt in his Nisi ytecond year and is rnrviv(d Ly him widow, two ann, and one daughter, 5141) two brothels and ei.ter. 't prettywedding was solennliz (J at Brueeftehl on ♦Vedneyday. I lth bat.., at the home' of George Mete. when • -his J.►uunited ghter. Catharine, was in marriage U. Dr. ('barley W. *twerps of Napier, Ontario. Rev. E. H. Savers, father of the groom, was the nftlriating clergyman. The happy collide will reside at Napier. •tt.oitt twenty-five relatives gathered st the hone of Mr. and Mee. HughOke, of Exeter, on Monday, December 1h, to assist In eelelarating their /Comity 1 well lilted pit rolunhle gifts n . The e, eat was made the rhriyteuhig of own g children of 1lip worthy couple. A ei'I d: as h took place of We Hara- Bret Henrietta, ehleot daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamey Petrie, of theLon- don rand, Stanley tennahip, wiry called away niter a lingering illness of about year. Thr deceased, who was twenty-nyP year .. of age, was a victim M lung trouble. A sad feature of the het "1vPmetlt Is the fact that het mo: het is at present seriously ill. Wheat for Nev- Zealand. omitting. The immediate ted their parents with n f gold. M,iny other were received. mu a hie by rand- Died at Calgary, Relatives at F:thel rw rind a to gram last Monday'ronvev ing the a intelligence that John ?Ieurnunl h wn paed away it -(he la..apntal at 1' gar\•, -Uta. Ile had born ill nbr two week*. He wart unItarrit•d a was about thirty-six Sones of f His mother and nater tv re--tvilh 1, when he died. . Grey Retitle -ace Burned. On Friday night. Derei(nter t►t shortlyafter midnight, 't he hornet - Mrs. -'"thmcait Livingstone, an t !travel toad north rtf-Hru'srl., was d rovere(1 on fire. When first seen. t blaze had a good start and the buil Ing was soon in ruins, together wi all the heor.ebold effect,, Mitt. Li vin Mone had a Howell! from Iteltlg ove come by the smoke. 1n insurao of $6.'ti was carried .to the building. Death of Mrs. John i/cDono2h, of E moodville. - A well-known resident of Fgt iqn vine and n former i eehtPlT -al1V ib ham is dead in 'he 1a•ttinn of Mat Hicks, beloved wife o1 John McDo n h. She was in her sixty-ninth yen The deceased lad ))• was for a -numb.- of years a resident of EKurtnda11 and from there with her husband ar family moved to \Vingham, whet they resided until a few years age when they returned to Egmondvill' Mrs. McDonagh wast on a visit to he daughter at Brantford when she too ill suddenly and passel away. • Heath of North Huron Pioneer. William Messer, one of the pin rt merchants and highly respected Inetl the section, died suddenly at hi. hots at Bltrevale on the lith inst. He 'ha been in feeble health for some month following a stroke of paralysis. Mr Messer had been connected with th general store at Hluevale for forty -fly years and tor the (tut thirty year had been the proprietor. He was native of Scotland, a I'resbwteria and a Liberal. He is survived by hi wife, two sans, J. J. Messer, of Iami too, and.McKenzie Messer, of London and three daughters, Mtg. Ira Iitrk ley, of Climax, Mich., and Misses Eliz and Cora at home. Mr. Memel. hat for years been a member of th Masonic fraternity. The Late George Edwin Cresswell. The death of Geroge Edwin ('revs well took place out his home in 'Pocket smith on Monnet`. 12th inst. Ile hat been in poor health for the but tw. years. Deceased waw seventy -nim years of age and had been a reoiden of Tuekersnaith for sixty years, sine. he came to this country from England He was one of the tending public me of the d&Meier. He was Reeve 0 Tuckeremith for some- \ ears en. served a year as Warden of Hulot county. He was instrumental in fhb organisation of the McKillop Mettle Fire' Inourance Co , h tving meted a the first president of the company Ile took :t leep interest in the o1. Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural So ciety and was for mime years se-retftry of that organization. ' Icy his remount Tneker. with has Inst one of iia most highly respected eitizeny. - to r•. T I. live 1,1 were ,. cattle j 1 hog, 565 sheep and Iambs, and 4 calves, '• •' Exporter.. +there were s export cattle, 11:1 lbs. each, reports.! at 16 per cw!L; bulls, $4.40 tel k 16.:r. ' Butchers. - lbughlln & Co, topped the market with 3 h,4fern, i ibis' tarn, at sato per cwt.; r t rime plc ked lou, 15,75 to 16.10: luedr of .f feed. 1 544 to 15.75; medium. Q.Z. to N,Gd' ,, eummua, Stag to Ilii; cows, 11 to $tir* old 1n some Moaner 11:15; bulb, 11 to 11 N.aut . Stockers and Feeders. • Feeder., 41.:; to 41.10. stockers. H to 414.0 e per cwt. e Milkers and Springers. e A limited number of milkers and spetlte- ere Bold at $40 to 166-sarh. a Veal Calves. O teal .:Oven were scarce and sold I y 11 to 19.2; per cwt. 0 1- ' Sheep and Lambs. Wesly Irian reported price". paid, ea follows: Ewes, at 34.:-6 to 54.00; ra,rl-, 11 to 1• 3.•'0, Iambs, 116,Z CO Q.Vq. 1 Hoge. W J. Jubmaton, Luyer of hoc, for e Ounces, Limited, reported esasc(a. fed and watered, a( le.F,. • Montreal Live Stock. MQNTRE.AL, Der- 10.-4:ipe.fal )-At tat lluntrr•al Stock Yard.., weal end market. the r..•.eptp of live atot; fur the wren I ...tonna It... 11 were El; ,Sudo, 150) 'heel, , and harmer,.1'Ir hogs and Se lets.'. -e '1 no eupplyuh tite market this morning for ole tameaoted of tic cattle, lisheeps seep dao 1 iamb,, 1100 hon and 175 taevec4. A moiling • uptown butcher bought tour extra choke stall -fed mitersat :1 and :lye Pe per ttra n choice deers 'told at stn• to he; choler at f 0. to 5R5c, goad at liar to Stir: Itiuty good I at 5. to 5141.•; fair at dew to dim common M 4c to 4141t, and .new dorww as low u ac 1 per Ib • Hags show ars advance of k• to tor per i • 5P Ile. Bale's ut asiactad huts were wane at s. 16 Scar IW Ica, *.tache•! off .warn. r Sh.-ep sold at 4sc to k, and lacuna at der to S4. per lb. °awes more aeluwe, I mal sab.s of snare aatate stale -fat store owe nide at 7c to and Noor grades at (nen t.• to 5c yp•i�. > East Buffalo Cattle Market. • riAdl 114•41'I'AI.U, lye,, no. may.tu. -tor eetpta, lila bead, active and Ity' to leo hlgbar, &acne doers, 11.10 t 16.,., ',mo- lting. 414.11 to KZ- butchers, $lab to i6.4. •' betters. 114-1i to 15- caws, 17 76 to kb, bulls, 11.14 to 15.26; dockers and feeders. N 4 to 15 >b stack beads 11.14 to M, freer. ,owe and 'princess slow and 11 to 15 lower. 8 to 1e.: Vat In- ftet:atora Inc heaA *.*4 ..,a1 ' higher, 7. to 110 l flogs•--Re.dpu, Is,vW heed, slow and ia• to 16c higher, bea.y and mixed. Ps to 0.10; yurkers, B to 11.16: pyos. 18.ar to i' 10, roughs, 17.16 to 1..&. dace. 15.18 to - Os. dairies„ r 90 to 18.3 . :Sheep and Lambs --Receipt,, 16,1*/ bead; sloe: tarots, feu higher. yexnncs 1.• low. , .er. Iamb*. 14 to 16.50; yeartln(s et. i6 to 18; teethes', N to 14.15; ewep, ji'll to /1; mixed, _. to $4. ILII Hew Y Live Stock, The Canadian Almanac. For the sixty-fourth year the Cana. dian Almanac makes its appermsfire, and the 11111 number is, as .taunt him hest publication of the kind in 'IJL-an• aria. Tne utr000nreal calculations, the customs tariff, navy end militia lista, lista of pnttoflices tines of metubers of Dominion 511d Provincial Pnrliarncnts, lists of clergymen Of all denominations. county and tow ip odirers, educational institutiona all these and much other information the Canadian Almanac gives in concise form. The pric is Ila cents nd the publiehera ale. The C )pp, CiSPj - (10., Limited, Toronto. Littery Not Literary. Scribbler -I understand your wife i.. v cue to von in 'our work : 'MEW !w ,'titter - Mgr, steers 10.• to 14c blither, bulls x400 etl cows steady to a traon lower. steers. IS 76 tui N14. daddadN to 14 00. 011)%11,ural to Ms511i doomed beef stow, Ile to UAW. 4vew-RaN1lW. 21/0; veer; Measly to lower. t.atuvanl 'wives* steady weeteens slow; 4 . 1a, f to 1511, cog*,t5 to 16, barn - a td Ives t COWAN'S Ft n I I CTION CCCEIA It Suits Them All Old- and young delight iu the rich- nessanddclicious- 11ess of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA It suits every taste. The Cowan Co. Ltntlted. lt►RONTO. 1'6 OOL SIL Progressive Dressmakers - find it paIII sans Iheee world. f a I 1 k e. •s BIiLDIN4.'S SILKS are unnorpaaeetl, being roes.. uized as the World's Standard. "1 /h ' hey find al BELDING'S' SILKS are in a claire by themselves. for iuslanee. the teaportaue queel' Nal n shade its Naked for, but we r,nl tnpply it -dimply laeeauar we epnre MI effort or expense to enure our lasviug ad.o.tce knowledge of n11 novelliea and immediately s new .lin.Ie is known it in -incorporated in our tine. Belding, Paul & Co. I honed 711 Buy Street Toronto of ...tor veriely. •,.11 roar dealer forth! ei I•retal.M Or once N a . tar fabalar.. Th e Best Range Tor Your.. /Iitchen There's only' one best in anything - ranges or:1fl thing. else. • • Now we \v;int to lend nstrare to you Why \\'(• SRN* this Imperial Oxford .Range is the best range for\'1'Ul' l:lll'll('ll. The 'KORD ECONON/11? VES 20 PER CENT, OF YOUR FUEL BILL ..Tsps is a '.ff.t -i..l,patent faun! only on Gurney -Oxford Ranges - reduces h.nwrh..l 1 expenses, Keep.; fire running at fair fifth: Uic Figure that atiCin dollars and cents, RU°LTS ON BAKING DAY Another Garnet'-O.dord 1.:mcnt spreads the hent over the entire Make it !sake in fr.,nl a:: Nell :c; two tatter crust as well a. utp..-i' Figure the time and w.,rry s.rrtcut on that. ills a half-drawpedal other epedal features wortheverything to you 1..1. convenience and (•caic non . Pratoa b 'Islet week (leorge Addy, of nus lfi - townsbip• made a shipment of Im- PPt1ol an r.er wheal to floe 1)epart- lbentofAgricultare in New Zealand. lira• ?'ear he made a shipmentof the sane kind of wheat t4. the D. rt- frica. "AAgriculture ut amaniple of17tthis th Agr Ia n iron the Onlwtto Agriceltural Col- lette at. Guelph several years sago and bas been growing it ever since. 1 a( I Bei tinier tempts to stra en a . isn't, hitt she never at out m y desk.'. The Other Gentle An old irisbmt n named Patev Fin uigon was jolt recovering from a very bad illness, and wart out "taking the air.". On his way he met "his rever- ence," the parish priest. "Ah. Palsy. me boy-,'• said the good roan. "1e that yourself f Sure I'm glad to see you nut again. You have had a very bad time. We thought Vail were gone entirely." "Yin, Indade," replied Patsy. "'1`,It me. Panty." continued his reverence, "when you were so near death's door were you not afraid to meet your maker?" "Nn, indade, youe •river• Inc.." naively replied the old man : "it was the other gintieman- i was afraid of !" 0 dressed' vt'aI I, 1:714t• to toxic; country dress- ed ,yt.vea, 14' 10 14r•. t400ep and IarrWa-Recetya.s, 1.,811; seen slow, lambs stow to 10r Waver; roweral cars unsold, seep.. H to 114.4l euro, 112..d: iambs, 1550 to 16.50. rule, M. Hags-R.cefpts, 11,340; market easter, 51 $1 to N.M. ' Chicago Live Stock. ('11it'ACO,`- Dec. l9.-Cattle-ftecetpta, 11000; market 10r to lac higher; beeves, 414.Ii to P.M; Taws 'taws, 14.10 to q,a; werwtern steers, 114.10 to 1610. *traitors and feeders. 11.14 to 15.110; Paws and heaters, 12.40 to 1610. calves, 17 a to **., Hop-Rerelpta, 01,010, market wilt to it lower than , arly; n/Irt. 1726 to *1St mixed, 17.40 to $7.16; tafsvy, VAR to 01.A: Ptw(ghs, 17.E to 17.10; geed to oholedboavy, 17.10 to 417.16; plc('. 411,10 to WS, busk of 'ins, 1: 116 to 1710. Shalt and TAmbw-•a*C1441 . !1,4550, mar. kat strong ,,env,. Rte taw N O: weeder*. 411e1 to {101, yew0•nmti Ktl to 1►f; tataMs, tiadva, itJF b far.ee, order.., 1104 t0 *.i. cp win 'sere. Please give us ten minutes of your time next time you're -down town. These range. are made by she of the older d most concerns in •'anal, 'their guarantee of qus5alri, ,elf ours wke, want to show you their good points- Wc at ,o carry other Gurney -Oxford stoves Lir a'I ,fieri•- alt kinds of fuel Whatever you warn is stare to be in their add • sure to be satisfactory. Come in entitle* for yourself. • C. J. INA RPER PLUMBING ANI) HEATING 'fast Around the Corner. •' Tat,SWDAT. Drctazj 22, 1910 7 THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1910-1911 as»aNIZSsa The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe . $1.60 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . • • 4 50 The.Signal-and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star i 85 The Signal and Weekly Sun, (Toronto) . . 185 'I'he Signal anti, Toronto Daily Star . 220 The Signal and Toronto Daily World . 35o The Signal and Toronto Daily News The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail a n d mpire 1 60 Tlie Siglial utl Farmers Advocate 2 35 The Signal an&Canadlan Farm 1 85 Or with choice of one of Ralph Connor's Books -The Sky Pilot, The Mao from Glengarry, Black Rock. The Doctor and The Prospector 2;00 The -Signal and Farm and Dairy 1 75 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly 'Free Press 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser . . 2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition . . 3.50 Evening Edition The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . . 3.50 T-he'Signal and•Montreal Weekly Witness . 1.85 The Signal and World Wide . ' . . . . 2.25 The Signal and Western Home Monthly (Winnipeg) The Signal and Presbyterian The Signal and Westminster. . . . 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster . 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register 1 70 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) . . 3.40 The Signal and Busy Man's Magazine . . . The Signal and Home Journal ("Toronto) These prices are for addresses in Canada or Grea The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine . Including postage to Canadian subscribers: 2.35 2.90 1 6o 2. '5 50 • 1.75 • 3.25 '1'hc Signal and Youth's Companioa (Boston) . 2.90 Including postage to Canadian subsetihets, The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (Ne'ty York) Including portage I.. Canadian solayerilers 7.70 The above publications may he obtained by Signal subscribers in any 'combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $1.00 representing.the price 'of- The Signal. For instance : rhe Signal and the Weekly Globe. ... ........4t.6o i he Farmer's Advocate ($2.3Sless $1.001. 1.35 $2.95 making., the price of the three papers $2.95. The Signal and The Weekly Sun .. $1.8S The Toronto Daily Star $2.20 less $t.00i 120 The Weekly Globe I$l.6o less $t.00) 6o $3.65 -tilt four papers for $3.6s. If the b (Ile know. We can 1..-tttpply _almost any well-known `Canadian publication. t+ Send subscriptions through local agent or by post - office or express order to The Signal Printing Co. Goderich, LIMITED Ontario 1r l 1 r 1 a AL