HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-22, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODER1UH ONTARIO THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE THEY WON'T BREAK. BEWAlt E OF 1V11TA- TIONS. tiuLD ON THE MERITS Of. IINARD'S LINIMENT BOOK IIIN ll 1 N (4 MAGAZINES, P�.RIODICALS and LlbRRARIES surd or repaired.. _- 60L1) LETTXRINU an LEATIIN:R GOODS All orders promptly attended to on leaving them at TH 1► aw N AL, Ouderleh. A. E. TA Y LO K. tlyi rnlb 1- CIVIL ENGINEERING AUUHAN M. RUMISK 1•B, t I V I1. and Hydraulic a:narineer, .Ustarlo Land Surveyor. Unice- McLean Brock, Goderich, corner Montreal .Uwt, Telephone 15:. Photo by American Press Association. THE rI.azrar.E COSSET - gvery woman who does bee owe► �ersework and every woman whe suf. ewe from too, too solid flesh knews W Iter regret how rarely corset steels .break when ebe bends over. here is a, corset which L warranted to with - and stpnd the most strenuous exercising end hold its own unbeok_----•--" The steels are mCi& elf some sort of 1 steel which rebounds with .v• ery motion of the wearer. They are *northing new and will be a comfo•': to womankind. as they aro shapely and there Is no outward appearance of "common Neese." which marts so many of the hygienic garments. MEDICAL R. W. F. tiALLUW. lilt. B. A Typewriter irwd a Princess. Times do change. Even a dozen years ago tbe thought of speutinn of a typewriter and a uniosand reeldencu. hurl greet, Uoderich. erincese ell In 'one breath would hare earth of Cutyaty heelt.try odic,. Telef.bone 1"1 seemed shockingly incongruous . LEGAL DROUftl•UU7'. HAI':f & KILLo1(. r AN. t,a:osier...u1ldUre, totalities r•ublie. py10rWd Ip the Ma, hunt Court. etc. Private tunas to Irnd nt lowest rate. of Intoe', Whole14.4 ..ale Square. lioderich. NF. PltoUl•ilf(rr, K. 1 ., #L L'. 1SAY81.: LI 1.LOKA N. IIIU. CAMERON. K. C., BARRIS- 7 KK. wlu:nor. notary puWlc. UWors - aluiltuu buret. t.cderlch, third dour from Square. 'HARLEM DARRIROW. L.LB.. BAIL- KwTkK, attorneys. sollottur. etc., Lode r,rh. Moseyto lend at loom t r.is.. ' AUu. JOHM,'ION, BARRISTER . .olleno. tunaunol,uu, uou!) public 1.105../ Mamlllu,.11ett, Omit rlch.001. • INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. Mc1KILLG? MUTUAL FIRM IN n t h A? (' 11 l U. -)arm and twlat.ud elupeny u,.urtd. 0iaoer.-J. ft. Mclw+rn. Pres., rleafurth 1'.0 : Jan. Counoll), Vim -Pres., ',munch e. U ; l bumw 14.. hays. bac.-"1 itu., bearoth P. U. Lu.Otpw--Nw. *beset.). r calor th; John U. Urleve, wlntprop • tseurae tars, seeiforte; Jobe lteuneweu, hrodheeeu; Jau.tr avers, li.et:hrto,l ; John Natt, nano►; Malcolm Mc6wen, oauuu.ld. Aaur.•: J. N, leas, Holte.vllle; 11. Shill h. Ha tuck : Ja.. 1 UIIIWII,K.. arrnund, ill.. R hits El). Seafoi. h. ru.., y hulu.le ,sun pay an. e.. Weil., ..al pet into crud. recelptea M 'I ut.i 5. Divan., l li Otun, ui at it. h. (.std rapes v. timeworn ewor eureet U0Mrlob. - �LOOOD PRIVATR FUND$ TO fsV VVV 1onn. Apuly w M. U. CAM- .J.Y.:. Lw*tu.tat. h.mnt..0 .tract Unclench. W • H. HOBEItTTI )N. . INsURANcit AUSNT. )INC AND UGH AIS«: hnlarh. 1..0adl.n and A rater IUan. IDLN 1', DICKS PM AND t.MILOTelta' LIANn: 1'1 r : 1 be *,tear. A1o:idellt and UUalrl,tee orpotaUun, limited. of London. hug. IiD•'1J'I• ANnt•V1aANT►►boNI. : 'I be L.S. I idelity and livarautee tAini is ny. Unice at te.u..rhee. Isottheaal corner of Vie ■nd ht. 1,avida streets. 'Phone *:e JOHN W. CRAiGIE, LIFE, FIRE and accident IDauraute. Agent fur lemming • aUWal and stuck Ouw1anle.. nww.nua 1n ru nn.• shouted vu bee- plans mud rt luwnt rale. -.a11 .t e/rnee. OOrner N est street and t%qu.re ur .01045..4. J. la I;KAIUIY., UWet ice, Vut rete .sane 25 MARRIAGE LICENSES WAL'1'litt 4 1k4LLk, J. l'., UUD4K►t.l3. Vh /. ISMACR OF MARRIAGE LICEN$(1i8. VV!.ANE, ISSUER OF MAItRI- • AIM li.s.rm. (iedertch. Out SHAVING PARLOR 'REDFORD BLOCK BAKBMRMHOP- D -1 his well-known and popular •rand °nen' iW patmnI the best service in shaving balrcuttlna, eta.. etc. ladled' antonymous specWty. Only skilled hands employed. lour patronage will be app•o.iated. H. H. SOMA MMt, Proprietor. ARCHITECTURE ARTHUR J. BARCLAY. MEDAL l.itil Royal !militate British Art haecis nt.ldeor, Sault. house. Gwent. h. Plans, de tail. and Mr ecincallon. prepared for residences and public bmlding.. •:orrespondeuce in Med. AUCTIONEEEING I IMAM AN It t'uD11Y, LlVhrt'IOUK 1 and general auctioneer. Offices un south street. where he w111 he found at all times when not crying Ake.. Terms reasonable sod 4'v ri y t dun wed to give you eaU.r.ctIoa. Phone IU$IC /1ODBRICH OON8KRVATORY OF 11 MUSIC.• J.H. posed« t,. L. I, Y. tEngWtdl, T. C. Ill. (To*ontol, °Mantel i chneeh voles oal- (.re, (*monis!, And pinho, nor. counterpoint. Or- A. Y. ('tons Matto. harmon, counter- point. t I point. etc. MI.� ANIltawM kindergarten and piano. Mien Haran -4'R .1111n. A. ii. Uncap mandolin. miler And dancing. For information Na to terms. etc., apply at l'onMervaao.y. W. J. MUIR & CO. UNDERTAKERS ANO EMB.(ILMERS Ofan. PDniia we-. w.•t Aldo of Aquae. Residence 'Phone lye south target opmeat psepltal.1kod.d0h.Ont. But not so now. Princesses are very m0ch up to date. . The) would every bit as eciwn bang away no • typewriter la to laborious- ly dips gold tipped q€Ih lino a to.tt:e of ink and indite their thoughts with laborious dignity. No less a personage than Princess Mary• the only daughter of the king and queen of Creat Britain. has re- nwtly learned to use a typewriter and w111 assist fa typing some of her father's more private correspondence. The princes intends to learn et og- Rphv Altai and is keenly looking for- e/1rd to helping her mother. bridge Prizes. Silver tel. for running ribbons of rarlous widths through lingerie mal --e excellent •simple prizes for bridge or euchre. 'ebere are usually four "lead- ers," a•' the bodkins are called in each set. and to little brocaded covers. as they are. become attractive as well as gleeful- Another pretty trifle that ev- ery girl likes to have is a small hoase- wife for her sewing bag. A tiny fancy Emery cushion. a small pair of scis- • sora. a ueedlecase and sometimes a gay bit of wax -all mounted sad Join- ed together -are desirable and not ex- pensive. So great is tbe fad for bridge scores of various kinds that they are always excellent prizes for men as well as women. Most elaborate are -some of the newest pads and books. being hound In the gayest fashion and bus - Ing small reminder.' of the trump so arranged as to change It after each hand. Pencils accompany them. and the cases may be used again when the original scores have been exhausted. Smart School Blouse. For school wear n plaid blouse Is al wires good style worn with a dark skirt. The material may be either silk or one of tbe new worsted plaids tbat are as soft and silky ns the latter fab- ric. ad ric. These woolen pinlds come with the name on them of the clan to wblch A PALL «Loess they belong. so tf one is of Scottie?' descent they may sport their owu par- ticular "plaldle." The blouse Illustrated' bas a narrow teal of navy blue *effete with slmu- Sited buttonbnlea nod small Mittens rovertd-leith the rank which also edges wide eleerlder Walt. There 1N lit- tie IPtip change In the new shirt walats eg- (•ept that most of them when not of w'aeh stuff.. hare the long shoulder effect and are often made in one with the bn(1: . -iron A Mind's All Right, But - it IN all right for s woman t, hav• a entad of tier own If Atte keeps it to hot - WI' and lets the man tMnk his la the only meetellty lo tha neighborhood CONVIThere were Brill Thuntiug poisons. CT A POET? I The Hunting Parson. William Huck,. Claims to Have Writ ten Hymn In Angli):an Hymnal. %S111taul Huellr, now serving a sev- en-year sententw iu Kingetou Pettit's. tiery fur alleged blae•kuaul while ere gaged n, the private detective boniness im Mtrtuilwu. hue written the Anglican Arc•hbIahep of Ottawa, eleinung aU• thorahtp ui hymn 676. "Ju=1 for To- lley," lh the, hoot; ui common 1+rails. He say, "111 July. 1876. 1 was addressing an open -rat mee•tiug in Hyde Park. L''uri• land. ivy subject brjug 'ltd lelity ver• aria Cluistlanity.' During my remuarka 1 referred to the love of God as ex- enfplifled in •.the provision He Mel made for "nun', ..U . U infi- del iq •the _audience interrupted due, .asking why we prayed 14G(.d for 'daily_ bread: wily nut u -k for u year's supply 1i1 -reply I "told u -tory of a little girl. who 'Item bring- asked the stifle quetttut..replied, ' lief ,fse we do not want etude bread. we:ilia fresh •bread: eueh' day.' 1.pau reaching m; et:ule and thinking -8,000 :hr incident. l (•uluisteeed u leaflet eutitie.l''Just for To -Day, whier, 1 recited the following Sunday ut au open -ear mert:ng to Hyde Park. A gentienlau named ( ouflee;. Int Awtrahan, wh., was pre.- a•nt. asked me- 'after the 'revering if I would Mils t:*e verse printeu, offer- ing to hw e.11.1.000- 'printed 1f I`wuitlti .1•elri•e• w •t.- tt,.w to de, -(A A prihtor nautili Frederick 'triawies • pritate l turn*. ate: tl.y Idol ie au, -c «fra elnotlurr ;,Ji,lllr. acre p pr itt,tilftt vrere- 1Ve bad one in our parish. who, how- ever, had given it his profession and was e*iid. only to put on a white tie, when be was going to deal for r hone. There was another near us who, when sentiment gi ew atripter, was called to account by tbeBiehop. "Mr. Blank. 1 have of a word to say manned your tuinIetrations. lfut tbre is a tattling ' world and they tell me that you hunt." "It is indeed a tattling world, my Lord. The$. say your Lordship goes to t be Queens belle." "It is true tbat when 1 ani invited by Her Maj- esty 1 do not think it prover to de- eline. Brit 1 ani never in the room in which the dewing iegoing on." "That is just wy case, my l: td. I have only e old titre, and 1 ani -never in thej• d in which the hounds are."-(iold- o Smith, in, "Memories of My Horne," i.i the. Dreembrr Csnoelian Magazine. ' Are bald Men the Happiest.? A doctor state.etha t baldness sof • not a disfigurement. ilut a positive charm -to a pretty WOnlan•r eyes. Just. when et man ie beginning to notice with anxiety the evev.increasing peach of t taldnees.ou his head. that rppprr srs l to be the time. he• says. when he is enter rig into the happiest period of his rite. For be then et ids higher in the opinion of the tate- ever did 'store- His chat goes a subtle and indeMn •'lt is _diftbx ran ' 1 • ' "=.lilt i ti itl97? 1(r.000 were printed ' in t,,. l«:: a Looe toy barna Was at. .rc..cU. :It hue :Coe -Leen published in see - t e-.:1 rr1 Cod- 1:a1a•rs, l under.tand. "The hyo.: G.ti in 'The- ,K*sok of l' •Sul,'•:. t'a,.. iii; leaflet, r to lt:iv *,.e:t 11 it reit. In the original they 1. efi• e-3,. lrre,i a- 1u110 A•-: rev thorn he • after and at.ge. •Yrct rer- an is Mn "but tu' is " disput- sol w _bald-headed well -lied bywod•rn," he say my experincee - the fact able. A it Frosty. "Sir; said the young tuan 114 he tried the library for the purpose LetViewing the father of then h• g •'1 Jilin in love with your (1 igh 1;Ittve ylan any ol••leetieue to for fruit:' eo- to- I. '1 teuua.- and receive -my purling Aoul, uou 11l..«•tat•: :...i .1*.1•. ;1-to.-,hlt- I ,tie • til 1.011..' 4. c4 55. . •+--ie--r--t=.-?n.-i-F.+tFTit-titl._it-ner11.• _-- 1- u, 1104 pray- I;uI 1.3.4'1. a., , ; 140,1 Ju-• : •• ac. +, w,l,- .-1.11•- .,. tie_ Or . 1 buy. 14.111 `,.. .• .� •Aaiun lrOnl hr , - _ n North O d Me, incl, .used he- !lad' 4 filen bead to low. ••1 u.'e !navy.- !l. replied. •'1V v. I' wnuldo't weara ar,iefl . ►nit like tti to dust fight. 1VI. mil. yon ill. foosure. utter tailori -. iaug , Ne iv A woman tea ,. ' Iola of /hinge ri l404-lti i**.tiul a-�►-tN+trt- 1tWt�.r wrong by reason. •,1.1 It :: lav'or 1 it. the tact= :cte _ with Ujza'jti wtitl nay In. giv r{ i l an, confide • •• : 11 111y vernre are e0r .,1 a puler to th :u••r Praier,' the truth.. -1 IN ackla,w ou as tl i1 Islet tot.' t,a- ecru • •4•:.2.' .•f 'Just fur ,aU. 1 ut.::-'• : in 1 7c' with nay l •t•,- 'it1: 11t•.i. .. '. Theletter wvf- ierwarded to .1 Ed- • l! ".1 .4 044., '1(.r.)1114., w•IN• acted es r. eery of the ,•o1up111ft Pru cu111t11it- • • :•1 i:;*• hvrl1114t! wilywill make an ,yulrc. 11.4g•uge the eonlposition aii- ,.cat- as 'ttnotlyn:(.u- :n the new-Angli- n:l Iq nig. la,ok, is ha- often Leen at. i uteri 1( the Right Rev.. Samuel I•rrlone , _ a tiii.hop n, the Church •f' Epglarei, who IL 3lead mime time. 1714,4:4, Hilly 'is- hoping that hie • t(. author -hip may. assist in +horteni,IF hie prison term, 'a- was :he caw et a young English teeet in .t. Paul: M11111.. t.emtentiary recently. _Mr7-Hatl., Tiike On "1t:-,letM:- 11 Butler, lkomltiion Iron, & • 3•! C4„ made some important re. (arks at the Canadian Club 'in 8t. John the -other might. Mr. , Butler :hint(' that city• ought to be the model .,ort of Airierlea. Fie ee,ys Montreal is to be Canada's summer port. and 8t. John the hnven•.,4d the winter merr- ier. • He •w.mnlented on the. facilities If 8t. Sohn -in the front row with •he beet'of•ans town in the Dominion to -day. Courtenay Bay on the east if the harbi)r gave the ex -railroader •n idea. Why (lose not enterprise get • -nude and dredge the bay and knock ..„tow More wharves inti, shape? An - Aber point o1 Mr. Butler's "With proper freight handling me- •'hanism between tbe -wharv* 'and steamer-, your port. figuratively Peaking. would -he bei. aft avrrage of nbbut 25(1 of 31M miles inland." He biked out a nl11.0 during his lecturer •o the- club. and traced the future of Rt. 'John, He reminded the diner* '''•.t thev. would be sure' of ro in tranl<ccmtinental roads John ...old be a big tcrmin int in five Urs. He ale, rete teethe Hudie n !;. y dream fast approaching reality. lir. Butler set out le prove that if 1d -eon BRy aittf Strait,' .le -Traver • tele. the $aritinie Province? will fin.t 1 much easier to ship their stuff up i fort Nelson, aer . the Buy to • d West. .end where aloes .It. John .,me in if tide i" "o% Mt. Boder'. .1 :swat•. "Rt..Jnhn ill the netuntl port the Maritime Provinces." .Portugal and" Ca - Portugal's ' 4K.pul ' t ie 'given at • fi 1 n.1 eros ' , into are area cif 35//400 r' tiara 31111e4, IN•itlpt a 11111P more tl'1!ttt .illi that of Canada*- ps.stag#- "tamp Prox�fh�pe tK Manitehfi. in trade Por• '• girl fitlh.,,,,,,aawar helew cena,ln:\. Fier . ,nhual torn* experts and irgports 4.nourltibg to le.s than 100.000,000 mi:• ;As.. A niilrei- living slightly •more than a dollar. while Cmisile'• Ira +, nrnnUnt' t•4' about 1640.0n1011'. P'.rtu• qr•l'" .opplatidn i'• entirely Roman to r''igir.•.. the.,Hgut , of 190P ahowini o 'lc, 4/91 Protestant. and .Ml Jews. 1,' -Ian. is six ut the ,:ln4',4-:ae Na To. 1 1itbZ. a lw•1•allatio:i of 358,1im. !.flect.d Olery. '. Tii: relative importance of .plaeee is soa,.•tiinee .m,nto"ingly elated: For in. stance, I)r. A. e. Vogt was ones•naked in New York if "Toronto were not tl.e down where you changed enr- for Cobalt." A women innocently amused the in of a resident of 81. Catharines by raying about that picturesque rrppoct, 'Oh, 'ye. that s where not eutomoh'.le broke down on tIM'wog trona Bridals I to Toronto.' 4. .,. ' $ 1000 " I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for the good VINOL has done me. I was told that Cod Liver Oil was the medicine I needed for my weakened condition and poor blood. I could not take the greasy mixture, and when our druggist told me that VINOL contained not only tonic iron but all the medicinal prop- erties of Cod Liver 04 without the grease or oil or bad taste, I made up my mind that was the medicine for me. I tried it. and to -day am strong and well." Mrs, J. T. SNVDER, Greensboro, N. C. W. guarsalaw tko gea.fasaesa of tke above t*.Nss..lat. , We sell VINOL with the understanding that if it does not give the purchaser per- fect saris_ factiurn `oney without question.__ Will you Ply a bottle use der ese conditions? - 11. C hanlop, penguin,. (i, d.•,1 -1*. Ji dee • A Mystery.'" my. a rely of Aevee },•'•h*, twee in el 101 ore,. a word nl the Bret reader•.• Hi. n,..thrr ed 1 mai ,aid..'•Jintn.y, what n,t- you think- laMAMMAL- about +•' "4*, t hw said, "I'vw-t 'ink - g how Adan. gut through the link o. rider with nobody 145 help.hiiiii - ople who have 151 weaerw•igI esD act r if it were le rut to b• IwW- he•d I. 9kk 'a alwaya.1't 2,moan t.h.t a had .*want her hu.hard sway The Amberola A new Edison Phonograph The greatest of all sound reproducing in- struments -as beautiful artistically as it is wonderful, harmonious and natural musically. It plays both Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records. It comes in either Mahogany or Oak; . has drawers for holding 100 Records. The pace is $240. There are Edison dealer, everywhere (a4' to 1N n.ar.-t ar.l hear the )Aison I•honographlay 1.•h Pilon SLOW/not .ad r:dls,.n .lmbrol y.. • ..r,Ipn..t complete -Paulo's from your dealer or tronaFwn.•m L'4,6engraphe, slain to SUAIM. Edison "rands,,: Reeool..C.-. ' Edison .tmlrrol (pyy ,oy,. a, *oma. tf.•. r-dlrm urate* „per. M..:r.:,, rt.' . 10112.60. . NAtIONAL PHON RAPH CO. 1M & Laken Ave.. Oran* N.1., U.S.A. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS SOLD $Y JAS. F. THOMSON, Goderich 12 to 18 Ho!ars Ahead of the MornM.orntitg Papers Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the day's price quotations on the Graih and Live Stock Markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chiclgo and other important centres -the very same quotations that the morning papers will print next day -1z to 18 hours later. The Toronto Daily Star market reports are most accurate, and getting them every day you are always able to catch the market at its highest point and to sell your products at the highest prices prevailing. To be a daily and constant reader of the Toronto Star market reports means money in your pocket -a live paper for wideawake people. TORONTO DAILY STAR Clubbing TAia )safer and the Toronto Daily Star Offer Jur one year for ,f'9.2o $1.50 a Year tl THt RSDAT, Dat -saga 22, 1010 7 'm 54 MILI,AR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Pm" 54 We take the grdatest pleasure in extending to one and all our cordial Wish that they may have a (l)erry Christmas anZ)a FappV car - L_ a®.1=1C Coming events cast- their shadows before. Our Annual Stocktaking Sale w i 1 1 commence Tuesday, January 3rd, 1911. ane D. M!LLR & SON'r inter SuitingsL and OVERCOATS A one +election Of • fir•t-claw goods at (HUGH DUNLOP'S IA'EST STIlkLr 1'p.to-date Tailoring in ....ell our grrn.•ut.... . 4. J. BROPHEY OLDER/ON THE ;LEADIN(, Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended 10 tt all hours, night or day. 1 When You g Buy a Ran e uV Satisf•action Toy IY It is not necessary 'to buy a Range - without absolute assurance that it will prove'satisfactory in every way. You nee n't take the dealer's word -for it. You an get more substan..in} . assur- ance t an. that. J 1111-1-W0-11 taw- - : r• I• mess -.-'>='«fit_ 7k. 1 (.6 ;l/1111llIHll 413 41.1 Every C*ada B Range is Guaranteed and the guarantee is backed by th Moffat Stove Co., 'Limited, who need no. introduction die ranks of the most reputable stove manufacturers in Canada. We have studied the stove. business for twenty years, and so successful has our study been that the siov>•s we make are perfect enough to guarantee. it will pay you to investi- gate further. Made by THE MOFFAT STOVE COMPANY, Limited Weston, Ont., Winnipeg, Calgary FOR SALE 'N GODERiCH AT FRED HUNT'S HARDWARE STORE IIAMit.T('N STREET