HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-22, Page 2! THL'RM$DAY, 1/11WILMIllia 22, 1910 UOUZRICH. ONT ttUO. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSD4.Y eve Hk AL I'HINTINO ('U. Limited Telephone Call Na u Terme of aubeor.wtlon pp oil perinnutu iu ac vena+. Bix mauhr, Seo ,three months, Mo. To United Slates subeorlben.. $1.3U a fee a rictly in ad v ee.ee t. .eg scribers17 by mall will confer receive ` a favor by ac 'minting us of the foot at as tarty a date as possible. When a change of address is e Sud the new address' should be desired.voooth thaddress' *evertieing Reim : to a.1 and other atelias adveatt+ernents. 10o pat line for drat ivaertlom and tc per line for • each subsequent insertion. Measured by e nonpareil ..Date. t welve lines to an inch. Nusinesa cards of dx lined and under, tt5 de rear. Advert( ementw of Lost. Found. Strayed, Sit nations Vacant. Situations Warted. Houses for Sale or to Item. Farms for Sale or to }tent. Articles for Sale, etc-, not exceeding eight Ilnea otic each Insertion : $I for nest month. 50e each ruble cent mouth. Larger advertise- ments to prota.rte . aneounosmer n ordinary reading type ten cents Dor line. nodes leis. } ban lie. Any'.,peertal nor is s,he ot,ier`t of which is the Pecuniary benefit of . ny u.de vidurl or *wool, .tion: to b- oonsldend an advertisement td be charged .00nrdlnirle• Rat.- for display and contract ad1ertioe- taer.to will bo given on aprlloatioo. • Aderesa all communications to iHF: SION, L PHIN1IVO e' O" Limited fit eeteh. (Mt aODSHIcH. THURSDAY. DM'. st leto, GOOERICH'S GOOD NAME. e h' .111. g 1 mind that it is well some- time. that we should see ourselves the eugh mthrr people'. spectacles,, The Signal pi.I,lishes this "seek some comb mem- upon the - terrible and ead affair which bas darkened the l'hriat- nlas eeae.•0 in Goderich. coupled as it inevitably lain the Minds of outsiders with the tragedy of September last and other violent and mysterious oc- currences in nor town within the last few :Months. in the first place. it Muse he ack- nowledged that we cannot be fur- - prised at such comment . Have not aiaby ed our own a flew• months ago were groud of, the town's good name. the, high charadAy of- its citizens and its fteeden troru critter. been asking tremselces , anxiously. - 1s }:ode:ich changing from its charac- ter as -s -peaceful, law-abiding com- munity : have we taken in some hor- rible oerible new spirit of -passion and violence which .must be exorcised before we can again sleep quietly in our beds ? 'These are serious questions. not to be easily brushed aside. O11 the other hand, it must be said that such comments as those of The Stratford Herald are made without knowledge tet the circdnlstences, The great misltike in the Vanstone cava was nestle a year ago when t he man was released from jail, to which he had been committed on a charge of in- sanity, and for that mistake—Ao easily- seen now not the neighbors but the marry wife is largely respon- sible. It is one more instance of woman's devotion gone wrong. , The age of.ehivalry is still allive, and It bast not departed front Gode- rich. The deities of innocent childhood and tender womanhood are as highly regarded here as they are .elsewhere among worthy -people. it is not true that our people are cowardly or cal- tous—"fools rusb in where angels fear to tread"—,hut it would be more dif ieult to deny lust they are "easy- going." Most of them, getting along fairly well themselvea and leading decent and orderly lives. are disposed to believe that the rest are doing the same, and coneeeluently they are not ,inclitted to interfere in other people's affairs. This'ieeling that "all is well'''. Lav perhaps .been too strongly de- veloped. The terrible record of the last few months should Leech its Mason. The standard of citizenslifp must be reieed higher than ever : law and order must he more sternly en- forced ; este must be taken for granted ; a truer guard must be kept againet the a Pitts of evil and disorder—and elf in the spirit that. ' *ia'ry r„rn is his hicalserSee brother'Let us all fervently pr.ry- that no such chapter of tragedy tee has been written this year will ever again mar the his- tory of our tows. POLLING CONCLl1OJD: The polling in the Btish elections is concluded and the net TeslitTt ie 'twat the Liberal -Labor -Nationalist alliance has a maj , ty of 1211 over the Union- ists, es cnmm$red with a.nmejority of 124 in the Iasi'j'arliament, The standing of the various is as follows Liberals • Nati.halietK, . I.alnnrii.o ... 43 ponies 271 84 3118 I'nion net s. .......\.... 272 Total number of seats. \ 870 •I'aere will likely be an interval of c p.'ratiav calm briars the neer Par - Klement aeee•mhles and the Government *igitts to unfold its plans for the settling est the long-standing quarrel between the people and the peers.. Though there are thele who urge the l Lords to hold out to the last ditch against the curtailment of their legis- lative powers, the view seems to be commonly accepted that the Govern- ment's bill for the eniorcing of the will of the He'use of Corpwons, under con- ditions distinctly kid down, will be allowed to pass. Then the way will be clear for Radical meseutea which up to the prevent Deur* have been held up by the veto of the House of Lords. The Great Moment. Now the oz waited In the stall, Now the Stara waited In the sklcs, For that strange thing which should befall Hefote the moon should rin.•. _ The winds about forgot to blow, The spark to gather in the dew, The 'aloud above forgot to now Tong the mldnigbt's blue. The singer'. song in sweetness. hung Trembling to at illness , and, as. well. Steathlcss thgt instant lottbr'. clung The Mb/ her', n.pture fell. The shepherd ceased to tell his nock, The tether ceased to breathe his prayer, The whole world felt the subtle shock. The portent in the air. An awful hush. from -bore to shore. -.-In lane)' remote. on seas forlortn. and no heart beat that time before , The Prince ot Peace was born. Harriet Prescott Spofford. AS OTHERS SEE US. London tree Press -- (:txirrieh mast-brava'-a-nese-lof4ta reputation. Two murders in one year are two murders too No One to Help ! --- Stratford Herald. The most distressing thing about the cruel beating to death of the frail little six -Year-old boy in•-(,odericb by his lusty savage father is that this in- of els .ater." h uman deed took bel ween sae and . "lt 1 't gave you the first ray of two bond to complete. during which - Move a .t you were rebelled?" their:uttic appa,ale of the wife to pars- ( •'15'e wt Whalen, belonging to the reedy and neighbors for help to stay r•7aalaalien Towing and Wrecking Com - the hand of her husband failed - to ; p,;ny, was sighted. At 1131 o'clock we Ming the smallest succor., When rue-" finished a blue light at a signal of dis- cnt• arrived to late in the shape of a' tress, :and it wee picked up try' the policeuien, the husband an father j Passage Ielend lighthouse keeper, anti was over his paroxysm and was answered with a red Tight. Half an found carrying the limp little , hody hour later we saturated a sheet with in his areas, dazed at what he coal oil and set fire to it. The to Mel done. This is the shave ofWhalen picked it up, and 'answered Uodet ich, that a deed of such fel- , with four whistles. Knowing. how - ode ysalting Jong to aec(n.plish could ever. that we- were safe on laud. the be performed there without a ett'ong tog. owing to the rough night, ran for hand to stay it. Are the anys of Silver (eland,<ttye .er sox wiles up, for chivalry hopelessly departed ? In shelter until nrorniig. She could not mediaeval Ages it was the glory of , reach, either the.crew or the Minden heroes that they risked everything in ou account of the high sea and the e,'jpretectimi_of the fair *44.1b11 .T'gks. Thursday morning . at .9 weak. Surely- this is w flaw in our o'clock we sighted he Whalen again, cb%ilizatiom that•people are not bred to coming' down Ho pick us up. We be swift to rescue from hands of fiends' packed our rowioate again. and set such as this unnatural tether. This is out in a big sea to meet the tug, not the first such case in Goderich. ss. h went into a Night rouse distance The missing girl whore poor abused dd(ifi,: 11, took os two and a -half homy • was found 'days atter her being ho« to reach her, abort though the done ,to death in that town a few distance was. Om -coati. werefiozeu on weeks ago was a nntber cane similar in when we got *board the tug. Some .nature, to this extent at least, that were, however, not fortunate enough persons admitted to have heard cries i to have coats. One boat had a sail, of distress, but no one :answered these I and wade better time than the other. poor cries. We should have hoped I We left on the Whalen at 12:30 that there was such virility- and stain-- o'clock, and arrived in Port Arthur at ins in our Canadian population tbut 4:30. TbS NVhalen was covered with no cry for help could go unheeded in ' ice, apetinetle one of the most heauti- any Canadian town, when there were ful seghte 1 evet saw. Arrangements house., and people right at hand able were _made by the captain for the • render help. Our neighbors of transportation of the crew on the Goderich must see to it that the :ion- Ha manic, and most ot us tame down ale of its citizenship ik elevated so that on that magnificent ship. The cap - such haunting deeds may be in'future fain, the water, and two engineers impossible. Meanwhile let every par- and a wheelman, however, went back ent commune within himself on the that night to the Dentine to look subject of treatment of the childt•en after tier -lighterage. Wbeteeet effects Gerd has given him. Ave men not too the crew lost the company- made good. often harsh to their tender offspring ? besides showing the men ether kind - WRECK OF THE DUNELM. THE SIGNAL t GODERICH ONTARIO down the lake. Thr Squires, how- ever, as soon se she beeaaue aware of the situation, rent a wireless message, which wee picked up at Duluth and sent to the Empire elevator at Fort Williaut. The Squires aloe struck, but got away without being damaged. We were almost to Passage island, and turning about, shortly afterwards struck, while on our way hack." "'What were the weather conditions at that tune?" "The air being colder than the water, ea vapor was formed. which prevented discerning anything eveu a short distance away. It was 10 o'clock that morning before the atmos- phere cleared. so that it wa:'.pe.ssible to gel. -our bearings." "HOW long did the crew remain on the bot after she struck P" war aal-rd. to •'Until shout 10 o'clock. Meanwihtie eve. y expedient wets used to improve the situation. At 10 o'clock, how- ever, the captain decided that all hands should wake tot• the shore. 'I'wu lifeboats were accordingly launched, the ship's papers secured, se well ea some of the effects of the filen, and the boats gotuway. In the first boat were eleveu wren, and in the second ten. The first lost sight of the second in making Isle Royale, but for- tunately landed but a short distance from it edema noon, and all went into camp together. There we remained until 9 *o'clock on Thursday morning. s fairly 11'r ,pulled inta4,a bight that was calor, hut the lades were steep and the rocks were covered with ice. and' con- sequently we had some difficulty fn reaching the p 1 real' above. It -was a Week *pot and we first gathet•etI wood and wall: elite, for we were chilled. A little later volirneeer•s took the life - teeth; and went back to the wrecked bee -erne'. --the captain, mate, engineers anti 1Vheeleemun Dirk and Harden making the jouruey'. They lett about. 1:30 o'clock and returned in two hours with • rovisioha and blankets, after a peril• u+ trip owing to the toughness l: ( ibanta's ee%urjrtec. party." YY 'Twas a glad Christmas; eve, and all over the world With reindeer and sleigh dear old Santa had whirled. No one was forgotten or slighted by his : Each stocking was bulging and crammed to the brim. "There !" cried the old saint. as he stopped at his door, "I've made all the little ones happy once more ! But the rest of the night will bo lonely, I fear ; Why --what is this wonderful racket I hear ? " He bounded down nimbly. so great his surprise. Hut stopped just inside. ta:arce believing his eyes ; ,� For here were the children that he had supposed %Vere sleeping down yonder with ryes tightly closed ; Here, singing and dancing and frisking in glee Around a most dazzling and beautiful tree! "0 Santa!" they cried, "we have found you at last! How tired you uwet.be ! You have journeyed so fast 'l'o take us good gifts; hut now, Santa ('lata, see ! - N e have brought you some gifts. and this splendid big treat ( We want you to know, just for once in a way. i --• How -happy you make us each new Christmas Day. These gifts diknot oot grow in your Christens. -tree grove; We brought thew for you with our very beet. love ! " Then 1 wish you had seen them lead Santa about, To examine his gifts—beard his laugh and his shout When be found a fur coat with a collar so wide. When he read the gay note that was fastened inside! 4- There wet*. testis for the reindeer, a pipe and red mittens. i ,, , And tenet little girl had ba ought Sant , her kitten•. He'd a brush for hie clothes and a brush for hog hair, - He had pictures, and hook1 d a great eaav chair - %Where•a g.n'd saint might nap it and sit at his ease While presents grew ripe on bie'evergreen trees. Ile'd a pair of naw spectscles, shining and bright,' To help bfw to fill little Stockings aright. '('here tygah• cushions so soft -for the magical sleigh. A cap trimmed with fur, and a dressing -gown gay. And stockin;(s.*o long. and so warm, and so t hick, Jack Frogs -ban no more play his favorite trick Of ung a bleat upon Santn.l-laus' toes over the steeples, at Christi 111x1, he goes. Please wear thio red te'•f ! " whispered one little elf : "I made it. dear Sento ; I worked it myself ! " He caught up the girlie and gave her a kip. 1 nesaea. "in what shape did you leave the I Dunelm ? " A Member of the Crew Tells His Exper-"She is on a spur Mahe Canoe roeke, at the extreme north of Isle Royale, tense, with her nose aimed stitiblerged and Orrotu The Hamilton spectator, her decksawash, a problem for the "Castaways we sure were, en a bar- underwriters, to whom. 1 understand. ren rock, in the :nicht of a raging sea, the Vessel has been abandoned. but with plenty of provieione to tide Holds one. two and -three are flooded. us over until the wreckers could* reach a lifeboat has been washed away. and . us," said a member of the (new of the neatly all the grain in the Meet is said ' ill-fated sterner Dunelm, of the In- to be satuteted with water. About s land Lir e. Limited, whereeen bya JP }MMI bushels of dry grain has in all represent tete of The Spectator, in he nein, taken oat, accerdiret to reports, course of his rambliugy a tow days and conveyed to Fort .William."ago, 'rho h at first loath -.to tell of "Have there -been other wrecks at his experie eel. snit of the ill -teatime the same point ? was the last ques- ()Obis gond hip, he at length talked Hou naked' interestingly of that eventful morning 'Yes. just four years ago, almost to on Lake Sup riot. the holm, the steamer Monarch, a paa- '•Thr• Duua question. sail from port at 11.45pan. ti ," he said, in answer to "eswayngem, tenandtet. he wentname tadowgnpichkalfed aup tohilere crew. Capt. Albinson, of the Dun- elul, was also on the Monk's Haven, ea ui when site went down on tele Royalai" Tuesday, Deep her 11, under Cart. Alhineam, also eleeereee all credit for his courage and re •cefeelness, to which is due, in great treasure. the fact that things are ae well as they are with us The crew membered twenty- gtte,'and consisted of John f'. McLeod, mate; William Houebet•ger,-- second matt.: George E. Wilson, chief engin- eer: Harry Quincy, second engineer; W. J. Mahle, purser; T. Harden and J. Morel!, whe•elmen ; F. Greys W. Davidson. watchmen ; O. Ducb(arene, P. I)urocber, T. D. Gilbert and G. Marquee, sailors; Hugh McDougall, James Dick, John Brownlee, firemen ; C. D.-Mne'ow,--chef ; 3obn Watson, second cook ; J. H. King, Roy Hind- man, oilers. NVe sailed for Goderich with every expectation of having a goal passage. When we were well out in the eke, however, snow began to fall. and re• was a frosty mist on the water, and night wale dark." "N'eas the Dunelrli -u`wving at' more than average epeed ?" � "No. The steamer, beanie of the 'bens, wits melting elow`'epeedi when, without any warning wheteitt'c,, she cushioned on to a ledge of the Canoe Racks. The engineers at once exemined the boat. and found that she was not seriously damaged, a crack in her hull aft of the engine room being the only break in her body. and though she was mating water rhe ,,nested so evenly that it was impos- sible for her to settle t" any appreci. able degree." "She eteucle reedy in the morning, did she not?" "it was at 7.10 o'rloek on Tuesday morning, and every man was ordered on deck. The thgineeI-e, though, re- mained at their pasts t.o eyertaln'tbe extent of the damage-- At, daylight the exact position of the ship was seen Di he on the north-east corner of the Canoe Rocks. Where was a hea%y sea running, and the steamer Squires, which had been ahead as the ihm*lm neared Passage behind, after waiting about an briar bad gone on her way SIR WILF1t1D LAURIER —SIR JAMES WHITNEY. -- The Signal offers to its subscribers who pay in advance for the coming year their choice ,sit pictures of the two Premiere -Sir WiMI-id Laurier. Ptime Minister of Canada, and Sir James Whitney. Ontario's First M inter. Ont=of'fown subscribers their remittances will please state which picture they prefer, and it will be sent in a mailing tube. • These pictures are strictly for those who pay IN ADVANCE. yubslerher•e are requested to send in renewals as early as possible. " For those who would rather have a 1911 calendar than either of the pic- tures we have a limited supply. - PLEASE RENEW EAHI,Y. "—..bother Win for Goderich. Grxberlc the front again ! Prid• ham the Tails winning fresh spurs et ery- day, as th -following will ex• plain : Penetanguishene, Dee Loth, 1910. Mr. F. J. I'rldham. Cioderich.1 DEAR 81H,-1 and (troppin • you a few lines n1Rout the clothes 1 bought from you while engaged as a Mate on the Scottish Hero. I reoeioev1 then[ when we arrived :it Midland and poen-thing is aatisfaetery. They are t G...4 -fitting snit 'tad overcoat that 1 have stet had. and iny brrnther'a are the adnt', and i' we ever trade to (t,eletich twain 1 will eertsinly know where to go fora,�g'( ed flt. Yount truly. truly. flans oCit STALKER, Penetathetsjehene. • i - • 1 'a.0---4.01,1•••••• 8 W. AcFIE.SDN 8 SON "hri ttnas lifts We have devoted very special attention to our pur- chases -for -our Christmas business. High - c;lass, dainty and desirable goods at moderate prices. In Dry Gds we offer you the largest, , newest and most up-to..date selection in Goderich. MEN'S FUR COATS-- —"T Mrs', Fur issue--rrewRty-Ave to choose from«calf, - - Abd -.4 a.ka }waver $ LADIES' FUR COATS — Ladies' Fete ('nus and Cloth ('oats, reduced; formerly $10 to trhr, slab al int'' SS to GLOVES - Mend and women's silk -kited (cloves, quality warranted. at ... gf 60 MUFFLERS Knitted Mutt, -r•, beautifully knit, fasten snugly with deme ra.leuer, heufly hexed, each • HANDKERCHIEFS • Men's and women's initial Handkerchiefs, and plain hem• $tite•hed. tali doze„ direct from Ireland. each 121c, 15e. 'J k, tic Ewe* end Meacelde Hatedkerchiefe...... ........... IIM Mrn'z Sett Ties. MEN'S_SJLK TiES nely boxed $ingl y ,, 61dn and lag He bugged thea', and thanked thew—not one did he misa Then, "laying his finger allele of his nose," He twinkled his eyes—and what do you suppose!' t Such visions of socking-. filled up to the top There came to those children, they scarcely could stop -To plan for a visit;the,very next year, (tet cried : "Merry Cbriettuas ! good night, Santa, dean Then away o'er the cloud -hills they wumpdred and ran : Now guess all the gifts that they found. if you can ! -—..-.-- -- �.�� tt 1 SUITABLE hristmas Gifts The various kinds of .Foot •ear we have rank high as useful gifts. 'e vile you to inspect an judge whether you ca any- where buy tci better advantage or h e a greater v as 1 e t y choose rom. Slippers for NIGHT ..OWNS Hen's Rile. ttrnneletts Night 1:itrue. neatly made and 'splendid • tivaitt),it y:' .75c and $1 IMI CASHMERE SOX Mena 1'a»I,tuaar. Mot, very swell parte' ns, new and saute%, I'reulillllly boric at... 't.ic. 50c, 75c SHIRT WAISTS Ladies.' Shit W ts, newest spring styles but brought on for 0 Chriatwe a ifta, all boxed singly in a bully Ilex. at each. _ ' $1 25.s$l 50. $2:..a, LADIES' FUR BOAS Ladies' Fur Rnaa, of Wane, sable. fox nod lynx, with muff to match, fit for set $l0, $15, ,alto, +3f 111t5, $:tel RUGS Hugs for the hoine, Wilton, Axminster and velvet, all at Chr,stnnas sale prices, exquisitely beautiful Rugs, in every leading size, specially priced, - • $10, $12 50, $18, $dl. $22, $25, Wel BLANKETS 'bite Blankets, finest Anstreltan !arms,:beautiful border,-, at ... !$i'25, $1, $4 b10 $b, Mi, $0 50 and $7 'se CUTTER RUGS Hugs tot lounges or cutters, plaids and tartans, each $I, $5, $0, $7 SHAWLS The Ise. ie 4eotch .ntt greys and fawn,. (rin eel., ver full slid euft, each k da. >Kf 50. $4, E W. AO-11ESON a SON We 'Ibrsh all our friends and patrons a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year en, Ladies and Children Hundreds of pairs sultabI ,tor 'bedroom 'and ho4.e wear,' from 25c to $2.00. Ladies' Artistic Footwear We ha ' '"the"kind that excel in quality,. fit and style - --reasonable--prices. Quite 'suitabie-- for C `'tlnas giving, Skating Boots HERSOKS LIGHTNING H ITCH Do not tail to gee our assortment before purchasing. They are the height of perfec- tion: For boys, men anti- wA#ten. Skates put on free. Ladies' Hand Bags and Travelling Goods of all kinds. We have a large variety—all reasonably priced.- We hate the right thing in M casins, Leg- gings and warm Rubber Footwe , It is an easy ''ima,tter to choose lust what ),ou want. Come early. Nerk-& E3IIiott 'Phone 226 The Square rtin Bros. Exclusive Tailors Christmas Gifts To get suitable gifts for men you have to get them from the Men's Store. We have an exceptionally large stock to choose from. I_et us suggest some of these ; -- Neckwear Suspenders Gloves Neck Scarfs Silk Handkerchiefs Excelda��H�andkerchiefs H Linen Handkerchiefs eilas Cuff Links Tie Pins Fancy Sox Coat Sweaters - Underwear Fancy Vests Smoking Jackets Fur Coats Fur -lined Coats Fur Caps Fur Collars Fur -lined Gloves Hats and Caps Suits Overcoats Neckwear Dein't miss seeing our graud display of Neckwear, rich in design and colorings. Prices -25c, 50C, 75c and $11.00. A Handsome Box with each Tie. WALTER C. PRIDHAM Men's Clothier and Furnisher