HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-15, Page 1212, TWUHODAV, Doeseasa 11. 1010 Opera House Grocery F:irst door off Square .f.,Kiniistc.in Street 5pecial &de DURING CHRISTMAS WEEK A FINE ELEVATOR. Fancy China SPLENDID STRUCTURE OF WEST - .ERN CANADA 'FLOUR MILLS CO. • 'Big Concrete Bulldtng (if 600,000 Bushels Capacity Nuw Rgady for Business—Good Job by the Con- tractors, Canadian Stewart Co. New Fruits .hist• nearly seven months ut stern- nous labr, during ueiuIy all of which time May and night ehttts wear em- ployed, the new, couctete {train elevii- tut to. the %Ve•teru renal:, Flour •ttldls..LAI..is toady sol buainees and ler dlba4xiging ut grain into iia bine Was hegira 141.1 'I11UItdai•. When iL wad found 'lupubslble L. uauplrtt, the waithousr over the tank* ()Wang to i h itadefurut . w4ratbrt and utllt'r 11u4)1.:- by wltic1t'llie contractors were 1„utulcxpped. !tie Woi welt wets al ace -et u. wutk .ii -tolling te,tutr0Iairy .0❑chute' v so that grain angst to -1 01 ed it. t hr neer-tries Our ibis ..talon. Thr work uwtin. tank forms wen cotn- 'y,leted:tnonc six %seeks ages and ttyr. erection of the wurkhur..e was .topped ' a wonitFfuter, owing 1.. tate setting in ••1 cold weld her. Thr eaevatur Iters a capacity of fl P . toil bushel.,. The slut air bills C4fnNnt 1 ut &wet tt-aur c►rettlar tonsure -tanks ' artaIKeu in three• i ova. ,?t seven tanks lilt 4714(111 uw. With sou belt Bouvoyet'. under and two belt conveners -vis 't'tltte tail k 4.'hc irateislet* ) Nana. that l,+t 'the spxcee•brtWCCI the circular tank&, 1 (Us() will ia• usrtf tar storage. A11 the. 1,111% will have hOOpprred 11o1w111$ do - (tug awn) with the possibility of any grant lunging in the tanks enttuecesbt- lattng Wuristnen to enter thele. When comi.leted, this building will be one tit, rue beat -equipped storage grain aIra+aturs doing rwsinees- int thi- s rivet hetrivet Latices. Christmas Art Calendars Christmas cards I sr •••4.4Crlitt 011r stuck get the • not\ the cued -pest believing that4ont ii:tointrs' interests' sened• thc matte: 0: value ither th in in 1.6 I. (1111 11117ii .1,111 r 11 la. Fottntain Pens I 1-1. alai tiold alike in ail iila. A.1.111 and WS 441 r 4,11 1 Christmas Globe - the Clio i.t MS, 6iebe left. really foi 71111, under ma: tanks. 10 ciury the grain from the bins to the elevating !resides these. thtrt will -be two, foot ; etgat-tnvtt- tadt_ecinveyers over tut. t sista on the Lilt flour Lo ca.•ry the grain (roto she cupola' of .the work- house to the lens. t'he building will be i .,rt ru With a.Huniphrrt t4ecx- ut between for first ;Hoar and the garner Hume. A complete tet of rlpe- Lrlc-ttigtude will. be installed at catch Iofler leg to operate between the base- nreiit and the. *caste hours. The signal eyuipurent also will include a complete system of electric hell siguale ar: d push buttons, which will provide eanmitoi- cation from the va)•toua patio of the plant for con%'enience in its a ion. This system also will inc a six tele- phone' for the co ienci• of the workmen ou the event floors. There.wil three automatic scales on the.' rnet', floor. each having a capacity of 12,11)11 bushels per hour. Beside these there will be two Gur- ney hopper scales each with a capacity of 2.11111 bushels. and •prov.tded painting and recording attachments. The oust -collecting system to be in- stalled wbl'consist of a fan, dust 'col- lectors ' a n d sheet metal piping arranged to exhaust and collect duet from the various legs and floor sweeps and discharge it into the dust bins. Six electric ntotur8 will be .installed for the operation of the machinery. There will be two 100 -horsepower motors on the machinery floor. which operale the two Lotter legs, a ten horsepower moor ou the garner floor to run the Humphrey elyvator,• a sixty -horsepower motor on the bin 'tam' which runs a line shaft that oper- ates the telt conveyers and trippers: tb.rty-hotoepuwer motor on the first floor which will run the conveyers for the baermeet. in the marine recpiv iog house a seventy-five and a Ififty horsepower molar will lye located to run the shovel abaft cod legs. The building will be lighteef throughout: with incandescent lamps. The contract for the erection of this building was awarded to the Canadian '.l ewer( Co. early in May and by the rah of the month excavation work had. courmenced. The responsible task of superintending the erection of this massive project fill to 3. b. John- son, who came here from Fort %Vil- Iianr. where the smite firm had the contract for the erection of that gigan- tic str•tteture. the (.rand Trunk Pacific elevator, the largest in the world. The erection of the engine rooms and the installing of the engine also was a part of the contract. The engine room has a cthncrete foundation and the sgperstructure is of brick. The engine is of :NO. horsepower. Before• commencing the unloading of the grain all the machinery was given a thorough test and found to be woe ins most satisfactorily. UR GREAT BIG EXTRAS FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK We have been fortunate in securing a large shipm_ent of first -quality Oranges and v.ill have them on sale next vrei•l: from ise per dozen -up. Nuts Figs Dates Table - Raisins !howdahs. of the hilapil Navigitt Cutup/thy. &inflame (in the north eml of Isle Itovaik. laden with grain. aban- doned the Cssel. to thy 1'11(1..1 writer:- • -if the essel are His sled. , The principal business in fishing is to land Tout fb.b. Cllocolates Bananas Oranges Lemons No Intel' Bananas I 141011117. WA 1144 e _.. A special Christmas Sale in four Aepartments t6r thi: \\ock immediAt( 1\ befor the holiday., ' DecidedI\ extra. values that should appeal to every seariher after a bargain. They make next week a particularly ,good time. to .huy- a Suit, a liat, a Waist or Underweal if you -come here, foi- thcm. -I fere are the- lour Specials. \V( I start the selling the in-orning'of SaturdaY,1)e( cipher t 7th. • Imechis of .11 knet- ..1401 No.1.--$19.00 Tailored Suits $9.85 Very Specia Without a doubt the greate,t bargain in Tailored Suits for. ladies ever..)ffered in Goderich. Twenty or twenty-five to make your selections from. This season's best 5 and most, approved designs. Evesv,„_gar- .materials; quality. linings and ivorkmanship. the best. All dark ,:olorings, plain and.rough materials. Not a garment made to sell for less than $15.00. , Most of them are stan- dard Sto.00 lines. Sizes 34 to 38. A teW misseS' Suits included.' Choice -of the entire tWentY- commencing $9.85 Goderich Quick Lunch .."5"..50505,505050%.54054h .5.05.4%/50515044.95e RAISINS Chou Valen( ta and Sail - Carta Raisins loose and _ jut packages. seeded and Christmas and New Year's Excursions NUTS. Etc. Shelled Nuts. Pee I s. Flavoring Extracts, a it d Spices. , STATIONS .IN AT SINCiLE FA Good going Decein 24, 23 nil 20. Ret Tues ilav, Deceit! 2z, igio. Also annary and 2, toil. alid returning until Tuesday, January 3, icit t. At Fare and One -Third 1910, to Monda)..-Jantiary. 2, Secure tickets atnr"-fill1 infor- mation ,• Town Agent,. Ir addle's .1. D. Heflonkald. l'n.osetiger Agent, I' Stathei, Tot onto. Quint io. MINCE-ATENT7- etc-- • Bulk and Package Mance -PLIALIP-A in bulk glans. 01, in choice quality various packages Opera Howie Block .;14. 14. Kingston Street strellenenellelAINOSAIONestaesesowayesayssesas Steamer Dunelin o -.Rocks. Aleinsint and twenty-one Members 0 the crew of the Inland Nevi on t ...anoint '- steamer Ounel which wrre-hrought to rt Arthur tonight by ihriTug % ' en. The men report the itte resting eaeily, with her bo the melte, but in an expoeed lotion, where she might iie broken up if heavy sena commence An run. The hull is kadlt punctured in the for- watd part, hut the water has not reaelied the cargo. In addition to the danger iif the • boat being broken lir. th.•re is elm the rxisnibility that ithe nosy sltyrnff-the ern -ire -end sink Itt deep tt ater. II wee -impossible when the tug Whalen lett for the lighter Em- pire to start taking off the eargo, but the boat in attending by ieadY'to start work when if Is considered onfe. It to get !him IL .Chtli passrige at ialloth Ibinelni out ot port. had a narrow escrow from the II,AMP fate, !Seeing the I hineliii- going aground, the SrniirrA Veet ed Oft nod iised her wire - haw to fiend word of thi• tierident tol Was Aent (wetland to Port Arthur. , The Ibinelin io rt vented of 1,451 (mi.. 210 feel long *nit 13 feet beam. She wan built in 1417. Captain Alt imiton, who was in return/mit-of" the t page!, in one et the oldest marinerk in service , MI the Ltke, The Dimilni wen on her f list trip east And WWI expected tosiyin. ter at 0oderich. The measlier and i Argo are valued at 11112.70..Isin Ladies' Initial Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 3 for 50c Very Special 1 These Waists are just out from the cases this week, made of good quality imported net from strong Japanese silk. Ecru shade,_• cut in a good style—Waists. that will fit and wear weft,- You' Could 'pay $3.25 tg $3,5o "and still get good value. Satutday morning choice of- , this lot only' • - - $2 65 Lot -36e-- $5.00 and $6.00 Trimmed Hats Ladies' pure linen hem- - stitched Handkerchiefs. very fine quality sheer linen, narrow hem, neat initial and spray embroid- ered in one corner : reg - ular 25c qualities. We bought the irect from the er. and our s 50c Initial Handkerchiefs 25c Twenty trimmed Hats for next week's selling., You rem mber the purchase of sample Hats fraction of their actual value ena s us to make this really won- derf enng. If it were not that we had the shapes so very, very cheap, we-- • timply could 'not do it. The trimmings used are all high-grade. There is ;tbsol utely nothing cheap about the Hats but the price. All are new, and there is not a bad style in the left. ,speepared specially for , this Christmas sale: Regular $2.45 Lot 4. Ladies1 Underwear 29c Two hundred ladies' winter Vests and Drawers, fine rib, extra soft finish, ,cream only, well:made in eyery particular, will give excellent wear: Could • not be bought -to- day at the mill for this money. The last shipment of a big contract we made months 4. ago. No better value in L'nderwear has ever been ou_our counters. We doubt if there has been- as -good. Vests or Drawers on sale Saturday morning at per o9c, garment only Gentlemen's pure linen Handkerchiefs. half-inch hem. made from very fin. quality sheer Irish linen Initial neatly embroidered in one corner. Regular 35c quality. Bou ghi direct from the maker. .Our extra special Christ - mals price 25 For the convenience of holiday shoppers this store will remain open every evening commenang Monday, 'December 19th HODGENS BROS. DIRECT IMPORTERS GODERICH, ONT. •