The Signal, 1910-12-15, Page 11somebody
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this year]
present is some -
All can and
n Phonograph.
T of the family
rney he or she
my presents for
of the family
there will be
big\ an Edison
iso a large sup-
e her.. Ito to Me nearest sad
Walt-W..terd moi
teeplete catalogs trona year
o ereoaa. Ydl.on tata..lenl
o 1•l�awr .la ire a.
iR,,t�•. t
I. An.. orris•. N. l., U.S.A.
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� trict.
4.4 The News of the • Dis
gt 45 44$464t 46466,166, 646 4546 *4546 4t 4k 54o *446* 46 4' 536646 464 4645**46.14645454645454545454545464454t +4545*
MONDAY,Dec. altb. WernoatDAY. Dec. 14th.
Mr. Clark, of l3rueefleld, has been UitA•rlt or .t PIONRKR. On Wed -
conducting services' in the Free Pres- , needay, November 30Us. the death of
byteeian onurcb the last two Sundays. I Jsutes Kern occurred at the home of
John Campbell, 1'. F. Hendrreonhie 8o0 John. it Beaumont. East
and son Everegtt Henderson.'wbo had Teaae of Deceaseds. +a0d wwas rsoeonetye last
been working. in Alberta itinoe last Y race
opti a returned to their respective settlers of this township. Fifty -ti"
h'wes last week to remain for the years ago he tattled on lot 12, concee-
wiolet. cion 13, where he continued to live
until five years ago, when, on the
death of his wife, he went to reside
with his son in Texas. He was born
in Armagh, Ireland, sod cisme to Cau-
ada-'in the year 1850. He lived at
Tr•tc.UAY. Dec. 131h.
1.1.KHI'IRN LO'-Mre. JahnHortontbel1s
are ringing
. bonus atter a pleasant visit in strut -
fold with her daughter The
young people are busy practising for
their entertainment to be held some
time between t'hristtuas and New
Year's ...... 1'hs O. W. 8. Railway hail
,.nue trouble with their constt•uetion
engine on Cook's hill. It got off the
trach and it took sotue time to et it
n again. ---
(BLYTH. ve,
T'lesDAY. Dr: lath.
ODui•'ta Lows Et.Et'TIOS. -- Last
Tuesday evening at the Oddfellows
regnler meeting the following officers
were elected for the coming term : N.
t:•, J. Pettis; V. G.. R. H. Robinson ;
Rata. A...W. Hubirtson ; F. S., P. Gar-
diner ; treasurer. 1). E'luady. The Odd-
tellows heir sue booming. having Work
on evilly night. Last l'uesds • . betides
nuwingtjou. there were 1.. .
Al'' TIIE l.rI:LPH E'AI1t.--Over fifty
LANEb. tiekets were sold by the ('. 4'. R. for
the Guelph %Viuter Fair last week
SATURDAY. Dec. 10th. and we tare glad to say that our ex-
hibitors did well in the competitions.
considerit. the Image number of ex-
biliturs t are. J. Cummings' on his
*Ulu gut two firsts and it second; J.
,;iving„rauta Claus assurance theta be Powney received a number of prizes
,. all visit all the little ones with his for his poultry, and tae stallion that
deer and sled Peres' Saudersou Mr. elj afford recently sold to a putty
and Alfred
Sherwood axchrnged in Galt got a first and a team' prize ;
h,.rsas , last week ' 'Miss Oehby at, they areal! well satisfl••d.
K'eb.tes, of Lucknow. is at preen -tit TIIKOaANaiKMEN ELtss-rl)t•FI.KwL-
the guest of Mrs. W. J. Lane.. ... Atameeting of the Orangemen here
Htnrya„alullin has been bury enttiug Monday. to 'Mat jljrwrp.. Jot nt and
straw and chopping for a nuo,l,er of Stewart were appointed auditors and
loaners the past couple of week's the following_oMcers, were elected :
tack Farrisb, a weather of Lanes Rifle W. M.. R. H. Rubitason: Il M.. C,
%evocirtion. made a possible on the Stewart:'Chap.• Iohn \Vilford;H. S.,
-es1-yard range week before last. the Jas. Jos'Taman nt : F. S., J. C. Tman :'Treas.,
.fighter also hieing s bullsxyr \V.41
W. 14. M EI y : U. ('.'., Jae. Gibson
done. Jack. Coate again. lecturet-s. W. `manta and IL Carter:
-committee_ -E- II .ggit. Ai'
UOOERICH TOWNSHIP. Baynt, F. Tull tad A. Harr. The
Tt'ur„uay; Dec. lath. `Order it, in a wishing condition
aconite: Dee -at -It way with the bete and it is Ib intention to buy a
teautifui new Mann fot the coming
dee est regret nod surprise that the 1"tb of Jnly. L
,e-�drnts oa the Maitland concession -
as, n,•d last Friday mot -tang that CHRIATRAs E'Telt INMKNTs.- As
.I.murs Hay bad drop led dead, He it is getting near the hristmae time,
hull been in his usual health up till kb.• ' all the cbutches ere hating their e
day of his demise and the sudden call I.leetehirusnts: Although it iser
..nue ase severe blow to his relatives. early ?ora Christmas t i era rout\
and near friends. By his death one of church Sunday echo are having
the oldest sealers of the township has tholes Friday eve •' g '.f this week.
awn removed. Born in I'ertluhire. As a rule their . trues trey euter-
saaland. seventy-eight wars ago. be transients vett' gems!. so it is likely
came to Canada with his parent, when there ben large turnout. It is to be
sox months old. m.. settles! oe lot in • *try Hall. Then next Tuesday
at Maitland concession, where the ening. December Slth, the Francis
deceased resided continuously I
Firth Co. ere w be here under e
&cell tetnnari him. He is ived auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the P
nd four byteriau church. They have bee
It' a family of two son
daughter*. They are tam. Devi&, here before and they should be re -
Annie and Mar at home : Nina 'ceived by a b per hon..-, as there is
John meaaa . , of Lucknow. and nu doubt the entertainment will he of
)lies Jen • . of Loudon. Mrs. Hay the best. Mr. Firth himself is *good
,tied vote -six years ago. Theartist anti
b*ve nothing but the
cal tool. re
place on Monday atter- with hie psoy•
noon to Maitland cemetery. Rev. PEltlioNAt.AN•, GS:NS:RAI.. -E:. Wat-
.lames Hamilton conducted the ser- s,nandsorrWiJtlioktwocarootstock,
vices. The bereaved Camila will bare some lambs and Battle. to the Toronto
the twee felt sympathy of the coax- fat stock shore :it the 1'niou stock
wonky in the sudden lose alhich they yards Saturday, and J. Cummings
have sustains&, s took a car of cattle to put on exh!bi-
tion Dr. W. Milne entertained a
numher of his torr vied friends at a
lard patty at bis home last \Vednes-
day evening .....A nuwhrr front bere
attended. the dance at \Vingbam last
Dodd's Kidney tills Cured Him. Friday evening J T. selvage. dis-
trict passenger agent for tbe l'. P. R.,
paid an official visit hese last %Vednem-
day...- . A. W. Sloan. who was lucky
to grow tome apples last year, has
now sold west ot them. and he has got
a good figure for them. This week he
shipped thirty barrel. to Guefpib, Inc
which he got 84.1e1 per lar lel , ..... A.
Tummy eotarteined a numher of his
L,K'Aus.-Tbe storm of lent
SVednesday and Tbursdey bas given
teamsters and pleasure drivers rample
lei balm. Winter lute fait ly 'set in,
,ON, Goderich
year, in advance
tar are conducted by sporting
game -men active in athletic
onder that reported sporting
re held -are most reliable-
nd in any Canadian paper
aye readably written -and you
Daily Star sporting columns
utratio\that gives added
Iwo of our
a Year
Ito Daily Sia ••_ .%her
The Misses Belle McDonald. Annie
McDonald, Lizzie Stewart and May
Caird, Tom McDonald and Davie
titewart, jr., attended the services at
Pine itiver Presbyterian church lief Woodstock for a time before entering
Sunday eeentug. the hush in Ashfield *one of the pioneer
Jas. Rob)) received a telephone mars- settlers. His wi was Miss Suseanmah
Hamilton, to wh he Was roadie& at
Port Hope. l'o t In u family of six
children were born, four of whom are
elding Inc some time with a brother u[
still living. They are John, of Beau -
moot. Texas; David. of Duluth :
Mr. Robb in Bruce county. Mise -'gale, of TI,.aniesville. and Mrs.
A RUNAWAY. -Last Wednesday, James Lithead, of Kincardine town -
while Rev. J. S. Hardie and son David ship. 'the late Jae. Kerr w a man
Heidi. were starting out with a horse h i g h 1 y estttelited through ut this
and cutter and were proceeding some- township, and was one of t e kind -
what too swiftly *mound the corner of est was neighbors. 11e w, a ember
the road near the manse. both gentle- of the Anglican church and in )Iftics_ _
men were thrown out. The horse he upheld the Conservative olicy.
went at a terrific rpeed up the side- That -mooing were hr)ught to rear-
med to Lochalsh`, at which place the dine on Monday, 5th inst., and 1 'd to
home and cutter parted company rest -beside those of his wife 'it the
owing to the latter coming into cemetery there.
collision with soute obstructions.
Taw aorta wee secured.. safe BENMILLER.
sound. while the cutter wets
have sone of the wood in con- Tulutu.ty.` Dec. 8th.
oration with the it- smashed. Toe: liege Fortunately hot r. Hardie and bis
son escapee! ' uryy and are now busily
engag a studying the laws 01
c�rrgal motion. "ii
sage last Saturday,stating that- his
aged Mother. Mrs. Robb, way very low,
being_,tu an unconscious condition with
,no trope be
ope et recovery. gibe has eni/W-
Had Urinary Trouble and Diabetes, But
THI1R1DAY, Dlie•sMnsa 15, 1010 11
tt"rlle•slet, Ont.. Dec. 1'21h.-aspec-
ial, -Mr. George Strehel. a bit nes.-
maker, of this place. states positively
that Dodd's Kidney Pills cooed him of
utImo t trouble and diabetes. Mr.
St: rbel says :
•' I we, troubled with kidney dis-
rave• and diahetea all my life till 1 wits
thirteen years of age. No one knows. frieods at his homy htidga evehiog w
who has not suffered it. what it is • dance. .\ good time was spent
like. slut doctor could not even Kiva On account of the telephone men not
having received their money for the
past two weeks, Saturday last they
vent on strike, but when the matter
was explained to them they werequite
satisfied and went back to work again.
A. Elder has bought the Indus ry
ltisto,-Tbe retina,
meeting of the Benmiller beef rio
was held in Watters hall on the even-
ing of the 2nd inst. During the past
season the association has operated
l'.IICIu'al SERvlcKa. - Rev. J. 8. for thirty weeks and reports in most
Haidie was last week assisting Rev. reepects a fairly successful seassm,
D. A. McLean, of Huron church, Rip- and althourb menta in the open mar -
ley. at the special meetings which -are kets halve scored unusually high the
now being held in that church and shareholders of the ring have treated
will also be engaged at these meetings themselves to 14,9re lbs. or more of
this week. Owing to the absence of first-class meat at no exorbitant prise.
Mi. Hardie last Sunday and the fail- The prevailing opinion among the
tire to get supply for that day for the shareholders receives emphasis in the
Ashfield Presbyterian church the tier- fact that the ring has again organized
wine was conducted by the church set- for theaseason ,t( 1911 on the same
slot' .luring the day, while in the tbiesy-week basis. Tbe same officers
---- -- --••-T- -T .
tars relied, nod all otber so-called spec-
ial remedies were u.elesa.
"It wee in January, 1901. when i
rets in your almanac the rules tor self-
examination, and determined CO try
Dodd's Kidney Pills. After using nine
hose!. 1 wee completely eared. 1 am block going to use part of it or
now eighteen years old. and have Lot the rural telephone office ... . Suave
been troubled with these disease' of our sports are into the -kook hsmt-
helpGod. r Kidney Pills: with the ing this fall and as the skins are very
help of God. curl& nae." valuabl - they are making good money
at it The gasoline engine at the
CARLOW, C. P. R. tank was frozen last week
Monera . Dec. 5th. and the bead mechanic was bene re-
a..:.-..-. ......._.._ .a_.r...-:.,^ ;s rte. pouring it the, week We are glad
to .report that P. Gardiner. who has
hada severe :attack of pleurisy, is int -
)roving. . . E. Atlanta was laid off
"I have awful spells of ,Neu-
ralgia and have doctored a
great deal without getting,
much, benefit. For the last
two years I have .beetrtalking
Di. Miles'-Atttt-Pain Pills and
tjtey always relieve me 1
have been ..,so bad with
Neuralgia that I sometimes
thought I. - would go crazy.
Sometimes it isnecessary to
take two of them, but never•
mbfe, and they are sure to:re-
lieye me." MRS. FERRIS t,
2434 -Lynn St., Lincoln. Neb.
Price 25c at your dreQ¢bt. He
should supply you. If he does not,
send price to us, we torwird prepaid.
ed oven flue guarantees that.
tctat ash -door guard guarants•cs
Gurney features to you. the,7
Then we leave it ' to you t"
your kitchen ?
yes on our floor -all styles an,i
if fuel. Come in any time,
prt, of the standing of the pupils' of
S. No.:4, Colhoine, for the month
eon /or •a sew days this week with an et -
of Novemher, lia.ed on attendance.
• ^"" weekly
"' ' tack• ot tonsilitis,,ind during his ab -
Y. -11 er Robes !sou, Lilian Watson, sore his brother` It,ow Londesboro'
Yo IV. Gordon McPhee, Olive heard atter the jewellery business.
Isst, I .. J IV. - Ella Itntrd. Mr. and Mr's. A. M. Babb. of
aleatleaved M, c in. Elwin Rutledge..-AdTee.water. spent Sunday with real -
. M Mary E 11 L - ng- ("e8 herr Jae. Cott visited with
Ian.s. M • d. Evelyn Young- friends in Goderich over Sunday
blur. Jr. t Hamm % Levy. Rosa Mc- A. McKenzie visited with his parents
Thee•, cry Hrmiltor \'io!et H'bee,a. at Ter+water this week
Dr. .1.
ion. Hqcry Watson, lien McPhee, Kelly-. a former resident ..f !Myth.
Hillis Young. Sr. f[.-- . rna Hamel- baser& away in the `state ot Washing -
evy.'' Lau Walston .. oe+, kMie't li log week. Tbe interment takes
Bier ilowatrat.
Jor. Wel- Wave e here on Thursday next '- I.
liter Mowatt. (glia (equal),
s, I Got' a „,,axle heft here Wtednre,lay for Tor -
dun ermine .; Rap, !'twin Y ng• onto. wheat- he will reaide with his
Frank Shields; Ralph McPhee, . +k wife and son till spring Mrs.
il.-Jg Tommy Hamilton. Mills new trviderc• it now neatly
AII.--Jeseic Levy. Kathleen Hamilton. • m Acted and she will soon+he• ruov-
Tonee Jones.' ae Young and Isabel in -,into it. it is a comfortable home.
Tnsii !sous!! Sr. 1:(. I. -.lutea _ Mise_ Isbister, of Belgrave, vis-
1`ntii�_t�, i eiilton. R. HamHtsm, its her friend, Met, N. Taylor,
last w • • .. .. W. tit + , t, of Dun-
gannon, 1 at press the(gtiespaoift hiis
uncle, J. ' •there
C. 1'. R. a • t here, who had been
sick for the t three •the, re•
aimed hie duti at the station on
Monday. His mor friends here are
pieaeed that he is : sin strong. V.
White. who was relie 'ng him while
he WAS sick left on Mon v for Inner-
Nellie Shields. Jr. Pt. L-Reta Ilam.
Ilton, Martha Grant, Goldie Brant
51. K..1 %, I:wlN, Teacher.
A Great atallway System.
{artily it town, village. or city in
Ont , ' , that does not receive daily
benefit m the operation of the
orand Trim Railway
-&lnniuering the
twork of branch
�u yrorteierial with
whatregularity trains stye run. Not
lady is a good set vice )r ed he-
tween points in Ontarin. but th)s•.•iine
alai trachea nearly all the import '
refers Qf Michigan, viz.: Flint, `4
".141v. Bay (;ity, Lansing, Battle
La.•ekr Jeekes,n, ('rand Rapids. and
Muskr¢cm, South fiend. ind.. and the
arson& cit v in America. viz. : ('hi-
Cago, 111.. the gateway to the North-
ae t, West and Mouth, bringing On-
(% Io in close connection. On the
East the Grand Trunk connects On-
' s, i(! with Montreal. Quebec, the
%lrit.irne Provinces and Boston, Mass.
With a double -track line ell the
aa•)\ from Chicago to Montreal, and
51.11 to Niagara Falls, connecting with
Lehigh Valley for New York, the
('rand Trunk rearhea out in n11 dire,
tans for your pstronagr and well
deserves it. for its vestibule' conchs%,
parlor and dining cars and tnn.lern
Pullmans give the service desired.
Consult your nearest Grand Trunk
&Rent for Information regarding your
text trip.
C one, Christmas !
Come to us. Christmas, good old day,
Soften us. cheer us, say your say
To hearts which thrift, too eager, keeps
In bonds, while fellow -feasting sleeps.
Good Christmas, whom our children love.
We love you, too! Lift us above
Our care, our fears, our small desires
Open our hands and stir the fires
Of helpful fellowship within us,
And back to love and kindness win us.
etening the Guild meeting was held.
at which papers were read. By the
way. one of the membere of the ses-
sion, John Cowan. should be compli-
mented for the excellent manner in
which he read a sermon of C. H. Mpur-
geon'n during the 'day service. It is
thought that he has mistaken his val-
et that bld ho tlt
roinllegeand insteade sohouf weltingave betweenRonet
join will kindly a
Maitland; anda
the handles of the plough. the* men. The
.\ NACTu'AL TAI.E.-While the !owl: N. Baer, ureal
s p i a s h i n g new revenue -cotter Arthur Fisher, sec
"Dasher.' with Capt. Wesley in tom- Benmiller; Ward 1:
[randwas leaving the dock at the A. Mast. auditors. B' -nm
lett. ,, \\'h - here Mr.
White etude a great man,
who were sorry to see him lea
nisi Pearl Denst.edt niter it visi
er aunt here. Mrs. T. Bn•(twn.
rn Mo
day George her me Kings is not improv-
IDR -as well 101 his many triende w-oUld
like' ... .Jin. ('. N. Reese visited with
her parent• ler Mlilveiton the past
Six of one isn't always half n dozen
of souse other.
The whale that .w&flowed Jonah
was first on record to (earn the truth
t h at volt ain't keep a gond man down
Clark's Pork and deans.
The home kitchen es not equipped to
produce the hnked her is that we can
awn out with our great steam ovens
end Other Wiliam. Why cause yo'te-
elf hours of trouble when Clark's are
so gond and inexpensive t Wm. Clark.
Mfr., Montreal.
Mats. Tallinn January 3rd
- / bla...ysl l'
a', ATWOND. ONT. `'•
e great praathtal training ..chool of
Western Ontario. Our carne, are practical.
our teachers are experiet.oed in.,tructore
The detarand upon tie foe help during the
fall term was seven Limon the wordily. Our
Wetmore in demand am Butane.. Col
• toucher... Our graduate*. aucoeed.•
roe p.rtmente Cenimercial, Short-
hand ea Telegraphy. Oat unr free tate
rogue at once.
• Principal.
thio bout have been re-elected ,and
the ea e. butcher secured for next
year. 'Pirere is still an opening for
sherehol re and the following mem-
bers of the ring are authorized to solic-
it for same •'W, \lillian, 4th conces-
sion ; Arthur Straughan, Benmiller ;
Ezra t•'ishet, Is concession ; N. Biter,
person desiting to
nate some one of
rets are as fol-
nt. liolmesville;
tat ry -I reasOrer,
&hill. Ezra
ler; J. C.
P. C. sheds the otber evening, she left Durst, butcher, and thre(•\inspectors.
her course owing to .be skipper, who Be 'unifier.
was at the wheel. having his weather- ' -
eye fascinated bye pretty girl stand- A mouse, if he gets into hey right
light, can east a shadow as big as a
ing on the landing stage, instead of
watchinic the harbor 11 hts. The re-
sult was that the cutter struck heavily What a difference the crop rrtueum
amidships tin a rock on the starboard indicate between the weedy and the
side. but even then everything would
clean Lam !
have been all right had there not been ea buying wetter rlothin 'it should
on deck a heave 2111 -Ib. barrel of peda-
gogic pork on the port side, which, be remember -,i that weight is not
owing to the hyrry of leaving lines, always warmth
had not been- properly trimmed.
When the vessel struck the cargo
shifted, with the result that she cap-
sized. The barrel rolled oa•4rbostd
and skipper 55. "came tumbling
after" las the song goes). Assistance
was 80011 at hand, the vessel catty
Of Kidney Trouble.
if your hack is constantly aching
and if youexperience dull shooting
righted, everything put on 'board pail*. your k neys are out of otder.
again and the "Dasher" put swiftly 1f your urine is thick and cloudy or
out to sew. your passages frequent, scanty and
• ST. AU(iUtiTINE. I
painful. your kidney. and bladder are
out of order. Neglect quickly hringe on
r " .11')1410A Y. Dec. 13th. rheunratisn., diabetes, lumbago, eclat
HAPI•ENINo+.-Sties -Alice Clark is ica, etc.
Mts. John %Vaenrr, of 11(1 Hollis
street, Halifax, N. M.. says:-►)ull,
shooting pains would catch me acmes
the small pact or my hack end extend
into my sit/midets acid neck, often
'eartetng me t0 suffer with severe h.sad-
ache:+ and spells of dizeinees. Spots
would dezzle before any eyes and
everything would turn black. 1
would fall to the floor end be unable
to get up moan without assistance. A
visiting her sister. Mrs. Win. Thomp-
son Mies Betsy MIcAllistler vis-
ited Adburn friend, last week -
Miss Janet Andrews and George Ham-
ilton, 01 Jantestown. called on friends
. yk -yarrg-of-man
are busy stretching telephone wires
between here and Auburn Miese
ids and ('lora Whyard end Mr. Moff-
att, of Dungannon, visited at Was.
McAllist'on Monday . ... W m.
clnposheriss 10 l,oderle.h this work art. friend told me of Pooth's Kidney Pills
in as juryman sCfithrtse••BrbFha Iand 1 began t heir one.' The first box
vita• , \L Ingham and Celes friends gave me relief turd I .un now well and
this k The Rifle roAesoelation along."
is busy ,reparinf for their concert
and snpp which will be held in the
church hall ext Tuesday, evening. A
good Goma e'apected The young
people from thii.vieinity s nt a pleas-
ant time together in the hall last
Monday evening. ...Considering the
cold Weather there was a good turn-
out at the rifle range on Saturday.
The members were doing some quiet
Ming (moven shots to the minute) at
the 3() -yard range. Wm. Kinahan and
Tom Leddy topped the list. making
25 points out of a poaalbte as Postpaid from the proprietors. the R.
T. Booth Co.. Ltd.. Fern Kele. Hold
A man hates to accept *ileums just and guaranteed by K. R. Willie, north
as Much as he loves to give them. side of Square, Gude$
Canadian Northern
Steamships Limited
,s the speediest.
most comfortable
and best route to
,7 he Old Country
will sail ae follows :
Koval Edward
From Halifax. N. S. Du.• Bristol
Wed., 1)ec. 7th Tues., Dr, . 13tb.
Royal George
From Halifax, N. S. - Due Bristol
Wed., Dec. 14th. Tues., Dec. Set.
For rates and /reservations apply
to Local Agent, or to Mr. H C.
Bourlier, General Agent, Canadian
Northern Building. coater King
and Toronto Sts.. Toronto, Ont.
11111• thsplay1!cotta lerla ut inexpensive ar•tie•irs are frill of SIlrhfirel. +.
Gifts that will give ph -suture tin Christmas' Day, :and will go on
giving pleasure hnil twal comfort. Coto.• now when the et.wlrtutent
M gretttest, •
CHINA AND GLASSWARE. --Here's variety to eh,sn.e• fn/ill
It you wltut to give (1hila or lilis,awat•ee-always art..I,table gifts
our taste: neat. is filled with new things, priced at. from.s• yeah up 1 •
$1.54) *Itch. .51st, &tint• t'1 . Sets and malty new novrltirs,
HANDKERCHIEFS. We show ruany special v4ies, inelladiu{{4�
embroidery, lase sun.1 sill. 11:uulkevehiefs. Special %Slue in enit.i:'I
Handkerchiefs at :s• each.
NECKWEAR. -New I dainty things' in Neckwear, Gloves..
Bells, Waists, ( iubr•llas, It,)si1•t•y, Knit Goods, etc. .
4'hilslis ii s Bearekiu Muff Aad Ruff Sets at -75... tete and $I.::4.
warm winter lamats itt email prices. Ladies'
!'outs at reduced prices. now ranaiul{ ruin $t.00 to Sakai, Fur-
Iittesl Coate. •Fui•-tr feel (',vats, any farts, Fur Skittle. Throws .Ind
Muffs tall ler-priced. Your tall invites!.
Furs. China, 1aulitet Wear.
il,uuilU.n Strict. (justt l n h.
Tbie is the most particular branch of the drug. Iusinerat.
\Vhen your doctor diagnoses your admen. and prescribes
the moat effectual drums to cure your disease. you naturally
want to have the prescription tilled in a store where pure
drugu are always used and where it will lata- filled by
• omitrtent druggists. Every Iwester' ption tilled bere to
rechecked so as to :avoid the possible chanes of mistake.
When you have a preee•ription to he tilled we would be gleil
to serve you.
Dispensing Chemist, li(,, Or .•..
A 1I druggists
sell Booth's
50c. a x watt
guarantee to
releye or your
money back.
'rhe are the
world's greet=
est specific Inc
kidney end
bladder trouble.
Excursion Rates
Single -Fare
ggoingv Saturday and Monday.
December 24th and _'8th. te-
•turning Tuesday, Dec. •`7111.
Fare and One -Third
Going Wednesday, 1)ecemher
31st to January and. returning
January 4th.
to Toronto and Rag. No change
of cars between Goderich and Tor-
onto. .
Tickets to any destination on any
line. Travel. in luxury yid enjoy
your holiday.
For ht11 ;nforwation and tickets
Jos. Kidd,
Agent. Goderich.
The individual who is daily putting
the moat into life is the one who, in
the long run, will get the most out of
Moister of the house an the new
maid) -Well, Christina, hntir do you
like it here with us?' Christina --
••Wert, so f,lr, 1l,, I'm quite entailed
wi' t.h' mistress. 1f she keeps on as
she's darin' things l) he quite richt."
is going to send three of its readers to the Old Country next
June at tbe time of the Coronation, with all expenses paid. front any
part of ("ameba and a liberal allowance for spending money.
We have ronpleted arrangements with the' publishers of Tbe
Family Herold by which our readers can enter the comps -titian for
thio prize trip, and it ,•ect,ainly will be is trip to be desired.
The issue of,>The Family Herald and Weekly Star'
of September 15th, 1911•, had 858,370 readers, bared
on an average cif five readers to ea. h paid subscription.
How Many Readers Will the Issue of
March 15th, 1911, au the same basis have ?
We offer l'HE SIGNAL from now until January lista 1912. mad
The Fatuity Herald and Weekly Star for one year for $1.$5. and
every ptersonace. piing this offer has the right to make an estimate,
and The Family Herald and Weekly Star will mead the first three
persons Whomsakethe correct, or nearest 1,0-cariect, Petiolate 1,,
-'Englund. with all expenses paid from any part of Canada, and :a
literal allowance for spbnding money.
Special Offer to
Signal Subscribers
If a euhsrrih'r to The Signal witry a. place in this
competition we will give au additional $40.00 to
sthia person Inc apesrding Ramey Ain tJ trip. Only
one such sum to F►- Riven by The -Signal, tnd that for
the best estimate.
Estimate coupons can be had at thi. office, which
in and accompany your subscription to the two paper..
The Family Herald and Weekly Star. of Minarets
gresu•st family and farm paper on thea enntinent, end , H
depended upon to carry out this unique cnrnpetition;
hope to see some of/our readers win the_trip--
tions in NOW. Addresi all orders to this oIl .
tet he fllle•l
i be
fely he
is y. We
t d.,....
Winter Suitings
A flue ,aeettnn of
first r-1a•.m good., at
1'p to -data Tailoring in
ell onr gatm••nta.. ,
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all 'tours, night or day.