HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-15, Page 8al Tuutesenev. Decimate 13,- 1910 •••••••••• THE WARDEN CANED. l'I_EA.ANT EVENT AT CLOSE OF COUNTY county'. MEETING. 4.9ounc.liors-�,d Affectionate Ferewill • ._. to Thee, Prestotng Officer Com- mittee Reports and Other Proceed; legs Of the Cosioty Fathers. C081141 y council of INTO coti chided i's final seabion on Friday after noou: lust hetore adjournment Iteeye Leekiti, of itrusaela. stepped forward and addressing Warden Irwin read a deelerat ion ot the' high esteem iu • whieh .11re members pt the council holel the gentleman who hirg been theb presiding officer through the yeat. Along with the written dreier *Noe was uandsome token ot good • will III the shape of a gold -headed cane, suitably iese,ribed. The Wm. • den to ret urn thanked the councillors for I be kindness, consideration .111,1 ▪ -eorprtesy which they had shown Will, and expressed hie'-i•egret that fie was bet erisig his connection with • the council. He hoped the rest of Them, - howe4er, would all be ba -k twit year. end pet bap, at ter. a' While. folhiwing- the 1.1./41110e -of. hie. hired- Leckie. he • -tmeht-entite-letek Inteseth = leteite0YY. . , s A ,•ertimunieetion - itat•tister. of .Clinton:, itatei9 that 31 Pit BBBB met looked lifter the 1,31,in sof t4.she 4 i.eftige,. pai • recto mirvicee. Tine ottter ri- fts led 1. the horse pf t efoge tee ' Ai•rt, from the Allot tea-. enerade , DelhiEinent-ealy tient t, thF • " eppoottirip 10 ale d‘i I ie. t kelt corretaide. 11 was t I hY J he. ._7.4.1.1et.a.1 tt.7., C. ftwiterer: et teeny Vet ow or -a t t or Y. ee1t4...a. st.eiter.l I hat reason prove 1111.0ith fie !wide ifl Ili.- iirdlietit oI hi. efbee. iu*tjrio. retetreA 1'1 01'0 y 0II 11101te The relent- D. Peet et *op. t•otfhty totooroc,w.--Si4a4.,1 Gen, be bad examined t Saltine on the nos tli liontrddry- • • tif,• i township And the south toot - • IA'Allatee row lush j p, bet w. t li • of Karon andPer- . t life e eel. time thole lb attnAO-VIPP1111•1:L .0 4.81 Aimee. ' the new nett- le -le Wet* put spare we...Alpena ititteteetier (goy -feet.. He dill mit emu -Oder itet•essary that ..itrooth..r In should be -.milt The .0. was sew 111 4 ht. mad and Midge - 1.0 I/IIitlee. 1141 re ,ClailmIA 04-111,• executive mot (4 -tee etriatit Welt* 1V/Ut soot tottered iti commit ere wit„li Mi-. WilNI,fl in the Chair. The clangs paysc • well- • - 1't, • t the lender of F., 11. Holmes f held coat:it $7.00 per untie. itecept d ip..; to -the fact that. W. Lee e ter tier Al a elightly lower late wes 114 le - Ceit ed within the ilietitiett ti tttttt Chat the count t pay les 1 hi' ;tele- s tete Mantle Hospital the often f pet week until the 'June mt. Wig of the touncil. if necessney. to ardso he maintenanee of bliss Haines That $1.511 m•r week i luta The 4 hilteren'e Aid Society tuat.' Aoich Unite permanent home femme! for • %ie., McLeod. It was moved by MOP• re. Hill Hul- let et And Km nighen t ft, the council avk the Ontario Clover meta to •(niend he Municipal .Act as Aro provide . eottoCills he eilert;i4 tot two rents in - (Iasi all representa vett. of municipal &teed 61 one. The notion was sent to the special comm tee. It WAR Melee( by Meatus. kheatAi - and Powell the the worde h the pre- ' 't me t -form for the house of r'ittore begin,' Mt h*s. 'been a ri•eatent of t ctIonly Tor at le&rel one , tear, ' -be fanged reed, has !ewe a nen end of 'this county frA• at , leastoney at. immediately mine 40 1.118' titne of . oromitasient." Thr motion we- ref red to the, femme Tflaste t emend ee. • 1'. V. Durnin was heard respecting a s teats' chnige made against J. H. To ...I. P. S., arid reml letters rieceiged 10 I the Education I tepartirient who. 111 t esi.Anting of temporary cer• 1 eat it teachers.. The letters *ere .e iot. to the •Aticetion committee.- - Cerosiderahle timeline* taken up die.. comeing matters reletive the owns agement of the hoese risfirgo. The report. of the inspector, keeper end physician ol the house of reftige west, presented and isesit to the house of tefirge committee. The repot of the finance conornittee, a As reed. Mr. Leckie occupying the elute in • 'Gee. The report pi. -.e0. Moved by Mesons, L,e,•kie rind Geiger -*VW the Crown attotney, 31r. _Seeger, be allowed a telephone his-ottiee at • tlie expense of. the eoundy--. Mat tel in aitiendortit by Miitiere. Sorairtfirtyfleldend-liereighan I hat the terephime-At tieent- Mt.. Mc- Donald' ---011tCe ta• taken Mit, *nit Ow in A Cabinet ip A pinee Whie,11 tiel be entl%1enient 'nth! (Mel a peeper cell hell' system be Pet abliahed • II/ reef'. office. This wee earthed. The council-, then adjoitt•tred until .----Feiday• intoning. • toa v. .The ettia•t of the education' commit., Wrth ebehted and etinaidertl-W* C0111111 ((ter with' Mr. Medd jar the elm.? , The rerun 1 art fehred as (01. 1.11,1* . II WWI I 4.01111110.11tifett, I hat the t 3 pre,. pay of Listowel hieli itel 11.440 wherr it is found it, 1,4.N-or:regd. t the 0p1r1/1111Iit iv:tilted '1'. E. Ditinitt by the eolluctl to t pnaitititt iti the enuttn• 11.1.4 lIeIV.1.1.11 111111 .1. hlait1 Tot,. 1. P s.. the. eorrimirtee found that Mi. Mania misinterpreted the reguletione of the Ethreetion • pit t mem in duo reineet • tteefuly eepteineteled no ate 1. • in 'eland Lo the e mimic/item DOM CAI 441114) '110i111 , requesaing the ro. opera ion a • comity of Huron in inemoi Mitzi • e Ontario Isegialattate. it wai Art/mended that all Ow elom I the draft menonrial excerpt c Ise Hire reeeivo the endoreentent of he clerk and the Warden. The eletne ,ohipeted to in the mem- ateta wait se follows : "net all (hematitic school, in each (emery *hell be classifliel inter, three grades hy * committee composed of ,. • -- the 'wee j•o ttttt il-1 to lie 'situ 111)11 I list In. entitled • 1111111* THE .'SIGNAL GODERKM ONTARIO 48 the email/. Judge, the public echoed , Mulch, who ere in charge of the house gge inspectof and 44*4.4(4.0 tot the county : of refuge. be said increase to date front January Ist, 14111. and -to be divided in • this moodier: Mr. MUtch. birth s valid 111 Any bchool. and when a teacher. holding a Hest ificate engaged inn II. ot. 111. grade itchool Grid -wheel bhmll beciene a grade school • that A bee:mut-slam certifleate shill be valid in any school, but ween a teacher holditut a second-elass certifi- cate. le engaged as 'rebelled of a I. grade school or in a grade iu either case the selfbol bhall l'eeowe secondgrede school. told' that a third-class certificate shall be valid in Ill. grade schools only." . The repute of the epreiral porntraittea war teed. Mr. Meratizean occupying the chali in committee. The folio/g- ing hilthe report as adopted : Special Committee • By tht: special committee it wow re- rommended 4)4141 no action be taken awapricting Ilits.enot• that the coolie eel ask the Ontariolfroverninent to trix the tot In of • Wiped repreeentatives At two yeai.s inetead of one. It eat. adv sed the appointinglif a high conetable be left to the whole council. Hespk-ting, the emunittnicAtiott from the Tax, itidot tu I Attegue. was *eked tbat the council 'vet' the GovernMent to, amend the Amu, Writ, itu- r rate tha *Mended that *pent ,..%••1 so re, .tat tax .11,41 .plovements. 11, we.. le AA, Ail 4)4.' 1488.8' „ Tin. nein: the 4,, •41,1 jug.: einessraittem it • tp end cou. .11)111019 (444 Np. 3lua it..11e-ctlaii. ill '''tt raNt•••41•1 1.- • • r • oad aad Bridge Conimi et: :to the. .4 "''14. ot the •idge.ntli.th i Vartf:i • ot "'Mt I lack's' bridge on hei•bortielat I• *Or Ana AICIC illop. Wed inti htlilittee lart011: -11.11110elt 11.i t rho ere both britlgtee' whin) etiet. sat y.""be 9110 hAntls the• 0.1114i. The tont 4-eless-CerseStist 4' .`"-C, T.ithot. for tin for Plankaird‘pe Aficsee Ione for • a steel pad oenier Ate bt • gt• ttt 1,0 el oiled over Itiseer ".'titITittott-tintr rtroir -enemies. 111-ta.-40•11.4" '01111,49 re.' ad- vitted no aini. Le, taktln resPe-ting the centrist 1 tie leittet• Inuits 07,' Robei It. 0 ... 11.9 11)11 Wit.; erten, emended-- 4 pectiel.r.`. tete motion •Of 31 (it ti and sturdy. which asked ;llat $10 I refunded to -Stanley town- ship. tit • coSt tit it tetripoeaty bridge covet t I$1114(1liner -on* boundii of St Airy anti iederielt .8)119114 ps. 'Thts was :idylls:0'as tine teat WaA • bei.,Te . It Wan ti:c ruenpled that the natter et cimg wintl-brea.ks en runty h.' rots tit tetaie snow I* !rift with-.t-lw County' 'engineer144 4 . t'liat-hshe naked to fret ,iptineeli. opp.ortmeity "iv afforded. C tfl.. err provitte.Wittribrtsitts the /Khan oulainebs ItUfaeltirei Yfleiti bridge-. The rseoilrt included fruit, impottets. capitalists. et... no tie mihtttett of tire committee cuee•tiug. .M."000117 in emit igAte huidortse ^cinch leild I.ondon on .11(114' .;bith Jost, in time' 'and- importunities Lir 'iriverit „onnection‘ with the nevi hridge-st anent in the 1Yest Indies. and Hr 11.111 the...unction of the counties of Huron. :South America. H.12. ttetienzie Cot Nlictillesex and 4-' .I1)() go. misty (lilted oish. 111 '1114444111,1 editor of Canada and fiend. The wept, t 'included - also a West India 31agazine. hats ,trrangod letter fr the engineer, in which "he with the Canadian 'I'arifir ftailwet reported that he -had examined the Company to secure the SS. Lake Nlatio bridge on the north loortrulat.Y,of free tObe, A 1 00111Y• Comfoi ( 1.10P. PI "- township and LI1P:,11011L11 bconnelary.\of vided a lorndreti and. twenty-five per- 11'111art• toWnelRpe, and that ill IAA' 11011s signify their intention to take the opinion it would be -good fur !hit cruise. `It is 9)) 8)4). the *tenably yeai. - • '7411 leap St. John, N. 13.. January 14.. I I. foe a six weeks creme, returning ott or ^tend February whir h will permit te visit to t'uba and HaVana, the vat iota ports in Jamaica. Trinidad. .Georgetown. Demeter*, St. Kitta. St. LtiCia, St. 1'incent, Antigua. Urenada, Hartadoes, Martinique, , Porto 'tiro. San Dotniego Bernmds. r•eturn- Mg to •'t. JObll. This strip' will be es- pecially equipped with electric fans. orebeetrii (0t. daneinie. ./Affe s flay motor. launch for special shore trips, a dark,. room tor the convenience of ithotteirapbeist,- deck awnings. Ham- mikir for those who drone to sleep on de 'k, etc. 'The well-known high-clnes servtee_ of the Caoadlon Paciflc• steasitsbips•will ovided. It hi the desire (0 44114* Canadian, eti-oppor- tunity'for the expanaison of commerce between these various countries, end neithine wihl be lett undone • to assure the 'maximum of comfort for the nand - 11111111 of expense. The number will be 150 pauesengers. anti the fare for the taeind nip Will ht. from 112011 to $3011. according to neCOMOI.dation. Tinto trip. has ieceived th.• eodoree• mein of t Department of Trade and Vora re of Oneida. .• Tut HP .11101410 Monti, $75. Moved to) 3leserts. Kernighan a Meloadzean that, this being the 1 erasion of this council, the bylaw de tug with salaries of county pfficiala not interfered with. Cerried. Moved by Messrs. 1aylor (Exet and Moir that the engineers be acted to examine the bridge et E tel. 4114 report to the counciret 1 daimon) s96ton as to the neressa changes to prepare it to receive a ce ent floor. Cart led. Moved by Messrs,. Smith (Ha) He and Munroe that the motion carried the Theireday session respecting le phones in.county be' rescind as, on inquiry . it is found that the p ported change 84Mild he unsat isfactO to the tigers and would cest mere th expected. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Livingston a Stunning*, that deviation roads 1 county bridges lie :mei by the coon when, in the tminkm of the enginee and the nerves • t i tt i t mut edit:dine«, it Hrcoueitiered :idyl/table construct ettch roeds. Atoe,e1 erneedineut by 111e.sr• Munroe and Smith {Hayfield, that t *Get of the counts paying the r Pens*, of providing deviation roada left over till the January mention t the c,oenwil, carried. at4L al. be 4.I4 xe. he ry us. (11 in hi- ed. ro- ry an or ty o he, x• 41 • • . Oiagoests by- Authority. --- In the le ight sunlight 011 11 -1.ailroad 'dation tieergi 1 slept a colored • lotothee. 10110-ett genets- with his month alio, told hit. how moist tongue reslong on his 'be'st like, a pink phieh necktie. A Northerner climbed otf train to -nett h his legs, isnecrewett the t,m of a capsule and, Advancing 011 tip. dusted ten, grains tit quinine on dite b111 Ince of the darkey Piesently the negro stocked hie tongue hack inside hie izionti.• mid instantly a: tim- with a itart eleitrt him inid:y. 1-31istah,"' he said to Ihe jokei. rou thief/lb "Slope.• " ' " thee, kin yo' tell me whin- I kin tin' me a ductal' right Away ' -What do you want with a doctor? "Ilea sick." ”How sit -k ;•Potverftd. - you Waive" w I. , -• 111111,1 -with you r" . s•t4tittlnly 1 knows what.* el matted) with -no matt eadfor -tons tell:- • ' • • A Orem, to tee 'West Inches. 4. • County Engineer's Report. .• - D. Patterson, etturyty engineer.. sale iniVet the following i eport .instrticted 1 - examined the britai on the noltla tem•fulary .lire) township and. reported to the' their.' snap of the toad. and Inidge coition! - tee. 'I'h* bridges that were' placed iitichn• c'entract have- !leen completed extent tire Kintail . bridge. This one Will be inempleted next sprieg, the :anti Actor agreeing- to keep the old bridgt• in repair eland he commence% work on' the nen- one. The Turner bridge Ovek the flayHeld River will re- quite considetable reptdringnext noel. or a, stew idge 'ereeted, itoo old Aerie bet;oiding unsafe for -heavy t turtle also briclke on the boundui y 4 Hullett. and McKillop, known as . s Wi I tettinte repairing /I new bridge ereretl. 'A bridge ort he north boundary Of l'ehorne town - hill will hereto be rebuilt this ciiining 14 -, but will have to await d•be action ,ef- Perth count;." • .1 Hat of $4.W27.21, oruers sue . tinting was included in the repo' t. rePort of the queue ouonitterevas teed, and tie •onimittee witir3fr. :diluent chair. '('hp ieport as passed s : 'of refuge on 114)111 in_ I. het as House of Refuge Committee. ---r. The house of . rithige.-ifontmittee t.e- ten ted that the glut -fleet). visit •tti the honse had twee Amele and t he. build- ings andI .egtepmeitt of the itIAIII111/00 were &lentil in ,goott condition. ,•'-i'he nintrber of initiates is .about- ninety, elftitFalee'dt ell . eated fey and • .t int fort a bl) lookei filter - by • t he _officials in char tre, •I'he rigto I at. IINItterlY• I.I1 ings of the conimittee had held, the regulat goeti•terly: .tecoti iLail been audited- 4141(4 the yt...m eils. inks shertutytsitei.t,. hod *tern irs-ntri- i tied itnit all round in oiler, Regard-. ing th,• rely/mint of Mr. 1'111111meg% . 1 eott, it was reteltmilepered that i it. .fflinten.' for'.set etre... TelldePfbt, .N1 ran . r he left OVel until the ,fonitiat.y ineetin title c„9n.niiiit14'..,16.1 (hitt the elerk • lie 1 ' 'pled - 9,e -testify my., Phinither toIrejti..„attenchinee in pre,e sent him claiiii..."Ito erd to rhe-fe- finest of )ll-, and Mete-. el..,--ti-wper *ad nen ron, fot•rett iuebease.-'Il -stolary it was recommended tharit le, left to the colonel' to deal with at -11ilet the clerk,coittlimdli ate ,Ity eir- enIar letter with Il** differeet reptant i having lioneee 04 retnge loeitted* in, with the 8' (4.18' ,•1 lett it committal forte -,,r A it inpfl'frtiol; 'ea('l) Coltinty. was the unmendation 9 especting-sdre r n iiii«te 'Hy . 1.1,-, Site/erre itiA ehenge in the cemenitta ms the county ineed 41 , House by Peter NleArthoir ; "Coen - tilt ion t WAR ,vottlittri444•11 that' Ali ',', • . , - nine' ap itat.hiri forties , he Nub. rmerciaiisni eirts..147.40nal (InIture," fty ittod to t 'to. horn" of r.efoiti„ ph,,i. . be Seertsti, an .4 delightful et,oty eine fortilikiipproral and (Freese or en., 1 144' coebrilLedtatiire_, Edward pest ion that I lue meteor be eirfet•red to $ lelaini writer, 3fiaot L. 31.2.-.31ontieeni- t he lionise 8)1 refuge coranifttee to I pry, author ot "Ann," or. ttreen eAsele. . • ,. . eilthlee." The *hole ' hook speiltke it Om syl/14. reeonimendell tIritt the Will) HP? 'I'ir"tiOtifi and gems or i„i.oectoeisnlary be inerea,ellto .1•11,1 verse mill'ent*''' 1. Th.. Varn"r.. pp, A tit111111. ,` - .4 • .., Advoeatto receive tine number instead of A regular betue, sly others it may CcOunty Property Committee. • ,, Ilw obtained fee fete, a ellly. It is well The eteint y property' ciihimittrie worth hoying to read, and an exceri- reported the exeminat ion of the jag, tionelly flne present for a friend. itd- 9 he 1 egietry eMet. and theentirt house 'dream the 11'illiam Web] l'o., London, and made a few recianniendattons of ,..010• ntipor Impintnnee. •••-...., Moved hy Meseta. 1Vateon mita Moir LilistIliez on one's Job Is a quick , - • that the eateries .1, Mr. and Mn. way to e open for smother. ' . A Great Holiday Number. -The (Arisen as season to many would Mir seem complete hout the Christmas het of that tine old publication The Farmer's Advoeate. of London. Ont, This Year it appears as attractive and interesting as ever, and ItYthousseds of homes, it will be welcomed with tiriteptinden eatisfaci tithe Among the leading at•tieles is, one setting forth the result.; of The Emmet', Advocate demi:Initiation 4.9• chard near London. Thew will be of especial inf el est. to horticultprists. Mativ othei• intereet mg artieles,N1Seae. tic ..retninisce . hurnoroti-.,. and sae 'Mental, abound in this splendid /1113. 111 I. which will he remit!) voted, we don t not, the motet i.)yn ble holiday issue rat hia ever been turned off the peewit of any agt Wulf mai journoil Canada: 111 its Wow rations, tet. preand\ make -tip. this are is a work i,t art; A Cana n stragreir landscape r oduced in ti color...process.. !.-('t'* the universal (ileum of itte ow, 'tree- and ett• A1171. Among t ()Kittanning twit -des one : "cen ,. A Nation i" • "Draft -brow) rtitnitiee ;" ''Heet from Birth to • ock :" "Yeeterde..„Today and To- morrow of Canailien Cheese/linking "The, Tele et -t he Pinner's ;" "Avioe time Applied in Argre•ultine." In the Home Magazine is a splendid arliele. "An Idea(( Motherhood," bY re favorite etintt•ilititor. Mts. Tucker - Wilcox : "A Christmas Clentin 1 Moroolebt. UK by American Press AAP*. dation_ 1 TM happy .. • bed, Santa Claus. For I. sure that you hare heard., Santaa. How I'm hoping ewry day That you're really on your way Aad that soon well hear your slingla, Sawa Claus, OH. the dolls. Ssota Claus! Oh, the Wys, Santa Claes( Ota, else happy, happy. happy girls and boleti Oh, how mei -tly wil sang When we hear your slesghbells ring, For we love hie everything. Santa Claus! 91"u.`larstaClaus' your bells e ow scarce can kens from siegitg. Sawa Claw! Oh. soih gladness and such joy To each lath gki and boy Comes when yogi we drawing Welk Santa Claw! OH. the dolls Solo Oh, the toys, :suits Clam! Oh. the happy. happy, happy girls and boys I IICIM merrily we'll sing When we hear yow alinglabsaila nog. For we love Ile eninythisg, Santa Clain! Two Good Stories, 'one excellent, etudes are included in 14 book recently published. entitled "The Step, of the Pulpit." by the Kee. T. $. Cairncross, 11. D. A partici'. laxly good one 1. that of man who walked out of eburch during a lung sermon. The minister enquired at his house twin day if he had been ill. "Oh, no," said his wife. ••but 1 ought to have explained to yon that (1. 11. in the habit of walking in his sleep." ("oder "Growing Old." Mr, Cairneroas relates that it wag said of a minister maned Alexander Hill ,that be wouldn't retire. -His case was put thus - "They In the Lod that nosey trust :Mull be like Sandy Hill. Who *1 ,14) time can he removed Hut aitteth In a chapter headed "The Minister's Wife" some /smutting inetencee of t.on• gregational criticism are given. I cull '•Whetber pastor marries of not he will regret it. If hie wife'visite intieh she is 'never in the house... If she doesn't he takes no interest ni the congregation." Mr. Cairneroms'e advice to dull olleisters is -"Interest v)oirself and you will interest <ahem if you can't do that, give up the min- istry and try to live an ho(1est life." A bit nippy, in'( it ?-eficottieh Atneri- can. • ' A snide is inurement/. Are You Like This? Tired all the time. not much good for anything. hardly able to drag around, just all run down. Trytu are. we guarantee our VI - NOL will help ;Om lt has helped many people around here who were in this condition. , Now look here, just try one bot. tle of. '1M)1.. and if you are not satisfied that it, did'you good. come back apd get' Your money. It %ill be returned without q,uttstion. 'f hat is a fair proposition and shows our faith in N'INOL, and that- we do not want your money unless you re- ceive benefit. %'e know what. ue are talking about because we have sold VI - NOL for years. and hate seen bow much good it has done among our custoniers. 1'INOI. is not a patent, secret nostrunr, but an honest, tried and true body builder and strength crea- tor of world-wide Lame, delicious and easy to take. Come in today and star‘ your cure at imcc. N'ou take no risk. 11. 6 Dunlop... 1', • eastaiWesestrattiereimermeteweasta,,,,e„......e..- Announcement HA VINti re -put chimed the latmdry business on Ham- (nty' oaten, which 1 rtrent;) sold to Charlie Chong. I tali) this opeortuolly ef announcirg the public that 1 will be Pr,' pared t • atteod (0 1(14. want e 1 9 all 'sty old cust0t0e4.4 or Anv new 0944.14, long experience in the lAundry Wetness ben enabled We to turn- out a class At( Work which hl/4 been roost /misfire tory to in customers. Soliettin your patrenage, heg to rein in. 1-0111` obedi itt eervan. D. H. ROSS • lo....""%w Tilt-. LONDON DIRECRIO1 9:116Ii•Iled Afir.114 441 Enables traders throughout the World 'to (-communicate direet with English ina.nufacturereand dealers in each class of Beeides"being a complete et metcial guide to London and to euleirtm. the Directory contain,. 111444of export merchants with tile goods they ship. arid the colonial and fi 'reign, mat kers t hey s14PPI3' '..tettaiship lines arenng• ed under the porta to which they indicating the spproai- orate settings: Provincial trade antler* of leading Manufactur- ers, Merchants• etc.. in the prin• cited [provincial Owns and in. dustrial I -entree of the United Kingdom. A cop., of the current edition will be forwarded, freight paid, on receipt of poets! order for 20s. Dealers seeking rieencies ean Advertise their trade cards for te or larger advert elements from CI. 0. The London Direct Co Limited Abchurch Line Most Suitable Gifts SHOES • • .4 Ien are 11,.' smelt attt•act lye and peedenti t They art. alwaye SLIPPERS men, lactiee and children at all priees. SKATING BOOTS , 0 )., not, fail 1•-' hof,,ro plftchaaing. Sikete, put on free. MOCCASINS ,•4 (1,11114.11 4:11), LADIES' CHOICE FOOTWEAR kti,iry him the ladies are interested in ii We fusee the kind that, Ends to the foot a e0vet pq vidtmlity and gives a graceful poise to the whole exeet 1Ittalit y. fit 1.9-714' and ranitunable priees. Wm. Sharman le footwear. anti mel, - nee. They SUITABLE Christmas Gifts The various • kinds of Footwear we have rank high as useful gilts. We invite you to' inspect and judge _ whether you can any- where buy to better advantage or have a .greaterva riety 'choose from. . Slippers for Men, Ladies 3t7 to 2 g 2.00. and Children . ... • Hundreds of pairc suitable tor bedr.uom :ind house wear, from Ladies' Artistic Footwear ' WeVhave the'kinJ- th It ewe1 in quality, tit . .4tvle at - reasonable p, . ,-. • • Ouite suitable t.....hristmas giving., Skating Boots 'PHERSON'S LIGHTNING HITCH • Do not fail- to our aSsortment -beforc purckasing. They It rt• the height of .pert, tion. For boys, men and women. ;SkAte-. pui.on free. • liag.,artl Travelling Goods °fall kinds, We have a large variety•7---all reasonablY -priced. We. have the right thing in .Moccasins, Leg- gings and v.arni Rubber Footwear. It. is. an e;(-,. matter to choow .ittst what ott 'want. Come earl . Hern & Elliott F one 12( The , • 617ristmasgifts We base oar Chnstme• Gifts opened nr, for your inspection, and what a large assortment we have in Ebonv Hair Brushes Ebony Military Brushes Elson'y Clothes Brushes Ebony Hat Brushes F:honv Bonnet Brushes Ebony Nail Brushes Ehori'vNail Files, Buffers, Cutieules, Tireexers, Toilet, Manicure anoLWriting Sets. • Al4o a large asaortmentof Perfumes, by the hest 'maker,, iorioding choice until Chrietmai. ( ! Druggist F. J. BUTLAND ......_ Kerkoff. Poem Pedant], kooer a Halley. litlnut, Vinolis Perfume 4.,.. Huyler's Chocolates. Fresh shipment just in. Alm, nice line of Pipes, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Pouches, etc. Lome early and make -your selections. A email deposit will keep yoh: 1001aesooepasowweewa","^".A‘0100.Ooderich "The store that pleases.': q1011.0wies%."^"rwsPIO.I•""eleke.a^PIO , -- sesesseseweaetereewsweostessesers~eitaees,",0,30,,,,4"setelriartatenessew 01.01WPWASsresetsebet.ebeas ICHPISTMASI WILL SOON RE HERE AND YOU WILL NATURALLY THINK OF I 1SMITH'S ART STOREI es the piece to buy suitable and artisitie presents for Mends and relstivee: We are showing an tomato:illy attractive line of quality goods imitable for presents, geode that yen will not bee everyvrhete. Pictutes nistke_an_kital present. IVe have ng'* in oil. "refer color and ewe!, by eminent ai•tiats. Carbon and platitim -epi* photo., engraving* and etchings, plain rand hand-erolored. Hand-decoreted chins, hemps and leather good* sir embroideries, art cushions. etc. We ATP showing an extensive line of Christmas ('11440, HoOklets, Celendars, Herder) Art Mottotot and Art Novelties. It will repay yoti to thrit our store before making your 'elections fur prevent,. 511ITH'S ART STO 1