HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-15, Page 6d THORNitoev. LmmaleR 15, 1910
District News.
1VituNmr4DAY. Dec, 14th.
Mies lily Smith, of Paris, is visiting
et bei home herr,
The Lucknow l)raruatic Company rutrrtuinluent t, be g+yrn in iie'tfid
presented ••The Stolen Diamonds•' at
Ripley last i'hureduy evening.
Lucknow rateptvr,w will vote on gt
January 'Sud on a bylaw to grant a Intl.il,. tableaux,.rtes I:vel'ylNNly
fixer ease.Nlnent of $1111 for ten years come and cncooca e• Suud:n•
to Treleaven Bros., Hour moillers, g tilt..
The old town hall has not, from all
indications, outlived its usefulness,
1►ven if it luxe been in existence for
nearly u (pewter of ii century.
Through the etturtoyf bonte.enterpris-
ing citizens .and tse co-operatiol of
Armstrong Case Postponed - judgments
in Other Actions.
PORTER'S HILL ','the 1)eceuilwt Seeeiune of the Peace
Tt'icsi t', 1)ec. lath. end County Court opened at the court
hotter on fuesdry afternoon before
CHnisTMAs I TKwrAINMKN•r.-- HisIliefo•Judge i►oylr.
Don't forget the Christ amp tree and The Hrst case disposed of was that
of J. G. Atmetrung, the Lucknow
itriteilist. who appeared to answer to
the charge of esiwinal negligence in
-dt.lirnsing drugs. C. G. Locke. of
Lucknow. eplwatrd for the defendant,
while Crown Attorney :Seeger tepee•
$anted the Crown. t1'ben the grand
jut had been empanelled stud alter
A. J. Holloway,-ofClinton, had beets•
*elected n. fooemao. Mr. Seeger made
the atetenlrot that. much to his regret,
he would have to ask for an Adjourn-
ment of the ca -e. This -request was
made on the ground that twit imlpota-
ant witnesers wife lot evuilahlr. Ed-
ward M«rchinoo., (t '1''nonto. bad left
for the souTrl• before he wan.utghw•
nerd is ti witness and was not ex-
pected buck for at• leant two t o,iths.
Mrs. Jetties :Murchison, also of Tor -
1111i b,
ut•uutn, *not her mate' isl witness, could I
out attrud.uu account of i11 -health.
Mr; ; Locke, council for ,1 he drlence.
shied that the defendant lune guns to
considerable' rX wnar in prepA:stion
for the trial. Itis wiLiir s were all
present' and he was 'wady. to go on.
,Jtidge L>„ylr, however. ruled that
'under the citcunl+taneee the ('Town
was entitled to un adjournment and
the heating of the ease will ptuletblt
be held iu .lune next.
- Ji11ge-lktvtrethtm briefly- addr'seed-
the grand jury. He intor•nied thein
that it' want heir privilege to instinct
the jail .and the county hila -e of
church, thrlrrich township, on Thum -
de). I)erenllwr 2:. A first-class pro-
gram la.heiug prepared, consisting of
dial() res. reading s. recitations,
the village council it has been turned
into a gymnasium. The upper atm y
has been equipped with necessary
appliances and heat and light have
been provided. The equiputent will
be added to se the funds increaser
iv ducks, geese and turkeys ; alive •or
dressed. %V,, tiny the hi hea( Ivtah ur bade
Price. Taken Ctrl', wedne:-Isy and Thur.
lay morning. Fowl mind be starved and
properly due -sed. H. K. M1I.I.Fit I*ITATI::
8t. Helen..
MitNDAv, Dee. 12111.
NF.t1•s for THHR 1V tel i .--Mise •Annie
McKenzie and Mia Jean %Vehh 1'e -
turned hiusatufruun Guelph after -iwnd-
inga week. visiting' .friends iu.at
around the Royal Cily. "they also al.
-tended the tnart•inge nt their cousin,
• Mies Cameron ' Angus and 1)nn-
aldM 1)onel11, .1a•'. Barbour, George
'Stuart and W. S. Ii(;roxtie• took in
the excursion to Guelph hod lepoit
well -spent numey • 1tatn1 esit•v
services were held in the -
hutch herr on Sunday last.. flee.
Mr. J aures, of Ripley-, preached in the
afternoon anti evening Will Todd
i. homy from Cargill!. A Christ-.
Inas tree rtlte't8lrlteient -. tinder the
att.pi'esni the Hartim Mission Itand
will be held in the hall nn Friday, De-
ce)uher'-.rird. connurncing at S p. m.
A gn.id preg►am will he given. Ad.
mission Ink• ant Itis... . Miss Me-
Phrt'INln. lit Guelph, is visiting au.
Hugh McUonald'r...- A number
from around here attended the auni-
vrr.at•t services at 13ethe•I Jlethndirt
church lest•Sunday. -
Tuition .ay. Dee. 0th.
T,)wNnllll• ('t4CNI•I1. MescrtNn.
Council met in the council cbanllwr at
Holmr.t•ille : all members ' present.
Bylaw No, 11. appointing to place for
nowinstion. pieces for polling. deputy
returning otllete r and poll clerkB, was
rr:td three tunes end passed. The
nomination takes Knee in Holmes'
ball the last Monday et thin year. and
therMclion Iiftatty) will be held the
first Monday in the New Year. The
places ,for voting. deputy returning
- •fHcet's and pall clerks ate ail (ollows:
No..l--Oeanee Hell, ('hiis. Johneton
and G. Falconer: No. '2 -House of J.
.t tardy, J. Sturdy and M. Sturdy; No.
-House of Mn.. 1'. Harrison, J.
Wo odoo .and W. Harrison.; No. 4 -
House _'f W. H. Elliott, J. Cleft
and .1. Thompwin :----No, a -Hoose of
J. lJ. Lowrie. J. H. Lowery and
1. Merrill ; No. 0 - House of H.
Rieke. H. Hicks and R. Richardson.
Thr council donated $5 G, the irwas-
elr•er of the utterer bowed for shed
a( modetion. The following- ac-
counts were ordered paid : Grave
accounts, $I 15.104: printing, $$7.4.:
tile accounts. 111114: Angus McLeod,
constable, for eighteen days' duty, $15:
exp►'$. $5c„ Ii. (Galbraith, lepnile to
advert,• $1 : councillors, swrvicrs at
rnnocil ioard, $1:40: treasurer's salary.
Ws: collector. salary. ASO; clerk's
,elarc, 11105: •'In'k's postage and sta-
tionery. 117.111: Reeve a and clerk's Pk -
penises in procuring legal advice, *4.
t'ouncil edjoutned In meet December
1,1., at 111 o'clock. N. W. Tto c v.1RTIIA,
.cht xl,
Tt'KauAT. LAW. cath.
NKws N(rrgs.-Mr. and Mts. John
White. of liodrt•ieh, spent Huttday in
the village Mies Ethel $lraugh-
an, who underwent an opruition but
week, in improving nicely. , Owing
to Slims Chars Muesli the scholars her•
had a holiday on iltr•nday .' .. Rev.
W. Haugh ie improving nicely. Ili•
snowy fawnds lupe to ser h1In around
elinin sono....'. Mien L. \Iardrlwrit
ant week At home .. ._Kd Walter
was, Laid till with' the ',rip last week;
but is able to fes hlrsinrss ooK.tin.
MINOAN, Dec. 12th.
1'll 1It ONK ._to/.wl:.AI.1.! , Wr have
in.rit tib u.Tre. .11allwolll remit_ that en
entertaintheht, is tui lw lii•ld• ui Gsurirr
...teed -house am t'riday earning. De-
cember Irani. - ;1 good pt Ilglanl by
eilso el and ontsolle- talent is IN•ing pre.
payed. I), inn open at 7 o'clock. pro -'1 refuge if they no desired. He pointed
ran. et 7::it1. Patents Arid friends out i hat no moue. Juices 0, the house
wishing to 'wive .presents placed nn of tefnge would he awaiting theta 1,1
arch liar! heen,rrqut-steel,hy Mr. Mac•
Gregor to leave tutus at the school nr
Laurie!- postbtlice on or Iwfore' 'Friday
noon, l)ecruiIer'•.1rd.
' ---_ -- SVetllll• ltt y, 01:1'. Ir.
enoyl% thrid tu'the instittat ion when
they reached Clinton: He 114 spoken
of it •before, nil other oreasions, but
noth •,g had been done towards sop=
(11411 rigs for such purposes. -
• 1'h • ivies to the Jail and -the house
of refuge Were. made accordingly .to hour of tete d were made accordingly mud u
that Il.lglt Kt'1•giici tl. who has been I repot l was handed "in on.t1'edtwedav
suffering with n .tile fuel. i.- r.(•over-. fo the effect that an inspection id Ie•(It
Reit linty is at pr(•1e•nt iu a inetitutiuna had revealed ev-thing
very crili.•n1 roluiitiuu. suffering with to be satiefactoty. fine jury was theta
an at tackof ulfiuuunNtion. 'We hoe• dismissed.
for hi. .termly tecoVl•rt', .... it ... Me- The first .civil action on. th. •iorket
Llan lett :;t.t week fur Ih•tioit, whine 1.44Iw tried ity jury woos that of Hose
hr inte•nd..te•nding tier winter
llspk til' Ton•ntn. It wanun action
Thr kjou(ty /III( elf dwttIIpatssed over. entrtr i by Hugh Rose, implement
the %+amity early yedetrlay, morning. agent. against the Bank'ofTnruolo fir
tearing away with it the w'i\it of Mrs. 'negligence in not paving a.'note pro-
butt.•. 1Valkrr. -1 further r.rr•)eitee 'tented. This case writ, postponed nodi
will be made twxf week....' Mrs. Krn• the next jury sittinge of the Court attd-
MseKe•nzie has reunited from ai_frti iu the meantime the defendant trill be
day.' t i.it at (irslrrie•h.- at liberty • to apply to heva:the jury
notice stricken out. W. j'rmidtou'.
K. l.'.. for plaintiff : Chas. (3a,t•ruw ilii
• • defendant.•
Weinektitetv, Dec. 14th.
A Seti•xss?C I. H.1%AAR. -- The twitter
held in the Tem hence . Hall hide),
night wits a derided Humes., notwith-
standing the fact that it was mine_
what'•of a novelty in' thin neighbor-
hood. Lunches and ice cream wile
servedand pie.• apples end fancy
•;ooHIs were 01.1 sale during the everting:
'Phi proceeds, amounting to $51, go to
the Ladies' Aid of Knox church.
A SoilAl. E%KNINo.-At the invita-
tion of their Uacher, Wm. Plunkett.
the no•ullers of the junior Bible class
of the Jlethndirt Sunday school to the
cumber of about eighteen amemblrtl
at his home on Friday evening Peal, it
sleigh being very kindly provided by
the -host of the evening. for the 2nnvPy-
etncr Of his guests to and front his
ono-. The evening wan pleasantly
let social genies and nnlsir. An
imprint it program. deserving of
mention. shun was given in which each
nlettawr took Willie part. A most en-
joyable time wits spent by all.
BRIEFS. - Miss Pearl I)ebstedt vis
ited in Myth from Friday to Monday.
11t'. and Mrs. Adan; Robert
s'td two children. of .\farnocb, spent
Sunday at A. f1. Naylor's Mrs.
Heltvig left last ;week to spend a few
months with her daughter, Mrs. little -
rick, of Flint. Mich Zell* Doyle
was home from school hast week with
the jaundice.... Henry Sturdy and
Bob Medd attended the Winter Fair
at Guelph on Wednesday of last week,
H. Jones, of Regina. is visiting
at Helwig's. Ile came hone lastweek
and intends to stay tillapring
The McKnight, family have returned
to their house in the vIllage. Mr. Mc-
Knight anent the summer in the Wet .
f'Hl R4 It NE1tPA. --- The Epworth
League of the Methodist etei ch Kin
pow sending • supply of fruit to the
'teen -mess H , Toronto, for Chri.t-
nue distributionAnyone wiehing to
ambit in this worthy undertaking may
do so by leaving a quart sealer of fruit
at Munni s store before FPlday-. Thr
.Jeal ars will be returned- The Hap-
tieta wartime. Wilding their anniver-
eery on ('hlriatmas Sunday, December
5th. followed by a tea -meeting on
M.,nday night Rev. k. A. Miller's
subject for next Sunday evening in
"fedora through ineetion." A
splendid program. constable of dia-
Ioguea, drills, choruses, and selection,.
by a male quartette, in [wing ptepated Felith Sands, 75; Ruby Allen, 74;
for the Methodist Christmas tree en- i Sheldon HHartlet.t, 71; Harold Sproul.
tertainn,cat nn Thursday evening, itat: Albert 1111lown, 110: Jarvis Ander-
haeemler. 21 I4. Doan and have • eon, 5II; Edith Andetstm, 45. Wil. J.
gnod time.
W KUNKKI"T, Dec. -14th. Swart vs. Itobertson--This'was an
Miss Mat tie McKnight ha+ returned I action eine' ed Irv•'Phos Swots te,•
front an extended visit with frieode in 1 livery uan of (io deriei . ageing''
1•tsketchewttn., 1 Itob r't.on, of itratford, the
1)E.1TIl ow AN 04TougNAR,AN.-tVe tan ditto. which, it was a
egret to report the dent h of .M , Jones, toned one of the plan
which occurred on Monde at the ran .►waly, darn
age of eighty-six years. 'ft deceased intiieting se
hod been a resident of this place for This ens
about three years. coming here from two
Essex comity to live with him brother.
A funeral service was eondncted
Tuesday evening by Rev. W. C. vay,
end tine morning the rt. ns were
Isken to Sandwich for i • anent. The
deceased had bee . roubled with a
cancer in the f.
irrga. - Nile Sunday
it enmity will he observed on
ay next. when Rei. E. A. Fear,
Blyth, A former pastor, will preach
morning and evening and address the
net of
ed, fright-
s horsee:which
ng the outfit and
e ibjurien upon iteelf.
as tried by jury and niter
tars: deliberation u verdict for
) damages was rendered. His
Honor directed jadgment to Iwo en-
tered with costa on the county court
settle. W. Prn\tdtnot, K. C.. for plain-
tiff; .las. C. Making (Stratford) for
deft -nett nt. •
Wright et al. vs. Oaklev et al. -An
action entered Eby Alen. Rieherd
Wright, of Srtiforth, at( ains t the
operrttarsof the Brussels - Meaforth
stage, for alleged neitlect in looking
after the horses. The' evidence went
One of the _poet danger-
ous and repulsive fors of
jfiidoer.Disease is
tor which Dodd's Kidney
Pals are the only certain
cure. In Dropmy the Kid-
neys are actually dammed
witi. and the water, which
should he espelled in the
form of urine, flows- back
and lodges in the cells of
the dash and puffs out the
skin. Remo.e the filth
which plugs up the dram.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. There is only one
Kidney Med,,ine
• -'tV gDN K. u.t v: 1►ee. 14.12.
88IE►•s.--Thr Pr.•-hvtrriait SnLlwtli
loch,. l ami s.iinig 1•• , •ill e :use busy
T.ngp.-rtirrg-for theft. tti't.(lnir. Ivtt.l-
Iaiuuteut, to.Ldltrll !. 'he town hall
oD IVetim•"-la VV et. .Ai;. I h•(•rint,r-I-
Ifrddew it vat i et t of ••t her ut•.
taiutueut.. ihr eant:tt l ••\!r. Rich-
man•- 1'hi i.t nisi.- ler IIIMNha:fml
and pl..ati-,•, to i e the jinn( thing -nl
litr.8.15 .vet gitrit_i! i4 t$ettf..,,..
Dr:.1x,ut. dentist, of intends
lit diw•ontitulr hie profe.miunal visits
to Hayfield dtirittg the winter. and
Inst -Week,
t%"iii. Hat
pure • sett
lc it se-
Mihail!\ tie‘t twjl) held,
'191. Mi,...•. Catalan -11 1
fol i visit in Toronto.
w•.•11 ,,f th.1..tskenilin.. ha
1 1e• h.,11-, humeri' tovn(ee
Vhidd,eu antiintet'it. art
Iul,lelleil tail int / ..1 \$i:,, [Ma-
tto (t th. Sett Itis• has pni•htists1
the pm- • s'ii.i nn Lnni.a .Hemet \torm-
erly jJafigittg to hi-. ninth,•,. " --
$tO OO Reward. .
IVa will pay thbi reward.LO..any
Fin n. pertedroo who / .11 Prove
that the DOMINION EXP " wi
not call or deliver to an errideuce or
pheel'nf business i • r, the corpora.
Grin.'Prince. us 'advise on of your
shipnreut t t coot }-Vein}• narcel..
1' one 1• ANADLt'' P:1t tato Os.IICK.
The Sign:tF ott.l - • . .ub.ctilwl•r•
who gay_ in., ad%un, . ' h. in ' g
yecir .their ehoi'e of le:. rn•w .1 the
twit Premier. -Sit Wilfrid I,aan•iri.
Prim.. Shinister Ill 1'ttiadit. and sir
.Rowe,. Whitney. 1)ntariti• Fit -t Min-
ister. s
Out -ofd own .ul.a•rilwt•- .ending
their .remittance+ will pliei•tw_sfitte
whi li pietifre the}- prefer,. and it i1I
Iw w•ut in a Mailing tube. '
Theme pietnt-t'. are +ttictly for trio -e
who tiny lh AHVANCE. Sill t' -,-ire•
pedal Ihrtetmae Vrices
Are You Jewellery Wise ?
• Do ou know where you can get the lowest prices ;
._where you can ger the largest variety ; where you can get
the, best quality ; where satisfaction will be jiiaranteed to
'you on every purchase ; where, you " ill see the finest
. displays and handsomest goods in Huron,Cou11•ty ; where
1'011 will find just ‘chat yon Meant and be sure of courteous.
treatment ? The- conditi s are 'fulfilled at only one place
and that is at Harrisonsjewellery Store. It will payyou
a of s are s ecial
to investigate early, for all j ra 1t1 p ly marked
- tor Christmas trade.
`Vuff links
erhonl in the afternoon. Rev1V. to allow [tut while standing at the etas ure.1equeatetdL: uaen•101.tenewILII
Conway will have charge of the ser- station in Walton conte month, Rgn ,r: rn►sly a: possible
vices all the Iklvth eiteuit for the dee.
.The young lad int and younglnrn's
Rihlr classes in connect' with Nile
Jl'rthoihist church met 011 \londay
night st J. f)ustnw=,i and had a suets'
tiler, 'levities _adopting plane for the
monthly meetings to be held through
the winter The first week ,.f the
new year will he observed in Nile
Methodist church its a week of prayer.
Services will be held retch night. cotu-
niencing at 7::411 o'clock. in Otsego. of
the pastor. .UI are .cordially invited
to Attetltl.
nit. NEWTON. i)F:NTIsr, Ole
Lucknow. ha-, rea•ed vi.l(Ing out-tde
paint.. and will henc'•fnreh give tit. entire
attention to the Homo oMr. Ialrknow, where
he• will be found every deli. All modern meth
in Dungannon for The Mignal I• at the Pont -
office hook and Stationery Mtore*here
orders will be reee'ved for subscriptions, ad-
vertising and job work• end receipts wil be
given for amount.. (aid for the Mance.
LIHitIMTMAS (iOOi),s.>•+IM }tie
l• are looking for (hti.tmaa gifts. all and
see' the many beautiful and useful 1' sat
the 1•m•I,dlee Store, %citable for gift.
young and old. Moo it halite display of t. t.n•,t-
mots card.. booklets, tore and seals. A idea s-
ure to show goods. w1• in. ire }Our Inspection
of our stock while you are making putt- Christ
emu puteh ..ser. M. RYAN. lnualtetmou.
WISDNI01111, Dec. 11th.
Mrs: S. J. Ynurgspied Saturday' in
Harvey Treleaven, of Winghano,
$lent Mnndav of hist • her.. '
Mien Hoover, of 'Aureate. spent
Mu • at the h(tan• of M. F. l're-
leaven. - .
Gonion . then/left Monday fur
(hwlerieh to row( Ids work at Cant
emit is stere.
-Hey. B. H. Moyer. o , Helens,
had chat -(e of the se•t•yitxc in Pni.i.-
byterian church Sunday lint.
Mims McKee, who ham hour charge o
the millinery drpartlueent al J. Wal-
knni s Atom. left (n Stat nnh1y fol' her
liitttlP M. Listowel.
The auction sale held try Gro. Shot h-
ere en Tuesday of this week w•am will
attended anti gond p1.1(•t•s wet' re-
ceived (0) sill the articles. We under.
mtAnd Mr. Mtcthers moves; to0(Nlerich`
this week. We shall ie sorry to lose
hint end hie family from oar vicinity.
1)'•v4 tv s(tR Semen. ItEM/RT.-V.-
MyrtIe Allen, 111; Riley Bradford, 84 ;
Fanny Fitzgerald, 81 : Matey Mc(kput4,
70; Edith Mtothers, 58. Mr.
Pent hied. 02; Rae Stothers, 72:
Lorne Mckenzie, 70; Stephen Medd.
115; Mars In 'htrnin, 54. Jr. LV. -
Ethel Bt., en. 87 ; Linnfi.ld Anderson,
79: Friel Fowler, 78: Willie Fit.zger-
nlr1, 74 : iwura Fowler, 7:4; ('laytln
Sand•(, elk IiL-Olii•e Glenn, 79:
Hoyt -'ATT, Principal.
the hotse•s were left unnttrndet for . r the . whn'knitill rat het' hav1; .1
shoat five minutia and becoming `1911 ealeutlar. than ri herr of the. s(
frightened ran away, overrunning the 4 1 '
stage and injuring several of the octet- Inc.-'. w.• have a limitw ,,,nee h e 1
Pante. They *11 jumped wive Mrs. PLEASE RENEW FAHi.1-.
Wright, who anst.ained a fractured
rib anti was otherwise injured.• liming Deafness -Cannot Be -Cured.
in tied for over a month as the,esi It. tit 110 application to they eyr,not reacts the
Judgment. was entered for $:411) ani dleems d portion of the car. There is only on.
costs 1n faeor of the plaintiff. ntift. WW. way1
o cure deatnr,.+. and Lhat 4 b Consult 1
Prnudfoot, K: C., and R. S. Hays ;tlone' rented ies. ileafne-.I.ewu..ed by en in
(Srehrfhl for plaintiff: 1V. \l. Sin -
nisi, 4 Hrosaelet for defendant.'
.11w CAM.. of %eIIotc v.. Smell .t al, is
Iteing placwl Is•fnte the jnry this.
aftern.Na1. This tet1(1) Rt11Se nt i•t' 111e
Phan ti;T belying a horse killed in
Exeter 1,v`sat live wire lying on the
street. The wire. it i. stated. ., hail
Ie•rn hlok o down by a storm NMI ar-
t ion 14811.taken ilgaiust the ow n.I'N itt
ihr electric light plant to reeovPI'
the price of the alliutal whiell wee
assert condition of the muco'( lining of the
etachlan tubs. ((lien this 1.8, 1.. Inflamed
t have a rumbling soundaor imrerfeet hear
nft..nd when it i. entirely ala -id deafnpaa ie -
the ult. and Dile.. the Intl (mutation can be
taken out and this tribe restored to it- normal
rynndit n, hem Ink will be de -tit ed torecet :
nine r s oat. of tet aro caused by catarrh.
which L. nothing bot ma Inflamed rendition of
the mu. nu-.nrfa.c.
1.4 will give; one hundred dollar• for any
ea..ofdeafneM,ransed hycatarre. that can
not he rur.d by Hall's( atiltrb Cute. Send for
circular-, hit
F. J. ('PKN4t' aft CIJ.. Toledo, 11.
Sold by drogeriet..'.,c.
Take Hall. Tamely Pill. for con.tipation
Holiday Goods
ill a/tAt1dN to rrnsuu that those v.' n hll' their
Chri tnia..
gifts now; will haven letter old more
choice seek to Minnow from than they will at
'ihr• eleventh 1 •-whin all the best • gift.. have
liven rho.en• 1111. .51 Wk inchodes. 1•crrytbing in
A nice line of CHOCOLATES in fancy packages.
H. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist,
South Side Square (.(xlerich.
If cocoa is your favorite beverage
by all means enjoy it at its best -
as made with Cowan's Perfection
The acme of purity, richness
and flavor
TOB ONTO. 13 5
lbid ;flint tplr Itir,•e. Ju 11
I:.1 g. asallrtntrnt to make :1
L,•ier t(oul herr.
1 -'[asst e t• 1 LL,' lrr
'SCC IiuK .ilylm.' fuluy..tbtrigns • '
:tic,l pieitt for .-u. g 1 rfinit--$ _ -
7'5c -l-a$,--,rt1n•-nt .iu. -ter,
„IN. tic
$1.85' .\ 4'yrr1.".-look ing of
gold - fieri I;tl.iitk•
.Id 'lr•ii(n..
$1.35 a'L•tut g. hot -H
;114 11'✓.•.
err r. l:ng't a •
Plain •.'l l•t(Il(N1 Link.
burtl+.h•+1. p l e i n li l' '
taury''.tgr-. A
i2:60- Rest •i,lauta hold -fiber .y
l.ihk. in ditl!rsrut .le••
'$3.75 Big as...u'tn[etit of plain
solid golf Linke
.$4:50 Extra heat y .olid ;(old
Vest juttons
1:t:glf.h urhailtrhleil fest Hot
Gott. 4114 (p.• elf the latest. not ri-
tir-. They erre ill -rlr .,f'si x.
wi, e•h• easel. Pent.' i•rnl(e-: with
r,dd - HllwI burnished +••sting•.
I' -,i..• $2.25
. align sit.iwing of Hat Pins,
Nitrite, designs in -tenet. single
et(rtrP,°1lrifliante :lad green, glad.
:1t ctl'Intt+pl•irPss 71$O to $2.60.
- \ -
dbonu lands
ICe.ar•t•y a large aariety of
-tyle- in military, cloth. hat :Inil
hair 13rn.he•, also Hand Mirror.
and Manicure pieces.
We give one Silver
free with all
£bony Purchases.
die Vint
50c Signet I'uts, l,l..iii.
$1,00 signet Phi.. mew .1.-
-igna in bright tini•b;
. $1.00 Stier -ail .Ti.: 1' 1 1, -
fnncy` denigll., tt of t h
?.00 ,.to $14.11), . sr.hbl g 11 1 .1 .
t enntifnttt set k• i t I.
pearls. in many dodge...
$15.00 Plow iliemou.l is t rii
Ilan setting. •
thine in the lN•-t watch Valle
iu llntkrin. ,It iN north flnte 1..
investigate. fit it i- a guaranteed
aci'iirate tinu'pirre. - '
In gents: size only.' glild•fihwt
case•, }Ian•it+rm'•
pee -
1411 15 -jewel woo. nn „t I
In gent.' six,- 8,181k. ,•Id rill.,l
(:oleo . • j.wrl Mori,. '1, ,not.• -
went, Waltham - or.
.for aIO,fK%
M4 infor- $
'We have .[ large assen•tuwnl of
.ultra -se 1'mhrellts selling at the
Niel. hi. 1 he solid style.
The suites$e nubrrll* ham two
tulvantage•.-nue for travelling.
_the other that you can use• the
w air handle with each encee(ed-
tug. uuthre•Iha that 1011 Inn.
hum $2.50 t-• $10.00.
s ors Plain Nignrt'It lig. ...Ill
$2.75 F:ngrnled signet 11ti,g.,
$5.50. Extra heavy. molid geld
eignet Hittite. ehaal+f.
epaxial volute.
$5.00 11s rgr *,414 )4 uwrrit Prat I
'bug'''. this*. (t• fit.
duo..• ...did gold.
}ountain 9enr-s
1 Commercial Pens, e
Priers $1.00 to .3.00. -
fat Ilada
Special aaaurtlt,ent for
r ('hlisttllag.'
1.4.50 Harry iiiowls.
%gate Hlktlear _-
1 'ream and Sugar.
.UlJwautifnily env and4).4.i/il-
pm•inl-Iy prieed for ('hrietufaee.
"ngneveml free on all purchis'•-
palter YarrMo
C. P. R. Watch Inspector•'
Now Ready
"The Life and
Adventures of
an Old Soldier"
Autob.ography by the late
Handsome booklet quill, full - page
cut of the author.
41=• INED
LProceeds of the sale for the
tpnefit of the author widow.
tor sale at
Porters Hook Store
Thomson'$ Music Store
Dunlop's Drug Store
1 anattpt's Grocery
signal Printing Oce
t e Square, Goderich
GEO 1111111=11111111
I have a full selection .of Christmas
Goods -.Toys, Games, Dolls of all If S
foi girls ; Tool Sets, Knives, En • s and
Mechanical Toys for butys.
Fancy Dry Goods in Collars, Belts, Ribbons,
Underwear and Hosiery for men, women and
Ladies. Suits from $Io.00, $12.00, $'4.00
$17 oo.
IN THE BASEMENT ; rote iu. ernl.: timh
household nse.
Call and see my 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c Tables.
Highest prices in cash or Made for Butter and Eggs.
Dean's Department Store
Cerner East Street and Square.
\I. 11
. bars
sent %
6t• 1
'I'll'' 1
, e q'
tut f
it th
11 tl
hr -