HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-15, Page 51
Owners ot Apple Orchards Being In-
terested In a Proposal to Lease
The1r. Orchards How the Matter
Is Presepted by Mr. P. P. Farmer
of Toronto.
A brief mention NO.9 made in The
signal hist week of the project for the
leasing .0f Orchards hy emnpany
which proposes to. operate In this
county and elsewhere' in the Province.
P. P. Fanner, manager of the
FAraners' Dairy Company, Limited. (if
Toronto, who tepresents the i•ompany.
gave a very into -Hieing address it. the
town hell here a few -evenings ago, ex-
plaining tbe project in detail.
• ready sale at high mitres for its
product ; and with the orchards of
lids county brought, to a pi ()per stan-
dard three is 110 reason why apples
trout Huron should not secure a repu-
tation that would mean 'mini/ extra
dollen' to the growers.
The project is certainly nue which
should have the careful end unpreju-
owner, and, indeed, of everyone who
desire,. the development of the natural
cepabilities of` our county. Frotn
what The Signal can gather from
lib...-. who have given the matter con-
sideration. there is retwon to believe
that a suftleientle large acreage will
he .ecitted by the [rimy to enable
them to proeeed in their undertaking
it. this neighborhood. tVe under-
stand that the company desire to
secure 311.1 or 3110 acres in the town-
ships of Colborne, Goilerich and Stan -
Detads of the Proposition.
Th‘intention is to %mere orchards
on ten-yeAr lerowes. ;,a):ing at the ride
of from $10 to $25 an acre per annum.
Tbe eMlipally would take full charge
' • of i he orchards', doing the _limiting.
hpraying. packing, etc.. but the owner
%wing required to team the picked
• apples to the nearest railway station
or warehouse. The Mrs er would Sant/
- be required to dir-the cidtivating of
the orchard, heime paid therefor at
It Is 001 expected that the company
'can. secure sit the figures- mentioned
the first -clear tircherds which are eare-
fully 'looked after by their 11WIlel.P.
The idea rather -jig to get. hold of the
:neglected iii-charde-orcharde which
their i•wners, through lack of time or
Want of inteiest, have allowed to run
., down, but which edit 14- 1 elltni ed to
his yearly renal. whether there are
ny tipples on the treee or not, and at •
he end id the teli yeatw.he gets hi,.
metier:1 brick in •11 better shape,
and with the objectsleseoh he hos had
-in orchard huebtandi-y be is likely to
try to keep his orcherti in goOd condi-
. tien and make money Out of it on his
Orchards Now Largely Neglec ted.
• The trouble With most rde in
Huron count). says Mr. er,
that they are subjected to the mune. or
., greater, degree Of neglect as that
trout which nowt . of the orchards 01
Ontario stiffer. Tne Hewing. for the
owner's indifference to .his tippet -dim-
ities are Various. fie way not believe
in the value of the advocated improve-
ment of orchard treatment or he
may feel !het he has not the ti llll • to
Tate for hi-. orchard : or he may think
be does not know how : lie may
fear the rost. and doubt the geturne t
or he may put off *darting through
forme -of habit. or proereadisuction : or
e may beep tried to improve his or,
ard and through lack of knowledge
ot her CAUse hus attempt mole here
'ally tor largely railed: tor lie may
adopted only a fraction o the
tory reetilts.
The Cpmpany's Representative.
It may be mentioned that Mr.
Fariner was for three years assistant
to the Provincial superintendent of,
Feirtners' Institutes, and dueintr the
pest year he has brought ter a very
the Farmers' Dairy Company, Lim-
ited. of Toronto, a co-orieretive pro-
ducing and niarketipg consent com-
prising over three huirliet. of the beet
dairy [Arnim within * redins of fort)
miles of Toronto. He haa also 'Visited
Britain for the Ontario Governincto
in conpection with froit-tuarketing
eonally interested in the owneribip of
over one hundred *ere@ of apple or-
cherds in full ht•aring in Ontnrio. He
is full of his eubject and is enthusias-
tic over the prospects fur the apple-
in•owing industry in this Province.
His preaentation of his subjeet
the less forcibli• Isseause it is Carr -
did and deals with Actual conditione.
. R. R. Mose, Porter's Hill, (Ho.
What profits may reasonably lie ex-
pected from an apple orchard ? In
eye leo-vested The hant•Is of apples itt
*Las per harrel on the ground from
ten acres of orchard, containing
tree... This nrolight in 111:12.401 per
acre. The varieties r1 1111/ini/1d of Bert
111 jiMIP4 the crop was very light. We
got only 250 hart els from the same
area. or $45110 per act•e at $1.50' per
. In IMO we had a heavy crop, up-
frem our wholes orchard. The MO trees
112 25 per trartel. or csr2.441) per acre.
This year the apple crop in general
was almoat a complete failure. Never -
theirs., KM barrels wert• picked from
the above:mentioned trees at riet.'75 per
$11:1.40. Theis for the four years
our returns 110111 this ton acres of or-
i -hard have been Jeer -1.35 per acre I m
the twenties. from trees seventeen to
twenty yeare of age.-
The-c.tet of. producing threw apple.;
was an follows : It cost 82.35 Per sere
What the
the long ru
company 'are
thomand or mo
bring them into
piovided. of court,
cure them at a pi
them a profit on the
orchard owner stand.;
the nompany se much a
tto get from the orchard
continued to neglect it.
tion the company at the e
years will hand brizk to
unproved piece of propert)
chard in the pink of condition.,
productive capacity. In addit
will have a ten years' workin
ample ot proper and successful ouch
'•We will give him." Mr. Farme
*kV'. "the fullest importunity to ob-
serve and compile all data nere,iat
tO decide whether or not ^pole trees
are profitable. and to what extent
tho,:,....oe profitable. He can decide
Whether tor not he wants to plant
mere orchard, and he will have the
advice and assistance of our expert
staff as to selection of varieties and
etiltatre, and they will spray and prune
for him at cost.
the reeponke which will, in
follow the proper twat -
e trees. Mr. Fanner*
repared to handle one
find -class condition,
the they can se
that wilt teturn
miertaking. The
o receive from
he could hope
himself if he
the ten
A vastly
an or-
f high
n he
ex -
in Hamilton ix taken to indicate tit o• THE IIIARKET111.
system in Wertern Unuvrio will iw LIvkepteel and Chicago Wheat Ftatalla
built or at -ranged foi . ed inlets, on
Clete Higher --Live Steck-
the completion of the line from Tel- .
onto to Hamilton now being rim• " Latest Quotations.
Central or secure the Pere Mar- 7116 (0 st.1 hlit'ler'
quette's running righta. At any rate day sae higher titan Oh 14hturdis3 la•eeto
it itt,tiuite evident that ne hopes to her cora. sec miter. ascl oe•ssiieer. tate lac
roa.4 before long. Winninee untie -ea
GERMS IN HER SYSTEM. higher than Usi 1/btu/day , I a/trimmer oats
Wheat-tie...caber 1111e. A1.0 Wee. Joh
Every Woman Should Read This Advice lit% pre...,,b, me,e. xi,,, .36*.
and the Generous Offer That Goes I '
With It. . Toronto Grain M ,,reet.
SO St to lb II7
0 BO 0 II
the varioue talked -of extensions to the
The lumber of diseases peculiat to hest bus '•
nye. bushel 0 if
0 48
0 78 0 II
Wheat. dome. bush
women is such that we believe this
space, would, hardly contaiu a mere : Barley, boatel
n ientiou of their names. and it is. A 1 Buckwheat. bushel
fact that moet if theiai diseisee /11'd of I Peas, bushel
a catarrhal na Ire. A W011140 Cannot
he well if there is /1 tti,re ot catairh in Toronto. Dairy Markt'
her system. Butter. aeparator. dairy, lb.. 0 24
Some wolorn think there is no bele Butter store lots 0 ti
for them. N% e positively circler* the: Butter: creamery, lb. rolls0 0
.sure of this that we offer to etipaly tear. rem etorsg• 0 a 0 il
tnedicineribeolutely free 0041 rola in .!11' Pe. lb 0 12 0 a%
every instance Where it faila. to give Mot.ey, extracted. lb - . 0 lb 0 U
New York Dairy Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. 12.attatter, nein. re-
ceipts. elec. crwenery aperiain„ 314, ex -
*It. to lisac. state dairy. .041111101i 40 fin-
-"Gate boatel
e w
0 11
eatisfaction, or doer not iiiinetentiate
ou women eneetlii hesitate to believe
our houeAt y of tooter -we, or hesitate. to
There is obly-oini way to overcome
h▪ itiod7-• Non way iiiw all tile ntititio,. 10 .::4110... rartury. Julie snake, Zl. to • N..
d heti or like remedies, for years 410., current' snake. 't.g. tt, '...ar. , --
Without getting more then tempores y t*teiree-rhead.v: rtreeiht 004. ' `,1:0.
*le- r•Ilk "Sentient her quarts ems re,
diseesed•condit it at of tile sy.rein that ---an• flare,' tit idle. littyc 7. - do., t•11010*, 14%i/..
IlhaWli it /1111/11Y .1.111014.41. cogently in di,- te *grie: tie.. twtener atinlit,),, flite. 14, to
diseased condition if 0,' Opt.- cute tit., wellincird whlte. 40t t. :is do . htn-
ill to be reached. That internal treat- nery. brown fancy..45c...to te. tio.„ ;rather -
ment should be acientifically devised - to 40.. western -gathered write..10 P. 1f.,
anti faithfully administered. Inlilti gatliered. extra firm, tilic to P.- th, ,
Resell Moen -Tone iv scientifically tine, Me to :re. do,. meow d.i....01c to Me:
prepared from the prescription of an
etninent physician who for '-tbirty-
yettrs made catarrh his spepialt y.
the treat ;nerd id the catarrhal ail-
ments ot women. It purities...awl 'ens
riches the blood, tends to itopluitentr:-\
dischiergete aids ,iii removing trupui :-
and brings -about a feeling of health ,
We want yon to try Itexall Mucu- ! ..,,,___ Union. Stock Yards.,
Tone on our guarantee. If ..,11 :are TORUN Tt. 1. lire. 1:: -- Rettliijots of
not breefit -..I. or ,;..011' kny reaeon r•o•t live •stock 1.1 the -Unii•tt Stock Yard*
satisfied. simply tell its ,and wa will
WYS1.. 150 carload-. cob-isting (.1 10158
Miit'u-Tone (soros in two sizes. 7,o1 eanatdtle2!, 174calli%i.4:.,...i.., 1906 sisee. and Iambs
centie tout 51. liemenitier. :you. :an -Exporters. '
obtain Weal' Hetuedies only at 'The .
Rezall Stole. H. C. Dunlop. -south
side of Square.
Cansdian Cattle Slow Tri LOW Country
-Hogs Higher at .Buttalo.
How to HavetGood Roads.,
II'Ph5o6ne D. MILLAR & SON 1
litate" of •stra quality at P.40. and _ttee
ksol at 16.:Ar. Export nun. sold at 11440
Butchers. .
The Municipal World lours : ••In Prime picked lots of 1'. riAntaP carue
order to aid goo.1 roods in Canada. we pool at SI; .11 10 11:70: .lotol.. of good, Sastill
nerd not all lie road-inaking eXpert.o. 11, 110. medium, Bits to P 7" . °minion, MO
That should be left to the engineering lt.,..,$,415, eovAl. 14 to $4,X, tlitinern. 0 eat
for ',hoeing. $1.05 fol. cultivating three profeesi•in. One difficulty tn the•paat "'''''":
Menet. St4'.1•5 per acre for pruning, A1111 arld at the present time is that far t io Stockers and Feeders.
als.:01 for . spraying, using . bordeaux Mint-. people know lion to build road, 14r."10 'pile "I"r' $4-74 ii Se.si. etorliere.
ime't h it d "mi. Per Ball" for three is not that t hey aro not „properly Milker,. anti Springers were (anaed at
Milkers and Sprinirersa
mixture at an *vet age am: of •one and The primary fault of the ...Nide today
sprayings. The past yes* we used i drained.
;Glided. metalled sr.d rolled- sie to rr. each. /
lime !sulphur and Arsenate of lead. and hot -that ors:imitation ter road.huili1-
it cost litthemore for the firet splay-
ing. Fertilizing. st thereto of five loads
of minim,. cost, at. 50 cents per load.
*2.511. The whole_beneflt of this was
not returned in the iiiRrTeas...hut was
Cost of pulling skt 10 cents per berrel.
in rimnil nulnhere. was 119.011 per acre.
ing not ouch as will. automatteal
labor is a failure 'for present-dav re- Sheep Imo Lambs.
quitements. Statute labor 'Mould he
Weide. Pun,' quoted *her- and larnew
if a good eystem ie not established in , Hone-
Tii suin up we find that, the cost was have one road superintendent. aps
twat•tically S27.00 an acre. Th1P, de-
' pointed OA permitmently as •a elerk or
ducted trom $00 do, lea veli $74.
profit per acre for trees from seven-
teen to twi•nty yews of age, or $7ff-1.50
We have sections of orchard much
elder that give considerably heavier
retort's. One old plautation of an
acre in extent. ',containing tlairty-tive
trees. neatly Spy*, has given as high
•as *18.00 a two even at the low price
of S1.50 a barrel. or 0530.01) for less
than sto acre.
-Extract from a over read at the recent eon
vention In Toronto of the Ontario Fruit Brow -
Will Incriase Returns Tenfold.
"Were we to succeed in getting.* I
the trees in Huron county we alma
.produce about the following remit
(the tIgines may not be correct as to
the extol number of dollars', hut they
show the ratio): Experie,nce else-
where would lead us to Pay that by
the end of ten years we should get
ten dwelt the crop per year from the
same trees. for, under care for ten
years, a given trete will beau ten times
the Value annually that it would if ne-
glected. In Huron conoty, the apple
crop may he • toughly- estimated as
worth, on the tree. about an average
$21.10,0011 annually to the fernier!.
It we can get every apple tree in
Hamm county under our control.
will make the same trees produce so
touch more, and each apple of such
an iniproved quality, that the crop of
the eleventh year. when we hand heck
his oichaid to 'he farmer. will be
worth on the tree aboott everage of
$2.000,0ou annually, and all this with-
out oast to him. We calculate upon
.ittaking our costs and profite out of the
oeasons of the sixth to tenth veers.
"VVill not such an increased return
to owners of orchard land in Huron
rounty register itself in increase in
value of farm lands? Wilt not such
reputation for Huron county ?-a rep
motion that will lateen more dollars to
.eyer) resident of Huron rounty. and a
reputetion that will bring inerease of
population to yonr noel dietricts and
stop the inigratioe which is now de-
4opidating your rural dietricts.-
A etrong factor Is the establishing
of a reputation for a district which
dietrict heromee known in the Old
Cottittry market for the good apples it
wilds to that market, there is always
had bee
Was vet y
ales alwtry
siren Sage an
from falling, t
mid soft and g
without this fine
times the price."
Fil• women; men,
Hien Sage is withou
finest preparation
Daintily perfumed, it
grease or stickinese a
where every membet• of
could use it daily. Larg
cents et ail druggists or fro
prietore, The Giroux Mfg.
Erie, Ont., ppeipaiti. The gi
the Auburn hair is on every p
Sold and guaranteed by- E. R.
not-th side of Square. Godertch.
re. Jan. Harris of Wane's,. Elitth..
aye found Panels!. Sage to be
st scalp rend hair tonic mid
I have ever used; My hair
coming out in combeftill and
ry and brittle and tbe scalp
itching and full of dand-
toed two bottles ot Peri -
it hike stopped my hair
e itching and dandruff
and my bair is fine
y. I would not be
air tonic for many
or children Peri-
- any doubt the
r the hair.
is free froM
ought to he
he family
bottle ta:
the pro -
treasurer. to_manage the roads un er
the directien of the cl tuned. The sue-
CeSs or failure of township organiya-
tion will centre in the maid judgment
and energy of the man svlected as
road superintendent. The growing
teperjener et- the right man will prove
invaluable to the roads of the munici-
pality. With one sueerintendeet. re.
sponsibility is fixed. and businesslike
methods will follow."
• Are Heated by Zam-Bnk.
Vireo, cold sores and chapped
places are common troubles just now.
'I he hands and the face are the pelts
sores arise from chilblains on the toe.; to 44.e. 11,nd (011/1/ and bulls at from it to
and feet. and bad idcere sometimee 4c per lb
follow cold cracks. • lam -Bilk will be A weaker feeling prevailed in the titer -
found a and sine Clare. kat for hods. and prices moored .a domino)
Mr W. T. Halliday. of Ash Grove. of 0'‘ 11,.. per NO 11/1; , owing to the ts-
creased offerings and tire tam that Mocks
on mot are commencing to accumulate
mottle. At the strove ream -tam there was*
falr demand from all the paekern. wee
make of wierted hag. were made tit 87 to
87.10 per 10n the, weighed off carn. Tbe
foreign market. for recs.:nee hewn are
weak and ln 1, per cwt. lower than a
week ago.
There continuer; to be .• Prong under-
tone 10 the market for mimeo and lambs.
and prices for the former More this day
leets. tea and watered. sold at ail, sae
110.40 f.o.b. oars at country poem. "
Montreal Live Stock.
Montreal /Mork Yard, :went mid market
1bn...receipt.. of five Wock for the
ending Dec le were we mates MO sheep
and lambs, SO bogs and Ms ealvee.
There were a few choice tmt•rrir. wait -
fed steer* no the market, for which 118.16
was bld and refuisid. the seller salting V
per PO lba, apd It was reported that one
wore choir* steer wow ao01 at V7 24. but of
mune there peeve were exoeptional. anti.
now that the holtday analson in approbate
ins. butchery in novae capes warm ;be
PV4110 - tempted to pay 11101'11 for an odd
beast In order to malte a good srlowtad.
The demand for the ordinary claws or
otock waft good on account of -the mew -
able wesiber, and Aven at the adverse, ea
prices noted above an active trade was
dose. Choker invent paid at lc to Pao.
good at Par to fehe: falrly gond at 5c to
Vac; fair et Vac to 411iC; 0011111100 1/1/1 4C
little finger
. and it cracked at the tint
joint, cansieg a had sore. which dis-
charged freely and would' net heal.
The pain wati very tied. end the whcle
of my hand betione ewollen and in
bad shape. Nothing I got seemed to
do it any good.
" friend 'advised me to try Um -
Birk, and 1 soon found that Zani-Buk
wee altogether differe.ni to any
a the latter to 40t per 100 lbs.
aration I had ever tried., _In a rely The le due- to the fall.ng of/ in the re -
short time it soothed the pain end 'emote and de wood demand from etn-
healed the wound. 1 ftrirt convinCed cher. for supplied,. Salem of 'Omen were
that Yam -Bilk has saved my hand.r made tot 424%, to f..r, and Iambs, al IS*,
Miss Lillie Nlay, of Stoney Creek. .711::14-,Z4, azih;r7",...rkz".
Ont., says "A few weeks Ainee Set'.
mar towsote a higher level. Sale, of
oral nasty, disfiguring co'd soe.8
t.h011/1, stock were made et 74; b. 7iftsc. and
denli broke out on my hire. which he- good a; se to Vac per lb. :
came much /Monett. Seeing tny sem- , East Buftale Cattle -Market.
Zant-titik end leave all other prepat e -
tions aside. This did. and was botch
his halm, to 1[4.4. every cold sore Peen-
ed, and my lion in a better condi-
than before."
)1. eczema. 1400.1.pointin,
dee. 'cell) emelt, ringwortn, in-
tchee, babies' eruptiona and
efecett. cute, hurry.. bride:Pe
•tiriert generally. All di tte•
Yinll are
Iltaulhil imitations
See he re/entered
on every packege
Canadian Northern Looking for Busi-
ness in This Territory.
Tor nnto. Der. 2. -The Canadian'
Northern 14 commencing to make a
'luting hid for patoonger end freight
businees in view Of the construction of
lines east and we'd elf Toronto.
George Fairhead of the local Harr has
heen tont to Iltionilton to take chtirOe
of en active publicity and agency
campaign „throughout the Niagere
peninsula end Virestern Ontario, and
it is underetood that a similar ap-
pointment will shortly he made to
either Belleville or Kingston.
Wadsworth (at the telephone)
I is thin Main 31167 ?"
. Voice at other end -"Yes. Whom
do you want to see ?"
Voice at the other end ---"Yes. Oo
you wont to talk to him r
Wadsworth ---"No ; I want to kiss
and skin i
gists and s
post•ft•ee fro
upon receip
warned egaiti
and substitutem.
name "Zetn•Batie
before buying.
retina, Una head; fairly active and. Ire to
1.7e lower prime Weers. $11.38 141.18.;5; whip-
ping 1'7,40 tO butchers, 'LI' to
bulls. 07r. to iro.a",-. steettere am' feeders,
fresh move and sprteirers, 0 to 0 lower,
Veals-Reeelpts, MOO bead: active and
Pitt -1.0y, Kix to 810.50,
fiogn-itecelpts, /9./0 head;- active and
5.: to 10c Hither. heavy, 88416 to ts.10;
tees. pitt tu roughs. ti r.s. stage,
sheep, active; wethers Anti ITI1 4.41 Rhea,.
26( lowee; lambs, slow a.011 lowor:
Iambs, SS tn P.40: rearlInIs. IS le SA:
mixort a to $4.
New York Live Stock
•TORK. Der. 12 -Reseea-tteeelvda
One school that is making itself felt r°41•00-10.-Srui yolk vests. nrrn :
in this community 1. the well knewn ;TinA:ang,",477,70rd.A..75.1,,
Elliott. Businese College of Toronto. to "erstimt:h.rtut.ittltme.Pipta..tO P.1502.01:
pitch year. The winter term
,i moiety 3rd. A handst IMP catalogue tings--Rerelpts. 14,0110,' firma at 0 lts
will he mailed to ell desiring to take a 11-11. Mirk OA to Sta.
N't 111
will not be disappointed if you make our store you'r
headquarters for selecting your Christmas Gifts •
Glo\ es -Make most suitable' gifts
iher for ladies or. gentlemen. We
stock only Perrin'sguaranteed 'Gloyes.
There can te no mistake in buying
tan, navy, griry, AllsCall. green, ac
will give thorough satis-,
on, black or tail, per pair, Si.15.
Boys' and kills' 1s:id Gloves, to•suit
- -Full stock of all sizes in ladies' and
f..•ientlemen's wool -lined- and fur -lined
6-1,oves and
gix Ing Handkerchiefs. No matter
how many a person gets a few more
Every conceivable style HAnd-
kerchief will be fouiu:1 in our stock,
chief' ,to the dainty real lace ones so
n;uch prized by ladies of taste.
We quote a few of our leading
in an assortment of neat designs, very
ful lace and embroidered Handker-
52 each.
Ladies',pure linen initialed Hand-
Itetchiefs, each 25C. •
Gentlemen's pure linen initialed
Handkerchiefs, each 25c. -
Excelda Handkerchiefs, the popu-
lar boVs' Handkerchiefs, in a great
_variety of colorings, i5c each, 2 for
Special showing of ladies'
t Umbrellas
Bradley Mufflers make most accept.,
a...121e gifts ; all color
. Ladies' Leather
stockjust arrived
s in stock.
in time for Christ -
'colors, from :soc to
New Waists
. sultable.for presentation, In lawn, silk
mate friend. Prices SI lo $6 each.
What lady ot the house would not • -
appreciate some nice Linens for Christ-.
mas Our stock comprises only the
most reliable - makes, including Lid,
dell's Linens and the celebrated Old
Bleach • Linens 'in Table Cloths, Nap-
-kilts, Tea Cloths, Tray _Cloths, etc.
Golf Jackets
, New stock of the latest styles in
ladies' and children's Golf Jackets.
We have received this Week direct
from the mill our complete shipment of
ladiestland children's Gotf Coats and
Sweaters. Most of these should have
arrived early last fall, but no matter,
they are here ready for Christmas.
Prices from $1.5o to $5 each. ,
House Furnishings
. Many articles suitable for gifts for
the home -are to be found in our house -
furnishing department.
Infants' Wear_
dainty garments suitable -for Chrisirnas II
Millar's Scotch Store P76NE 1
Most Suitable 'Gifts
are the most attractive -and setltilbie presen to give'
They 'are always needed., • The various kM ot
Slippers we have for men, ladies and children, iti fe t
and leather, rank hlgh as useful gifts. We invite
you to inspect our 'stock and judge whether you can
anyWhere buy to better advantage or have a greater
variety to choose' from. Don't fail 'to sec our
Pretty Shoes for -the Wee Folks. Any
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